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Hidden 1 mo ago 29 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts

Present: Liam Wallox @World Traveler, Miles Kennedy @Thayr, Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald, Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984, Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile,

“Although I excelled at Dark Arts when I was a students and I had a ‘natural talent’ according to my teacher. And I did some tutoring as a student, I’ve never actually taught before.”

‘Tutoring as a student’ was a gross understatement. The only reason half the Griffindoors, and Hufflepuffs passed was because she helped them. She’d done so well and done so much extra work in Dark Arts that she had the highest scores ever in that class. Granted it meant she’d never seen a Quidditch Match, or dated, or kissed. But that didn’t matter. Being the best mattered. Not disappointing the teacher and Headmaster mattered. Or her family.

But I do hope that I do well teaching the class. I almost Chose Mystic Animals. I have a rather large collection of Dragon Scales. I hope to collect one of each species. They've all fallen off Naturally – when they’ve molted. From yearling to Juvenile. I’d never take one from a Dragon, that would be incredibly rude, and would hurt.”

“What is… Bar Hopping? Do you make the Bars Hop? I thought Magic in the presence of Muggles was Illegal? Much like that car incident years ago.”

“Is that alcohol? I’m sure it’s not allowed. Especially with students still on campus.” As she spoke an owl flew in and dropped a package in front of her before leaving. Quickly unwrapping it she held the object inside up. A rather ornate box carved with images and native script, Setting it back on the table Taener lifted the lid and looked inside. “Merlin’s Beard!, it’s a new scale and … an egg shell..” Grabbing the letter inside she quickly read.

“Tænar I’ve heard f your interest and send this to you for your research. A Ukrainian Ironbelly Recently hatched and from another we managed to collect a scale as it molted. Sorry it’s not from the belly but is one of the smaller tail scales. But it was in a bit of a mood and we didn’t wish to endanger anyone.”

“Sincerely, Maxim Antonova - Master Keeper of the Dragons.”

“I have a new shell for my collection!?” she said, nearly squealing like student. “He hadn’t been ready to molt yet when I was there, And I’d asked to be notified, but never expected them to send it to me. And such a beautiful display case for it as well. I’ll have to write Maxim a thank you letter later.”

Showing the gifts to everyone interested, and even a few not interested, Tænar started babbling about all the dragons she’s seen, and the ones she helped shed their Yearling scales. Usually one used a wire brush for the tail and a hammer for the back, sometimes a dragon shed like a snake, others shed one scale at a time. There were a few that didn’t shed at all, simply adding new scales as they grew older.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Herald


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“Gotta enjoy the little things in life, Milly.”

"I could drink to that," Kai said, a half-hearted attempt at a joke as he pulled out a small flask of his own and offered a pour to anyone interested, "butterbeer with a splash of muggle whiskey. Enough of a kick to keep you alert, not enough to muddle your brain over much."

Kaiden moved to take a place at the table, passing Taenar and the impressively sized dog that was practically a wall of fur and drool around her chair. Without thinking about it, he slipped a hand down towards Storm Cloud, his palm facing upwards and empty for sniffing as a way of introducing himself to the dog. Rottweilers, like most dogs, had a bad reputation for being aggressive guard hounds but the truth was always found in how their owners raised them.

But I do hope that I do well teaching the class. I almost Chose Mystic Animals. I have a rather large collection of Dragon Scales. I hope to collect one of each species. They've all fallen off Naturally – when they’ve molted. From yearling to Juvenile. I’d never take one from a Dragon, that would be incredibly rude, and would hurt.

Kai hid a small chuckle, resisting the urge to point out that there would definitely be a great deal of pain, likely more so in her direction. Still, it was always nice to hear someone speaking well of beasts, and not cowering in fear of what they had never really tried to understand. It was very ambitious for anyone to take up a collection of dragon scales. The creatures were increasingly rare, almost always dangerous to the point of requiring several wizards to chase off, and could potentially live for a millennia if maintaining a healthy diet and reasonable exercise.

When Taenar began excitedly showing off her newest addition, Kai narrowed his eyes slightly at the scale then seemed to react with surprise. It was indeed a dragon scale, likely a tail scale from one of the great beasts. He had intended to keep to himself for the meal and perhaps most of the walk, but it was a rarity indeed to be able to examine a piece of these creatures up close. When she began to describe the way dragons molted, Kai at first was wondering why they had hired him for this job, but something about the way she described the scales molting off various types of dragons...

"That's from a book," he said, interrupting her on accident and then narrowing his eyes once again at her face, leaning a bit to one side, then the other. "Dragons, a Yearly Yearning... right? Bugger me, you're that Tygath?"

"Your chapters on the Welsh Green and Swedish Short Snout are practically required reading at the farm. We check up on several of them every year and your book provides the foundation of dragon education for anyone that goes on the runs with me," he said, "I'll have to send word back home. I don't suppose you would be up for signing a few copies?"

"While we're on the subject, anyone else here get published?," he asked, opening up the conversation for others to chime in.

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Liam Wallox @World Traveler,
Miles Kennedy @Thayr,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald,
Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile

Storm Cloud shifted his body slightly, ensuring no one was getting to Tænar without losing a chunk of meat. But this new Human was being polite, even if it had no treats.

When the Human turned away and start talking Storm Cloud lost interest, he wasn't a threat, this time, and had no treats. So he was ignored.

"That's from a book," Kai said, interrupting her on accident and then narrowing his eyes once again at her face, leaning a bit to one side, then the other. "Dragons, a Yearly Yearning... right? Bugger me, you're that Tygath?"

“Yes I wrote it. Several years ago, does anybody actually read it?” She asked.

"Your chapters on the Welsh Green and Swedish Short Snout are practically required reading at the farm. We check up on several of them every year and your book provides the foundation of dragon education for anyone that goes on the runs with me," Kai said, "I'll have to send word back home. I don't suppose you would be up for signing a few copies?"

“So I can sign them, I.. um.. don’t have any with me though. I gave my free copies to my family…” She said looking apologetically at him.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Mole
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𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎𝓃𝓃𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·


As Seraphima walked through the halls of Hogwarts, memories that had been hibernating began to awaken. They all had their own magical mystery about them, some painful and some downright pleasant. Through the walk, Seraphima tried to remain transient to them.

“Its the iron curtain!” A student pointed at her. He was with one of his buddies. They were both snickering, and when she made eye contact with then, they burst into snobby laughter.

Wasn’t that supposed to be a compliment?

A complete shutout against Gryffindor, who caught the Snitch but still lost the game — thanks to her ever-so spectacular keeping. So why were they laughing at her? Shouldn’t they be giving her at least some admiration?

Perhaps to make her confidence deflate. Insecurity could wreck anyone’s desires and aspirations. Humans were so strange, if not downright maddening. Did they not have any appreciation for the magical mind?

They had been standing right there. School boy hair, tussled for the witches, at least for the ones that were most certainly not her. One of the wizards had a tie slightly undone, violating school dress code. For some reason, that little gesture indicated some unspoken desire in witches.

Her eyes studied the place momentarily. They lingered as long as necessary and continued creeping along the walls. Slowly, the memories faded as the sound of fairly lively chattering began to increase in volume.

Oh, look here, dear. It was the Great Hall. The grandiose scheme was marvelous as usual, although… Seraphima looked around the vast place. It seemed so naked without all the students chitter-chatter. She felt oddly tranquil about the scenario and continued her way to the one table still being occupied.

Her boots clicked against the floor as she walked carefully towards the voices. Currently, as far as she could tell, she was hardly the only one who had written a book (or two) amongst the crowd. Intellectual stimulation never hurt anyone, at least, physically.

She made no claim to hold any accolade as an accomplishment of her own as she entered the conversation. Instead, she quietly with one of those quaint and polite smiles of assumed friendliness found her place to sit. She could not have Ben bothered to interrupt and make herself known. Although, she gladly would when the time arrived.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Liam Wallox sat back in his chair, a smile tugging at his lips as he listened to the conversations unfolding around the table. It was a lively mix of laughter, curiosity, and shared stories—exactly the kind of camaraderie he enjoyed. He leaned forward, subtly nodding along with Miles Kennedy’s joke about ghosts and court cases.

“Court cases between ghosts? That would be something,” Liam chimed in softly, appreciating the lightheartedness of it all. He could imagine the kinds of absurdities that might occur—spirits arguing over ancient debts or hauntings gone wrong. He didn't need this considering he just created the first ghost who could likely claim unemployment.

As the conversation shifted to the mention of a Weasley, Liam chuckled. “Red hair certainly carries a reputation around here,” he said, adding to the banter. “Always keeps things interesting.”

When the talk turned to bar hopping and muggles, Liam's face brightened. "Bar hopping, Antonio? That's something I know a bit about. No actual magic involved save for the potions created behind the bar."

He listened closely when Tænar spoke of her dragon collection, smiling at her excitement over the new scale and shell. He admired people with passion for their work, and it was clear she had it in abundance. Dragons, though… Liam shook his head lightly in wonder. He could barely imagine the thrill of seeing one up close, let alone collecting scales.

Liam sipped his drink as Kai brought up Tænar’s book. “Well, color me impressed. A published author in our midst. Seems like we’ve got quite a talented bunch here.” His eyes twinkled with genuine warmth as he glanced around the table, happy to be part of the Hogwarts staff and their shared stories.

Soon enough another joined their table and Liam saw that it was Seraphima a Ravenclaw a few years behind him; however he was on more friendly terms with her brother. He gave her a wave as she sat down and continued to listen as some of the food quickly disappeared into everyone's stomachs.

"Speaking of what we have all been doing since school..." Liam said with a loud voice so everyone could hear among their own conversations. "Anyone heard who the new headmaster is going to be? Seems even the Ministry has been able to keep it mum. Rumor was the head of the Aurors but she was just quoted as saying she wanted nothing to do with the position? Think it's a bluff?"
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Prof Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984 @Herald

Kennedy chuckled a bit more at the dog's name, shaking his head a little at the antics and questions and all that. Sure, her dog was absolutely massive, but…he almost felt like Lickspittle would always have that even chance. Cats were funny like that. He took a few more bites of chicken, thinking it over for a moment. Eyes scanned over the spread that was before him, even as the offhand remarks by Antonio dallied through the air.

Bar hopping and drinking, this that and the other. Kennedy swallowed at the thought and the issue; sure, enjoy the things in life, but he knew that if students picked up on the little habits here and there there would be no end to the jokes and issues and foolishness among them. Drinking while tellings students to not drink wasn’t a great idea, as a general rule, and the same went with smoking. ”At least disperse the damn smell, Antonio,” he replied, shaking his head at the man’s strange time. Sure, Miles had stuck around with folks for a long, long time, but he knew enough to keep that sort of crowd separate from the somewhat fragile, somewhat volatile group of wizarding students. He was almost sure the two groups wouldn't mix well.

Kaiden's own alcoholic profferings were lost though amid the squealing and excitement of Ms Tygath. An owl swooped it, which frankly he was almost concerned would be taken down by the great big dog among them, dropped off a box for the woma. A dragon's scale, clean enough for all accounts, and for the woman a grand addition to her collection as she acted more student than teacher. The words washed over Kennedy as he looked on, continuing to eat his chicken. In some ways, dragons were quite fascinating, but they weren't the entirety of the world for the man nor were they altogether appetizing for him to put his efforts to helping. Dragons were by and large mean-spirited creatures with more than enough adoring fans to try and keep them going. Of course, then Kaiden recognized the book and the woman…Kennedy had no idea she'd published, but smiled on just a little nonetheless. It was interesting watching them all go about it.

As another teacher joined them, who seemed content to sit on the sidelines and observe, Liam made a curious question. Kennedy chewed it over a little before answering, all while producing a tupperware container from his pocket for some bits and pieces of food.

”An Auror running Hogwarts would be as bad as Durmstrang. I'd say she was speaking true, you don't make cops into school principals. That said, I really have no idea. The theme between us all of new blood makes it a little hard to guess.”
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Hidden 1 mo ago 30 days ago Post by Mole
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𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎𝓃𝓃𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·


The conversation continued as Seraphima plate filled with food. The lot seemed friendlier than she had remembered and much more reputable, with that all squared away. Needless to say, she was impressed by the little tie bits she was hearing.

Liam… was that his name? She scolded herself for not remembering. Unfortunately, names sometimes eluded her along with motivation to continue endeavors with the same people who held those names. She really ought to give the lot the benefit of the doubt, she thought to herself in a stern manner.

Anyways, he had asked a decent though provoking question. Joining the conversation would not hurt. That’s why she decided to wander down here in the first place. And, to be frank, she could use well, some help. Or at least, a little bit of a break.

“One would think Professor McGonagall would finally be anointed with the title of headmaster at some point, and keep it for as long as Dumbledore did…” Seraphima closed her lips and made a contemplative play with a coy smile. “Something tells me a cop isn’t too far fetched of a guess.”

She really had not the foggiest idea, and she was not afraid to admit it. There were things about Hogwarts and magic that were, as one would ultimately put it, mysteriously unpredictable (like a Weasley boy, for instance), and there were things that were quite easy to assess, reassess, and ultimately replicate (like Magical Theory, her favorite part of magic).
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @Thayr @Mole @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984 @Herald

“I have to say I quite missed this.” Alvis mused as he nipped at his pumpkin soup. “Ministry lunches are a pale shade of what the elves at Hogwarts manage to cook up. Budget cuts, eh? Hmm, even has some hints of smoke to it, fancy! Oh hi, Cifaretto.” He acknowledged his senior Hufflepuff as he joined and made himself quite at home, to some furore from the group about his habits. And for a second, Alvis paused and wondered how he would manage when his students would get rowdy in class. He may have been an auror, but he never was very good with discipline. He mostly just anticipated it, and then avoided it. He shrugged to himself, then continued eating. That time would come when it would come…

Then the topic came to something intriguing: the future headmaster. He remembered how the news of the restructuring came as a shock when it broke, even at the ministry. Quite the mystery, indeed. He stared off into the distance a little, his spoon left hovering in the air as he did. Then, as always when he started a case, he started rattling:

Curious. I haven’t gotten any hints about that at the Aurors, but then again, we are known for keeping secrets. So who else, then? I think if Mr. Potter himself would even only have been a candidate, the rumours would’ve been out of control, even if we did put out a wholesale ban on owls. Still, it does all seem to be somewhat politically motivated, does it not, what with the restructuring coming from the Ministry? One of the Ministers themselves? I doubt we’re important enough for the Prime, but I could see muggle and wizard relations improving if that were the case. So, one of the Weasleys?” He stroked his almost-there o’clock stubble with his spoon, absent-mindedly coloring it with some leftover pumpkin soup. “I think what’s most interesting is that there hasn’t been any reliable news or leaks about it at all, to be honest. One of the Unspeakables then, perhaps? But then how would we ever know? Puzzling, puzzling.” Then, adding to himself, he muttered. “I’ll have to set up an idea board in my office for this case.”
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts

Mentions: Liam Wallox @World Traveler, Miles Kennedy @Thayr, Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald, Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984, Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile, Seraphima Evelynne Rose @Mole

With conversation shifting to whom was the new headmaster, or who it possibly could be, Tænar slid her presents back into the display box and put them away.

“I wouldn’t want to ponder on possibilities and happenstance, nor would I want to read the minds of any member of the Ministry. I would hope it is a Ravenclaw to become Headmaster, maybe then some mild form of Decorum and stability could be attained, especially in the points department. Less favoritism and more formulae, Professor Cho Chang for instance.”

Tænar commented, “Thought I wouldn’t mind if certain members of the Gryffindor House were put in Charge. They were after all a Witch of the ages at Hogwarts, best ever from what I’ve heard.”

“And, almost as Cute as Storm Cloud I’ve heard.” She mumbled more to herself than anyone else.
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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 24 min ago

@Varshanka @Herald @World Traveler @Thayr

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts

Antonio looked over at Taener, taking a deep breath before speaking. “Bar hopping is when people go from bar to bar with friends and have a couple of drinks in each bar.” His face kept the smile that seemed permanently plastered on his face. Ignoring her comment about drinking in front of the students. “Dragon scales? That reminds me of my collection of Billywigs. I got a few of em as pets.” Antonio then continued eating his breakfast. Peering over towards the egg shell and scale, Taener unwrapped. Whistling being quite impressed by what she was gifted. A thought came into the back of his head: Should he start a dragon scale collection? “Lucky you, missy, I’ve been thinking about collecting dragon scales meself. Any tips for someone who wants to start collecting?” He asked after swallowing some of his breakfast. Looking down at the rottweiler and smiling. Having a soft spot for animals, he offered some bacon for the dog to eat. “I think I’ve read that book before.” He said, thinking of where he had seen or if he had even read that book before. Perhaps he had used the pages for some nefarious purpose, but he wasn’t sure.

The older man chuckled and offered Kai the empty mug he hadn’t used. “Ey, I wouldn’t mind a bit, friend. Thank you.” It seemed that he would get along with some of the professors. “I got something published, but it was a long time ago. It was about the various fauna of England.” Shrugging again as if this wasn’t as important as a book about dragons.

Yeah, it’s like potion making, except it's with alcoholic drinks.” He said to Liam before finishing his breakfast. He was relaxing in his chair and feeling like he needed a nap. “I heard a rumour that the new headmaster was a former Deatheater. But were forgiven for their crimes by the ministry. Maybe he betrayed the Deatheaters to save his skin and go to Azkaban.” He seemed to be ignoring Kennedy as he thought of him to be quite uppity.

Hidden 30 days ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Prof Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984 @Herald

“One would think Professor McGonagall would finally be anointed with the title of headmaster at some point, yet and keep it…”

“One would think Ms McGonagall as retired by this point. I know witches live for an age and a half but she’s dealt with more than enough for her fair share. If she appears I'll feel sorry for her.” Miles considered again as he paused mid pickup of a chicken thigh, keeping the pause a good bit past his thought for dramatic effect. Just a little. “Besides, of all the phrases I'd put to Ms McGonagall, would ‘new’ or ‘energetic’ or ‘fresh perspective’ be there? She was a stabilizing force for the school, not necessarily a revolutionizing one. Not that it was at all a bad thing.”

Of course, then Alvis spoke up and Kennedy’s eyes flickered over, continuing to put more chicken into the tupperware container. By this point he…how many was it? Seven thighs, two wings? The container was about the size of his hand, but magic was all sorts of useful considering the dark-colored plastic. Eh, if Lickspittle didn't want all of it Kennedy was sure he'd be able to polish off the rest. Nevertheless, amid his own musings, Kennedy listened to the seer.

“Curious. I haven’t gotten any hints about that at the Aurors, but then again, we are known for keeping secrets. So who else, then? I think if Mr. Potter himself would even only have been a candidate, the rumours would’ve been out of control, even if we did put out a wholesale ban on owls. Still, it does all seem to be somewhat politically motivated, does it not, what with the restructuring coming from the Ministry? One of the Ministers themselves? I doubt we’re important enough for the Prime, but I could see muggle and wizard relations improving if that were the case. So, one of the Weasleys?”

Oh god, politicians in schools. Kennedy hadn't considered that sort of possibility and it genuinely irked him. Outwardly, he frowned at the thing with but half his mouth, though of course he wasn't altogether concerned with that. No, Kennedy was instead thinking of how absolutely bad of an idea it was. School administrators normally sat between a teacher and an administrator, the best of them knowing more about the needs of the teachers and students than the desires of the government, and those generally came from just being former teachers themselves. Politicians were removed from that sort of world, instead concerned with their votes and their polin. A Ministry man would be concerned with how the Ministry felt, not with how the teachers and students felt. Even though there were good ones among that group, Kennedy didn't altogether trust the Ministry to pick a good one. It’d all be shit.

“I think what’s most interesting is that there hasn’t been any reliable news or leaks about it at all, to be honest. One of the Unspeakables then, perhaps? But then how would we ever know? Puzzling, puzzling.”

Well, there was a point. No news or leaks at all…well, it might mean that the thing was thus undecided and that an interim Headmaster would lead. It might mean that the Ministry themselves didn’t know, were using some sort of independent process to choose. Surely that wouldn’t be like the Ministry, they did love their control, but then again, looking about…none of the teachers, generally, were Ministry picks either. Things had generally changed, Hogwarts would be generally changed, and the Headmaster might be another radical in the pot or their anchor to reality. Really, Kennedy thought, it could go either way.

“I wouldn’t want to ponder on possibilities and happenstance, nor would I want to read the minds of any member of the Ministry. I would hope it is a Ravenclaw to become Headmaster, maybe then some mild form of Decorum and stability could be attained, especially in the points department. Less favoritism and more formulae, Professor Cho Chang for instance.”

“Though I wouldn’t mind if certain members of the Gryffindor House were put in Charge. They were after all a Witch of the ages at Hogwarts, best ever from what I’ve heard.”

Well, that deserves something. Kennedy did hate that sort of reasoning, even if he did temper it with the fact that clearly Tygath wasn’t as worldly as he or Antonio was. Nevertheless, the Potion Master’s tone became sharp, clear, instructive. “Houses? Of all the things, are you sure? Houses don't mean much, it's what they valued at ten. Merlin was a Slytherin, and I'm sure he was as loving of knowledge as any Ravenclaw. Bravery can couple with selfishness, or selectivity, just as knowledge and information couple with greed or bigotry. People are people.”

“I heard a rumour that the new headmaster was a former Deatheater. But were forgiven for their crimes by the ministry. Maybe he betrayed the Deatheaters to save his skin and go to Azkaban.”

“God, were that the case we would be Durmstrang,” muttered Kennedy, shaking his head at the prospect. It was even worse than the Ministry man that the other teacher had said. Not only would the man be cruel enough to exist as a Deatheater, but pliable enough to become a turncoat. Of course, turning coat at those people was incredibly brave after a fashion, but it’d still involved one becoming a Deatheater in the first place. A butcher did not suddenly wipe the stain from their soul by turning themselves in, after all.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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After She and Storm Cloud both sneezed due to residue from his smoking habit Tænar slipped her wand out and gave his clothing a small wave as she muttered “I vestiti vanno puliti, i fiori vanno alla deriva,” A second later the stench of smoking was gone and it smelled like he’d sent it through a dry cleaners and had it scent with flowers and fresh cut grass.

Slipping her wand away she took on a rather innocent expression as she gave Storm Cloud a piece of chicken covered in bacon grease, followed by a head scritching. And hearing a Rottweiler of his size rumbling with pleasure was rather.. unsettling. At least for those unused to such a thing. "Good puppy."
Hidden 27 days ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

---Non Character Driven Event Description---

The Hogwarts Clock Tower stands tall against the sky, its ancient stonework weathered yet enduring, casting long shadows over the grounds as the sun reaches its zenith. At 2 PM, the great clock gears begin to turn, their metallic groans echoing through the castle corridors. The large, intricately designed clock face shimmers with gold inlay, catching the light as the hands align. Massive iron bells hidden behind the stone lattice strike with a deep, resonant chime, sending tremors through the air.

Inside, the echo of the bell pulses through the Clock Tower's interior, where a spiral staircase winds around massive pendulums swinging steadily. Dust dances in the beams of light streaming through narrow, arched windows, while the aged wooden beams creak slightly with each chime. Students passing beneath or within earshot pause for a moment, their conversations stilled by the rhythmic and almost solemn toll. It’s a sound that speaks of the castle's ancient magic, marking the passage of time as it has done for centuries.

As the final chime fades, the stillness of the Clock Tower returns, leaving behind only the faint ticking of the clock's inner mechanisms. For a moment, it feels as though time itself has held its breath, a reminder that even in a world of enchantment, some things remain beautifully constant.

The 2 chimes of the clock let all know that the Hogsmeade Back to School Party was only three hours away. Should anyone want to get themselves ready they would likely need to get started.
Hidden 25 days ago 8 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Location: Hogmeade
Mentions: Tænar Verch Tygath: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18wdjHe6ziqLr2EYp8i1YMRkQO3ln0Pm_/view?usp=sharing

After lunch, Tænar left the group reluctantly, it was nice being around people, even if she did self exclude herself a lot. we. Usually. But she’d be seeing them all soon, down at the town. Maybe they’d even hop bars? Not that she’d drink. She couldn't do that. It would probably have disastrous results.

Back in her rooms she looked at the things she’d unpacked and then opened her travel trunk and stepped down inside. The presents went into the appropriate room and slot. Hse had a good many dragon scales. But many hoes were missing from the collection. The shell fragment went with the scale in it’s slot in the semi-circle.

Taking a moment she sat in the chair and admired them, so much hard work and she was barely a third of the way to collect them all. Assignment! She coulld have the students list all the dragons and their abilities, their colors.. no that would never do, not if she wanted it published. But she coud get them to make a list for extra credit, and then she could do the rest. At least that way it was an editorial confirmation of her list.

Bar Hopping!

Jumping up from the chair, her feet didn’t touch the ground when she sat all the way onto it, she gave a little giggle. She really did need smaller chair, but that one was so.. comfy.

Moving to her wardrobe room, she figured this was going to be a formally informal get-to-gether so she picked out one of her nicer dresses. As she changed, and combed her hair, and unwillingly added a little makeup, sh pondered the Headmaster question. A previous student. And a previous Death-eater that had turned against them. And was still alive.

“DRACO MALFOY!!??” she said to herself, “MERLIN’S BEARD!!”

If it was him, it was going to be an interesting year. He was kind of cute, but married. If it was Draco, he’d be the only married one on the staff. Unless people were married and just not talking about spouses.

She herself had never had anyone interested I her, Or rather if anybody was – or had been – interested in her, she hadn’t noticed.

Selecting a red and cream dress with god trip she set about getting prepared for the evening of.. hopping bars.

When she finally arrived, later than anyone else, she was quite sure she was lost or had misunderstood the invitational letter, She thought they were meeting at one of the pubs, but it looked like the whole town was turned out for an event.

Hopefully they didn’t interfere with said event.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Mole
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𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎𝓃𝓃𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·


They seemed like a decent lot of professors. All of them were troubled by who the future headmaster was, and in some vein of thought, Seraphima felt a relief with this. To have no clue always made her feel a bit off; but to have a whole group of person pondering such a (in a way) lighthearted mystery felt welcoming. They all had at least one thing in common. No one knew for sure.

Now, the change of scenery had been pleasant, to say the least. She had a better idea of how to re-arrange her classroom. Why had she not made the initial leap of faith before? The desks would just not do. Pillows were solidly more comfortable and make much better for her lesson plan. Ah yes, a bit eccentric and odd for a class of her type. But, she always was a tad bit off.

With a flick of her wrist, the room began to please itself to Seraphima’s liking. Hurry, hurry, no. Seraphima mused to herself. She was perhaps a bit interested in the Hogsmeade Back to School Party. In fact, she was half-wondering if any new co conclusions had been drawn about the Headmaster.

Her heeled boots clicked together and shuffled, as she made a small curtsy to her room. “Thank you very much,” Seraphima grinned. And with her wand in her hand, she turned and left her classroom. When she left the room, she tapped her wand twice on the dusty air of the school. The lights of the classroom turned off, and the door shut and locked with a click.

What to wear? What to wear?

Naturally, she thought to wear the exact outfit she was already sporting. It did not look half-bad, and if anything, she felt it added a sense of respectfulness to her job title, considering how odd her classroom had been sorted. However, her mother dearest might make small talk, and wasting such an opportunity to model her mother’s latest spells would only be quite distasteful.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mr. Reginald Cross - Flight Instructor

The tolling of the clocktower bell resonated from the castle, carrying out to all corners of the grounds. Distant, yet still pronounced, it called to the Quidditch pitch where Reginal Cross had been busying himself. Being the Flying instructor was about more than teaching excitable and rambunctious eleven-year-olds how to handle themselves on a broomstick. His new role at Hogwarts would see him taking on responsibility over refereeing Quidditch matches, as well as seeing to the maintenance of the Quidditch facilities and school-owned equipment.

To say that there was plenty to be desired was a slight understatement. The overhauling of the school's staff meant that there were, unforntunately, a few more inexperienced (or worse, displassionate) people stepping into positions that they might not be prepared to handle. Following an early start to his morning, he spent a regretable length of time explaining to the new groundskeeper how best to keep the field in the stadium; he had covered everything from the length and green of the grass to the preferred firmness of the soil. To stop himself getting frustrated, he had quickly reminded himself that replacing the seasoned hand of Rubeus Hagrid was no small feat, both figuratively and literally. Once he was sure the groundskeeper understood what needed to be done, he affirmed the hope that, with time, the new caretaker would be every bit as good as his predecessor had been.

As the clock bell chimed back at the castle, Reggie was just getting finished with his inspection of the balls. There were plenty of spare Quaffles, and he had rounded up a few stray snitches wishing he was as good a Seeker as he had been a Chaser. The Bludgers especially needed work. Ever since an incident back in 1992, the school had been religous about recasting the charms necessary to keep the heavy projectile balls from being manipulated or going rogue. Once he was sure that he had reinforced every ball appropriately, he wrestled the bludgers back into their case, with a "Son of a bitch!" as the wild things fought back, and packed everything securely in the supply room.

With the chimes sounding, signaling that it would soon be time to join his colleagues for the start of term festivities, he decided to call it a day and see to it that the school Broomsticks were in working order the next morning.

As he locked up the equipment and charmed it against unlocking spells, his thoughts drifted into a drifting reminiscing. He took a long look around at the stadium, a surreal sensation washing over him as he gazed upon what had once been his home away from home. Newly adorning the stadium were four large banner, each bearing the emblem and colors of one of the four school houses. Under the emblems were a list of years, which indicated when each house had won their respective Quidditch Cups. His eyes immediately focused on the Hufflepuff banner, where upon three years stuck out in his memories like no others. The years aligned with his 5th, 6th, and 7th years at Hogwarts. The Hufflepuff Threepeat had capped off a run of matches that Reggie remembered fondly; especially the Championship match of his 7th year that saw his Hufflepuff squad hold their opponent to a zero on the scoreboard. He had never known for sure whether his style of play and game planning had influenced any future players; a pro career outside of Britain had kept away from his old school. Now that he was here, he looked forward to seeing if anything he had done had stuck.

The surreal feeling dug deeper as he made his way across the pitch towards the exit leading back to the castle. When he thought of his own predecessor, he was surprised that he had been chosen to fill the position. Madam Hooch had been one of a few prior teachers to preside over the interview of their successors. Reggie recalled his time in school, and drawing some awkward glances from the former Flying Instructor and Quidditch Ref. While his muggle-influenced style of flying and playing had been all the rage among his peers, it had drawn some ire from staff and faculty, who, at least for a time, thought it to be rather crass and brutish, and especially aggressive for a Hufflepuff. It had, of course, been this very style that had kept him from going pro in Britain, directing him towards the Australian league.

Naturally, the tabloids back in Sydney had lost their minds over his decision to return to Britain to teach of all things; while he did his best to explain that this was by no means a retirement, he knew that they knew he was trying more to convince himself of that fact.

All thoughts of the past dissolved to the back of his mind as he crossed into the Entrance Hall. His mind shifted towards the shower he was much looking forward to, what he would wear for the start of term party, and who he would meet on staff. Thinking on it, he realized he hadn't run into any of the other teachers; that was to be expected of course, as most of the others had been tending to matters in the their respective classrooms and offices. He, on the other hand, had been out in the stadium all day. However, it was odd that not even the new Headmaster had made themselves known. Other than the young groundskeeper, Reggie had yet to become acquainted with annyone else he would ve working with.

He shrugged, and settled on that he would likely meet everyone else down at the pub later.

Reggie made haste in cleaning himself up. He decided to keep his wardrobe for the evening simple: traditional black robes with a tie bearing the Hogwarts crest worn underneath were the tried and true. He spiced up his look with a lapel pin of the Quidditch World Cup emblem. Over his robes, he put on a light, sporty, yet formal cloak that bore the colors and emblem of the Australian National Team; No sense not being recognizable, he told himself, figuring his coworkers would more easily identify him in such a standout garment... even if people found it in poor taste after the beating the Aussies had put on the Brits in the last tournament. He nodded in self-approval, and made his way swiftly from the castle and set his way down towards the village, looking forward to a bit of casual fun and socializing before term took off.
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Online

Tænar Tygath

Location: Town Square, Hogsmeade

Reginal Cross @Little_Bird,
Seraphima Evelynne Rose @Mole,
Liam Wallox @World Traveler,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile,

A bit overwhelmed Tænar moved to a seat to sit and taste some sweet biscuits. She was in heaven sampling some Bourbon Chocolate biscuits, but couldn’t decide which she preferred. The pistachio creme, the chocolate creme, or the mint creme ones. And then someone slipped her freshl maade Black Currant biscuits iced and dipped in raspberry jam. All fresh no preservatives. She had to bite her tongue to stop from squealing.

When she bit into a Cornish Fairing and it snapped with a hint of ginger filling her nose she felt like she might be home again. Her mother had often made them on the first day of school as she said farewell to another summer and hello to a new year of books and learning.

Maybe her next book would compare dragon and biscuits.. Ginger had a sharp bit much like a few dragons, while cinnamon snaps had a creamy smoothness to them like a Chinese Fireball. Once they got t know you they relxed and turned into teddy bears. With teath. And scales.. and a fireball breath.

At least this chair let her feet touch the ground when she sat, barely. She really needed to change the chair in her steamer, but it was so darned comfy…

Stormcloud kept sniffing around looking ‘begging’ for treats that might happen to fall in his general direction, and encouraging it with happy talking growls.

Watching the crowd she recognized the people from lunch as well as a few faces from the town. Why did she come here? She could be in her class room fixing things and writing a curriculum. Instead she was socializing and trying to be neighborly.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 25 min ago

𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎𝓃𝓃𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·


She was dressed in something classy but different. It was obviously too eccentric for Witch’s Vogue, but it lacked the oddities than many independently styled witch robes had. To keep with her patriotic loyalty to her House, the gown was a dark blue color. It accentuated her figure without disturbing too much of the imagination.

“Delightful and dallying,” her mother might have said.

Whatever adjective to use, Seraphima felt upbeat about the ordeal, especially when she ate one of the bourbon chocolate biscuits. She puckered her lips together, “These are delicious,” she said aloud to no one in particular. She would not mind to have another one, and just as she was about to take a bit she spotted Tænar.

Seraphima admired the woman’s outfit as her eyes drifted to her dog. She thought of what a cute and adorable creature the puppy was, and then, just as she was taking another bite of her second bourbon chocolate biscuit, her eyes landed on Reggie. She had seen him outside this morning, but he most definitely did not show during lunch.

He was a jockey, competitive looking guy, and she could not help but smile — mostly for the taste of the air she once knew when she was flying her broom during Quidditch. “Can’t say I don’t fancy a man who knows his Quidditch,” Seraphima teased Reggie. “Swell of you to not join us for lunch, come sit with us. She nodded towards the table that Tænar was sitting. She was not technically by herself, but by all means, this was a party.

Now, it is quite certain that Seraphima was not much of a people person herself, but in her age, she had reasoned that she might as well go out on a limb for this occasion, at least for her first go-around, especially if the tree were for Hogwarts. “I believe we’re still on the subject of who the new headmaster could possibly be.”

She sat down next to Tænar and tapped the table in front of the seat she thought best suited Reggie’s occupation. “As a Ravenclaw, I feel slightly embarrassed to not have a single theory on who the new headmaster could be. One would think, once you get older and start to know people you’d have a better grasp on things of this sort.”

There was a chance she came off a tad snobby with the last comment, but really, it was meant in good taste — whether she cared or not was probably out of the question. Her faux pas were notorious for leaving people flat and causing more mischief leading to awkward social etiquette.

“My name is Seraphima, by the way, I had not caught any of your names at lunch or… well, since you didn’t show up,” she smirked at Reggie.
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