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Kaiden "Kai" Devarron
Age: 28

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Professor of: Care of Magical Creatures

Biography: Born to a squib father and a witch mother, Kaiden was raised on a cattle farm in Ireland that played host to a small assortment of magical creatures that his mother had 'rescued' over the years, recovering creatures from the path of muggle expansion and helping keep many on a leash that would otherwise cause trouble in the area. Although Kaiden developed his magic at a normal age, he was enraptured by the way his father managed to interact with these creatures despite having no ability to use magic himself. Such actions were still dangerous, but it taught him the lesson that not every problem needed magic to solve it.

After receiving his letter for Hogwarts, he attended the school only during the times when it was actually in session, always returning to the farm in between semesters. He was an average student in most fields, displaying a bit of a talent in herbology and potions making, but his true passion and creativity were reserved for magical creatures. During his time at Hogwarts he submitted, and was denied, over thirty requests for an alternate type of pet, with the most common reason being cited as 'too dangerous to be permitted on the grounds'.

Aside from a fairly profitable business as a cattle farmer after taking over the operations from his father, Kaiden has been living the quiet life, not seeing much of a reason to go beyond the farm property save for twice a year when he meets up with a group of his friends from his graduating years at the school. Despite this seeming self-imposed isolation, Kaiden's scores and experience with magical creatures makes him a solid choice for the new professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Favorite Hogwarts Memory: During his sixth year at Hogwarts, the class was to study a Kappa that had been brought in for the class and was supposedly kept docile by a potion. However, after a prank pulled by a classmate, the Kappa became irritated and attempted to drown the classmate that had earned its ire. Due to the proximity with the creature, the instructor was unable to get a clear shot with a stunning charm until Kaiden approached the creature with a cucumber sandwich he had apparently brought for lunch that day. The kappa let go of the student, allowing the situation to de-escalate and both student and creature were escorted from the class without further incident.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by World Traveler
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Liam Wallox (26) Hufflepuff

Professor of: History of Magic & Muggle Studies

Biography: Liam's early years were unremarkable. Raised by his witch mother after his Muggle father passed away, he spent summers with his Muggle relatives, balancing both worlds. When he began Hogwarts, he blended in with his magical peers until his third year, when his mother insisted he take Muggle Studies. This rekindled his connection to the Muggle world, leading him to start the Muggle Appreciation Club—a haven for Muggle-born students that transcended house rivalries.

After graduating, Liam decided to fully immerse himself in the Muggle world. With the Ministry’s approval, he adapted his Hogwarts transcripts to attend a Muggle university, eventually becoming a Muggle history teacher in London. He maintained strong ties with the Ministry, aiding in Muggle-related situations, and even met with Muggle government officials on their behalf.

When Hogwarts needed a new Muggle Studies professor, Liam expressed interest only if he could also teach History of Magic, a position untouched for over a century. After negotiations, he became the first new History of Magic professor in generations.

Favorite Hogwarts Memory: In his 6th year at Hogwarts, the Muggle Appreciation Club hosted a World Cup watch party in the Great Hall, thanks to the Headmaster's approval. With help from professors, they managed to broadcast the final match. By the end of the game, the hall was packed with students excitedly watching. Since then, the World Cup has become a popular event hosted by the Muggle Club, though on a smaller scale.

Personal Held Opinions of Other Characters
{work in progress}

Miles Kennedy -
Kaiden Devarron -
Antonio Cifaretto -
Taenar Vetch Tygath -
Alvis Juneberry Hawes -
Seraphima Evelynne Rose -

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Found the images on other wedsites. (Not my creation) forgot where. apparently it was a while ogo. uploaded to goodle for everyone.

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