Hidden 1 mo ago Post by BloodySweet
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BloodySweet Potato Worshipper

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Respect Everyone: Always be considerate of your fellow players. Everyone’s here to have fun!
Stay in Character: When it's your turn, immerse yourself in your character’s persona and motivations.
Listen and Engage: Pay attention to others’ actions and dialogue. Engage with their storylines and character arcs.
Avoid Godmodding: Don’t control other players’ characters or make them do things without their consent.
Balance Combat: If engaging in battles, ensure actions are fair. Let players have a chance to react and contribute.
Follow the Setting: Stick to the world’s lore and rules. Familiarize yourself with the setting before jumping in.
Keep It Flexible: Be open to changes and unexpected turns in the story. Adaptability enhances the experience.
Communicate OOC (Out of Character): If conflicts arise or if you need to clarify something, do it respectfully in OOC.

The Alley


Tuesday, 19/04/3140

In the neon-drenched underbelly of the megacity, the alley pulsed with a synthetic heartbeat. Holographic advertisements flickered overhead, casting an eerie glow on rain-slicked surfaces where the glow of electric blue and vivid magenta melded with the remnants of an older world. Skyscrapers loomed above, their jagged silhouettes piercing the night, a labyrinth of steel and glass reaching for a smog-choked sky.

Drones whirred silently above, their lenses scanning the streets for any sign of unrest, while the hum of distant hovercars blended with the distant thrum of automated street vendors hawking their wares. In this concrete maze, the scent of ozone mixed with the tang of burnt circuitry, a reminder of the city’s relentless march toward progress.

The shadows here were more than mere absence of light; they writhed with purpose, concealing whispers of rebellion and ambition. This was a place where the line between humanity and technology blurred, where dreams were forged in the darkness, waiting for the moment to strike. In the silence, a tension crackled, hinting at a confrontation that could reshape the future itself.

Note, my character is Xeon and i have added the first opening for my character
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by BloodySweet
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BloodySweet Potato Worshipper

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Dm me for approval
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Member Seen 25 min ago

@BloodySweet lookign foreword to you're next post :)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Member Seen 25 min ago

Dear Esteemed Members of This Digital Sanctuary,

As I find myself ensconced within the electric glow of our collective imagination, I am compelled—nay, driven—to address a matter of utmost importance that looms over us like a storm cloud heavy with the weight of unresolved narratives and suspended plotlines. It is with a heart both heavy and fervent that I direct my gaze toward a singular entity among us, a figure both enigmatic and essential: the illustrious @BloodySweet.

In this sprawling cybernetic tapestry we weave, where chrome and grit dance in a perpetual twilight, the absence of your voice echoes ominously through the neon-lit streets. Like a rogue signal lost amidst the cacophony of cyberspace, your silence resonates with a disquieting timbre, stirring an urgency that cannot be ignored. As we gather in the shadowy alleys of this roleplay, our characters teeter on the precipice of fate, and the collective breath of our community hangs in the balance, suspended like a glitch in the system.

Allow me to elucidate, dear BloodySweet, the grave consequences of your protracted silence. The world we inhabit—a dystopian realm rife with intrigue, betrayal, and the palpable tension of looming conflict—awaits your return with bated breath. The denizens of our narrative universe, those vibrant avatars we have meticulously crafted, are poised at the cusp of action, their destinies intertwined with your next move. Your absence is not merely a footnote in our saga; it is a gaping void that threatens to unravel the very fabric of our shared reality.
Consider, if you will, the tapestry of characters we have spun together: each one a reflection of the complex and multifaceted nature of existence within our cyberpunk domain. They are not mere pixels on a screen; they are echoes of our thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. They demand attention, and they cry out for resolution, lest they fade into the obscurity of forgotten lore. Every moment you delay is a heartbeat lost in the relentless march of time—a time that is unforgiving and unyielding, much like the cold steel of the urban sprawl that surrounds us.

And so, I implore you, BloodySweet: cast aside any distractions that may have ensnared you in their grasp. Rise from the shadows of inertia and re-engage with us. Reignite the spark that once illuminated our dialogues and propelled our story forward. The pixels await your deft touch, and the characters yearn for the richness of your narrative input. With every tick of the clock, the tension escalates; the stakes rise, and the shadows deepen.

Should you continue to linger in this liminal space of silence, know that there are forces at play—unseen yet palpably present—who grow restless, their patience waning like the dying glow of a malfunctioning neon sign. We are a community united by the pulse of creativity, but even the most vibrant ecosystems can wither under neglect. The prospect of a narrative collapse looms like a specter, haunting the peripheries of our engagement. I would hate for our vibrant saga to descend into the chaos of unresolved plots, a fate akin to a shattered mirror reflecting fragmented dreams.

Therefore, I beseech you, BloodySweet, to traverse the digital expanse and respond to our fervent calls. Let your words flow like the electric currents that surge through the city’s veins. Breathe life into our shared creation once more, for it is only together that we can navigate the labyrinthine complexities of our intertwined destinies.
In closing, let this not be a mere message, but a rallying cry—an urgent summons to action. Our collective narrative hangs by a thread, shimmering in the ever-encroaching darkness. Your response, dear BloodySweet, is the spark that will reignite the flame of our roleplay. Answer the call; the city awaits.

With the utmost urgency and unwavering anticipation,

A Fellow Traveler in the Neon Abyss
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Member Seen 25 min ago

Listen up, @BloodySweet,

This is getting ridiculous. The patience of this community, once abundant, is wearing thin. We’ve been waiting for your response in our cyberpunk roleplay, and frankly, your silence is not just disappointing—it’s infuriating.

Every day—nay, minute—that ticks by, our story stagnates. Characters are left hanging, plotlines withering like forgotten relics in a dusty corner of this neon-drenched world we’ve built together. It’s as if you’ve decided to throw a wrench into our carefully crafted machinery, and trust me, it’s not just an inconvenience—it’s a betrayal.

Do you understand the stakes here? We’ve invested our time, our creativity, and our enthusiasm into this narrative. You’re not just another participant; you’re a key player, and right now, you’re acting like you’ve forgotten your role entirely. This isn’t just a casual game we’re playing; it’s a living, breathing saga that demands your attention.

I can’t help but feel that your absence is a signal of disregard for the hard work everyone else has put in. We’ve built a world filled with tension, conflict, and excitement, and your lack of engagement is dragging it down into the depths of mediocrity. Are you really going to let this slip through your fingers? Because if you don’t step up soon, you risk losing everything we’ve worked for.

So here’s the deal: I urge you, no, I demand that you shake off whatever has you stalled and get back to us. Your characters are teetering on the edge, and if you continue to leave them hanging, they might just tumble into oblivion. This isn’t just about you anymore; it’s about everyone who has committed themselves to this experience. We’re tired of waiting. We’re tired of watching our enthusiasm drain away.

Get it together and reply. Now. Because the longer you leave us in the dark, the more likely it is that we’ll have to reconsider our next steps.

The clock is ticking, BloodySweet.

With growing frustration,
A Fellow Player in This Cybernetic Chaos
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Member Seen 25 min ago

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

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Hidden 1 mo ago 30 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sorry I originally posted this I just looked up ai generated dead bodies and it popped up and I didn’t think it was the holocaust victims because I’m an idiot. I didn’t mean to offend anyone
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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"

Member Seen 21 min ago

Sorry I originally posted this I just looked up ai generated dead bodies and it popped up and I didn’t think it was the holocaust victims because I’m an idiot. I didn’t mean to offend anyone


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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Tlaloc
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Tlaloc Metal Fingers

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sorry I originally posted this I just looked up ai generated dead bodies and it popped up and I didn’t think it was the holocaust victims because I’m an idiot. I didn’t mean to offend anyone

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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"

Member Seen 21 min ago

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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

the man still ain’t here
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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I’m fairly certain she killed him
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Hidden 29 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yeah he’s dead as hell
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