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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Echotech71
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Nathaniel Stormlight
Town Square.

Nathaniel was originally supposed to arrive at his new house in Dawnhaven. However, a blizzard that week made it impossible for him to get there. He leaned his head out of the carriage that was transporting him and his things. The cold washed over his face and his breath became visible. People were going about their business. Some people waved to him while others made less pleasant gestures to him. So, this is Dawnhaven? It seems pleasant, he thought to himself, while he brought his head back inside the carriage.

Across from where he was sitting, there was a guard of Aurelia. A man with a middle-aged complexion, a small but trimmed black beard with grey patches, and identical hair. This guard was to keep Nathaniel safe on his journey to Dawnhaven. “So…” the guard spoke, getting Nathaniel’s attention. “Did the Prince inform you that you'll be working with someone to help with the research?” he asked in a grave but commanding tone. Nathaniel nodded, putting his hand in the front part of his coat and pulling out a letter. “Indeed,” Nathaniel said before putting the letter back where it was before. The guard seemed pleased by this. “Tell me, boy, do you know the other one you'll be working with?”

”Eris Hightower?”
Nathaniel shot back. “I’ve heard of her and her skills in magic and research; she's brilliant.”

“Personally?” The guard prodded. Nathaniel shook his head. “No, not on a personal level.” Nathaniel paused for a moment before he asked, “Why do you ask?” This time it was Nathaniel asking the questions.

The guard's position changed, and his form shifted in his seat. “There were rumours. Her mother, Lady Hightower, has been trying to get you to meet her daughter. But that was a while ago.” He coughed, hopefully that'll dismiss the conversation, even if he started it. The guard was indeed correct. But that wasn't the time or the place to ask these questions.

The carriage came to a slow stop, trying its best not to slip on the powdery snow that still littered the roads. “I want to have a look around,” he said, getting out of his seat. The guard said nothing but gave him a subtle nod. “Okay, once we drop your things off at your new home, we'll head back to Aurelia once we've let the horses rest.” Nathaniel handed the guard a couple of gold coins as a token of thank you. The door came open. Taking a step onto the snow that was on the ground, the snow made a satisfying low crunch once Nathaniel’s full weight was on his feet. His cloak caught small breezes. His hair would likely do the same if it wasn't tied up in a loose ponytail. Once the door was closed, the carriage rider clicked his tongue, giving the reins a firm whip and getting the horses to move once more.

Nathaniel was left in the town square, where there were plenty of people going about their daily business. Right now he figured it would be best to get a good layout of the area. Well, I'm finally here, he thought, a smile coming across his face.
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Hidden 17 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya swayed slightly as she stood looking around and turned at the waist finding the range of movement strange. She had yet to fully explore her range of motion but it was much larger than before and she had a lot to learn.

The trade was really beginning to pick up and Sya was glad the gold was flowing again. A new customer was coming and seemed to be a woman, blonde, and clad in heavier Lunarian garments if she was to guess from visual appearance. They always had better winter wear than any of the Auralians on average and seemed much better prepared for the deep cold.

Expecting disgust, fear or some distrust, her comment completely took Sya for a pause and she blinked her eye and swayed a second before she waved with hand and tail before she thought and tried to answer. She had no response to someone who was acting the complete opposite to the normal reaction to a blightborn. “I am the Owner of the Inn. My name is Ssssya, The Prince assisted the Event and deserves thanks.” Sya said and blushed, she was entirely unprepared for this. This woman caught her off guard, she was more prepared for the peacock noble than this.

“You're in luck Catherine, this Is our bakery opening morning, as well as our first batch of Sssshine of Selene from my homeland. It's a rather potent though. If you need accommodation we have a number of rooms, they are a little more basic now but we just expanded heavily.” Sya gestured to her table of baked items, alcohol and beer tankards. Sya was still trying to process the whole comment, like how she even reply to that?

“Umm…thankyou miss Catherine, Please enjoy a Ssssample of our new ventures wares and our hospitality.” Sya said with a blush as her blue shiny tail gave a wiggle and made itself known as Sya reacted to it on instinct. People did not normally treat blight born like that, especially ones who were more monstrous like herself had become.

Sya made a nervous flick of her long dark braid and the found blue dress she was wearing, with a coat draping over part of her tail to keep the snow and wet off.

Priestesses were meant to be… less kind to her kin, especially one of the moon Goddess, the Lunarians held no love for the blightborn. They would rather kill that talk to one like her if she was in Lunaris controlled lands.

Sya was just unsure how to take this newcomer. She had blindsided her expectations.

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Hidden 16 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

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Location: Alchemy Chambers/Eris' Home
During the blizzard, Eris quickly became a woman obsessed, barely stopping for sleep or food as research consumed her. Tia’s words about Willis’ blood echoed in her mind, urging her to research it. She had no idea why a Priestess of Aelios would be interested in such things, but Eris wasn’t one to question the word of a Priestess—not openly, anyway.

On the second day, bundled in Ashe’s fire-woven coat, she braved the storm and hurried to the tavern in search of Willis. She needed that blood sample, and no amount of snow or cold was going to stop her.

Inside the tavern, she found construction workers huddled by the hearth for warmth, their faces lit by the fire’s glow. Yet it was Willis who stood out, creepily seated by himself in a dimly lit corner, his red eyes glowing as he stared at the workers. His blank, unblinking gaze had sent a chill down her spine. His demeanor made her nervous, but she reminded herself of the mission she had come here with. She couldn’t hesitate now. The risk had to be taken.

Summoning her courage, she approached him and, in a quiet voice, explained her request: a few vials of his blood for research. To her surprise, Willis agreed without question. Eris thanked him profusely as they found a private room upstairs. Something in the back of her mind screamed as she followed the man into a room—was she insane?! Being alone with this creature once again?! Surely he would take the opportunity to kill her this time.

Nervously, Eris laid out all her tools on a dresser top. She had come prepared, her satchel packed with vials, needles, and everything she needed to collect his blood. With hands that only slightly trembled, Eris extracted the samples as quickly as she could, though she couldn't help but feel uneasy as she drew dark, purple-tinged liquid from him.

For a moment, she thought it might be the blight itself and she had just made the biggest mistake of her entire life. Her heart had jumped into her chest, and she was sure Willis could hear it, but thankfully nothing seemed to happen after she drew out the first vial of blood. It was thicker than human blood, which made the process take longer than she would have liked, but as soon as she had enough, she thanked Willis again and hurried home, eager to begin her work.

The next few days blurred together. She hardly slept, barely ate, and rarely left her study—she was completely and utterly fixated on finding what was so special about Willis’ blood. She analyzed each vial carefully, noting the purple hue, unusual consistency, and how it interacted with other objects, though she didn’t dare touch the liquid with her own hands. For days Eris worked for hours on end, her eyes burning from lack of sleep, jotting down every observation in a rapidly growing pile of notes. Frustratingly, no matter what tool she used to test it, the blood refused to react any differently than a human's blood. It had all been predictable. It was perplexing, but Eris refused to quit.

By the fifth day, desperation and curiosity pushed her to try something new. Against her better judgment, Eris began experimenting with magic. Without the sun to fuel her mana, she knew this was a dangerous endeavor, but she cast aside her worries. She could not call herself a researcher if she could not explore from all angles.

The first few tries had yielded little to no results. Fire, water and air magic did nothing unique to the blood sample. She could feel her own life force being pulled with each new experiment, but she pressed on.

With trembling hands, Eris infused the sample with light magic, her own energy encompassing the blood and lighting up the room in a purple glow. To her astonishment, the blood reacted almost immediately. As if it were a living thing, it shifted and pulled itself toward a sealed bottle that contained an old, withered carrot crop—a sample she had taken from blight-infected fields. Thin, purple veins ran through the crop, faint but unmistakable. The light-infused blood seemed to sense it, though it struggled to reach the tainted crop through its glass vial.

Eris began moving the vial, and every time, the blood twisted and leaned, always pointing toward the blighted crop like a compass drawn north. Her heart raced at the discovery. Tia had been correct. There was some connection between the blood and the blight. How did she know? How could she know? What else did she know?

Eris’ mind raced with possibilities, but maintaining the light magic was draining. She could feel her strength ebbing away with each passing moment, but she pushed herself to keep going. She documented everything as fast as she could, until her body could no longer take it.

On the morning of the sixth day, exhaustion overwhelmed her, and she collapsed, the vial slipping from her hand as she passed out.

When Eris awoke on the floor of her study, the shattered vial lay beside her, yet the blood had vanished. Her gaze shifted to the blighted crop, and her eyes widened in shock. Dried streaks of purple liquid coated the top of the glass jar containing the blighted plant. The blood had clearly attempted to envelop the crop, but the jar had held it at bay. Now, without the infusion of light magic, the blood had lost its gelatinous form, leaving only the remnants.

Weak and feverish, Eris was forced to put aside her research. She barely had the strength to move, her body aching from the toll the magic had taken on her, but she eventually found the way to her bedroom. On her bed, she curled up in Ashe’s coat, the magical garment the only thing keeping her from freezing in the cold room. It was the only comfort she had as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

When the blizzard finally broke on the seventh day, though still fatigued, Eris forced herself out of bed. Her limbs felt heavy, and her thoughts were clouded, but her determination had not wavered. Slowly, she made her way downstairs, making a beeline for her study, but she hesitated when a knock came at the door. Through the closed door, a guard informed her of a feast being held at the tavern, but Eris barely registered his words. There was no time for feasts or rest. She had something far more important to do.

Disheveled, her hair in disarray and her blue dress rumpled underneath Ashe’s coat, she quickly gathered her notes, undeterred by her appearance. She needed to tell the Prince—he had to know what she had found. It wasn’t a cure, but it was something. Something important.

Clutching her notes tightly, Eris stumbled out of her home, her eyes scanning for the guard who had just come to alert her of the feast. Spotting his footprints in the snow, she bolted after him, nearly tripping and falling twice as she struggled to keep her balance. "Wait!" she called out, almost losing her footing on a patch of uneven snow. Her breath came in quick, visible puffs as she finally caught up.

“Have you seen the Prince?” she asked breathlessly, her voice urgent and tinged with exhaustion, the dark circles under her eyes hinting at her lack of sleep. She gripped the notes tightly, as if afraid they might slip away. “It’s urgent—I need to speak with him right away.” Her words came out in a rush, and she barely paused to breathe, eyes darting around in search of any sign of the Prince.

The guard blinked, surprised at her frazzled appearance. "A-... Are you quite alright, Miss Hightower? Are you... wearing fire?”

Eris narrowed her eyes, impatience flickering in her expression. She didn’t have time for this! “Yes, yes, I’m fine! Have you seen the Prince or not?”

The guard hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting briefly to the notes she clutched, before answering. "I believe he’s gone to the tavern for the feast. Should I send word that you’re looking for him?"

“No." Eris shook her head, “I’ll find him myself. Thank you.” Without waiting for a response, she turned swiftly, heading towards the Eye of the Beholder, haphazardly rushing off ahead of the guard.
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Ayel Raunefeldt

The nobleman raised his equally noble eyebrow as his gaze fell on Elara as she spoke to him, but at the very least she did address him by title. It would have made him feel giddy, but that was before the woman had the gall to try reprimand him. Him? Whose done no harm!

Belittle the commoners? What kind of petty man did she take him for? Ayel gave Elara a deep glare, he would try his best to remember this one. How dared she think that peasant labor and some false impression of respecting these… useless commoners was more important than his birthright! He could feel his face growing warm, the veins popping up all over it, almost like a teapot boiling over. The urge to use his precious horsewhip at Elara was rising, he mentally already saw the thing slapping her across the face, but before he had a chance to act on his rightious impulse and put the common commoner in her place the snake woman had once again started to say something.

'The audacity!' He tightened his hand around his horsewhip. She was no lady, she was a malady! He would rather die than treat her like one of the rich people at court. He frowned at the very thought and tried to shake off the very thought, as if it had manifested on him in a physical manner. He felt a chill down his spine. What was that he heard from her? Was that the awful accent of those living closer to the Lunaris barbarian lands? Some sub-Aurelian speech. Not only were she a blightborn peasant, but one which was even more vile with her disgusting accent and now it was even hissing.

If only the head inquisitor were here, he would have known what to do. The nobleman felt a sense of loss. All the sensible people were in the capitol. Why had he come to this accursed place to begin with? Then he recalled. Fame and fortune. He would become the Marquess who not only defeated the blight but also found a cure, he would be famous and richer! And the king would make him a duke! No! He'd abdicate for certain!

Ayel's gaze momentarily phased out as his thoughts fell on himself, the sounds of Elara and Sya and everyone nearby became but buzzing noises, or the sounds one would get by listening to a conchshell. They were like the sea, and his own thoughts of himself was now caressing him like a soothing song, or the finest pure Aurelian wine being poured up into a glass. He had to speak with the prince soon, maybe by sacrificing alot of peasants somehow the blight would be ended. The goddess had to be unhappy about them defiling all other things which were beautiful. This was a trial! And he was going to pass it! Whilst he was preoccupied with himself he suddenly snapped out of it as he heard a voice.

"Pompous peacock?" He said out loud and looked around, first in a panic as if it had stirred some dread in him, but upon seeing the tall woman nearby he set his noble eyes on her. His eye twitched as he heard the wicked speech of the woman. She was one of those northern barbarians for certain. "How dare you, I will not eat or drink amongst the peasantry. What do I look like? Some vagabond or brigand. You dullwitted thickfaced brewbarian! Her property? Don't be absurd, a peasant cannot own their own land. That is reserved for us of the nobility." Ayel stroked the ruffles at his neck, his finger caressing his expensive brooché depicting himself in profile with a rose motif.

"This peasant whereof blighted or not is still a peasant, she should kneel in my presence as should you, you overgrown wash-maid that looks like a man. And who is this Lady Coswain? Not anyone I am familiar And trust me, I am in all the important circles with people who are almost as important as myself. Now off you go, I have some very important paperwork that needs to be done. I don't have time to bicker with every barbarian in here! Good day!" He raised his nose high enough that he felt like he could take a deep breath without potentially breathing the same air as Daphne. He began to turn his horse around and started to lead it in the direction of his carriage and home-in-progress. "Out of the way! Don't touch me!" He called out to anyone near him.

Those peasants would just wait until he had sent his letters. Then they would pay. They would all pay for their disrespect!

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Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Temple of Aelios / Hot Springs
As Kira entered the temple, she hadn’t expected to be greeted by a shirtless Gadez, of all people. Her steps faltered briefly as her gaze settled on the familiar man from a week prior, his muscular tattooed chest illuminated by the glow of the eternal flame in the center of the room. She raised a brow at his words, taking in the sight with mild amusement as he greeted her with a smirk.

“That’s one way to keep warm during the storm.” she remarked, a slight smirk tugging at her lips now. Her tone was playful, but the implication wasn’t lost on her. He had slept with the Priestess. It was only slightly surprising—Aurelians had always been known for their looser sense of sexual boundaries—though Kira hadn’t been aware that Priestesses were allowed to dabble in such frivolous acts. Nonetheless, Kira couldn’t blame her. Good for them, she thought.

Kira’s fiery gaze lingered on Gadez for a moment longer, her eyes finding the intricate tattoo sprawled across his chest. It was unlike any symbolism she had encountered before—a curious design that piqued her interest. At first glance, it appeared simple—just a series of geometric shapes—but the longer she stared, the more it seemed to hold purpose.

Kira's brows furrowed as she studied the design. She had encountered many symbols in her time—glyphs of ancient magic, runes tied to forgotten rituals—but this one was foreign to her. There was something almost ritualistic about it, like it carried a deeper meaning—something hidden.

What was its significance? A natural curiosity pulled at her instincts, but she resisted the urge to ask. Whatever that tattoo meant, it wasn’t her business. Still, it stuck in her mind.

Kira’s attention shifted as the Priestess emerged from the back rooms, fully dressed but looking much more frail and delicate than Kira had imagined a Priestess of Aelios to be. The woman looked tired, her steps light, her presence meek. She had never met a Priestess of Aelios before, and frankly, she had expected someone... stronger.

In the back of her mind, she heard her commander, the Dreadmaster, reminding her not to underestimate anyone.

"Priestess." Kira greeted her briefly, her tone polite yet detached. Her eyes flicked back to Gadez, who seemed to be in no rush to clothe himself, intentionally taking his time as if to draw all attention onto himself.

“I need some warmth as well.” she said as she began to walk across the temple. Her boots echoed lightly against the wooden floor as she passed the eternal flame—a symbol she had grown to despise. Aelios’ guiding light and warm embrace seemed to have forgotten her long ago.

“Not all of us had a partner to keep us warm.” she said dryly as she neared the back door, half-joking. Without waiting for a response, she opened the door and stepped outside into the cold once more, making her way to the hot springs.

The warmth beckoned as she descended the stone steps to the larger, lower-level public bath. She longed to shake off the lingering chill and, for a moment, escape the isolation that had pressed down on her throughout the storm. As she reached the edge of the spring, Kira quietly shed her cloak and clothing, folding and placing them neatly on top of a nearby boulder. The cool air sent a shiver down her spine, contrasting sharply with the warmth that rose up from the spring. Her skin, pale against full moons light overhead, bore the marks of her past—small scars scattered across her chest, torso, stomach and hips, some barely noticeable while others stood out more prominently, each one telling a silent story of her struggles and survival.

Stepping into the hot spring, the heat wrapped around her, instantly soothing her tense muscles as she sank deeper into the water. Yet, even as it eased her body, the weight of solitude remained. Somehow, she found herself isolated again, by her own doing, as if she had forgotten how to be around people altogether.

Interactions: Gadez @Dezuel, Tia @c3p-0h
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Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

It had worked, his subtle movements had caught the gaze of the perceptive Kira. He wasn't certain if she would recognize the symbol that he bore, and even if she did, would she had been able to figure out just what it meant? The woman came across to him as collected, perceptive and reserved. There was something about he which made him regard her as a dangerous adversary, or a potent ally. Depending on which side one would happen to stand upon.

Gadez closed his eyes and smiled on hearing Kira's words, they did amuse him alot. He wouldn't ofcourse deny or confirm, that would take away all intrigue.

"You do look like you could use abit of...heating up. Your eyes look abit tense too, perhaps they aren't the only things that are tense. Afraid I will not be joining you for a talk nor offer any warm cuddles in the hotspring... as I am all out of cuddles…" He chuckled. "Ahh, not quite. But... I do have some matters I must attend to. Tia, would you be so kind as to join the blaze-eyed beauty? Company is always good. Like yours." Kira did strike him as a curious type, but a very reserved one at that. Very different from those he had known, which often asked when they wished to know something. It made him remember one of the old monks at the monestary… so long ago.

Gadez threw a glance over his shoulder as he opened the door out of the temple, throwing one last glance over his shoulder towards Tia. His mouth moving as he made out some words, not spoken but they were clearly words. Then he smiled, tilting his head to the side and closing his eyes. Before striding out of the temple, the door closing behind him. The blizzard was over and the sound of people in the distance reached him, they were out resuming their daily lives, the scent of food traversing through the air. Yet Gadez mind was elsewhere. In another place. Another time...

The memory faded and Gadez found himself approaching the local carpenter, buying some planks of wood from him along with a small hammer and some nails. That would come to great use with his newly 'borrowed' tree-cutting knife that he had aqquired from the temple. Well it was surely not a ritualistic or ceremonial dagger. Was it? Well, it had a new purpose now. As he went to another which was selling some crude looking pieces of linen, Gadez bought those and asked the woman to help him sew them together slightly. There was some noise in the distance what sounded like a confrontation as some loud would-be-noble tried to wade across the gathering of people on some beast of burden.

"Guh." He said aloud as he carried his newly aqquired things towards the inn, hoping to run into Mistress Leela. And sure enough further ahead he spotted her. And he spotted more than he had bargained for. She had changed her form? Evolved? That was a first for a blightborn.

"Well, I knew you were expanding the inn, I didn't know you were expanding yourself too, Leela. I suppose you have snaked off your boots? By the way. Fine coat. I know snakes coat their fangs in venom, but this might be abit too much." He smugly said as he inspected Sya's new rear. "Just don't ask to sit on my shoulders, that would be even too much for one such as I. Just how far does that thing go?" He chuckled and then let his eyes wander over Katherine, then to Elara, then to Dyna and Ranni. Before finally landing on Daphne and Ayel which were furthest away.

The blonde gave a butlerlike bow to Katherine and Elara, then gave a glance to Dyna, Ranni, Daphne and the nobleman which had his back already turned. His blonde hair fell over his eyes as he smiled. "Gadez Paladice, gardener at your service. Do not mind the wood. It's for a fine display. Speaking of which, Leela. May I set something up within your inn? Ever seen a puppet theatre? I think the young ones would appreciate that in this harsh place. A little storytelling to temporary put aside the hammering… yelling.. and the people making their insides go outsides… because.. that's what alcohol does to people." He said in a grumpy tone as his eyes wandered to someone in the distance.
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nathaniel Stormlight

Town Square.

Nathaniel took a couple of steps around the town square. The cold air nipped on his cheeks and nose. A short warm breath left his mouth as he exhaled. ” I’m going to have to get used to this cold air. If I'm going to live here.” There were a couple of citizens who were braving the streets, while he could see people looking out their windows, wondering if going out in the snow was worth it. His footsteps crunched on the snow as he took his steps forward. His clothing was warm, but he wouldn't survive for a long time outside without help. Thankfully he was adept at using magic. He opened up the satchel he was carrying. Inside were some of his things. A few pieces of blank parchments. Charcoal pencils. Lastly, his sister's journal.

Nathaniel cast his mind back to the last time he spoke to his sister, the last time he saw her. Not wanting to get trapped in that memory. He shook his head. The snow that was caught in his hair shook loose. Closing his satchel. He thought about what kind of person Eris was. He knew of her, more on her reputation as a skilled person in terms of academics and magic. In his head, he would often guess, her form was graceful, well kept. Her attitude towards magic is sophisticated. Regardless, he'll get his answers as he'll meet her tomorrow.

The sound of heavy footsteps, mixed with the heavy clunky noises made Nathaniel turn in the direction of the source of where the noise was being made. It was a guard. A different one from the one that escorted him on his carriage ride here. For one, this guard was ten years younger than the previous one. The guard stopped in front of Nathaniel. “You one of those new people that was sent by the Prince?” The guard asked him. Nathaniel nodded. ”Yes. I'm one of the Sages, sent here to help assist the Lead Sage.” Nathaniel responded. “Oh, What's your name?” He asked again. ” Nathaniel Stormlight.” The guard seemed satisfied with this answer. The guard was about to walk off. Instead, he paused once more. “There is a feast that is being held at the local tavern. Might help you get the opportunity to meet some interesting people.” Before Nathaniel even got the chance to say where the tavern was located. The guard pointed down one of the streets.

Some time passed. Following the guard's direction, his pace quickened as the cold was starting to get to him. His hands were starting to go cold. Rubbing his hands together, the heat started to build enough so he could feel them once more. An aroma slowly began to pick up and get stronger with each step. It was booze. The more steps forward, the stronger the smell was more potent. It wasn't long before he came across a sign, caught in the glimpse of the candle lights that were inside the tavern. ” Eye of the Beholder…” Nathaniel mumbled, before turning towards the entrance. The noise from inside was merry. Not even inside he felt the heat that was emanating from inside. He figured that this feast would be a great way for him to meet new people and build relationships. Then after the feast, he'll report to the Lead Sage to begin assisting her. With a hand on the door, he opened it and then stepped across the threshold.
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Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions/Mentions: @c3p-0h Tia, @The Muse Kira

As the blizzard finally began to ease, Orion pushed open the creaky door of his quarters, a cold gust biting at his face as he stepped out into the quiet. The storm's once-violent winds had left the town blanketed in a thick layer of snow, now shimmering under the pale, unblinking moonlight. His sharp eyes swept over the landscape, noting how the stillness felt foreign, almost unsettling, after days of relentless chaos. The wind, which had howled with fury, now spoke in hushed tones through the snow-laden rooftops, carrying a strange, fragile peace in its wake. For the first time in days, Orion allowed himself to breathe deeply, feeling the tension in his chest begin to loosen ever so slightly.

The blightborn joined the guards in their effort to clear the snow-clogged streets, the crunch of his boots piercing the fragile, untouched blanket beneath him. Each step left deep imprints, as if the earth had softened under the weight of the storm. The rhythmic scrape of shovels against cobblestone filled the silence, a methodical soundtrack to the early morning stillness. The main road had transformed into a frozen river, icy ridges and snow drifts towering along the edges, making the scale of the task feel daunting. Yet, as he worked, Orion found unexpected solace in the physical labor—the repetitive swing of the shovel grounding him in a way that his mind hadn’t been for days.

It was terrible timing. The storm, the royal announcement, all of it had collided at once, leaving little room to process everything that had been revealed. Hence, the Eye of the Beholder’s announcement of a communal meal had tempted him—a chance to blend in, reconnect with the people, to hear their whispers and concerns firsthand. Yet, the call of the hot springs was stronger. The blizzard had sapped every ounce of energy from his body, and the thought of sinking into the warm, mineral-rich waters felt like an opportunity to shed the deep weariness that clung to his bones, even after regular feeding. At least in the springs, he wouldn't have to endure the stares—those curious, probing gazes that came with being who he was. He had grown used to them over time, but today, he wasn’t in the mood to be observed.

While the townsfolk gathered for the meal, voices and laughter rising into the morning, Orion quietly slipped away, his breath curling in the crisp air as he made his way toward the springs. The narrow streets were still dusted with snow, though they had already begun to be cleared by those not attending the gathering. His footsteps were muffled, swallowed by the cold silence of the night. When he finally reached the temple, he entered quietly, the heavy wooden door closing behind him with a soft thud. The glow of the eternal flame caught his eye first, its light flickering in the corner, casting long shadows on the stone walls, and then his gaze shifted to the backdoor that led to the public bath area.

As Orion descended the stone steps toward the public bath, his eyes caught sight of Tia ahead, her slender figure nearly swallowed by the heavy robes she wore. Her movements were brisk, each sweep of her hands clearing the accumulating snow with a grace that seemed almost unconscious. Her breath, small clouds in the icy air, rose and disappeared like vanishing whispers. There was something about the way she worked, the quiet focus, that reminded him of their first meeting—how her determination to help in her own way had always been a constant, even in the harshest conditions provided by Willis’ antics at the time. For a moment, Orion simply watched, a sense of appreciation blooming in his chest for her quiet resilience before he broke the silence.

“Good morning, priestess,” Orion called out, his voice a low rumble that pushed through the cold, forming visible puffs as it met the chill. There was warmth in his tone, an effort to counter the biting cold that surrounded them. “How have you been faring?” While he waited for her response, his eyes instinctively flicked past her, scanning the surroundings with habitual caution.

Behind Tia, Orion’s gaze briefly settled on a figure half-submerged in the swirling steam of the bath. His eyes narrowed, sharpening as he recognized the distinctive orange-red hair of the blightborn woman, her fiery locks standing out like embers against the soft, misty haze. She was a familiar presence in these parts, though one often seen more than spoken to, her quiet demeanour matching his own. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, and he offered her a curt nod—a silent acknowledgement, a shared understanding that didn’t require words. Just like before.

Satisfied with the brief exchange for now, Orion’s focus shifted back to Tia, his attention now fully returning to their conversation.

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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Queen Arya
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Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Ayel Raunefelt (@Dezuel) || Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus)

Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

If looks could kill, then the Pompous Peacock would've been immolated near instantly in that Plaza. As his biting words lashed out towards Dyna, and struck at her sister's changed form, Dyna felt a cold rage grip her heart. As she took in how her sister visibly shirked from the harsh comment, and a wave of fear slammed into Dyna, that rage began to grow hotter. Even as Ranni's telepathic pulse of fear, spawned from Ayel's harsh insult and what it meant for how others saw her, tore across the Town. Touching the minds of each living being... albeit with differing grades of effect. In Dyna, that pulse of fear barely registered aside from knowing her sister was scared of that man. That pulse only serving as fuel for her rage, which burned as brilliant as Aelios' Eternal Flame within her eyes as she glared down the noble. A single step was taken towards the noble, fist clenched with a grim determination to introduce the noble's face to the ground. Yet, her advance would be near instantly stopped as two hands caught her free wrist and Ranni's voice cut through the internal noise. Strangely, her voice sounded is if it were being heard twice, but Dyna chalked that up to being hung over.

"J-Just let him go, sister. P-please." She whispered, seemingly able to deflate the blooming blaze within her sister's heart in a mere second. The armored blonde having stopped her advance on Ayel, instead settling for glaring the bastard down as he rode his horse away from the gathering. As he left, Dyna's attention was once more on the averted gaze of her sibling, seemingly trying to decipher just what Ranni was thinking... I know I'm a monster... The girl thought, and gave her twin a confused look a second later when Dyna lifted Ranni's chin to look up at her.

"You are not a monster, Ranni."

Yet Ranni wasn't even given a second to protest, nor to demand how her sister had seemed to know her thoughts, before Dyna was already attempting to distract Ranni's thoughts. "Now, Ranni, come on. Let us go see if the proprietress here has a room we can borrow for you. I've got a spare change of clothes that should fit ya, and I can already hear the Priests' lectures if we let you stay in such dirtied clothes." She said, the ghost of a smile on her lips as she attempted to brighten Ranni's mood, even if just a little bit. Without waiting for her sister's response, Dyna had already spun on a heel and started guiding Ranni back towards the crowd gathering outside the tavern. Specifically, towards the very Blightborn who'd been the focal point of the noble's ire mere minutes beforehand. As the two approached, Dyna gave a wary look towards the blonde man who'd just recently arrived. Worried that he could be another to launch an attack on her already fragile sister.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with: Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Katherine Sorrowind (@SpicyMeatball)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - Town Center
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Ranni, for her part, had retreated into her own mind after Dyna's suggestion for a change of clothes. Her violet gaze remained locked upon Dyna as she followed her sister. Wondering just how she'd managed to intuit her thoughts mere moments ago. So lost was she in her thoughts, that Ranni didn't notice the newly-grown appendage behind her moving with an anxious energy. Whipping side-to-side as a constant hazard to any she might pass. More thoughts raced through Ranni's mind, dragging her further down into that place of worry and self-reflection. Now that she'd managed to survive the trek back, the Priestess finally allowed herself to think about her situation. Specifically, on whether or not she could continue serving as a Priestess. Would Aelios allow such a creature as herself such an important role? Would... humans... be willing to listen to a Blightborn on religious topics? Was she now anathema to her very beliefs, being a creature born of something so opposed to Aelios' light. Worse than those worries; what would her mentor think of her now? Ranni remembered the stories of what'd happened to her, the rumors of what had caused such wounds.

A blightborn, like she was now.

Almost as if on cue, Ranni's attention was suddenly torn from her thoughts and the immediate surroundings. The girl stopped walking in the midst of the crowd, turning to the precise direction of the Hotsprings, as something so familiar suddenly danced across her mind. A... presence, almost. Something that felt familiar, and brought forward sudden memories of her lessons in the Capital. Of laughs shared with her mentor, and deep conversations about faith. The way the woman seemed to turn a blind eye whenever Ranni snuck off to visit the parentless children in the care of the Clergy. The feeling, while not as strong as the one that had drawn her to this town, felt familiar and comforting. Yet, at the same time, confusing and terrifying to the young Priestess. Why was she reminded so suddenly of her mentor? Why was she so certain she could feel their presence in the Town?

"Tia?" She asked softly, calling out to her mentor as if asking the woman if the feeling she had was correct.

Then, very abruptly, Ranni's attention was yanked back from deep inside her mind as she'd gone to follow her sister again... only to yelp in surprise and pain as she stepped on her own tail. Her cheeks flushed deeply with color, embarrassed by her sudden outburst. She looked over towards Dyna's worried expression, then towards the strange... snakelike blightborn they'd just been approaching and the blonde woman speaking to her. "A-ah! S-s-sorry! I-I'm not... used to this thing." Ranni frantically explained with rapid gestures towards the still-cramping tail she'd just managed to step on. As she squeaked out her apology, the young Priestess moved to hide herself slightly behind Dyna, peaking out at all those gathered for the feast with hints of fear in her eyes.

Fearful of her new circumstances in this world...
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

* * *

Interacting with: Syraeia @PrinceAlexus, Gadez @Dezuel, and the Soleil Sisters @Queen Arya

”Thank you kindly” she nodded her head to Sya with a warm smile “I will pass on the shine and I believe I should be able to find accommodations at the Seluna temple, but I will happily enjoy a few of your tasty treats.”

Her mind wandered back to the crowd around them. She no longer kept focus on individual conversations among the dull hum of chatter, instead choosing to calm the strings of anxiety playing at her chest. It was a side-effect of her upbringing. Socialization had been secondary to her training, and now she was faced with a sea of unfamiliar people. The rational side of her brain told her that no one here would hurt her.

Katherine’s training told her otherwise, and she became all too aware of the daggers sheathed just below her ribs.

The sound of a deeper voice pierced through her thoughts and came closer with every step. Katherine turned her head towards it’s source and for a moment, her breath caught. Well aren’t you just delicious. Her own soft, brown eyes meeting with the piercing blues of the blonde man approaching them. The corner of her mouth briefly lifted before she bit her tongue.

She remained silent while he bowed before her and the few new faces that had slowly began to join them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Gadez Paladice, gardener” she couldn’t help but smirk as he continued to speak. Her eyes wandered down him for a moment. I won’t mind the wood at all. Katherine extended her gloved hand towards the man “Katherine Sorrowind, Priestess of Seluna. Here to serve the people of Dawnhaven.” She sent him a warm smile.

It was not to last however, as her internal musing was interrupted by yet another blight-born with a tail. Katherine raised a brow as Ranni yelped, tilting her head slightly at the small scene developing before her. Kat’s eyes glanced between the two new ladies standing before them and took in their features one by one. “It seems there’s never a dull moment in this tavern.” she laughed gently, her warm smile ever-present on her face. She could feel the magic of her goddesses opponent practically radiating off of them both, but she suppressed her inner teachings however uncomfortable it was to be in the presence of Aelios’ energy.

We’re here despite our differences, to work together. She repeated in her head.

Trying—insert failing—her best not to show her nerves, Katherine clasped her hands behind her back and squeezed them tightly. She’d never been in the presence of one of Aelios’ chosen let alone two at the same time. Kat would do her best to be friendly and diplomatic, but was ready if they didn’t chose to do the same.

With a shaky breath, she looked between the sisters before settling her gaze on Dyna. “I hope Aelios is treating you well despite the ever-present darkness?”

* * *
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya sighed as the lord went on another rant outside her Inn, he really seemed to get upset so easily? By just the act of existence Sya seemed to cause him great and deep anger. She was by far the legal owner and was pretty sure Prince beat his title by a long shot, her deed was signed and authorised by the Prince to own and run the dawn haven Inn. In exchange for providing her services to aid the town and to help establish his new town.

Simple, She had a signed agreement and she would not let some minor noble with a grudge take it from her.

“I'd quite like to sssseee him beat up by a woman” Sya said with a sad tone, it would have been catathergic.

A voice came over sounding almost With glee, she didn't need her eye to recognize Gadez and his brand of humour, wit and annoying yet engaging mind games. He confused her but you could not slap him for all the want to as it felt like beating a puppy at same time…

“Godeess knows, i'm just trying to live, make Sssshine. I black out and this is me…” Sya said surprisingly honestly and decided he would ferret the answer out of her one way or another, so might as well save the headache. “You trying to check me out, my … thigh I guess. Oh how scandalous of me to bare scales myself..” Sya could not help but laugh and reply with inundo, her leg, bum… umm.. she guessed leg as she covered the parts that mattered. Who knew anymore… maybe she could tease him back…now and if she met him at the baths.
“Perhaps that Kisssssing booth was your idea, but I'd have to know you better before I wrap you up in my tail and take you to my evil lair in the roof and trap you in my Coillssss. Helpless and at my pleasurable mercy.

You might even like it. i'm much more flexible now...”
Sya said mischievously and a light lit her rather large eye of playfulness, as she moved and let her full length of tail show, flexing the shiny blue limb with a slow rhythm for inundo and a little fun. She had to make good or she would cry and break down, there was no other way forward.

“Long enough to catch it on things.. and remain short.” Sya said far more lightly than she imagined she could have, maybe she was going insane.. or she was never sane to begin with? The blight had melded… or altered her to function despite the sheer shock and changes she underwent?

Her last comment was delivered with a slight tone of humour and also facts.

“Its a Inn.. of course I sell alcohol. If you do not cause too much trouble, we can work out an arrangement. Room rate remains the same if you need one. Unless you want to be my teady bear.” Sya decided to keep her life Interesting. Few people were willing to challenge her like this annoying man did, plus she loved teasing him for some reason. Who knew Sya was not sane and she ws fine with it.

The women including a soaked priestess, blightborn and her…twin came up too. That was an odd combination and noticed she seemed to be a little… awkward, she had dark memories about how she was newly turned and how the changes were forcing your entire body and mind to change. “Welcome to the Eye, Room 4 is free, if you're ssstaying I can put you in a bigger room, 5 or 7 if you need accommodations together, or roomsss next door. Tails take some getting used to, at least yours is smaller than mine.”

Sya tail copied her wave and gesture to the stairs and where to head upstairs. “My room isss on the third floor, it's hard but I'm available If you want to talk. I was alone and had to learn everything the hard way. Hopefully I can help you adapt faster than I did.” Sya directed quietly at the Two sisters particularly the new blightborn. “My names Ssssya Leela. Im not a Monster, just a little more Lamia right now." She tried to be kind and maybe set a better example of what a Blightborn was and could be better than a monster people claimed.

Then another customer, Sya was busy…and why are there so many religious types.. at once? Seriously, how many did Dawn Haven have nowadays? The one who seemed to be so different to her normal view of the moon Goddess faithful.

“Feel free, we have regular hot meals, wines, Beers and Sshine available.” Sya replied to the moon Priestess who seemed to have a sweet tooth? Hopefully she had plenty of gold. The accommodation was unexpected to be needed but she could always be an odd one or the Temple be unready for her, so it never hurt to try.

“Least the doors not destroyed by a rescue, and then a stand off.” Sya said and agreed with her comment, the Inn was never fully dull.

She looked back at the door, inside was rapidly becoming a lively and rather busy evening but spotted a taller brown haired man hanging further back out of the way. Maybe he was naturally more cautious than the others but that was normal, she could understand such things. She had to exercise for too long. He looked dressed as a … Auralian she guessed and his expression said it all when he headed into the warmth of the large fire merrily burning at the inn's centre.

“Welcome, welcome, Things are a little lively this morning due to the feast, but we are the best Inn in town. Rooms, meals, drinks, bakery and shine of Sssselene.” Sya waved and slithered her way out to be seen past the people, best, and only Inn in the town but who was to be picky like that.

“Food isss free, The Prince commissioned a feast for all, If you need a room or a drink, I'm the keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya made a dramatic wave at her Inn and coiled her tail so it would not be a trip jazzed, something she was going to have to remember as almost 15 feet of tail moved about her. “These are some of our … notable priests, royal staffers and more intriguing local characters.” Sya aimed the last at a certain Gardener for his brand of annoying intrigue was oddly compelling however much he gave the Lamia headaches.


Daphne felt an odd feeling when she shook her head, her head felt fuzzy and she had not had a drink. The feeling was stronger as the woman with the tail came in and not all liked the effect or seemingly lack of they felt around Sya.. or she might be more cunning about it. Daphne did not discount her survival as nothing but having a ruthless and cunning streak under that seeming calm nature. “Anyone feels a little light headed… anyone got a drink, strong damn one.” Daphne asked as she leant her weight against a column as the wave she felt passed,

“wait. A Lunaris Priest? Right? You mind if I call my Lord and lady over, they have a matter they need your aid with. Good matters, they would like a Temple Marriage.” Daphne said as she closed her eyes to let the sensation pass, the amazonian woman shuddered a second before she broke the spell on her. Note to self, do not ever underestimate even the most non threatening about this damn town.


“Oi old man” Coswain called over to his friend and laughed as he got a punch on the shoulder for it that stung from the stocky one eyed Lunarian. “Word from above, get a stockade up, if that guy acts up, we can detain… just try to avoid breaking any bones.” He said with a grin and an idea hit.

“Next to pigs down from the latrine block…make it…nice… oh.. chains . A table … water supply… cloth.. Rope... a few whips and maybe a nice set round stone balls...” Persephone said with a grin that would scare most men but they had known her too long.

“Remind me not to piss you off… One special stockade, il even add a pillory and a nice hard wood st andrews cross.” Hector said with a dark laugh, he knew she baked cookies but … Don't cross her, she was a Throne Agent. Prepared for everything from Drunken antics to treason!

“Just make it extra special just in case we get a special guest.” Adonis said with a shake of his head. For show he hoped...no one would be such that they needed to break out the... stone balls... would certainly make some good theatre to keep the theft rate down though. Scare the hell out of them before they get any ideas.

"Seph...you do know we hope not to use that right... just scare them into compliance. He added to confirm.

"Of course Honey, besides... some of the people here might even enjoy it..." Persephone said without stuttering as they men decided to end the topic. Adonis Coswain Loved her but damn did she scare him sometimes, even when he spent 20 years next to her.

@SpicyMeatball@Queen Arya@Qia@Dezuel@The Muse@Echotech71

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Hidden 15 days ago 10 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Royal Cabin

Snow was a familiar blanket that coated the land – full and white, glittering where the candlelight danced across it through the window of Amaya’s room.

The storm had passed.

Amaya had spent the majority of it locked away in her room. She needed – she needed to scream, but that wasn’t an option. She needed to rage. To mourn. But that felt frustratingly pointless. She wasn’t a child, and she was sick of feeling helpless and ineffectual. She’d spent the last two months feeling like she had been swallowed up by a furious riptide, only to finally be drowned by the death of her mother.

No more. The fury was hers now, icy and sharp, and she refused to let the tide command her. And so, her week of solitude had been spent systematically taking stock of her situation.

The first, most immediate concern: her magic. She had come unacceptably close to losing control of it in public – she had lost control in front of Flynn. Shame stung at the memory. She’d been arrogant to believe that she could keep it all contained as she had before. Her growing magic simply didn’t fit within her body anymore. It needed constant release, else it leaked out of her without her knowledge or consent, or worse, built into a growing storm fighting for escape. Amaya often woke to find long, glistening icicles hanging from the ceiling of her room, a chill clinging to her body so sharply that she couldn’t bring herself to crawl out from her bedding as she shivered. She spent hours at a time sitting cross-legged on her bed, a shallow bowl of water in front of her, going over basic exercises she’d first learned and mastered as a child. But now, what should’ve been a ripple across the water’s surface became a sloshing wave that spilled and froze in her sheets. A single ice crystal she tried to form became snow that fell in her room, her own contained blizzard. Amaya’s frustration with her magic only grew as the week went on. She couldn’t reliably cast if she created an avalanche when she wanted a snowflake, and if she didn’t cast at all, the avalanche would come regardless.

The second concern: her mother’s death. Hate and rage threatened to consume her when she thought of old King Jericho – the man who’d only ever treated her with disdain, who was likely pleased, if not outright culpable for the death of her mother. Amaya didn’t care how it happened, but her father needed to pay. Whatever plans he’d laid in motion, whatever legacy he thought he’d leave, whatever shred of satisfaction he had in this life, Amaya intended to tear it all down. She needed to learn the truth of her mother’s death, who this new woman was that he’d married and named Queen (whether she was just another pawn manipulated and forced into place, or another person Amaya needed to shatter), and what else he had planned – because he always had something planned.

There were a number of obstacles standing between her and her father, though. For one, she was miles away in Dawnhaven, and her father’s court had already written her off as dead the moment the prophecy was announced. She was a charming little doll to the other nobles, and while the way they underestimated her was useful when she was in the palace, sweet talking information out of them and subtly influencing their opinions, Amaya knew that the game had changed drastically. She was across the continent, they were all too easily cowed by King Jericho to risk his ire by entertaining her, and any affection they had for her was likely severed with the death of Queen Anjali. Not to mention, the ticking clock that the prophecy had placed on her life. Even if she were back in the capital, the best outcome that everyone agreed upon involved her imminent death. She likely didn’t have time to avenge her mother and dismantle her father piece by piece.

Which led Amaya to her third concern: the blight. There were so many levels of horror to it that Amaya didn’t know how to wrap her head around. The wreckage of death and destruction it did to the land – to her people. The way it twisted the living into something new and incomprehensible. The way that it roared towards an inevitable end, either consuming the entire continent or defeated at last – either way, it ended with Amaya dead.

She didn’t know how her father had managed to keep the reality of it from her – from the entire capital. Worst yet, she had no idea what to do about any of it. Because she had to do something, didn’t she? Wasn’t it her responsibility? She was the Crown Princess of Lunaris, until this all finally managed to kill her. Was she selfless enough to let it kill her? Brave enough?

When she stopped and allowed herself to truly contemplate the reality of it all, she thought maybe she understood the frantic desperation that seeped out of Flynn like ice, out of her.

She thought of his hand, warm as it melted her frozen magic.

She thought of his patient eyes, as deep as the sea.

And then she remembered his voice when he told her about his plan for the town assembly – how he’d decided without her that her time for private grief was over and that she was to piece herself back together and put herself on display to announce the death of her mother to the town.

Amaya didn’t know why it hurt so much. It had been upsetting, certainly. Insulting. Enraging.

Why had it been disappointing?

She didn’t let herself dwell on it. She was done dwelling, and it was time for action. Her problems were many, and her options very few. But she was used to men in charge limiting her power. She’d simply have to start reclaiming it. She would need to start gathering information on available resources – namely, people. She needed to know who was in Dawnhaven, and what made them tick. She’d managed to survive in the palace because she understood the people buzzing through it like pompous bees. Amaya looked back on the past two months with embarrassment at her own behavior – moping and hiding away like a petulant girl when there was work to be done.

She had been informed – not consulted, or included, but informed, just as she had been with every other decision her husband made regarding Dawnhaven – that there was to be a feast today. The lack of agency she was expected to hold was unsurprising. Familiar, even. It still stung.

When Amaya emerged from her room, perfectly put together with her head held high, she was only slightly surprised to find Flynn still in the cabin. He looked every bit the Prince of Aurelia, dashing and golden. His presence had become familiar over the past week, confined as they were. She’d barely spoken to him, but she’d been… cordial, at least. Distant, certainly. But for whatever reason, Amaya could no longer find that sustained anger that she’d drawn on whenever she needed to steel herself to interact with him before. Perhaps she simply didn’t have enough in her to hate both Flynn and her father at once.

She descended the stairs, pointedly ignoring the crack in the banister. Her magic hummed under her skin. Amaya hesitated for a moment, before steeling herself and opening her mouth.

“If there is time before the festivities,” she said in a clear, light voice, “Elara will have matters to discuss with me.” Elara would have nothing to discuss with her — nothing regarding any royal or official matters, at least. But Amaya was not looking forward to the feast. Something about being surrounded by strangers, the energy, the noise, made her uncomfortable in a way she didn’t want to examine. All she wanted to do was to finally see her handmaiden, to catch her breath and be herself for a moment before parading in front of Dawnhaven like some sparkling jewel. She finally cast her blue eyes towards Flynn. “I shouldn’t be long.” The festival was likely going to overwhelm her, but if she could just have a moment with her friend… remember what it was to be free of her mask and come up for a breath of air…

Perhaps then she could bear to swim with this raging current that threatened to pull her under again.

Interactions: Flynn @The Muse
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Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside Eye of the Beholder
Through knee-deep snow, Eris clutched her notes as if they were a lifeline, trying her best to move swiftly. Her legs grew heavy, each step an effort as her days of sleeplessness became more apparent. She grit her teeth, silently cursing the snow under her breath. There was no joy in it anymore, only frustration. A week of snow—three feet of snow—was far too much for this Aurelian woman. She was barely taller than the snow she was trying to get through! How could Lunarian’s live like this?! She huffed with each strained step, lifting her boots clear of the snow only to have them sink right back in, the cold seeping into her bones. For a moment, she wondered if Ashe would be able to make shoes out of fire as well.

When she finally reached the point where the guards had cleared the snow from the path, she felt a moment of relief. She stumbled onto it, her boots sinking into the hard-packed snow beneath. She took only a few seconds to catch her breath before rushing off toward the tavern again, picking up speed much easier this time. The guards continued their work, barely looking up to greet her as she rushed past, and she didn't bother to acknowledge them either. She only had one mission—find the Prince.

Nearing the tavern, Eris scanned the growing crowd of people, her heart racing as she searched for the Prince. The smell of the food made her stomach growl, reminding her that she hadn't eaten much for the last week. As she searched the crowd, she wondered for a moment why she even brought her notes with her; she could have shown them to the Prince later. He would believe her without them, wouldn't he? But she shook the thought away, clutching the papers tighter.

Suddenly, she spotted a blonde-haired man in the distance. Her heart leapt. He was facing away, but the height and the build... it had to be him! Without hesitation, Eris broke into a full sprint.

“Prince! Prince Fly—Wah-AAHH!”

The snow beneath her feet was slippery, and before she realized it, her foot hit a patch of ice. Her arms flailed wildly in a desperate attempt to regain her balance, but she stumbled sideways, colliding with one of the three blonde-haired women [Katherine @SpicyMeatball] and stepping on some poor creature’s tail in the process. [Ranni @Queen Arya]

Eris squeaked as she bounced off the taller, more sturdy, blonde woman, losing her balance entirely. Stumbling backward, she fell butt-first into a snowdrift, her fire-woven coat instantly melting the snow underneath her. Water seeped into her dress, but worse—her notes went flying in all directions. Panicked, she scrambled onto her knees, desperately gathering the scattered pages before the snow or water could completely ruin them.

"I-I’m so sorry!" she gasped, utterly frazzled, as she snatched up each precious page. Her hands trembled from both embarrassment and anxiety, desperate to salvage her work. In the back of her mind, she could almost hear her brother laughing and see the way he’d cross his arms and shake his head. Classic Eris. Always messing things up. Except this time, the fate of the world could very well rest in her clumsy hands.

When she finally looked up, her heart sank as she locked eyes with the blonde man she had mistaken for the Prince. He wasn't the Prince at all! The man’s blue eyes stared down at her, different from the Prince’s familiar green. Her face turned a deep shade of red, embarrassment flooding her senses.

"Oh, I... I thought...I.." Eris stammered, words failing her. “I’m so sorry.” She repeated, her cheeks flush as she scrambled to her feet, clutching the slightly damp notes to her chest and scanning the group of strangers.

As she tried to formulate words to fully explain herself, her eyes met a familiar figure—Sya, the cyclops woman who ran the tavern. Relief momentarily surged through her. Sya had always been kind to Eris, despite being a blight-born, and Eris had grown to be rather fond of her over the last two months.

“Sya! Have you se—” Eris froze, her breath catching in her throat as her gaze drifted down. Instead of legs, Sya had…. a snake's tail?! A cold shiver ran across Eris’ entire body as she took in the sight. Glimmering, blue scaled, and far too large for comfort. She let out a small squeak in shock, taking an instinctive step back. Was she having a nightmare?

Eris’ phobia of snakes hit her like a brick wall, her skin crawling at the sight of Sya’s new reptilian form. Snakes. She hated snakes. Why, of all things, did it have to be snakes?

“I—uh...” she began to back away slowly, aiming herself for the door to the tavern. “I-I’m sorry, I think I… I must be going.” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, eyes glued to the snake tail. She let out a nervous laugh, backing away from the group with trembling hands.

As she continued stepping backward, her backside suddenly came in contact with something solid. She flinched, spinning around quickly. Expecting to see the tavern door, her eyes widened in shock—it wasn’t the door. She had bumped into a brown-haired man, who had been just about to enter the tavern, but now she had startled him. [Nathaniel @Echotech71] Her face burned brighter than ever, feeling utterly mortified over the last five minutes.

"Oh! I—I'm so sorry!" Eris said again, her words coming out in a rush. Desperately, she hoped he would just go inside so she could follow him in, away from the awkward stares of the crowd and the unsettling presence of Sya’s tail. And, most importantly, hopefully the Prince was inside too.

Interactions: Gadez @Dezuel, Katherine @SpicyMeatball, Ranni @Queen Arya, Sya @PrinceAlexus, Nathaniel @Echotech71
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Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

Gadez eyes became slits as he smiled to Sya, he was highly amused by her selection of words. It made him remember the members of the old circus troupe, just with alot more tail-telling and wordplay. He had to give it to the snake woman, she had a good tongue and she knew how to put it to good use. She had quickly become more open and less guarded aswell compared to their first meeting, all in all that was good. The blonde warrior-monk was still however prone to act on his intuition and whenever a moment would present itself he would lunge at it. Gadez placed down the supplies he had purchased from the merchants, hoping none would steal the planks, the nails and linen. Then he stepped closer to Sya, reaching out with his hand to try place it at the middle of her chest.

"As long as you remain the same within, It doesn't matter what form you take, you are still Leela. Your actions determine who you are, not your… " He softly chuckled in a teasing manner before saying softly. "Extra weights."

He withdrew his hand to himself, grabbing unto his own waist as he leaned in closer to Sya, taking on a jesting tone.

"You certainly have a leg up on me, perhaps you may want to scale down at some point?" He tilted his head and smiled, his eyes momentarily closed. He was enjoying this too much. More than he would let on.

"Scandalous indeed, but it's not on a kissing booth level. Ofcourse I wasn't the one which… erected it. That time. I have a more firm stand on those kind of things." He snickered and then changed his voice to a softer tone.

"Your evil lair is at the very top? I thought yours were further down. It does make a lot of sense to have a high ceiling in your personal cozy spot though, so I can see why it is where it is. Oh and trapping me in your coils? What if the harmless hart has left traps of his own? Worse yet.. what if he's a snake-eating mongoose?" He smiled more broadly as he took his right glove off, reaching out to try lift up Sya's chin abit, his gaze intense and his smile soft, he blew some warm air out his mouth towards the side of Sya's neck.

"Flexing for the one whose vexing? Curious. I think you'll have to show that off sometime. Must be one of those acrobat anacondas in a more petite package. Not that there's anything wrong with that ofcourse. I think you can squeeze in quite the performance. Rattle the opposition perhaps?" He softly asked, his eyes wandering over Sya, taking in her new form further. He couldn't help but feel that she might hold some answers to how the blight worked. She had been the first to show signs of a second stage. Was it something that had been in her ever since she was turned, or had something triggered it. Or someone.

No doubt he would find out more later. The more Sya spoke the more he came to feel fond of her. The world had dealt her an odd hand, yet much like Tia... she was moving forwards. Admirable. She did deserve respect for whom she were, he only hoped she would remain true to it and not become like the feral ones.

His face having gotten momentarily serious, he quickly assumed his more jesting facial expression. "So a vexing gardener is treated differently and offered a special deal at your establishment? How underhanded, mistress Leela! But pray tell what do you do with your bears? Take them fishing?" He leaned in to hear her answer, before chuckling softly and giving her abit more space. His attention now on Katherine which had introduced herself.

The blonde man walked up very close to Katherine, his hair flowing almost in a bouncy manner as he got up face to face, his non-gloved hand reaching to softly take hers, lifting it up slightly before placing his other hand on top of it, sandwiching it between them.

"Pleasure is all mine, Katty of the mourning gale. Another priestess? It's almost as if the goddesses want to send me, whose their greatest foe, a challenge or two. But we are both here for the same thing, to serve this place and have it prevail. What manner of services do you provide? I am a gardener myself as stated earlier, I plant seeds and make sure things grow and get proper amount of moisture. With abit of time, a thick tree may stand as a result, some may even bear fruits which can be turned into something drinkable. An important thing for any place which needs abit of nourishment. And to avoid having to drink alcohol to qwell ones worries or dreams." He said softly, his lips slowly forming each word carefully, his eyes setting directly into Katherine's, then down to inspect her attire and form. "Never a dull moment when there's people with wit as sharp as knives afoot. As for Aelios treating one well? I have warmed up to the idea…" Gadez said in a chuckling manner, his smile soft as he slowly traced his middle finger of his ungloved hand against Katherine's palm, he made a few caressing strokes before he withdrew his hands. Letting his un-gloved thumb slide over her fingertips before parting fully.

Another priestess. This one seemed to be quite different to Tia, in that she sought eye-contact with him, instead of looking away. Abit more bold perhaps? He would have to speak with each and everyone of them, he had yet to meet someone disappointing.

"I hope your stay shall be long and fruitful, Katherine." His eyes assumed a more relaxed look as his eyes landed on Ranni. "You've ought to go into the inn to change- Hm?" His sentence was cut off as a voice was heard, the word was something he reacted to with haste. Prince?

A woman had come forth, like a whirlwind of chaos, slamming into Katherine and then seemingly stepping on the extended rear of the horned twin, before falling on her rear in the snow which melted and seemingly drenched her. A magical piece of attire? Was that what did that? Or some kind of jewelry? Was there a rare magical talent within Dawnhaven?

"Well.. that's one way to dampen an impact, with ample rear suspension." He said in a manner of fact way, as his gaze fell on Sya's tail end. He took a few steps over to relocate near it to also give Eris some space. But also to show his gratitude for Sya's earlier conversation. He swung his cloak a little bit, to envelop the end of her tail, then he reached out with his ungloved hand to snatch hold of it. Away from everyones gaze. The cloak acting as an effective barrier. It was all about sending a message. 'One... two... and got you!' The monk snatched the tail like a frog sniping a fly in the air with it's tongue.

He allowed his hand to slide along it's elongated shape, each finger tracing up and down along the scales, he found the texture to be curious. Not exactly similar to some snakes he had killed and eaten. But there was no room to get into a research-like mindset. This was abit of revenge. He smirked and squeezed his hand around Sya's tail, then moved his hand along it's shape more, up and down, then circling the tip of it with his fingers, almost as if teasingly tickling it.

His blue eyes looking over at Sya, there was a clear mischief in his gaze. This was payback for mentioning the kissing booth aswell. The story he had told her where he was innocent. The warrior-monk pulled the snake-woman's tail a slight bit more, then squeezed his hand... one… two… three times… then gave it a final jank, then he let Sya's tail roam free and he withdrew his cloak stealthily as if nothing had happened and began to undo the top part of it to offer the cloak to Eris.

"Ahh, your attire is quite… drenched, here take my cloak it will ward off the cold abit and offer you some concealment from prying eyes. A benefit of having cloaks." The blonde said softly, smiling to Eris then throwing a teasing glance to Sya, a smirk on his lips just for a moment before going back to Eris. "Did you mistake me for someone you knew? Miss? Well, either way… you should get inside and change to something abit more dry. Room four was free right? Leela may you bring some spare clothes for her and possibly this horned little missy, I mean… you have.. err.. outgrown yours anyhow." The warrior-monk tilted his head and smiled towards Sya. He didn't think his visit to Dawnhaven would bring him this much amusement.

@The Muse@PrinceAlexus@SpicyMeatball@Queen Arya@Qia
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Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by Echotech71
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Nathaniel Stormlight

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

As Nathaniel took a step into the warm sanctuary of food and drink, the aroma of sizzling meat and the sound of cheerful chatter enveloped him. He heard a voice echoing behind him, rising above the lively ambience inside. Glancing back, he caught sight of what appeared to be the tavern's owner, a woman with a striking giant singular eye. It struck him that the tavern's name might be inspired by the old Aurelian saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder."

Turning his attention back inside, he observed the wide selection of food, including succulent cuts of meat on the bone and an array of spiced meats to cater to both Aurelians and Lunarians. The tantalising aroma of roasted herbs and spices filled the air, adding to the inviting atmosphere. The assortment of drinks was equally diverse, encompassing honeyed mead, frothy beer, velvety wine, and even creamy milk, each promising a delightful experience for the senses. There was enough food here to feed a small army or make a handful of adventurers bloated.

As Nathaniel pondered over the drink selection, he suddenly felt a gentle bump from behind. Turning around, he saw a young lady with tousled chestnut hair and a vibrant crimson mask of embarrassment. He heard her speak, but it was difficult as her words just seemed to blurt out so suddenly. From her accent, she was indeed an Aurelian. Just like him. ” Are you ok?” he asked, noticing her slightly dishevelled appearance and the notes she clutched to her chest. Looking back at her face, there were signs of overuse of magic that seemed to leave her drained, not to mention she looked like she hadn’t had a good night's sleep for a while. Moreover, it seems that she was afraid and uncomfortable. Curiosity sparked within him as he wondered if she might be another Sage working for Miss Hightower. Looking over her shoulder, there was a series of eyes watching her. Could this be what could be making her uncomfortable?

He gently smiled at her as if to try to help them feel a bit more at ease, try to help her relax, so that's what he wanted to do. She was an Aurelian, after all ” You must be a researcher working for Miss Hightower.” he spoke, eager to strike up a conversation and learn more about her endeavours. ” I’m a researcher too.” as he stepped further inside the tavern. The heat immediately engulfed his person with a blanket of warmth. He offered her a little advice.” Just take a deep breath, you'll be ok.”


Eris:@The Muse. Saya:@PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Hot Springs

Though Tia had intended to go to the post office first thing, she instead found herself on the steps of the hot springs, snow shovel in hand. Snow had managed to pile several feet high in the week that they’d all been stuck indoors, and as the temple’s keeper, it fell to Tia to make sure that the path was safe for visitors. It made sense that people would seek out the warmth of the springs, coupled with the novelty of being outside. She just hadn’t expected it quite so soon.

She tried to keep her presence small and unobtrusive as she cleared the stairs – she didn’t want to disturb the woman sitting in the spring. Striking and intense, her fiery gaze had set Tia on edge. Truly impressive, given that she’d just spent a week growing used to Gadez’s special brand of intensity.

Tia’s face heated when she remembered their brief interaction. It had taken her a moment to understand the woman’s implication as she’d looked between Tia and Gadez. By the time the woman had moved past them towards the springs, Tia’s cheeks were aflame and her eyes were panicked and wide. Then Gadez left, the woman left, and Tia was alone with her mortification. The fire crackled lowly through the temple.

The letter she’d written to the Queen weighed heavy in her pocket. It was only a few pieces of paper, but it seemed to burn between the cloth of her robes. She had to send it – she had a responsibility. Not only that, but she had to go to the post office to see if the Arch Priest would finally give her permission to share her visions with the Prince. They had to mean something, didn’t they? But after a week of buzzing around the temple worrying about not accomplishing her tasks in a timely manner, Tia felt petrified now that she actually had the option to go out into the world and get the work done.

And so now she was procrastinating busying herself with an equally important task. The hot springs were very popular, afterall. Someone might be injured slipping on the steps if she didn’t clear them of ice and snow. Aelios would be most displeased if anything befell those who frequented her temple, worshipers or not.

…Right? Right.

Tia looked up at a voice carried softly on the breeze. She blinked in surprise at the figure approaching her. Then a small, shy smile spread across her face.

Orion Nightingale emerged from the snow and frost like stone carved out of the landscape itself. He was a study in contrasts - how his bright eyes and dark hair were stark against the paleness of his skin. How the warmth of his voice contradicted his cool demeanor. How carefully he moved, in spite of – or perhaps because of – his large frame.

Tia was just thankful at least he wasn’t seeing her while she was covered in blood, this time. Or unconscious. Or in need of saving.

Well, the day was still young, she supposed.

“Mr. Nightingale,” she greeted when he was close enough to hear her soft voice. She hesitated a moment. Then Tia held up a hand in a motion to wait and dug through her robe pockets to pull out a notebook and pencil. Flipping to an open page, she glanced up at him again before writing. Her fingers were slightly numb from the cold, but it wasn’t too bad yet. Her handwriting wavered only slightly as she moved the pencil along the paper.

Very well, thank you. The storm was a forced opportunity for rest. And yo

The book and pencil fell from her hands, burying themselves several inches deep in a snowbank. Her eyes unfocused. She may have stopped breathing.

A pair of arms thrown around her in a tight hug as a young priestess in training shouted ‘Yes, I accept!’ knocking both women to the ground. Tia’s hand guiding another as she coached her through the more intricate magic of healing a burn on her twin’s leg. A quiet evening over two cups of tea, as they shared bittersweet stories of their lives before coming to the capital, the small, humble churches they’d called home before being enveloped by the grand Sunfire Citadel.

Tia came back to herself. Stunned, she looked past Orion, towards the town. Something pulled.


She was suddenly out of breath.

It wasn’t like the visions she’d been receiving, or the prickling awareness she’d had of Willis that first day in Dawnhaven. There was no burning force pushing her onward, no weight threatening to drown her on a whim. But Tia didn’t know what else to compare it to. There was simply… knowledge. A certainty that pushed through her reality. Ranni Soleil, the young woman she’d been tasked with mentoring in the months before her injury, was here.

Tia blinked, trying to reorient herself, to remember where she was and what her body felt like. Her eyes were wet when she looked back up at Orion, her breath coming out in shallow puffs.

“Is there another –”

A series of coughs cut her off, her throat protesting the reckless speed and volume with which she spoke. Tia squeezed her eyes shut, bringing a sleeve up to her mouth. When her coughs quieted and she could manage to get in air, she carefully tried again.

“Priestess?” she breathed out. She swallowed again. “Here?”

Interaction: Gadez Paladice @Dezuel, Kira Rykker @The Muse, Orion Nightingale @Qia
Mention: Ranni Soleil @Queen Arya
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Hidden 11 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Gadez-@Dezuel, Sya-@PrinceAlexus

The awkward curtsey drew a soft chuckle from Elara, who appreciated the gesture, knowing how much effort it likely took for Sya to maintain grace with her new limb. As the snake woman gestured toward the spread of baked goods, the silver-haired woman could barely contain the warmth within her—there was something deeply comforting about being surrounded by the scent of fresh baking. It brought back fond memories of her mother’s kitchen, of stolen moments as a child sneaking warm cookies off the counter before they’d cooled. Though these treats were different, with their unusual shapes and unfamiliar ingredients, the sense of home was greatly felt.

Stepping closer, Elara let her curiosity guide her as she took in the vibrant array laid before her. She gently picked up one of the Eye of Beholder cookies, admiring its texture and the subtle gleam of sugar on top. She hesitated, but the scent was too inviting, and she took a slow, deliberate bite, savouring the mix of flavours that exploded on her tongue.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

As for the offered drink, Elara smiled softly, shaking her head. “Perhaps a little later?” she suggested, the thought of drinking not something she found herself drawn to often. The gesture was kind, but alcohol wasn’t usually her comfort. Books were. Still, she didn’t want to refuse Sya outright. “I’ll start with the cookies and work my way up,” she added with a light laugh, hoping to keep the mood warm without offending her host.

Seeing that Sya had moved to take care of someone else, Elara gladly turned away, fully intending to enjoy the rest of her snack and perhaps sample a few more of the inn’s offerings. But her desire was cut short when a man approached, his movements polite as he bowed in greeting. Elara blinked, her brow lifting in mild curiosity. She dipped her head in return, acknowledging the unfamiliar figure. His suggestion of a puppet theatre for the children seemed… surprisingly thoughtful, an idea that caught her off guard. It was the kind of simple kindness that softened her usual reserve, though she said nothing aloud, instead turning her attention back to the half-eaten cookie in her hand. She allowed herself to savour the last of her treat as she glanced around for something more to indulge in.

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Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Ayel Raunefeldt

Ayel had held his head high, like a conqueror traversing the land he had just rightfully subdued. But then again he sat on a horse and most others did not, and he was just unmounting to inspect the construction which would be his home.

While his carriage was luxorious, it was not truly befitting of a man of his stature. He missed his extra wide bed, with all the gold lining, his paintings of himself, all the mirrors... especially the large one just above his bed. He missed being able to look at himself before falling asleep, even if he sometimes felt bad about falling asleep while beholding such a stunning view. But every morning was pleasant, he would look up and see himself looking down on him, like a god. The nobleman's cheeks turned abit rosy as he thought about it. He however was not disliking busts. Statue busts ofcourse. Of himself.

It was a guilty pleasure of his, to walk around in his thinking room in the capitol. All those busts of himself at different points of success in his life. There was something truly special in admiring the statues, walking around them and appreciating the art which were what they depicted. Even if the sculptor had to be corrected more times than the noble could remember. His features were delicate, they shouldn't be overlooked, but rather looked upon twice.

Yet it was in this moment that Ayel snapped back to the reality. He was in Dawnhaven and had to write some letters. Having left his horse at the stable, making sure his noble stallion was kept far from the non-purebred horses. He wondered if the peasant women, probably even the men looked upon him like those common horses looked upon his steed. With longing and admiration.

It made him smirk, just for a little bit. He didn't want to give rise for any wrinkles just yet.  The nobleman made his way over to his carriage and sighed. No servant in sight.

How bothersome. Ayel looked around, to make sure no one saw him, then he lowered the little stool for the carriage door himself. He felt dirty.

It was so unnatural. To expend physical effort for something so mundane. Ayel quickly took off his glove and threw it into a nearby barrel. Another glove ruined. But he had more.

He seated into the carriage and unfolded the desk table in it, grabbed his expensive feather quill pen and started to write.

Letter for king

To his royal majesty the king.

I, Marquess Ayel Raunefeldt write to you with outmost haste, for upon my arrival to the future Aurelian enclave of Dawnhaven is being assailed upon all sides by the viscious barbarians of the north. They have infested the place, they are in the walls, like conniving rabid rats. My dear friend, your son, the highly respected crown prince Flynn Astaros has been struggling, despite his valiant attempts to subdue the unruly bloodthirsty mob. He has shown these ungrateful ingrates far too much kindness than they deserve, but is it truly the prince's fault, when these brutes and their heretical shamans cast their curses and spells all around them.

I fear the prince, in his good nature and great heart has left himself vulnerable to these viscious snakes. I saw one of them even bearing her true form. A snake of a woman, scaly as she was wicked. Your majesty, I fear Dawnhaven is gradually being run over, I urge you to send reinforcemrnts, for I fear the barbarians may attempt to lay claim to it otherwise.

While we possess greater intelligence and larger hearts than these dirty barbarians, we must not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. I also fear the Lunaris princess is having a bad influence on the prince, she convinced him to feed the ungrateful barbarians with his royal heritance. This is exploitation your majesty, we must not allow these barely human things to dictate our way of life. I implore your majesty, send a special inquisition detachment and guards, so that we can ensure the safety of this ancient Aurelian landscape and ferret out the worst of these Lunarian lunatics.

Your loyal subject, Marquess Ayel Raunefeldt.

Your royal highness the queen

It pains me to be the bearer of ill news, but how could I possibly withhold the truth from someone as graceful and insightful as yourself. Your son, my dearest of friends have fallen prey to the most vile of witches in the form of the Lunaris 'princess'.  But even though the prince is well educated and showing these unworthy barbarians our superior way of life, I fear that they are affecting him with their vile bewitching magic. One of these blight-things even tried to do it to me. But rest assured your highness, I am always thinking about myself wherever I am at.

I urge you to use your motherly wisdom and remind the prince that a ruler's hand must be as swift and powerful, as lightning! These peasants are scheming something nefarious, but do not worry, I shall guard the prince as well as I mediate with these brutes. If your highness can send any aid, I shall do my outmost to see it put to good use.

Your greatest admirer, Marquess Ayel Raunefeldt.

Ayel sighed in a weary manner. It was soo tiresome to care. The nobleman began to think back on the past, when he had been a child, how he, the prince and less important people had played games. It had been simpler times.

The prince however had always put him as his right hand man. Whenever they were going somewhere, he would be the one chosen by the prince to watch the back while the others went ahead with whatever they were doing.

He could still almost remember how the prince used to phrase it.

"Ayel, you'll stay behind and keep watch."

The prince had put alot of faith in him, often being away with the others for hours before returning. Sometimes he didn't show up until the following day, so great was his belief that he could handle matters on his own, and ward off their route for the young court girls which were chasing the prince.

Obviously they must have known that, he, not the prince were not interested in people of titles one or two levels lower. So in their desperation or folly they tried with the impressionable prince. Even his plague of a younger sister had chased the prince.

Ayel's older brother however was never part of the games, he was too busy looking at his pet crickets that he kept in small cages.

It disgusted him. He wasn't certain what was worse, the noisy crickets or his idiotic older brother. Why was his beloved dear late mother favouring the oldest child so much? There were not an ounce of talent, charisma or grace in him. He was tarnished since birth, it almost made Ayel think the worst, that his beloved mother had...

He dared not even ponder the filthy idea of his mother being with a peasant man before his birth.

While the Marquess was aware that his younger sister was in fact adopted and not related to him by blood. But at least she was of noble birth. At least that's what the documents had said, as did his mother.

Ayel swallowed abit. There were three people he trusted would never lie to him. His mother. Prince Flynn and lastly himself.

Surely the ptince had heard of his arrival by now, perhaps the prince had been caught unaware, and thus been unable to prepare an official reception ceremony for him? No doubt the prince was heavily burdened by this guilt. But the Marquess smiled at the idea, a little burden wouldn't bring the prince down. Besides he knew that his bestest friend saw him as a calm, understanding and eventempered man. The calm center of a storm, the old reliable rock, no diamond mine to hold unto.

Ayel blushed. That was it. He was one of the cornerstones which the crown prince relied upon. Perhaps he was awaiting his council right now? Yes! He wanted someone to tell him to discard that ice witch of a princess and marry someone of purer blood. But who would marry him? His sister? The very thought made him almost want to gag. No. He couldn't stand that idea. That's it! He knew now what to do! He needed to find a noble Aurelian lady in Dawnhaven, and then get rid of that damnable ice witch.

Then they could both live as kings, legalizing slavery and even more expendable serfs. Lunaris could be turned into one giant dungeon to keep the enemies of Aurelia within. As ideas flowed into his noble mind the Marquess couldn't help but offer a dr
eamy sigh.
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Queen Arya
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Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Katherine Sorrowind (@SpicyMeatball) || Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Gadez Paladice (@Dezuel) || Eris Hightower (@The Muse)

Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Dyna's gaze locked nearly immediately upon the Priestess of Seluna, Katherine, a she introduced herself to the blonde man that seemed to be earning so much attention from the women of Dawnhaven. Certainly, with her sister hiding behind her, a bit of Dyna's more protective side showed out as she inspected Katherine with a critical look. One... less friendly than Katherine's might've been, but certainly not bearing any hostile intent for the moment. The Champion of Aelios didn't portray much emotion as her expression went more neutral in the presence of one of Seluna's own chosen. The... presence radiating from the Priestess admittedly made her a little uncomfortable, but she did her best not to show even the slightest of hints. Yet, as the Priestess spoke, Dyna felt her blood run cold for half a second. The words seemed to nearly be a direct slap to her face, mocking the two for the lack of obvious presence from their Goddess. It was enough of a shock that Dyna's gaze grew hard and she seemed about to lash put with an equally vicious remark... only to hear Ranni softly whispering for Dyna to be polite. That the Priestess' tone betrayed she hadn't intended the comment to be an insult.

Dyna's own shaky breath matched that of Katherine's as she nodded. The ghost of a smile on her lips as her gaze softened ever-so-slightly. "Aye. She saw to it that my sister and I were reunited when I thought such a thing impossible. We both hope that Seluna cares for her own, as well, and that perhaps this could be... beneficial for both our faiths. This town." Dyna said, hoping she hadn't overdone it. Nerves drove her to ramble at times, and betray some of her inner thoughts. Still, it was not as if Dyna was given much time to think on the subject, as another woman suddenly yelped and collided with the Priestess of Seluna, and a second later Ranni let out a pained cry that caused Dyna to whirl around at seemingly impossible speeds to check what was wrong.

She saw Ranni, clutching her tail to herself and with tears welling up in her eyes. While the thought of Ranni clutching her own tail seemed strange, it was quickly overridden by concern for her sister... seeing those tears only causing Dyna to be more concerned. Her gaze snapped over towards the woman who'd caused the issue just as she was getting to her feet, panicking further, then rushing inside. The interaction leaving the Champion merely stunned for a few moments as she watched Eris' disappearing form. Moments later, her gaze was back on Ranni as she gave her sister a concerned look. A look that was quickly answered with one of Ranni's own that seemed to reassure Dyna that Ranni would be alright. A few more moments passed between them as they seemed to have some kind of silent communication, the type that only two so close as the twins could have, before Dyna seemed to finally accept that her sister was truly alright.

Then, Dyna turned back towards the conversation just as Sya began to speak up...

“Room 4 is free, no onesss in right now” Sya said with an agreement and gestured her tail to point to the stairs. “I can bring you all Sssomthing. People leave things behind, and I…have sssome things I cannot wear that they can use.”she sighed and nodded, he made sense and seemed to be helping now. “Also, eat, you need energy boost. Get clossse to the warm fire.” Sya handed out a rack of fresh cookies, the sugar providing a short term energy boost for the cold women. Sya voice gave away her concern as she knew cold could make people ill and healing magic was a luxury.

“Thankyou kindly, welcome to the Inn, If you need accommodations , please ask ask, we have single, double rooms free, and enjoy the feassst” The best room she gave to the Coswain couple, Becky had a better room to make up for Helping with bakery, and she had spread others out now they had the space. “Welcome to Dawn Haven, life is never boring.” She said and thought this was another day in town.

Dyna nodded her thanks, turning towards Ranni as her sister shook her head gently. "I'll be fine, sister. Just give me the bag... I-I think I need to do this on my own." Ranni said softly, yet with a look that told Dyna she wouldn't back down. The Champion simply nodded, passing off the pack to Ranni and watching as she disappeared into the Inn.

With a hint of a sigh, Dyna looked over towards Sya next and shook her head. "I think, Ranni will want to check in at the temple here after she's changed. So I doubt we will be needing accommodations for the moment." She said simply, looking around for a long few moments as the girl seemed to finally soak in the details of her surrounding after such an... emotional start to her day. "If I might ask, what is the purpose of the feast? I've... been a bit occupied so far and pray I'm not making you explain it a second time." She asked, admittedly a bit more sheepishly than the confidence she'd been exuding until now, and a slight blush of embarrassment worn on her cheeks.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with: Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

This day only seemed to get more and more dreadful. After the initial high of seeing Dyna again, Ranni kept feeling more and more... strange. Like something was wrong with her, and at times as if she was feeling weak. Yet it wasn't hunger, not truly, that she felt. She couldn't explain it beyond the fact that she needed something and that staring at all the others gathered outside the inn only fed into that burning need. She needed to... she needed to get away from it all. To sort out what she was feeling. Add into that strange mixture in her stomach the weird certainty she felt that Tia was in Dawnhaven, and the embarrassment from stepping on her own tail. Truly, Aelios had to be testing her on this day, or laying curses upon the beast she'd become after that meeting with the Blight. It was almost enough to bring tears to her eyes, yet she knew she couldn't show them. Dyna would worry, and these strangers might try to comfort her as well. Something she very much didn't want at the moment, not until she had time to control her racing thoughts. To claim herself and regain some aspect of control. Yet... even getting to that stage seemed to be something far out of her reach this morning as...

A sudden flash of pure pain tore through Ranni's body, starting from the very tip of her tail. A feeling like something was crushing it for half a second, yet enough to cause Ranni to cry out in pain. Almost immediately, the crushing relented and Ranni's tail snapped up in a blind reaction. Being caught in Ranni's grip nearly immediately as she tried to rub and ease the pain in the section that'd been assualted mere moments before. She felt tears of pain welling up, combining with the myriad of fear and anxiety coursing through her mind to threaten the dam she'd built thus far. Through her blurred vision, she could see Dyna's concerned expression and gave her a firm look to say that she'd be okay.

A lie, but a convincing one.

As she was struggling to hold back her tears, Sya explained that room four was available for use. Which Dyna quickly accepted, but Ranni stopped her before her sister could head inside. Demanding that she go alone, both out of embarrassment for how she looked and a desire to be alone for a little bit. To sort her thoughts out, so she could be a little bit more composed for her sister. A few moments of silent back-and-forth between the sisters ended in Dyna yielding to Ranni's request, and passing her the pack that had all their belongings from their previous trip contained within. With a grateful smile, Ranni accepted the pack and wordlessly made her way past the assembled group to head inside. Not long after, Ranni was closing herself into the aforementioned available room, quickly moving to remove the tattered and dirty rags. She took a moment to look over herself, stomach tightening as she saw the features given to her by the blight, and let out a long sigh of frustration.

A sigh that faded into the soft sounds of sobbing as everything finally came rushing into the girl's mind. The horror and fear of the past week. The pain of her own death, and waking up afterwards. The strange need she felt at her core. Everything. It was too much. Ranni collapsed to her knees in the middle of that Inn Room, sobbing heavily into her hands and just letting all of her emotions run free. Letting everything out, in the desperate hope that it might stop the flood within her own mind. She cursed, she cried, she even screamed once as her entire facade shattered to pieces within that room. Damn it all! Damn the blight! Damn this cursed existence! It hurt. It all hurt. I don't even know what's happening to me anymore... I'm scared." She thought amidst the cacophony of fears and anxieties sprinting through her mind. Would those she once knew ever be able to look at her the same? She knew Dyna was trying, but she felt the slight awkwardness whenever her sister saw her tail or horns. What would the priests in the Capital think. What would Tia think? Worry sat heavy in her stomach as these thoughts joined into the cacophony of her mind.

The cycle went on, viciously, for the next several minutes before the built-up horror that was her existence finally subsided in her mind. Before Ranni finally felt herself to calm down, and restoring a relative calm to telepathic broadcast racing forth from her mind. One that she'd unknowingly just poured that entire myriad of fear and anguish out into, across the entire town for those who could feel her touch. With a firm nod, Ranni pushed herself to her feet and took a few more minutes to wash up just a bit before dressing once more. "This is your life now, Ranni. You have to face it, Dyna wouldn't just give up and cry now would she?" Ranni said to herself, using her sister as a beacon of strength to goad herself into getting back on her feet. A measure she knew to be temporary, so she could cope for the moment, but hopefully that would be all she needed to find her new place in life.

With that, Ranni checked over her newly adorned outfit. A pair of Dyna's trousers and tunic, with the top being a deep red and the trousers being black. A pair of boots and a thick black coat to help keep herself warm. Not her usual colors, but it was better than a tattered and ruined outfit.

Then a sudden sound of fabric tearing could be heart, as Ranni looked back to notice that the pointed tip of her tail had managed to poke through the trousers. Likely when she'd been dressing, Ranni thought, but the end result was the same. A small hole now existed where her tail stuck out. "Aelios. Dyna is going to kill me..." She whispered softly, even as she swept out of the room.

Once she emerged outside, several minutes later, Ranni seemed to have found some level of her composure. Though tracts from tears and hints of red eyes betrayed the fact she had been crying, she carried herself with much more confidence than before. The girl quickly took a place next to her sister, passing the pack back to Dyna, before looking towards Sya and speaking up.

"T-thank you. I... I was wondering if you knew if there was another Priestess of Aelios in Dawnhaven?" She asked, having decided to start answering some of the questions that were weighing on her already broken mind...
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Hidden 9 days ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

* * *

Interacting with: Gadez @Dezuel and Dyna @Queen Arya

The Eye of the Beholder was quickly turning into a very eventful place to be.

Katherine’s lips spread into a wicked little grin before she gently bit her own lower lip, her eyes dancing up and down Gadez for a few moments. A shiver ran up her spine as he took her hand in his before she looked down at her feet in attempt to hide the developing redness in her cheeks. My stay in Dawnhaven may be more entertaining than I initially thought.

Katherine opened her mouth to respond to Gadez’s well-wishes and stole once last glance at Gadez as he began to turn his attention elsewhere.

“I hope so as well, Gadez the gardener.”

Her attention then turned to the two Aurelian ladies standing nearby once more. She watched the Champion with un-trusting eyes before nodding in reply. “Seluna is the only reason I still live and breathe.” Katherine started, her mind still thinking on Dyna’s theory of mutual benefit. “I do believe that despite our goddess’ hatred of each other, that mere mortals such as ourselves can work together and serve the people alongside one-another. Sure we may not agree on all fronts, but in the end I would think that we want mostly the same things for the people of this town.”

“We need not let our differences get in t--”

Before she could get the last of her words out however, she turned her head to see a certain researcher headed right towards her on a collision course. The priestess braced herself a moment before the impact and managed to keep herself upright, much to her own benefit and Eris’ downfall.

Katherine’s eyes followed the woman’s tumble, raising a single brow at the event. She watched as the woman seemed to be mentally spiralling more and more as everything seemed to be going more and more wrong. The priestess would have stepped in as well, were it not for the few other patrons who already were. I’m not even sure I’ve been that much of a hot mess on my worst days. Katherine grinned a moment to herself.

Now no longer the center of attention, Katherine’s mind moved elsewhere from the goings-on of the tavern. I should probably go see what my living situation is going to be like.

The priestess waved a casual goodbye to the few within eyesight that would see before stepping outside once more and being abruptly reminded of just how cold it still was. After retrieving her coat from the carriage she arrived in—now empty, it seemed her escort had already unloaded her belongings—Katherine walked over to the Seluna temple where she would be residing.

As it came into view, a smile spread across her lips. It was beautiful. Definitely more humble and quaint than the sanctuary, but beautiful nonetheless.

* * *

The blizzard had clearly prevented most people from visiting the temple as there was still a significant amount of snow in front of the main entrance, but it was nothing that Katherine couldn’t handle. She looked over both shoulders—no one in sight—before raising her hands and closing her eyes. The doors of the temple were enveloped in a thin wall of pure darkness for a moment before Katherine drew her one hand back as if drawing a bow. The shadows responded in turn, moving the snow away from the doors before being tossed aside with the flick of the priestess’ wrist.

Much better.

Katherine picked up the single crate of her belongings that had been left nearby before proceeding inside, being met with a very dim interior. She paced through the darkness with relative ease before making it to what had to be her intended chambers. They were simple enough—a bed barely big enough for two but adorned with warm reindeer fur blankets; a simple desk and chair topped with quills, inkpots and a few rolls of parchment; and a stone fireplace that took up most of the far wall.

Well I know what’s first on my to-do list... Katherine laughed to herself, her breath fogging in front of her.

After retrieving some firewood that had been stacked in a nearby storage room, Katherine had a fire going within a few minutes that lit up the room and already began filling her with warmth. Moments after that, the priestess had gathered a pair of candles that she lit in the fireplace before carefully passing the flame to the remaining candles and lamps in the temple. A gentle glow now filled the main hall and shimmered on the surface of the sacred pool.

Perfect. Only one thing left to do.

The priestess then disrobed down to a simple white gown before turning her back to the icy pool of water and letting herself fall in. Years of training and similar practice were the only thing that prevented her from hyperventilating and kept her breathing almost completely unchanged from normal. The water pierced through any remaining wariness from her travels and stripped all of the aches and pains from her body. With an exhale, she let herself sink deeper into the water while still facing the open dome that let in the dim starlight above.

And with not a single word uttered, no breath taken and no sound made, Katherine began to recite Seluna’s prayer in her mind. From the few times she’d heard a reply, the priestess knew that Seluna would know her every thought and emotion without the need for speech.

My Lady Seluna... ... ... she who guides... ... ... our Lady of Silver... ... ...

Let all on whom your light falls be welcome if they desire to be so.

As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life.

We trust in your radiance, and know that all love alive under your light shall know your blessing.

Turn to the moon, and it will be your true guide.
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