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Hidden 23 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Royal Cabin | Time: 9am
Over the course of the blizzard, Flynn found himself in a relatively quiet and reflective state. Amaya rarely emerged from her room, leaving him alone to occupy his thoughts and fill the long hours. He often sat by the fire to read, write, or just stare into the flames while his mind ran wild. The fire was his constant companion, and Flynn kept it going with a steady supply of logs, carefully tending it to ensure the cabin stayed warm.

By the second day, Flynn tried to busy himself with various tasks. Placing a chessboard near the fireplace, Flynn set up the pieces with the hope that Amaya might want to play a game with him. He was sorely mistaken. On most days, he ended up moving the pieces himself, playing both sides in a game that became more about distraction than strategy.

Occasionally, Flynn would converse with the royal guards and let them inside to warm up before they returned to their shift. They spoke about the storm, the state of Dawnhaven, the blight-born’s gracious volunteer work to help the guards during the blizzard, and at times they would even entertain Flynn with a game or two of chess.

On the third day, guilt weighed on Flynn for making the cooking staff brave the relentless blizzard to cook meals morning and night. Determined to take matters into his own hands, he attempted to cook. The results were mixed, the kitchen often left in disarray after each try. On three occasions, he managed to produce an edible meal and would proudly set aside a plate for Amaya. However, by his final attempt on day six, he forgot a batch of pancakes on the stove, turning them into charcoal. Smoke filled the cabin, forcing him to crack open a window despite the blizzard. After that, the kitchen staff insisted that they do the cooking.

As the days passed, Flynn found himself sitting by the fire and staring out the window watching snowfall more often, silently contemplating his next move. The search for the cure and the prophecy weighed heavily on him, gnawing at his thoughts. If he wasn’t staring at the fire or the snow, he’d find himself staring at the statue he had been gifted by Ashe, his eyes locked onto the visage of Aelios. Placed beside her was the statue of Selune, the two twin goddesses staring back at him. At times, he could’ve sworn they were smirking at him. Eventually he took both statues and put them into an empty kitchen cabinet, hoping to forget that they were even there.

When the storm started to show signs of dying down, Flynn instructed the guards to prepare a feast to be held by the tavern, a gathering for when it was safe for people to emerge from their homes. Though grand gestures had never been his way, it was the Aurelian way, and this felt important—a celebration of their survival, a moment for the town to come together after days of isolation. It was his first blizzard, and for many of the Aurelians, theirs as well.

Despite the cold and the isolation, he found the blizzard oddly beautiful. The quiet of it, the way the snow coated everything in a soft, pristine blanket. It was nothing like the warm, sunny days of Aurelia, but there was a harsh beauty in it that he couldn’t deny.

More than anything, Flynn found himself wondering how the Lunarians had endured this kind of weather for generations. It was a testament to their resilience, their strength in the face of adversity. His admiration for them deepened, recognizing that their survival, like the blizzard itself, was something to be respected.

On the seventh day, Flynn awoke with a rare sense of excitement as the blizzard had finally passed. The winds had quieted, and the heavy snowfall had softened to a gentle flurry. The storm's end brought a lightness to the air, and after a week of confinement, Flynn felt a renewed energy. Though the past week had been stressful, it had also given him a chance to reflect and rest. Now, with the celebration ahead, he was ready to reconnect with the townsfolk and share in the sense of survival.

The guards outside were already preparing the streets, shoveling the snow and calling for people to join the feast at the Eye of the Beholder. As he dressed and got ready to head out, Flynn’s thoughts shifted from the storm to his next steps. The blight still loomed large, but now, after a week of rest, he felt more focused and determined. Today, they would celebrate together, and the work would resume.
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Ayel Raunefeldt

He was nervous, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach. If people would know of his secret romance he would be mocked for ages, but as noble as he were he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

"We cannot do this, it's not safe. Think of the gossip..." Ayel said in a low voice, he was worried.

"It doesn't matter. I want you. I love you. I will not wait. I can't..." The voice came back to him, like the sweetest honeyed voice imaginable. Any lesser man would have faltered in the blink of an eye. His adversary was on par with him, a worthy opponent.

"We need to think this through, if rumors would get out we'd- Is that skin lotion type seven you are using?" Ayel asked as he inspected his beloved's skin, he allowed a faint blush to decorate his face. He was smitten.

"It's the limited edition with western grapefruit scent. Your favorite." The voice came back silky smooth, as if every word was directly licking his noble brain. Before he had known it, he had permitted his beloved to touch his face with the fingers.

He felt all tingly on the inside, in a way he would only feel by drinking the outmost expensive wine, or punishing the poor. It was a truly remarkable feeling, one which he savoured.

"Mmm... I could take a bite out of you, but one bite wouldn't be enough. I want more." Ayel said in a resolute manner, his gaze fixed on the one in front of him.

"Mylord." His beloved said in an urgent voice, Ayel looked down at his noble hand, reaching out to the subject of his love, his gaze looking back up.

"Mylord!" The voice changed and became more loud and crude, almost as if. Ayel's eyes widened in horror as the love of his life, bearing his own face, had warped and taken on the form of Faldrin. His servant. The marquess awoke with a scream and gasped, his hands shaking. Sweat dropping down his forehead. He was in his carriage. He had been graced by a wonderful dream, only for it to be completely ruined. He felt a knot in his stomach as he recalled seeing Faldrin in his beloved's place. He wanted to throw up. But he held back. Throwing up were for less refined people and peasants which couldn't drink moderately.

His nausea was soon replaced with anger as he heard knockings on his carriage door. He cussed and took of the net-like headwear he wore while sleeping to keep his hair orderly. The noble flung the door open, slamming it right into the face of his loyal servant Faldrin.

"What?! I mean... what is it? I was having the most exquisite dream, well... at least until the lacking finale." He said in an annoyed voice, he hoped there was a good reason for his rude awakening.

"Mylord, I have some good and bad news. The good news is that the roof is done, the door and windows too. It was very difficult but we managed despite the weather." Faldrin explained while holding unto his face.

"Excellent. And the bad news? Do not test my limited but vast patience, Faldrin." Ayel added as he stepped out of the carriage.

"Hubert didn't make it." Faldrin said in a saddened voice looking down at the ground.

"Who?" Ayel raised a questioning noble eyebrow.

"Hubert. One of the workers. He got a a severe cold and fever from too much exposure to the blizzard. He died." Faldrin said, taking off his hat to mourn the loss of their travelling companion.

"Oh no. This is awful!" Ayel said in a way which could be seen as a mix of outrage and surprise.

"This is going to make the construction take longer by like seventeen percent! Argh! Why is these minor setbacks always coming my way?!" He grasped the ruffle by his shirt in a fit of frustration, then moved his bothersome hair out of his face.

"Well. I suppose we are going to have to find another Aurelian peasant here to replace the one lost. At least there is some comfort knowing he was not paid in advance. So all in all. I think we may cut even. Now however I am going to have to waste my precious time to make a official notice that we are hiring Aurelian serfs. I will write this myself, as it is crucial to make these workers know that I don't need them but they need my coin." He offered a smile, his mood having improved significantly.

"Where shall we bury our fallen friend? The Aurelian way by fire? Burial in the ground?" Faldrin asked genuinely saddened.

"Who? What friend? Oh the worker? Burial? Oh don't be silly Faldrin. Burials are expensive, and Herbert didn't even finish his work, he has set me back. In fact he owes me. And starting a fire? No no, that would draw too much questions. Commoners should be quiet and not draw attention, even in death." Ayel spoke out in a defensive and slightly agitated manner.

"Hubert." Faldrin corrected then proceeded. "But what about his family? He had a wife and two small children…" It weighed heavily on the aide and he hoped that his employer would have a big enough heart to at the very least send them the coin for the work Hubert did do.

"Yes, yes. But I am thinking of his family. Imagine the costs of moving all the way to Dawnhaven and the dangers on the road, not to mention all the weeping and whining. I think saving them the trip is the most merciful thing to do. And the most cost effective. Now take the fallen worker's body out of Dawnhaven and toss him out to the wild animals. Perhaps the local wildlife will show me more gratitude than he did." The marquess said in a elaborate way as if he was spinning a scheme.

"Mylord Raunefeldt, you who have such a great heart and wealth beyond many peoples imagination. Surely you can spare some for the fallen worker's family?" Faldrin pleaded as he bowed his head.

"Poppycock! I will do no such thing, while my heart is vast and grand, it too has it's limits. I have to prioritize the people of more importance. In fact, I think this Herbert worker knew he was going to kick the bucket and decided to accept the task just so he could swindle me out of my hard earned coin! I wouldn't put it past these coin devouring peasants, he likely died on purpose! They are so vindictive and vile, seeking in their envy to stain my flawless and noble record and heraldry. Generations on generations of purity and magnificence." Ayel caressed his shirt as he attached his rings on each of his fingers.

"Mylord, you speak of them as if they were nothing but animals..." Faldrin said in a concerned tone of voice, he felt unsettled, but he was the loyal servant of the man. His family had served them for generations.

"A most astute observation Faldrin! These thickheaded thralls require a noble hand to guide them, or they will become just like horses which you release into the wilderness, they've go feral and would then dare attack their betters. This is unacceptable ofcourse. So a firm but noble hand is needed. Ah! That reminds me..." The noble went into the carriage to fetch his horsewhip from one of his boxes, it was a something he enjoyed to use to make his point across or point at things he wouldn't dream to touch with his pristine white gloves.

"Mylord... do you not feel anything about all this?" Faldrin asked while he felt discomforted by his employers lack of compassion.

"Ofcourse I feel things. I am not some beast from the north or some blighted monster. Right now I feel for tea and some food. Well? Get to it. Chop chop. And wipe that frown off your face! I command you to put on a smile, I don't want to feel depressed this morning seeing my estate in the making in this current state." Ayel clapped his hands in a manner showing he was pressed for time.
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Daphne was waiting and stood to get a drink letting her swords fit tighter to her, so as to not bump into everyone. She stood and made her way forward by virtue of being armed, a guard and tall enough to look over heads of smaller people.

The crowds were busy, after a long time indoors the sight of free food, hot food and hot drinks were very much a great lure to people. Even with the cold weather people gathered freely about the large fires and she wondered when they would have to take charge of the crowds.

They were there and ready, but waited as trouble did not start yet. “Thanks. shout if they get too pushy, at least one of us about even if we are not fully armoured” She said to the vendor serving hot food and drink to them. Taking her own hot stew Daphne sighed as she sipped its delicious and welcome warmth. “Everyone… calm down, plenty of food for ya, ease up folks. The Prince will feed all of you, no need to rush the stalls.” She called out the crowd to gain more control of the masses.

A noise next to her, Daphne noticed someone pushing closer to her and it was a red headed woman, a certain woman who she had helped out the week before about the blizzard. “The guards and Prince set this up. If you want ale we can try the Inn, it seems they are opening up and getting tables out. In Lunaris it's just another day.” She took advantage of her height and made a path for them out of the worst of the crowd to see where someone was dragging a barrel out and setting up a bench in the inn's overhang shelter out of the weather as best they could be.

Handing her some hot food first, a thick stew that looked a little basic but filling and hot, Daphne was trying to show that the royal guard was not just a blunt hammer to beat down things, it was trying to help… they just had very very little time to do so in recent times.

A … was that a tail? A snake? Daphne had seen blightborn here and the sight no longer really shocked her as much in dawn haven… then a single eye… that was.. she had no idea and honestly maybe it was better to be the one who did not know. A good idea honestly when you had this many problems in town and society. There were so many blightborn that one with a snake's tail was sadly a non-event.

Shaking her head she let her hair fly and bounce on her back, no real feeling through the thick leather. “Are you serving yet or indoors?” Daphne asked before turning to Fiona and gave her a small smile, showing she was under her uniform, a woman in her early 20's. “Daphne, I'm Daphne Athenus, tried to knock the peacock out and met Lord and Lady Coswain? Hector is the grumpy one with a beard but he help you if you ever need a repair. Not be pretty but be solid work.

Shame you knock some sense into themann, though that's not official. I must warn you about trouble or something.”
Daphne said with a grin, she did not really comment on the innkeeper, blightborn or not. It seemed rude in earshot and she could kick them into the cold which would not be ideal. diplomacy demanded they be cautious.

“Few minutes ladies, we just needed to pull a barrel up and we got ale, maybe some wines, and a little of our new product sample.” someone who worked at the Inn said, glancing over to Sya before curious before turning back to them. “Shine of Selene. Potent stuff if the mistress is happy, and the bakery is opening up a run of samples on new products” They said as a noise of a barrel being dragged up came from inside the now expanded Inn.

Sya gave a nod of agreement and slithered past to talk with Becky who was talking excitedly about some kind of new recipe and both seemed to be in agreement making a rather quick decision. The Innkeeper despite her changes however still looked slight compared to the rather female and curvy Baker who seemed to be like a happy child given free reign of the kitchens.

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Hidden 23 days ago 23 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

To most people being confined to a building for as long as the blizzard lasted would have been a challenge. But for someone like Paladice it was something he was very used to, having been more or less raised within a monastery. He wasn't one to grow bored. There was always something to do, something to ponder upon. Or in this particular case. Someone to talk with. But that may have been quite the understatement as the person in question, Tingara wasn't one who spoke alot. This did however not stop the man from doing it himself, but not encouraging his companion to speak unless she wanted to. The scar upon her neck was a sign enough for him to know that it was likely both painful and difficult, that she was still walking about was good enough on it's own.

She was a priestess, and they were both now in a temple. Two things he absolutely despised, yet despite that… there was something about her which beckoned to him. Something strange. Something foreign. Who in the world was this girl? Which the goddess had sent out to seemingly die in a blizzard? Or had she? What if it had all been an elaborate ploy to slowly draw him into the temple.

Whichever the case. It couldn't be helped. But worst of all... he had enjoyed the stay.

She was a good listener, if abit shy and reserved. But not only that, she was a beauty too. He couldn't help but notice that she seemed to feel embarassed about her scar somehow, as if that mark was all there were to her. The blue eyed man didn't press her for how she received it, she had already been through quite the ordeal with the blizzard and then being locked up in the temple with him of all people. Such would have worn down just about anyone. He knew as much. Still it didn't stop him from occasionally teasing her.

Training about shirtless in the great hall with the brazier, swinging about his swordspear like he usually did every morning. But perhaps he enjoyed causing her to fluster. Or how he was sneaking up next to her as she was arranging the books and blowing some air into her ear. Or intentionally misunderstanding what she would be saying and twisting it to the point she would feel frustrated. He did enjoy these things, especially when someone gave as good reactions to them as she did. But he didn't only tease her, he also told her some stories of what the old monks used to do or the circus performers. Or that one particular blightborn woman and the kissing booth incident which he was not involved with but came to witness. Or the old story about the prince which rose up and fought his father the king? Or the dumb ideas people had on what could be the cause of the blight… there were so many stories to tell if there were listeners.

While he could have asked Tia alot of things, he knew that her answers would be short and she might not be able to do it well.

Their time in the temple had however, with all things considered been a pleasant thing. Even if she had seemed surprised on seeing him join her in the hot spring without a notice. To him such was not a big deal, as the old monastery had that very thing. Albeit without a priestess like her present. She seemed to take it well as she didn't leave the water until after he had. Curious.

He had also noticed how she had stared at his tattoo, whereof he informed her with a hint of mystique in his voice.

"This is known to some as the... tincture. A symbol in alchemy. A mythic thing which was told to be able to turn base things into… gold. Others believe the secret formula would yield the key to immortality. Ofcourse no one knows what the formula is. If it even exists... This is just the symbol which has come to represent their search." He had smiled as he traced his fingers along the shape of the tattoo, as he explained it to Tia.

Their time together had passed by swiftly however, too swiftly for his liking. He still had much he wanted to say and ask her. But there was a time for everything. When the blizzard-free morning finally came, when the blizzard had finally gone away. Paladice had gone up, wearing no shirt as usual, he peeked out the temple door and saw the clear weather.

'It's about time. I was almost spreading roots in here. Well I suppose we are even goddess. I saved your priestess and you provided me with some reprieve. Don't get carried away however.' He scoffed and slammed the temple door shut, he wanted to get his things and get dressed properly. But it wouldn't be right to do so without letting Tia know about the blizzard being over, and bidding his leave. The blonde man went all the way over to her bedchamber.

He stopped for a moment, considering if he should knock. Knowing that Tia was a shy, nervous and likely slightly traumatized. From the blizzard. The monk-warrior decided that this called for abit more of a special approach, he softly opened the door and walked in. Spotting Tia lying in her bed. He slowly walked over with quiet steps, then he leaned down by her bed to look at her face. She was sleeping well by the looks of it, and not snoring. He didn't suspect such a small woman would be able to snore very loud either way. She looked alot less tense and more at peace in her sleep, at least from what he could tell.

He smiled softly, as his eyes wandered over her smooth looking skin and landing on her lips. She was stunning… for a priestess. He had however met four women within Dawnhaven and all four were beauties in their own right. But there was something with this one… He couldn't help but feel something, as if something about the moment in time. Almost as if time itself stood still. What in the world was happening? His eyes wandered about. He wasn't being affected by an illusion, his heartbeat was however growing more loud and he felt a drop of sweat on his forehead. Were someone watching him? Aelios? He felt warmth? As if that would make him kneel! He shook his head softly and then raised his hand, stretching out one of his fingers to poke Tia on her cheek.

"Awaken Tingara. Tiiiin...gaaa...raaa… awaken." He said softly, trying not to startle her as he attempted to wake her up.

"The blizzard is over... come look. My my, if you sleep any longer the bears will wake up before you do..." He said softly, hoping she would wake up. Well at the very least she wouldn't scream at him. Cause she couldn't? Right?

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Hidden 21 days ago 21 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Ayel Raunefeldt

The Marquess was pleased, it was the most important mission of the day to the nobleman. His solitude with himself had been a trial, not because he found himself to be awful company, but because there had been no opportunity to display himself before everyone else.

It wasn't that he would admit he loved being looked upon in jealousy, in praise and worship. At least that was what he told himself. It was to display his higher standing in life to all manner of people under him.

He couldn't afford some peasants to start planning some revolt or put forth some request to impose restrictions on his noble class. The very idea made him shudder.

Yet for now he had eaten his breakfast and was saddled atop his favorite white horse, with enough fabric covering the horse to keep it warm and make sure that the noble rider wouldn't get any horse-fleas or hair on his fine garments. Not like any of his horses had any fleas, he had specifically instructed his workers and Faldrin to keep them clean and far away from other horses.

Even with horses things had to be separated by class. He loved it.

As Ayel rode in on his horse into the middle of Dawnhaven, he expected them to greet him with waving and saluting. But as he had not announced his arrival to the prince, there were no trumpets. But it soon became clear to him there would be neither of the things he expected. He recoiled in shock to what he saw, serfs lining up for food, and not having to pay for it. The nobleman felt the sweat building at his forehead despite the cool air.

'Who is the business disaster that has made this affront?' His eyes scanned his surroundings with scrutiny. Were there some other noble present? One of those 'new times' nobles which spoke up in favor of the peasants. He hated those class traitors.

He grew more and more concerned as he heard the chatter of all the commoners, their faces lit up with hope, their dirty clothes and faces stuffed with food. They were happy.

The noble felt a big lump in his stomach. This was wrong. So very wrong.

'His royal majesty must know of this right away... there's some rebellious activity in this place. Perhaps my dear friend the prince could stop this display of wasting resources to the unworthy.' Ayel adjusted his large feathered hat, pulling his bothersome lock of hair from his face.

He looked over the crowd from his elevated position on his horse. At least he felt good about looking over them, like one would watch an anthill with all those workers serving their leader. The momentary thought put him in a better mood as he moved closer with his horse.

"Make way. Out of the way. I don't have all day." He said aloud. Directing people to make a path for him, the people giving him glares. Him of all people. How dared they. One of the serfs even had the gall to sneakily slip his horse a carrot.

"Stop that at once. My horse is on a strict diet, it must not eat low quality- where do you think you are going? I am talking to you-" He gritted his teeth as the serf eluded him and vanished into the sea of serfs. Once lost in there, he felt unable to tell it apart from the rest. They all looked and smelled the same.

He thought he could see the guardsman which had pestered him a week ago. His face was more memorable to the noble. Having made sure to memorize the people whose wronged him. He also could smell... farmer stench. But he couldn't tell from where, it was as if the odour of all the thralls had created a mixed miasma that was even overpowering his expensive perfume.

Ayel's eyes landed on someone with a fancy coat. A fellow noble? Perhaps she could enlighten him where to find the culprit behind the free food ploy.

"Pardon me milady, but would you be so kind and direct me to whomever is responsible for this waste of resources?" He said, putting on his best smile, he had it practiced and nailed down perfectly after hours upon hours of mirror talks.

The Marquess smile completely died soon after as he saw the persons face and the rest of the body. A large eye slammed right into the middle of her face and a reptilian lower body. It wasn't a milady, it was a malady.

'By Aelios noble grace! A monster!' He thought, his eyes widening in horror, then he looked around for the nearest torch. This monster was sneakily pretending to be a noble, hiding in the midst of the witless vagrants and surely plotting something. Was this the culprit? Ayel felt almost paralyzed by fear. What manner of diseases were this -thing- carrying into the place. There had to be laws against it. Someone had to do something.

The monster appeared to be female. It troubled him further. What if it would spawn more of its kind? Animals and monsters were supposed to be in cages or arenas. Or put down. Why was this thing free?

"You there, what are you doing here, speak up beast but watch your tongue. Did you arrange this gluttonous serf feast?" Ayel asked in a stern voice, he was still nervous. 'This creature shouldn't even exist. Where are the menagerie keeper when you need him? This wicked abomination should burn by the stake.' He mentally told himself.

Then again. The price for snakeskin had gone up. There could be profit to be had.

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Hidden 21 days ago 21 days ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 7 days ago


The Ember’s Birth

One week later

As soon as Ashe left, they made their way to the future Emberweaver, determined to transform the unfinished building into the shop of their dreams. The structure was incomplete, with gaps in the walls and snow seeping through the cracks, but Ashe's mind was set on the vision they had for it. A place where their craft could thrive and from where a steady source of income would follow.

The true power of the blizzard started soon after Ashe began their work, but they barely noticed the biting cold outside. The heat radiating from their body was more than enough to keep the frigid air at bay as they focused on repairing and building. Unlike most of the town, Ashe was not confined by the storm; their powers allowed them to continue without interruption.

Instead of traditional wood, Ashe melted down the wagon they had arrived in—a relic of their journey—and combined it with whatever stones they could buy or scavenge from Dawnhaven. Using their molten touch, they shaped the metal and stone to reinforce the structure of Emberweave, fusing the materials into place with delicate precision. The shop began to take on an almost otherworldly appearance, its foundation strengthened with materials far more resilient than wood.

The process was slow but steady, as Ashe slowly finished the building, using their control over heat to shape the space exactly as they wanted it. Though the shop was still a work in progress, the core of Emberweaver began to take form. Sturdy and suited to withstand Ashe’s work.

During the storm, Ashe ventured out a few times, gathering what little stone and metal they could find in Dawnhaven. Each piece was carefully melted and shaped to fit the evolving structure, the walls now a blend of metal and stone rather than flammable wood. The vision of Emberweaver as both a fortress and a workshop was becoming reality.

As the storm finally began to ease after a week of relentless snow and wind, Emberweave stood partially completed but solid. The central hearth, built from stone and metal, was ready to blaze with the flame-threaded textiles which Ashe planned to display. There was still much to do, but the most challenging parts were done.

With the winds dying down and the town beginning to stir after days of isolation, Ashe took a moment to survey their progress. Emberweave was coming to life, and soon, the people of Dawnhaven would see the results of their efforts.
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Hidden 21 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya shifted as she swayed slightly as she stood actively, moving over behind the counter slightly as she talked with Becky directing where to place various things and set the stall outside up. It helped her manage to do things and keep her mind from swaying too far to the future.

The slithering motion was still something she had to actively have to think to do and was a little clumsy but she moved about and made her way without falling over or so. She stood off the side and tried to avoid getting the way of her staff. “There, and keep an extra barrel ready to go, people have spent week indoors with but water. I think sssales will be good” She said with a grin, they would make up for their slow… very slow trade during the blizzard.

Sya made a mistake on her S, that was sure, the new instincts were strong and she was still newly adapting to her new form and its demands, its likes and Dislikes and how to best use it.

She heard a horse, it was distinct to the rest of the noise but ignored it and stayed talking and saying where to place the sample trays, fresh warm cookies would be a good start, muffins and biscuits in the shape of the eye of the Beholder creature with little tentacles soon to be served. Maybe they needed some icing, or something ..ideas.

they were a little weird but dawn haven was hardly normal. Nore was the bakery owner … or the Baker. They definitely fitted the owner. A whole range of fun monster themed bakery items. That she should mentally note down.

Her thoughts of baking, bakery and future plans where derailed by a man calling for her, lady, this was polite, but it could not last as Sya turned around and waved hello, her tail raised at same time and waved a copy of her gesture in perfect sync…she still was leaning to seperate things, at least it looked deliberate and a little cute. Sya turned with a smile until she heard his comment after and should have known as she saw a man on a white horse treat her the polar opposite of before. She was about to talk before he called her a beast, then tried to act like she was his servant…

Sya crossed her arms and turned to face him fully, her single blue eye narrowing slightly. “I am mistress Ssssyya Leala, The Eye of Beholder, is mine. I am supervising the roll out of my new bakery and disssstillary test.” She said with a proud tone and a clear challenge to those who thought she was a mindless monster, feral and unthinking.

“Its a gift from the Prince to the people I believe. You would have to assssk him, or the guards. Very kind after the Lunarians lost their Queen. I am providing the alcoholic drinks for coin naturally. we have ales, wine, sssshine of selene and more, if you were a gentleman of honour i would have given you a free sample. You call me a beast and yet, you might be thusss.” Sya said with a florish forcing herself to be smoother, more confident and in control than she felt in all honesty.

Sya stood … tailed…. Whatever it was…Sya had no idea what term for her now, under the shelter of the worst of the weather, the new expansion project had gone fast as a few carpenters chose to stay and decided to do the interior work…for an extra fee of course and meals for free. It was not perfect or 100% finished but the structure was fully up and functional… The rest Just needed time.

The Eye of Beholder stood proud with its lower working area topped by a guest floor, her private apartments, and the two story reading room and snug with eventual Little library. New rooms, balcony, and a whole wing wrapped around the back with more facilities and rooms besides such as its loading dock, root cellar and the bakery's future home. Strong wood beams with stonework and plaster stood proudly, clean and fresh from the axe and hammer. The weather shutters were mostly still closed from blizzards making the building darker and more stark than it would be in better weather.

Sya buffed a nail on her coat that was lovely and warm. The lining was soft and felt good on her skin, and blue suited her. She wear this again as winter's bite came closer. “Its quite nice is it not, I do enjoy the fact I will have the snug to be cosy and make most of the large windows with plenty of pillows and room to sssstretch my tail doing the accounts…” Sya said casually rubbing some salt into his well deserved wounds, well hopefully…he seemed the egocentric type…. Who rode a white horse into the centre of a gathering?

Sya was no longer homeless just scraping by, she had a place to call her home and something to be proud of.

A pang of hope...and hope to not be hurt that the other blightborn Ashe would not treat her badly despite her changes and challenges she faced now. They had been a intresting potential friend, and a little bit of healthy rivalry that would sharpen them both and mean they rose faster than they would without.

What would the Prince think? Sya had her mind if not her legs, she was not feral and would master her instincts again.

One person would have a word for anything, she knew that for sure... no points guessing who. How the rest of the town reacted... who could guess? Sya still felt the pain of rejection, got lonely, sometimes just needed a hug or friend qnd had the same needs as others minus the whole food thing. She was not a monster, just physically... a little diffrent.

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Hidden 20 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Ayel Raunefeldt

Ayel's face grew more and more wrinkly with each words Sya uttered, his hands tightening into fists, the urge to lash out with his horsewhip was rising.

"Do not hiss at me you revolting reptile!" He almost spitted the words out, then adjusted his collar and pose atop his high horse.

"The prince gave it out all for free? You believe I would trust in the words of a one-eyed worm? I care nothing about your low quality barbarian brews, it's like serving bile on a bottle! My taste is much more refined and rich." He spoke in a angry manner, his noble nose wrinkling the more he thought about it.

Why in the world would the prince feed these lowlife workers for free? It seemed so foreign to him. Were he truly the son of the great Aurelian king? His friend which he had grown up with and played in the royal gardens with. Even if the prince's favorite game was hide and seek where Ayel was always left to do the searching. It irked him. Had some peasant or that wicked witch princess of the north ensnared him? He had to talk some common- No.. some noble sense into the prince. Unless… The noble took a moment to think more deeply, what if the free food was a way to ferret out the weak? Could the prince have added some poison to the supply to thin out the herd's weakest members? The Marquess' eyes seemed to widen and then his expression turned to a more pleased one.

The prince was a genius. Ofcourse it had to be some reason like that. Or having the otherwise thick-headed louts do what he needed them to do. Like feeding things to the dumb ox to plow the fields, as long as the serfs were kept in check and dumb enough, that was good to him. They were after all living for one purpose alone, to serve their betters. He mentally moaned to himself, almost wanting to raise his gloved finger to his mouth to taste it. So delicious was the imagery he was provided with.

Ofcourse the prince knew these barbarian serfs better than him, he likely knew just the right way to make them somewhat useful. But still.. there remained that one problem with the barbarian princess, She had to be taken away from the prince by some means. She was a bad influence on him, she might even convince the prince, who was noble in his heart of rebelling against his esteemed father. The very idea of a civil war made the noble frown, he didn't want to get dragged into a battlefield, he was a lover not a fighter. But then again it could have been a good way to make a profit or thin the dumb working herd.

The noble phased back into the scene and his eyes fell on the building, which was seemingly the Eye of the beholder. Some kind of inn. He hated it. It was bigger than his home in progress, he couldn't let the presence of that vile structure ruin his view out of his bedroom window to be. It had to be demolished somehow. What if there was an accidental fire? The noble chuckled in his mind, the very idea made him feel giddy inside. But soon he set his eyes on Sya again.

"No matter how much pillows you throw into a pig sty, it is still a pig sty, no matter how big it is. And no matter how much you fabric you strip on a repulsive reptile it is still slithering and- disgusting!" He grimaced and adjusted his seating on his horse, giving Sya a condescending look. "How dare you look at me with that disgraceful gaze? Bow your head if you wish to keep it. I happen to be a Marquess and a friend of the prince. I am rich you know. Now creature, you may kneel… or curl or whatever your ilk does. I take it your master has at the very least taught you that? I am Marquess Ayel Raunefeldt, you silly serpent, I am here to ensure that QUALITY is kept within Dawnhaven. I am the guildmaster of the highly esteemed Aurelius Emporium. It wouldn't suprise me if you ill informed thralls wouldn't even know -that-. And I AM the man of honor. Look upon me and tremble at the display of grace, you meager maggot." He said in a self-indulging voice, clearly proud of all his titles. How they clad him magnificently.

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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Ayel-@Dezuel, Sya-@PrinceAlexus

Elara had taken it upon herself to transform her small cabin into a sanctuary throughout the week, her home becoming a warm haven amid the merciless storm that battered the walls for days on end. The howling winds outside screamed like banshees, shaking the windows and threatening to pierce the thin veil of safety she'd carefully constructed, but she refused to let the chill win. Her hands were raw from stoking the fires, the comforting crackle of the flames filling the otherwise discomforting silence that hung in the air like a thick fog. Each log of firewood became a precious commodity, measured and rationed with precision as she calculated how much longer they would last against the unrelenting storm. The hearth was essentially her lifeline, its flickering warmth the only thing keeping the icy fingers of winter from seeping into the very bones of her shelter.

Every day, Elara inspected her dwindling supplies, her heart sinking a little deeper with each inventory. Though the pantry had been stocked, the gnawing fear that the food might not last gnawed at her like a persistent ache. The melted snow she collected served as a steady source of water, but even that small blessing felt precarious in the face of nature’s fury, a reminder of how fragile her survival truly was at the moment. Each meal she prepared was a quiet ritual—simple and nourishing —her way of maintaining control in a world that seemed bent on stripping it from her. These tasks, mundane as they were, became her anchor, pulling her back from the brink of isolation-induced madness.

When the storm finally relented, and the familiar sound of a knock broke the oppressive quiet, Elara felt the weight on her chest begin to lift. Relief washed over her in waves as the messenger’s words pierced through the lingering fear that had taken root in her soul: it was safe to leave. She stood for a moment in the doorway, staring out at the snow-covered world beyond, feeling the burden of her solitary vigil melt away, replaced by a tentative sense of freedom.

As Elara stepped outside, the cold bit through her thick woollen cloak, but it was the world that felt both familiar and strange, draped in a heavy blanket of snow. The street was dusted in white, yet teeming with subtle signs of life—the low murmur of distant voices and the faint crunch of footsteps in the distance. The Aurelian guards had already passed, their torches cutting fiery trails against the fading storm, like beacons leading the way. A growing hum of movement filled the air as people began emerging from their homes, bundled in layers of mismatched winter garments, their faces nearly invisible beneath scarves and hoods. Elara stood for a moment at the threshold, her hand lingering on the doorframe, torn between the quiet comfort of her cabin and the communal warmth gathering in the heart of Dawnhaven.

Her princess would have to wait. The pull of the bonfire, the promise of hot food, and the sound of distant laughter beckoned her forward. She wrapped her cloak tighter, the dark burgundy fabric fluttering slightly as she took a step, the worn leather boots she wore crunching into the snow. The icy grip of isolation had held her for too long, and now the sight of neighbours—strangers yet familiar—warmed something inside her that no hearth ever could. She joined the steady procession of townsfolk, her breath clouding in the crisp air as the scent of wood smoke and the mouth-watering aroma of stew greeted her senses.

The closer Elara got to the Eye of the Beholder, the more the scene in front of her sharpened into focus. Through the flickering light of the bonfire, she noticed a growing commotion by the entrance. Her lips pressed into a thin line as recognition struck—there he was again, the same rude man who had been a thorn in her side the week before. A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth as the memory of his dismissive tone resurfaced, stirring an irritation she had tried to bury. This time, however, she wouldn’t let it slide. It was hard to forget a face like his, and the way his arrogance had left an unpleasant sting.

With her usual decidedness, Elara stepped forward, her cloak swaying with the movement. “Excuse me,” she began, her voice calm yet firm, cutting through the rising tension. Her eyes locked onto his, unflinching. “Mistress Sya here is a respected member of our community and the proprietor of The Eye of the Beholder. Her contributions are invaluable—especially in times like these. You’ll do well to show her the respect she deserves, blightborn or not.”

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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by Queen Arya
Avatar of Queen Arya

Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with:
Ayel Raunefelt (@Dezuel) || Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Elara Moonshadow(@Qia)

Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Her head was pounding. Everything felt like it was simply too much for her, candles within her room too bright and the sounds her feet made against the flooring too loud. Each little thing contributing to her pounding headache, a shameful reminder of the coward's path she'd taken to avoid the pain in her chest for the last week. For a moment, she debated turning and diving back into her bed, burying her face deep into the pillow and simply staying hidden until the inn's owner came and threw her out for lack of coin to pay for another night. Yet... something in her chest told her that was the wrong option. Whether it was a thought from deep within herself or some other kind of influence, Dyna couldn't tell, but it did place within her the motivation she needed to finish pulling herself together. Though much of that motivation had already been found that morning when she'd heard the dying words of her sister once again. A plea for Dyna to live, and a reminder that she'd been doing the opposite of that by staying curled up in this damned room.

After nearly an hour, she'd managed to bath and dress in her armor. Then slinging the -now emptied- coin purse into her belt before tying her scabbard to her waist and slinging her Shield over her back. All that was left was placing her other clothes and minimal personal belongings into the leather sack she used to carry them for long travels. She didn't have much of a plan, beyond checking in with the Church of Aelios in Dawnhaven and confessing to the failure of her mission, but she knew she'd not be staying another night at this inn. A final look about the innroom that had housed her during her darkest days, and Dyna was ready to head out into the world once more. Without giving herself even a second to think back on the despair still gripping her heart, to gall back into the hopeless spiral that had kept her here... Dyna made her way out of the inn. It only took her about a minute, and two wrong turns, after leaving her inn room to find her way towards the exit. A brief stop to return her inn room's key, then she was out the front doors.

Once outside, she was almost immediately greeted by the sight of a man sitting atop a white horse and tearing into one of the... Blightborn. Dyna did not need to listen for more than half a minute to get a read on the man's type. A self-righteous noble, from the way he talked... the type to think that those beneath his class were no better than pigs on a farm. She'd seen plenty of his type in during trips to the Capital while she'd been training. With a light exhale through her nose, Dyna shook her head and started to walk away from the Inn as the man started in on a second tirade of self-righteous fury. It was not her job to protect one of the Blighted. While she didn't hate the poor souls, Dyna didn't find herself over trusting of them either.

Yet... she found herself pausing and chewing her lower lip for a long moment as that lat thought crossed her mind. As she recalled her many discussions with Ranni on the subject, how Ranni had always wanted to help those afflicted by the blight. Monstrous they may seem, they were still people at their core she'd argued time and again. Dyna's Azure eyes closed for a moment as she shook her head, almost able to imagine Ranni insisting they help the poor woman being berated. A little chuckle left Dyna's lips for a moment as she could almost perfectly hear Ranni's voice arguing with her.

Guess I am the one living for the both of us now, huh? She thought silently, darkly, before clearing her mind and becoming resolved in her choice to help the woman.

Dyna turned back towards the two, who had become three as another had joined in on the very side fo the arguement Dyna had intended to join.

Still, she found herself moving to stand between the man on his horse and the women he'd been berating. Her arms crossed as she silently took a long gaze over him and let a distinctly unimpressed look cross her features. "You done?" She asked after a moment of silence, intense Azure gaze meeting his own with a fierce confidence. "Dyna Soleil, Champion of Aelios. Couldn't help but overhear the... spirited conversation here. As such, I've decided 'tis Aelios' bidding that I resolve the issue." She said firmly, before continuing without allow even a second for a response. "If" She started, emphasis on the word as she continued. "You were the Prince's friend, as you claim, then you'd be aware that her kind have been offered hospitality here. Hospitality that I very much doubt includes listening a man so insecure in himself that he has to flaunt his titles to feel he means somethin, attempt to demean her and treat as something owned. Further, I might add, as the owner of the inn which is hosting this feast of his I am more inclined to believe that she has relationship with him than you." She said, then held up four fingers towards the man on the horse.

"So, I see four possible solutions here. Option one; You do as was suggested earlier, show her the respect owed and offer an apology." She said with a light gesture towards Elara in acknowledge of what the other had said as Dyna had moved to join the group. "Option two; you suck up your pride and remain civil until you see the Prince and can ask him for clarification, then deal with whatever he deems fit. Barring that being too difficult for a small man as yourself, you leave." She said, counting down two fingers as she did. "Option three, I call for the Town Guard and ask their take on the situation and they make you leave." She said, counting down the second finger. "Option three, I make you leave. Which shall it be, my lord?" She asked, even as she raised an eyebrow and adjusted her stance to betray that nothing this man could say or do scared her in the slightest.

Am I doing this right? Is this what you would've wanted Ranni? She silently throught as she awaited his reply, standing defiant before the man atop his horse.


Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with: N/A

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - Town Center
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

At least the Blizzard had broken. Ranni counted her blessings where she could find them as she continued trudging through the snow towards the town that grew steadily and steadily closer. What's more? She'd left the purple Miasma of the Blight long behind... and the air somehow felt... cleaner now. While the blightlands had no longer harmed her, they had smelled like death and decay. Sickness. A scent she'd never forget, and found herself relishing in the various scents of the living world she'd long taken for granted. Occasionally, as she walked, Ranni would let out a little yelp of shock or pain as the long tail behind herself drooped to the ground as she relaxed. The price for forgetting about her new growth being its contact with the frigid snow, or a smack into a sharp rock. Along with that, her horns were freezing at their tips as well! The girl cursed both her new growths yet another time amongst the countless she'd done throughout the past couple of days. Yet still, she carried on, the dreams of a warm bed to curl up in doing more than enough to spur her forward.

As she reached the outskirts of the town, Ranni felt her exaughsted legs picking up pace as renewed hope flooded her system with a second wind. She still felt drawn by that familiar connection, and naturally followed it through streets she'd never navigated before. Strangely, the girl hadn't come across anybody on her way through the Town. Wondering if they were all sleeping in, or perhaps had gathered for some reason? The thoughts quickly fell away from her mind, as did most other thoughts aside from finding said warm bed to curl up into. And a partner to feast upon. A thought flickered across her mind, yet escaped before she could fully grasp onto what she had thought. Almost if it had been a natural, primal instinct. One that was easily shrugged off by the Priestess as she saw a large building coming into view. One with quite a few people out front, and what seemed like food, drink, and fires to warm oneself around. The Priestess wasted not even a second dashing forward suddenly, eager to bask in the warmth that'd abandoned her for so long.

Then just as abruptly, she froze in her tracks. Eyes wide and all other things forgotten at the sight of somebody dear to her head. Standing in some altercation, but here none the less.

"Dyna?" She called, suddenly aware of just how awful she looked. Covered in dried on across her disheveled features and ruined garments. Dried blood on her dress, which itself had torn in her travels, and the strange new features she developed. Fear suddenly sat heavy in her throat that these towns folk might think her to be feral or something. Fear that her own sister might reject her for what she'd become...

Yet those fears were soon dashed aside as Dyna's attention on the situation she had been in had seemingly broken entirely. As if in a stupor, she walked towards Ranni with tears welling in her eyes. When they were close, Dyna didn't even hesitate for a second before closing the gap and wrapping her twin in a hug so tight that Ranni swore her back was about to break. Dyna's body visibly shook as she silently sobbed while holding her twin. Unable to find the words to say and letting her actions speak for her. Actions that were soon returned by Ranni, as her emotions overflowed and destroyed any hint of the wall she'd built up in the past days.

Unbeknownst to her, these emotions were always radiating out in waves across the crowd. Powerful feelings of relief and joy telepathically flooding the Square. Fear, felt only for a moment, melted away as the twins embraced for a long a few minutes. Only finally separating after Ranni squeaked out something about not being able to breathe through the embrace.

As they did, Dyna studied Ranni and spoke in a soft tone. Seeming to finally notice the strange physical features her sister now bore. "I thought you'd died..."

"I did... then I woke up again. I-I think I-"

"You became one of them."

"Y-yeah. I-I'm sorry, Dyna. I don't know w-what this changed. Did your sister die out there, and I took her pl-"


A slap across her cheek stunned Ranni into a silence as Dyna glared at her sister with an intensity in her eyes Ranni'd never seen before.

"Don't you ever dare to speak like that again. I don't give a damn what changed about you out there, Ranni." Dyna said with a shaky voice, yanking Ranni into another tight hug as she barely managed to get her next words out between her tears.

"I lost my sister once, and somehow... she came back to me. I prayed you would every day, and my prayers were answered. I swear I am never, ever, going to lose you again, Ranni." She whispered, before devolving fully into sobs once more.

Ranni, tried to find the right words to say, but she couldn't. Falling instead into the embrace and letting her tears flow once more.

Maybe things would be okay afterall...

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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya could not help but hiss especially as her temper began to flare and had to clamp down on the growing temper and surge of emotions. She swayed slightly on her new limb and eye expressed some of her mood glaring at him and annoyed he refused to even dismount. a mental thought turned to her knife that was strapped to about her waist, the wlong blade having no leg to … one leg to strap it to. Tail?

she would have to get all that straight. Sya did not reply, Reptile… she was … blightborn, what she was debatable.

“I'm the owner of the Inn, I think I would know more than a newcomer. Reptilessss are not worms for your information.You too weak for it anyway. Strong borderland drink, not weak southern stuff for weak constitutions.” Sya said with an annoyed snap to her voice, her borderlands growing thicker and more of her native birth language accent.

Sya saw that he was drawing others and drawing attention to his rant especially atop his horse, mounted atop an large animal, white no less… white horse. Elara with her rather striking white hair and a blonde Sya had yet to meet another woman, this pompous peacock seemed to be heavily outnumbered by women, human or blightborn.

Why was she taller than Sya? Everyone was taller than Sya 5 foot height.. she had gone through the blight twice now and had grown not a inch! maybe she could push off with her tail a little more with practice but she doubted it, she was unsure If her new body was intended to do that naturally. She had to learn her body all over again.

“I'm quite a clean woman in fact, the hot springs will likely feel very nice on my ssssxcales. Ssssatisfying…” Sya said with a grin and knew it would annoy him even more, that she was not surrendering to this overly annoying example of nobility.

Sya put up with his rant as he grew even more unhinged, who did he think he was and why did he think that he was so much of a being above them, she got more grudging respect even if it was tinged with distrust from the various guards of Lunaris.

“No. I am the mistress here. Thissss is my home, my business and my Inn. You are on my land.” Sya said firmly and simply, she did elaborate it or apologise. She was firm, and would cry and break down later curled into her new tail that was an oddly comforting way to rest. Much as she would like someone to wrap up and cuddle into herself, someone to tell her it would be OK and to share the light petting ahe enjoyed as she dozed off.

“Hello, thankyou Miss Elara, your kindness and support is appreciated. I'm glad you are well despite the storm. I'm a little changed but me and you are always welcome at the Eye of Beholder.” Sya gave her a friendly wave that her tail mirrored, poking up and waving in time to her hand. She did it without thought or intention, Sya's expressive eye switched and showed a softer welcome expression to the woman whose hair was like the moonlight. Elara was … she had never been hostile to Sya and had treated her well so Sya treated her well in return, she found a little extra in her glass too that was entirely deliberate.

A rather inviting smell of fresh baking began to form from the Inn, Sya has requested. The shape would have to be refined but she had an aim and a goal that she wanted.

“Please sasstay. I have fresh samples from the bakery coming out soon, ” Sya said warmly to Elara and gestured to the door. “Sssshine of selene…too” Sya said and waved to several glass bottles filled with clear liquid though if you drank it like water you would know about it. Her arm gesture got an imitation from her tail and as she moved and pointed to the door where the smells came from.

A blonde Sya saw approach and introduced herself as a champion of religion and she bristled a little at the idea however Sya also picked up she seemed to be not against her least in this matter so Sya calmed down.

“Thankyou and welcome to the Eye formerly. I am Sya, the Keeper and owner.” Sya gave the woman l, newcomer and champion a wave, her tail imitating the gesture and it seemed so nothing she would have to get used to. “I am helping host the event, the Prince cares about people here, Blightborn or not, you'd find your friend has perhaps changed for the better. His generosity is why people are happy as these daysss allow and also why their loyalty is genuine.” Sya said to the woman and the overly annoying man.

She laid out several options and based on Sya personal opinion, she would likely prefer to see the guard, maybe the Stocky gruff armoured one with one a single eye to drag him to a stockade. “Would you like to …” before Sya could finish this blonde Knight or so ran over to someone who looked to have walked out the wilderness, dirty, bloody and so. Her attention was turned back to the man, Elara and a group of customers who were waiting to gather drinks. “We have them out soon, The Prince did not give us much warning.” Sya Said to inform those waiting and show the annoying man that this was her domain, not his… Sya was Mistress and owner of the eye, he had just an interloper on her domain.

Maybe it was her blightborn nature and changes making them more wild until she had got used to them again, but she felt a desire to defend her territory from an obvious rival and threat to it.

Looking over she spotted the guard frown and looked over and stood near getting a drink, it was the tall woman who seemed to be the most Junior of the group but one would be wise not to underestimate as she seemed entirely comfortable armed with swords and dagger behind her back. The amazonian woman have a nod and looked over, she would prefer to take Fiona up on a drink but would do her duty as required and gave Hector a thumbs up that she was good. One overgrown ego driven noble inbred was not a challenge for Daphne, or should not be anyway. "Always one... to ruin a good thing" She said mostly to Fiona and sighed.

Other guards had turned noting the raised voice and man sat atop a horse looking down on several women, new, old and one who ran the local Inn, blightborn but well known to many in the town who crossed the Eyes threshold. Thry started to pay attention and some moved closer to be able to keep a better eye on matters.

The other Knight…or whatever her role was was now hugging this woman who arrived covered in blood, tree and torn… That was odd but hey, Dawn Haven…

“Do I need to get the guards? Will you disturb the Prince's Peace, his friend would respect his home and peoples whom he protects..” Sya asked and looked around, especially at the man who was causing so many issues. Sya said testing the man a little, testing the Idea he even was close to the Prince.

@Queen Arya@Qia@Dezuel@GambolMuse

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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Ayel Raunefeldt

The nobleman in his vast patience and understanding raised an arrogant eyebrow as Sya had had the gall to explain to him. HIM of all people. Who had attended the most prominent academy, achieved the most praise for his skills in everything. Despite having been set up by those jealous good for nothing second-grade nobles of the academy which had changed his answers somehow on the tests. It irked him still, how the guilty could escape rightious judgement. And now this serpentine horror had the audacity to stand before him on his elegant steed and attempt to make him seem a fool. How dared she.

"You dull thing, I know fully well of the difference between all things that slither. But what point is there really to differenciate things which are equally filthy? Hmm? You see, you dim dolt, I do not memorize every single ant I happen to stumble upon, naming them or having the time to do so. I have important work to do. And you being clean? Do not delude yourself. What? You have defiled some pristine spring with your wicked scaly slithering slime… " The nobleman was so upset he was spitting out his words, momentarily even causing a slight drool which he quickly tried to conceal with a swift grab of his napkin.

The nobleman's eyes were twitching, why in the world had every woman within Dawnhaven come to pester him? He knew that no doubt his noble features would attract admiration, even from the good-for-nothing peasant cast, but that they would be so rude and try defend the slithering beast before him. He couldn't understand it. The first to have gotten his noble gaze set upon them was Elara, he could see that she was pretty. For a peasant. He suspected she might have possibly even claimed bronze at the beauty contest in Aurelia. But that was from all the common peasant blob and their biased votes. He was still leagues above her.

"I am giving this abomination the respect she does deserve, which is none. I am the Marquess, Ayel Raunefeldt, and I deserve respect. For I am rich and I am influencial. This creature is more animal than human, she cannot own an establishment." He explained in a slow manner, as he knew that peasants were abit slower in the head. He would have to put in some effort to make them understand, in a sense he couldn't help but feel a slight admiration for those nobles in Aurelia that had to converse with them every day. No wonder his ilk worked themselves to death. These people were as dumb as they were dirty.

His focus soon shifted to another woman, this one blonde which had moved to put herself in the way. The audacity!

"Champion of her divine goddess, Aelios? Do you know who I am? I am the chosen of the goddess, look upon my grace girl. This face didn't shape itself out of the void, it was finely crafted by the goddess herself. As for hospitality, that does not give her the right to slither about in these parts and looking horrible-" He spoke up and his face grew more red by the seconds, the more Dyna spoke.

Her options struck him like bolts from the sky, they were crazy, was this woman insane?

Appologize and show respect to that disgusting serpent? Never. That would be like having a king kneel to a snail. He couldn't even entertain the idea. Then came the second option she provided, being civil? He was being civil enough by not ordering the affront to be dragged off. But then again the guards seemed to be against him. Those bigoted Lunaris barbarians. The woman proceeded to mention option three, which involved said guards. That was out of the question, they were barbarians only fit for outhouse duty. The last option she gave was that she would have him leave. She? This misguided servant of Aelios.

But what if Aelios would have given her some blessing? It surely wasn't as great as his own. But what if she would be displeased with him in reprimanding this woman? Fighting amidst the followers of Aelios would not be good. He wanted to whack her with his horse whip, but he withdrew the idea. Perhaps she would be more useful after his dear friend the prince had taught her to respect him. Perhaps she would be somewhat useful to him even? While the nobleman considered his options another blonde woman came into the scene. The nobleman gave out a sigh, then adjusted his hat and took the bothersome lock away from his face so that the newcomer could see his face and feel enthralled with it. Like everyone else no doubt felt.

Ayel raised an eyebrow on seeing the first blonde and the newcomer embrace. He couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at the sight, then he noticed the horns on Ranni and her other traits.

His face which had gotten slightly more calm was still riddled with disgust at the sight before him.

"Very touching. A reunion between yourself and your twin, the goat." The nobleman stroked his frilled shirt, his judging gaze looked over at the two blondes. Oddly enough the horned one made him feel odd. He felt like all of a sudden he had to pull out his mirror, and look at himself. A sense of dread overcame him, why had this disgusting goat-girl reminded him of himself? He wanted to go and clear his head. Perhaps this was a result of bad wine? But wasn't possible, the wine he always drank was good. Unless someone had mixed his drinks with those from the border region. He wanted to throw up as the thought struck him, of dirty barbarians using their feet to crush grapes and make wine.

"Unghh.. I- I have places to be.. ohh… uhh.." He reached his napkin to his mouth, to attempt to block out the smell that didn't come from his perfume and the idea of dirty peasants being without their attires. He quickly shook his head to rid his noble mind of these indecent visions. What in the world had made him think of these dirty things? Ayel felt something he had not felt for a long time. Shame. He had purify his mind as soon as possible, he closed his eyes and thought of himself and the statues and paintings of himself which would arrive with the next caravan. He blew out some air and tried to collect himself. Did the horned blonde look all of a sudden better than the one without? Impossible. Just a moment ago she were the less of the two peasants. The nobleman froze as if a horrible realization came over him. He was trying to compare potatoes with other potatoes. Was the blight thing getting to him? He had to rush away and curate himself!

The nobleman turned his horse around ready to leave, giving Sya a glare then shaking his head to Elara. Had the word gone mad? He was a Marquess? Why were they not bowing to him and praising him? He was dressed his best and his manners left nothing to be desired. He missed Aurelia and the noble circles already. He couldn't help but turn his head as he was leaving to look at the horned woman and her twin. Why did he just do that? He shook his head again. Must be some after blizzard cold. He couldn't help but feel dirty. He wanted to clean his hands.

@PrinceAlexus@Queen Arya@Qia
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Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eastern Town Gate
Through knee-deep snow, Nyla willed herself to take another step. Her body cried for rest, but she trudged on, her gloved fingers trembling as they pulled her teal and gold colored cloak closer to her body.

Another step.

A large fur-lined hood veiled her face, keeping her tanned skin safe from the bite of this goddess-forsaken land. Despite buying the warmest clothing she could find in the capital’s market, it wasn’t enough. The cold seeped through her thick layers, chilling her to the bone. Her toes hurt beneath her boots and she actively daydreamed about the warmth of Aelios’ sacred hot springs, enveloped by her grace’s warmth.

Just one more step…

Her breathing became labored as her legs shook with each high step into the pristine white snow that covered the entire trail to Dawnhaven. She silently cursed it with every step, hating it for everything it was and wishing for Aelios to melt it all away.

This journey had been excruciating from the very beginning. Her decision to flee the capital had been impeccably timed, leading her right into a blizzard as soon as she entered the mountains. She’d never experienced such ferocity from nature before. She had traveled far and wide in Aurelia, but this landscape was unforgiving. Growing up in the heat of the desert lands made snow feel unnatural and hellish. If not for her new transformation, she surely would have frozen to death by now.

The horse she’d stolen hadn’t lasted long, either. One night, while Nyla sheltered in an abandoned home, a blighted creature tore the poor animal apart. The rest of her journey had to be done by foot or flight. She flew when she could—transforming into a butterfly made of light or shrinking down in size so that her own wings might be able to carry her weight. However, with the blizzard winds, flying seemed more difficult than walking. And it drained her. Made her hungry in ways she couldn’t explain. If she lost too much energy she’d become mean and devoid of emotion. Feral.

Just yesterday she had come across a weary traveler, taking shelter in the same abandoned home she had sought out. She had tried… she really did. She made conversation with the man, helped him make a fire and tried to suffice herself off the bread he offered to eat. But her own needs had won. By morning, the man was dead.

Pausing, Nyla leaned heavily against the rough bark of an oak tree, pressing her icy gloves into the ancient wood. Her raven hair, the ends slick with melted snow, clung to her face as she shut her eyes, just for a moment, letting the cold air fill her lungs as she tried to steady herself. Luckily the blizzard had broken by this morning, but exhaustion still settled deep into her bones. She’d need to find somewhere to rest for the day, though she didn’t want to stop. If she pushed herself much further, she’d need to…

Opening her pale blue eyes, she looked ahead, her breath catching as they settled upon a wooden gate flanked by familiar Aurelian guards. Their polished armor gleamed beneath the full moon overhead. A plume of ghostly mist escaped Nyla’s lips as she exhaled a sigh of relief, the warmth of her breath meeting the cold of the air. She had never held any love for Aurelian guards in the past, but they were a welcome sight now. A small flicker of renewed energy surged through her. Dawnhaven’s gates were just ahead, and beyond them, warmth! She had finally made it.

Just as she was about to move towards the gate, she froze. Her heart skipped a few beats as she remembered how she would immediately appear to them. Skin glittering with golden flecks, sharp pointed ears, monarch wings attached to her back and black horns sitting atop her head. She bit her lower lip in thought, staring at the guards who took notice of her then.

“Who goes there?!”

Despite her horns and wings being covered by her cloak, the thought of revealing her true nature to strangers was unsettling. She knew Dawnhaven was a sanctuary for people like her, but… her heart ached. She did not want to reveal anything at all. Not yet, anyway. And what if Flynn…

Nyla closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath as she focused on the familiar sensation of transformation. She reached within herself, tapping into the energy she had consumed yesterday, channeling it to shift her appearance back to her former human self. The change was instantaneous, and only a tad bit painful. Her head was free of horns, her ears human, her back no longer bore wings, and the shimmering golden skin that defined her blight-born identity had faded to a more familiar shade. For now, she felt a sense of relief, wanting to blend in, to be seen as she once was. She knew this transformation wouldn’t last forever; the energy it required would eventually drain her, forcing her to reveal the truth beneath the facade. Yet for the moment, she embraced the comfort of her humanity, the warmth of familiarity.

“Identify yourself and state your business, traveler!”

With a surge of excitement, Nyla moved forward, her heart racing as she approached the guards. The cool air brushed against her face as she removed her hood, revealing her human self. “Please,” she called out as she grew nearer, “My name is Nyla Zafira. I’ve traveled through a blizzard and come from the capital. I seek a warm bed and a hot meal.” She forced a smile, though the ache in her body gnawed at her with every movement.

The two guards exchanged a glance, their eyes assessing Nyla as she drew closer. After a moment, one of them stepped forward, his expression softening for a beautiful woman. “You’re fortunate to find Dawnhaven then, miss.”

He gestured for her to enter, his tone becoming more welcoming. “You’ll want to head to the Eye of the Beholder. The Prince is holding a feast there. They’ll have beds and plenty of meals to share.”

Nyla’s heart caught in her chest at the mention of Flynn, the Prince, her ex-lover. A mix of longing and apprehension gripped her, twisting like a knife in her chest. Part of her wanted to avoid him, yet the other part ached to see him again.

“Thank you.” she said, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. As the guards stepped aside, permitting her to pass through the gates, Nyla offered them a grateful nod before heading in the direction they indicated. Though she had been dreaming of a warm bed for weeks, her thoughts were now consumed by what she would say to the man who awaited her here.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Ayel-@Dezuel, Sya-@PrinceAlexus

Elara stood silently as Sya’s temper flared, her eyes tracking the subtle movements that betrayed the woman’s frustration. The flick of Sya’s tail, the slight sway of her body on her new limb—these small signs revealed the depth of her irritation. Yet, Elara couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for her. Sya didn’t shrink back or apologize for who she was. She stood tall, firm, unapologetic, claiming her space as if daring anyone to challenge her right to exist.

When Sya turned to her, Elara’s sternness softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Thank you, Mistress Sya,” she said warmly, her tone rich with genuine respect. It wasn’t just words—Elara meant it. Sya’s strength in the face of disrespect was something to be admired. The sweet scent of freshly baked bread from the inn drifted past, and Elara’s stomach grumbled softly in protest, reminding her she hadn’t yet eaten.

But there were more pressing matters.

“Marquess Raunefeldt,” she began, her voice calm and clear, slicing through the tension like a blade, “your title and wealth do not grant you the right to demean and belittle those who serve this community with dedication and honor.” She fixed her gaze on him, watching as he shifted slightly in the saddle, his discomfort clear in the way he adjusted his reins. “Mistress Sya has earned her place here through hard work and respect, qualities far more valuable than any noble birthright, I think.” The air seemed to still as the crowd around them watched, their attention focused on her words. But for Elara, this wasn’t about putting on a show—it was about standing for the truth.

Stepping forward, her voice grew firmer, echoing her conviction. “You speak of respect, yet your actions show none. True nobility is not measured by riches or titles, but by the way one treats others, especially those who cannot defend themselves for whichever reason.” She paused, watching him closely now for his reaction.

“If you wish to be respected, you must first show respect.”

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Hidden 13 days ago 13 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Sun Temple

The waking world was a muddled haze, an intangible thing that danced out of reach whenever she tried to grasp at it.
And then all at once, it was solid.

Tia opened her eyes. Her new home in Dawnhaven had become a familiar sight in the last week – as had the presence of the odd man kneeling very close to her, a finger outstretched as he poked her face. She flinched away from him with a sharp intake of breath. Suddenly alert, Tia blinked at him, once again trying to wrap her mind around his total lack of personal space.

When Tia was a teenager living in the Sunfire Citadel, another young acolyte snuck a cat into their living quarters. It was against the rules, of course. But none of the girls had the heart to point that out - not when there was an adorable kitten just begging to be snuggled with. Of course, they all realized quickly that a bored kitten was a very difficult thing to keep hidden from the priests that oversaw their training. The kitten – Dewey, they’d named her, for her wet little nose – was insatiably curious, and all together unbothered with their attempts to keep her under control. She’d investigated every little nook and cranny, leaving evidence behind in the form of strands of grey fur, and books and religious ornaments knocked over and disarrayed. She’d go hunting for any sort of companionship she could find - just never from the girl that wanted to provide it at that moment. She’d chirped and mewed and yowled on a whim, chattering at shadows and dust motes in the air.

Having Gadez in the temple for the past week reminded her of that. He was just… a very smart, very muscular cat. He seemed to delight in figuring out what buttons to press, which weathered tomes were the most delicate, when Tia was least prepared for social interaction. By the end of the week, Tia had begun to feel less like a priestess, and more like a minder.

But she’d be lying if she claimed it had been all bad. For all of his poking and prodding, Gadez was surprisingly good company. He was intelligent, if odd. Charming, even. He was always ready to chatter on about a subject or history Tia knew little about, and was unbothered by her limited ability to respond. Most of all though, he always found a way to make Tia feel like a proper conversation partner, despite her silence. His keen eyes, so bright they almost seemed to glow, always watched for a reaction, eager to catch her little tells. It was the first time in months that she felt like a person, rather than a shattered ornament, hastily glued back together and placed on a shelf.

But his eyes...

There was something about him – the way he watched her like he couldn’t wait to figure her out. He struck Tia as a man who liked to take something apart piece by piece until he could see all the gruesome mechanisms that made it move. For all his kindness and cheer, for as fond as Tia had become of him over the past few days, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was more wild than domesticated.

Dewey the kitten had lasted a fortnight before one of the priests heard her meowing from their room. When he’d grabbed her, she’d hissed and spat before running her claws across his face. He’d gotten an infection so bad that it’d almost cost him his eye. He still had the scars.

Gadez was still watching her with those bright eyes. His voice was soft – soothing, even. Like she was the wild animal he needed to be wary of.

Tia tried to breathe as her heart rate lowered. Then she pushed herself into a sitting position, careful to keep the distance between them. At least her sleeping robe was covering her properly.

She gave him an awkward smile. She’d long since accepted that he just… didn’t have a concept of personal space. It didn’t seem malicious, at least. Honestly, she was surprised it’d taken him this long to trespass into her room.

More than that though, she was surprised she’d managed to keep the pages hidden – careful transcriptions of the three visions she’d had in Dawnhaven, written and rewritten until she’d gotten every last detail she could remember, and hidden away at the bottom of her drawer, should the Arch Priest allow her to share them, as she hoped.

If he responded to her letter, it might’ve arrived by now. She had to get to the post office to check – and to deliver the report she owed Queen Viviana. It was embarrassingly sparse, since she’d been sealed away by the blizzard for the past week. But it was still expected of her.

Getting out of bed, Tia let Gadez lead her to the front of the temple, the eternal flame still burning. It was smaller than normal – she’d had to ration out the wood, unsure how long they’d be trapped by the blizzard. But the fire had never gone out.

Sure enough, when the temple doors swung open, they were greeted with dark skies and a gentle snowfall. The blizzard was over. Tia took in a slow breath, a sinking feeling landing in her chest. Back to the real world, then – of a sunless sky, tangled prophecies, responsibilities that she didn’t feel worthy or competent enough to fulfill.

Back to being shattered.

Tia looked up at the clouds, obscuring the stars. She hadn’t seen them for so long that it ached.

Forcing a smile back on her face, Tia turned to Gadez and gave him a low bow.

“Thank you,” she murmured in her rasping voice. When she straightened and looked back at him, she met his eyes. Her smile turned soft and genuine. She swallowed, focusing on relaxing her vocal cords. “For the company.” He’d kept her from being trapped in her own thoughts. For that alone, she was grateful.

Interaction: Gadez Paladice @Dezuel
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

One week after the Queen's death

The unrest in Lunaris in the month following the Queen’s death was palpable.

It was to be expected of course. A major political figure’s death would surely spark change in the kingdom’s leadership, and with it, changes that would ultimately effect everyone in the city.

Katherine wasn’t watching the unrest from the streets however. She had a front-row seat to the event as a ranking member of the Selune clergy, much to her dismay. It wasn’t that politics bored her; quite the opposite was true. She loved being in a position where she could make an actual difference in the lives of all Lunarians. No, it was the fact that now she knew. She knew that the Inquisition pulled strings from the shadows, unknown to the King or late Queen.

The Queen is dead... ... ... Long live the Queen.

Even now from her position in the court, Katherine’s eyes nervously glanced between two council members sitting opposite from her among the other nobility. Eyes towards the King, Sorrowind. Don’t get any ideas. The icy voice pierced her mind as one of their faces cracked a smile for a singular heartbeat.
I will never get used to that. Katherine’s heart raced, fear lacing her thoughts. The blood-magic leash that they’d put on her weeks ago was ever-present. She was powerless against them as long as it remained in place. Blood magic was forbidden for a reason, and Katherine was learning exactly why that was, first hand. Her only current hope was that leaving for Dawnhaven would put enough distance between herself and the Inquisition to render the spell powerless.

I wouldn’t count on it. The voice whispered in her head, slivers of pain causing the young woman to clutch her head and drawing the momentary attention of the nobility seated next to her.

I’m so fucked.

* * *

One week before current date.

The road to Dawnhaven was going to be a long one. According to the castle scribes, a blizzard was setting in in a day’s time and would become a problem about halfway to Durnatel. Katherine had braved her share of cold nights during her survival training, but the thought still didn’t give her any comfort as she rode atop the carriage next to a single Lunarian guard tasked as her escort. Like he’s going to be any help in a real fight. Katherine mused in her head, though he may come in handy during the long winter nights. Her cheeks flushed a bit at the thought, glancing to the clueless guard for a single moment before returning her gaze forward.

The first night’s camp was setup quickly between the two travelers; it consisted of a medium-sized fur teepee with more furs lining what would become the floor, along with a few oil lanterns to provide light and warmth, and finally a pair of bedrolls. Though if I have my way, we won’t be needing two.
With the horse tied up and blanketed, Katherine and her unlikely roommate closed into the teepee for the night just as the storm began to brew. Dinner this evening consisted of cheesecloth-wrapped military rations and Aurelian tea; even the Queen would admit it was one of the few things that the southern nation did better. In contrast, the biscuits left much to be desired. Only by dipping them in the tea did they become edible, and even then there was more flavor to be found by eating a raw potato.

As the priestess awoke, her cheeks flushed as she felt the furnace of a man still peacefully asleep behind her, his arms across her torso in a gentle embrace. The night before would remain nothing more than a blissful memory with a nameless stranger in a few hours. But for now, you’re all mine. A grin spread across Katherine’s lips, before turning herself to face her temporary lover and cuddling up tight against his chest.

* * *

Present date.
Location: Northen entrance of Dawnhaven.

The wagon wheels struggle to move in the deep snow and the horse is clearly not having a good time as they crest the final hill and Dawnhaven comes into sight. Katherine rolls her neck back and forth, the feeling of the invisible blood-magic leash much weaker now but still ever-present. Don’t you worry Sorrowind, I’m still in your head. Fucker.

Her mind wanders to her companion sitting to her right and warmth fills her body once more. Seven days of consequence-free, commitment free fun with a man she will likely never see again. What a tragedy.

Katherine hops down from the wagon into the knee-high snow as the single-wagon caravan approaches the gates, and she swears she hears a sigh of relief from the horse next to her. Looking back to the gates, the guards have clearly seen her and while they don’t look alarmed, they’re clearly alert and watching her every move. “Traveller, identify yourself. State your name and purpose.” Her eyes glance to the voice with a nod, closing the distance a bit more before producing a document from her coat. In her hand, a letter with the Lunarian court seal adorning it’s front. “I am Priestess Sorrowind of Lunaris, sent by the Qu—” Katherine’s voice falters for but a moment “Sent by his majesty the King.” The letter reads the same, and the guard returns the parchment to it’s owner. “Head on in Priestess, warm yourself at the inn. The Prince has organized a feast in celebration of the blizzard ending. You’ll find the temple of Seluna inside as well.”

“You have my thanks.” Her voice is warm and gentle despite the frigid air, and the caravan officially takes its first steps into Dawnhaven. And in crossing those next few steps, her leash is only the slightest sensation in her mind and the voice falls quiet. Maybe this will be easier than I thought.
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Hidden 13 days ago 13 days ago Post by BOOM
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Willis Philips

The past week Willis have been staying at Sya's megatavern, Eye of the Beholder, after getting kicked out of Orion's lovely cottage for wrecking his home (and destroying a precious memento from his possibly dead wife. Oof). Normally, a good businesswomen like Sya would never allow a somewhat feral, definitely bloodthirsty blightborn to stay with her paying guests. Fortunately, Willis can turn into a bat.

Yes, he's been living inside the tavern walls. Listening. Evesdropping. Not because he is planning to blackmail anyone, but out of pure boredom. Afterall, not a lot of free entertainment in this town.

Since the sun disappeared people stopped giving meaning to Day and Night, because the world is shrouded in perpetual darkness. Willis heard that wise scholars in the capital started using the moon cycle to track the passage of time. Here, Willis simply knows the time of night by tracking 2 types of pounding he hears: the heavy pounding of construction, "I guess people are working now," and the muffled pounding of flesh against flesh, "I guess people are resting now." Sometimes, the noises blend together. Those naughty guys.

The Eye of the Beholder is a turely massive building. 4 floors, a self-contained tavern, brewery, bakery, inn, and fort, all smashed into a block of stone. As long as Willis avoid the hallways regularly used by the small horde of builders to get food and get laid, he remains undetected. The workers, he overheard, are rennovating the Beholder for a 3rd time. It was built a lot quicker than Willis expected. A scaffolding cage held the tavern as workers, well, surgically made it taller. They also drunk a lot and had sex a lot. Which made them easy, but disgusting prey.

Anyways, it has been about a week and Willis sensed the Megatavern 3.0 is nearing completion, since the constant dull hammer cycle have faded. It is replaced instead by a cacophany of harsh-sounding Lunarian syllables, and a murmur of smoother-sounding Auralian syllables on the ground floor of the tavern. Followed by lots of satisfying splashing sounds, of Moonshine being poured into cups! Must be the party attending the party that the Prince is throwing. Awesome!!!

Willis, in batform, quickly crawled out of his hidey hole under the bed, in room 5 on the 2nd floor. Puff! Willis the bat expands into Willis the adult human with brown hair and cheap overall (swiped from some builder), and heads downstairs to join the party, because he doesn't want to become a social outcast. Plus he want to remember everyone from the town so he doesn't eat them later.

As Willis descends the stairs he picks up on a brewing argument.

A familar, reptilian voice exclaims: "...No. I am the mistress here. Thissss is my home, my business and my Inn. You are on my land."

Sounds like the owner of the Beholder, Sya, is arguing with someone! Despite not having conversed with her in person, Willis likes her enough to not want to see her hurt. He cautiously peeks into the buttery. He sees a dozen tables full of people, arrayed around a burning brazier that is lighting up the room and sending a thick tendril of smoke up a hood chimney. A long L-shaped bar, piled with drinks and sleeping drunks, faces the entrance. Then he spots Sya speaking animatedly to an arrogant looking man sitting on a high horse, Elara standing beside her, then a blonde woman steps in between the pair and yells at the man. Things sound pretty tense, and a fight might break out.

Crap. Willis thought. Since the incident, well, incidents; killing a Lunarian patrol, accidentally cracking a child's skull, lowkey blackmailing the Lead Researcher Eris and the Auralian Priestess Tingara for blood, and trashing Orion's home, Willis is not allowed to start violence to pre emptively prevent violence. If that makes sense? And his gear is still being repaired at the blacksmith. All he have on him are his dagger and sword.

After thinking hard about what to do for 5 seconds, he cringes and makes his way to Sya's group, picking up a mug of Moonshine on his way. He stops behind the rider a safe distance away, drink in one hand, dagger in the other, standing there like some hapless fool. Now the man is surrounded.
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

Gadez had watched Tia as they moved towards the front of the temple, his ghostly blue eyes wandering over her entire form.

During his stay with her, he had done what he could to not ask too much which she had to reply in long sentences or about her past. Her throat had after all been injured. He couldn't help to draw a parallell with her and a canary, a canary which could not longer sing and with broken wings. But even with that, she still seemed to marsch onwards. She was strong, perhaps not in the sense most would regard as powerful physically. But resilient and headstrong. She perservered even though the world had done it's seemingly best to end her.

Was it Seluna which had sent the blizzard to attempt to kill them both or destroy Dawnhaven? It wouldn't be surprising to him, after all it stood for something that both she and Aelios resented. Peace. The two goddesses had been fighting each other since the beginning of time, and humans had been the pawns in the great game. But a new player had entered the scene, which had sent their time-long struggle against each other to a halt. Now the old world would clash with a rising new world led by humans.

If the goddesses were unable to make peace, yet humans could. Did it mean they had now surpassed the very gods themselves? Aelios had possibly also attempted to use the situation, in an attempt to qwell his hate with that other dangerous feeling.

Now however… the blizzard was over, they stood on the front steps of the temple, just past the door, looking out at the scene before them. The cool wind traced along Gadez's bare chest, his blonde hair flickering in the wind. His eyes wandered over to Tia as she seemed to look up at the sky above before turning to face him. He also took a brief look at the sky and gentle snow falling. Tears of the snow queen.

"It is I whom should thank you, Tia." He reached up his bare hand, seeking to place it against her cheek and stroke it with his thumb.

"Even if a star is concealed, doesn't mean it's not there. Besides if you keep that smile, you might surpass their sparkle. Have faith in yourself, Tingara and the things dear to you, that is how you'll find your way home. Awaken that part of yourself still slumbering, what kind of world do you want Tia?" He asked softly, knowing she may not give him the answer, but he had to mention it nontheless. "You've sheltered the greatest enemy of Aelios and Aurelia... that takes alot of heart and bravery. You are quite the star in hiding yourself aren't you? Don't worry… I'll can keep a secret." He gave a soft smile as he nodded to her throat, then his eyes would look directly into hers, leaning in abit closer to open his mouth to- say something more?, but then he seemed to slam into an invisible force field that pulled himself back abit.

"Now let's get dressed properly shall we?" Gadez led her inside the temple again to the door to her chamber, before he went to get to the place where he placed his gear and clothes. Including the small wooden figurine heads he had carved from the firewood in secrecy. Was it theft? Debatable. They would come in handy later for what he had planned. He could always return them later. Or never.

As he leaned down to pick up his shirt, he spotted a familiar face entering the temple. He allowed himself a smirk, flinging his shirt over his shoulder and then his hand trailed down his tattooed muscular chest, before landing by his belt, his thumb playing with the top of the belt. "Good morning blazegazed one! I just finished with priestess Tomae. She'll be with you in abit once she's gotten dressed." Gadez smiled and took on his shirt slowly, almost as if he intentionally was taking his time.

@c3p-0h@The Muse
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Hidden 13 days ago 13 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya's need to respond to the overly annoying lord was cut short by Elara and she gave her a thankful smile, her tail flicked with her intense annoyance and she forced herself to calm down before she hurt or broke someone or something. Her tail was rather more powerful than her legs had once been, and closed her eyes before she responded to anyone taking a breath as her posture calmed and her tail tip remained up but less active and calmer.

“Treat her well” Sya said to her staff and Gave Elara a kinda clumsy snake curtsey in response, her new limb was still somewhat awkward. She proceeded to take the man to little chunks faster than a hungry worker took apart a hot meal and left but the scraps of his deflated Manhood behind… Sya had to hand it to her, she took him down so well he was a basement… or a basement basement.

“I expect a genuine apology the next time you're at the Eye, like a proper gentleman treats a lady.” Sya said not expecting anything but the man would be seething hotter than a forge and she honestly enjoyed this. Letting her native accent slip in as he would have to apologise to someone from the Borderlands region.

“Elara, Welcome, come over?” Sya clapped spotting something in the back first sample tray of Eye of Beholder cookies, Gelatinous cube Jellies and Muffins yet to be named. Becky was and had been working on other things, with help from someone she said was Lady Persephone who seemed to enjoy the distraction… If not, was regularly tired looking. She did not seem to sleep too well.

“Would you like to try our first bakery products and distillers art? It's a rather good batch I must ssssay. Becky has been most busy with them this week.” Sya said with a little Drama and gestured with her arms, tail and more. OK, Sya was just being Dramatic and she had a sense of mischief in her expression at the thought. Sya was trying to be friendly especially as her form and changed body was… bound to cause certain concerns and reactions.

Sya hoped Elara had shine before because she had brewed enough proof to take down ivor if he drank enough, maybe it was a little unfair but the drink was a pride of Borderlands and you just had to try it. She offered the woman a small measure and gestured to the tray.

A cart rolled In the distance, someone was another trader, traveller or newcomer to the town, that was normal, survivors of the storm Sya guessed.

Noting the man In overalls sampling the Distillery product, in robes like a worker she gave a small sigh of annoyance but locked it alway. “It's rather more potent than the beer, I would not down it.” Sya did not fully recognize him and had her tail wave, her brain and impulses were a little off and the two moved and acted rather differently at times. He had a blade… and he was…blight…maybe. “Welcome To the Eye, I hope you're not here for trouble, it's a celebration after all.” Sya said with a glance and brought her tail closer and a hand to her waist where she knew she also had a hidden weapon, her sword to her scale sword sized blade that her coat and dress concealed. She lightened the end, noting him and his potential but also trying to show now was far too public a place for such actions.

He gave her a weird…gut . Feeling much as she did not eat, so …um…feeling? Like a dice that rolls at random…

Sya did not want the events the Prince had trusted her to support, and organised to be ruined on her behalf. She knew people trusted her and she tried to live up to that.

Daphne sighed as she saw the situation and moved closer as things became even more risky. The man was on horse and had backed himself into a corner! Really, he was being taken apart verbally by a small white haired Woman, the Innkeeper slithering and tail showing her very clean mood, the man made her pause and gave her a bad feeling, the drink and blade. She put one hand on a grip of her blade and apologetic glance to her hopefully new friend Fiona, she needed someone who was more her age to talk to and maybe… who knew. “Sorry, pompous peacock.”

“I suggest you desist most strongly. You're causing the Prince's Peace to be disturbed. Go get some free food and keep warm like everyone else.” Daphne said firmly and projected in a clipped lunarian accent compared to her softer response to Fiona. Daphne vs Royal guard Daphne.

“Sya is in her rights to request you leave her property, her condition is not a factor.” She said with clear tone, she trusted Sya at least to operate the Inn and manage things here. Blighrborn still were weird to her but they seemed to have no baseline, no standard or rule that seemed to stuck and she had to study and trust her instincts. Sya was trusted obviously In this town given the prestige of her Inn, This male was the one that had her hairs rise on her neck, feral…not quite…but definitely not safe at all. "You want a woman to put you on your back... and make it no fun at all. Lady Coswains...regards." She said with all the inunedo and also threat as well, emphasis on the threat. He had given her lord and lady she practically considered family pain, so he was automatically on her shit list.

Most fell In middle somewhere between the two, they were so alien, different and married that there was no point trying to make a single rule to unify them.

The woman also seemed to hold a strong degree of respect for the serpentine Innkeeper. it Left Daphne with questions her training did not answer and raised uncomfortable feelings about the fact. Things where very very different here.

“That..man…” Persephone said as she saw Others guards turn, and also flinch at her tone when she man, more like a curse against an ancient foe than a word.

“Daphne can handle him, besides she only learns if you win the front line. That or he gets beaten by a woman. She fast on the jab and can ounch hard. I know too well.” Coswain Noted the man close and planned several options to intervene, but he also knew he had trained her well asma Capable swordswoman and hand to hand combat. He laughed slightly and gladly knowing she could land a good blow and was hardly unprepared even unarmed.

“I'd like to Visit the temple. Adon, Im sure she and Hector can handle that scented sack of dung.” Persephone said as she watched, they did need a priest and wrapped a gloved hand into his larger one, watching carefully but also having a concern for Daphne.

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Hidden 13 days ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

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Interacting with: @PrinceAlexus

Dawnhaven was certainly a bustling little town for one that just survived a week-long blizzard. It was truly a sight to behold, with what appeared to be the entire town surrounding the inn. This must be that feast the guards mentioned. Her personal escort pulled the wagon to the side of the main road through town and the light ring of chainmail pierced through the gentle wind as he jumped down from his seat. “Welcome to Dawnhaven, Priestess.” He sent her a warm smile, though Katherine knew better than to think that smile was anything more than a remnant from their few cozy nights together. She nodded in reply, a small smile crossing her own lips. It’s truly a shame you’ll be returning to the capital in a day’s time. Her gaze looked up to the stars and moon, the first clear sky since they’d departed, and Katherine was reminded of just how incredible her goddess truly looked.

* * *

After taking a moment to retrieve her pack from the carriage, Katherine returned her sights to the crowd before her. A flicker of anxiety caught in her breath for a heartbeat but passed as soon as it came. This would be the first time in many years that she would be walking side-by-side with Aurelians, and the first time ever that she would get to see a Blight-born up close. Remember, this is a peaceful village. The inquisition sent you here in-case something goes wrong, but that doesn’t mean something will. Breathe Kat.... breathe. The priestess shed her heavy coat and hung it on the carriage she arrived on before letting down the hood of the light cloak that lay beneath it. Her curly, shoulder-length blonde hair was currently tied in a tight bun—a precaution for the road in-case her casting talents were needed to dispatch some ne’er-do-wells—but thus far her talents had not been required.

Finally after a veritable eternity of procrastination, the priestess made her way into the crowd of now mostly-fed citizens and her mouth watered at the thought of real food. Anything would be better than dry rations at this point. She retrieved a bowl of what appeared to be a stew before sinking to the back of the crowd and leaning against the wall. The stew warmed what few chills remained in her body and relief washed over her. No longer would her father control her life, not directly at least. And with her invisible leash barely a whisper in her mind, Katherine felt like herself again. It had been far too long since she’d felt this way.

Now, her eyes gazed across the inn, an invisible thread of her psychic magic floating through the crowd like a feather on the air. Whispers once again filled her mind, but this time it was the conversations of the patrons. Kat closed her eyes as her mind floated from one conversation to another and a real smile, though small, spread across her lips. It feels incredible to feel... ... ... normal again.

Capturing her attention however, was the snake-like whispers that now entered her mind. Her eyes opened to search for it’s source and were greeted by a figure that certainly matched the voice. Oh I just have to see you up close, she mused to herself, a blight-born in the flesh.

Her steps were almost silent on the wooden floors of The Eye as she approached Syraeia. It was a practice from her years of training that had now become second nature, and one that had now become her normal way of walking. Katherine’s eyes examined the being as she approached, filled with intrigue and curiosity. Her breath caught for a moment as she caught a glance of Syraeia’s singular eye, but her steps did not falter. You are incredible. She stopped a short distance before the snake—the blight-born? A second more of observation. The woman.

Katherine could barely contain the subtle excitement in her own eyes as she extended a hand to Sy-a, once the woman had finished her prior conversations. “From my observation I’m gathering that you must be the owner of this fine establishment? I’m grateful for the warm food, you have my gratitude. My name is Katherine, priestess of Seluna.”
My gratitude? What are you, fourty? Katherine smacked herself internally for the overly proper speech. This wasn’t the halls of the castle, she could breathe and be herself.

“If I may, and I mean no disrespect—quite the opposite actually—but you are magnificent.”

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