Dawnhaven - Town Square
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
Her head was pounding. Everything felt like it was simply too much for her, candles within her room too bright and the sounds her feet made against the flooring too loud. Each little thing contributing to her pounding headache, a shameful reminder of the coward's path she'd taken to avoid the pain in her chest for the last week. For a moment, she debated turning and diving back into her bed, burying her face deep into the pillow and simply staying hidden until the inn's owner came and threw her out for lack of coin to pay for another night. Yet... something in her chest told her that was the wrong option. Whether it was a thought from deep within herself or some other kind of influence, Dyna couldn't tell, but it did place within her the motivation she needed to finish pulling herself together. Though much of that motivation had already been found that morning when she'd heard the dying words of her sister once again. A plea for Dyna to live, and a reminder that she'd been doing the opposite of that by staying curled up in this damned room.
After nearly an hour, she'd managed to bath and dress in her armor. Then slinging the -now emptied- coin purse into her belt before tying her scabbard to her waist and slinging her Shield over her back. All that was left was placing her other clothes and minimal personal belongings into the leather sack she used to carry them for long travels. She didn't have much of a plan, beyond checking in with the Church of Aelios in Dawnhaven and confessing to the failure of her mission, but she knew she'd not be staying another night at this inn. A final look about the innroom that had housed her during her darkest days, and Dyna was ready to head out into the world once more. Without giving herself even a second to think back on the despair still gripping her heart, to gall back into the hopeless spiral that had kept her here... Dyna made her way out of the inn. It only took her about a minute, and two wrong turns, after leaving her inn room to find her way towards the exit. A brief stop to return her inn room's key, then she was out the front doors.
Once outside, she was almost immediately greeted by the sight of a man sitting atop a white horse and tearing into one of the... Blightborn. Dyna did not need to listen for more than half a minute to get a read on the man's type. A self-righteous noble, from the way he talked... the type to think that those beneath his class were no better than pigs on a farm. She'd seen plenty of his type in during trips to the Capital while she'd been training. With a light exhale through her nose, Dyna shook her head and started to walk away from the Inn as the man started in on a second tirade of self-righteous fury. It was not her job to protect one of the Blighted. While she didn't hate the poor souls, Dyna didn't find herself over trusting of them either.
Yet... she found herself pausing and chewing her lower lip for a long moment as that lat thought crossed her mind. As she recalled her many discussions with Ranni on the subject, how Ranni had always wanted to
help those afflicted by the blight. Monstrous they may seem, they were still people at their core she'd argued time and again. Dyna's Azure eyes closed for a moment as she shook her head, almost able to imagine Ranni insisting they help the poor woman being berated. A little chuckle left Dyna's lips for a moment as she could almost perfectly hear Ranni's voice arguing with her.
Guess I am the one living for the both of us now, huh? She thought silently, darkly, before clearing her mind and becoming resolved in her choice to help the woman.
Dyna turned back towards the two, who had become three as another had joined in on the very side fo the arguement Dyna had intended to join.
Still, she found herself moving to stand between the man on his horse and the women he'd been berating. Her arms crossed as she silently took a long gaze over him and let a distinctly unimpressed look cross her features.
"You done?" She asked after a moment of silence, intense Azure gaze meeting his own with a fierce confidence.
"Dyna Soleil, Champion of Aelios. Couldn't help but overhear the... spirited conversation here. As such, I've decided 'tis Aelios' bidding that I resolve the issue." She said firmly, before continuing without allow even a second for a response.
"If" She started, emphasis on the word as she continued.
"You were the Prince's friend, as you claim, then you'd be aware that her kind have been offered hospitality here. Hospitality that I very much doubt includes listening a man so insecure in himself that he has to flaunt his titles to feel he means somethin, attempt to demean her and treat as something owned. Further, I might add, as the owner of the inn which is hosting this feast of his I am more inclined to believe that she has relationship with him than you." She said, then held up four fingers towards the man on the horse.
"So, I see four possible solutions here. Option one; You do as was suggested earlier, show her the respect owed and offer an apology." She said with a light gesture towards Elara in acknowledge of what the other had said as Dyna had moved to join the group.
"Option two; you suck up your pride and remain civil until you see the Prince and can ask him for clarification, then deal with whatever he deems fit. Barring that being too difficult for a small man as yourself, you leave." She said, counting down two fingers as she did.
"Option three, I call for the Town Guard and ask their take on the situation and they make you leave." She said, counting down the second finger.
"Option three, I make you leave. Which shall it be, my lord?" She asked, even as she raised an eyebrow and adjusted her stance to betray that nothing this man could say or do scared her in the slightest.
Am I doing this right? Is this what you would've wanted Ranni? She silently throught as she awaited his reply, standing defiant before the man atop his horse.

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios
Interacting with: N/A
Fade-To-Black Counter - 0
Dawnhaven - Town Center
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning
At least the Blizzard had broken. Ranni counted her blessings where she could find them as she continued trudging through the snow towards the town that grew steadily and steadily closer. What's more? She'd left the purple Miasma of the Blight long behind... and the air somehow felt... cleaner now. While the blightlands had no longer harmed her, they had smelled like death and decay. Sickness. A scent she'd never forget, and found herself relishing in the various scents of the living world she'd long taken for granted. Occasionally, as she walked, Ranni would let out a little yelp of shock or pain as the long tail behind herself drooped to the ground as she relaxed. The price for forgetting about her new growth being its contact with the frigid snow, or a smack into a sharp rock. Along with that, her horns were freezing at their tips as well! The girl cursed both her new growths yet another time amongst the countless she'd done throughout the past couple of days. Yet still, she carried on, the dreams of a warm bed to curl up in doing more than enough to spur her forward.
As she reached the outskirts of the town, Ranni felt her exaughsted legs picking up pace as renewed hope flooded her system with a second wind. She still felt drawn by that familiar connection, and naturally followed it through streets she'd never navigated before. Strangely, the girl hadn't come across anybody on her way through the Town. Wondering if they were all sleeping in, or perhaps had gathered for some reason? The thoughts quickly fell away from her mind, as did most other thoughts aside from finding said warm bed to curl up into.
And a partner to feast upon. A thought flickered across her mind, yet escaped before she could fully grasp onto what she had thought. Almost if it had been a natural, primal instinct. One that was easily shrugged off by the Priestess as she saw a large building coming into view. One with quite a few people out front, and what seemed like food, drink, and fires to warm oneself around. The Priestess wasted not even a second dashing forward suddenly, eager to bask in the warmth that'd abandoned her for so long.
Then just as abruptly, she froze in her tracks. Eyes wide and all other things forgotten at the sight of somebody dear to her head. Standing in some altercation, but here none the less.
"Dyna?" She called, suddenly aware of just how awful she looked. Covered in dried on across her disheveled features and ruined garments. Dried blood on her dress, which itself had torn in her travels, and the strange new features she developed. Fear suddenly sat heavy in her throat that these towns folk might think her to be feral or something. Fear that her own sister might reject her for what she'd become...
Yet those fears were soon dashed aside as Dyna's attention on the situation she had been in had seemingly broken entirely. As if in a stupor, she walked towards Ranni with tears welling in her eyes. When they were close, Dyna didn't even hesitate for a second before closing the gap and wrapping her twin in a hug so tight that Ranni swore her back was about to break. Dyna's body visibly shook as she silently sobbed while holding her twin. Unable to find the words to say and letting her actions speak for her. Actions that were soon returned by Ranni, as her emotions overflowed and destroyed any hint of the wall she'd built up in the past days.
Unbeknownst to her, these emotions were always radiating out in waves across the crowd. Powerful feelings of relief and joy telepathically flooding the Square. Fear, felt only for a moment, melted away as the twins embraced for a long a few minutes. Only finally separating after Ranni squeaked out something about not being able to breathe through the embrace.
As they did, Dyna studied Ranni and spoke in a soft tone. Seeming to finally notice the strange physical features her sister now bore.
"I thought you'd died..." "I did... then I woke up again. I-I think I-" "You became one of them." "Y-yeah. I-I'm sorry, Dyna. I don't know w-what this changed. Did your sister die out there, and I took her pl-" SMACK!
A slap across her cheek stunned Ranni into a silence as Dyna glared at her sister with an intensity in her eyes Ranni'd never seen before.
"Don't you ever dare to speak like that again. I don't give a damn what changed about you out there, Ranni." Dyna said with a shaky voice, yanking Ranni into another tight hug as she barely managed to get her next words out between her tears.
"I lost my sister once, and somehow... she came back to me. I prayed you would every day, and my prayers were answered. I swear I am never, ever, going to lose you again, Ranni." She whispered, before devolving fully into sobs once more.
Ranni, tried to find the right words to say, but she couldn't. Falling instead into the embrace and letting her tears flow once more.
Maybe things would be okay afterall...