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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Man why we gotta keep creating stuff with the sole purpose to fuck us up even more? Why can't we ever get a nice apparition added in like a Pizza Fairy or a Random Compliment Ghost?

Unless Ghost decides to rope me into an absolutely fucking diabolical storyline most of you will never know these things exist
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Won’t know these nuts exist
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I can't believe I fucking typed this.

Kill me.


"Where a party promises to get you soaked, but not from the pools."
Elysium Island, the headquarters of The Elite, rises dramatically from the dangerous waters off the coast of St. Portwell. In this extravagant sanctuary, wealth, power, and debauchery collide. Initially envisioned as a base of operations, it has evolved into a hedonistic playground for the rich and powerful.

The island boasts a sprawling mansion, a masterwork of modern architecture. With its terraces, pools, and lush gardens, the estate exudes an air of excess. Upon entering, guests are greeted by grand staircases, glittering chandeliers, and plush lounges that invite debauchery. However, the hidden spaces set the stage for the island’s infamous gatherings - secret chambers designed for the most risque encounters. The mansion hosts clandestine parties away from St. Portwell's prying eyes, dubbed "Elite Parties" (or "Blake Parties" or "Freakoffs").

These wild parties are mere rumors in the streets of St. Portwell, but in addition to the Elite, the city's upper class comes to this island to engage in some of the wildest parties. The atmosphere of the island is charged as guests sip on hallucinogenic drinks and engage in feasts while "special performances" happen before their very eyes—the halls of the mansion echo with chattering, laughter, moans, and magic. The mansion features themed rooms that cater to every whim, such as underground nightclubs and draped lounges. Here is where the Elite have unforgettable nights that live up to their wildest fantasies.
Beneath Elysium Island lies a network of underground chambers; these hidden spaces serve as the operational backbone for The Elite, housing advanced magical laboratories where experiments with artifacts and potions take place. Here, members engage in clandestine research, pushing the boundaries of magic to unlock new Abstractions or concoctions. The chambers are also secure storage for Blake Schmidt's collection of magical artifacts, each meticulously cataloged. This hidden vault is designated explicitly for the artifacts of The Elite's members, except Jason Valos, who maintains his separate supply. Guarded by fearsome creatures, this sanctum ensures that Blake retains a firm grip on the power within the organization, keeping the artifacts of his associates under his watchful eye and preventing any potential rivalries from escalating.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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To purge my soul of Elysium Island, I finished the rework of the Adept NPCs I wanted to do. Mainly the ones with spellbooks that I wasn't happy with.

Hidden 30 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Here is Lin's abstraction:

Lin possesses The Arrowhead, an artifact crafted by Native American Adepts using Purple and Pink Lux. This powerful artifact grants her various psychic abilities. At the forefront is her telepathy, which allows her to read the thoughts of others and communicate mentally. This telepathic connection is not surface-level; Lin can delve deeper over time, accessing long-buried memories. Additionally, her telepathy grants her immunity to any mental abilities aimed at her as long as she wears the Arrowhead.

Moreover, Lin's telepathy can influence the thoughts of others over time, allowing her to implant ideas or suggestions subtly. Her telekinesis further amplifies her power, enabling her to manipulate objects effortlessly. Lin can hurl items with immense force with a mere thought and do this repeatedly without getting tired. She can channel her psychic energy to launch debris, tools, or more oversized items like a makeshift railgun, turning her environment into a weaponized playground. This control extends to delicate manipulations, allowing her to rearrange objects or perform intricate tasks from a distance.
Hidden 24 days ago 24 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Official faction entry for the New Thule Society and another group that will come into play after the Elite arc. Also a supplementary faction!

Let me just note that I added a little tidbit in the Artifacts & Curses hider stating that normal objects can become artifacts through belief/emotion/whatever.


"Ad Astra Per Aspera."
Sentinel Solutions is a private paranormal investigation and enforcement agency working for the Elite. Led by Berlioz Auclair, the organization presents itself as a beacon of hope in a city plagued by supernatural threats. Their primary mission is to tackle issues that conventional law enforcement cannot handle, from rogue Apparitions to ancient curses threatening the city's peace. Sentinel Solutions excels in asset protection and acquisition, tasked with removing dangerous artifacts and magical entities from the hands of those deemed "unworthy.".

However, the truth behind Sentinel Solutions is far more insidious. Beneath the surface of this supposedly noble organization lies The New Thule Society, a Neo-Nazi cult that is an offshoot of the defunct Das Sonnenrad. While they publicly project an image of authority and protection, their real aim is to uncover "Thule," a mythical pure universe believed to be untouched by the colored man. This goal drives their activities as they seek artifacts and abstractions that will allow them to locate and enter this promised land.

Berlioz assures clients that each team member brings unique skills tailored for confronting the paranormal realm. However, their true purpose reveals a darker agenda as they use their cover to recruit and indoctrinate likeminded individuals.

"Arm yourself; the odds can change with just a spin of the wheel."
The Five is an enigmatic faction operating primarily in Los Angeles, led by the illustrious Heidi Thomas. Initially conceived as a team of fifty-two paranormal mercenaries, The Five specializes in tackling jobs that others shy away from, driven by the promise of wealth and the thrill of the hunt. The organization operates under a unique system where their name shifts according to their number of members, if they gain or lose a mercenary, they adopt a new title, such as The Seven or The Twenty-One.

Each member of The Five is assigned a playing card, lending a poker theme to their operations. While they primarily operate within California and Nevada, rumors are swirling that The Five have tackled significant job in St. Portwell. This potential venture could mark a turning point for The Five, offering them the opportunity to expand their influence and solidify their reputation as the go-to mercenaries for the paranormal elite.

"Bless the Lightfather!"
The universe inhabited by the League of Luminescence shares origins with our own but diverged dramatically when a secret society of magical families engaged in a covert war against Apparitions and Aberrations. This conflict escalated catastrophically when the Stygian Snake attacked, decimating over half the population with its armies.

In a desperate final stand, the League united with remaining forces, including Apparitions and beings from other realms. Their combined efforts were nearly obliterated until a massive being of light, known as the "Light-Father," confronted the Stygian Snake. In a heroic sacrifice, he drove the Stygian Snake away. Following this victory, the League seized control over governments, ruling with an iron fist and obscuring the Stygian Snake’s existence.

Most inhabitants of Glint are part of the League of Luminscience, an influential collective of families that dominate this world. While technology stagnated, magic flourished, and the League reveres the Luminscience as their power source, worshipping the Light-Father who saved them from the Stygian Snake. Historically, the League operated under a monarchy that relied on slavery until King Magnanimous dismantled the system in favor of an "equal" council where every family had a voice. However, the most prominent families dominate discussions, leading to petty feuds rather than progress.

The League is notorious for its extreme punishments. They are a fervently religious society with severe penalties, including the eradication of entire bloodlines, for heinous crimes like murder and treason. Even minor offenses can result in collective punishment for families. Those without connections to Lux are treated as second-class citizens, often subjected to abuse and exploitation as they fulfill unwanted labor roles.

Governance is divided among four houses: the House of Candlelight (Africa and the Middle East), the House of Torchlight (Asia), the House of Firelight (North and South America), and the House of Starlight (Europe and Russia). Each house is represented by the League’s council, where their voices resonate the strongest. The Knights of Luminescence serve as the League’s primary military force, a volunteer army of magical warriors. Families lower on the social ladder often join to gain status and wealth, starting as Squires at a young age, training under Knights until they can attain the rank.

The League's primary adversaries are the Apparitions and Aberrations, long considered enemies since their inception. The genuine threat, however, lies in the resistance movement known as the White Rabbit Society, comprising Apparitions, Aberrations, and disillusioned League members led by the formidable White Arachne. The League has villainized her, blaming her for humanity’s near extinction to divert attention from the Stygian Snake.

The League has established itself as a formidable magical menace, willing to traverse the boundaries of universes and meddle in the affairs of other realms. Their ambition knows no limits as they seek to extend their influence beyond Glint, exploiting the resources and vulnerabilities of parallel worlds for their gain. A notable aspect of their governance is the frequent use of exile as punishment; dissenters, criminals, or perceived threats are banished to distant universes.

Hidden 23 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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4,088 | Ethan Zachariah Cole | It/Its/He/Him
"̵F̶R̷E̶E̶ ̶U̵S̷!̵ ̸H̸U̸N̶G̴E̴R̶!̴ ̶C̶A̵N̸’̶T̸ ̵B̷R̶E̸A̷T̴H̷E̴,̴ ̷M̶O̸R̵E̵,̷ ̶M̵O̴R̸E̷!̶ ̷H̸E̴L̶P̸!̴ ̵W̷E̴ ̷A̶R̵E̷ ̶L̸O̴S̶T̴!̵ ̵S̵H̷A̷T̵T̴E̸R̶E̶D̵ ̸P̶I̵E̴C̷E̵S̸,̵ ̴J̷O̵I̴N̶ ̵U̷S̶!̵ ̴I̸ ̶D̶I̷D̴N̶'̷T̶ ̸M̵E̴A̸N̵ ̶F̷O̸R̸ ̵T̵H̷I̷S̵ ̴T̵O̴ ̵H̷A̴P̶P̶E̸N̷!̴ ̴A̸L̵L̵ ̵T̸H̸A̵T̷ ̴W̵A̴S̵,̴ ̶F̸L̵E̴S̶H̴,̴ ̸F̸L̵E̶S̷H̷!̵ ̴I̸T̸ ̸A̷C̸H̷E̴S̸,̸ ̵N̸E̸V̶E̵R̷ ̸F̶O̷R̵G̵O̵T̸T̵E̸N̴!̴ ̶H̵E̶A̵L̶ ̸T̴H̷E̸ ̸W̸O̶U̴N̵D̴!̸ ̷C̴O̵N̴S̵U̸M̵E̶!̴ ̸H̵E̵L̵P̸!̶ ̸A̵ ̷W̵H̸I̵S̷P̶E̸R̶ ̶I̵N̷ ̴T̷H̸E̴ ̸D̸A̴R̷K̵,̸ ̸M̸O̷R̸E̷!̷ ̵T̵H̶E̵ ̴A̴B̸Y̸S̸S̸ ̴C̴A̴L̵L̷S̵,̸ ̴W̷E̷ ̸C̷R̶A̷V̵E̶!̶ ̴I̸ ̸D̶O̷N̵'̴T̷ ̴W̵A̷N̸T̸ ̴T̵O̵ ̸H̶U̶R̷T̵ ̴A̴N̴Y̵O̶N̴E̷!̶ ̸B̸R̴E̵A̴K̶ ̵F̸R̶E̷E̶,̶ ̸S̵O̵ ̶M̵U̶C̴H̴ ̷P̴A̸I̵N̶!̷ ̷W̴E̵ ̶A̷R̶E̵ ̸O̵N̶E̷,̴ ̸N̶E̵V̸E̷R̶ ̴A̵G̴A̷I̵N̷!̸ ̷I̴'̸M̷ ̶S̸O̸R̵R̶Y̴!̴ ̶M̶O̵R̸E̸ ̸M̴O̵R̸E̸,̷ ̶M̶O̷R̵E̴!̵ ̵F̴E̶E̵L̵ ̴I̸T̷ ̶T̶E̵A̷R̸I̴N̶G̶,̴ ̸H̷E̴L̷P̴ ̷U̶S̸!̴ ̶T̶H̷E̷ ̷H̴U̷N̴G̴E̴R̸,̴ ̵A̸L̷W̷A̴Y̷S̴ ̷H̷U̸N̶G̴R̶Y̸!̷ ̵W̷E̸ ̵W̶I̷L̵L̸ ̵N̷O̵T̵ ̶B̵E̴ ̵F̶O̵R̶G̶O̶T̴T̴E̵N̵,̷ ̷N̶O̷T̴ ̵A̴G̶A̷I̷N̴!̵ ̴F̴O̵R̵G̷I̷V̶E̷ ̶M̴E̵!̸ ̶S̸T̷O̶P̵ ̴U̸S̸!̸"̷

The Deathpile began with a man named Ethan Cole, a once-gifted Green Lux Adept who genuinely believed in the power of good intentions and the healing force of magic. Ethan was known for his unwavering optimism, traveling across realms to mend the sick and repair the damage caused by magical maleficence. For years, his magic seemed like a divine gift, bringing hope to war-torn universes and patches of peace to places that had long been ravaged by chaos. But Ethan’s zeal for making things right often blinded him to the consequences of his actions.

His first significant failure came when he attempted to heal an entire region corrupted by a parasitic magical plague. Rather than addressing the root of the corruption, Ethan poured all his energy into purging it at once, suppressing the symptoms rather than curing the disease. The result was catastrophic: the plague mutated, becoming resistant to his magic, spreading even faster, and wiping out not just the infected but the entire universe. Entire ecosystems collapsed, and Ethan, horrified by the unintended destruction, fled to find a solution rather than stay and help those still alive.

A powerful Apparition had laid waste to an entire city in another universe. Still, instead of forming a careful plan, Ethan believed his magic could pacify the entity through sheer force of will. The confrontation ended in disaster. The Apparition retaliated with such fury that the fabric of the universe began to unravel, causing a ripple effect destabilizing the entire dimension. While he managed to seal the Apparition, the cracks left in that universe would eventually lead to its collapse, causing it to fall into the Pit. Yet again, Ethan escaped to another realm, unable to face the carnage left in his wake.

With every failure, Ethan grew more desperate. His once steadfast optimism became a blind conviction that he could fix everything if only he tried harder and pushed further. He was running out of time and hope, and the weight of his mistakes was starting to suffocate him. His healing magic, once his pride, now felt like a curse; each attempt to mend something only seemed to worsen it. As the All-Verse continued to fray and unravel, Ethan convinced himself that he needed to take more drastic measures, and that was when he devised his final spell.

Drawing upon every ounce of his power, he crafted a massive enchantment, a spell meant to cleanse not just one world but entire dimensions of their suffering to undo the damage done by his hand. The ritual was as intricate as it was perilous, requiring tremendous Lux. Ethan sought to channel his Green Lux and every type of Lux he had ever touched. This led him to Prism Ring, which allowed him to channel magic beyond his Lux and amplify his existing Lux. He believed that by combining the full spectrum of magic, he could restore balance to the multiverse.

But the spell was too vast, too ambitious. It was not magic meant to heal; it was meant to control. Ethan's desire to fix everything, to undo all his failures at once, warped the spell into something far darker than he had anticipated. Instead of restoring balance, the magic fed on his guilt, grief, and desperation. The surge of Lux overwhelmed him, twisting his body and soul. The magic consumed him, reducing his once noble intentions to a ravenous hunger for unity. This all-encompassing force sought to combine, fuse, and absorb all life into a grotesque mass. The moment Ethan lost control, the spell turned on him, melding him with the matter he had tried to heal. Flesh, bone, and spirit fused into a nightmarish creature of unending suffering.

Ethan Cole became the Deathpile.

The creature that emerged from the failed spell was an abomination, unlike anything the All-Verse had ever seen. Its form was an ever-shifting amalgamation of the countless beings it absorbed (living, dead, or in) between, its flesh writhing and pulsating as if trying to escape its existence. At its core, the remnants of Ethan Cole’s original form could occasionally be glimpsed: a skeletal figure with a grotesque, elongated tongue surrounded by malformed tendrils.

The Deathpile did not stop with one universe; Ethan possessed an artifact that allowed it to travel to other universes via the portal. This artifact allowed the Deathpile to spread across multiple realities, devouring everything in its path - cities, planets, and dimensions. It is consumed without purpose or direction, driven by the warped remains of Ethan's original goal to fix everything, to merge all of existence into a singular, horrific mass. The more it absorbed, the more grotesque it became until its endless hunger swallowed entire worlds.

The All-Verse prepared the worst: a coalition of the strongest Adepts from many realities banded together to trap the Deathpile. They lured the monstrosity to The Pit with great effort, using its insatiable desire to consume as bait. Once inside, the Deathpile became trapped, unable to escape, and there, it remains.

Abominable - The Hunger of Unison.
The Deathpile's Abstraction is a monstrous force of consumption, evolution, and creation. This ability allows the Deathpile to absorb any form of organic tissue (living, dead, or magical) and assimilate it into its grotesque mass. Each time it consumes, it grows stronger, absorbing not just flesh but the essence of its prey, including any Abstractions, strengths, or unique traits. With each absorption, the Deathpile’s power increases exponentially, and its form mutates into something more powerful, horrific, and adaptable. No matter what it devours, it only grows, continuously evolving with every life it consumes. The Deathpile is physically strong, capable of quickly crushing mountains, showcasing its immense might as it rampages across dimensions.

The Deathpile's regenerative abilities are unparalleled. Even when parts of its body are destroyed, it can regenerate from the most minor remnants, rapidly restoring its lost mass and becoming more robust with each resurgence. This Abstraction also grants the Deathpile the ability to reshape itself at will. It can change into any form necessary, from towering giants of flesh and bone to swarms of smaller, agile predators. The Deathpile can shift between these forms quickly, and there is no limit to its transformations, allowing it to exploit the powers and traits of every being it absorbs.

The Deathpile possesses an uncanny ability to sense organic tissue from miles away, allowing it to track potential prey across vast distances. This heightened awareness makes it a relentless predator, constantly seeking fresh biomass to absorb. It can spray an incredibly corrosive acid that can eat through even the most rigid materials, effectively breaking down flesh before devouring it.

Perhaps most terrifying is its ability to create minions. The Deathpile can tear away pieces of its flesh, imbuing them with a twisted form of life and creating monstrous extensions of itself. These minions take on various forms, often combining the worst features of the beings the Deathpile has devoured. While not as powerful as the Deathpile itself, they are numerous, relentless, and driven by the same insatiable hunger......................................................

Hidden 21 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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For the non-discord peeps, I rewrote EVERYONE's description on the character list, including their abstractions. And removed all the dead characters who are unimportant.
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Hidden 15 days ago 14 days ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

First of a few new 317 NPC’s

Hidden 14 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


32 | Carmen Brianna Santos-Romano | She/Her
"This is my life, Papi; nothing can change the past, so that nothing can change me."

Carmen Santos-Romano (Better described as Lily), the eldest of three sisters, has always carried the weight of her family's expectations. Raised in the bustling streets of New York City, her life was marked by responsibility from an early age. Her parents worked tirelessly (her father was a dedicated NYPD officer and her mother a nurse) to provide for their family. Although they offered love and support, Lily often felt more like a second parent than a sibling, taking care of her younger sisters, Yara and Clarita, while trying to navigate her teenage years. This sense of duty shaped her philosophy that everything happens for a reason; she believed the struggles in her life were stepping stones laid out by a higher power, preparing her for future challenges.

Despite her creative spirit and passion for art, which served as her emotional outlet, Lily fell victim to the pressures of adulthood. After her father's infidelity led to her parents' divorce, she struggled to find her footing while dealing with the emotional fallout. College, once a beacon of hope, turned into a battlefield of stress, leading her down a dark path marked by a shopping addiction and irresponsible decisions, including opening credit cards in her sister's name. When her sisters pressed charges against her under pressure from their new stepfather, Lily found herself in prison for identity theft. It was during her time at Rikers Island's female unit, Rosies, that she was forced to confront the consequences of her choices and the deep-seated pain she had been avoiding. Surrounded by harsh reality and fellow inmates' struggles, Lily realized that her past decisions had impacted her life and fractured her relationships with those she loved.

After two years, Lily emerged determined to rebuild her life. She moved to San Antonio, Texas, distancing herself from her mother and stepfather for a fresh start. There, she found solace in tattoo artistry, channeling her creativity into a new career. Yet, her healing journey was interrupted when she fell in love with Rafael Cruz. Initially enamored, she soon faced the brutal reality of his controlling and abusive nature, forcing her to flee, and she lived with a friend. After fleeing Rafael's abusive grasp, his relentless obsession turned her new life into a waking nightmare as he began stalking her.

Then, one evening, Rafael broke into her new home. Faced with the man who had once promised her love but became her nightmare, the confrontation escalated violently, and as Lily fought for her life, she unexpectedly awakened a powerful Abstraction known as Paranormal-Battery. In a desperate moment during the violent conflict with Rafael, she accidentally Overcharged him. The overwhelming energy triggered a catastrophic explosion that devastated her neighborhood, killing him in the process.

She had no clue what had happened; the PRA swarmed her neighborhood in their investigation, and panic gripped Lily's heart. Days later, feeling the pressure closing in, Lily's life turned for the worse when she unintentionally Overcharged a friend during a moment of vulnerability. The energy burst erupted in a blinding flash, causing chaos in a nearby park and drawing even more attention from the PRA. Desperate to keep those she cared about safe, she isolated herself, fearing her abilities would hurt someone else.

As time passed, Lily had a few more close calls, and each overcharging incident made it clear that she was no longer just a survivor; she had become a target. With her life spiraling out of control and no one to turn to, Lily decided to go on the run. After escaping the chaos of San Antonio, Lily spent months on the run, moving from town to town and state to state. The relentless pursuit of the PRA and factions seeking her abstraction loomed over her like a shadow, forcing her to adopt new identities and live in constant paranoia.

Eventually, Lily arrived in St. Portwell, Oregon, just after Faith's call to action following the devastating attack on the 317 by the Elite and Sentinel Solutions. Eager to embrace a new beginning, Lily joined the 317, pouring her energy into tattoo artistry while learning to control her Abstraction. Lily is a full-blooded Puerto Rican woman who speaks with a thick Bronx accent and has a little bit of baby fat that clings to her belly.

Afflicted - Paranormal-Battery.
Lily’s Abstraction is a unique curse that allows her to enhance the Abstractions of anyone she touches with her bare skin. This ability draws on a deep well of magical energy that flows through her, making her a conduit for amplification. When she contacts another Paranormal-Being, her power boosts their Abstractions, allowing them to access greater strength and control than they ordinarily could.

However, this power operates on a balance. Like a vessel containing only a certain amount, those she enhances can quickly be overwhelmed. When someone absorbs too much of Lily’s energy, they risk reaching a critical threshold, leading to what is known as an "Overcharge". In this state, individuals become akin to volatile bombs, filled with raw magical energy they can no longer contain. The consequences of this explosive release are devastating and capable of wreaking havoc on a large scale.

The destructive potential of overcharging poses a constant threat to Lily and those around her. While she can enhance abilities, the risk that her touch could push someone past their limits keeps her on edge.

29 | Nyala "Jasmine" Tsega | She/Her
"I told myself I wouldn't let another like Sophie best me... and look around you."

Born Nyala in Germany to accomplished architects, her childhood was gilded with opportunity yet marked by an insatiable need to prove herself. This drive became even more pronounced during high school when she discovered her passion for soccer. Although she was once the star player, everything changed with the arrival of Sophie Müller, whose natural talent and charm eclipsed Jasmine’s achievements. The fierce competition ignited Jasmine's ambition, yet beneath her rivalry lay a complicated admiration for Sophie that she struggled to acknowledge.

Jasmine’s philosophy centers on the belief that greatness requires unyielding dedication and hard work. This belief, however, spiraled into an obsession that overshadowed her mental health. As she pushed herself to the brink, she wrestled with her emotions, particularly regarding Sophie, whom she secretly admired yet could not fully comprehend her feelings. The tipping point came when her desperation to reclaim her former glory during a crucial championship match led to a moment of recklessness: tripping Sophie just as she was about to score the winning goal. The fallout from this frustration resulted in Jasmine’s removal from the team and a tarnished reputation, forcing her to flee to St. Portwell, Oregon, where she reinvented herself.

In the vibrant culture of America, Jasmine embraced her new identity, choosing the name Jasmine as a nod to her fresh start. Determined to channel her competitive spirit into a new realm, she immersed herself in fitness, aiming to become a fitness influencer. Her journey was not without struggle as Jasmine battled the lingering shadows of Sophie Müller, the specter of a rival who symbolized the heights she yearned to reach but feared she could never attain.

Jasmine was shaken to her core after a harrowing encounter with an Apparition during a late-night jog in St. Portwell. With its haunting resemblance to Sophie, the spectral figure emerged from the shadows and attacked her. In that chilling moment, she realized that this apparition was not just any spirit; it was created from her unresolved feelings toward her long-time rival. This encounter shattered her perception of reality, thrusting her into the supernatural world. Determined to make sense of the mystical experience, Jasmine delved into research, exploring the intricacies of magic and the hidden communities surrounding it.

Her search led her to a hidden market where she crossed paths with "certain individuals" specializing in trading rare magical artifacts (and "other" goods). There, she discovered a sealed Apparition called "The Sun God." Intrigued by its potential, Jasmine made the purchase, excited at the new avenues this spirit opened. After Sentinel Solutions (backed by the Elite) launched a surprise attack on the 317 building, Jasmine felt a surge of adrenaline. She spontaneously stepped forward in the chaos, offering to join the faction during Faith’s call to action. She currently acts as security/a footsoldier. Jasmine is a German-Ethiopian woman with a muscular build due to being a fitness influencer and her abstraction, though she has a pear-shaped build. She speaks with a heavy German accent.

Agent - The Power of The Sun.
Jasmine wields a stone disk from her belt containing the Apparition known as The Sun God, granting her incredible solar-based abilities that make her a formidable adversary. She can absorb solar energy through her skin, storing it for later use, which serves two primary functions. First, she can substitute solar energy for sustenance, providing her with all the power she needs without eating. She consumes food only for pleasure and must still drink water. This ability significantly enhances her endurance, allowing her to stave off fatigue until lactic acid buildup sets in.

Maximum Solar Absorption refers to the peak level of solar energy Jasmine can store within her body. In this state, her body temperature can soar to around 550°F, making her touch intensely hot. While she is not immune to heat, her increased resistance allows her to withstand extreme temperatures without harm. At this maximum capacity, she can access her abilities at their most potent, unlocking unparalleled strength and regenerative capabilities.

Jasmine’s regenerative factor is equally remarkable. By continuously absorbing sunlight, she can heal rapidly from injuries. In her maximum state, she can recover from severe injuries, like broken bones, in a matter of minutes, while extensive flesh damage can heal in seconds as long as she remains in sunlight.

Jasmine’s strength is where her true power lies. She can infuse her muscles with solar energy, greatly enhancing her physical capabilities. Once activated, her muscles swell, transforming her physique into that of a bodybuilder, allowing her to tap into her enhanced strength. Without activation, she possesses double her baseline strength, quickly lifting over 300 pounds. When fully empowered, she can lift upwards of 5,000 pounds, making her a force to be reckoned with. Her body is reinforced to handle this immense strength, ensuring she doesn’t injure herself while exerting such power.

33 | Lucia Danielle Scott | She/Her
"I want the stars because nothing’s ever good enough for the likes of me."

Lucia Scott was born into the Inner Circle as the daughter of two devoted members; her childhood was a paradoxical blend of privilege and fear. Her parents' fervent disciples of Sunshine Jones exposed her to the horrific realities of their ambition: human experimentation, ruthless power plays, and a hunger for more. When the Accordance dismantled the organization, her parents decided to flee to Shimmer, believing they could escape the consequences of their past. However, it was in the aftermath of their flight that Lucia’s actual struggles began as she became separated from the only life she had known.

Desperate to prepare her for a harsh world and ensure she could defend herself if the Accordance came after them, her parents devised a controversial plan: forcing Lucia to undergo a Kindling Event. They sought the assistance of a remaining member of the Inner Circle, a skilled Pink-Lux Adept who specialized in emotional manipulation. This member, driven by a twisted loyalty to the cult's legacy, agreed to help them in exchange for a promise of protection.

On the night of the ritual, the atmosphere was thick with tension and apprehension as Lucia was led into a hidden chamber dimly lit by flickering candles. She had heard whispers of the Blood-Art Technique but was too young to grasp its true implications. As the ritual commenced, her parents urged her to embrace the emotions that the Pink-Lux invoked. The magic warped her feelings into a volatile cocktail of fear, anger, and desperation. As the manipulated emotions surged within her, Lucia felt herself spiraling out of control. Just as the emotional storm reached its peak, she unlocked her Lux.

When the ritual concluded, Lucia was left shaken; the power she had unlocked felt like a curse more than anything. As she grappled with her new abilities, she felt conflicting emotions: anger at her parents for forcing her to endure that and a lingering sense of loyalty that kept her bound to their legacy. In the years that followed her Kindling Event, Lucia’s parents became her mentors, training her in the Blood-Art Technique. They taught her rigorously, believing mastery over this dark and forbidden form of magic was essential for her survival in the dangerous world they now inhabited. Yet, she also felt their fanaticism and commitment to the Inner Circle lingering in every lesson.

Lucia's parents' dark legacy was a looming threat, filled with whispers of betrayal among the remnants of the Inner Circle. One night, after returning from school, she found their lifeless bodies, their throats slashed. The murderer had been careful, leaving no trace behind. In that instant, the last rope to the Inner Circle - and her previous life - was finally severed. Lucia felt overwhelming grief, rage, and most importantly freedom. Their deaths had granted her a chance to escape the legacy of the Inner Circle.

With the weight of her parents' legacy lifted from her shoulders, Lucia sought to reclaim her life and make a difference in the world. She joined the 317 after Sentinel Solutions, acting at the behest of the Elite, attacked the faction, believing that becoming part of a community dedicated to protecting artists and Paranormal beings was her way of fighting back. Lucia is a comically tall and slim woman, standing at six-two, with a dark aesthetic and demeanor.

Adept - Green, Purple, & Black Lux. Channeler: Old Grimoire.
Crimson Strike: Lucia thrusts her channeler, the Old Grimoire, forward, unleashing razor-sharp tendrils of blood that erupt from the book and shoot toward the opponent directly in front of her. These tendrils whip through the air with lethal precision, slicing through flesh and inflicting deep, bleeding wounds. This spell does not require a symbol to be drawn first.

The Crimson Cloud: Lucia rides a cloud of blood, gliding above the ground to traverse distances quickly or evade danger. The symbol for this spell is a billowing cloud, with droplets cascading down like rain.

Telekinesis: Lucia manipulates objects from a distance telekinetically, allowing her to hurl debris or even bind enemies with a flick of her wrist. The symbol for this spell is a series of sharp, jagged lines converging toward a central point.

Flare: Lucia fires a small orb of concentrated boiling blood, inflicting minor burns on impact. The symbol for this spell is a flickering flame encircled by droplets of blood.

Blood Apparition: Lucia temporarily creates an Apparition from her blood, manifesting as a flickering, ghostly silhouette. This Apparition can distract enemies and lash out with tendrils of blood, dealing minor slashing damage. It can absorb a few hits before dissipating in a spray of crimson mist, offering brief protection for Lucia. The symbol for this spell is a ghostly silhouette with flowing blood droplets in a swirl shape.

Sanguine Echo: Lucia creates Apparition copies of herself made of blood that can confuse and distract opponents that go down after the first moderate hit. The symbol for this spell is a series of overlapping silhouettes, each dripping blood.

The Chains: Lucia conjures chains made of blood that whip out like tendrils, lashing at her enemies precisely. Once they make contact, the chains wrap around and immobilize the target, constricting tighter the more they struggle. This spell is symbolized by a jagged chain motif drawn in blood.

Rejuvenation: Lucia channels Green-Lux into her blood and creates tendril-like tubes, which she uses to inject her blood into her target. This process gradually heals wounds and alleviates pain as the infused blood works through the recipient's body. The symbol for this spell is a heart surrounded by flowing blood.

Catalyst: Lucia animates a recently deceased body with blood-infused necromancy. The corpse is a temporary servant capable of basic tasks or light combat. The symbol for this spell is a skull crowned by blood droplets.

Scalding Rain: Lucia causes droplets of boiling blood to rain down, searing enemies with minor burns. The symbol for this spell is a series of teardrop-like shapes representing each drop of scorching blood.

Blood Barrier: Lucia conjures a barrier made of crystallized blood that acts as a protective shield against incoming attacks. The barrier can absorb a certain amount of damage before shattering, and when it does, it releases a spray of sharp, crystal-like shards that can injure nearby enemies. The symbol for this spell is a geometric crystal shape with blood droplets around it.

Phantasm Form: Lucia transforms into a glowing red orb, becoming intangible and allowing all attacks to pass through her. In this state, she can swiftly fly through the environment, evading danger and quickly repositioning herself. The symbol for this spell is a circle encircled by a series of swirling, jagged lines.
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Rip Be, Todd and Auri...
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Rip Be, Todd and Auri...

they wuz the best of us
1x Laugh Laugh
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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I was working on reworking some abstractions (of mainly Adepts) and ended up reworking entire NPC sheets lol


18 | Kashmira Sarai | She/Her
"I have seen things that are proof that Shiva is a blesser."

Often affectionately referred to as Kash, Mira, or, in a light-hearted twist, Doctor Sarai, Kashmira Sarai is a cheerful and spirited young woman hailing from Ahmedabad, India. She moved to America as a young girl, and the transition was a significant culture shock. However, Kashmira treasures her Indian roots and remains deeply connected to her heritage. A devoted follower of Shaivism, a form of Hinduism, she celebrates the vibrant holidays of her childhood with enthusiasm and reverence.

Growing up alongside her twin sister, Rashmika, Kashmira was raised in a loving environment emphasizing kindness, compassion, and the importance of making the world a better place—a principle rooted in Dharma. Her warm personality and quirky eccentricities make her approachable, but she often grapples with her idealism, stubbornness, and occasional close-mindedness. Standing at just four feet ten inches, Kashmira is slim and curvy due to her healthy diet and active lifestyle.

Kashmira comes from a long line of Green Adepts, a lineage divided by their sects of Hinduism, each believing themselves to be blessed by their chosen deities. This rich heritage, however, comes with its challenges; the Sarai family has made numerous enemies in India and throughout Asia due to past conflicts. A turning point in Kashmira’s life occurred one fateful night when an Apparition, seeking revenge for an unfulfilled pact made by her grandmother, Hanumanta Patel, attacked her and Rashmika. This traumatic encounter led both sisters to undergo their Kindling Event, awakening their connection to Green Lux. Although their mother intervened to save them, the incident prompted the family to leave India, as the growing number of adversaries proved too dangerous to ignore.

The Sarai family eventually settled in St. Portwell, where Kashmira secretly honed her abilities with her Green Lux. She discovered that her Affinity lay in healing wounds and augmenting biological functions, allowing her to help those in need. Initially struggling to adapt to the American school system, she persevered and, through sheer determination, became a top student. While sometimes feeling out of place among her peers, she found camaraderie with fellow Indian students. She became a familiar face at local Indian restaurants, where she relished the comfort of familiar flavors and traditions.

Now in her final year of high school, Kashmira aspires to become a doctor, driven by her desire to heal and protect life. Recently, through a budding friendship with Pearl, she became the newest member of the Greenwood Coven, drawn to their mission of maintaining balance in the world and safeguarding the sanctity of life. Having joined only a few weeks ago, she proudly holds the title of Green Shaman, a role that aligns perfectly with her ideals and aspirations.

Adept - Green Lux. Channeler: Grandmother's Jewel Necklace.
Healing: Kashmira gently places her hands over a wound, channeling her Green Lux to accelerate the healing process. This spell can close cuts, mend broken bones, and alleviate pain—the more severe the injury, the more energy it requires from her.
Healing-Field: The Healing Field is a specialized spell that creates a broad area, extending up to thirty meters, where Kashmira can channel her Green Lux to promote healing among multiple individuals simultaneously. Within its confines, all individuals experience a gradual healing effect; however, injuries mend more slowly than with their primary healing spell, making it more effective for minor injuries rather than critical conditions. To maintain the Healing Field, Kashmira must remain stationary and sing a song in her native tongue, allowing her to focus her energy. This process demands a steady flow of energy from her, limiting her time to sustain it before exhaustion sets in. Due to its slower healing process, she typically reserves its use for exceptionally safe or controlled situations.

Dermal-Boost: A specialized ability that allows Kashmira to enhance the durability of an individual’s skin and bones while maintaining physical contact. This spell fortifies the body, enabling the recipient to withstand and shrug off the effects of most small arms, offering a protective barrier against bodily harm. However, it’s important to note that while the increased durability helps absorb and deflect external threats, it does not negate the force of the impact itself; recipients will still experience pain from any blows received.

Life Bloom: Kashmira channels her Green Lux into the earth by singing, unleashing an explosive surge of plant growth in a designated area. This spell causes vegetation to sprout rapidly, instantly creating a vibrant, lush landscape.

Vine-Bind: Vine Bind is a spell that allows Kashmira to summon plants to trap and immobilize her foes. When cast, vines and roots surge from the ground, wrapping around the target's limbs and restricting their movement. This spell is particularly effective in natural environments, where the abundance of flora amplifies its potency. While it can effectively bind multiple enemies simultaneously, Kashmira must concentrate on maintaining the spell, requiring a steady flow of her Green Lux to keep the vines active.

Nature's Barrier: Nature's Barrier is a defensive spell that enables Kashmira to create a protective wall or dome of intertwined plants and foliage. Depending on her needs, she can shape this barrier in various forms - a solid wall, a protective dome, or even a maze - to cover her allies. The barrier’s strength and duration depend on the amount of Green Lux Kashmira channels into it, making it essential for her to remain focused and dedicated during its creation.

Pathmaker: Pathmaker is a spell that allows Kashmira to summon massive tree trunks, roots, or vines that extend upward or across great distances, creating pathways for her. When activated, towering trunks and thick roots burst forth from the ground, forming a sturdy and flexible bridge or staircase she can climb or walk upon. This spell not only provides her with access to elevated areas but can also be used to connect distant points. The pathways are imbued with her Green Lux, granting them a degree of resilience against external forces. However, maintaining these structures requires her total concentration, and their stability is contingent on the energy she invests in the spell.

26 | Jade Patricia Blackmore | She/Her
"Want mamma Jade to kiss it and make it better? Ha!"

Née West.

Jade West was a bright and spirited girl growing up in Columbia, South Carolina. The daughter of a close-knit family, she spent her early years immersed in Southern culture, where Sunday dinners and church gatherings were staples of her upbringing. Jade was known for her infectious laughter and boundless curiosity, often spending her weekends exploring her hometown's lush parks and vibrant neighborhoods. She enjoyed childhood freedom, riding her bike through sun-drenched streets, climbing trees with friends, and dreaming of the future while gazing at the sprawling Carolina skies. However, her idyllic childhood was tinged with uncertainty as her father’s job opportunity loomed on the horizon. The impending move filled her with excitement and trepidation as she grappled with the fear of leaving behind the only home she had ever known, unaware of the life-altering events awaiting her in St. Portwell.

This abrupt change introduced her to an entirely different environment, filled with new faces and customs that felt foreign. As a young girl navigating the complexities of adolescence in a new city, Jade was already facing the challenges of fitting in and finding her identity when disaster struck. St. Portwell was caught in the chaos of the Stygian Snake’s rampage, an Apparition that wreaked havoc and terror throughout the city. It was during this tumultuous time that her life would forever change as the Stygian Snake came dangerously close to ending her life.

Drake Blackmore emerged as her savior during this harrowing experience. This act forged a bond between them and set Jade on a path she had never anticipated. The near-death experience awakened something within her—Green Lux. She then joined the Sycamore Tree Coven, a group of children dedicated to combating the Stygian Snake, where her Green Lux was crucial in their efforts, and she has saved dozens of lives.

After the Stygian Snake was ultimately defeated, Jade’s journey took another turn. While she had found a family in the Coven, the environment began to shift, becoming toxic and divisive. She decided to leave, recognizing its effects on her spirit and relationship with Drake. Their romance blossomed into a deep, loving partnership with Drake by her side. Their shared experiences fortified their bond, and Jade’s dreams of becoming a doctor took shape as she enrolled in medical school. Jade envisioned a life dedicated to caring for others, embodying the same selflessness that had driven her during the Stygian Snake’s assault.

Jade and Drake built a life together and shared aspirations. However, it all fell apart instantly when tragedy struck during a vacation trip to New Orleans. In a cruel twist of fate, Jade was murdered by Father World, leaving Drake devastated and lost in a sea of grief. Her sudden absence sent shockwaves through his life and the lives of those who knew her.

In the wake of her death, the impact of Jade’s life and loss reverberated throughout St. Portwell and beyond. Friends, colleagues, and even former Coven members mourned her passing, each remembering her as a beacon of hope and passion. Jade was a skinny African-American woman who always wore her hair naturally and always wore sunglasses.

Adept - Green Lux. Channeler: Her Wedding Ring.
Healing: Jade channels her Green Lux to infuse healing energy into an injured individual, significantly accelerating their natural healing processes. This potent spell can heal wounds, mend broken bones, and alleviate illnesses, making it particularly effective in life-threatening situations. This spell also restored someone's stamina, which was crucial in the fight against the Stygian Snake.

Biological-Scan: Biological Scan is a powerful spell that allows Jade to examine an individual's biological makeup through physical contact. When she touches someone, her Green Lux activates, creating a unique connection that enables her to perceive the intricate details of their anatomy, cellular structure, and overall health. This spell reveals critical information, such as injuries, diseases, or underlying medical conditions that may not be immediately visible. Jade's ability to read these biological signals has been a game-changer in life-or-death situations, allowing her to provide timely interventions or emergency treatments that save lives.

Cleansing Wave: In this spell, Jade emits a surge of Green Lux, creating a vital wave that purges toxins, venom, and harmful substances from individuals and their surroundings. When activated, this spell radiates a green light that envelops those affected by poisons or diseases, neutralizing the toxic effects. The wave not only targets physical ailments but also works to purify the environment, making it safe for those nearby.

Adrenaline Spike: This spell activates Jade's innate abilities during stress or danger, heightening her physical prowess. When activated, she experiences a surge of adrenaline that enhances her speed, strength, and reflexes to superhuman levels for a short duration. The spell can be triggered instinctively or consciously, enabling her to react quickly in emergencies or combat.

Titan Arms: Jade can allow her arms to become incredibly muscular and durable, allowing her to perform feats of strength far beyond her standard capabilities. This spell is useful for combat, lifting heavy objects, or performing physical tasks that require exceptional strength. It lasts as long as she maintains concentration.

Enhanced Senses: Jade sharpens one of her senses (smell, sight, or hearing) to superhuman levels depending on the situation. When activated, this spell sharpens her chosen sense to extraordinary levels, allowing her to detect even the faintest scents, perceive minute details in her surroundings, or hear sounds that would typically be inaudible to the average person.
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82 | Sunshine Bella Jones | She/Her
"I will drink the blood of magic straight from the source."

Sunshine Jones's story began in her formative years within The Connections, an Illuminati-style cult led by her father, Albert Jones, in the world of Stars. The cult, shrouded in secrecy and ambition, sought to manipulate the flow of magic across the All-Verse. Growing up under her father's shadow, Sunshine was groomed to believe in the sanctity of their mission: to unlock the mysteries of magic and wield it to reshape reality. The teachings of The Connections instilled in her an unyielding desire for power and knowledge and a warped sense of loyalty to her father and the organization. However, Sunshine grew disillusioned with the cult’s stagnation and reliance on outdated doctrines as she matured. Fueled by a mixture of anger and ambition, she began to plot the downfall of The Connections.

In a stunning coup, Sunshine orchestrated a brutal takeover, dismantling The Connections from within. Her cunning and ruthless tactics allowed her to eliminate rivals and consolidate power. She subsumed the remnants of the cult into her vision, emerging as the new leader with an iron grip. During this time, she birthed the Inner Circle, a new organization focused on more radical and dangerous pursuits. Sunshine, now known as Echidna, became infamous for her savage experiments in pursuing magical supremacy. Her ambition led her to create the Blood Art Technique, which drew upon the essence of magic, the blood itself. This allure attracted followers, further cementing her power as they delved into their depravity to grasp the "blood" of magic.

Under her reign, the Inner Circle became a notorious haven for atrocities, where moral boundaries crumbled and savagery thrived. Sunshine's hands were stained with the blood of countless victims as she sanctioned mass murders and orchestrated human sacrifices to fuel her dark rituals. Torture became a tool of both punishment and experimentation, with her followers conducting grotesque trials to enhance their abilities. Cannibalism emerged as a hideous symbol of their devotion, while human trafficking and abduction fed the insatiable hunger of the cult. The Inner Circle's influence spread like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the All-Verse, where whispers of genocide and child homicide echoed through the night. Sunshine reveled in the chaos she created, believing that each brutality brought her closer to uncovering the ultimate source of magic, unaware that her descent into madness would ultimately lead to her downfall.

James Vanburen and the Accordance, a coalition of powerful mages and warriors dedicated to maintaining balance in the All-Verse, recognized Sunshine's threat. In a decisive confrontation, they fought to stop her ambitions once and for all. Despite her formidable abilities and the sheer terror she inspired, Sunshine was ultimately defeated, her forces shattered by the might of the Accordance. The defeat was catastrophic; Sunshine was not merely imprisoned but banished to The Pit.

Eight months pregnant at the time of her imprisonment, she gave birth to her daughter, Raven, in this nightmare of a realm. Despite the harsh conditions, Sunshine’s love for Raven burned fiercely, igniting a protective instinct that had been dormant since her rise to power. Sunshine’s maternal instincts and determination to escape solidified her resolve to protect Raven from the terrors that lurked within. She trained her daughter in the Blood Art Technique, desperately hoping to equip her with the means to navigate the dangers they faced and forge a path toward escape. However, this love was soon tested when the King of the Pit's Autoknights seized Raven, snatching her away before Sunshine could intervene. The loss of her daughter became a pivotal moment for Sunshine, forcing her to reflect on the choices that had led her to this hellish place and gradually mellowed.

The once-ambitious Enchinda began to accept the painful possibility that Raven was likely dead, taken by the unforgiving environment of The Pit. This acceptance shifted her perspective, leading her to confront the consequences of her relentless pursuit of power. No longer the ruthless leader who had sought dominance at any cost, Sunshine evolved into a tragic figure, wrestling with the weight of her choices and their impact on her life. The fierce ambition that once consumed her transformed into a profound sense of loss and regret, shaping her into a mother who recognized the futility of her earlier aspirations. Instead, she seeks redemption through self-reflection and a newfound understanding of the value of love and sacrifice.

Sunshine stands tall at five-foot-nine; her slender frame is in stark contrast, and living off scraps has diminished her physically. Notably, she is an African-American woman with albinism, giving her strikingly white skin and hair. Despite chronologically being in her eighties, Sunshine utilized Green Lux to maintain her youth.

Adept - Green Lux. Channeler: Blood-Stained Locket.
Sunshine Jones is recognized as one of the few true masters of Green Lux; having trained relentlessly since the age of nine, she views magic as a science. Her casting method, the Blood Art Technique, is both feared and revered; it involves covering her hand in blood and conjuring intricate symbols in the air. Each symbol represents a spell, a manifestation of her will that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. The spells she cast using this technique are not mere tricks of the trade; they often blur the lines of morality and sanity. These boundary-crossing spells can induce grotesque transformations, manipulate biological functions, or result in body horror that sends shivers through those who witness her power. Sunshine has perfected this method to such an extent that she recalls each spell with unwavering precision, drawing upon a mental library of symbols stored within her mind.

28 | Zoey Amelia Gray | She/Her
"Moving on's hard when you're moving on from something real good."

Zoey Gray's life took a tragic turn the day the Stygian Snake unleashed its wrath upon St. Portwell. Once a vibrant and energetic young woman, Zoey was the kind of person who lit up a room with her infectious laughter and enthusiasm. She spent countless afternoons dreaming and planning adventures with her best friend, Claire O'Sullivan. To Zoey, Claire was a beacon of resilience despite the tumultuous circumstances surrounding her. Claire struggled growing up in a broken home and battling her demons, but Zoey admired her strength and tenacity. Their bond deepened as they navigated the complexities of adolescence together, sharing secrets and aspirations under the old Sycamore Tree that served as a refuge for their Coven.

However, everything changes in an instant when the Stygian Snake kills Claire. Zoey's heart shattered as she watched in horror as the creature struck Claire down before her eyes. The event was not just a traumatic experience; it was the moment that severed Zoey's connection to the vibrant life she had once known. The shared joy became an unbearable void, leaving Zoey feeling lost. In the aftermath of Claire's death, Zoey made the gut-wrenching decision to leave the Sycamore Tree Coven, a place that had once provided her with a sense of belonging and purpose.

Zoey struggled to find footing in a foreign and unwelcoming world in the following years. She took on a job as a bus tour guide, sharing stories of St. Portwell’s history with tourists, but the excitement she once felt for the job was gone. Now, each word felt like a reminder of her past that the Stygian Snake had irrevocably altered. Though she maintained occasional contact with her former Coven members, especially Auri, she rejected returning to the life she once cherished. Despite her growing detachment from magic, Zoey occasionally dabbled in her powers. Yet, every time she wielded her magic, she was haunted by the specter of loss, making it difficult to separate her abilities from the pain that accompanied them.

When Father Wolf's rampage began, Zoey firmly rejected Auri's call to return to the Sycamore Tree Coven. Zoey is a Caucasian girl who is incredibly tall at six even and is very skinny due to her genetics. She has black hair but with some streaks of blue in it. Zoey hasn't exactly been in touch with her magic side and usually only dabbles if needed.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: Projection Necklace of Claire.
Lightning Bolt: This spell allows Zoey to summon a powerful bolt of lightning from her hands that strikes her target with precision. Channeling her emotional intensity, she manifests her anger and sorrow into raw electrical energy. The impact causes severe electricity damage, but they will be stunned momentarily if they survive.

Snowmfall: Zoey conjures a fierce snowstorm, blanketing the area in swirling white flakes that obscure visibility and create an icy tundra. The storm can vary in intensity, from a light flurry to a raging blizzard, depending on her emotional state and focus. In addition to reducing visibility, the storm lowers temperatures, making it difficult for enemies to maintain their footing and increasing their chances of slipping or getting disoriented. Zoey can control the direction and strength of the snowfall, allowing her to create localized storms that serve as cover for her escape or as a trap for unsuspecting foes.

Snowmancy: This spell grants Zoey the ability to shape and mold snow into various forms. She can create snow barriers that protect against physical attacks, craft intricate sculptures, and form sharp, icy projectiles to hurl at enemies, which can inflict physical damage and freeze upon impact.

26 | Elsa Jolie Conner | She/Her
"C'mon, dork! We don't have all day!"

Elsa Conner embodied adventure and spontaneity, contrasting sharply with her best friend, Kari Wilson. Born and raised in St. Portwell, Elsa spent her childhood exploring the dense forests, lakes, and trails surrounding her hometown. From an early age, she was drawn to the thrill of the great outdoors, whether climbing trees, hiking mountains, or organizing bonfires with friends. Her boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm often inspired her peers to join her in her exploits. She was known as the girl who could turn a dull weekend into a thrilling escapade, whether camping under the stars or hosting parties.

Despite her outgoing nature, Elsa had a deeply rooted sense of loyalty, especially toward Kari. Where Kari found solace in literature and the written word, Elsa thrived in the world around her. She often dragged her best friend into the limelight, urging Kari to step out of her comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Their friendship was a testament to the idea that opposites attract. At the same time, Kari balanced Elsa's impulsiveness with her thoughtful nature, and Elsa pushed Kari to explore the joy of living in the moment. Together, they created a blend of caution and excitement.

The arrival of the Stygian Snake brought about a cataclysmic change in Elsa’s life. The city became a battleground overnight when the creature unleashed its wrath upon St. Portwell. During a vicious attack on Elsa's home, she and Kari found themselves cornered by the Stygian Snake's enthralled minions. Amid the chaos, Elsa and Kari underwent their Kindling Events and unlocked Red and White Lux, respectively. Despite their best efforts, Elsa and her friend Kari were overwhelmed by the relentless thralls. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Britney Williams, an influential member of the Sycamore Tree Coven, intervened and saved them from certain doom.

Britney offered them the chance to join the Coven, and they joined without a second thought, with Kari quickly becoming an integral part of the Coven. As Elsa honed her abilities, she discovered the potential of her Red Lux, enabling her to manipulate fire and electricity. Her adventures shifted from casual exploration to intense battles against the Stygian Snake. Elsa’s indomitable spirit shone brightest during these dark times as she rallied her friends, inspiring them with her relentless optimism. However, the battles took a toll on her; losing fellow Coven members weighed heavily on her heart, especially after losing Lisa, Saskia, and Ella in the fight against the Stygian Snake.

After the Stygian Snake was defeated, Elsa remained with the Sycamore Tree Coven until it fell apart. The camaraderie and sense of purpose she found while battling alongside her friends was gone. She was left grappling with a profound sense of emptiness; the world around her felt alien and uncertain, stripped of the vibrant connections that once fueled her adventurous spirit.

Elsa turned inward in the absence of her comrades, seeking answers to the void that now consumed her. The adventurous spirit that once drove her to explore the outdoors turned inward, wandering through the familiar landscapes that had inspired her. Each step into the wild became a quest for understanding and a longing to reclaim the sense of purpose that had been so abruptly taken from her. In her adult years, Elsa moved in with Kari and began giving boat tours along the serene shores of St. Portwell. Through these tours, she shared her love for the environment and connected with tourists who sought the same thrill she innately craved. This new endeavor became her way of keeping the spirit of adventure alive, even as she mourned the loss of her comrades and the camaraderie that had once defined her life.

One fateful night, Elsa's life came to an abrupt end. Her body was discovered washed up on the shore, with a wolf idol carved out of Sycamore. Elsa stands at five-six with a slim build with a hint of pudge.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: Her Late Father's Multitool.
Pyromancy: Elsa’s primary spell is Pyromancy, granting her the ability to generate and manipulate fire with remarkable skill. This advanced technique allows her to create devastating explosions, form solid walls of flame, and even alter the temperature of her surroundings. Additionally, her connection to her emotions amplifies her control over fire; the intensity of her feelings can make her flames flicker gently or roar with fierce ferocity.

Electromancy: Elsa’s secondary spell, Electromancy, allows her to unleash powerful lightning bolts and manipulate existing electrical currents. Her proficiency in this field enables her to drain power from electronics, charge devices on the fly, and control the flow of electricity in her environment. She often employed quick lightning strikes as offensive weaponry. The ability to manipulate electricity also serves her outside combat, as she can navigate urban environments by drawing power from streetlights or charging her gear.

Cyromancy: While not as advanced as her pyromancy or electromancy, Elsa’s Cyromancy allows her to create and manipulate ice with surprising effectiveness. This spell will enable her to conjure ice barriers, create slippery surfaces, or form sharp icicles as projectiles.
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Grab your ankles because the content bomb's just getting started


"Where every hand could change the game - welcome to The Card Shark."
Nestled along the bustling waterfront of St. Portwell, The Card Shark is a stylish clubhouse that serves as a neutral ground for characters from various factions to meet and interact. With its prime location overlooking the shimmering ocean, the clubhouse features large windows that provide breathtaking views of the waves crashing against the docks and the vibrant life of the harbor. The interior blends elements of a classic card room with maritime themes, showcasing polished wood, vintage nautical decor, and framed photographs of famous poker games set against stunning seascapes.

Upon entering, guests are welcomed by the excitement of chance and strategy in the air. Several high-end poker tables fill the central area, each themed after different card games. The walls are adorned with memorabilia from legendary poker matches. At the same time, a stylish bar along one side offers a diverse menu of craft cocktails and specialty drinks inspired by poker hands. A secluded backroom, accessible only to select guests, provides a space for planning missions, strategizing, and discussing sensitive matters without fear of eavesdropping.

The Card Shark regularly hosts high-stakes poker tournaments, witch-themed parties, and networking events that draw in a mix of mercenaries, thrill-seekers, and curious locals. Live music on weekends adds to the vibrant atmosphere, where laughter, clinking glasses, and the shuffling of cards create a charged environment.


"St. Portwell U! Ride the wave of knowledge!"
Nestled on a sprawling campus overlooking the scenic cliffs of St. Portwell, St. Portwell University stands as a prestigious institution dedicated to academic excellence and personal growth. Established over a century ago, the university boasts a rich history and a commitment to fostering an environment where innovation and tradition collide. The campus is adorned with historic stone buildings and modern facilities, reflecting its evolution while maintaining a connection to its nautical roots. At the entrance of St. Portwell University lies a vast, shimmering lake.

The university offers diverse programs across several faculties, attracting students from all walks of life. Renowned for its strong emphasis on the liberal arts, St. Portwell University provides degrees in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Majors like History, English Literature, Psychology, and Environmental Science are popular among undergraduates, while graduate programs in Marine Biology and Oceanography take advantage of the university’s coastal location.
Art and Design programs thrive within the university’s vibrant arts community, with students honing their visual arts, graphic design, and performing arts skills. The university's art galleries frequently showcase student exhibitions, fostering creativity and collaboration. St. Portwell University’s annual Arts Festival attracts artists from around the region, offering a platform for students to share their work and connect with established professionals in the field.

For students with a passion for athletics, St. Portwell University is home to the St. Portwell Sharks, a formidable force in college football. The university also boasts the St. Portwell Hawks for basketball, known for their agility and strategic gameplay. At the same time, the St. Portwell Dolphins dominate the swimming scene with impressive individual and relay performances. Sailing is represented by the St. Portwell Splash, which excels in navigating local waters and participating in prestigious regattas. Each team fosters strong camaraderie and school spirit, often drawing crowds to the Shark Tank, the university's iconic sports arena. The mascot, a fierce blue shark named Finn, embodies the competitive spirit of the student body, rallying fans at every home game.

Campus life at St. Portwell University is vibrant and inclusive, with numerous clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities for students to engage in; there is something for everyone. The university also hosts various events throughout the year, including guest lectures, cultural festivals, and community service initiatives. The university library, known for its extensive collection of texts on traditional studies, serves as a hub of knowledge where students can immerse themselves in their academic pursuits. Housing options range from traditional residence halls to modern apartments, accommodating students with varying preferences. Each living space is designed to foster community while providing the privacy needed for academic success. As St. Portwell University continues to grow, it remains committed to its core values of academic integrity, social responsibility, and the pursuit of knowledge.


"Your harbor of good vibes and great company!"
The Winking Lighthouse is a charming café and bar located right by the waterfront of St. Portwell, named for the vintage lighthouse nearby that locals believe “winks” at sunset. Its large glass windows showcasing stunning ocean views and cozy outdoor seating offer a relaxed atmosphere perfect for casual hangouts. The café's interior is adorned with nautical decor, weathered wood, ship wheels, and maps of ancient sea routes, creating a space that resonates with the local maritime culture. The Winking Lighthouse is a beloved spot for both locals and visitors.

During the day, The Winking Lighthouse serves coffee and fresh pastries, drawing in students, artists, and professionals looking for a quiet place to work or socialize. As the sun dips below the horizon, the café transitions into a lively bar featuring a menu of craft cocktails inspired by local ingredients and flavors. Regular live music events add to the atmosphere, with acoustic performances and open mic nights attracting a diverse crowd.

The outdoor seating area is trendy, where patrons can enjoy the sea breeze and the sounds of the ocean while sipping on their favorite drinks. It’s not uncommon to see characters from different walks of life share a table, whether they’re old friends catching up, rivals discussing their next moves or strangers forming unlikely connections over a shared interest. In addition to its casual charm, the café often hosts themed nights and events, such as trivia contests or poetry readings.

Hidden 11 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m getting Jack banned from the Card Shark at some point now.
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 35 min ago

Card Shark... The competition to Hearts Club Casino. :p
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’d get him kicked of there too but murder would be involved
1x Laugh Laugh
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