Hidden 13 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Gate to Eternity |

"Be careful, the end may not be what you desire."

| The Ancient Ring was not crafted by mortal hands but emerged through the collective consciousness of the first Adepts. Legends tell of its creation when the Ancients infused part of their essence into the world and the people within it. Over time, their presence became a myth, but their power remained latent in objects of great significance. The ring was one such artifact, said to be formed by the melding of powerful beliefs in the Ancients’ wisdom and wrath. |

| Ring |

| TBD |

| TBD |

| No. |
The Ancient Ring is a legendary artifact tied deeply to the lore of the All-Verse. Its power lies in calling forth one of the ten Ancients. Through the Ancient Ring, the bearer can summon these beings and attempt to bargain with them.

The summoned Ancient may complete a task for the ring bear, share wisdom long lost to the ages, or even amplify the bearer’s magical power. However, the relationship between the ring bearer and the Ancient is far from straightforward. The Ancients are known to be fickle, some benevolent and others malicious, and the outcome of each summoning is unpredictable. The user must be careful, as each negotiation tests wit, wisdom, and resolve.

The ring is made of almost indestructible metal, with a large, glowing gem at its center that shifts colors based on the Ancient to which it is currently tuned to. The intricate carvings around the gem depict scenes from long-forgotten battles between the Ancients and cosmic entities from the Void. When activated, the gem pulses with an otherworldly light, casting strange shadows and making the air hum with ancient energy.

To use the Ancient Ring, the bearer must focus intently on the gem, invoking the name of the Ancient they wish to summon. This requires a deep understanding of the Ancients' lore, as calling the wrong name can result in disastrous consequences.

One of the most dangerous aspects of the Ancient Ring is the unpredictability of the bargains. Some Ancients demand tribute in the form of memories, emotions, or even fragments of the user's soul. Others might ask for material offerings, like artifacts, or demand actions to be performed on their behalf in the mortal realm. In rare cases, they may curse the bearer instead of offering aid, leaving the ring's user worse off than before.

Despite the risks, the Ancient Ring is a coveted artifact due to the sheer power it grants. In the hands of someone who can master its intricacies, it is a tool of great potential. But many have fallen victim to the Ancients’ capricious nature, trapped in eternal servitude or destroyed by the very beings they sought assistance from.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| (A Ghost Note: Brain no work rn, will come up later) |

"Swift and simple."

| The Witches Broom was mass-produced by a coven of witches in Ravenscroft, Massachusetts. Created with a blend of mundane materials and simple flight enchantments, the broom was originally intended for the Coven's members to use for transport during rituals and gatherings. Over time, the design was simplified, allowing for the mass production of enchanted brooms distributed throughout the Paranormal underground as a practical method of supernatural travel. |

| Artifact (Broom) |

| The last known batch of Witches Brooms was sold at a market in Miami, Florida, though many are now scattered across various Paranormal communities. Some are even rumored to be in the hands of unaware humans, passed down as mere antiques. |

| N/A. |

| No. |
The Witches Broom is a seemingly ordinary broom crafted from wood and straw, enchanted with a simple but effective spell that allows its user to fly. While lacking in complexity or grandeur, the Witches Broom became wildly popular due to its accessibility and ease of use. Unlike more sophisticated flight artifacts, it requires no deep understanding of magic; the user needs only focus their will on the broom, which will obey, lifting them into the air and carrying them swiftly to their destination.

The user’s intent controls the broom’s flight capabilities, making it simple to maneuver and maintain balance, even for those with little experience in magic. It can reach impressive speeds, but its main appeal lies in its reliable and straightforward design. While flying, the broom produces an aura of faint magical energy, protecting the user from high winds and minor atmospheric disturbances but offering little defense.

The Witches Broom is typically favored by Paranormals who need quick transportation. Still, over time, it has found its way into the hands of thieves, adventurers, and even curious humans who stumble upon the enchanted item. While not designed for combat, its practical utility has become a staple among Paranormal travelers for centuries.

Some individuals have crafted custom versions of the Witches Broom, enhancing its speed and durability or adding unique magical features, though these remain rare compared to the standard design.
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Frozen Blade of Time |

"All shall be held in place in the stillness of time."

| Yūkōno Toki was crafted centuries ago by a renowned Onmyoji, a master of spiritual and supernatural arts, who sought to create a weapon to protect the world from the encroaching darkness of demons and evil spirits. The Onmyoji poured their spiritual energy and profound knowledge of the ethereal realm into the blade, imbuing it with the unique ability to manipulate time for whatever it strikes. This weapon was designed to serve the Oni-Kariudo, ensuring their most potent adversaries could be contained and thwarted. |

| |

| Yūkōno Toki remains on Akira's person. Constantly. |

| Throughout history, the blade has been wielded by several different Oni-Kariudo. Notably, Haruki Shinjo was a member of the Yokai Extermination Brigade, an imperial Japanese unit that utilized magic to combat supernatural threats. While the brigade aimed to protect the populace, it also committed numerous war crimes during World War II. Following him, the next wielder of the blade is Akira Shinjo, who now employs it as part of the Spirit Wardens, working alongside the Paranormal Response Authority (PRA) by extension. |

| No. |
Yūkōno Toki is a blade of exquisite craftsmanship, meticulously forged and adorned with intricate symbols that glow faintly when activated. Made from a unique metal that resonates with magical properties, the weapon feels balanced in the wielder's hand, embodying a connection to the forces that grant it power. This blade is not merely a tool; it is an extension of the wielder's will, designed to serve in the most critical moments of battle against supernatural threats.

The primary ability of Yūkōno Toki is its power to freeze anything it strikes in time, rendering the target an immutable fixture for a duration ranging from thirty seconds to thirty minutes. The ability to neutralize threats temporarily allows for creative maneuvering in combat scenarios, transforming the tide of battle by immobilizing powerful adversaries or key objects that may pose a risk. One of the most significant aspects of Yūkōno Toki is its unique capacity to bypass Emotional-Fields and other measures that might typically shield an opponent from harm. This makes it a formidable tool against even the most resilient foes, as traditional defenses become ineffective against the blade’s time-stopping power.

Despite its formidable abilities, Yūkōno Toki does have limitations that require the wielder to exercise caution and precision. The freezing effect can only be applied to one target at a time; if another object or enemy is struck, the previous target will be released from its frozen state. The weapon is intuitively connected to its bearer, ensuring it will only freeze objects when there is a conscious intention. This connection fosters a deep bond between the wielder and the blade, allowing for effective use of Yūkōno Toki. In addition to its time-freezing abilities, Yūkōno Toki can also be wielded as a traditional katana. The blade's sharp edge can easily cut through various materials, and its touch burns Yokai, inflicting both physical and magical damage upon these supernatural beings.
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Unyielding Crossbow |

"The past protects the present."

| The Aegis Piercers were crafted by the skilled artisans of the Amazon tribe, utilizing both natural materials and ancient magical practices. These weapons were designed to defend Themyscira, their enchanted island home, against external threats. The Amazons imbued each Aegis Piercer with dimensional properties, allowing it to function as an extraordinary weapon in their efforts to maintain peace and safety. |

| Marbal Crossbow |

| Most Aegis Piercers remain safeguarded on Themyscira, which the Amazons use to protect their island. However, a few have been smuggled off the island and sold on the black market. These stolen weapons have found their way into the hands of various unsavory individuals and organizations, making them highly sought-after artifacts across the globe. |

| Over the years, various Aegis Piercers have been used by members of the Amazon tribe, but specific notable owners remain undocumented due to the secretive nature of their society. Some of these artifacts have fallen into the hands of unknown wielders who possess great skill. |

| No. |
The Aegis Piercer is a formidable crossbow constructed from enchanting stone marble, giving it an elegant yet robust appearance. At first glance, it appears too heavy to wield effectively; however, the weapon's design allows for effortless use, even by those who might seem physically inadequate. This versatility is one reason Aegis Piercers are a standard issue for the Amazons, as warriors of all shapes and sizes can utilize them.

One of the most remarkable features of the Aegis Piercer is its seemingly limitless supply of arrows. An arrow materializes with a simple trigger pull and is fired at the intended target. This functionality gives the wielder a distinct advantage in combat situations, ensuring they are never at a loss for ammunition. The arrows can bypass defenses, allowing them to reach targets even through solid barriers. This capability makes Aegis Piercers versatile in ranged attacks, as they can effectively neutralize threats behind walls or obstacles.

The arrows are imbued with a dimensional traveling ability, allowing them to phase momentarily between different dimensions. This power enables the arrows to ignore conventional laws of physics and logic, allowing them to penetrate armor or even strike multiple targets in a single shot. The user can send an arrow through a barrier or target an enemy hiding behind another.

Despite their formidable capabilities, the arrows of the Aegis Piercer are functionally regular. They are supernaturally armor-piercing but lack additional magical properties. This distinction means that while the arrows can bypass defenses, they must still strike their target to be effective. Users of the Aegis Piercer must possess skill and accuracy to maximize the weapon's potential, ensuring that each shot counts in the face of danger.

Over the years, the Amazons have relied heavily on Aegis Piercers as standard weapons for defending their island.

Hidden 9 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Cornerstone of the Brotherhood |

"With every swing of its holy edges, the chains of darkness shatter, and the fallen are cast back from whence they came."

| The Brotherhood crafted the Undead Hunter, a weapon forged through an ancient and sacred ritual using divine blessings. Designed to bestow its wielder with unmatched power against the forces of darkness, it was created by the Brotherhood’s most revered scholars and warriors, who blended their knowledge of holy magic and combat to forge the ultimate weapon against the undead and Apparitions. |

| Transformative Sword/Whip. |

| The Undead Hunter remains a well-guarded relic within the Brotherhood, passed down through generations of their most elite members. It has never left their Headquarters, and only the Grandmasters are entrusted with its use in times of dire need. The weapon has never been outside the Brotherhood's control despite rumors suggesting its loss during a fateful mission against a necromancer. Such tales are likely meant to conceal the true location of this legendary artifact, ensuring that it stays hidden from those who would seek to claim its power. |

| The most legendary wielder of the Undead Hunter was Sir Thomas, a Paladin of the Brotherhood renowned for his fearless crusade against a legion of undead. After Sir Thomas’ death, the weapon was passed to subsequent Grandmasters of the Brotherhood, each tasked with guarding it and using it only in dire need. |

| No. |
The Undead Hunter is a legendary artifact designed to wield devastating power against the forces of darkness. This unique weapon can seamlessly transform between a razor-sharp sword and a segmented whip, offering its wielder adaptability in battle against singular and multiple foes. The instant and effortless transformation allows the wielder to switch between close-quarters combat and mid-range strikes fluidly.

As the Undead Hunter strikes, it disrupts the magic that sustains the Undead, initiating a process of gradual dissolution. The flesh begins to wither and rot as the weapon's holy power takes effect, breaking down the bonds that tether the creature to its existence. As the magic fades, the creature’s essence is slowly consumed, eventually disintegrating into nothingness. When the Undead Hunter strikes beings such as Afflicted, Adjoined, Abominable, or Abscised, it inflicts severe burns upon contact. The weapon's consecrated energy sears through their unnatural forms, causing unbearable pain that disrupts their ability to utilize their Abstractions. Unlike undead beings, these beings do not disintegrate, but the holy flames of the Undead Hunter cause severe burns.

When the Undead Hunter strikes an Apparition, it unleashes a wave of consecrated energy that disrupts the very nature of the being. This divine energy amplifies the weapon's ability to unravel the magic sustaining the Apparition, causing a cascading effect that weakens the entity's defenses and diminishes its ability to regenerate. Once the Apparition is destroyed, the weapon's sealing mechanism activates instantly, drawing in the remnants of the defeated entity and automatically sealing it—acting as a prison for these evil beings.

When the weapon is transformed into a whip, it offers enhanced reach and versatility, especially against enemies that keep their distance or travel in groups. With brutal efficiency, the whip can constrict, bind, and tear apart undead and other evil beings. The whip can also entangle and bind its targets, making it nearly impossible for Apparitions or undead to escape once ensnared. Unlike most magical beings who can flee or teleport to safety, the weapon is enchanted to prevent them from teleporting to other dimensions until they are destroyed or released by the whip.

However, outside of this specialized use, the weapon functions as a regular sword and whip. Against, for example, Adepts and human beings, the Undead Hunter performs no differently than any other well-crafted weapon. While it can cut through flesh and bone and potentially damage magical barriers or enchantments through sheer force, it does not disable or disrupt these forms of magic.

When the Undead Hunter has been used extensively, it requires a period of re-empowerment within the sacred halls of the Brotherhood. This ritual involves placing the weapon on the Altar of Purity, which absorbs the ambient energy of protective wards and the prayers of the Brotherhood’s members. While in this uncharged state, the magical properties of the Undead Hunter deactivate, but it retains its physical form as a finely crafted sword and whip but loses its mystical properties, functioning merely as a regular weapon. It can still cut through flesh and bone, but its ability to sever the bonds of undead and Apparitions is diminished, rendering it ineffective against supernatural foes.
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago


| The Eater of Lux |

"Embrace your fate, and let the stars feed."

| Created by “Zi” Zhu |

| Pendant and chain |

| Possessed by “Zi” Zhu |

| “Zi” Zhu |

| No |
The Star Siphon is a clear quartz cut in a diamond round shape, trapped in a silver cage with a chain. The stone is about 100 grams in weight. Wearing the stone or touching the cage while funneling a bit of Lux through it activates the stone's effects. When in use, the stone glows a yellowish white.

When activated, the Star Siphon will release yellowish-white spores that float in the air around the user in a fifteen-foot radius. These spores will remain in the air until the Star Siphon is deactivated or destroyed, at which the spores will fade and disperse.

The radius of effect of each spore is five feet. Within this radius, if there is any Lux that is sent as a projectile, is cast, or is in any way within this radius, the spore will devour it in a matter of seconds. The spore has no limit to how much Lux it can devour, as it is actually a small worm hole, with all the Lux funneling into another dimension. The wormhole spore has a one-way movement in it, disallowing Lux to be reclaimed through the spore.

The downside of the spores is that they do not differentiate between friend and foe Lux, and will absorb and devour all forms of Lux within their radius. Even if the user tries to cast Lux that isn't directly involved with the Star Siphon, they will find their own Lux be siphoned away.

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Hidden 7 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago


| The Living Challenger |

"Yes, it talks. Yes, it cuts diamond."

| Created by “Kai” Zhu |

| Sword |

| In possession of Kai Zhu |

| Kai Zhu |

| No |
The Indigo Feather is a living, talking sword. It has the ability to see and talk despite having no eyes or mouth. It is imbued with one of Kai's foot soldiers, and specializes in cutting only the toughest or magically resistant of objects.

The sword itself is made of iodoite, an ore found in the Gloam dimension. Iodoite has the unique property in that it absorbs and computes Lux incredibly fast, allowing artifacts to be made much faster than normal. The sword is black with a purple aura. When running a finger along the edge of the blade, it feels soft like a feather, hence its name. The blade is too soft and feathery to even leave a paper cut on a finger.

A Midnight Soldier, a foot soldier specifically, is imbued in the sword. It's this minion that brings the sword to life. The minion, nicknamed Feefee, is a female minion who is notoriously lazy. She believes herself to be above most challengers, and so doesn't bother to become sharp for boring challenges. The more resistant a material, the more Feefee is interested in proving she is the superior cutter and slicer. She has cut diamond before, a fact she loves to brag about.

Indigo Feather is useless against most soft materials, like human skin and sinews, wood, and metal. The harder, more cut-resistant, physically-resistant and magically-resistant a material or person, the more easily the Indigo Feather can cut it.

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Hidden 7 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago


| A One-Way Ticket Out |

"For emergency use only."

| Created by Lancy Zhu |

| Pendant and chain with a twist-and-pull activated cap |

| Possessed by Valencia Vorpal and Demos Castles |

| Valencia Vorpal and Demos Castles |

| No |
The Venus Snap pendants were commissioned by Valencia Vorpal as a couple's gift to her and Demos Castles. Each Pendant is made of glass with a silver cap and chain. Inside the glass chamber is a mix of miangloong powder (found in Gloam) and red flint (also found in Gloam.) The cap can be twisted and pulled, releasing a hammer that smacks the red flint, causing the kinetic energy and materials to react, activating the Lux coding within.

Upon being struck, the materials flash a brilliant white light. Every living person within a five foot radius then disappears with the flash of light.

The chemical reaction activates Lancy's coding, where the pendant takes all beings within its range to a location held in the wielder's mind. This is not similar to standard teleporting, where a wormhole or portal is created between two locations. It's actually small-scale reality warping, bringing the destination to the passengers. This ensures there are no portals to track, and makes the disappearance nigh impossible to track or determine where the passengers ended up.

Due to this mild reality warping, there are consequences to those who use the Venus Snap's powers. Mild internal bleeding is a common side effect, as well as dizziness and disorientation upon arrival.

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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Mirroring Flame |

"Drawn by emotion, fueled by passion—Kaji no Kokoro burns with the fire of a warrior's soul."

| Kaji no Kokoro was forged by the legendary blacksmith Masamune, who sought to create a blade that embodied the spirit of the samurai. It is said that Masamune infused the katana with the flames of Mount Fuji itself, invoking ancient spirits of fire to bind the blade to the heart of its wielder. Crafted in secrecy, it was originally a gift for a noble warlord. Still, it disappeared shortly after the warlord’s fall, only to resurface in the hands of warriors driven by strong emotions. |

| Flaming Katana. |

| It's present location remains a mystery. Rumors suggest that the sword was taken into the Pit by a samurai named Yūrei no Kiyomi. |

| Lord Taira no Shigenobu, a fierce samurai whose anger turned tides of battle into infernos, and Tsukiko the Crimson Flower, a warrior-poet known for her uncontrollable sorrow, which set entire battlefields ablaze. | |

| No. |
Kaji no Kokoro, “The Heart of the Forge,” is a legendary katana renowned throughout ancient Japan. Its true power lies hidden within the sheath; when unsheathed, the sword erupts into flames, reflecting its wielder's emotional intensity. Crafted from the sacred fire of the gods, the flames can range from a gentle, warm glow when the wielder is calm to a roaring inferno capable of cutting through steel when rage or sorrow takes hold.

Legends say the sword's fire can burn through physical and spiritual barriers, searing the souls of those it touches. The blade is as much a spiritual weapon as a physical one, resonating deeply with the user’s essence. Only those with a strong heart, filled with passion or pain, can unlock its true potential. However, the sword’s flames are as dangerous to the wielder as they are to their enemies; it draws from their very spirit, threatening to consume those who cannot master their emotions.
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