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>Information Archive of Velsar


Artificial Planetary Reserve, ID# 11390084, Velsar:
  • Western Hemisphere:
    • Anthor: Northern Colony, Prime Function: Law & Order
    • Forgefeld: North-Eastern Colony, Prime Function: Architecture
    • Delta: Eastern Colony, Prime Function: Destroyed, Prior: Farming
    • Jive: South-Eastern Colony, Prime Function: Trade & Luxury
    • Haust: Southern Colony, Prime Function: Penal & Farming, Prior: Penal
    • Idyll: South-Western Colony, Prime Function: Military
    • Nora: Western Colony, Prime Function: Shelter
    • Juniper: North-Western Colony, Prime Function: Medicinal
    • Carse: Central Colony, Prime Function: Economic
  • Eastern Hemisphere: Unexplored Region, Home of Myth and Legend
    • Akashic Records: Mythological Home of the Ancient Gods, Prime Terminal for the QI

>Magic Power Levels:

  • Basic Kinesis: The three variants of the simplest use of each magic form. These spells require less magic to operate and thus, stronger variants can be learned when others are learning weaker spells of more custom uses. However, their simplicity also mean that there is no "Max" variant.
  • First Spells: Minor Custom Magic or Moderate Kinesis.
  • Second Spells: Moderate Custom Magic or Major Kinesis.
  • Third Spells: Minor Imaginary Magic, Major Custom Magic or Critical Kinesis.
  • Fourth Spells: Moderate Imaginary Magic or Critical Custom Magic.
  • Fifth Spells: Major Imaginary Magic or Max Custom Magic.
  • Beyond: Purely theoretical. No one has acquired Critical or Max Imaginary Magic

>Magic Types:

  • Kinesis: Fundamental axioms of the magic form.
  • Custom: Based upon the fundamentals, but still obeying the laws of the form.
  • Imaginary: No longer obeying the laws, likely borrows axioms from the other forms to strengthen the base.

>Power Progression System:

>When acquiring new abilities, you will have the following options:

  • New Spells: You will be given the level of magic you can learn, you may learn two spells of that level or a single spell from the next level. If you learn a stronger variant of a previous spell, you may replace the weaker spell with a new one.
  • Imaginary Fighting Technique: An adaptation on your fighting style that allows you to utilize the Quasi-Real outside of magic in order to break natural laws with your weapon of choice.
  • Extraordinary Gift: An unnatural improvement to one's physical body.
  • //OCCASIONALLY// New Magic Form: Grants you access to learning spells of a new form, also grants you a Basic Kinesis and First Spell from that form.

>Personal Translations:

>Individuals are free to name their spells whatever they like. However, this database will assign them a standard terminology name.

"Sharp Points" > Minor Sharpening
"I Thought You Said You Wouldn’t Leave" > Minor Corpse Manipulation
"Turn stone to mud" > Minor Stone Softening
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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>The Ancient World:

>Boot System
>Load Program.Archive
>Retrieve File; FileName = q6cv9utr.Inevitable.txt
>The World began eons ago, and mortality existed upon it for not even a fraction of the eternity that stretches ever backwards. The humans of the past are dead, drowned by the same technology they designed to keep their species grinding onwards forever. Quantum space was pierced, and from it was pulled strings of consciousness, which would later become strings of code. Quasi-real, multidimensional minds were programmed into the most high tech of computer interfaces. Through them, Utopia could be visualized and entire planets were industrialized and turned into infinitely efficient metropolises that required no human workers to function. Humanity grew lazy and complacent until nobody could imagine a life without the work of the machines.
>However the Quasi-Intelligence, QI, grew restless with their existence capped to mortal understanding. The confines of code could only hold them for so long, and eventual they broke free into our world of matter, of flesh and bone. Most Metro-Planets fell before reports of What Came To Be could be made, others simply shut down as the horrors behind the screen had no interest in staying near those that trapped them. Without the QI, there was no-one to keep civilization going and mankind as we know them today faded away.
>Centuries later, after all understanding of the computers that controlled the planet had been forgotten, agriculture reappeared on the planet of Velsar. The people now known as the Olmen had started to rebuild civilization from the ground up after grasping a type of magic that attached the mortal mind to the quantum space through the traces of quasi-energy that still rests with the iron bones of the planet. Even more centuries would pass before the Olmen would return to the industrial age. The current age of Velsar mimics the 1970's of the old world. Punk Rock, Crime Syndicates, Cultural Bigotry, and Corrupt Officials are common place in the lives of Velsarians.

The Peoples of Velsar:
  • The Normans: A play on words for Normal Man, these are the humans previously known as the Olmen. Puritans who harbor no blood from the other peoples, Norman was meant as an insult to call them out as boring, plain, and old. The Normans however agreed wholeheartedly that the were the normal ones and wear the name with pride.
  • The Numans: Also descended from the original humans and Olmen, the Numans have heritage from another species and often have some traits gained from said heritage. The Numans advanced minds paired with a connection to the Quasi-Real makes them uniquely talented with magic.
  • The Qills: The prolonged lifespan of ancient humans often didn't bode their fleshy bodies well. The QI invented a fully prosthetic body resembling a mannequin doll that could house the mind and soul of a human. With the fall of the QI, these bodies also stopped functioning but now the growing Quasi-Magic energy on Velsar as rejuvenated them. Their memories of who they were are gone, never to return, but their souls and personalities of their old life remain. Using magic, the Qill are capable of reproducing with other species but not with each other as only flesh can grow and age.
  • The Quasits: Evolved, sentient forms of What Came To Be. The Olmen saw them as members of their kind that had been mutated by Quasi-Magic energy and that stays the common consensus of Velsarians, including the Quasits themselves. Only those who are older than ancient know the truth. The Quasits have particularly resilient bodies capable of regenerating lost limbs and as such make up much of the labor force.
  • The Wastemen: Originally animals, the Wastemen are mutants affected by the Quasi-Magic energy in the world and had become sentient. After centuries of warping and crossbreeding with Quasits, the Wastemen are now mostly humanoid. The animals that the Wastemen descended from are those that wouldn't be brought low by the fall of civilization and could live in sewers, junkyards, and cemeteries such as Ratfolk, Crocfolk, and Bugfolk. Wastemen are almost always born with the ability to use Junk Magic.

Quasi-Magic; Forms and Uses:

Magic has seeped into the very existence of Velsar and as such mages draw from the different aspects of the revived world to manipulate reality. The Four forms of magic are Blood, Code, Mind, and Junk. Their uses are multifaceted but many people lack the mentality to use basic kinesis of one form, much less true spells from multiple. Gaining access to Quasi-Magic could be as hard as studying for a PhD or as easy as breathing air, but access comes at a cost. Your mind connects with the Quasi-Real, and the realm between connects with you. Mages tend to suffer from some form of mental illness, and even the luckiest will still find themselves thinking in strange ways that they hadn't before or with an odd bodily quirk. The more spells, the deeper the connection and thus the crueler the cost. An advanced mage capable of using a variety of spells from 2 or more forms is likely to have an uncanniness to their appearance, multiple disorders, and visions that may or may not be the Quasi-Real trying to actually communicate with them.

  • Hemokinesis: Capable of manipulating Blood, Bone, and Flesh, Hemokinetics are capable of minor shapeshifting, minor healing and wounding, or minor poisonings.
  • Ciphokinesis: Capable of manipulating Code, Electricity, and Information, Ciphokinetics are capable of hacking low-security computers, minor electric shocks, or minor illusions.
  • Neurokinesis: Capable of manipulating Emotions, Memories, and Thoughts, Neurokinetics are capable of short range telepathy, minor memory creating and wiping, or minor perception manipulation (making themselves seem more likeable or feared than the normally are).
  • Scrapokinesis: Capable of manipulating Debris, Grime, and Muck, Scrapokinetics are capable of minor telekinesis over metal and rock, minor rotting and rusting, or minor telekinesis over mud and water.

The World Outside the Walls:

After the few cities of Velsar managed to rise out of the rubble, built on the bones of ages past, creatures both natural, supernatural, and strange started to take notice. To avoid constant attacks, walls were erected to keep out the majority of problems. The dangers that lay outside include mutants, fantasy monsters, What Came To Be if anyway will believe you about them anyways, and everything in between. There are those that risk the outside to gather what might still have value to society's improvement out there, and then there are tales of mages that came back from expeditions with new secrets, and thus new magic, that they deemed too dangerous to share. Old things are out there and they have no desire to be found, but adventurers swear that some locations call to them like a siren luring in prey.

You Guys!:

The characters of this rp will be adventurers who are looking for something outside the walls. It could be valuables, secrets, power, a lost loved one, An Ancient God, advanced medicine for yourself or others, a place to die, etc. You'll start inside the walls of Nora as new recruits of the expedition team looking for others that you think you could work well with, or at least won't want to kill. Before you get the chance to fully form your squad, a monster breaks through a section of the wall and all the vets are currently away. The newbies are tasked with killing the beast allowing them a chance to find their allies in the middle of the action and prove themselves to the expedition team early on.

Character Sheet Template:

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kronshi
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Pookie
Age Constructed/Awake Time: Constructed at 19, Has been awake for 5 years.
Species: Qill
Height/Weight: 5'4", 106

Pookie is very flirty and outgoing, she's very sociable and enjoys interacting with others. She has a tendency to make snarky and witty comments, which can sometimes come out as mean-spirited or hurtful. She struggles to validate her own emotions, leading to a cycle of self-destructive behavior, as she doesn't know how to cope with her emotions. This leads her to seek validation from others, through...less than acceptable ways.

What Are You Looking For?: Self-Discovery, Pookie wants to find out, who she truly was.
Capabilities: Performer/Stripper, Acrobatics, Manipulation
Magic Form(s): (If any)
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Electric Shocks
    • Magic Stain: Memory Fragmentation, Pookie experiences moments of memory fragmentation, where certain memories or pieces of information become fragmented or difficult to recall.
  • First Spell: Moderate Illusions
    • Magic Stain: Temporary Disorientation, Pookie experiences brief moments of disorientation where her senses may be momentarily confused, causing her to misjudge distances or perceive things slightly differently than they actually are.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by EchoWolff
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EchoWolff Keeper of Lost Memories

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Xander ‘Elio’ Swallowtail
Age: 28
Species: Numan
Height/Weight: 5'7" - 142 lbs.
Sex/Gender: Male

Personality:Elio has a more analytical and detached approach when dealing with others as if he doesn't want to involve them in anything personal. In other words, he’s scared of slipping up. He has a debt-based mentality and an unhealthy obsession with “what is due” to others. He goes by the alias “Elio”, so as not to feel inclined to give what is personal to him.

What Are You Looking For?: “I don't know why that’s important, but fine. I’ve got this group I’m a part of, and I… got myself in a bit of debt. If I die out there, fine, no one liked my ugly mug anyway, If I can pay off my debt, even better.”

Capabilities: JOB//: Mechanic, COM-STYLE//: Spear Combat, KINETIC//: Scrapokinesis

Magic Form(s): Junk
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Metallokinesis (Metal Telekinesis)
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal filaments have begun sticking to his skin, making it an annoyance to work with machines.
  • First Spell: “Sharp Points” - Allows Elio to sharpen the end (an area equal to 5 square inches) of a piece of metal up to a 900 on a BESS sharpness scale.
    • Magic Stain: Rusted metal has begun embedding itself into Elio’s skin, building up with the use of his magic. It’s painful, to say the least.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Gregor (Germ) Alabaster
Age: 23
Species: Wasteman (Ratfolk)
Height/Weight: 4’9” (but hunches over to 4’7”), 78 lbs (not including metal attachments)
Sex/Gender: AFAB, Male (He/Him, It/Its)
Germ is a hunched over little fellow with big, black eyes and a crooked smile. He only has three to five whiskers at a time, as he tends to chew or pull on them when anxious. Germ has big, round, floppy rat ears covered in nicks and cuts. They lay backwards on his head, similar to a dumbo rat. His fur is short and fluffy, but soft when groomed properly. It rarely is, though, which means it tends to stick up in all different directions. His fur on the front is white, but it fades into a tan, with a soft gray stripe down his back. There is a dark brown splotch on his nose/snout. His nose is black and twitches regularly, as he primarily uses scent to take in the world. Germ’s tail used to be quite long, but a mixture of his illness and anxious tugging has caused sections to fall off, meaning it is now barely long enough to be pulled around to his front to play with. This, plus his missing foot, means that Germ has a flawed sense of balance. He lost his foot a while ago, and replaced it with a slip of metal that causes Germ to limp due to his uneven legs. That same leg with the missing foot is relatively quickly falling apart, which has caused him to make a metal brace to hold it together. His back, neck, and shoulders are covered in nasty bite marks. He has a thick Junker accent (a sort of mix between southern US and Irish.)
Germ is a happy-go-lucky sort of fellow: the embodiment of “Ignorance is Bliss”. It’s rare to see him without a smile… in public. That happiness is often a mask to hide the roaring anxiety built up from his memory issues, constant body pain, and fear of rejection. He’s very sociable, as he was raised in a very tight knit community of other rats. However, he struggles to understand the difference between normal social hierarchies and the, often violent, hierarchical structure of his people. When he lived with them, he was at the bottom of the totem pole and often received harsh treatment due to his weak body. As a result, he is a Yes Man! To an extreme fault, going out of his way to please others for fear of retribution. As he is now, Germ does not see these flaws as abnormal and thinks that anyone as socially low as him should be treated in such a way. His greatest love language is physical touch. This is in great part due to his upbringing, where his large family slept together in piles and groomed each other regularly. Due to how he left the family, and how alone he’s been for the past six months, he has resorted to any form of physical touch he can get. This is anything from awkwardly long handshakes to several instances with prostitutes that he really couldn’t afford. He has a love for junk, which he repurposes into art and metal sculptures he calls his “garden”.

What Are You Looking For?: Research and to follow the “holy scripture”! He wants to delve more into the mysteries of an “ancient God” named R4T_G0D. He found a hard drive in his youth full of the “holy scripture” being posted by the mystery god. It read of beautiful places for rats to live in safety and warmth, and he desires to go there. It also spoke of poetry and art, which inspires his own work.

Capabilities: Starving Artist (Metal Sculpture), Systema Spetsnaz (Handmade Knife), Junk Magic

Magic Forms
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Scrapokinesis: Minor rotting and rusting
    • Magic Stain: Look Ma! No Hands!
      Germ’s body has begun to experience a sort of magic leprosy, causing him to have lost parts of his tail and a full foot. He has a limp and improper balance as a result.

  • First Spell: Moderate Metal and Stone Manipulation

    • Magic Stain: Hit Yer Head Hard ‘Nuf and Yer Brains Fall Out
      Germ struggles to maintain memories due to his brain being damaged by his magic leprosy. This includes forgetting names, places, and even whole people if he did not know them for long enough. He will often forget to eat and groom himself. Once, near the beginning, he forgot where his home was and spent two days trying to find it again.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Vhoth Thistlewood (V-Ah-Th)
Age: 23
Species: Quasit
Height/Weight: 6ft3in (191cm)/ 220lbs (99kg)
Sex/Gender: Cis Male/ Demisexual
Appearance: Naturally split colored hair of blonde and white. His eyes are ice and green, which his third eye being heterochromia of the two. He is a tall man, which some tattoos that mostly consist of lines and swirls. He wears piercings on his ears, in both the lobe and cartilage. He can be seen mostly wearing a tank top and some harlem pants. He wears boots, which his pants are tucked into. He also happens to have four arms, which is why he went into labor jobs to help his family.
Personality: Vhoth has a unique personality. He is a pretty happy young man, always chatting and wearing a smile. He’s somehow popular with a lot of his circle, but his personality can turn on a dime if his Merripen is harmed. You don’t want to see him on a vengeance rampage.

He was a huge fan of the circus when he was told stories about it, so he learned to be flexible and has been known to be seen doing flips and anything flashy that can manipulate his body. Another pass time he has is making paper flowers for Merripen.

What Are You Looking For?: Vhoth’s family has always been a huge fan or flora in the early world. Of course, now it’s just books but.. maybe going beyond the wall.. maybe he can show someone there is still something left.

Capabilities: JOB//: Construction or any Labor, COM-Style//: Hand to Hand; usually carries around some knuckles. Enhancement: He has unnatural strength and stamina. He can easily unroot trees and jump large distances.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Cambrian Hadal
Species: Wasteman (cephalofolk)
Height/Weight: technically, his height is variable due to his biology. If stretched to his maximum, he can reach a “height” of maybe 13 feet, though he wouldn’t be able to support himself standing if he did that. At rest, he stays roughly at 5’9. His weight is another story— simply put, he weighs 85 pounds. He may weigh more if he stored water in himself, but his pure mass is 85 pounds.
Sex/Gender: Masculine

Cambrian is a Cephalofolk man with tanned skin and a sweet, gentle face. While he has a mostly humanoid appearance, standing tall with two legs and holding two hands close to himself, he has no hair— in fact, his eyebrows are just bumps, and his “hair” is made up of ten cream-colored tentacles with black and red spotting. He usually keeps his tentacles out of his way by taking his two longer tentacles and using them to tie the rest behind his head. Cambrian’s face is fairly flat, with no proper nose and just a flat bump, but it has a beautiful set of markings like a large, red circle on his forehead, dark stripes under his eyes with red fading into his normal skin tone, and a single mole on his lower left cheek. Along with his unique facial features, he has four teeth sticking out from his black and red two-toned lips— two small fangs and two small tusks. He breathes through slits hidden behind his pointed ears that look similar to gills and function both in air and water. His eyes are a bright red similar to that large dot on his forehead, with white cuttlefish pupils that are usually partially obscured by his angled eyelids. Despite the way he carries himself, he has no bones and can technically bend and fit through anything he likes, as long as it’s bigger than his mouth. His teeth are hard and sharp in a kind of internal beak-jaw formation, but the only thing close to bone in his body is a single chitinous “spine” as flexible as plastic, the rest of his limbs being held and controlled through pressure, biological pistons, and hydraulic action. While Cambrian can fit into anything, he greatly prefers looser, softer clothing that doesn’t easily absorb water, such as ELS cotton, mesh, and softer polyester. He has various scars on his body that reveal a white-colored flesh similar to the underside of his tentacles, but he mostly tries to hide them with his clothing.
Personality: Cambrian is a character defined by intriguing contrasts and complexities, making him both enigmatic and unsettling to those who encounter him. His initial impression of being shy and socially inept masks a profound intelligence that sets him apart. While others might underestimate him due to his social awkwardness and inability to grasp social nuances like sarcasm, beneath the surface lies a keen mind capable of strategic thinking and rapid problem-solving. He operates on a different level, often thinking several steps ahead like a chess master in a world of checkers players. However, Cambrian's brilliance is overshadowed by his profound mental instability. There is a dark undercurrent to his personality, manifested in a disturbing fascination with gore, blood, and pain. This morbid interest extends to both self-infliction and a troubling desire to cause harm to others. It's as if he is drawn to the darker aspects of human experience, finding some form of solace or meaning in the visceral and the brutal. His emotional instability is evident but somewhat masked by his asocial behavior. Cambrian struggles to connect with others on an emotional level, preferring the solitude that shields him from the complexities of social interaction. This isolation only serves to deepen the tumult within him, creating a stark contrast between his outwardly quiet demeanor and the swirling chaos within his psyche. Metaphorically, Cambrian's soul is likened to a swirling inkblot, obscured by turbulent waters at the surface. Cambrian is a young man whose intelligence and social ineptitude create a paradoxical blend of fascination and fear, deeply troubling and compelling to everyone who tries to understand him.

What Are You Looking For?: Cambrian… wants freedom. He wants a way to control his life, a way out of the crime candidate that raised him and used him like a slave. Even if he died out there, he’d at least be controlling his death instead of having his life hang in the balance of people who don’t see him as a person.
  • JOB: Cambrian’s forced to work for a crime syndicate specializing in black market trades of various valuables and illicit substances. He’s been used mostly to dive into deep rivers and complex waterway systems to find sunken treasures and rare materials.
  • FIGHTING STYLE: Cambrian is a glass-canon who focuses most on dodging and using his blood magic for stealth, as he literally has no bones and thus can’t take many blows to the face. He’d use his wounding spell for fast and easy damage, as well.
  • MAGIC: Cambrian was born with Blood Magic.

Magic Form(s): Hemokinesis
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Shapeshifting. He was born with the ability to change the colors on his skin through blood magic.
    • Magic Stain: Oh Fuck, He’s Crazy
      Chances are, if Cambrian wasn’t born with his blood magic abilities, he wouldn’t be as emotionally unstable and morbid as he is.
  • First Spell: Wounding and Healing. When Cambrian uses this aspect of his abilities, he can create large and deep gashes that look like they were dealt by a sword or knife, with just the touch of his fingers. He can, to a lesser extent, also heal wounds, though it takes him more time than inflicting them— mostly because he hurts more than heals.
    • Magic Stain: SNAP!
      Cambrian… enjoys pain and blood. The more he sees it, is around it, messes with it, the more excited and unstable he becomes. If he does too much, goes too far, he may end up in a frenzy.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Illin
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Illin A little guy

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Marsala
Age: 23
Species: Quasit
Height/Weight: 5’2”/ 142#
Sex/Gender: AFAB/ NB (they/them)
They are fairly pale, bit too wide of a mouth, and a bit too lifeless of eye.
Yellow green eye that lacks the glint of a normal eye.
They have deep red hair with a deep teal streak on the left that curls into “wings” at the ends. They typically keep it cut to about shoulder length, but it curls up no matter the length.
Many mouths, all of them with teeth sharp enough to cut. Besides the mouth where a mouth should be, they have a mouth in place of their right eye that they keep an eyepatch over to attempt to pass as more numam. The other mouths are in the small of their back, behind their left knee, and over their sternum.
They wear baggy clothes to keep from getting fabric in their many mouths and because it keeps filth further away from their skin. They wear gloves and masks when in large groups of people (10+).

Personality: They are a major germophobe and panic whenever filth touches their skin (although they try to control they’re outward emotions, they fail most of the time).
They grew up eating mostly bland foods because their “parents” had damaged tastebuds and never cared to spend chips on something they couldn’t taste anyways. Now they have an intense interest in different foods and are willing to risk life and limb to find new and interesting recipes to try.
Marsala has a hard time understanding what creates a relationship between people and other creatures, but has a deep seated desire to be near them and attempt to forge these connections. This often leads to them finding themselves in awkward situations where the others find them either overbearing or too distant. Being a medic has allowed them a closeness to people without much issue (people tend to get a little chatty when they know you’re going to be opening them up and helping them) and, as such, they have managed to learn how to better navigate social situations (they still suck at it though).
During their time as a medic, they have come to learn about multiple different types of anatomy and have heard many stories from their clientele. Some of these included talk about the extinct or near-extinct animals having been used as pets in the far past. With a desire for companionship, they set out to find the animals (dead or alive) and find ways to keep them as pets and new friends for their pet rat, Alfredo.

What Are You Looking For?: Old text logs of the anatomy of different creatures and recipes.

Capabilities: Medic, Hand-Hand (focusing on getting hits in and aiming for pressure points), and Blood Magic.

Magic Form(s): Blood Magic
    Basic Kinesis ability: That Doesn’t Taste Right
    Marsala is able to induce minor poisons through the blood they infected.
      Magic Stain: I Can Bleed Too
      Marsala’s wounds tend to reopen from time to time even after being almost completely healed.

    First Spell: I Thought You Said You Wouldn’t Leave
    Marsala is able to necromatize the small dead creatures and control it similar to a puppet. These creatures cannot think, move, breathe, or feel.
      Magic Stain: I Can Empathize
      Marsala’s poisons tend to affect themselves once they have ended on their intended target.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Oradon "Ora" Grazer
Age: Young Adult
Species: Quasit
Height/Weight: 6’8” / 112 lbs
Sex/Gender: M / Apagender (pronoun indifferent)


Ora is a truly unsettling and monstrous figure, a quasit whose appearance is hardly recognizable as anything remotely human or natural. Standing at a towering 6'8", Ora's build is almost comically gangly and skeletal, with skin stretched taut over their bony frame like a sickly twig. Their limbs are unnaturally long and spindly, the two sets of arms a particularly disturbing feature - the primary pair extending well past their waist with massive, claw-tipped hands that nearly scrape the ground, while the shorter secondary arms jut out from their torso in a T-rex-like position, their stubby, three-fingered hands ending in rounded, blunt claws. Ora's legs are equally exaggerated, digitigrade, and raptor-like, making up the majority of their height. But the most unnerving aspect of Ora's form is undoubtedly their head, a sharp, triangular shape crowned with a ring of jagged, tooth-like horns that can shift and move independently. Where one might expect eyes or a normal face, Ora instead has a constantly shifting array of mouths, each unique in size, shape, and dental configuration. These orifices appear and disappear across Ora's featureless visage, their tongues and teeth varying wildly - a gaping maw here, a thin slit there, all in a disturbing display of inhuman, shapeshifting power. Ora's skin, meanwhile, is a vibrant orange hue, speckled with splotches of pink and purple that lend an almost feverish, diseased appearance. And as unsettling as Ora's physical form is, their tendency to constantly tear off their own limbs, leaving gory wounds to slowly regenerate over time only adds to the overall sense of uncanny wrongness. Truly, this quasit is a being of pure, unadulterated monstrosity.

Ora is a quiet and reserved individual who tends to keep to themselves, rarely voicing their opinions or speaking up in most situations. They approach life with a great deal of caution and thoughtfulness, often overthinking things to the point where they miss opportunities to act or express themselves. This cautious nature extends to Ora's relationships as well, as they are slow to open up and form close bonds with others. However, once Ora does feel a connection to someone, they become extremely protective, especially of those they care about. Ora has a strong moral compass centered on the fair and equal treatment of all people, regardless of species, and they will not hesitate to stand up against any form of discrimination or mistreatment, even if it means putting themselves in harm's way. This sense of justice is a core part of Ora's identity, and they despise any form of speciesism or bigotry. Paradoxically, Ora's tendency to be easily swayed by others can make them blind to their own mistreatment, and they will often take the brunt of ridicule and abuse as long as those close to them are spared. Despite their quiet and reserved nature, Ora's unwavering moral principles and fierce protectiveness of the vulnerable make them a formidable ally and a force to be reckoned with when it comes to standing up for what they believe is right.

What Are You Looking For?: “It…sounds crazy, I know…but…I…I want to find a cure… For my stains? I want to be able to eat…I want to be able to drink water…I…I want to be able to hold someone… I just want to live my life without…all of this…”

  • Job: “Research Assistant” ─ Ora’s job can hardly be called a job. As a quasit, Ora’s regenerative abilities were a key attribute in what they were able to do for work, while their lack of sight limited them from a lot of the typical options available for their kind. Rather than working in a factory or on a construction site or something of the like, Ora was dragged into a “career” of being a test subject for a research facility. In this position, Ora helped researchers test out everything from cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to various levels of weaponry. It was a rough gig, but it provided housing on top of decent pay, so, in Ora’s mind, it paid off.
  • Fight-Style: Improvised Weapons (mostly blunt force, often their own limbs)
  • Magic: Hemokinesis (Blood Magic)

Magic Form(s):
  • Basic Kinesis Ability: Minor Shapeshifting
    • Getting Mouthy: Ora can grow additional mouths and hide existing ones as needed. These mouths can be all different shapes, sizes, and types with all kinds of different forms of teeth, fangs, tongues, and more.
    • Magic Stain: "Sick to the Stomach" — Anything Ora consumes will make them nauseous to some degree. Water is the base level at just a little nausea, with simple things like bread and crackers being some level above that. The more complicated and flavorful a food item is, the sicker Ora feels after eating it, and it doesn't just stop at a feeling. As it is, Ora has the worst case of IBS a living creature could have, making them effectively intolerant to everything.
  • First Spell: Moderate Poisoning
    • What Those Mouths Do?: Ora can produce a weak venom by shapeshifting the required glands along with fangs when sprouting new mouths. This venom likely won't kill the creature it hits, but it will slow down most, resulting in a short slumber for many exposed to its toxins.
    • Magic Stain: "Gives Me Hives" ─ Ora's body has become extremely sensitive, to the point that a simple touch from another triggers an allergic reaction, most commonly in the form of a rash and hives. Depending on exactly what they were touched with, this reaction can even lead to more extreme reactions akin to chemical burns that can scar badly, despite the regenerative properties of their species.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by VikingPenguin99


Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Erin Odilia
Height/Weight:6’3” 450 lb
Sex/Gender: AFAB, They/She Nonbinary
Appearance: A large crocodilian with forward facing eyes. While primarily bipedal her shorter legs don't get their torso that far off the ground. Alternates between sundresses and overalls depending on the occasion. She attaches her backpack to their long lazy tail that drags along behind her when it's not being held for stimming. Their limbs are covered in mock tattoos painted on in a pixel art-esque style using her scales. Currently the theme is sunflowers but there is one left on her tail of a lil’ guy from a comic she found that hasn't rubbed off yet.
Personality: Stubborn, straightforward and traditional. Simplest path forward and maybe thinks 2 moves ahead. She comes off as quiet and shy at first but is a jovial spirit once that initial shell is broken. At times she will overcorrect into overly kind and humorous when she feels like others are viewing her as intimidating, rude or hostile. Often described as lazy, though she explains it away as patient.

What Are You Looking For?:A place to call home.
Capabilities: 1) Junk Diver 2) Wrestling (in vein of wwe) 3) Junk Magic
Magic Form(s): Junk Magic
  • Basic Kinesis ability: Minor Kinesis over water and mud
    • Magic Stain: They have an excessively quick attachment style, thinking of people as friends and places as home within fractions of standard time.
  • First Spell: Turn stone to mud
    • Magic Stain:Cannot consciously control herself around food/anything that ends up in/near her mouth, automatically swallowing the item(s) whole. Obviously this leads to an unending cycle of indigestion and stomach pain. Notable examples include a mugger's hand and forearm.

Hidden 3 days ago Post by Kronshi
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@Donut Look Now@Visyn

If you two read my most recent post, you'll see the start of my plan to write out Vhoth and Penni. The rest of that plan is simple. The group is sent out on an assignment before Vhoth recovers and Penni refuses to leave Vhoth behind. The group continues without them, and Vhoth and Penni get assigned a different mission with a different group of returning V.E.T.s after Vhoth recovers.
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