Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eleventh Path

Up until now, Amara had been silent as a mouse. She was observing the way people behaved, the information they were bringing. The plan was to just broadside them and split into four teams. One for the broadsiding, one for the artifacts, one for making teleporting possible, and one for everything else. Okay, solid plan. Amara didn’t have a problem with that, necessarily. But that came with its own issues.

”Okay, back up a second,” she spoke up at last. Amara stood up and walked around to the map. ”I’m seeing a couple problems with this. The first one being communication. Like you said, we gotta just let this shit flow sometimes so a hard and fast plan won’t be perfect. But, how’re we getting everyone in gear for shit when we’re actually there? We just banking on teleported being enough when the Veil’s down?” She asked. ”That’s gonna be a lotta people moving around, some of them might need to meet each other when they’re done, for backup. But that’s no big deal- I got an idea for that.”

Five ghostly figures appeared around the room, standing ramrod straight with their hands folded behind them. ”I’m magically linked to all of them, like a hive mind. Four teams means I’d have one to spare if I gave up one for all four. Treat ‘em like they’re expendable when you’re in. They’ll fight and if someone happens, I’ll know even if you don’t radio in.”

The biggest danger for the vault team would be getting there and last that dog. ”I’ll send the extra in with your vault team, so two of them can deal with this “Starving Dog” thing. Based on what you’ve got here, the vault’s gonna be the most dangerous part of this even if you draw heat away.”

If Lynn’s prediction was correct, zombies wouldn’t be the biggest hurdle. They usually died when you shot them in the head. ”I’ll put myself on the assault team, I’m a good shot. Greyson-” She turned around, pointing at the Pink Patriarch himself. ”Any way you could use your mob connections to get some ammo fast enough for this?” She, the ex-cop, asked the capo.

”…Wait. Where the fuck is he?”
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The House of Cards Mafia, “Sentinel Solutions” & The Elite.
Featuring the introductions May, Rhea, & Colin Pimm.
Interactions: None.
Elysium Island.

“... So, I presume you have taken security precautions.”

Blake asked Berlioz as he stood in his office overlooking Elysium Island. He looked over his shoulder at Berlioz, who was wearing a suit and holding a pecuilar staff. The island was littered with undead minions stationed in strategic positions to guard it. They were armed to the teeth with the best weaponry money could buy. Berlioz nodded.

“William and Mabel have this island locked down,” Berlioz began. “Paige, The Twins, and the Dragonslayer will be on standby. However, before you activate the Eustis Veil, let me get off the island with Benjamin...”

He gestured down towards the staff.

“... It’ll interfere with the usage of my artifact.”

Blake fully turned to face Berlioz as he said, “Of course! The House of Cards are still loading the island with their equipment. Members of the Elite are also still on the way! You have plenty of time!”

Berlioz nodded.

“I’ll stay off the island and keep watch from the outside,” Berlioz said before he turned and left the room.

The final machine gun was put in position, placed at the end of the hallway facing the grand doorway of the mansion. Yes, using it would blow the door to bits. But a small sacrifice to catch those damn Sycamore by surprise. The other machine guns had been placed outside the entrance, about 50 paces out, prepared to gun down anything that would dare approach.

The House of Cards stood together in a circle within the mansion's main lobby, armed to the teeth with AK-47s, MP5s and M4s strapped to them. Each had Kevlar vests under their suits, grenades hanging from the loops of their slacks, and shock collars around their necks.

Valencia stood in front of the circle, hand resting on the rifle hanging off her chest.

“Are the escape boats set up?”

“Yes, Mother.” said one of the men.

Valencia nodded, before raising a hand, splitting the group.

“I want men manning the guns outside. I’m assigning Jin and a group of five men to the rooftop. Alexander, and Zi will be the frontal defense team with ten men behind the outdoor guns. The indoor gun goes off only if we fall back, and the enemy enters the front door.

“Demos, Lee, Kai, and five men will be stationed just outside the lab door. And Lancy?”
Valencia glanced over at the Chinese girl, green-tinted glasses low on her nose. “You'll be in the lab with me.”

Lancy nodded, smacking a bit of gum. “Yeah, mum.”

The men nodded along. It was a reasonable plan. Valencia glanced at the expectant and ready faces, before pressing a bud in her ear.

“Radio check?”

A chorus of ‘Yes, Mother’ reverberated back to her. Comms were a go.

A pause, before Valencia's eyes hardened. “Remember. We mourn our dead after we exact revenge for what Sycamore took from us. We're the ones expecting them, so we kill as many as we can while we keep Lancy and the notes safe. Expect the Valos kids as well. And since Sycamore's made some friends, expect it to be busy.

“Let's give ‘em hell.”

“Is everyone on the island?” Blake asked, standing on the beach with Jason, Jiao-Long, Elynn, and Blake, and before them was the imposing crown jewel of Elysium Island’s security: The Eustis Veil. It stood over them, massive, like a looming guardian with the orange logo glowing like lava.

Jiao-Long nodded.

“The Liu family is on Elysium Island,” Jiao-Long said.

Elynn crossed her arms and sighed, rolling her eyes as she said, “All members of the Pimm Family are on Elysium Island. Let’s get this over with, I have shit to do.”

“Gabriela is not on the island, but where is that bitch ass Vanburen?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Not here, had I known that Gabriela wouldn’t be joining us. These little jerk-off sessions are always so aimless and boring without her,” said Ezra Vanburen as he entered the room with his hands in the pant pockets of an expensive, tailored suit. He acknowledged the others with a mere dismissive glance in their direction and gave Jason an upwards head nod. “Shit, Valos, standing next to all of these crooks you almost look like a legitimate businessman.”

Jason just laughed, clutching his cane.

“Catch me up to speed here, Schmidt,” said Ezra with a snap of his fingers, yet he barely gave the man any of his attention as he pulled out his phone to respond to a text. “Feels out of season to have a zombie party, unless this is some crass Veteran’s Day shit. Would explain the guns. Either way, if this is just gonna be another one of your boring Blake Parties then I’m going to head out.”

“Unless…” Ezra smirked and caught Blake’s eye. “Angela here?”

“... What are your intentions with my daughter, Vanburen?” Blake said, giving him the narrow eye.

Ezra shrugged. He felt like his intent was already quite clear.

Elynn crossed her arms as she said, “That damn mafia is decoding Kari’s Notes. Blake wants everyone here because, more than likely, the Sycamore Tree Coven will attack us for them.” She shrugged. “They better be worth all this fucking trouble, Schmidt.”

“I assure you, they are.”

“Wait, really? That’s it?” said Ezra after a beat.

He had expected some kind of elaboration or a rug pull with a twist. Blake’s plan was to go toe-to-toe with the people who’d stopped an apocalypse when they were still stumbling through puberty? They might have not been anywhere close to their apex mountain as they once were thanks to their current slasher situation, but there was a danger in their desperation. Ezra rubbed his temple. Surely that wasn’t it.

“Nothing else? This isn’t some clever ruse to have Sycamore and these crooks you hired wipe each other out? We aren’t just gathering together as a lure before teleporting away to decode the actual notes on a private Caribbean beach over mai tais while being fanned by buxom, topless women?” asked Ezra, looking at the others like they were idiots. “Nobody considered just hiring Sycamore to decode the notes for us? The idea is to just sit around waiting, tugging at our dicks, hoping that when it comes time to pull them out that we’d fluffed for long enough that ours is bigger?”

He scoffed, wanking the air off at Blake as he turned to cast a judging look at the others.. “Everybody else thumbs-upped this?”

“Yeah, we thumbed it up at the meeting you and those other three bitches weren’t at,” Jason rolled his eyes. “Typical Vanburen.” Spitting Ezra’s surname out like an insult.

“The Veil’s not up yet, you know,” Elynn rolled her eyes before pointing back to the city. “You still have time to get off the island - Hopefully your boat will sink, and the world will have one less jackoff to worry about.”

“Now, listen, Ezra,” Blake said, “I didn’t ask for your input, “The Sycamore Tree Coven has been gunning for those notes ever since Kari died. They even accosted Lin and Mika just the other day! If we let our guard down for a second, they will find a way to rip us apart. That’s why we’re here. That’s why the Veil is going up. And that’s why everyone needs to be on the island.”

He smiled, “It’ll be worth it… Kari’s Notes contains secrets like no other! They hold the key to something much bigger that could give us leverage over every other Paranormal faction in the state, if not the country!”

“Or it could just be some girl’s old diaries gushing about her crushes,” said Ezra, shaking his head. “Now as much as I want to leave, I much rather disappoint Elynn. Besides, front row seats to watch an absolute trainwreck and get the first shot on the round of I-told-you-sos is hard to resist. I think I’ll stay. Jason, you better liquidate some assets, quick. If we’re stuck here might as well do some prop betting. Oh!” Ezra turned towards Jiao-Long, feigning a look of concern. “And how is Mika? Hopefully okay?”

“You needn’t concern yourself with my daughter,” Jiao-Long spat. “She is fine. No magic can injure her, after all.”

“I regret stopping Chester that time he was going to break you in half the last time your mouth got ahead of yourself…”

Elynn hissed to herself, wrapping her arms around her chest, and sneering at Ezra. Before her attention went to Blake, “Look, we’re here; let’s get this show on the road already and stop standing around jerking off already.”

“For once, I agree with her,” Jason said, giving Ezra the side-eye. “Faster we get this over with, the faster Ezra can go find something else to fellate himself over.”

“That reminds me,” said Ezra with a sniff, gesturing to Blake. “You never said if Angela was here.”

Jason facepalmed.

Blake stood before the towering Eustis Veil, his fingers brushing the rough stone surface. The artifact's hum vibrated through the air, and the tension was palpable as his entourage—Jason, Jiao-Long, Ezra, and Elynn—watched from behind. The island felt ominously calm as if anticipating what was coming. Without a word, Blake pressed his palm against the center rune, activating the Veil, and a low rumble began to echo from the artifact. Blake smiled ear to ear…

“Here we go!” Blake shouted.

Suddenly, the sky above shifted as swirling black clouds gathered, moving as if drawn by the stone's power. The air grew thick with static, and the first crack of lightning arced across the sky, followed by a deep, roaring wind. The Tempest was unleashed. Massive, jagged bolts of lightning struck the ground, creating a dome-like forcefield that wrapped around Elysium Island, encompassing it in a storm and fury prison. The winds roared with their own life, tearing at the trees and sending waves crashing violently against the shore…

Blake turned back towards his people, keeping that grin on his face.

“So subtle,” muttered Ezra dryly. “Nobody’ll notice that and think something’s up…”

“No one gets in, no one gets out,” Blake began. “No teleporting, no entry!”

“Yes, we know what it does,” Elynn crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “We used it a thousand times.” She sighed.

“Now, just keep your fucking eyes and ears open,” Jason said, “The thing’s not infallible. It’s just too much of a pain in the ass to get past.”

“It’s up to Berlioz, anyhow,” Jiao-Long nodded.

“There isn’t an inch of the island Sentinel Solutions is not covering!” Blake said, raising a finger into the air, only eliciting an eye roll from Jason.

“Let’s get to the lab already,” Jason said, “I don’t trust that bitch Valencia as far as I can throw her, so she better back up her big talk.”

“... I bet you can throw her pretty far,” Elynn laughed.

Jason didn’t; he gestured for Blake to come along as he hobbled towards the mansion.

Blake and Jason led the way through the cool, dimly lit passageways beneath Elysium Island, distant echoes from above filling the air. The tunnels stretched far below the island's lavish mansion; it was all business down here. Blake, Jason, Valencia and her chosen House team's footsteps echoed as they descended deeper into the labyrinth of underground chambers. Jason glanced at Valencia and grinned,

“... This is where the real work gets done,” Blake glazed himself, nodding as they reached a steel door adorned with intricate magical symbols, glowing faintly with a dull orange light. "Perfect place for decoding something like Kari’s notes. Secluded. Secure."

“Trustin’ you on that secure bit.” Valencia said with a smirk.

Blake tapped the runes on the door, the heavy lock clicked open, and he pushed the door open. The room beyond the doors was vast and sterile, lined with equipment that crackled with magical energy. The faint, sterile smell of enchantments hung in the air, and a cold, blue light filled the room, reflecting off the metallic surfaces of various machines.

Demos, Lee, Kai and the five House men walking with them hung back, before turning their back on the lab, and their focus on the approaching hallway. They would be there to protect the precious notes inside.
At the center of the room, a large, ornate leather notebook rested on the table, its cover adorned with a delicate floral design. Within the pages of this beautifully bound tome lay secrets coded in a substitution cipher - letters replaced with emojis, a maddening puzzle for most. Still, one the House of Cards Mafia had been tasked with solving. The notes almost seemed to pulse with the weight of the secrets they held.
“That’s it," Blake said, stepping aside for Valencia to get a closer look. "Kari’s notes. Decoding them is no small feat, but your men are the best, aren’t they?!"

Jason simply stepped aside and stood in the corner of the room, finding himself a metal chair as he rested his cane firmly on the ground.

Valencia had a wolfish smirk as she approached the table, hand resting on her rifle as she stared down at the clasped book. “...Finally.”

With quick eyes, she gestured Lancy to come closer. “Here is it, my girl. You can start. Time is, of course, of the essence.”

Lancy nodded, switching out her plain sunglasses for the Green-Tinted Seer, placing them on the bridge of her nose. Pulling a pair of latex gloves onto her hands, she approached the book, and opened it.

Valencia pushed a chair closer to Lancy, allowing the girl to sit. Valencia herself rested her back against the lip of the table, flashing a smirk at Jason as she pulled out a small flask from her inner coat pocket.

“Something strong to pass the time?”

Jason just raised his hand and shook his head.

“... I’m good,” Jason said.

Lancy scooted a little closer to the notes in her seat, gazing at the book through her shades. Right off the bat, she looked at the magic within and around the book. Did it have any magic, any Lux, any lines of code in it?

No magic whatsoever.

Lancy's brows furrowed delicately, then brought out a scrap pad and pen, jotting down notes as she attempted to decipher the emojis.

Here goes nothing.

Jin and five of the House men stationed themselves on the roof, taking the liberties of Zi's river Styx. He held a pair of binoculars in his hand, peering out from a raised ledge that obscured everything but his head from below.

Meanwhile, Alexander, Zi, and their ten men waited in silence. Two were positioned further ahead at the machine guns, 50 paces out. The storm raging overhead. Alexander immediately pulled out a cigarette, lighting it despite the wind, and puffing like a chimney.

“Damn wind…” He grumbled under his breath.

Demos, Lee, Kai, and five House men rested in the hallway and against the wall outside the lab, surrounded in the semi-darkness of the tunnels.

Lee had a pained look to his face. Demos noticed, and gave him a light nudge.

“Alright there, soldier?”

Lee set his jaw and nodded. “Just Vorohah… they're… hungry.

”All teams, status?” said Valencia over the comms. The roof team and front team reported no movement.

Demos pressed his comm. “Lab team, all clear.”

”Good. Here's hoping it stays that way.”

While the storm raged outside, inside was a different kind of storm… The luxurious bar's air was thick with tension and dimly lit by the lights above. At the corner of the bar sat a green-eyed, blonde-haired teenager that was pudge and stood around five-six. Before him was a clear glass of water, which he wrapped his fingers around and raised off the bar - his hand was trembling the whole time. Once it reached his lips, he took a sip….

… Then a girl with a predator, wolfish grin slid in next to him and stared at him, drumming her fingers on the bar counter. The boy turned towards the girl, and her grin grew wider. “... How ya’ doin’ lil bro!” She said in a sing-song.

Then another girl, visually similar to her, circled behind him, and her breath tickled the back of his neck as she leaned in uncomfortably close. “What’s the matter, Colin? Are we… scaring you?” The other girl laughed.

“N-No!” Colin said, “I didn’t do anything… please leave me alone…”

"We’re not here because you did anything, Colin." The girl slid in the seat next to Colin opposite of the other girl. "We’re just bored. And you’re such... fun.*

"Remember when you used to cry every time we chased you through the halls?" The other girl said, biting her lip. "You’re not crying now, are you?"

Tears streamed down Colin’s cheeks, “May, Rhea, please, stop.”

May rolled her eyes, "C'mon, Colin. Where’s your backbone? You’re a Pimm, ain’t you?" She leaned closer, "Or maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re like that freak, Sage!"

“Why don’t we send you to live with that freak!” Rhea said, “Oh wait! Elynn needs you! That freak is just worth-less!

They both laughed.

“You’re disposable, though,” May said, laughing, digging her hands into Colin’s shoulder tight enough to draw blood. Then, she looked up at the Bartender, who looked away, but May drew his attention with a snap of her fingers. “We need something to toughen you up a bit! Bartender! Give us a shot of your strongest drink!”


“... Did we fucking ask you?” They both said in unison.

He shook his head before pouring a glass of Everclear into a shot glass… May quickly snatched it, splashing some alcohol on the bar counter. She took a tiny sip of it and started deviously laughing. Before presenting it to Colin,

“... Drink up, lil’ bro,” May said, “This will finally make you into a man.”

“Yeah, put some hair on your sack!” Rhea said.

“I can-” Colin tried to protest.

“Drink it, pussy,” May hissed. “We’re tired of you being such a bitch all the time. Look at Chester! He’s everything you should be, pussy.”

“If you don’t drink it, we’re going to beat the shit out of you later,” Rhea said, grabbing his wrist and forcing the drink into his lips. “Maybe we’ll use the Horde again. Oh, no, that’s for when you really fuck up!”

Colin just took the glass; tears streamed down his face before he chugged the drink and began loudly coughing. As Rhea and May held his hand to his face…. May patted him on the back.

“Good boy!” Rhea said, before the two of them broke out into laughter.

Of course, Mika saw it all from her dark booth in the corner, with a white porcelain cup of tea in front of her. Typical freaks Mika thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. She simply reached down, took a sip of her tea, and did not concern herself with those two freaks and their teenage victim. What she did concern herself with was Lin entering the corner of her eyes; of course, she drew her attention with a wave of her hands. Lin then reached into her purse and pulled out a black pocket mirror. Then, she pointed at it, and Mika tilted her head-


It took Mika a second to get it. She slid out of the booth before walking past those three freaks into the bathroom. She was in an empty stall and immediately turned around to lock it. She sighed, unbuttoning her shirt until she revealed a hot-red bra, and then reached behind herself, reaching underneath her shirt, to unhook it with a smooth motion. She let one side fall before she grabbed her breast and lifted it up, to reveal a pecuilar pocket mirror that was taped to her body. Mika simply grabbed the edge of the tape and pulled it, letting the mirror fall to her hand. Then she rehooked her bra, rebuttoned her shift, and walked out of the bathroom, passing by them bullying Colin - making him drink some more alcohol - as she went back to her booth, right before her tea. Which was still steaming hot… she placed the pocket mirror into her purse and nodded her head.

How are you doing, Mika? She heard Lin’s voice in her head.

Fine, Mika replied.

None of this was a part of my plan. Lin sent the telepathic message to Mika.

Explain, LinLin.

When I told Blake to get the Notes, he was supposed to give them to me, not keep them for himself. Lin spoke telepathically, her face resting into her hand.

That was your fault, LinLin, Mika replied, shrugging. You should have got them yourself when you had the chance.

My logic was if Sycamore or anyone else saw Emily take them, they would go after her, not us, not me, Lin sent the message, then loudly sighed again.

Only for Sycamore to come after us, anyway, Mika replied.

Look, I have a crazy idea. Lin sent the message.

... You want to take Kari’s notes, don’t you? Mika began, rolling her eyes. I’m sorry, but that ship has sailed. They are being decoded now, and they have that room locked tighter than a Catholic schoolgirl.

... You got that from Johnny, didn’t you? Lin asked, followed by laughter. And you complain all day about how the Valos are a terrible influence on me! She smiled at her sister.

Mika rolled her eyes.

But, you don’t understand…. Lin began, I’ve been in Kari’s head. Deep in Kari’s head. Despite all of her precautions, Kari never prepared for psychic intrusion. And I know many, many things that I shouldn’t. Including some truths about the Stygian Snake and the cult that worshipped it.

Lin narrowed her eyes at Mika.
You have to trust me when I say that we cannot let Blake get his hands on them - nor can we let Sycamore get them, Lin said, keeping her focus on Mika. They have been compromised by you-know-who… And we can not let him learn what she knew.

Mika just sat there before she replied, What do you suggest we do then? Between Blake’s pet White Supremacists and that Pedophille Cult masquerading as a mafia, there is only so much the Arrowhead and the Mirror can do…

Lin’s lip curled into a devious smile.

The Sycamore Tree Coven plans to attack us for the Map of the Drunken Sailor, Lin began, and Mika’s jaw dropped. I gleamed it from Britney’s mind before all hell broke loose.

Mika’s mouth moved before she stopped herself.

Wait, what?! Mika said. You didn’t think to inform me - or father - of this?!

No. Lin succinctly answered. It was technically only the formation of a plan, but I know Britney… Despite being a monster, she is knowledgeable. Possibly, as intelligent as yourself.

Brown nosing me won’t make me forget the fact you hidden crucial information! Mika hissed… mentally.

Let me cook.

Oh good grief,

Knowing Sycamore’s track record - from what I gleaned from Isaac - is that they are a chaotic, disorganized bunch, Lin said, They are likely planning a frontal assault - which will cause a stir but will ultimately fail. However, it should be enough to draw some attention away from the lab, and I will just snatch them while everyone is distracted, and we can pin it all on Sycamore.

... That plan relies on them getting close enough, Mika said.

... Or Blake leaving the room, Lin began. He’s always rushing to flaunt his abstraction, after all.

Jason is also in there.

Jason also needs a cane to walk.

Good grief, Mika rolled her eyes. Look… This is going to end badly. For us. This whole plan.

But we have to do something! Lin replied, We can’t let Blake or Sycamore get the Notes.

You're making too many assumptions - about Blake, about Sycamore, and now about this distraction plan, Mika began, If one thing goes wrong, we’ll have more than just a mess to clean up.

We won’t have a choice if we sit on our hands. You know that, Mika. Lin replied. Blake will push harder, Sycamore will get more desperate, and we're the only ones who know enough to stop you-know-who. Besides, we’ve always managed to stay two steps ahead of everyone. Why stop now?

Fine. But you know the rules. I’m not covering for you when this blows up in our faces. Mika said, her fingers tapping against the table.

You worry too much, Mika Lin’s smirk could practically be felt through the telepathic connection. Be ready. The moment Sycamore moves, we move. And I’ll make sure we come out on top.

I hope you're right, LinLin, Mika said, before she pushed herself to her feet. Now if you excuse me, I will put the Mirror back on before all hell breaks loose. She calmly walked over to the bathroom, and Lin sent one last message as she marched over there.

Trust me, Mika…. Lin responded, her tone resolute.

... I know what I’m doing.
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Hidden 1 day ago Post by AtomicEmperor
Avatar of AtomicEmperor

AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Mentions: Layla Hyacinthus, Daisy Hunter, Britney Williams | Direct Dialogue: Amara King/@Blizz | Location: The Eleventh Path

Having arrived late, Leon took a noteworthy position somewhat behind Layla. Listening to the group talk about the situation, he was more eager to prove to the group that he wasn't the same guy he used to be. Ten years prior, he'd have been in the foreground pushing for his plan: Full physical infiltration through magic means. Getting under the island with the use of magic, submarinal traversal followed by digging through one means or another up under the facility. Anything was possible with strong enough magic... But he wasn't here for that.
Sycamore's failure didn't mean the end. He wasn't so concerned with how others were going to deal with what was coming.

”Any way you could use your mob connections to get some ammo fast enough for this?”

Hearing this, Leon chuckled to himself. Having a good sniff of the room before he fully settled in gave him a clear picture of who was and wasn't present, and he figured he knew why Greyson wasn't there.
"Britney's here, Amara... We're trying to reduce the chaos of these meetings by having less people, remember? Besides, you should be asking me about ammo. He'd tell you himself that the Temple produces quality ammunition: We supply half the Western Seaboard's "religious" institutions with good shit. If it's for Sycamore, as much as you all may not want the help, the Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals is willing and able to provide. Physical arms and armaments, Lux boosters, healing salves, the list goes on."
He would always do his best to be helpful, of course... Despite some recent tension and problems with certain individuals, Leon was certainly dedicated to the ideal of the Sycamore. It was an ideal that people had fought and died for, and he never wanted that to be wasted.

"Whatever you guys want from me personally, I'm happy to do it: But, I only ask that you keep in mind I may not fully be in control of myself by the end of this. If the worst happens, stay clear of the big, grey and gold wolf-thing... And call my folks, I guess. Worst comes to worst, it's an island I can stay isolated on until I'm dead, or I can be put out."
He was thinking about all the nasty, horrifying entities and concoctions that the Temple had pilfered from Sonnenrad corpses. If the group were willing to take more help, he imagined things would be far easier than what they had in mind currently; but was it worth it? Releasing all that evil? For what, one big push against a group of people who they weren't even sure of the capability of? No, it was his own special mental gymnastic routine. It was all about trying to get things under his own control.

Oh, my Sweet... You'll never be in control again! The vile collar is gone... Feed me, however, and I will let you pretend.
Daisy... The Bind of Mont Ferrad. Lelou's Adjoining was wholly against her will, thus the process of keeping her bound was based on the magic found at the temple on the peak of Mont Ferrad, where an ancient werewolf den was found to contain remnants of Lelou's first kingdom from thousands of years ago. He knew the story of Guillome Richoux, and the Hunts on behalf of the Sun King. Knew about how Lelou's descendents had been tracked and slaughtered in that mountaintop cave, and about the secrets of binding Man and Beast.

It's why they were together now. An enticing host, and the last Bind of Mont Ferrad... But nobody to hold the leash. Daisy was gone, the artifact was gone... It'd take time to attune it to someone else, and even then, he wasn't sure who it could be. Who he could trust to have the kind of steady mentality and collected thoughts of Daisy Hunter. He missed her.
Miss!? You miss prancing about like a dog with your fucking collar and a little bell? Tame fuck... I should rip you in half from the inside: If I see that collar ever again, I'll have your head Leon Richoux...
He sighed, trying his best to keep those around him tuned into his head so he wouldn't miss what they were saying.
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Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Olivia & Octavia @NoriWasHere, Leon @AtomicEmperor, Ruby @Shin Ghost Note, Amara @Blizz, Everyone Really
The Eleventh Path

Anya was concerned with how, to be frank, shit Sloane looked. When had she last slept? At this rate she would collapse before they got anywhere. But what could she do? Nothing. Not right now, at least. Neither of them were the most emotional people, and Anya knew Sloane would just brush off any check ups on her right now. She’d talked to her later, in private…

She didn’t bother with an introduction to the 317 either - it seemed unnecessary to just announce her name at that moment. But she did watch as Sloane went towards the Artifacts. Eyebrows raised for a moment, before she quickly realised what she was doing. Ah. Removing the Rot from poor Luca, if possible, with the Brass Needle. It was probably for the best. Anya would let her handle that…

She was approached by another familiar face, anyway - a friend, in fact. One of two.

”Fancy seeing you here,” Anya raised her eyebrows, offering Olivia a more genuine smile. It was quite a rare occurrence from her - one that only came in company she actually enjoyed. Sloane, Olivia the rare times they saw each other, and Ezra had managed to get a few out of her... ”I thought you said you would never return to the Coven? Is working with us not the same?”

Then came the actual plan. Anya listened carefully, and silently. Her brows furrowed at the new Scott Reese was alive. He wasn’t someone they could handle in their current state. Even the Trinity struggled with him before.

”I have a suggestion. There are some of us who don’t have abstractions useful in combat at all- unfortunately,” Anya said, raising her hand with a slight smile. Of course, that wasn’t true anymore. She could summon… but it wasn’t something she’d shown yet. And she didn’t want to risk her life, or reputation, for this.

”But could we not have a fifth group - the coordinators? We had a control group during the fight against the Stygian Snake, or organised all the groups on the field - getting healers where they were needed, teleporters, and so on. It can be difficult for anyone in the heat of battle to do that. That solves the communication too - you all have phones, don’t you? Or we can go back to radios like we used to use? Easy to get a hold of. Means we’re not putting all the pressure on Amara.”

Then, she turned her attention to Leon, smiling coldly. ”And what would be the price of the Temple’s help, Leon? ”

Interactions: Various 317 @NoriWasHere, Leon @AtomicEmperor, Ruby @Shin Ghost Note, Everyone Present
The Eleventh Path

Luca smiled at all of Jasper’s friends brightly, raising a hand to wave at them all. It wasn’t the best time to meet them - he couldn’t say much more in greeting, because he wanted to concentrate on the meeting. But hopefully they could talk properly later! He turned his head back towards those at the front, inclining it towards Octavia as she said war was coming regardless. Maybe it was true, especially if Scott Reese was back…

But he couldn’t drag his new coven into it. He glanced over at Adora, spotting her talking to Layla. He smiled again at that. Clearly they’d both had the same thoughts to check on her, make sure she was alright after everything that happened…

Then, the Artifacts. The Brass Needle. He’d already turned down it being used on him right now, because he needed the Rot. It was more than just wanting an abstraction - it was what he’d told Leon earlier too. Without an Emotional Field, he died. Sloane had taken it, but he trusted she wouldn’t do anything with it yet. No matter how much she was looking over at him.

He looked over at Leon last, now frowning. He may not be able to stay in control? If his Apparition took over, then they’d just have one more enemy… One more thing to deal with. Another ally turned enemy… something he constantly worried about happening to himself. ”Let’s try and avoid the scenario where anyone is completely taken over by their Apparition, if possible?”

Then he turned towards Ruby.

”I have some questions. First of all, what’s the magical statue made of? Second, do we have any way to get into the vault itself? I assume it has some heavy doors we can’t just get through?” Luca asked, looking thoughtful. He should probably go with the Artifact group either way… As much as he wanted to stay with Jasper he knew that he couldn't. He had no range and would be more useful somewhere destruction might be required... But he couldn't join the aggro group. He was too fragile. ”I can probably help there either way, since I can rot just about anything. So I think I should go with the Artifact group, but that brings me to my next question…”

His eyes closed for a moment.

”Does the Eye of Ankhara detect Abstractions that are always on? Or is it just active use?”
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Hidden 17 hrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: The 317 (@NoriWasHere), and I guess everyone.
The Eleventh Path.

Drake sat silently in his little corner of the Eleventh Path - the Peanut Buster before him had melted, as he didn't have the appetite for it. Auri was dead, and so were Be and Todd, but he honestly had no clue who they were; he could only sigh as he worried for Victoria, Amanda, Nikki, and the triplets - they were the real ones in danger here. He should be home protecting them... not wasting his time for the fourth time in a row. After all, these people won't care if they go down; it's only what personally affects them. However, Jack stepped up to the task, and finally, they had something to find Father Wolf so they could kill his ass already. Even though, for once, he could yap a little bit so they would know about these beautiful artifacts. The Elite is holding them. Drake didn't know much about the Eilte, but he knew they would be easy work for Drake Blackmore.

Finding out that Luna was trying to play them only elicited an eye-roll from Drake. Color me surprised. Drake thought to himself, chuckling. They should have just let him fry Luna when they had the chance instead of this stupid dog and pony show not to upset the mafia that they ended up pissing off anyway. Well, Greyson killed her at least, that's one good thing that jackass did. Before he could speak up, the leaders of the 317 showed up... Drake recalled them getting mentioned by Ruby and others during that disaster (aka the third meeting). Drake would give them the benefit of the doubt - at least they looked like they wanted to be here and weren't together out of necessity.

Greenwood showed up again. Drake thought better of them than one would first expect. If Sully is cool with them, Drake is cool with them. They explained the plan, and various people poked holes in it. But that wasn't what Drake was worried about. He wasn't worried about the 317, about Greenwood, hell, not even about Britney right now, even though even a dumbass could tell that she's going behind everyone's backs!

"... they have a monster named Scott Reese fighting for them-"

Drake had to take a double take. Scott Reese was dead - or at least the Coven regarded him as dead. How the fuck was he alive and kicking? Actually why the fuck was he alive and kicking? Adora threw him into the ocean right when the final battle kicked off, and that was the last they heard of him. Then, everyone else was content with glossing over it. That wasn't cool. Before Drake spoke up, he glanced at Lynn and thought about what she told him yesterday - about those three dead chicks that are back to life for reasons she cannot explain.

... Why is all of this shit piling up at once? Drake thought to himself, sighing.

”Hey now, Amara's right, let's back up,” Drake said, raising his hands and turning towards Octavia, ”You just said the Scott Reese is back? The big darkness Hulk, dude? Next to impossible to kill?”

“He met our hulk and won without breaking a sweat,” Octavia paused as she pointed towards Jordan, “and Aryin, Linqian, Thomas, Cyrus, Jason. We threw everything we had at him and still lost.”

He raised his hand, astonished, as he addressed the Sycamore Tree "Coven", ”... And nobody wants to address that at all? Brooo... we gotta like find his ass and take care of him. Because you know he's going to be gunning for us.”

”... And have you considered that we can use these artifacts to do just that, Blackmore?” Britney cattily said, and Drake just shrugged.

”I'm just worried because, unlike some of ya'll, I got other people on the line here. Other people that can't handle that monster.”
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