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Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Aurora Halliwell

Aurora felt a wave of relief wash over her when she saw the dark-haired woman place her hand on the man's shoulder. She felt even better when the woman began to escort him away. Aurora smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Miss Daphne." After that, she returned to searching for a closer spot to listen to the bard's music. As she glanced back one last time, she noticed that Daphne had indeed made the man leave the tavern.

As Aurora found a spot to settle in, she began listening to the music and quickly joined the crowd in clapping and dancing. While enjoying herself, she reminisced about her 16th birthday, when her mother took her to their local tavern to see Adrick perform for the first time. From that moment on, she fell in love with his music. She soon felt a wave of emotions wash over her; however, it wasn’t sadness about what she had recently lost, but joy for the memories she still held.

Aurora continued dancing for a bit longer before deciding to get something to eat and drink. She made her way to a table, where she filled a glass with wine and picked up a small piece of pie. After satisfying her hunger, she looked around the room for a small group of people she could introduce herself to. Just then, she spotted Daphne in the distance. Aurora walked toward the lady who had helped her earlier. Upon reaching her, she said, “Hello. My name is Aurora Halliwell. Thank you again for helping me with that man.”

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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions/Mentions: @c3p-0h Amaya

Elara savoured the last bite of her cookie, the sweetness lingering on her tongue as she discreetly wiped the crumbs from her fingers onto her napkin. The din of the outside around her seemed to fade, swallowed up by the warmth of the pastry and the simple joy of this quiet moment. Her eyes scanned the nearby trays, debating which baked good she’d sample next when something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. It wasn’t the inviting scent of the pastries that had drawn her in this time, but a shift in the air—something more formal, composed. When she lifted her gaze, her heart briefly skipped at the sight of Amaya, standing before her with the cold breath of frost visible in the crisp air.

“Oh, Am—” Elara's words slipped out before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened in realization, and she immediately straightened her posture. “Your Highness,” she corrected softly, a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. “It’s good to see you are well despite the recent storm.” The words felt too formal, too hollow given everything that had happened. How could anyone really be well after such a loss? Especially not Amaya, who wore her composed mask so flawlessly, even if Elara could see the fractures beneath.

Her gaze flickered to Amaya’s face, searching for some sign of emotion—any crack in the veneer that might hint at how her princess was truly feeling. But all she found was the same practiced neutrality, the regal poise that Amaya always wore in public. Elara wanted to say something more, something comforting, but the weight of propriety pressed down on her tongue. She longed to acknowledge their shared grief, but the bustling space around them was hardly the place for such conversations. Instead, she shifted slightly in her seat, offering a small smile that she hoped conveyed some semblance of warmth.

As Amaya turned her attention to the two Aurelian women standing nearby, Elara allowed herself a brief exhale, her mind still lingering on the friend beneath the title. She wondered how long Amaya could keep up this facade before the strain of it all became too much to bear. Glancing at the tray of drinks nearby, her decision formed before she even realized it.

“Your Highness,” she began softly, “would you like me to get you something to drink?” It wasn’t much, but offering a small comfort, even as simple as a drink, might give Amaya a moment to catch her breath.
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Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Interactions @Qia Elara | @c3p-0h Amaya

Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Vellion was well on his way to the tavern's front door, a portal to the merriment, warmth and music within, when he suddenly stopped. Something had caught his attention in the corner of his eye and tug furiously on his curiosity. For reasons unbeknown to him, he paused and twisted his head around to give it his full attention.

His keen eyes picked through the passing people where he soon found it again.
'That face.' Sure it was a pretty face, Lunarian too he guessed, soft features and pale eyes, but it wasn't just that which drew his attention like a moth to the flame. No. There was something more. Something distantly familiar about it.

As he tracked this fine woman's regal movements through the street, he welcomed the distraction this curiosity brung him. It was a riddle and a puzzle. She held herself well, even through the cold and during an odd interaction with a strange man. Vellion continued to studied her from a distance. Nobility for sure he decided. It was in her clothing, her mannerism, her stature. He would almost think her royalty if it wasn't for her casual nature and lack of entourage. She had no announcers and sat down on a dirty stool without a care. 'High nobility.' he thought to himself as he started to move away from the inn, following this familiar faced woman from a different world to him.

'What was she doing here?
Where had he seen her?
Had they met years ago?
Had she risen to her position?
Had he stolen from her?

Despite nothing good coming from any of those questions being answered with a 'Yes' he still continued to stalk move in on her position. She had company, of course, which would make his approach harder. But then he saw his opportunity. He moved casually around blending with the crowd, a skill picked up from years on the streets. Gradually drawing in nearer. He could almost hear them conversing.

There were two Aurelian women nearby as he came up behind the brunette he was following. She was conversing with a Snow White haired woman across from her. Her hair almost blended into the background. Vellion could see what he guessed to be the hint of concern in her eyes as they spoke. He also noticed her eye the drinks.

And that would be his moment. As soon as she moved away he would fill in the empty spot. His plan didn't extend far beyond that but a foot in the door was all he needed. He would get a closer proper look at her face.
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Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by Queen Arya
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Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios

Interacting with: Syraeia Leela (@PrinceAlexus) || Amaya Selu (@c3p-0h) || Tingara Tomae(@c3p-0h)

Fade-To-Black Counter - 0

Dawnhaven - Town Center -> The Hot Springs
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

As the response from Sya rang in her ears, all else seemed to fade away to the young Priestess. Tia was here? Somehow, despite it coming as a great shock to her; Ranni also felt a complete lack of surprise at the development. Somehow... she'd simply known already that Tia was here. Moreso, that she was in the exact direction that had been indicated for the hotsprings. It was almost as if Ranni had... felt her being in that direction? Such a thing shouldn't have been possible, yet for the second time that day it was happening. First when she'd arrived in town and somehow known that her sister was at the tavern, and now with Tia. A heavy frown grew on her features as the girl tried to wrestle with what any of this meant. So lost was she in her own thoughts, that Ranni seemed to retreat away from the world itself, evening being unaware that they had a new visitor to their group nor that she was directly addressing both Ranni and Dyna.

Was it something to do with becoming a blightborn? She had heard tell that some of them developed... strange abilities. Yet, as far as the Priestess knew those were either just stories or had to do with their physical abilities. She'd heard nothing of the sort that she was experiencing now. Was Aelios reaching out to her, guiding her towards those she knew in her time of need? Maybe. Yet this feeling was... almost cold. Filling her with a sense of numbness she often associated with chillier climates, not like the warmth that would've spread from Aelios' touch. It was... strange. Yet another of the innumerable changes that'd happened to her since that dreadful night, and one of many more Ranni feared she would soon be discovering.

Her gaze flicked towards Dyna, as her sister seemed to be engaging with the newcomer to their group. Finally, Ranni seemed to come out of the shell she'd retreated into. Her gaze flicking about those around as if she were just noticing that they were still standing there. Yet, even as she did, her mind still clung to the fact that it could feel that Tia was in the direction of the temple. In this very town. Ranni chewed her lower lip, looking around the group for a long few moments as she settled for simply listening into the conversation; trying to ignore that inexplicable draw in the back of her mind. She tried to focus back in on the conversation, looking for the first time over the Lunarian woman who'd spoken to them. Ranni had, of course, missed her words and identity entirely. She felt a sort of shock as she looked over the woman, her first thought being impressed by both how beautiful she was and her regal composure... moments before the Priestess rapidly tried to shove those thoughts down in her mind. Not quick enough to avoid unknowingly blasting such feelings out to those around her in her continued telepathic barrage, but enough that she could force herself to think normally.

Well, somewhat normally. Part of her still seemed distracted even as Dyna moved to introduce both of them to the woman opposite. Ranni gave a polite bow and smile towards Amaya, even as her mind kept dragging her towards the temple. To go investigate, and confirm herself that Tia was truly in the town, whether that strange certainty she had carried some truth to it. Ranni was only able to resist it a few seconds longer before looking up towards the beautiful woman who'd joined them and speaking softly. "M-my apologies, b-but I think there is something I must attend to..." She said, cringing at her own excuse before rapidly turning and setting off at a near-run towards the feeling she was certain had to be Tia.

It wasn't terribly long before Ranni found herself approaching a familiar sight; a Temple of Aelios. Nearby, she saw the telltale steam rising from a hotsprings. Ranni paused for a few moments, feeling that similar tug pulling her towards the hotsprings instead of the temple. Why would Tia be there? She thought gently, before turning and quickly making her way into the hotsprings themselves...

Only to find herself staring at the aftermath of a chaotic scene no doubt. The nobleman from earlier; the who'd called her a goat, was in the bath alongside the Innkeeper and another woman she didn't recognize. There was some man, one she didn't recognize either... and Tia herself was there. Trying to help the nobleman out of the water. Ranni's heart pounded in her chest as a resoundingly strong feeling of shock blasted out from her mind, knowing now that somehow she had been able to sense exactly where her former mentor had been. Her tail flicked frantically as she stared in wide-eyed shock, softly speaking with a voice that seemed to carry every ounce of worry she'd felt for her mentor in the time since they'd last seen each other. "T-tia? Y-you're here too?" She asked softly, barely able to grasp at the proper words for the moment...

Dyna Soleil

Interacting with: Elara Moonshadow (@Qia) || Amaya Selu (@c3p-0h)

Dawnhaven - Town Center -> The Hot Springs
The Day the Blizzard Broke - Morning

Dyna wore an expression of shock at the mention of Ranni's for mentor, both from Ranni and Sya confirming her presence, seemingly out of nowhere. Her brows furrowed lightly as she cast a look over her sister, wondering for a long moment just what had inspired the girl to ask about Tia out of the blue. Dyna had certainly heard nothing to indicate the woman might be here before Ranni spoke up, and was even more certain that Ranni wouldn't have access to any more information to indicate that than Dyna did. Her mind tossed around the question of how this was possible for a long few moments before shaking her head. A problem for another time. Instead, Dyna's gaze was drawn to the newest visitor to their group. She didn't recognize the woman, apart from her clearly being Lunarian, but most certainly recognized the regality of a noble. A thought that put her slightly on edge, after the previous noble's rather... indignant attitude.

Yet, Dyna found herself being pleasantly surprised when the woman spoke. More casual, nothing like the peacock's flaunting of his feathers earlier, and polite. A welcome change, for certain. As she continued to speak, Dyna offered a hint of a smile and nodded in response to the comment about them having not met before. Yet, she hadn't a chance to respond before the woman from before... Elara, was it? Spoke up and addressed the woman as 'Your Highness'. A wave of shock slammed into Dyna as she realized that this wasn't just a noble but rather the Lunarian Princess. Immediately, the girl gave a respectful little bow towards the Princess; not particularly wanting to cause an incident by not showing the proper respect to members of royalty.

In the next moment, Dyna was hit by a sudden wave of emotion that didn't quite feel like her own... but was enough to influence her line of thought. For the briefest of moments, she found herself looking over the Princess and finding agreement with the thought that she was rather attractive. Yet almost as quickly as the wave of emotion had hit her, it also disappeared deep within her mind. Leaving Dyna momentarily confused, and with a slight blush to her cheeks, before she finally replied. "Ah, I don't believe we have, Your Highness. Dyna Soleil, Champion of Aelios. This is my sister, Ranni Soleil, Priestess of Aelios." She explained with another polite bow. "I arrived just before the blizzard hit and spent it in the Beholder there, Priestess Ranni arrived today..." She explained, trailing off her explanation as she lost how to explain things. Albeit, an attentive eye could likely figure out that a girl arriving in town, a blightborn, and just after the blizzard ended had likely been recently turned.

" 'Tis our pleasure to make your acquaintance, certainly with Dawnhaven comi-" Dyna started to say, before being cut off by Ranni offering a weak excuse and running off in the direction of the Temple. As composed as she had been mere moments before, Dyna's expression changed to one of pure shock at her sister's actions as she watched her retreat. She turned back towards the Princess with an awkward and apologetic expression on her features. "A-ah... my apologies Princess. My sister's... been through alot lately. She... likely felt overwhelmed and panicked." Dyna offered as an excuse. Offering a sheepish smile towards the woman. "I don't mean to be rude, your highness, but I should go after her. T-that is if its quite alright with you?" She asked, not even attempting to force a neutral expression and mask the worry she felt over her sister's sudden strange behavior.
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Hidden 7 hrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Gadez Paladice

The monk offered a nod to Nyla as she introduced herself, he couldn't help but notice that there was something abit more exotic about her. Were she from a distant region of Aurelia or elsewhere? Was it her accent or her appearance which made him draw that conclusion, he couldn't quite pinpoint.

"I wear many hats indeed, yet I don't allow that to go to my head." He softly said in an amused manner. "Pleased to meet one such as yourself, Nyla. As for what drew me to Dawnhaven? Would revenge be the wrong answer? Well, or perhaps I should say justice? It depends from whose eyes you see things. But I knew the moment that Dawnhaven was made that I had to go. Because this is the only place in this world that can make my wish come true." He said and offered a mysterious looking smile, his eyes shimmering from the nearby fireplace light.

'The third kingdom...'

It was then a man rudely was heard, it was a bard. Ofcourse it had to be a bard. The blonde cringed in his entire body, as if struck by lightning. How he hated bards.

'These damnable illusionists and their made up tales and songs, the real world isn't as kind as the ones in your fairytales! Wait… I recognize this poisonous tune. It's that wretched performer who saw it fit to make camp just outside the circus grounds to snatch up coins while enthralling the crowds. Aldrick Corveaux. The famous performer.' Gadez gathered his thoughts, he didn't want to be subjected to his music, but at this moment it seemed unavoidable unless he went up there and broke the man's instrument or legs. Neither would sit well with the populace which seemed quite joyous over his music.

People had the right to chose their own path, even if that path was knee-deep in poison. Like the alcohol served, bards tunes would gradually seduce, enthrall and poison peoples minds until they would simply become a spectator for their own life and live in a world of dreams. Rather than set out and make that dream a reality. It did strike the monk that Aldrick had changed, not with his music but with his appearance. The blight had a way to bring out the best and worst in people. For the case of the bard. He thought this was the best. Though if he would have been able to pick, he would have chosen to make him a mute and unable to play those songs of his. But who was he to question the fate of things. Who was he indeed?

His thoughts were then interrupted by another rude man, this one seemed to be intoxicated and saw it fit to try his luck with a whitehaired young lady in the inn. Had it not been for what seemed to be a female guard or mercenary stepping in to deal with the man, he would have done it himself. Thinking of it. This was likely for the best. He wouldn't have been as gentle. It wasn't that he lacked tact when he needed to, but to send a clear signal. The guardswoman then made a remark to a kissing booth.

"Afraid you'd miss the opening hours? Lest you'd be shy? But good to know that my words are heard and memorable." He softly said towards Daphne and made a wink, the blonde man chuckled and turned his attention back to Nyla.

"Ahh.. disappointed? Well… I could show you more than a kissing booth, however you might become snake-charmed yourself and get more lost than that bard enthralled by his own tune." He chuckled again in an amused manner, then moving closer to Nyla. "However your lips say one thing, but your eyes say another… I saw how your eyes gazed upon that boy. They say the eyes are a depiction of ones soul and heart. As long as you'd follow whichever path your heart so choses, you'll never be wrong, neither regret it." He said softly as he reached out to try touch Nyla's cheek, but withdrew before coming into touch with it.

"I've been subjected to a sweet melody all my life, yet I've warded myself well against it. No matter how loud the tune may play, it's rhythm is not the same as my heart." He said in an even softer tone, then his facial expression changed completely into a more jovial and jesting one with his head tilting to the side and his eyes closing.

"As for puppetry, allow me to teach you the important steps." The man said in an enthusiastic tone, then he changed to a more soft and smooth one, speaking abit quietly to Nyla. Gadez took out one of the puppet heads he had carved out of the wood at Aelios temple during the blizzard.
"First you need to hold firmly, grip the head. Then you slightly slide up the fabric covering up your point of entry. Move your hand under the cloth and use your middle finger. Trace about til you find a narrow crevice, move the tip of your finger around to make sure you are at the right place. This particular one has been marked by a little decal at the top to assist in making certain you are where you need to be. See this here? If it is too tight for your finger, you may require something to widen the gap. If it on the other hand feels too loose, you may easily fit two fingers. Upon repeated use, the hole may gap a bit more as a result. And wood also tend to swell when subjected to moisture for an extended period of time. But unto the rest... You press the rest of your finger in as deep as you can go. Use your other fingers to reach into the folds at the sides."

The blue eyed menace explained and showed how his fingers slipped into the cloth folds that were the puppets arms, one finger each becoming an arm.

"Then you move your middle finger creatively and the whole thing suddenly comes alive. Flap the other fingers and the arms will move. Ofcourse it must be accompanied with sounds to make it believable, but you can manage such no doubt." He kept smiling in a playful manner.

"If you want to create a moment of intensity, simply vibrate and it will look like its shaking. In exhaltation, fear or anger. Got everything so far? Sometimes you also have to press down on the head, as it may try poke out too much through the cloth. Make sure everything is held firmly in place. You may of course have all manner of wood when doing this, I specifically had mine tended to in the temple, during the recent blizzard." He added and tapped his own cheek with his hand, drumming on it with his fingers.

"When you are not using these wooden heads, it may be good to place them in a chest, or shelf. Whichever one you prefer." The sly warrior-monk turned puppeteer smirked and looked Nyla's face over.

"But I'd best get to assemble to puppet-theatre." He nodded at the long and firm wood he carried. "Do feel free to continue to converse as I assemble it." He added and then began to construct the thing. It took abit of time, but the man had all the tools he needed to put it together. It didn't need to be looking fancy. He attached some linen cloths to act as curtains.

Sometime later...

He had finished, it was looking more like the home for a beggar than a theatre. But it would have to do. The man soon quickly arranged the puppets with their respective linen cloth. Then lastly he took a piece of linen and cut two holes into it, making himself a makeshift eye-mask. He looked more a bandit than a puppeteer no doubt. Gadez then moved over to the doorway of the inn.

"Ladies, gentlemen, children of any ages, the first act of the puppetry show shall begin shortly within the Eye of the Beholder! Come and let your young hear a tale of kings and queens, of war and peace, of love and deception! Set into a world not too different from our own! A moments respite in the everyday struggle of what we call life!" He made his butlerlike bow, which was something he also did at his time in the circus. After having made his announcement he went over to set up his wooden structure and sit behind the curtains, slipping his hands into the puppets he had made. Then he waited for some people to gather before he began the act.

"Welcome all, far and wide, from north to south, east to west. Leave to me... the rest."

The curtains would slowly begin to part and a single puppet would begin to take it's stage, it was a blonde prince-like figure.

"A long time ago, in a far away kingdom, in an age where the sun shone upon the world. There was a kingdom called Nova, in this kingdom were a king and queen and their son, a prince with golden hair. His name was Lauric.

The prince was a young man, even younger than our own prince Flynn. His family had ruled the kingdom of the stars for as far as there had been books and tales, they had in times past fought against another kingdom which worshipped something called 'The orb of night'. Both kingdoms were fierce enemies, but a past war had wreaked havoc on them both, causing them to sue for peace. However this were events of the past, and Lauric grew tired of his sheltered life in his parents castle, of their rules, their constant attempts to shape him... so he set out in secrecy!

He wanted adventure and to be more than just raised to be a king, and during his journey the prince came upon... let's hear some guesses? What did he come across? "

"A sword!" A boy cried out in the audience listening to the tale, who was soon shushed by his mother.

"Ah, the prince already had a sword! It was something else!" Gadez said in a playful tone.

"Maybe a girl?" A young girl asked with a shy expression on her face as she spoke up.

"That's right, he came across a girl! He fell madly in love! Love is when two people like oneanother so much to the point they are willing to abandon all other senses for that very thing. The prince and the girl met in secrecy, unaware of the king and queens knowledge! Oh they would have been so angry and disappointed if they knew!" The puppeteer said in a raised voice, moving the puppet to make it seem like it was tip-toeing and hiding on the stage, the girl puppet moving in to snuggle with him.

"There was a fight?!" The young boy asked loudly, followed by shushes by his mother, and pinching him in the ear.

"Now now, let's not get too far ahead!" The masked storyteller proceeded.

"But one day the girl had a secret to tell the prince, can anyone guess what it were?" Gadez peeked his masked head through the curtain to look at the puppets with a look of disapproval.

"She made a baby?!" Another girl squeeked out and jumped in her mother's lap before being passed over to her father who held her down to stop her from jumping.

"Indeed! She did! But the prince didn't know! The girl had kept it a secret from him for many years! For she was worried the prince would take the child back to the mean old king and queen. The prince was furious, he wanted to take the child to his parents and the castle even if the child didn't want to. Prince Lauric came to their home with soldiers, but before they could find the child the home was burning! It was on fire! The mother and child had both disappeared! Lauric returned to his home alone.

The young mother had survived the blazing inferno, but her child was nowhere to be found. She had planned to take him to the other kingdom, to the people who worshipped the orb of night!"
Gadez had the two puppets move in two different directions.

"But it had been too late. The child of prince Lauric, the gilded child was gone. His royal destiny died that day. Both Lauric and the girl returned to their own homes. Angry with each other. Unable to forgive oneanother. The prince was so upset about it all, that he married a mean wicked witch. And the girl ended up marrying a mean old badger. Many years passed and then the skies turned dark! Much like how our sky is dark, it wasn't always like this. It was once bright and the skies were blue." He softly said, as if trying to explain things to the children listening.

"The dark skies had also made some people change into what some might call monsters. They could have fur, wings, many eyes… or just one. Or they could have blue skin, two heads or perhaps even legs of a spider. They were feared for how they looked, and some of them were dangerous, especially when other people would chase them with swords! But… they were still human underneath it all. Just like all of you. Just different. A blessing or a curse? We all have them. If you think about it. You have things you are good at, and things you are bad at. No one is perfect, and that is beautiful is it not? For the ones who struggle against hardship can still make it through, and all the more impressive it is if the road is difficult." He spoke to the audience as if trying to have them make up their own mind about it all.

"Now back to the tale! In the years that followed, The prince, Lauric, had become a king, and had gotten...guess what?" Gadez said in a teasing manner, waiting for replies.

"A new sword!" The boy in the audience chimed in.

"A baby!" One of the girls called out.

"That's right! A new prince had been born Ruddy was his name, his hair as golden as his father, he was in alot of ways just like his father. But the other kingdom had also gotten a child, it was a princess called Maise, and this time they were put together! They didn't even know or love each other, but for a single reason... anyone know what the reason were?" Gadez pressed the two puppets together, with their arms folded and facing away from each other.

"To save the world." He said aloud, the both puppets shook as he said it as if they were scared.

"A prophecy was uttered. It was said that if a child was born of both kingdoms then the terrible dark skies would go away but a sacrifice was to be needed. A sacrifice is when someone gives up their own life to save others, a generally selfless act. Ruddy and Maise were not given a choice in their role, they were chosen to sacrifice their own happiness for the fate of the world. However... unbeknownst to both of them. There was a jester in the deck of cards. A jester who would set up a play, and tell them of the future! But this…" Gadez said as he allowed the puppets to fall down on the little theatre he had put up, then he stood up.

"But this part of the first act cannot be told by mere puppets alone, it requires something special, something more genuine, something more real. So I shall call up two people from the audience here to aid in the second part of this act. And whose better to play it! Than our very own…" He smiled softly as his eyes wandered about for someone specific.

"Our very own brave Prince, Flynn Astaros of Aurelia! No! Of Dawnhaven! Come up upon the stage of tales untold!" He held out his arm, his palm facing upwards but outstretched. "Give him some support, no need to by shy, your highness! The children wish to behold their saviour in this particular act!" Gadez made another butlerlike bow, his blonde hair falling over his eyes as his mouth shaped a sinister smile.

'The time has come... gilded child. But can you discern the truth from the lies?' His memory went back to the chessboard of the inn, the white king piece standing amidst the pawns. The memory of a music box heard long ago echoing in his mind, it's tune slow and sorrowful. The two porcelain figures dancing together. The blue eyed woman. Then the monastery. The circus. The girl. The fire. Always the flame.

'Each prince needs a princess...' Gadez eyes set momentarily on Nyla, his plan was devious. Wicked. Vile. But boy did he love it.

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Hidden 5 hrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Eye of the Beholder

A vexing man

Daphne was enjoying a gelatinous cube jelly, a treat she enjoyed as a child. Daphne had lived a rather austere diet, mostly vegetable, plain means and the like. her ability to enjoy such things was a luxury she felt she had earned in her life. The soft texture, taste of sugar and the bright colours were fully a thing to enjoy and something to savour and slowly make the very most of.

This bakery idea looked like Sya would be making gold hand over fist if they kept this quality up, and kept their supplies throughout the winter, Blightborn yes, but she seemed to have an eye for business and what people wanted. She was smart, it really made you think… Things You're not meant to think in Lunaris.

Her musing was interrupted a minute or two later by the woman she had helped earlier thanking her, she nodded and looked at the well dressed woman in purple corsets and skirts etc. “Its quite alright, just doing my job.” Daphne gave a little blush on her pale skin at the compliment, she was still a Squire and had spent much of her short career doing very different things that were not always as popular. It was new that people were thankful more than grudgingly respectful than actively glad.

She kept an eye on the door in case he came back but it seemed that lessons were learned and he had not returned. The Inn Keeper had not returned so Daphne assumed she would have to keep an eye on things, people and too much to drink could be own worst enemy.

She had a stray thought and did best to avoid starting as she spotted the Princess enter, with her hand maiden and two women… why did they have to be attractive, and why did it seem the world was throwing said women into her path like it was snow flakes.

“Well met Aurora, just doing my best to do my job. I'm glad he left you alone and learned. What brings you to Dawn haven? i'm a Squire under Lord Coswain, keeping this place safe, and the eye on the drunks.

This place is a little overwhelming at times.”
Daphne asked as she glanced around and spotted the Princess talking to her white haired quieter companion. The blonde sisters, the striking Auralian, the woman in front of her. So much colour and variety of people, it was a shock to someone who had spent their life in lands more grim and grey of stone and snow. also A little blush threatened, she was unsure why but she felt eyes on her too for some reason,

It was akin to going from vegetables to sweets and so on, a burst of flavour she never had a chance to explore. She said so before she could retract it and just had to deal with what came about.

She looked over her shoulder and caught eyes with the Princess. She gave a little awkward courtesy gesture and a slight smile. She looked so much like her rather famous mother who had been so popular among the people. She was there if needed but tried to keep a respectful distance.

“The Prince is about, as is the Princess, if you need help getting set up, Dawn Haven is rough now but has potential.” Daphne said, trying to help as she felt the vibes of the music, the tones were nuanced and much more skilled than the bards of her hometown who tended to be on the bawdy and less subtle kind singing of women, wenches and night's love under an open sky. She tried that, it was in reality, cold, itchy and not as fun as bards said.

Daphne had grown from an awkward and lanky child to a tall, attractive and amazonian Woman, but she still felt those same fears and comments of doubt that had felt so big before. Even her bright violet eyes were rarely ever found outside her native homelands.

The two blondes left rapidly, twin sisters seemed to vanish quickly as quickly as they arrived, one left in a raid panic and the other in a more controlled manner. She had orders to keep a eye on the Inn, and people not chase after and the woman a crusader of sorts had it in hand. A twin sister was likely not a threat to her soul soul sibling.

The rather.. . Charismatic man was about and he seemed to have an odd pull about him, drawing everyone freely into talking, flirting and engaging people in ways that they could not escape his charisma. “I might have to toss you in the lake to cool off, I'm sure I can find someone to kiss me freely.” Daphne Said with a slight blush and a laugh. The strange man just pulled you into his tune, she reached for another drink and used it as a distraction to compose herself.

“He is…somthing” Daphne said to Aurora as she shook her head to clear mind and get her attention back.

Eventually she joined the rest to watch the puppet show, something she recognised from her youth, a simple hand made puppet show, basic wooden frames and such made from offcuts and the spare parts.

The story and the intent of the show, Daphne was not as educated as the others, they might especially Persephone see the hidden meanings and try to remember as much as possible for the older woman to dismantle it, tease the meanings out and find out the secrets. She had a strange Idea that held more meaning than mere children's entertainment.

He spoke with a steady rhythm, a steady pace and one that people followed along like a bard playing a room with a master's work, a true wordsmith. This man was definitely one to keep a close eye on…

Nova…Prince's…Her head was a little spinning but she felt this man was more than he seemed to be. Her gut told her, and was rarely wrong.

The Amazonian woman's violet eyes followed him and his story closely as she could manage to decipher his story and its potential. Only it left her with many many more questions than answers.

@Dezuel@Queen Arya@BlackRoseSiren@c3p-0h

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