Gakushi Southampton
28. |
Human |
They/He |
Lawless/Cultist |
8'5 | 162 lbs.
Abyssal Connection: Possessive Subjugation
#1 Hunter-gathererThis ability takes the form of what Gakushi's childhood imaginary friends...He was gifted this from his Wild; Hunter-Gatherer. Hunter-gatherer allows Gakushi to create small lackeys from the Possessive Subjugation which can be used to attack enemies or for scouting. This can be used even further. Like those before hi Gakushi uses his lackeys to fight for him and then deliver the final blow himself. Outside of combat he can use Hunter for spying on others. The draw back of this is that the lackeys are staring to gain sapience; in addition to being able to act on their own Gakushi is starting to hear their voices in his head. As he gave each of them the forms of his childhood imaginary friends, they had only diverged in personality.
#2 R.I.P. After starting his doomsday cult Gakushi had to earn the trust of his Wild Friend and partner in crime. Whoin turn had given him the ability to channel The Abyss and create dark spells; which are primarily used for defense or transportation. The spell books serve other purposes, but Gakushi chooses not to use them...Although he always could. Having used these Abyssal spells for ten years his body is slowly mutating starting left arm. It's taking on the properties of a Wild.
|l|Defensive| Shell: This is simply Armoured plating that can encase Gakushi or somebody else. It functions like a bulletproof vest...She'll is weak against Abysmalel Energies but can withstandmetallicbullets, and meele-like weapons.
|Defensive| Mend: If injured Mend cannot heal the afflicted but rather stopthe injury from worsening. In time, it will be able to heal, but that takes practice.
(Locked) (Honestly I haven't decided on this one yet)(Ability description, including flaws)
Goal:The Cultist had always held distrust for The Benefactor. Gakushi views this world as corrupt and wants to end it all and usher in a new era; nay a new aeon! Gakushi thinks back on The Pershing Event as a "Great Blessing" meaning; a way for this world's corruption to be cleansed and bring Humanity closer to reformation. IN Gakushi's worldview the current state of Humanity is one lead by Greed, Pride, and detachment from others. When he was seventeen he had met with a Wild that had in his words "Show him the light". Gakushi believes that by working with his Wild and the Abyss, he can bring about a new reality for all life on Dust, by destroying the current one and birthing a new from its ruins. Personality:Gakushi's personality can be described with a likeness to dark chocolate; bittersweet, He claims not to have a sense of humour and relies on self-description to take the tension off of others. When it comes to him caring about others he sits down and listens contemplatively offering the best help he can. Gakushi switches between quiet and reserved to animate and erratic even when the atmosphere of the room would make his behaviour inappropriate. He only does this to keep professionalism and relaxation in a balence as to avoid others being drug down into the dullness of working to much. History:Life starts at home, no? Gakushi Southampton is not his actual name' he was born as Garthowhen Ishikawa and through his bloodline; Gakushi was member of some lower Umbra Corp dealings. He never worked in the field or even had seen a Wild up close due to his parents protectiveness of him. As Gakushi was confound in his room and hardly allowed to play with the other kids he had resorted to reading about The Benefactor and his imagination. The information he had gathered only brewed distrust for THe Benefactor and THe Quiet Rapture. Back then Gakushi had believed that The Quiet Rapture was a white lie told to the general public to keep what little order the powers that lead held over people. (Although he was part of an important family he was never able to get answwers...Gakushi was always told he; "Askes too many questions") The more time he spent alone, the more time he had to question everything about The Benefactor, The Abyss, and Life itself.
Through being "Kept safe" by his mother and father until he was able to go to a private school; due to his lack of social interaction as a child Gakushi had only made five friends at school.In his mid-teens Gakushi had ran away from home and had to resort to alternate between living with friends and living on the streets. The first few weeks he had been recognized and brought back home. Much to his dismay. After a year he had altered his appearance, mentality, and speech patterns. This time when he ran away he was successful. Gakushi had not yet amassed the charisma to gain followers-no even his friends-and had not yet formulated a plan to destroy the current world and cause its rebirth through The Abyss. One day before the dawn Gakushi and his handful of friends took to The Wild's Woods to steal some of the Blue Fruits. As successful as they were Gakushi had found something superior to Umbra Corp's vision.
The aloneliness coldly boiling in Gakuhi had never left even as he made friends. He knew how much he meant to them but hadn't been equipped with the social skills to actually trust in those feeling. So in his headspace Gakushi hides away praying to The Abyss that a) he never returns home. and b) People don't leave him. This feeling alone with self-doubt had attracted a Wild to him and, truly? THe Wild took pity on him and promised to be his "Somebody you could trust." This Abyssal Connection had caused a metamorphosis within Gakushi and he finally felt that he was gifted the power to changed this ever-present and ailingworld, and do it he shall. Inventory: A few spell books written in The Wild's language.
Four carton of hand-rolled cigarettes.
An Abysall Respiratory Mask.
A insulated thermos full of Blue Fruit juice,