The Everyman
Name: Manutko “Manny” Takaduron
Species: Bothan
Age: 35
Species: Bothan
Age: 35

Manny stands somewhat taller than the average of his species, at 1.7 meters or about 5 foot 5. His build is naturally lean and athletic like most of his species, although he is no exemplar in that field. Matching his eyes, his fur is colored in hues of dark slate and charcoal, deepening into black where it grows into his well groomed hair and sideburns. Liking to keep himself well put together, partially as a means to stay sane, he puts care into his personal grooming and often dresses in snappy, professional attire.
A Nice Briefcase: Part of Delva Racine’s “Galactic Man” line of male fashion accessories. It holds things. Equipped with a biometric lock, baffleweave lined interior, and a moonstone embossed Delva Racine logo on the handle. Not the most prudent purchase.
A Thermal Detonator: Currently jostling around inside the briefcase. Hidden from scanners thanks to the baffleweave lining.
A Ministerial Government ID Badge: Mostly useless at this point.
Official Demeanor: Working as a civil servant filling various functions within the Ministerial Government - as a secretary, a data analyst, an aide, an event coordinator, the list goes on - has conditioned Manny well on how to keep his emotions in check and assess situations levelly. At the very least, his mind has always been keen.
King of the Termites: Manny is a hard worker, and knows how to knuckle down and get things done. He will focus tirelessly on a project either physical or cerebral until it has reached completion. Perhaps most importantly, he’s happy to work in teams and is comfortable in both leadership and support positions.
Entirely Untested: Manny is a civilian in every sense of the word. He has never touched a weapon or even gotten into a physical altercation of any kind. He understands nothing of criminal underbellies and couldn’t tell a vibro-blade from a deathstick.
Manny was a young, single father struggling to make ends meet when the Jedi came for his son. He wasn’t ready to raise a child on his own, and he was reeling from loss. He was scared. The Jedi told Manny his son would be a keeper of peace and justice. They didn’t mention anything about child soldiers.
For years he worked at himself, worked at his career, and simmered quietly with resentment as an uncaring Republic squeezed his planet dry. Tensions did what they do, and grew. War was declared. It didn’t affect him much. The Jedi would knock some sense into both sides and the stagnant Republic would learn a lesson in allowing itself to be ruled by greed and corruption. The woman Manny gave his child to was older and wiser than he, and with people like that in power, maybe things wouldn’t be so bad.
So far, Manny has been 0 for 2 in turning to optimism in times of trouble.
It wasn’t long after the war began that it became public knowledge on Exaron that the Jedi had thrown their lots in with the Republic since the beginning, and that they had padawans marching into battle. To many, that small detail was lost on them entirely. The Order was mythical to the galaxy at large and their lexicon wasn’t one that you picked up by chance. To those that did understand, opinions were divided any number of ways.
“How awful!”
“They’re supposed to be supernatural, right?”
“Callous but necessary.”
“As long as it isn’t my child.” Well.
As the war dragged on, Manny found himself in a haze. He was intrinsically motivated to prefer that the Separatists win, but how could he? His child was being used as a tool. Being indoctrinated to serve oppressors. Whenever news of battles won and lost reached his ears he simply lacked the ability to feel anything other than numb. The first time he felt hope in years was when word came that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was reorganizing the old, decayed government into a new Galactic Empire. Maybe an iron fist was needed to force society back onto the correct course. Maybe one man with the best intentions could do what thousands of corrupt politicians failed to.
Then, the announcement was made that the Jedi were apparently violent dissidents destined for extermination. He doesn’t know if the great purge took the life of the son he never knew, and he tries not to think about it.
0 for 3.
Life, in all this time on Exaron, has not changed much for its people. Nor for Manny himself. For nearly 15 years he has waded through life as purgatory, caught in a miasma of feigned indifference and barely constrained rage. Ever since his wife died, leaving him alone with a child he could not hope to care for, he has been in a fugue. The Clone Wars. The Jedi Purge. The Rebellion. All this time, Manny has avoided ever truly considering the weight of the galaxy around him. Sitting on the fence. Whiling away the days in performative professionalism underpinned by an anger and an anxiety so consuming, in a universe so terrifying, that this Bothan could not afford to look outward or within. So he has squeezed his eyes shut to it all.
Now, all hell is breaking loose over some random crash landed ship, the imperial garrison has swarmed the capital, and his job is probably in jeopardy. So far anyways, they’ve let him keep it.
These days, Manny carries an explosive with him everywhere he goes. Buying it was the scariest thing he ever did, and he’s still not sure what he’s going to do with it now that he has it.
Manny has been pushed to the edge, further than ever before. Furious and close to a breaking point, he’s exactly one employment termination notice away from exploding. Probably literally.