Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

How did I end up in a Dungeon!?


The average individual has the same monotonous life, a daily pattern, and after awhile the boredum of that beat sets in. A beat that gets duller and duller. It tends to be the same thing over and over again but there is the little bits of excitement and joy. Still, you wanted something different. You wanted change. And that's how you got into the dungeon. The dungeon does not randomly occur by chance. It's a direct consequence of your collective and subconscious yearning for something more than your ordinary life.

This concept is about writing a character who is quite ordinary and extremely bored in their everyday life and they end up somewhere new. They wished for it. There is a saying, "Be careful what you wish for or you might just get it," and that's the experience. Every single person was wishing for something more or a change in pace or to be completely different from themselves and they ended up in the dungeon.

Your character was not anything special in the real world (or the original world) and everyone came from Earth or an Earth-like universe. The background could be anything from college student to professor or stay at home mom to manager at a grocery store. All of this, all of what they knew is temporarily paused or possibly forever forgotten and left behind. Your character might wake up with no abilities and be a regular human or they wake up with magnificent abilities. They might have differences in their appearance; pointer ears, longer fangs, or possibly their skin turned green!
The many different things that can happen with change. Requested change at that.

Core Mechanics

All actions are resolved by a singular d20 roll.

1 - 9 = Failure
10 - 16 = Partial success
17 - 20 = Success

A natural 20 has benefits. If you roll a natural 20, your character will get a "luck point" which they can use to re-roll a dice or add a +1 to an outcome of a dice roll of their choosing.

A natural 1 has disadvantages. This could be mean instead of the sword hitting an enemy. It might hit your foot or a friend nearby or it could simply shatter from being so rusty.


Bare Fists are only going to damage by d4

Physical Weapons are anything; a broom stick, a handful of rocks, a knife, or a bucket. These do damage of d6

Heavy Weapons are like physical weapons but heavier or more eccentric; a hammer, a gardening tool, a chainsaw. These do damage of d12

Basic Magic anything that can be done without much focus or attempt. Mending cuts and bruises with a touch and the help of herbs. Creating small illusions like shadows dancing across a wall. Creating small flames to light candles or torches. Forcing moisture in the air to create small ice shards. When attacking with basic magic attacks, d4 damage.

Medium Magic needs more focus and technique such as creating fireballs, controlling weather, turning wood into stone, or or being able to detect things that the regular eye cannot see. If doing damage with such level of magic, d10 damage is dealt.

Advanced magic does need more focus and such. This includes reanimating the dead, summoning spirits (demons or entities), being able to turn someone into an animal like a mouse. These abilities can do d12 damage when using it to attack.

All of the noted abilities or possibilities of magic or weapons are not above. This is a guideline of understanding what items are considered what and how much damage they can do.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am going to emphasize not to worry about a power/ability list because your character will gain knowledge, experience, and have progress throughout the world to be able to add on new abilities or enhance the power of the abilities that are already stated.

For example -> starting out you have fire ball -> you find a scroll of experience -> you read the scroll out loud -> you can cast a cluster of fire balls.

This role-play is aimed for character development and interaction more than anything.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Skyguard I would appreciate if you post your character in the OOC or in my DMs for review and approval before it goes in the character tab. Thank you.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

Member Seen 1 hr ago

2nd Draft for Candace Profile

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sorry, I will edit the character post and repost my draft here.

Given Name: Candace Saint Arnaud

Role: Customer Service Rep for Department Store

Class: Elf Necromancer

Appearance: Candace now has long pointy ears, lengthy white hair, and shimmering green eyes on fairly tall and slender build.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: Just under 6 feet

Weight: About 120 pounds

Distinguishing Features: Candace has no tattoos, scars, nor piercings yet.

Starting Attire: Candace is wearing rather ornate black robes that donā€™t really have any special enchantments but do offer minor protection, especially at the shoulders. She also has a fancy staff that does help her channel her necromancy magic.

Personality traits: Candace is generally introverted and reticent, but loyal to a fault to certain people she has come to respect, often overlooking their faults and minimizing their mistakes almost to the point of hero worship. On the other hand, she tends to be dismissive and judgemental of people who make a bad impression on her. Candace is afraid of herself, her feelings, and her pain, and she doesnā€™t want her friends to know of her struggles.

Ideals: Candaceā€™s work in customer service to spoiled people has left her jaded to the human condition. Rather than having any intentions to bettering humanity as a whole, her priorities have shifted to preserving herself, her loved ones, and her friends at any reasonable cost, and she desires to explore her necromantic abilities to potentially bring back the loved ones she has lost.

Motivations: Disease and death haunted Candace, claiming her parents, her grandfather, her twin sister, and sense of taste in smell, as well as her overall physical and mental health. Her transformation has restored her senses and amplified all of them, however her family is still gone, and her sanity has likely only slipped further. Candace thinks she has seen her sister and believes that her sister is leading her toward the knowledge she will need to bring her, her grandfather, and maybe even her parents back. Until that time, she knows she will need to rely on others to cover for her weaknesses, and perhaps she can even keep the helpful companions around once she has mastered her abilities and achieved immortality.

Flaws: Candace is still rather fragile and lacking in self esteem, despite her cool new looks and abilities. With access to souls and corpses, she can create servants and employ spells to keep her enemies off of her, but without the proper raw materials, she is rather helpless if her enemies get to her.

Weaknesses: Candace has become an elf, blessed with a longer life, grace, superior senses, and enhanced magical abilities. However, those abilities come at the cost of being extra vulnerable to magical counterattacks, and the enhanced senses also enhance the pain felt when getting hurt.

Background: Candace and her twin sister were orphaned when they were six years old when their parents perished in a car accident (Candace and her sister Melanie were not in the car at the time). Their grandparents on their motherā€™s side took them in and raised them in a small apartment in Jacksonville Florida. The sisters were inseparable, and both went to a community college in Jacksonville and had nearly graduated when 2020 happened. Covid ended up being incredibly devastating to the Saint Arnaud family, claiming the lives of Melanie and their grandfather, Jean, while leaving Candace and her grandmother, Marie, with long Covid symptoms including a loss of senses of taste and smell. Candace graduated college and got a job at a department store and was eventually promoted to be a customer service representative, where she got good at pretending to care about the companyā€™s spoiled customers while she suppressed her grief. While she put up a strong face, inside, Candace was an absolute wreck as she struggled to mourn her losses and take care of her ailing Grandmother, and she constantly found herself praying to whatever higher power existed that her circumstances could change. Much to her surprise, they didā€¦

When in school, Candace and her sister took dance lessons and participated in some school sports like softball and soccer, but Candace was never particularly amazing at any of these activities. The twin sisters still participated in some club activities during their college years, but after Melanie died and Candace began her career, she stopped taking lessons and participating in any athletics. The two girls did enjoy reading fiction, fantasy, and romance stories, and were quite well read.

Abilities: Candace can use her Necromancy spells to bring back creatures to fight for her. This is an advanced spell that takes at least ten minutes to do, although as she gets more proficient, she can probably get this time down for weaker intact bodies. Given multiple bodies, tools, and souls, she can also combine bodies to create more powerful minions.

Candace can also launch the souls of the dead at the souls of the living to try to dislodge the souls of the living. Given more souls and more experience, Candace will likely be able to cause more powerful Soul Blasts. She can pry the souls from her servants to use as ammunition for this spell at the cost of the continued animation of the servant.

When in dire straits, Candace can project her emotional and physical pain onto a nearby foe, potentially staggering them if they werenā€™t expecting it, potentially giving her friends and servants time to bail her out. Candace is loath to use this ability due to her fear of being emotionally vulnerable.

Thank you, thank you. I would recommend these changes or discussing them with me (clarify them if you will):

Realistic Face Claim add a realistic face claim. That is a requirement to emphasize your character going from the earth/real world to whatever this dungeon crawler world is. Your character becoming elf-life is probably blended into the wish of change. Keep the artisty face claim for the reference of change (the same thing I did for Archer).

Appearance and weapons your character is freshly entering the dungeon, meaning, she does not have any clothing or weapons that are tied into this fantasy world. She has what she was wearing in the real world and she has what is on her. She could have been phased in during her lunch break at work or her day off as she walked down the street. She would have modern clothing.

Racial and weaknesses your character is still human in a sense though they have the addition of these racial traits. She would not acquire longer life but her appearance could totally change into looking 100% elf type of deal along with magic enhancement. I would encourage you to describe what superior senses are (this is vague and it could be the seven senses or more). I would encourage possibly adding more racial weaknesses such as her not being able to wear or deal with iron or heavy metal materials (getting rashes/cannot use it) and the like since your character's only weaknesses are when she is being attacked/hurt.


Remember, our characters are starting out so they have no idea of how to use these powers yet so they will be clumsy and make a lot of mistakes, possibly, at first with them. I would recommend adding a d4 roll onto the necromancy/reanimating ability so she can only raise up to 4 skeletons/dead at a time and she will have to be around a graveyard, piles of bones, or a body for this to work. You can do the 10 minute focus, if you want to, but I would recommend for the advanced ability for it to just have a success/failure difference form the normal like 1-14 = failure and 15-20 = success.

For soul blasts, I would have it be required that she needs access to freshly dead souls (a freshly dead body) or souls that are trapped in a bottle that she can use. Currently, she would not have a bottle but you never know, she will be able to obtain one, one day! I feel like this is a disorientation spell/stun spell, so I would suggest writing that when she does this (forcing a soul into someone) that they are stunned for 3 character posts.

For people with living souls, that is very advanced, and that would cause the individual to become "dead" in a sort so I would like to stay away from that for the moment because that would be extremely overpowered and make it so she could tank everything herself. I would recommend that she can only do this to one person at a time and once she uses a soul, she cannot reuse it. Souls being an energy material.

With the physical and emotional ability, I would recommend that she can only use this on a singular target as well. I would encourage a d4 to be rolled to determine the number of posts that the character stunned/phased for. This does not have a cool down. She can do this every single post, if she wants too, but she can only do it to one enemy per post.

An addition to the physical and emotional ability is if she is touching the enemies. I think it is fair, if she is physically grabbing onto two individuals, and she does this ability successfully. That two people can be stunned and it would allow her to get away as well.

I hope my paragraph is not overwhelming for you and if it is! We can speak in DMs or discuss this to get on a leveled ground of what you want and what I will allow. Everything else looks wonderful from what I can tell and if she still has the motivation to get immortality, that can definitely be done through character progress, experience, and combat to get more coin, rare items, and so on!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I should emphasize, characters have to be from the real world/earth-like world. They are average individuals that might have specific things that could give them enhancements compared to others (knowing martial arts, being great at soccer, was in swim, etc...).

This role-play is about character development. You want to think about the abilities rationally and reasonable to being FORCED out of your comfort world. Your every day world. And into a strange one where your character have abilities that your character cannot necessarily control at all or properly for a little bit.

Think if you woke up one day, instead of your bed, you are in a dungeon and when you get up. You shake your hand and a fireball comes out of it. That would freak you out, right? At first at least and then you might try it again. It doesn't work. You throw up your hand and a fireball comes out of it. The characters have to get used to themselves even if it takes 1-2 posts. They have to get a feel and understanding for their abilities and at first, they might not realize they have *all* the abilities that they have.

Through role-play story and a dice rolling enemies out of existence. Your character will gain experience, understanding, and more for themselves, others, and all around in the categories of physical, magical, and so on.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Skyguard
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Skyguard Learning the Ropes

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I should emphasize, characters have to be from the real world/earth-like world. They are average individuals that might have specific things that could give them enhancements compared to others (knowing martial arts, being great at soccer, was in swim, etc...).

This role-play is about character development. You want to think about the abilities rationally and reasonable to being FORCED out of your comfort world. Your every day world. And into a strange one where your character have abilities that your character cannot necessarily control at all or properly for a little bit.

Think if you woke up one day, instead of your bed, you are in a dungeon and when you get up. You shake your hand and a fireball comes out of it. That would freak you out, right? At first at least and then you might try it again. It doesn't work. You throw up your hand and a fireball comes out of it. The characters have to get used to themselves even if it takes 1-2 posts. They have to get a feel and understanding for their abilities and at first, they might not realize they have *all* the abilities that they have.

Through role-play story and a dice rolling enemies out of existence. Your character will gain experience, understanding, and more for themselves, others, and all around in the categories of physical, magical, and so on.

I appreciate your feedback! It will take me a decent while to parse through everything and adjust Candace accordingly. I plan on getting my second draft up tomorrow.

I confess I am not entirely certain what you mean when you mention DMing you. Does DM stand for Discord Message or something else?

Also, I don't have experience drawing my characters or using AI to create halfway decent pictures. Lacking these skills, what are my options for submitting an acceptable face claim? I've typically just searched for pictures on Google images, but this method is difficult to use for getting a decent enough picture, let alone multiple similar pictures. I am guessing you want me to use a picture of what Candace looked like when she was a human?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by The Savant>

I appreciate your feedback! It will take me a decent while to parse through everything and adjust Candace accordingly. I plan on getting my second draft up tomorrow.

I confess I am not entirely certain what you mean when you mention DMing you. Does DM stand for Discord Message or something else?

Also, I don't have experience drawing my characters or using AI to create halfway decent pictures. Lacking these skills, what are my options for submitting an acceptable face claim? I've typically just searched for pictures on Google images, but this method is difficult to use for getting a decent enough picture, let alone multiple similar pictures. I am guessing you want me to use a picture of what Candace looked like when she was a human?

Do not worry about it! Take your time to read through and figure everything out. Ask me questions if need be. DMing means private message. DM = direct message.

Yes, I want you to use an image of what Candace looked like human as well as what she looks like now. You have one reference, the elvish reference, so I would recommend just finding a a photograph on Google, Pinterest, etc ... For the realistic face claim. She doesn't have to look at all alike from real world picture to dungeon crawler picture.

For example, a character can be a 7 foot tall male basketball player with very dark skin. Maybe he wishes for something different or wishes he could be someone else and ends up as a Caucasian 4'11 female dwarf-esque character. A drastic change but a change that could happen.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Does the realistic FC have to be a photo? I'm averse to faces of real people in ficfion tbh.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@SilverPaw No, the realistic face claim can be a realistic charcoal or pencil drawing or painted. It has to be realistic. It's the requirement for the character sheet to emphasize the changes that happen.

Your secondary reference, the reference of how they look in the dungeon has no strict guidelines. Just keep the reference hallway decent so it can be used as a proper visual.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I would be tempted to make an application for this if there is still room for one more :)
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I would be tempted to make an application for this if there is still room for one more :)

There is definitely room.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

They start off as human but they can become a fantasy race in the dungeon?

Are there restrictions on what races you'll allow?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

They start off as human but they can become a fantasy race in the dungeon?

Are there restrictions on what races you'll allow?

There are no restrictions on races. Your character can take on the appearance and qualities of whatever race. They wished for it. Just keep in mind, your character is fresh in the dungeon (new/weaker at the start).
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Apologies for having been quiet -- I had a quite tedious week so far. I will try to get my application up over the course of the weekend.
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