Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Tony-@McNephelim Mitsuaki@Morgannis Ouga@Sho Minazuki Mikazuki@Letter Bee

The fight was something Bakuto was glad to watch. Then another of the other 'true' Shinigamis showed up. Shouko Ouga was the name he called them. When told they need to return to their bodies Bakuto snapped back into reality, "Oh right, my body! Now where did that wander off to...I'll be right back. Got to find that thing."

Wasn't long under he found his body performing some sort of sideshow racking up people coming to the shop for calls. Bakuto almost laughed at the showoff that was the personality of the candy that was inside his body until he saw all the work it left him to do. "You were supposed to repair the bikes...not get more for me to work on..."

Dragging his body back inside quickly and shutting out any more people from entering the building to give him more work. To the public Bakuto walked awkwardly into the building and the door slammed shut on them. "Now cough out that candy!" After a bit of work of trying to get the candy out of his body. Bakuto sort of just grabbed his body and tried to shove his spirit hand down its throat until it threw up the candy. Then jumped back into his own body. "Ouch...my throat hurts now...got to ask how to get these things out easier next time..."

Getting to work was his next task. Or at least sort of 'work' While his Konpaku brought in more work Bakuto's work ethic or rather lack there of when it comes to working in the bike shop. Bakuto put together bikes, or at least sort of. He made the bikes 'look' good. Repairing by tapping things back together. Making them 'look' not broken. Once he got 'done' he put his tools away then grabbed his stuff and headed to the area where the meeting was.

"Sorry I'm late, that Konpaku decided it wanted to bring in more business to this place. Don't worry, I fixed that problem." Bakuto says with a smile on his face. His lack of working was also to keep those people from coming back. "So what is this meeting? We gonna go hunt those Hollow thingys? Could try my luck at punching another one of those things." Bakuto joked how he met his first Hollow, "Maybe it won't almost kill me this time."

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Interactions: Ouga & Shouko: @Sho Minazuki Bakuto: @BladeSS4 Sara: @LadyAnnaLee Darius: @WSilversun Mitsuaki: @Morgannis Mikazuki: @Letter Bee

Tony didn't saw the fight, despite literally looking straight at it, he kinda just. froze there for a bit. acting chill in his particular fashion, he blinked a bit after he heard the voice of a female shinigami, his indifference quickly dissipated like mist, "Ah!!!", he jumped a bit in place, he quickly shook off the fear and looked away from the shinigami, although she pretty much ignored him, and he couldn't blame her, he had acted like a weirdo up until now, all silent and just screaming a lot.

He approached to Ouga, and he poke his shoulder a bit, almost begging for a bit of his attention, "Heh... Mr. Ouga???", His japanese was rough, really rough, he didn't quite understood honorifics so he just said Mister in english. "Can i have that transforming soul candy??? i wanna turn into my shinigami form and do something, like... i don't know, sparring with someone?"

He looked around to see if someone looked interesting to spar with (although he wasn't really the type of person to fight with some random person), he closed his eyes, and began to move his finger to one of the people in the room, he kept this for some seconds before stopping, he opened his eyes, "Oh... you, heh, sorry to ask but, wanna spar?", he was pointing to the young girl, Sara, he quickly lowered his hand, "Heh, if you don't wanna fight, it's ok, i don't wanna do it too...", he quickly lowered his head, crossing his arms, he had turned shamefully red, 'God i really asked a 17 year-old to fight, god that was stupid from my part...', he thinked.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Darius Stone

[center][b]Sagamiyama - Ouga's Shop
Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Mitsuaki @Morgannis - Mikazuki @Letter Bee - Ouga @Sho Minazuki - Et All

Darius was, when he first arrived, a touch distracted- While the others greeted each other and set about their match, he slowed from his jog to catch his breath in a secluded corner. A grimace pulled at his features, body half hunched over with an arm pressed to his middle. The healing he had received, when he first accepted Ouga's offer, had been substantial, had certainly saved his life- but it had not been perfect, and he was reminded of that now. Not so long ago, a short run like the one he took with Mikazuki wouldn't have even phased him, and he might have made it thrice as fast. Now, he was left panting softly, a sharp pain radiating out from the still-scabbed wounds across his abdomen.

This time, at least, they hadn't broken open. It was progress, given how often he had torn his sutures over the past few weeks. It was a few minutes later on that the pain receded, letting him straighten up with a soft groan, collecting himself and smoothing his expression before he stepped back into the open. It wouldn't do, after all, to let these kids see him in pain. They had enough to worry about.

He managed to compose himself enough to catch the latter half of the sparring match, nodding greetings to the others and flashing grins, hoping they might believe he had simply snuck off to the restroom briefly. As Mitsuaki and Mikazuki sparred, he joined the others in cheers and encouragement, grinning broadly all the while. They moved well, and their techniques got sharper every time he saw them, since they had all begun their training with the Shinigami. When Mikazuki was finally knocked flat, he winced sympathetically, though he still whooped and clapped for Mitsuaki's success- and once Ouga had his say, stepped in to give his own congratulations, brushing some dust from Mikazuki's back with a few pats, and offering an approving squeeze to Mitsuaki's shoulder.

"You boys are moving well, better every time. Ouga has the right of it though, there's always room for another step forward. Still, soon enou--"

Whatever else he had intended to say was cut off by the arrival of Shouko. The woman's demeanor never failed to put his back up, a faint grimace tugging at his lips as he straightened, caught just the same as Ouga, effectively talking to ghosts in the street. Somehow, it felt worse when she was right. Still, he turned to follow the others back inside to hear whatever it was that Shouko had to tell them, muttering softly under his breath on the way.

"I've had bleeding Master Sergeants with less ice in their veins..."
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sara saw Hayasegawa show up as she was watching the spars. She shrank down on herself trying to hide, pointlessly, she knew. But that didn’t stop her from trying. She had no idea why the Shinigami took an interest in her, and it wasn’t like Sara disliked Hayasegawa. She actually thought Hayasegawa was super pretty and elegant, but for some reason she was significantly less cool with Sara. Sara had no idea what to do with that. She just wanted to fade into the background. How was that so hard.

She did nod in response to the elegant woman’s greeting, "Hello Hayasegawa-san. Yes, I’ve been alright. It’s good to see you too."

(Start of collaboration with @McNephelim Thank you so much!)

Sara started as Tony asked her for a spar. She couldn't think of a reason to say no, and she did need to practice, so she tucked her phone away.

Standing she nodded, "I suppose." She left her body and nervously held her blade, unsure if she was holding it correctly, "Do you mind making the first move?"

Tony must have agreed to taking the first move because he lunged at her with a downward slash, apparently deliberately slow so, Sara easily saw the blow coming and instinctively fell backwards into a smooth back flip. She had just enough sense to land on the hand not holding her Zanpakutō. Coming up, and without really thinking about aiming she fired off, "Bakudo Hainawa." She didn't expect the glowing rope of yellow Reshi to do much to bind Tony. He did have more Reiryoku than her after all.

Sara finally managed to get to a point where she could look around, and paused in shock. She had actually got him! With out even hesitating she fired off, "Hado Shakkahō!" this time making sure to aim properly. Was that the smartest move? No, not really it wasn't like she had much Reiryoku after all. She watched as Tony finally managed to get loose of the Hainawa and raise his blade up to block the blow. Maybe her spell would be just a touch faster.

Nope, that wasn't good. Sara hit Tony straight on, but the older boy managed to be faster and block it with his sword. This caused the blast to veer off path. Knowing she couldn't afford to send blast after blast of Kido off, she decided to try some she had seen in one of the videos she had watched. Sara took the hilt of her Zanpakutō in both hands and rushed at Tony. When she was almost there, she used a touch of Hoho to leap just high enough into the air to land on top of him. Sara didn't think she was doing the move right, but also knew she would never get it right of she didn't practice. She wasn’t surprised by Tony managing to block the blow.

Tony was the better swordman. Sara knew this. So, why had she thought it was a good idea to attack him head on? Something about practice. Right. That was still difficult to think about as she clumsily landed on her feet and immediately had to dodge a flurry of Tony’s attacks with his Zanpakutō. She dodged most of them but missed one and it went sliding past her side. Sara wasn't sure how injured she was, but she felt the pain radiating from the point of contact as she let out a hiss. Instinctively, she reached for the skill she was still working on perfecting, the one called Graceful Slide. With that she managed to put some distance between her and her opponent. She hadn't really wanted this fight in the first place but had wanted to claim she was being social. One hand came off the hilt to hold her aching side. The other held the blade in a diagonal slash across her chest. Sara eyed Tony warily, waiting for his next blow. She wouldn't yield quite yet, but damn she hurt.

Tony had paused, falling into a defensive stance, “ Y'know I can stop if you're hurt,” It sounded like there was uncharacteristic concern in his voice, “I don't really want to damage you so much, I wanted to spar with someone, not hurt them."

Sara risked a glance at her hand while Tony talked about ending the fight. There was no blood, so she was probably just bruised. She gritted her teeth as she took hold of her Zanpakutō with both hands again. She didn't want to lose, she realized, she might not want to win, but she certainly didn't want to just let Tony win. If he was going to win, then she wanted to make him work for it. She was going to make him work for it. But what to do? She wasn't betting him with Zanjutsu, and she didn't have the energy to just dart around the playing field with Hoho flinging Kido at him. Actually, maybe if she got smart. With a plan in mind she moved as quick as she could, not giving herself time to second guess or Tony time to react she jumped into another Graceful Glide. Halfway through she dropped her Zanpakutō. Keeping her eyes on Tony she fired off another “Bakudo Hainawa." This time she made sure to do her best to catch him. She was hoping to circle around him using Graceful Slide, looping the Kido spell around him. If that worked the next time, she passed her Zanpaktuo she would grab it and rush him. This series of techniques would exhaust her, so she wouldn't be able to keep going for too long after that. But she wasn't letting Tony off easy. That was for sure.

She got him! She even got a few loops of Hainawa around him! Sara honestly hadn't expected that. She quickly moved to grab her Zanpaktuo. Too bad she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing and had next to no practice scooping swords off the ground in the middle of the fight. She fumbled getting a grip, failed, and couldn't recover. She was still in a direct line with Tony and couldn't change course. She went toppling into him, knocking them both to the ground. At one point Sara hit her head and let out a yelp. With her concentration broken, her Kido failed. Sara hissed as she slowly sat up, fight forgotten. She hurt all over and she gingerly touched where she hit her head. She spoke softly, probably in shock, "Oh, that's not good." She was bleeding and had like nine fingers, or maybe it was eight. So, she was seeing some type of double which meant a concussion, at the least. Slowly she evaluated the rest of how she felt. Her side hurt even worse. Her shoulder had probably made contact with the ground because now that hurt. She felt like one big bruise and was fighting to keep her eyes open. Suddenly she remembered the fight and tried to use Graceful Slide to get some distance. She must have miscalculated something because she went crashing into a wall. Yeah, she was done. She hurt too much to keep going. She was just going to sit here for a while and try not to fall asleep with a concussion.

She did look up as she heard Tony come over, “Sorry... I'm a idiot...

He looked guilty, which was stupid because she had agreed to the spar, and she told him so, “Don’t be stupid. I agreed to the fight. I’m the one that didn’t calculate my last move right. This isn’t your fault." She sighed, “But if you feel like you have to do something, can you find my Zanpakutō. I may not know how to use it right, but I still feel uneasy without it."
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sagamiyama - Kintama Autoshop

Saturday Afternoon

Bakuto:@BladeSS4 Mitsuaki:@Morgannis Tony:@McNephelim Sara:@LadyAnnaLee Tony:@McNephelim Mikazuki:@Letter Bee Darius: @WSilversun

From midday to the afternoon the entire group had passed the time at the autoshop whatever way they could. Ouga continued to give some pointers for those looking to train and improve, while Shouko prepared some light meals and made idle conversation, as well as care for those who needed it. Despite her cold demeanor she was the one who handled most Kido based tasks. By all accounts it was a rather sleepy day, yet the air around Shouko hung with a foreboding feeling, and those more sensitive to the feelings of others might feel it. Whatever she needed to tell everyone seemed to be rather serious. They would of course, soon find out in the afternoon when Bakuto had returned and everyone was there and accounted for.

"Well, now that everybody's here, Shouko you came here with a rather serious look", she always looked serious. "So what's the news that's so important we all gotta be here?" She nodded silently as she stood up at the table. The autoshop lobby had the furniture moved to fit a big table in the middle where everyone was seated. Ever since everyone here had started as a Shinigami they had occasionally had meetings with one or two other members, but never like this all at once.

"It is not only relevant to us Shinigami from Soul Society, but also for all those living in this town, and naturally this includes all Substitute Shinigami too. As all of the accounted for Shinigami in Sagamiyama, this news comes as most critical... The Hollow Warlord Regalhorn has been spotted near the city", this name meant nothing to anyone here but Ouga and Shouko, but with the seriousness of which she described this Hollow, it seemed this was a serious threat. Ouga's exchanged

"For those of us who don't know, Regalhorn is a powerful Hollow who thrived during the Soul War around twenty years ago. During this period there was no Shinigami activity in the human world, and so he freely consumed and grew in strength until the average Shinigami could not slay him... Normally, he stays within Hueco Mundo now, where even specialized Shinigami cannot chase him, as that is the world of Hollows, however he's been spotted outside of that realm, which is a cause for concern. He is called a Hollow Warlord, as he commands a large force of Hollow, and so this information comes as a warning about an imminent spike in Hollow activity as soon as perhaps even tonight", she leaned forward and looked each and every one in the eyes.

"I'd like everyone to go on patrol tonight and meet up first in Sakuhana Park, and we'll coordinate our tasks then", it didn't seem there was a choice in the matter. The threat was enough that they needed all hands it seemed.

"If there are any questions, feel free to ask them now before you all go home and prepare yourselves for the night ahead".
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Interactions: Ouga & Shouko: @Sho Minazuki

"I have a question..." Tony rose his arm, his face seemed to convey little to no worry for the new great threat he had been informed of.

"What was Hueco Mundo...?" Tony said as he awkwardly smiled, clueless, how clueless was he at this whole situation. "And why is it in spanish?" He also added.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Darius Stone

Sagamiyama - Ouga's Shop

Darius had spent the bulk of the afternoon helping out around the shop as a matter of course. He was hardly any good at repairing bikes, but there was plenty of heavy lifting and cleaning to be done in any shop, and he was happy to lend a hand... Even if it was only to stave off his own restlessness and boredom, while the younger folk got up to their training. When the time came to be seated and briefed, he sank into his chair with a soft grunt, and focused up. He could almost wish he hadn't, a frown deepening over his features the more Shouko explained.

By the time she finished, he was leaned forward in his seat, fingers laced on the table to keep from fidgeting and back rigid, concern clear in every line of him.

"Up until now, we've been led to believe that Hollows are practically animals- Clever animals, but still operating on simple needs. Hunger, violent envy for the living, the simple need to lash out. What you're describing now sounds more like a terror cell on the move- I've certainly sat through enough of those briefings to know the sound of it. Are you telling me these things can organize? That there's some higher thinking going on?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki asked a simple question, "What was the Soul War? And to echo Darius' question... What are Hollows? And are they more than just monsters that eat souls? I presume you didn't tell us about their nature before because you wanted to vet us for trustworthiness first?"

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Afternoon
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki Mikazuki@Letter Bee

Getting to things or the meat to the question Bakuto came into the room for was what he had been waiting for. Getting orders to fight some hollows. Bakuto listened intently and tried his best not to start running out of the room to search for this hollow. The Hollow Warlord they called it. As questions came forth, what is hueco mundo, it was a question Bakuto didn't really think of, he figured it was something similar to where these Shinigami came from but for Hollows. Bakuto heard Mikazuki's question about Hollows. Bakuto was quick to chime in, "You don't know what they are? You are right about monsters. I nearly was killed by one before this whole substitute job we got going here. But as for what they are. I think they were people if I remember what was all pitched at me when I got talked into doing all this. People souls who what was it again couldn't move on right? We kill them to clean them I think that is what i was told."

Bakuto added his 'wisdom' to the mix adding his experience when he first fought one. Bakuto then figured that he should start asking questions himself, "So it's safe to assume we can't go to this hucco moon place either since special shinigami aren't allowed either. So where were these sightings? Did this Hollow appear last? Maybe we can go there, poke around and I don't slice it up until it speaks no more. Or do you have something else you want us to do?"

As Bakuto spoke and asked questions he was 'stealthy' making his way to the door. Wanting to get ready to start hunting the monsters down. He pulls out the konpaku candy, "Are we using these? Or do you have a better method to get us out of our bodies?" Bakuto did put his candy back; he just kept it in his pocket. Fully planning on sprinting out as soon as he is given the go ahead or rather a general idea of location where he should go or where the hollows sightings were at.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sara listened to Hayasegawa explanation and reason why she had gathered everyone together. It made sense. Sara wouldn’t have wanted to tell this new multiple times, and now Hayasegawa and Tatsuha could make sure that their recruits didn’t play a game of telephone, making something already bad worse. Then there was the question and answer portion of the meeting and Sara had to admit that that was a good idea, and that the questions, for the most part, were excellent. Tony’s question about what Hueco Mundo was, was a good question that Sara wanted an answer too. Darius question about Hollows being basically animals was also a good question and raised other concerns about what else Hayasegawa and Tatsuha had bent the truth about. Mikazuki’s question was good, but Sara didn’t think a history lesson would solve the problem right now. Bakuto apparently agreed because he was already trying to leave. Sara had a question of her own, but she wasn’t going to ask it out loud. She wasn’t that stupid.

What the hell did Hayasegawa and Tatsuha think a bunch of brand-new Substitute Shinigami were going to do about this so call Hollow Warlord?

Sara herself knew that She could barely swing a sword. After Mikazuki had healed her concussion, which had taken longer than it would have if Hayasegawa had done it, much longer, but Sara was more than willing to be Mikazuki’s practice dummy, Tatsuha had lectured her about ways to improve, and while Sara honestly had tried to pay attention, she couldn’t remember all of it, and she hated herself felt bad about that. She was barely any good at fighting regular Hollows. Up until this point her general strategy was to just distract them until someone who liked fighting and was good at it came to finish the job. Somehow, she didn’t think that a Hollow Warlord, whatever that meant, would be so kind as to not kill her until some like Bakuto showed up.

THoughout the meeting Sara had been hunching her shoulders and slouching in her chair, desperately trying to make herself seem smaller and smaller. She wasn’t a fool enough to think that meant she could get out of the meeting in the park tonight, but hopefully the boys would distract Hayasegawa and Tatsuha enough that she wouldn’t be given any real work. Maybe she could just shadow Darius or Bakuto for an hour or two. Maybe … maybe … maybe. Ah, hell, who was she kidding. Not for the first time Sara realized that by taking Hayasegawa offer she hadn’t changed anything. She had just delayed her death. The space just above her knees, and the secrets they carried, burned. Suddenly, the room seemed too small, and like Bakuto, Sara wanted out, out, out!

What the hell did Hayasegawa and Tatsuha think Sara was going to do about this so call Hollow Warlord?
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sagamiyama - Kintama Autoshop

Saturday Afternoon

Bakuto:@BladeSS4 Mitsuaki:@Morgannis Tony:@McNephelim Sara:@LadyAnnaLee Tony:@McNephelim Mikazuki:@Letter Bee Darius: @WSilversun

Shouko gave Tony a little glare as he asked his question. Was he doing this on purpose? Or was he actually a bit of a buffoon? Either way it wasn't an invalid question.

"Hueco Mundo, is the world of Hollows. Like how here is the human world, for humans, and Soul Society is the world of Shinigami, Hueco Mundo is the world of Hollows. It is where Hollows come from, and where Hollows retreat to. Of course, that is different to how Hollows are born, which are from lingering spirits within the human world", as everyone here should be well aware. This seemed to be the extent of what they knew about Hueco Mundo though.

She turned to listen to Darius whose concerns were also quite valid, they weren't wrong, not at all, however... "Ordinarily Shinigami may not encounter organized groups of Hollow for even hundreds of years. Our activity in relation to Hollows is mainly only in the human world, where only the weakest and freshly born Hollow are the issue. This... Is an exceptional situation." She continued on to address a few other issues too, namely their Hollow Warlord, against some fledgling Shinigami.

"For the most part even among organized groups of Hollow, they are about the survival of the strongest, and so even 'organized', they are still barbaric and beastly. Naturally, for the nights ahead me and Ouga will also be fully active, not simply supervising." She relaxed a little as Ouga began to address some of the questions.

"We don't know why Regalhorn's here but his presence means there will be a lot of Hollow coming with him, so we'll be organizing high alert patrols tonight. Even experienced Shinigami have been put away by Regalhorn though, so if you spot 'im, run. Don't even think of fightin' him. He's a Hollow with a mask that looks like a crown with two horns, and red hair behind him like a cape. It'll be hard to miss him", he took a sigh as the next question followed. The Soul War...

"That... Is a bit of a history lesson. Don't really have time to go into it, but it was a civil war between Shinigami. After which, the amount of Shinigami was too few, which is why this program for recruiting more Substitute Shinigami was made. You guys. They have far too few Shinigami to spare sending to the human world", it was a rather concise explanation, but didn't really say much about the Soul War itself. It seems there was a lot more to it, but for now what mattered most was that this event had caused a whole cavalcade of other events... It's effects still being felt.

"If there's no more questions you should all go home and prepare... Oh yeah about the candy thing, unfortunately not tonight, but Candy Shop's workin' on some new method for getting outta your bodies. Says it's... Based on some old designs she found, but not important right now. Was told it'll be ready tomorrow. I was going to just go around and give it to you all tomorrow but well cat's outta the bag and this situation calls for precise action". Ouga crossed his arms before getting up.

"I'm gonna go make sure I'm ready to get goin'", he began to move towards the autoshop to start locking up the garage. The lobby they were all in would be free to come and go for a little while though.

"As will I. I have to make sure correspondence is kept with Soul Society. If anyone is feeling a little uneasy, I recommend returning grouping up early. Otherwise... I shall see you all at Sakuhana Park in a couple hours", and with that Shouko began to make preparations to leave too.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

Looking Shouko and Ouka in the eye, Mikazuki said, "Yes. I have more questions. If Hollows are born from lingering spirits in the Human World, are all souls destined to turn into them if not sent to Soul Society by a Shinigami or turned to Shinigami? Would we have turned into Hollows if we died and our souls did not get eaten or sent to Soul Society?"

His eyes glinted as he continued, "Can Shinigami turn into Hollows? Including us? My Grandfather was on the wrong side in a war - I do not want to have been tricked into making that same mistake, considering how Shinigami are capable of going into civil wars and giving each other what I think are final deaths. Or am I just being a combination of ungreatful and paranoid?"

@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
Avatar of Sho Minazuki

Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sagamiyama - Kintama Autoshop

Saturday Afternoon

Mikazuki:@Letter Bee

"You'd probably die before turning into a hollow", Ouga gave a quick and curt answer, stopping at the door before turning back around to face Mikazuki, making eye contact as he glared the light out of his gaze. "This ain't some kinda game, you wanna find out if that's all possible be my guest because I don't wanna know. Don't wanna be tricked? Screw that head on better. If you wanted to become a Hollow shoulda just said no when we jabbed you with those asauchi, but then we'd use our own zanpakuto to put you down", he wasn't having it with how Mikazuki was acting, no decorum or awareness of how serious the situation was. It was rare both Ouga and Shouko would be active during a patrol, and from the looks of things they didn't have a lot of help. This was simply the best they could muster at this time.

"Now no more questions, more time you all have to prepare the better. Put your affairs for the night away and come out as planned."

There was a bitter silence in the room as Ouga left, leaving just the group and Shouko who was about ready to leave too.

"Ah yes, one last thing... I may arrive somewhat late, there are still a few favors in this town I can request to help our chances tonight and onwards. I hope they will be forthcoming and understanding... Otherwise, take care everyone. Of course it goes without saying... Leave your living bodies at home tonight", and with that, she too left. The front door of the lobby gently closing behind her as everyone was left to get home and prepare themselves.

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Saturday - Evening

Bakuto:@BladeSS4 Mitsuaki:@Morgannis Tony:@McNephelim Sara:@LadyAnnaLee Tony:@McNephelim Mikazuki:@Letter Bee Darius: @WSilversun

Sagamiyama at night was peaceful, to say the least. Well-lit streets and few people out at night, only the odd night worker or people heading home from dinner, or even those heading out to enjoy the night downtown. The picturesque modern Japanese town was like any other at this time of night, save for one thing... A feeling of dread. It was indescribable, and for most, imperceptible, but those who possessed a keen sixth eye would feel a true sense of unease.

As the moon rose over Sakuhana Park, a park known for it's mysteriously active sakura tree that bloomed all year round, there was an ethereal eerie beauty to the scenery of the park. Not a soul in sight, almost glowing cherry blossom petals floated peacefully along the soft night breeze as the full moon created a vision of night time splendor. Yet beneath this beauty was danger... There was not a soul to be found, not even a Hollow, and yet it felt like a calm before the storm. This was the meeting place.

Coming towards the massive tree was a big square where people often gathered to view the unusual cherry blossom tree. The story goes that several years ago it was but a withering sprout, but mysteriously began to grow unusually fast, and even those who did research on it found that it's age was rapidly increasing too. It became the center of urban mysteries in Sagamiyama, and a bit of a tourist spot, albeit locally.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mikazuki Nakajima

Mikazuki nodded and returned to his home on his bike, realizing that he had flubbed up minorly. As he entered the wide two-story building that made up the family dojo, the boy left his shoes at the door, knowing his day was not over yet and he had to help his father out; ever since his grandfather had died, his demeanor around his family members had chilled, although he still gave them the courtesy he owed them as family. Either way, he changed to his kendo outfit to help his father's students train with wooden swords - He was careful, even in this mood, not to inflict serious hurt on them.

The clash of blunted blades helped him let off some steam, although his father looked at him with frosty concern - Takumi Nakajima was not one to express emotions well, and only years of familiarity allowed Mikazuki to know that he still cared about him despite his dispute about grandfather's legacy.

As late afternoon set in, Takumi Nakajima called his son for an early dinner; Mikazuki realized that he knew something was up when the boy smelled a filling meal of gyudon and rice and a dish of chicken kararagi with soy sauce. Food was going to be necessary for energy, and energy was necessary for fighting Hollows. So Mikazuki ate with his father, facing him across the table as the latter said to him, "You have to decide; do you want to be a doctor, or do you want to inherit the dojo? Ever since Father - Your grandfather - died, I've seen you throw yourself into studying sickness, war, famine, and injury to the point where you almost worked yourself to death."

Mikazuki's eyes glinted with... something as he answered, "You will never convince me Grandfather was not a war criminal. I have to atone for it."

Takumi Nakajima glared back at his son, then responded, "And that is not your call. Those are not your crimes. Or mine, either. More to the point, our society denies that he has committed crimes at all. As it is, your life is not repayment for it. Now eat; I know you have a side job and you need to eat to do it well."

Mikazuki nodded, taking up his chopsticks and starting to eat his early dinner as the shadows lengthened; he realized he needed the energy as his father said. His father hinted that he accepted him. His father loved him despite their differences. His father was not afraid to tell him that he was being a hypocrite.

So he ate everything; wasting food was immoral. Once he ate, he gave a bow of respect before heading up to the upper rooms; saying he was going to 'sleep early'. Takumi wasn't fooled but trusted his son more than any normal father should, or could get away with.

Mikazuki gobbled his soul candy and went to the park, where he hoped to see his friends as they prepared to defend the town. The Hollows; the opposite of the Shinigami. The enemy was organizing itself to eat the souls of people and deny them a passable afterlife.

And also the foe who had brought him together with his new friends. Whatever happened, he had True Companions...

@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @Morgannis @McNephelim @LadyAnnaLee @WSilversun
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sagamiyama - Stone Household

Darius leaned against the bathroom counter with a low sigh, peering at his reflection in the mirror. A heavy frown drew lines across his face, wrinkled the skin between his brows. He could swear there was grey in his hair, could believe that some of those frown lines were wrinkles that were here to stay. War aged a man, and stress wore him down. He had thought he was done with the first, and dealing with less of the second, yet here he was, about to put on yet another uniform and strike out against yet another force. The spiritual nature of it all was just a detail- the result was the same. Conflict. Always, always, there was conflict. He was so tired... And what would Aiko think? Even if he could get her to believe he was running around as a ghost, hunting spirits, he doubted she would be pleased he'd lasted all of six months in retirement before finding another war to fight.

Still... His hands clenched around the edge of the counter, a frustrated huff blown out through his nose. If he didn't do this, then the only ones in the line of fire would be a bunch of kids. He wouldn't stand for it. Couldn't. And there was that distant voice. Like the gong of a far away church, getting louder every day- ever since the asauchi. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew what it said. There could be no rest for him. Not while there was still something, anything, to protect.

Determined, he plucked that little green pill from his pocket, swallowing it down, and waiting a moment for the soul candy to take effect. It was always a strange feeling, being ejected from his body, stumbling back a step away from it, while the artificial soul now within looked around as if surprised. Steadying himself, grimacing as he always did at the strange, traditional nature of the shihakusho he wore in this form, he stepped forward to seize the soul- himself, really- by the shoulders, turning him roughly to stare into eyes equal to his own, but bearing a mind that most certainly wasn't.

"You. Pay attention. You're going to put on pyjamas, you're going to lay down, and you're going to sleep. You stay that way until I get back. Touch my wife, and I put you in a goldfish. Clear?"

Once he was assured that there would be no antics or shenanigans by the soul candy while it inhabited his body for him, Darius released it with a nod, and struck out. He paused only briefly in his room, stooping low to brush a kiss over Aiko's cheek, though he knew she wouldn't see or feel him in soul form.

"I'll be back... Always. I promise."

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park


Darius leaned back against the trunk of the Sakura tree that gave the park it's name and fame, that heavy frown still pulling at his features. He was seated, his zanpakuto resting across his lap, still in its sheath. He fidgeted idly with the tassel hanging from its guard, the only sign of his nerves over the battles to come. It has always been a bad habit, in situations like this- whether it was a strap on his gear, the carry strap for his weapon, or a bit of stray thread on his uniform, he'd always needed something to futz with in the hours of waiting before action. It helped him keep from overthinking- to keep his head clear going in, so it would be clear coming out. He had been the first to arrived- and he would remain there, seated, until the last of the others arrived, or they were called to action. Whatever happened, he knew his purpose this night.

He wouldn't let those kids come to harm. Not one of them. Not a scratch.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Morgannis
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Morgannis Emet-Selch did nothing wrong!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Saturday - Afternoon


Mitsuaki stood from his seat, eyes remaining on the table as his comrades in arms slowly left the building. Swallowing, he thought that maybe he should ask Shouko the question that began nagging at him, but bit it back. He didn’t really want to know the answer. Content to live with a possible lie, that spirits killed by Hollows still moved on, he left the mechanic shop and headed home.

The house was silent when Mitsuaki finally entered, slipping his shoes off in the doorway. Taking the stairs two at a time, he tried to ignore the nagging feeling that he began to push into his gut as he went to move past a door on his left. Most days, he could ignore the hand painted black streaks that were still sitting on the wood; curved letters spelling Juno, and the random doodles that dotted here and there. They had decorated it together, one day when boredom had taken a heavy toll on them.

He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, hand reaching out, resting on the doorknob. One push, and the darkness of the room would reveal everything Juno had left behind. Records and posters of bands that Mitsuaki couldn’t listen to anymore. A sketchbook sitting atop a desk, opened to the last page that was being worked on. Clothes littering the floor, shoes sitting beside the door, a messenger bag slung on the bed. The door remained closed, though, and all he could do was try to remember what Juno had left behind.

A hand on his shoulder brought him back with a strangled gasp. “Aki,” Chiaki stood behind him, her gaze so soft as Mitsuaki turned, a hard swallow passing through his throat. “I miss him too.”

Mother and son embraced, her hand pressing into his hair, holding him. Pulling back when he was ready, Chiaki smiled as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. Wrinkling his nose, Mitsuaki had to look away, but he gave her a light smile to show his thanks. For her being there. For adopting him. “Thank you, Chi–” pausing, he swallowed. “Mom.”

“Of course, Aki,” her hand met his cheek with a warm comfort.

“I think I’m going to go lay down.”

“I’ll bring food up for you when I make dinner,” all he could do was nod, and the two parted.


Saturday - Evening

Swallowing the mod soul, Mitsuaki stumbled back as his soul was ejected from his body. The instructions given were simple; stay in the room, and don’t break anything. Once the window was opened, the substitute shinigami jumped from it and onto the ground below.

A heavy sigh left him as anxiety began to well in his gut, his heart beating faster in his chest as he took in the feeling of the night. Taking his time, Mitsuaki’s hand found the pink koi that sat attached to his zanpakuto, finger tracing the outlines of the delicate wooden carving to try to ground himself. The feelings hanging over the night sat horribly in his chest, his mind working overtime, head snapping to every whisper of sound that echoed his way.

“Calm down,” there was a light groan from the young man as he pushed his free hand into his hair, tugging lightly on the strands. “You’re jumping at shadows.”

He still had a ways to go to make it to the park, his pace beginning to quicken, thinking it better to be in the company of others rather than his own thoughts.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama - Adams-Himura Household

Saturday - Afternoon

Tony returned to his house to find his father making dinner, Tony's eyebrows fell a bit. His father, in a soft and somehow rough way told him that he didn't had an idea of what was he doing, Tony's eyebrows fell a bit more. He went next to his dad to try to lecture him how to actually cook.

"You're using too much salt and don't forget to turn off the heat if your not using the stove." Tony almost pushed him to a side as he began to get a bit too much into the cooking. he used a bit of his personal spices to amplify the taste. by the end of the hour, Tony had made all the work. leaving his dad to only a supportive spectator.

"Ok, you and mom eat this, i don't really wanna eat... Also, where's mom?" Tony looked around for his mother, but she wasn't here, he looked back to his father for a response, the which he responded with an awkward smile.

"Well, your mom is in work, she's staying late tonight..." His dad told him, Tony rolled his eyes, his eyebrows falling yet so slightly. he tsk'd and went back to his room.

Once he entered he took a small look around his bedroom, ever since the incident where he became a shinigami, he had become anxious for doing shinigami things. His childhood dream of being a swordmaster finally seemed to become real. yet why did he feel down right now. was the fact that he was going to fight for his life against hollows, or was it the weird doubt that he feels about the whole shinigami thing after hearing the words that Ouga and Shouko said.


Saturday - Evening

Tony ate the modsoul and was spurted out of his body. he managed to land on his feet. the modsoul saluted him like a soldier salutes a general, the which Tony saluted the same way albiet more awkwardly.

"Sir, what are the orders Sir!" his voice sounded a bit more raspy than his usual voice, it was the Modsoul personality itself, Tony took a deep look at him, after imagining all he could order him to do, he asked him "So... you will do anything i say?" which the modsoul responded with Militar salute and a "Sir, Yes Sir!" to the which Tony responded with a "I command you to clean my entire house to a clean polish..." Tony had a mischievous smile on his face as he said this, his modsoul simply said "Yes Sir!"

So Tony walked to the window on his room and jumped out, falling on the streets below. he began to run to the park where the fight was going to take place. his feet moving rapidly through the streets, leaping up from building to building. for a moment Tony smiled, he loves this from being a shinigami, the way he can do the impossible, yet his smile disapears as he arrives at the park. the time had come.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As soon as the meeting was over and they were dismissed Sara was out, out, out! Her anxiety and momentum carried her all the way to the park near her home where she collapsed on a bench and struggled to remember how to breathe. War, Mikisuki had called it a war. Was it a war? Would Darius, who Sara had vague notions of being a soldier at one point and sent to war, be offended if she asked? Did she have the courage to ask? Did she even want to ask? Did it even really matter? Whether it mattered or not, Sara was a part of it now. That was what she had agreed to when Hayasegawa had saved her life. Whether she knew it or not. Not for the first time, she wondered if she made the right choice, both the first one and the second. Too late now, she supposed, for regrets she couldn’t change.

Eventually, she finally leveled out her breathing, but not her mind, and returned home. Himari was in the kitchen, which made it easy to sneak past her and up the hall. Sneaking past the twins’ room was a little more challenging since they left the door open all the time. Still, even that was doable. It would worry her stepmother, it always did, but it wasn’t out of character, that Sara had gone straight up to her room without eating or saying anything. And Sara tried, she really did try, not to worry her stepmother, but it was so difficult and it was just easier not to worry about it. Sara felt horrible, but couldn’t seem to change.

Waiting away the hours until it was time to head out to battle was long. Sara tried to be productive, she really did, but when she sat down at her desk she just stared at the math homework. It was like she couldn’t engage. Maybe that was for the best. The modsoul who helped her with her body graded her papers, leaving red marks all over them, and then Sara had to redo them again. The modsoul would eventually get hungry and venture out to the kitchen to eat, which they seemed to enjoy doing. If they accidently ran into her family they would be unfailingly polite and maybe ease some of Himari’s worry. Sara had to admit that she had gotten lucky with the modsoul she had been assigned. At least they didn’t try and cause trouble.

Finally, the time came to go, which Sara had set a timer for, so she wouldn’t miss it, and Sara ate the modsoul candy and popped out of her body. She greeted the modsoul, they wished her good luck, and they both said their farewells. Sara left through the window. She headed to Sukuhana Park slowly. She didn’t feel like she was delaying, but maybe she was, just a little. She was keeping her thumb on the emergency notice button of her Soul Pager and the other on the hilt of her Zanpakutō as she slowly walked down the street, keeping her eyes on every nook, every cranny, every dark spot where a Hollow might hide. At this rate she was going to be very late and both Hayasegawa and Tatsuha, would be very mad at her. She couldn’t seem to speed up though. She didn’t want to be jumped most patrols nights, and especially not tonight.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Afternoon
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki

"Right, if we run into this Hollow warlord thingy we should run away. Got it! I will totally run away. I learned my lesson with my first hollow. I will not attempt to do something like that ever again." Bakuto said with a smile. As the meeting within the shop came to an end. Mimicking and answering what information he heard. "I'll lay low in the shop until it gets dark. Don't have anywhere I need to be. Got no family like these youngsters to go back to."

Bakuto then left the room and went into the shop to wait to get ready for his mission. Setting himself in a chair and appearing to fall asleep within the shop as soon as he sat down. If anyone asked what he was doing he would say 'Meditating' but it was an excuse for napping. Not to simply get some rest before the mission.

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Evening

The quiet park was just that nice and quiet, that was until Bakuto arrived. Leaving his body at home in bed Bakuto managed to go home at some point to change back into his spirit body. Entering the park Bakuto was all but quiet. Figuring nobody else could see him, the night workers and any other civilians in the park couldn't see him. The job was simple: find this Hollow. Or at least Bakuto's plans were simple.

As he entered the park he drew his sword, not that he saw anything but to prepare for what he was about to do. As he yells loudly into the park, "Come on out Hollows! Come and get a nice, tasty newbie Shinigami who just entered this park." He then starts whistling very loudly as if calling for a dog or pet. Waving the sword around to entice the nothing he saw to come to him. His promise of running was a bold face lie. Bakuto was going to try and fight any hollow that came after him, Warlord or not. Watching people spar at the shop earlier got him all fired up.

"Come on out Reggieborn. Reggie where are you?!? This sword isn't going to slice things up on its own. Need a nice Hollow to come out and make this some fun. Come out, come out wherever you are!" Going from trying to entice to taunting and make a rather fool of himself, while seeming to have a bit of fun with it. Calling the hollow warlord Regalhorn by anything other than its name and purposely trying to anger a beast that he was told is way stronger than himself.

Bakuto figured getting to the big boss and trying to defeat it right out was the best and fastest course of action. If he wasn't strong enough to fight it that did not matter. If it showed its face he knew if it was stronger he was never going to get away anyhow. But if the instructors were wrong or that he could overcome the monster's greater power or the hollows that may come then the mission will be done. While reckless it was simple for Bakuto to come up with this plan of action. Bakuto figured the proper shinigami wouldn't have picked them for this mission; he thought they didn't want the mission to get completed or if they didn't think they could handle it. If they wanted them to stay away from the big bad hollow then they would have never said anything and kept the group in the dark.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Night Begins

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park

Saturday Night

Everyone's arrival to the park was, almost timely to say the least. With Darius being the earliest, arriving even before Ouga with which there was little chatter as tension built up in the air for the coming night. Pretty soon, Bakuto, Tony, and Mikazuki arrived too. It wasn't important to them at the current, and so very few noticed that the famous sakura tree of this park almost appeared to be glowing...

"Shouko's already told me she's gonna be a little late, so it's just us for now. Sara and Mitsuaki don't seem to be here yet, so we should wait a little longer for those two. Until then I'll ask you all to be ready for anything tonight, there's no telling when-"

The world around them for a moment appeared to feel heavy, a sinking feeling in their chest, and for those whose reiatsu were too little might even find themselves kneeling. Though it was only for a moment, they felt as if it had lasted far longer than that. A sense of dread immediately followed this, as all collectively knew the source of this sudden spiritual pressure. Looking down the main path of the park that aligned with the main road, though their eyes could not yet see it, they could sense it, even as inexperienced as they were, it did not hide from them. The presence of one massive hollow, and not long after sensing that, a large group that followed in its wake.

Ouga's eyes were of surprise as he stepped forward, "so the absolute worst is happening tonight is it", with a heavy sigh he swung his wooden sword over his shoulder.

"Alright everyone, be ready. Stay behind me and follow my orders", was all he could really say. Were they ready? Who knew, but they had to be regardless of the circumstances.

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


Sara's route to the park was not as long as even a few of the other substitutes, yet she found herself running in circles... Too focused on getting to the park tonight it would take her a little while to notice but... Some of the streets appeared to repeat, and began to become unrecognizable as the realization came to pass. And as she stood still in the road to catch her bearings, she could hear it, a familiar voice... It said few words, if any, the sound of beautiful, ethereal singing that tugged at your inner soul, manifesting insecurities and grievances as it teetered you to the brink of oblivion. Like a siren's call, it was a woman's voice. She knew this well, after all she heard this the night of her 'death'. Yet she had not heard it again ever since, until now... Whatever it was, she was snapped out of it by another voice for but a moment, though it was an unfamiliar one to her, and weak, but it was enough for now.

"Aaahhh... So you have become stronger since that night... Your soul seemed especially appetizing, I was wondering if ever we could meet again", it's voice seemed to echo, as if it was being spoken into the mind, rather than directly. The darkness at the end of the street began to swirl and rise, until it formed a seemingly robed figure. A Hollow. It's mask was a small, unassuming face with two large horns that had an ethereal robe flowing down from it like a veil, as well as closed eyes. Though it's most striking feature would be the singular "third" eye, which was in fact it's true eye. It possessed the physique of a woman with it's curves and dress-like appearance, but no arms, which had cloth-like tendrils in it's place.

"Very few even see my beauteous form, so consider yourself lucky my sweet one... Aaahhh... Tonight I feell... Mmm, amazing, please, become my feast for this fine night".

Sagamiyama (???)

Saturday Night


Mitsuaki's trek towards the park was one would say, beset by a bunch of weaker Hollow. They were fresh, and so he found it easy to run them through with his zanpakuto, yet he could not help but feel eyes upon his back. The feeling of being prey, one could say. As he tried to make his way to the park, strong instinct pushed him away from faster routes, almost as if he could see eyes at the end of each of those roads... Whatever it was, it had already run ahead of him, and was lurking somewhere to try and ambush him. And only moments ago he felt those same eyes on his back too... Whatever it was, it was fast.

He needed an open space, lest he be struck turning a corner, and the closest one was a small park with a playground. The kind with a jungle gym and a ceramic pipe tunnel, and a seesaw. As he step foot into it he could see the moon above cast a shadow behind him. It showed itself. It was no bigger than a tiger, rather small for a Hollow, yet it did not seem to be a Hollow about size or strength, possessed of fin-like wrist blades, a thick fish's tail, glowing red mane that seemed to constantly flutter like kelp underneath the sea, and a mask that was that of a koi fish. As he stepped forward, two lightning whiskers would form from the mask, as if representing it's readiness to fight. Whether or not Mitsuaki was ready at present, he needed to prepare himself.
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