Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Rudy Rudeanu
When Theo brought up the first victim, the male grave digger, Aleyn had an idea and walked over to the rest of the group to speak. "About what Theo just said, and tell me if this seems out of place, but since the first victim was a grave digger and not like the rest of the victims and the killer seems to favor the graveyard. What if the grave digger dung somewhere he should not have and woke something up?"

Rudy, still looking tired shook his head. "It'd be far more productive assisting Fraulen Wickler with the police than inventing ghost stories. The evidence so far, has ruled out dogs. We're looking now at a very disturbed individual - I'm sure if our culprit was some form of ghoul the evidenc will lead us there. Until then we, let's stick to the evidence in front of us without indulging the Nachtewache and their penny-dreadful children's fairytales." With a long sigh Rudy rubbed his temples. "I'll follow up with the cemetery's administrators this afternoon. Any are welcome to join me, but I need rest."

With that Rudy stalked, wearily, off.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Aleyn Deyne

Aleyn simply chuckled at what Rudy said to him. "I am just speculating, not inventing anything." Clearly, Rudy did not have a brush with the supernatural, unlike him, Aleyn thought. "Either way, I think there has to be a reason why the grave digger was killed and why whatever the culprit is seems to prefer the graveyard."

Aleyn then got out his flask, took a medium sip, and returned it to its place on his person. "I shall be coming with you to the graveyard and see what clues we can find. Though I suggest taking a nap since we are in the middle of an investigation after all." Aleyn hoped that Ruby will not take long and if it does. He might just go on without him to the graveyard.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Terrans


Member Seen 10 days ago

Theo Rautenbach

Theo hastily wiped away the smudge of jam still clinging to his cheek as he turned to Sonja.

"I can accompany you." He gestured at his clothes though and made an attempt at looking sheepish. " Let me make myself look presentable however; I'd rather think the police would look down on a demobbed soldier such as me."

The former militiaman went to make his way to his modest quarters where his borrowed suit sat hanging in the small closet. It took no more then ten minutes for him to change over and swap his weapon's to his new wardrobe. A dark brimmed hat squashed low on his head; covering up the bulk of his shrapnel scars.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

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Adam Temple

My contact in the police is "Leonhard Faerber," Temple replied, "I will go to the police station, Misters Rudeanu and Deyne, please lead the discussion with the grave diggers if you will."

He tipped his hat to Sonja, "Ma'am, if you would care to accompany me? Mister Rautenbach, we will meet you at the station," he gave a wry chuckle, "I suspect a fair number of the police themselves are former soldiers but it never hurts to appear presentable and not like one of the many ruffians plaguing this city of late."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Helmut Kürten & Nicola Hoffman.

Helmut and Nicola decided to investigate the asylums. Helmut reasoned that they could find some clues there. He was glad that Nicola was willing to go along with his hunch. He felt she was the only one who didn’t disregard him as a nuisance. He walked into the building, ignoring the constant noise of the patients. He rang the bell that was sitting at the receptionist’s desk.

“Hello, are you here to visit or to become an inpatient?” The receptionist asked, looking at Helmut. He was a slim man with dark hair combed carefully to the left and a neatly trimmed moustache adorning his top lip.

Really!” Nicola tsked at him. Do I look like a Doctor to you? Sir… do you think there might be someone my friend might be able to speak to? Mister Kürten is investigating an unusual series of murders on behalf of the police, and he needs a professional opinion.

The man looked at Nicola, then at Helmut, taking in the uniform, then nodded, apparently seeing no reason to disbelieve this story. “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, stepping out from behind the desk, shoes clicking on the hard tile floor of the old stone building as he searched for a Doctor. Presumably, he was in search of a Doctor.

Well.” Nicola added, with a grin that suggested she hadn’t been half as confident as she had sounded when talking to the man, “It seems this uniform is rather useful at times.

Helmut nodded while looking at Nicola. He was glad he wore his uniform, as it would allow them access to some patient files. While they were waiting, he noticed a middle-aged man staring at him. This patient looked oddly familiar to Helmut. Helmut was trying to figure out where he had seen him before, but then it suddenly came to him. This man was a lieutenant in another division during the war. He had seen him commanding a battalion during a battle in Mont Sorrel. The man saluted him, and Helmut saluted him back. A sense of dread overcame him, thinking he was destined to be here one day.

He noticed the doctor coming back and standing in front of them. The doctor was a short man with bright ginger hair. He looked at Nicola and then at Helmut. “Hello, Mr.Kurten I am Doctor Helzberg. And who are you?” His eyes went back to looking over at Nicola. It was more like staring, as he was pretty apprehensive.

Nicola paused, looking to Helmut, then back to the Doctor, “Mister Kurten is investigating a series of murders for the police, who, as I am sure you are aware, are quite busy now. A series of young women, around the Old Graveyard.

“And you are wondering if it was one of my patients?” Helzberg queried rhetorically, “I can tell you no. If we believed a person was a danger to society, we would keep them here until we were certain their affliction had been cured. But there is something odd about these murders; is there anything else? Otherwise, you wouldn't be at an asylum. Come,” he motioned for them to follow him down a wide, stone corridor, deeper into the bowels of the old building, “Let us talk about what you have seen. I may be able to offer some insights into the killer's mind.”

Helmut looked over towards Nicola before following Dr.Helzberg. “So, what kind of insight do you have about the killer?” He said, trying to ignore the patients' dazed looks. “The wounds on the victims were human bite marks. We are looking for those who have cannibalistic tendencies. Perhaps you can give us some insight on that.” Limping between Nicola and the good doctor.

Helzberg glanced back with a concerned frown, then motioned for them to join him in an office behind a large oak door. Inside were mostly bookcases, though there was a messy-looking desk and two comfortable-looking armchairs for people to sit in, facing Helzburg’s chair, “I do have some insight… but with the lady present?”

Nicola looked slightly unsure of herself, though she assured Helzburg, “I have a strong constitution, Doctor. It is necessary as Mister Kurten’s assistant, after all!

“Very well,” the doctor steepled his fingers, “What you have described sounds a lot like what Sigmund Freud would describe as a ‘psychosocial disorder.’ The victims are all women? Consumed?”

Well, the latest victim was the assailant who consumed a woman, yes, and parts of her.” Helmut said, nodding his head. He had heard the term before. When he was younger and precisely when he was meeting a psychologist with his mother.

“In this world, we live in now, there are many damaged men,” Helzburg said. He reached into his top pocket for a packet of cigarettes. He tapped one out, lit it, and mutely offered the packet to Helmut, “Some are dangerous, some are not. I see some, others move invisibly in society,” The doctor took a long drag from his cigarette, “Some, who cannot achieve, shall we say -” a glance at Nicola, “- ‘romantic fulfilments’ in more normal ways, can turn to violence against women. These attacks could be from one such lost and dangerous soul. One who cannot find fulfilment due to damage to the body or the mind.”

Helmut shook his head at the doctor’s offer of the pack of cigarettes. Using a hand to cover his nose. The smell of cigarettes made him nauseous.“Sounds like we are looking for someone with violent tendencies. Or someone who has sort of mental illness that makes them want to attack a woman in such a way.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“I do not know for sure, but what I said was someone who cannot fulfil their primal needs more traditionally, for one reason or another,” the doctor replied, taking another drag.

I think we understand.” Nicola replied with an embarrassed giggle and slight blush, “Thank you.

There was a pause, “If that is all?”

Nicola looked at Helmut, then back to the doctor, then between them a second time before answering, “We can see ourselves out. Thank you for your time, Doctor.

“Perhaps it will be useful information,” Helzburg shrugged.

As they left the office, shutting the door behind them, Nicola turned to Helmut, “I’m not sure if you got what he was hinting at, but he was saying -

Ești blestemat cu semnul lupului. Vânează bine pe cei care consumă carnea omului.” She screamed out loud for other staff to notice. Helmut didn’t understand what she was saying but didn’t like her grabbing his hand. Putting something there before he could jerk it away from her. Opening his hand, he noticed a couple of long purple plants. He didn’t know what they were, but perhaps they could be helpful someday. Slowly, Helmut put the plant into his pant pocket and continued like nothing happened.

Wolfsbane?” Nicola asked with a raised eyebrow.

Is that what it’s called? I wonder why she would give me wolfsbane. But it’s unimportant now; we must focus on finding our killer. I think we should regroup with the others.” He said, walking out of the asylum. Feeling relieved since he had many bad experiences being inside of an asylum.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Terrans


Member Seen 10 days ago

Theo Rautenhach

He wondered whether it was the joyfulness of youth or just the aftermath of the war; but Theo was struck by how bleak the city was. His days of migrant work might have been rough but the cities had seemed alive. Not utopian or idyllic, but vibrant and bustling with a sense of common energy.

Shuffling and trodding was the mark of most steps; a contrast from the purposeful stride of Theo. Every now and then there would be a group of people standing around; armbands or slogans signifying whatever cause they were standing for. A few had pistols tucked into waistbands or clutched old rifles; but for the most part it was truncheons or clubs.

The Freikorps roamed the streets as well; rough looking men often in the uniforms of their old units. Rifles and the rare machine pistol held in their grips as they went about their tasks; one group hauling men and women out of a busted shop window.

Cries of protests mingling with smashing clash as the militiaman wrestled people bound in ropes onto the ground or into the open tailgate of an idling truck. Off to the side, a trio of militiamen with slung rifles dumped boxes of pamphlets into a barrel. Their officer tossing a match in after a few boxes.

The crack of a gunshot had Theo duck instinctively but none of the Freikorps did. The wails of a woman followed the shot; growing louder as they hauled her out. Tears streaming down a red face as the militiamen on both sides of her dragged her out of the window.

"Dogs." Theo cast a glance at the speaker to his left. She was dressed like a regular factory worker; though her cloths were cleaner. Ink black hair pulled into a braid that disappeared into a workers cap. Rust colored eyes widened in fear as she caught Theo's eyes and realized what he was seeing.

She had a messenger bag of pamphlet's; the same pamphlets being thrown into the burn barrel. The latch had come undone slightly and showed the top of one pamphlet. The sickle hammer and star of the German Communist Party prominent on the header.

Theo realized what she was seeing, a tall man with the scars of the Great War and the eyes of a killer. An ill fitting suit like those used by the Republics secret police. Theo cast a glance at the unfolding scene as the Freikorps hauled the crying woman onto the truck as they dragged a dead body out; white shirt red with blood and limp while being dragged through the filth of the street.

He made his decision with no hesitation he found. Reaching out and tucking the offending pamphlets further into her bag. Redoing the latch before pulling back and giving a small tilt of his.

"Be careful of your words fraulein. Not all of us want more blood." He said the words low. A slight guilt pulling at him as he pulled away from the gathering and crowd and heading back on track. He had never done such things in the Freikorps; but he wondered how many of his tasks had allowed similar actions to occur. How many widows and orphans had he made or opened the way to be made?

The thoughts plagued him all the way to the police station. Where he found Sonja and Adam awaiting his arrival outside the front.

"My apologies for the delay. Freikorps caused a small disruption to my travel."
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Dyelli Beybi @Tesserach @Theyra

Helmut Kürten, Rudy, And Aleyn

The afternoon was a crisp, pleasant cool in Munich that day, at least when the sun was out, and Rudy began reconvening for the trip back to the cemetery. This time, with proper daylight, made for an altogether more pleasant experience, or at least, it would have been if not for the crowds and tension in the streets. But this did not stop most people from going about their day. A few cursory inquiries had revealed the Munich Department of Cemeteries managed the cemetery, and a brief phone call had directed them to one of the cemetery workers - a euphemism it seemed for gravedigger - who was working a site that day.

"Herr Totengräber...?" Rudy declared pleasantly as the group approached a grizzled-looking middle-aged man with dishevelled hair and a great, scraggly grey beard covered in dirt and knee deep in what appeared to be a fresh grave.

"Himmelherrgottsakrament!" The man swears in a Bavarian dialect at the group's approach. The greying man lifted the shovel with an ease that belied his apparent years and held it aloft in the direction of a church visible through the trees beyond. "I'm busy! They over there got plenty of time to answer questions!"

Aleyn followed Ruby to the graveyard and looked around as they walked in. He had many questions to ask and hoped that at least some would be answered today. As they reached the gravedigger digging a grave, Aleyn was prepared to ask his questions, even if this gravedigger was not in the mood for it. "I am sorry, but you would best answer our questions right now, as we have found. My first question is, have you seen anything unusual about the graveyard recently?"

Helmut arrived a few moments later after the others had arrived at the cemetery. Having told the group what the information they had found at the asylum. He was still wearing his uniform, so if the gravedigger saw him, he would think he was in the police force. Standing close to the group, watching them as they asked the grave keeper some questions. His eyes were focused on him as if he was trying to read his mind. "Any information you tell us would greatly benefit our investigation." Adding to what Aleyn said.

The gravedigger eyed Aleyn suspiciously, "Apart from the fact we need to dig more graves than usual? No," he planted his spade in the ground, leaning on it in weary irritation, "If this was another industry, you might say business is good." Rudy, for his part, scribbled notes in a notebook while the others spoke.

Helmut was staring at the grave keeper, although it felt more like glaring. The soldier was now crouching down beside the open grave. He had seen many like these before, although mostly, it would be a huge hole where they would dump the bodies of the dead. "Were there any victims that you found in the cemetery? If you did, were they mostly women, and did they have bite marks on their bodies?"

"I just bury them," the grave keeper spat on the ground, then pulled out a crumpled cigarette from his top pocket, "And there's not enough people to do the digging! Especially after the new guy ended up in a casket."

"And how did he die? What was the name of this new person? When was the last time you saw him?" He said, but he felt they would not get anything from the grave keeper.

"Dogs, or so the police say," the grave digger gave Helmut a baleful stare, clearly viewing this line of questioning as a waste of time, "Schmidt or something and the day before, he turned up dead."

Rudy looked up from his notepad from where he'd just finished scribbling. "Do you know what this Schmidt was working on the day he died?"

"Yeah, digging in the old plague Graveyard," the man lit his cigarette, "Unmarked graves and all sorts down there, so it's not fun to dig in unless you like finding bits of people. But they're so old nobody cares anymore," he shrugged, taking a drag of his cigarette, "It's where you send the new people to dig."

Helmut stood up and started moving towards the unmarked graves to see where they were standing. Voices were beginning to speak to him. It felt like many people were trying to talk to him. 'I'M HERE." They all said in a haunting chant. Grabbing a shovel that had been left behind inside of a wagon. Walking closer, the voices started to become louder. "I can hear you. where are you?" He said in a whisper. "WE'RE HERE, WAITING FOR YOU." The voices responded. Helmut looked around, wondering which grave the voices were coming from.

Rudy looked away from the notepad he'd just scribbled on towards Helmut, pausing briefly to regard the man before returning to the interview. "Do you recall any murders or dog attacks like this ever happening before... or was Schmidt the first case like this you've heard of here."

"Nope, never seen a dog attack anyone," the gravedigger puffed on his cigarette, "And why would you attack a grave digger... hey, what are you doing with that shovel?" He called to Helmut, "That's mine!"

Helmut didn't seem to notice the gravekeeper shouting at him. He was standing over a grave with a look of dread. "You're here in the grave, but where are you? What did you see? Did you see Schmidt die?" He asked while looking at the unmarked graves.

Aleyn was about to ask his question when he noticed Helmut walking off with the grave digger's shovel toward the old plague Graveyard. "Uh Helmut, what are you doing? Turning to Ruby, "Is he going to dig there now?" But not waiting for an answer, Aleyn walked over to Helmut as he stood over a grave. "Helmut, might I ask what your plan is?"

"I'm working on a hunch. I have a feeling there might be a clue around here." He said, now looking at the grave and then the shovel. He closed his eyes and listened to the voices, waiting for them to tell him where to go next.

Rudy stepped between the gravedigger - who he could tell was not too pleased with this development - and smiled at the man. "I apologize for my friend; he's a good man, but ah... he never returned quite right after the war, if you take my meaning. I do apologize, but ah, just let us handle him." Then Rudy turned briefly towards Helmut before looking at Aleyn aggressively but silently, mouthing, "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?" Turning back to the gravedigger, Rudy smiled again. "Do you mind if I ask you another question?"

"Okay, Helmut, I see.... just be careful. Since we still do not know the culprit's connection with the graveyard." Aleyn looked nervously at the grave, like digging something up they were unprepared for. He nervously smiled and took a step back from Helmut. He looked back at Ruby when he aggressively mouthed him. Aleyn only responded with a slight shrug. Still, Aleyn stayed near Helmut, waiting to see what he would do next and took a small sip from his flask. His hunch may lead somewhere, after all.

But before he could start digging, he heard the voices speaking again. "The dead don't bury the dead. You could have the voices say something like 'they never finished the job' or 'the dead don't bury their dead. They should have let him rest, poor thing, he's lost." Helmut stabbed the shovel into the ground. "Where are you, Schmidt?" Assuming he would be at the morgue. Taking the shovel and walking back to the grave keeper. "Thank you for your cooperation. I apologize for the minor theft; the corpse of the last victim had been partially buried in a shallow grave. These older graves would make a good place to hide a fresh corpse." He smiled at the grave keeper, but the number of teeth shown made him look like a wolf looking at his next prey.

"Why would..." the grave keeper looked between Rudy and Aleyn, "Stop your associate! If someone were trying to hide a corpse in a shallow grave, it would be bloody obvious," he spat, "I'm a gravedigger. I can see the disturbed ground. It's not dendrochronology."

Rudy looked away from the gravedigger towards Aleyn and Helmut, shrugging as though to say: “Man's got a point.

Helmut's smile faded, and he looked over toward Rudy and Aleyn. Nodding his head before turning around so his back was faced towards them. His hand was placed over his stomach. Feeling a sense of panic and anxiety building, although he didn't know what the cause of it was. His eyes could see a figure a few feet away. The figure was a gaunt looking man with a bald head and red eyes. Helmut noticed he was naked with many bite marks and cuts all over his body. "I'll see you real soon Helmut." The figure was waving at Helmut before dancing away. Putting his hand away from his stomach before turning around. "Perhaps we should go to the police station to see what we can find from Mr. Schmidt."

Aleyn, unsure of Helmut, spoke, "I suppose we can do that." He turned to face Ruby, "You think we have all we can here? I'd rather we get all we can before we leave and not have to return if we missed something." Aleyn stole a glance at Helmut; why is he acting like this? He wondered and hoped this would not be a problem. But he does not know the man, so who knows.

Rudy took hold of the shovel and made eye contact with Aleyn. "Find out what's wrong with him." Rudy whispered before turning back to the gravedigger with a smile. "Your shovel back. Apologies again. I do have to ask, though: do you know where, precisely, your associate was when he was murdered? He was murdered, by the way. Definitely not dogs." Rudy wasn't looking at his notebook but studying the gravedigger's reaction to this news.

Helmut was watching Rudy and the grave keeper speaking to each other. In the back of his mind, he felt something terrible would happen. However, he couldn't explain the reason for it. Watching the grave keeper's reaction to Rudy's question. Hands clasped together in front of him.

"So Helmut." Aleyn started. "What was your hunch back there at the grave?" Aleyn eyed up Helmut, " And why did you need that shovel?"

"Oh, my hunch was that perhaps some clue could have been buried in one of the graves. Perhaps the culprit or Schmidt might have tried to hide something. The shovel was to dig up the grave. But it was a stupid idea." He shook his head, feeling ridiculous for following the voices.

"Okay, I see," Aleyn looked back at the grave and then at Helmut. "I suppose that is one way to try and find a clue, though this is not a small graveyard, and there are plenty of graves where you were. Probably not the best idea since if a clue is buried here, we need to know the right grave, not a random one."

"Yes, you are correct; again, it was a stupid idea. From a stupid man." The last part was spoken in a whisper. Helmut's head was now looking down at his feet. He felt like a small child regretting doing something stupid. He needed to refrain from following the voices and the hallucinations. He needed to tell himself it was inaccurate and shouldn't hinder the investigation.

Aleyn could see the sadness in Helmut and tried to cheer him up. "Try not to beat yourself over it, and it's just a hunch. Just focus on what we know and stay with the party, okay? " Aleyn was unsure if this would work, but it was the best he could muster now.

"Thank you. I don't like being ridiculed for having these hunches." His head looking up and looking at Rudy. He didn't like the dirty looks he would get for listening to the voices. "I would like to have Earl Grey Tea after this dreadful case. Perhaps with you and Fräulein Nicola." His head turned towards Aleyn with a shy sort of smile on his face.

"No problem, Helmut, that would be nice." Aleyn gave a small smile in return. "But, we should focus on the case and figure out who is responsible and stop them before more women are killed." Speaking with confidence, "Whatever it is." Though Aleyn wondered who Schmidt was, but chose for now not to say anything.

"I was going to ask what you think about the case. I wonder if this Schmidt fellow had some involvement in the killings. Something the head doctor said was that the culprit could not properly engage in romantic relationships with women so they would do so in a more violent manner." Helmut closed his eyes, trying to assemble their pieces so far.

"Hmmmm," Aleyn was about to take a sip from his flask but resisted the urge. "Maybe, but you must explain the dead grave digger and why the man is choosing to eat the bodies." Aleyn gave Helumt a concerned look, "What I think about the case is that we are dealing with someone who is very disturbed or something else." The urge to drink overtook him this time, and Aleyn took a small sip from his flask. "It is a feeling, and I could be wrong, but we are dealing with something that is not normal."

"Yes, I am thinking we are dealing with a cannibal that seems to be more animal than man. I haven't seen something so brutal since the war." His eyes looked over at Aleyn, watching him take a sip from his flask. The very thought of soldiers killing and eating civilians and enemy combatants made his skin crawl. His hand wiped off some sweat that was running down his brows. "The bite marks myself, Masako, Rudy, and Nicola found were human, but I have this feeling there is something supernatural about these attacks." Again, the feeling of dread filled his body, making sweat run down his forehead. His face became even paler than before.

"So we agree, and if the culprit is not of the mundane stock then we better figure out what it is and how to stop it." Aleyn stole a glance at Ruby. "I know Ruby will probably not entertain the thought of it being supernatural, but again. Either someone is very disturbed, or something else is behind the murders. This means when we figure out the culprit, we need to be careful when stopping it; I am not looking forward to that. But it must be done," Aleyn looked normal but his voice betrayed him and it was clear he was anxious.

The thought of Aleyn having a similar conclusion made him feel a little better. He had seen things during the war that were not a regular occurrence. His mind went back to what that crazy woman gave him as they were leaving. "I hope if we find the culprit, we can put them down with conventual means. But I feel the Night Watch deals with more strange things than serial killers and the common criminal." Helmut took a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"Yes, I hope so too. We can take it down with our gun and give our introduction to the Night Watch... I would agree with you about them." The thought that he was not alone in his feelings made Aleyn feel better. But he remembered that dreadful night when that monster attacked him and his family. Maybe if he had a weapon, he could have killed it and saved his family, or it would have been fruitless. But taking note of Helmut's physical state, Aleyn spoke, "Are you going to be okay? I got some spare handkerchiefs if you need them?"

The blonde man smiled and waved his hand. "Oh no, I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little bit hot. But thank you for the offer." Put away the handkerchief into his jacket pocket. "It will surprise the pirate if we encounter such creatures." He said, laughing and motioning his head towards Rudy.

Aleyn smiled, "Good. It would be nice to see how Ruby reacts if this proves to be a supernatural killer." Aleyn sighed in relief, "But let's get back to the case and figure out if the killer is human or something else. Then we can plan and act accordingly."

"I'm just repeating what the police said." the gravedigger looked skeptical of the assertion it was a murder." He was digging a grave on the edge of the old plague pits. Nasty place to dig since there are no records of where the bodies are.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Rudy Rudeanu

"I'm just repeating what the police said." the gravedigger looked skeptical of the assertion it was a murder." He was digging a grave on the edge of the old plague pits. Nasty place to dig since there are no records of where the bodies are.

Rudy nodded at this. had been interested in on this line of questioning, he seemed to lose interest with this response and looked back down at his notes, briefly writing something. "These days you must have some sort of system though to make sure you don't place bodies in the same place. I wouldn't mind seeing around the last grave he was working on."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

"These days, sure," the Gravedigger gave an exasperated sigh, "I don't know what you think you're going to find. The police poured all through that grave at the time, took photos and evidence away then said it was clear. It's got an occupant now."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Rudy Rudeanu

Rudy nodded in affectation of sympathy at the gravedigger's plight. "Those are being retrieved now, don't worry yourself on that account sir. But I think I'd like to see the area all the same. You see, it occurs to me that to have killed so many right in this same, patch of cemetery. Not two hundred meters that way in the back alleys but right here. Right in your back yard so to speak. And you haven't noticed or seen anyone unusual wandering the grounds?" Rudy nodded again. "I think you'll admit, whoever is responsible, he's got to have some sort of system. Otherwise he'd have been noticed or caught already. And if I can just figure out his trick, well, then we figure out our killer now don't we? That's my thinking anyway."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
Avatar of Dyelli Beybi

Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Gravedigger and Nicola Hoffman

"Fine," trhe gravedigger spat, planting his spade in the dirt of his partially dug grave, clambering out then pausing to wipe his hands on the front of his trousers, "But you won't find anything of interest."

They weren't far away it turned out. Less than 200 metres before the gravedigger stopped, pointing at a line of freshly filled graves, "Second one on the right." he grunted, "Some communist boy who the freikorp shot got put down there," he grimaced, patting his pockets, seemingly looking for a cigarette and not finding one, "Anyway, the others got put in later. Some are Nationalists. Some are Communists. They all go in the same boxes," he added, eyeing Rudy to see what his reaction to that comment might be.

"Perhaps," Nicola put in, "There is someone who uses this area because, and forgive me if I'm wrong Sir, but there's nobody here at night."

"No, there isn't," the gravedigger grunted, "Even we get time off. And accidents happen in the dark... though the boy was here after dark... that's odd, come to think of it."
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Rudy Rudeanu

Rudy stood looking at the ground and merely nodded at the news the grave-keeper delivered. It was clear from his expression the news of nationalists and communists killing each other and being thrown in the same grave together was in no way shocking to him. If anything his not was that of a weary man who could affect little more than weary, but unsurprised, disappointment at such news.

"Someone comes here." Rudy's voice was distracted as he looked around the forested section of the cemetery and began pacing about the grounds, examining the hedges and trees of the forested cemetery that surrounded them there. "There's no vantage point from the street. Nor even the buildings. Whoever did this either knew he was here. Or were already in the cemetery for some reason and were close enough to hear or see him working."

He stood up again looking around again, looking puzzled. "Why start here?" He clearly wasn't talking to either Nicola or the grounds keeper at this point. "If it was just a chance encounter, why keep killing? Why stick to the cemetery and draw attention? The others were vagrants, women, people that wouldn't be missed - this man was employed, on the grounds, and was definitely missed. No other bodies found before this: so what was special about here?"

Rudy bit his lip and looked up, as though looking up into the canopy of trees might hold some useful clue. He had a look Nicola at least recognized. The look he sometimes got when they were scouting another performer's act, and he'd be puzzling out how they'd engineered a particular show. He usually had ready answers, but when he didn't he often looked like this - staring off blankly as though stuck in some internal loop in his own head.

Eventually he remembered he wasn't alone and looked to the grave digger and affected one of his bright, performer's smiles. "Ah, thank you Herr Totengräber, you've been very helpful. We'll just be taking some notes I think from here."

As the gravedigger departed Rudy watched him go. Leaning in towards Nicola he quietly whispered. "I feel like we're missing something but this old portion of the cemetery is too secluded. No one just happened to be passing through here. They couldn't have spotted him from the street. They had to be in the cemetery, after dark, already. And they've stuck around. They have to know they'll be caught - someone would notice. I don't know... maybe the cemetery has some special significance to them? There's a method to this madness I'm just not fathoming."

Rudy steepled his fingers against the bridge of his nose and cast his eyes around the dirt again, as though the earth itself might hold some answer. "Our first victim worked here. I doubt all our victims have just been wandering inside the cemetery after dark. By hook or by crook our killer is bringing at least some of them here: which means someone nearby must've seen our man on the prowl. We should speak with the others but perhaps that's our next lead."
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

Adam Temple, Sonja Wickler & Theo Rautenbach

(Cowritten with @Tackytaff & @Terrans)

There was some considerable suspicion about letting the trio into the police station. The two officers stationed out front were carrying long rifles and clearly expecting trouble and eyed the group menacingly as they made their way up the steps. Temple tipped his hat politely, and it seemed one might have recognised him as their was a visible relaxing of tension, "Good day officers. I'm here to see Officer Leonhard Faerber again."

There was an exchange of nods, between the pair then the one who seemed to have recognised Temple opened the door into the lobby, "Wait here," he instructed, making his way into the busy interior of the building. It seemed to be swarming with uniformed officers in the state of hive-like business you might expect during a crisis. The officer at the desk gave them a wary look, but didn't say anything.

"Faerber, unfortunately can't properly investigate this case," Temple muttered under his breath, his voice only carrying to his companions, "The political unrest in the city is consuming all their resources... though its busier in here that the last time I was in. There did seem to be an unusually high presence of Freikorps on the streets."

"Well it's not as though he could give us any less information." Sonja replied just as quietly, brow furrowed and arms folded across her chest as she stared down the officer manning the front desk. "Is this Faerber being paid by your people? Or just eager to share information with any good Samaritan?" Theo remained at the rear of the trio. Giving a reinforcing tug of his jacket; making sure his shoulder holster was still covered, “Does it really matter? It’s not as if he has a reason to hide the facts.” Theo countered.

"It doesn't," Sonja admitted with a shrug. "I just wonder what motivates a lawman to believe in..." Her hand waved noncommittally, "All this."

"A few people have become aware of our association over the years," Temple replied quietly, "Often they are in police forces. A detective may find an unexplainable case and choose to enlist our expertise. They are the people most often required to stare into the eyes of the strange, terrible and unexplainable," Temple replied, "And come up with a safe, rational explanation... while remaining, perhaps, unsatisfied themselves."

“So we are a convenient solution then? Taking care of a problem out of sight and out of mind. All without wasting their resources.” Theo sounded slightly affronted. Whether at the fact someone would shirk their duty or the thought that people knew and didn’t care about this side of the world ; was not apparent.

"Everyone is stretched thin these days." Sonja remarked impassively. "Cases being rushed or passed over is hardly new, especially with victims such as ours." Her gaze shifted towards her two companions. "If we are the only ones willing and able, so long as we end it, that would be satisfaction enough I think."

There was a click of booted feet on the floor announcing the appearance of an officer in a blue almost-military uniform with a black police shako on, "Ah Mister Temple," he greeted him.

"Officer, Faeber," Temple returned the greeting.

"Any news," Faeber asked, cutting straight to the point.

Temple shook his head apologetically, "We are still in the preliminary stages of our investigation, but I wanted to ask if we could see the files you have on the first dead man?"

"Of course," Faeber didn't seem at all put out by the request. Grateful, perhaps that someone was taking an interest, "Sirs, Madam, if you will follow me."

A few minutes later they were standing inside a dusty office with high barred North facing windows. It smelled slightly damp and was awash with files. Open cases that Faeber had, it seemed, had not closed... at least not to his satisfaction. He went behind his desk, lifting a half-filled filing box from a shelf, before depositing it on the desk in the middle of them, "This one... there's photos from the crime scene... oh and this," he held up a small canvas bag with a string tie, tipping out the contents - a silver coin, "It's a medieval groschen. Clutched in the dead man's hand. Let me know if you need a hand finding anything."

Theo picked up the coin. Holding it the light with interest. He didn’t have the slightest education to place its origins but he rubbed a finger of the metal anyways. Feeling the indents beneath the remaining fingers of his left hand.

"Can I take a look?" Temple asked, holding a hand out before holding the old coin up to the light, "1529," he paused, turning it over, "one batzen... Ernest of Bavaria. Hmm," he passed the coin to Sonja, scratching his chin thoughtfully, "I can't imagine you find those around very often."

“1529… Tell me. Does this secret social club of ours have records that go back that far? Perhaps, if there were attacks that stopped on this date?” Theo scratched his chin in thought.

Temple nodded, "There are archives. It's worth taking a look. It's also worth doing a dive into folklore to see what a coin might be used for."

“Might have to let someone else do that. Not really keen on the books.” Theo looked slightly abashed; maimed hand rubbing sheepishly at his neck.

While the men took turns examining the coin, Sonja began shuffling though the photos in the box. Only, she hadn't seen the scene fresh enough to make any notable comparisons, and the photo quality with her deteriorating sight made the attempt equal parts futile and frustrating. Eventually the batzen coin made its way to her hand, where she turned it over once, then twice before giving a single nod in agreement of their assessments, "Historical interest in the Roman Empire isn't uncommon, especially in Munich, it may have been part of a collection." She offered with a slight grimace, not fully believing the coincidence but preferring over Temple's reference to folklore.

The coin and photos were returned to the desk in-front of Theo, freeing Sonja's hands to reach for a file from within the box. "We'll add it to the list of research. For now, officer, could you tell us whose decision it was to list dogs as the cause of injury?" She asked Faeber, anxious to steer the conversation in a rational direction.

"The Polizeirat indicated that was his opinion and that we should let the matter rest," Faeber lowered his voice, realising he was being, perhaps, a little mutinous, "The rise in political violence is the main priority for policing."

Sonja's frown deepened as she began rifling through the file pages. "He is so certain the murders are not extreme acts of political violence themselves? That they will not lead to more?"

"The people dead or disappeared are not politically active," Faeber replied, "They are, shall we say, invisible. Nobody has been damaged by their deaths and no group is seeking to profit. This also makes it easier for the Polizeirat to close this case unsatisfactorily. But I still hope there can be justice found."

Nicola Hoffman

"Mister Rudeanu," Nicola replied, "Speaking as a woman, albeit not one who has turned to such a shameful way to make money as most of our victims, I can tell you I certainly would not be in this graveyard after dark."

"Even were I not concerned about disturbing the resting dead, there are too many dark shadows. Any manner of unsavoury person could be lurking in the darkness and I would never see them."

8pm, Saturday 3 November 1923, The Cabaret Club

The scarred bouncer was still at the door from the night before, but this time he let the group through without protest or comment, in down the strange and spooky corridor, into the Headquarters of the Night Watch.

There was, of course, brandy. Temple smoked a cigarillo quietly, leaning against the mantlepiece above an unlit hearth as he waited for everyone to assemble. He appeared lost in contemplation, letting the smoke swirl up around him, his shoulders relaxed. Eventually, when it seemed that all of the group were there, he spoke up, "So... what have we all to report?" he asked.

"Those of us who went to the police station found the city's police overwhelmed and unable to deal with whatever is occuring around the graveyard. Political violence is on the rise and there appears to be an unusual number of paramilitaries in the city at the moment. The Officer working the case was reasonably sure this was not related as the victims were not politically active.

"We saw some photos of the crime scene," he looked to Sonja and Theo, as if checking to see if their opinion was different before adding, "They didn't add much. The Police did, however, find a coin from 1529, which apparently the first victim had in his hand. I have done some reading and I believe the cemetery was first constructed in 1563 for victims of the plague."

He paused, taking a drag from his cigarillo, holding it for a moment before letting it out, "I have a theory some of you may find... discomforting, but first, what did the rest of you find at the Asylum and in the Graveyard?"
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Hidden 17 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Dyelli Beybi

Helmut Kürten

8pm, Saturday 3 November 1923, The Cabaret Club

Helmut sat with the others inside the club. Occasionally, he was sipping from the glass of orange in front of him. He still couldn’t shake off the dread from this case. But he felt they were not getting any closer to solving this case. “Well, from me and fräulein Nicola found in the asylum, we got some insight into the killer’s psyche. He told us that the killer has some sexual frustration and would take these frustrations out on women. However, we didn’t get many clues from the warden. But our investigation from the graveyard provided more fruitful. From what clues we could get from the local grave keeper, A man named Schmidt might have some connection to the case. But unfortunately, he can’t answer any questions since he’s dead. But we could get some clues if we go to the morgue. Or just looking around the police station.” Helmut was nervously fiddling with his glass.

Again, the blonde man felt he was contributing nothing to the investigation. With what clues he had, finding the killer was meaningless. Helmut hoped Nicola, Rudy, or Aleyn could give Temple some good news.
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