This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh 433 and though few realize it, these are the closing days of the Third Era…
It all began on that one fateful day, a day that perhaps for you it was of no importance until the moment everything changed, or maybe it had been something you had done to become a catalyst. For most Imperials leading up to it, there was no difference between this day and the last, nor certainly the next for that matter. The only notable difference was the exhibition match between The Gray Prince and a visiting Companion from Skyrim. Thousands flooded the arena to behold their own champion facing off against one of the Nords of Skyrim and the tensions between Cyrodillic Nords and their brethren began to boil as the hours passed and each bout brought them closer to the feature match.
Neither was supposed to take the fight seriously, it was just supposed to be an exhibition of the strength of the Empire as a whole, but as blood was spilt and the crowd became more and more violent, all it took was a single brick thrown amongst the refuse. Both men withstood the debris as they knew it was surely a match to inflame the rivalries between provinces, but the plan had always been to clasp hands and proclaim the Empire as the true victor. And that was when a brick struck the Gray Prince and sent him to the sands, a bellowing roar of indignation from the collective crowd as for a moment when he stood it seemed as if the initial intent of non-lethal combat was off. Keen to keep the fight from getting out of hand, the Arena officials called it then and there, quickly ushering out the spectators and getting between the two combatants.
Of course as it was the Arena and even the slightest thing can get two men to fighting over their differences, a palpable tension was in the air as irritable citizens poured from the Arena stands and into the nearby bars to drink and eat away their anger. It was there in Daggerfall Dan's Bar and Grill that a group of people had gathered, unknowing of the fate they shared, you among them. Dozens packed in as the food came hot and fresh, the wait staff doing their best to ease the worries of the crowd but knowing it was a tinderbox just waiting for that first spark.
And it came with a single spilled drink, a roar of outrage, an Altmer of the mages guild flung out of the second story window and a bar brawl that would send a group of men and mer off to their fate…
Hey hey all you Ehlnofey, once more I am coming in from the top ropes with my concept of an Elder Scrolls RP set in the closing days of the Third Era. This is one of my favorite moments in the Elder Scrolls setting, as it is the precipice of one of the most pivotal moments in the timeline. A thousand years of Septims have ruled in off and on stability, and though this is set just thirty years after the end of the Imperial Simulacrum along with all the conflicts within... The Empire itself has rarely seen such stability and prosperity as it does now. But just like in real life, no one is allowed to have nice things for long and thus already there are motions to bring the Empire down. Once more the fate of the Empire, the provinces and Tamriel itself lays in the hands of the chosen few, a group of people who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being a popular Arena tavern, already packed full of angry people. The time, shortly after a botched exhibition match with unclear results that had been meant to promote provincial unity. Those chosen few? Our characters, who ended up being caught up in a bar brawl turned riot in the Arena District, and for their safety they have been escorted to the Imperial Prison and stuffed into a very specific cell to wait out the riots.
So basically, in summation. It's Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but with a group rather than one singular protagonist. And we're using lore rather than the game to define the world, so the Imperial City is an actual city of millions rather than some shitty island lmao.
- Basic Information Name: Age: (Your character's age, appropriate to their race. Mer typically live two to three times longer than an average Human, and the Beastfolk generally line up with Human lifespans. ) Race: (Choose from one of the standard ten races. Nord, Imperial, Redguard, Breton, Bosmer, Altmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Khajiit, or Argonian. Anything beyond this should be cleared first.) Appearance: (A written description is preferred, but a picture can be found acceptable. ) Personality:
- Abilities (From basic survival skills to what kind of magical talent your character has, this section will give more of a direct view on what the character is capable of in any given scenario.) Skills: (Be reasonable here. The UESP can be a good reference as well as the actual games in terms of baseline skills, but it's not something required or expected. Anything not listed here or in the magic section will be assumed as unskilled or baseline. Alchemy would be listed here as opposed to in the magic section.) Magic: (Again, use reason and the understanding that this isn't meant to be a one to one with the game. Someone with very little experience shouldn't have a large repertoire of spells, if any at all. On the other hand, someone who has spent their life in the Mages Guild should likely know more spells than they know what to do with. For magic focused characters please denote schools of magic and their proficiency in such, in addition to spells of note. For everyone else who may have some magical ability, note which ones they have on hand. Also again, you do not have to use actual in game spells. This does include enchanting.)
- Equipment (Depending on their physical ability your character can only carry a certain amount of gear on their person. This includes bags, pouches, sacks and other containers. Heavy armor is heavy, and light armor is light. Take that into account when equipping your character. Arrows additionally have weight and are not infinite. This category is intended to stand on its own and is broken down into three sections, the latter two of which are optional. ) Personal Items: (These are items and clothing that your character has on their physical person, what they were wearing when they were put into the cell. Do keep in mind that this may be a very limited list, and would not include any weapons that could be discovered via a simple pat down.) The Lock Box: (As may be assumed, this section is intended to list out what the guards confiscated from your character before placing them in the cell with the rest of the party. This is where things like weapons and such would go, anything that the guards wouldn't want in a cell full of assumed drunks and rabble-rousers.) Stored Items: (What isn't on your character physically or confiscated by the guard. This is pretty much for anything of importance that may be found at your character's residence, whether that be an actual home in the Imperial City, a room at the inn, or an heirloom somewhere else entirely.)
Background: (Short history of your character to give an idea as to their past, and how it shaped them as a person.) Ambition: (An idea of what your character is aiming for, a goal of sorts. This doesn't have to be something grand, magnificent and over-arching, it can be simple and straight-forward, something temporary. Just some form of ambition that is guiding your character, or lack thereof.)
Ayyyyyyyyyy Oblivion really was the best Elder Scrolls game, and at the very least the one with some semblance of a color palette :v
I'd be interested if allowed.
Unless you've secretly kicked one of my cats without my knowing, I don't see why not lmao.
Give to me elder scrolls! (Morrowind forever favorite but oblivion is a second fave)
Morrowind was truly one of the Elder Scrolls games of all time, but is also one of my favorite RPGs, so more than welcome
As an aside, I have posted up the actual CS we'll be using into the first post. Just in case anyone wants to work on something while waiting for the OOC proper and such. I do also want to be transparent on some things just so no one comes in and is surprised.
Primarily this will be more based on the setting itself, rather than the games. Yes, we're working alongside the plotlines of Oblivion and will be bringing in some of the quests and characters of it, but we're not limiting ourselves to the mechanics of a game engine. Cyrodiil will be huge, the Imperial City huge, and overall the world of Tamriel will be a lot closer to how it is supposed to be.
That said, as I always maintain in any fandom RP... Canonicity no longer applies the moment the RP starts. There will be divergences, alterations and some things happening that very likely shouldn't. I will of course be doing my best to keep things as close to ES Lore as possible, but we're not on rails for this lmao.
"...So, would this be a bad time to point out that I have no idea what I'm doing?"
Name: Caddach Thraigyr Age: 19 Race: Breton, Mostly Appearance: Of relatively modest height— standing at only 5'6"— but surprisingly built as a consequence of both his occupation and the Karthic blood in his veins. Caddach's light brown hair (with the occasional tinge of the ginge) is cut short in the legionary fashion, both to keep it out of his way and to keep his head cool during those balmy Cyrodiil summers, where he often finds himself working on rooftops across the Palace District— which also accounts for his near constant farmer's tan.
Personality: A child of Cyrodiil through and through, Caddach is a clever, hardworking, often sarcastic but all around good natured kind of lad who, despite all his family's wealth and being noble by birth, has never really acted the part; the result of growing up around many different kinds of people from all sorts of places as well as his House's general shutting out from 'Proper Society' by the Nibenese High-Nobility for their 'foreign' origins and ways. As such, to the eyes of anyone else, he's pretty much just your average kid from the Imperial City— knowing the place with the kind of intuition only a local could. Like where to get what you want, where you'll be ripped off and where to cover your coin-purse as well as being on a first-name basis with all sorts; beggars, mercs, shopkeeps, inn-keepers and guards— many of whom he's known since he was a kid and some he actually grew up with. Though that's not to say he's some soft-skinned city boy either, and his youthful travels as well as being raised largely by his grandparents have made him just as comfortable sitting at a campfire in Black Marsh, hiking through the Colovian Highlands or within the walls of Orsinium as he would be at home.
At the end of the day, despite his storied lineage and arguably much more successful siblings, our boy Caddach has never aspired to be anything more than what he actually is. Just a local guy, loyal to his Empire and Emperor, doing his job, paying his taxes and going out for a drink with his friends on the weekends to watch the Grey Prince stomp some ass.
Just a guy. Nothing more, nothing less. Abilities:
Groundskeeper: Caddach's job is to maintain the Imperial Palace, and he's actually gotten pretty good at it; a bit of carpentry here, a bit of slating or masonry there, sweeping or scrubbing the floors... That kind of thing.
Innawoods Survival Training: A consequence of all those trips he took as a boy, and going out camping with his grandparents so often; Caddach is actually quite comfortable in the outdoors and can hunt, scavenge, fish, build a fire to cook the things he hunts, scavenges and fishes and doesn't do too bad of a job at the cooking part either. Can also do the basic things like building a lean-to to protect himself from the elements when he sleeps and knows where to, and more importantly, where not to dig a latrine.
Animal Knowledge: When you grow up with a Druid and a Reachman for grandparents, in a house with many animals, like, for example; a lazy sabrecat, a cuddly, very well taken care of and affectionate skeever and multiple horse-sized wolves... you learn a few things. Though this will likely not see much use outside of perhaps tracking game, identifying and warding off wild animals and perhaps, just maybe, deactivating a hostile— or just scared— beast with the application of precision scritches in the right spot.
Martial Knowledge: Though he hasn't seriously trained with a weapon in years, as a scion to a family of knights, a good chunk of his youth before entering the Arcane University (and even then, unofficially carrying it on under his 'tutor') was spent in martial training, making him familiar with weapons of all kinds— and having more of a knack for it at the time than maybe even he himself realised... Though the most he gets out of it these days is the occasional spar with bored palace guards or a few nobles.
Educated: Though Caddach doesn't speak, or usually act all that differently than your other average kid born and raised in the Imperial City, and generally keeps his mouth shut and his head down while doing his work, he's actually far more clever than he ever really lets on. Sharp, even for a Breton and not at all hindered by his family's relative wealth affording him a damned decent education from an early age and access to all the books he could ever want as a kid.
Magicka: Before his unceremonious booting from the Arcane University, Caddach managed to pick up a thing or two from his... particularly unorthodox teacher. Namely a bit of restoration, some uncommon tricks from the school of destruction (like the ability to use melee weapons as a magical focus, though he is somewhat out of practice with it) and an actually impressive amount from the school of alteration; some of which are technically forbidden under Tamrielic law.
Herbalism: Caddach's dear old grandma Elyza was a druid back in the day, and made sure to pass on some of her knowledge to her darling little 'Snuggle-Bug'. So while his tumultuous time at the Arcane University prevented him from becoming a proper alchemist, he still has more than enough knowledge to identify and make use of nature's bounty to know what can be eaten and to create everything from salves, tonics and remedies to more mundane things like good spices, soothing teas, refreshing poscas and some of grandma's assorted super-secret recipes for food and snacks.
Frost: Skilled enough to use it offensively... maybe, but these days Caddach uses it mainly to chill his drink or, on a really hot day, on himself to cool off, so he's a bit out of practice.
Fire: As above, our boy is— theoretically, anyway— skilled enough to make use of fire spells on the attack. However, Caddach hasn't actually done so in a while, mainly using it for mundane things like heating his tea or cooking his lunch on the fly, so he's juuuuust a bit rusty.
Shock: Something Caddach was trained extensively in, both by Ted and his grandfather before that, as a Nine-Damned lightning bolt to the face is an immediate and particularly effective 'Fuck you and your mom' to anybody looking for the smoke. However, he basically hasn't used it at all since taking on his new job, as there isn't much place for lightning in the day-to-day life of a Groundskeeper, so he's severely out of practice.
Water: A neat, non-standard variation of the Frost spell Caddach picked up as a kid. Useful for a quick drink on the go, filling canteens and buckets or hosing down your friends as a cheeky prank. Actually gets a lot of use out of this one on hot days.
Glowlight: One of Caddach's more day-to-day spells, mainly because it's a helluva lot better than carrying a torch around all day on the off-chance he has to keep working into the night. With the added bonus that it's a lot less likely to catch things (like, say, tar) on fire.
Waterwalking: One of the first spells Caddach ever learned as a child, and something he used so often it became almost second nature. Great for not drowning if you fall off a boat, getting to weird places or, if you were a dumb kid like he was in his youth, infinite amusement riding those big damned waves off the Gold Coast. Also very useful for catching slaughterfish, oddly enough; As all you really have to do is stand there, wiggle your feet to get one's attention, then step out of the way as it comes up— mad as all Oblivion and looking for your toes— and whack it with a stick.
Waterbreathing: Something else he learned early on when he was a kid, partly as a back up in case the waterwalking thing failed for some reason and partly because he had a lot of Argonian friends growing up, and the spell helped him keep up with their innate ability to breathe underwater all those times they went out for a dive in the Niben looking for cool stuff or for a bit of spear fishing.
Feather/Burden: A combo of spells Caddach's Dremora friend was damned sure to drill into his head for their utility and for the fact that, in his own words "Anything you can make weigh a few hundred pounds on the downswing is a damned fine weapon.". Unlike a lot of other things he learned from Ted, he actually uses these almost every damned day in his new job, as there's no shortage of heavy things he has to carry or hammers that could use juuuust a little more 'Oomph!'.
Shield: Another hand-me-down from Ted, who reasoned that if the boy was going to be throwing spells, he might as well learn how to protect against them, too— As well as any hypothetical jackass comes at him with a big damned axe or something of the like. Suffice to say, hasn't really had much use of it as of late.
Levitation: Another thing he learned from Ted; While Caddach is nowhere near the level of, say, the masters in Morrowind (who can outright fly), he can 'Jump good' and 'Not die' pretty great after coming down, too. And while these feats are technically illegal under the so-called Levitation Act of 3E 421, the Palace Guards have always looked the other way the one or two times where he (or a coworker) have fallen off the roof and he chose to break the law instead of making a big red mess all over the Emperor's lawn.
Unlock:Really great for when Caddach forgets his keys.
Healing: It was never his strong suit, but Caddach can heal his own wounds and to a lesser extent, others. Though it's a slower process than someone who's actually skilled in the art and a whole lot less... pleasant; with wounds still leaving behind gnarly scars afterward and bones roughly snapping back into place instead of gently weaving themselves back together as they normally would.
Fortify Strength/Speed: Something Caddach learned very quickly after he started going on those dives with his friends as a kid. More specifically, after encountering his first swarm of slaughterfish and having to piggyback a (slightly chewed) Argonian all the way home.
-Work clothes; Leather boots with steel toe-caps, brown work pants with a whole lotta pockets bloused into said boots to stop them getting caught on things, and a simple, white short-sleeved shirt with more than a few stains on it from his job. -A little paper bag of the Arena's home brand of jerky, sweet and spicy flavoured. -Two little bread rolls. -A wet cloth one of the guards gave him on request, one that he's frosted over to have something cool to hold against his now very sore head and black eye.
-His keys, both for around the palace and to his family home. -A Wine-skin filled with honey-juniper posca. -A set of dice.
Born to a branch of an ancient, though (until relatively recently) minor noble house from the Westreach region of High Rock that had migrated down to the Imperial City just over a century prior, Caddach had... honestly, a pretty damned decent childhood. Though not high enough on the social totem pole to be invited to those kinds of galas, banquets and balls the Nibenese elite like to throw every other day, partly due to being considered 'Foreigners', even after several generations of living in the capital and partly due to the sheer scandal of a family perceived to be far too friendly with those savages of the Reach— though that accusation in particular actually has some truth to it, as the young man's grandfather and namesake being very much a Reachman, his mother half-so, though she tried to hide it, and even his father's side of the family being suspiciously broad-shouldered and more sturdily built than most Bretons— the tidy profit his family earned from the overland trade of rare alchemical goods, ores and animals from their family's holdings in the Westreach, spices from eastern Hammerfell and lumber from Colovia meant that he and his family could live very comfortably indeed. Even moreso when his eldest brother took the two remaining ships the family had mothballed in Anvil after trade across the Abecean dried up in the wake of the War of Betony to extend their usual trade route down the Niben and into southern Elsweyr and Black Marsh.
So, Caddach whittled his days away as a youth playing in the streets with the other neighbourhood kids like any child of the Imperial City would, learning how to fight as any Thraigyr child should and every once in a while riding out on the back of his Karthwolf, Ryka (a very good girl, in case you were wondering) to visit his uncle out in Kvatch, or going up the trade route with his dad one way to visit friends and relatives in High Rock, Hammerfell and Orsinium or down the other to meet with new trading partners in Elsweyr and Argonia— One trip to the latter in particular resulting in a tattoo on his shoulder a local shaman insisted he should have after a certain incident, the boy himself thought was kind of neat and his mother absolutely hated.
Finally, at the age of fourteen, his second oldest brother began poking him about joining him in the Legions in a few years time. But his heart was set on writing his entrance exams and getting into the Arcane University, so he could stay close to home, which he did that very same year.
And incidentally, that's about when his life ceased to be a charming tale of a young lad traveling the world and making new friends along the way and became a outright fucking comedy.
For no sooner did he walk in the front door to the highest institution of learning in the entire Empire, did he encounter Saullon Ocato— or as he'll call him 'til the day he dies; 'The Fuckwit'— who took one look at him up and down and decided that there was no way in Nirn or Oblivion that this 'Little Barbarian Shit' was going to pollute his university. And very quickly, Caddach would find to his initial horror and eventual annoyance that any potion he mixed would either fail or just blow up in his face, any book he tried to study or report he tried to write would mysteriously either go missing, burst into flames, or some other crazy shit, and any official he tried to bring this apparent sabotage to the attention to, or Nine forbid asked to be taught by being dismissive, mocking, aloof, outright hostile or any combination of the above.
Nevermind all the times his clothes would just vanish off his body as he walked through the halls. Or freeze solid. Or spontaneously combust. Or all the times Saul and his ilk would just casually stroll up and punch him right in the godsdamned face, knowing full well he wasn't allowed to hit them back— Something in particular that galled Caddach as he was pretty certain he only needed to punch the spindly Altmer exactly once to snap every bone above his shoulders.
A few months into his studies, unable to learn, no one willing to teach him but with his family having supported the university too generously in the past (while probably being unaware of it's inner workings) to get rid of him, the lad would find himself downgraded to being essentially an unpaid janitor. Which is where, oddly enough, he found the only instructor he'd ever have his whole time there- 'Ted', Saullon's own bound Daedra who'd been stuck with him for over a decade and hated the little bastard even more than Caddach did. And who was more than happy to teach him all sorts of things the instructors never would, even if they were doing their jobs; like how to fool magic wards, pop open locks with a touch, the first two phases of now very illegal levitation magic and how to really fight with magic. Things Caddach would use to get into the library to sneakily read all the books that were suddenly forbidden to him, and educate himself on all the gaps that Ted couldn't teach.
Two years past that, our boy had long since given up on ever rising above his status as the unofficial toilet-scrubber for the University and was simply learning for his own sake. Riiiiight up until he found one book in particular, one he realized he had to study thoroughly, spending an entire week on it, in fact. Following which he'd toss his mage robes directly into the trash, and go looking for Saullon, who he'd find as he typically did throughout the day, with his whole hypesquad of dipshits and a grumbling Ted in tow and immediately unbound the battle-hardened Daedra right on the spot with all he'd learned from that particular book. A last favour to the best friend he had ever made in that damned place. Who, in turn, must've been the happiest Dremora that ever fucking existed.
He had been waiting years to deliver this ass-whooping, after all.
As Caddach expected, he was immediately expelled from the Arcane University for that particular stunt, though officially he was let go for his poor grades; the full scope of the incident and all that led up to it being a serious threat too many careers if it ever made the light of day in an official report. At that point, though, Caddach could really give less of a shit about it, and was just happy to leave. There was the slight possibility however that Saullon, being of distant relation to the High Chancellor of the Elder Council, might come back to bite him and more alarmingly his family in the ass, but as it turned out, Ocato of Firsthold hated the Fuckwit just as much as he did, and was actually pretty pleased to see him get a healthy dose of reality (and Daedric fists) to the face.
Hell, that's probably what got him his current job in the first place. As not even three days after the 'incident', one of his childhood friends from the block who grew up to be a member of Imperial Intelligence just happened to arrive at exactly the moment his mother's screaming about how he'd ruined his own career reached it's daily crescendo to offer to take him to the palace to interview for a suddenly open position as a groundskeeper. Which he was more than happy to take him up on as it got him out of that damned house. Where he would meet with a Khajiiti aide to the Council who would go over the specifics of the job, how he'd be apprenticed to masons, slaters, carpenters— he would pause a moment to note with the kind of amused smirk only a cat could pull off that 'This one is told you don't need to be taught how to clean'—, that he'd stay in the general servants quarters for a few months before getting his own little room, and that, most importantly— and they really stressed this— he was to "Pay attention."
And there he's been ever since. Cleaning out eavestroughs, scrubbing floors, re-slating the roofs in the Palace District and, most importantly watching, listening and learning as he was instructed to do those three years ago. And honestly? He kinda likes it. Sure, the labour can be rough sometimes, and you get a lot of weird things going on in the Imperial Palace, buuuuut, it pays well, the room, food and haircuts are free, he gets weekends off and he's actually made a few friends among the other palace staff and guards; even going out to the Arena then onto Daggerfall Dan's (a popular pub) after quittin' time every other Fredas.
All in all, he's back to a comfortable life.
...Well, was.
Right up until the big boss let him off early to go see the big fight in the arena and some dickhead tripped him in the bar afterward, making him spill some beer. Which, subsequently, earned him the mother of all punches to the face.
He doesn't know it yet, but his life's about to get a whole lot less comfy.
...The massive shiner he's currently wearing aside.
Ambition: Caddach... doesn't really have any great ambition or personal goals; he's quite satisfied in his career, thank you very much. Though he wouldn't mind reconciling with his family after having become the proverbial black sheep.
An ancient, though relatively minor house, first attested in the records of the Direnni as one of eight 'Warden Houses' raised in the early First Era to stand sentinel over the Hegemony's frontier in the Westreach... though those same records are vague as to whether they were directly transplanted there by the Altmer of Balfiera— as the Direnni tended to do with their 'Manmeri' bastards— or if the family was already a known quantity in the region among the native Nedic and Karthic peoples. Though neither clan has ever refuted their family ties.
The only one of the eight 'Warden Houses' to survive into the modern day, House Thraigyr enjoys a unique position of being not only a Knightly House of High Rock (with all the privileges that brings) but also enjoys the fruits of a longstanding policy of prioritising cooperation and commerce with their neighbours in Wrothgar and Druadach over conquest and subjugation. Enjoying strong ties not only with the Kingdom of Evermor, but the local Reachfolk and even the nearby Orcs as well, being one of the few Breton houses willing to deal fairly with (most) incarnations of Orsinium throughout the ages... and in fact being a direct vassal to the Orcish King in the modern day, due to the effects of the Warp in the West. Something that Gortwog gro-Nagorm felt no need to 'correct' afterward because, as the saying goes; "Thraigyr loyalty is like Wrothgarian rain— FUCKING CONSISTENT."
Though largely considered no more than an eccentric curiosity in the wider history of High Rock, the family is still at least widely respected in their local area. Though they are still occasionally subject to ridicule and sometimes outright reviled in other places for their perceived (actually, rather open) habit of 'intermingling' with the Orcs and the Reachfolk.
Thraigyrs of High Rock The main branch of the family, with a long and storied history in Eastern High Rock, serving various Kings and Queens throughout the ages in both peace and war as both a loyal vassal and intermediary between Breton monarchs and their Karthic subjects— though not blindly, as they have been known to rise in rebellion when sufficiently provoked— and have produced at least two Regents for the Kingdom of Evermor and one in Jehenna and Dragonstar each over the centuries. In the modern day, they serve the Kingdom of Orsinium in their traditional role as 'Wardens of the Reach' and often as ambassadors to Evermor, being one of the few Breton Houses in King Gortwog's employ.
Thraigyrs of Hammerfell The second oldest branch of the family, the (at the time, modest) presence of House Thraigyr in Dragonstar and Craglorn goes all the way back to the Direnni Hegemony, until they were abruptly forced out by the Yokudan Warrior Waves. Only to trickle back in again over the next few decades and centuries either by their own enterprise or at the invite of Forebear rulers, who requested their expertise in dealing with both the challenges on the frontiers of their new home, and in treating with those the Warrior Waves never managed to fully expel; the Reachmen and the Orcs. In the modern day, the Thraigyr of Hammerfell serve mostly as a source of chartered mercenaries in the province's East that can be relied upon to hold to certain code of conduct, working in conjunction with local Fighters Guilds. And, more recently, to guard the family's trade caravans going to and from Cyrodiil.
Thraigyrs of Cyrodiil The youngest branch of the family, House Thraigyr's presence in Cyrodiil began as a modest enterprise trading goods back and forth between Cyrodiil and High Rock just over a century ago. Evolving over the decades into a profitable trade enterprise using their contacts within the Reach to import rare alchemical goods (among other things) to the Imperial City and luxury items back to High Rock that damn near exploded during the chaos of the Simulacrum. Where the family gained a reputation of actually being able to deliver it's goods, even in the midst of the multiple wars happening at the time, though this would not be enough to prevent their maritime operations out of Anvil from drying up after the War of Betony. Where, in later decades, the Cyrodiilic branch would instead focus their remaining ships on trading up and down the Niben into Elsweyr and Black Marsh.
In the modern day, the Thraigyrs of Cyrodiil stand in a strange position in Imperial society; wealthy but not particularly influential, liked by the common people for bringing good jobs and affordable housing to the Capital during and after the Simulacrum but scorned by the old Nibenese houses for being foreign upstarts and 'barbarians', fitting in but not quite 'fitting in', as it were. The growth of what would become the neighborhood of 'Little Wrothgar' in the Imperial City standing as physical proof to their eccentricity.
An unofficial 'Burough' in the Market District of the Imperial City, Little Wrothgar finds it's roots as the relatively poor neighbourhood in which the Thraigyrs first set up shop in the early days of their trade ventures into Cyrodiil. Expanding in influence as the family reinvested their growing profits into buying more properties around their initial operation to not only house their own workforce coming down from High Rock and Hammerfell, but to offer good paying jobs and low rents (with the option to own) to the impoverished locals. Something that attracted more and more immigrants to the area (especially after the establishment of the initial overland ventures into Elsweyr and Argonia) and an accompanying flurry of construction to accommodate them.
This would eventually draw the ire of a certain few local Noble families. Who, already annoyed about an ongoing dispute regarding Colovian lumber and incensed by these 'upstarts' bringing so many foreigners into their city, would successfully petition the Elder Council for a ruling to not only halt the Thraigyrs from buying up any more of the surrounding property, but to force them to build a 'Suitable Wall' to keep their dangerous goods secure and to pay the City Watch for the inconvenience of guarding it... for everyone's safety, of course!
Knowing better than to argue with a decree from the Elder Council, the then-head of the Cyrodiilic Thraigyrs opted to adhere to the ruling in the most spiteful way he possibly could; by instead starting to build upward instead of outward and hiring Orcish Architects to build that bloody wall. A rather substantial and very 'distinct' structure that stands to this very day, not only demarcating the neighbourhood's borders, but standing as a gleeful monument to malicious compliance.
Today, Little Wrothgar stands as a relatively safe and prosperous section of the Market District, where housing still remains affordable to this day due to a regime of rent control and investments into local businesses. With eclectic architecture incorporating elements of cultures spanning the whole of the Thraigyr trade route (From High Rock to Elsweyr and Argonia) and a diverse smattering of people to match as a very deliberate flip of the bird in the direction to the Nibense Nobility. It's increasingly vertical architecture, incorporating towers with terraced gardens and shops built on bridges between them serving only to twist the knife even further.
The fact that the Watch like being posted there— the family having gone above and beyond the initial agreement and built them their own barracks— doesn't much help with schemes to 'Bring that eyesore down' either.
Soooo how deep into skills/magic are we goin? >.> Cuz I am scrounging my way through that wiki and memory and I don't wanna go overboard XD
Primarily I'm not really looking for a one to one game mechanic type of thing, with numbers and stats lol. Something along the lines of how Lurk detailed Caddach's skills works excellently, like explaining what kinds of skills they may have and to what degree they are skilled in them.
I'm interested, I need a comprehensive ES guide now
The UESP is an excellent resource to explore the world of the Elder Scrolls, though I will make note that it's not something that will be strictly adhered to, as at the end of the day the story matters more. I am someone with a rather distinct disdain for "Lorehammer" lol