Demi had been avoiding Zeke since the encounter. Too ashamed to show his face after what he had done to his sister. He hadn't realized he had that kind of anger inside of him. Nor that Nancy was able to pull it out so easily. But in the end Zeke was the one who'd gotten hurt by it all. Both physically and emotionally, and it killed Demi that it happened. So he hid, waiting for Nancy to finish her duty before he could snatch her up and try to speak.
Once Leandra had been sorted and dealt with - ideally for the last time - Nancy had told Niah and the others that she needed a moment to herself, and that she would rejoin them later. There was a never ending list of items that needed to be discussed, from the current crisis to whether they would be able to rebuild their home. And all of it had fallen on Nancy’s shoulders. Being praetor of the legion was not fun - in many ways, it felt like a curse, a weight that she did not wish to bear. Demetri had been right, after all. It was her fault that it had come to this - that New Rome had fallen. Generations of praetors had come and gone, and none of them managed to fuck up quite as badly as Nancy had. With her hands in her pockets, Nancy headed from the boundary line of Camp Half-blood towards the woods - there, she tended to be able to find a quiet moment when she needed one.
Demetri caught sight of Nancy crossing through the wooded line. He waited a beat, looking to see if she was alone or not. As if the God's wanted this to happen, she was. Now was probably his best chance to go talk to her, but his legs felt like lead. Frozen in place as he panicked at what might happen. She seemed in thought, quiet, and startling her could provoke an attack. No, these were just excuses to wait. So with that he let out a deep sigh and began to lightly jog towards her.
”Uh, hey, uh Nancy.”Nancy turned as she heard the approaching person - and she couldn’t help but audibly huff as she saw that it was Demetri.
”If you’re here to criticize me again, it can wait,” she told him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Bruises were already forming on her body from where he had hit her repeatedly - she hadn’t taken any ambrosia or nectar for them. It seemed like a waste of resources. But she wasn’t angry with him for it - it had been fair. She’d hit him. He’d hit back. It was over. At least he wasn’t an emu anymore.
”No, no. I didn't come to criticize you. I just wanted to talk… “ Demi said as he closed the gap a little, still leaving some room for Apollo.
”I…wanted to say I'm sorry. It's clear now that I may have had some semblance of jealousy because Zeke was beginning to take time away from me to be with you. I know that's stupid but…he's really important to me. And I can tell he's also really important to you too, and clearly we both mean a lot to him so…maybe we can talk this out? Go see Zeke, get your wounds healed up and try to find a way to make this work.”She didn’t respond at first, just staring at Demetri. She hadn’t necessarily expected this from him - not that she ever expected much from him in general. But… she had gone too far, and she needed to work on that. At least for Zeke. He was dating Demi, and while there was the complication with that party god, it didn’t seem like they’d break up any time soon. She sighed, and ran a hand through her hair.
”Sure. We can talk,” Nancy said, her voice clipped - but otherwise not unpleasant.
”If it makes you feel better, I won’t be around soon. You’ll have your wish.””That's-” Demi sighed pacing in place.
”That's not what I want. And knowing how much it may pain Zeke doesn't make me feel any better. But, why won't you be here?” He asked, motioning for them to start walking.
She was slightly surprised he didn’t know. Somehow, she’d assumed Zeke had told him - but then again, maybe it was arrogant to assume that Zeke talked about her to his boyfriend.
”I’m stepping down as praetor once this is over - once I’ve undone the damage caused to New Rome,” she explained.
”As much as you hate me and the work that I’ve done, it’s nothing compared to how I feel about everything that’s happened,” Nancy admitted. It wasn’t something that she said lightly. But after calling Demetri that slur earlier and attacking him, she figured he at least deserved her honesty - for Zeke’s sake.
”I don't hate you. And well…you were right. I don't know enough about Rome to know just how much hangs over your head. How much pressure you must have been under, are under. But I'm sure you did your best at the time, and the fact that you're trying to fix things before you leave shows how far you're willing to go. That's a true leader Nancy.” Demi's tone changing, as if he was championing for her. He paused for a moment, catching himself. [Color=6666FF]”So…what then? What comes after?”[/color
Nancy raised an eyebrow.
”Less than an hour ago, you had a very different opinion,” she pointed out.
”As for after - I’m going to go join my aunt’s hunt. Or I suppose if I die, then I’ll be a tree. A tree would be nice.””Less than an hour ago my mind was clouded. It was like…some strange sensation took over me, overriding my thoughts. Though…I did say what was on my mind so, I guess that's not an excuse. Does Zeke know about this hunt?” Demetri said, stopping just outside the doors of the infirmary where Zeke had said he'd be.
She nodded.
”He does.” Nancy answered. She sighed slightly as they reached the infirmary. Demetri had been making an effort. It pained her, and she would’ve preferred to walk alone in the woods, but he had tried. She had to at least meet him halfway.
”Look - before we talk to Zeke - we can start fresh. Clean slate. I can’t promise I won’t get angry - if you haven’t noticed, I inherited my father’s crueler traits - but I can promise to try. For him. Just respect my boundaries. No Leandra bullshit. And if you could keep your God of Parties away from me, I would appreciate it. You know my trauma there.””A clean slate sounds nice. And you're allowed to be angry, Zeke spent half the time I knew him bullying me and being annoyed by me so I get it. I'll try to, and I'll try to keep him away…I always try to even from me. But I'll talk to him, tell him he can't be around if he sees me with you.” Demi replied, a half smile on his face as he held out his fist for a fist bump.
”...What are you doing?” Nancy asked, tilting her head a bit in confusion as Demi held his fist out in front of her.
”Is this some sort of secret handshake?”Demi chuckled.
”We could make a secret handshake for the three of us. But for now, it's a fist bump. Like this.” He said, hesitantly grabbing Nancy's wrist and gently bumping her fist against his.
”...Weird,” Nancy shook her head. The future was still surprising her. That was one of the reasons she wanted to join the Hunt - to escape the modern world for a little while longer.
”Did you make that up? Or is that a thing now, like a mey-mey?”Demetri chuckled as his hand rested upon the doorknob.
”I'm sorry, Mey-mey? What in the world is that?” He asked, barely able to contain his laughter at the name alone as it echoed into the building.
”Those pictures, that double as jokes? That people show others on the web?” Nancy frowned. Had she misremembered the name? She was almost certain that was what they were called.
The infirmary had always been Ezekiel's safe space at camp. The steady hum of healing and fixing what could be fixed soothed his soul and mind. It gave him purpose. And at least here, Zeke could pretend to do something about everything that was going wrong in his life.
So, when Ezekiel heard a familiar laugh drift down the hallway, it surprised him how familiar and comforting that sound had become. Like Zeke had developed another safe space without realizing it. The infirmary was rather quiet right now, which allowed for Demetri’s voice to float down the hallway effortlessly.
Zeke set his notebook down and walked to his door to listen, but he didn't step into the hallway. He thought he heard someone else with Demetri, and if it was Alexios Demi was with, Zeke wanted to mentally prepare himself before he saw his boyfriend with the god.
Demi wiped a tear with his free hand, the small drop making him wince a little as it ran over a forming bruise while he laughed.
”Here I thought it was some hip retro thing from your time. It's pronounced meeem. But no I didn't invent either of them unfortunately. But i did perfect them.” ”Meem. Got it,” Nancy repeated, trying to commit that to memory. She really did try to remember things about the modern era - but it was like all the time in the Lotus Casino had done something to her brain, made it a little bit harder to understand these new concepts and remember them all. She didn’t question Demetri’s claim that he had perfected them - she barely understood what they were, after all.
”So, what did you do, before all this. Before…the time jump. You must've had hobbies, Arcade? Something to pass the time. Maybe movies? Zeke doesn't get a lot of my references, maybe we could do a movie night to catch you both up on some classics.”That was an unexpected question - and not one Nancy had ever really been asked before. Her childhood felt so far away, so foggy and distant. She could hardly even remember her mother’s face.
”My mom had me work,” Nancy explained.
”Singing in shows and stuff. Kept food on the table. Didn’t really have time for hobbies.”Demi's smile faltered for a brief moment. Guilt ripping inside of him both for pushing her at the Hotel when she was clearly not up for it, as well as every word he'd ever said to her. You never knew what someone was going through, or have been through, till you walked a mile in their shoes. He tried to bring his smile back, pushing past it all to keep up the good mood for the both of them.
”Well then, that's going to have to change now innit? We'll find some hobbies for you yet, maybe some you can do while traveling too. Watch some movies, catch you up on músic because man has it changed…” Demi gripped the doorknob tightly, wondering if every child of Apollo was cursed to have essentially no childhood. I mean, Demetris wasn't great but he still managed to live more than the other two it seemed. He motioned for Nancy to follow him as he pulled the door open, only for a blonde blur to fall past him with a loud thud.
Zeke had shuffled closer to the door, listening in to the conversation Demi was having with…Nancy? Ezekiel was half tempted to burst into the hallway to make sure the two didn't break into a fight, but it sounded like they might actually be getting along.
Zeke pressed his ear to the door, listening more intently while Nancy revealed some details to Demi about her life.
Thank the gods, Zeke thought to himself. Maybe they were finally getting along. With his happiness from the revelation, Zeke didn't realize the two were right outside the door until it was opening and Zeke was falling.
”Σκατά” Zeke cursed as he fell and hit the ground. He rolled over, looking up at his half-sister and boyfriend sheepishly.
”Oh, hey. What's up?”Nancy
was interested in catching up on music - before everything had happened, her goal had been to make it to Los Angeles and find a label to sign to. Movies were fun, but she couldn’t always watch them - the flashing lights could trigger her epilepsy. It was an issue with some concerts, too. Another thing she had Apollo to thank for. Although, she supposed the music nowadays - the songs she had heard, at least - weren’t nearly as good as the music from her childhood. So maybe there wasn’t too much sorrow to be had about missing out on concerts.
”Oh. Zeke,” she suddenly felt self-conscious.
”Demetri was just explaining to me some modern things - like how to fist? That’s what it’s called, right?”The colour drained from Ezekiel's face when Nancy told him of Demetri's teachings
”He taught you what now?” He scrambled to his feet, looking between Nancy and Demetri.
”Wait, why are you two hanging out together?”Demi watched as the figure on the floor looked up, revealing it to be his boyfriend. Laughter escaping him once more at his corny antics before finally responding.
”What's up? Clearly not you babe.” He went to offer his hand to help Zeke out, but froze as Nancy spoke up. His eyes darting between Zeke and his sister.
”It was a fist bump Z, get your mind outta the gutter. Geeze. That and how I seriously need to update you both to 20th century movies and music. I've got tons of vinyls back at my cabin we can start with.” Ezekiel looked at Demetri and glared at him. He followed that up with sticking his tongue out before stepping back into the room, gesturing for the other two to enter.
”It's the 21st century, D. And I'm fairly certain cabin one would explode if two kids of Apollo walked in there.” Besides, Zeke was fairly certain Nancy disliked Zeus, or rather Jupiter, nearly as much as she disliked Apollo. Putting her in Zeus’ cabin probably wasn't a smart idea.
Nancy had
no idea why Zeke reacted that way when she informed him that Demi taught her to fist. It was something sexual? How? She stiffened slightly, inadvertently remembering the closest thing she had to a sexual experience. It was her only point of reference. She brushed the thought out of her mind, focusing as much as she could on just being nice to Demetri right now. For Zeke. She could do this. As impossible as it felt.
”As long as they don’t have flashing lights, that’s fine. Did they ever make new Star Wars movies? I liked those.””Did they ever! They're technically prequels to the ones you'd seen, but man is the leading man and lady hot. I'll try and make sure the movies i pick don't have any flashing lights, though many of the ones that do come with a warning before it even starts so we'll know to switch it off if It does.” Demi said with a smile before realizing neither of them had even answered Zeke's glaring question.
”If need be we can move my system to Apollo cabin so long as the song nerds don't judge my music or ruin the vinyls. They're antiques. As for why we're here…well, kinda got a bit banged up and we are here to fix it.””Vinyls we are fine with. We have an eclectic taste of music anyways,” Ezekiel assured Demetri.
Zeke walked over to the cabinets and pulled out a few different tins before he looked behind him.
”Do either of you want a full healing or just the usual?” he asked. He looked more closely at Nancy with his question, knowing she kept how she was feeling physically a bit more to herself. He could see surface bruising but with Demi's shadow power, Zeke wasn't sure if there were any deeper injuries. Normally he would just do a deeper look with his power, but Nancy was Nancy, and Zeke wanted to give her the option.
Nancy hesitated for a moment. She didn’t like getting healing done when she didn’t absolutely need it. It felt like a waste of resources. And if she were to be completely honest, the pain from Demi’s attack was a consequence of her own temper. Vanishing it away just didn’t feel right.
”I think I’m fine, actually. You could stand to hit harder, Demetri,” Nancy said, crossing her arms.
”But you should heal him. I didn’t pull my punches.”Demi crossed his arms in like. Pouting
”I refuse to take any healing until my boyfriend's sister is taken care of first. I may have pulled my punches but I never should've laid a hand on her. So if she isn't getting healed…” Demetri went to go adjust his position, wincing a bit quietly as he aggravated a sore spot from the fight.
Nancy rolled her eyes.
”You’re clearly in pain.”Demi sucked in a pained breath, wheezing out the next words.
”So long as you are I'll be. Only fair.””I’m not in pain,” Nancy lied.
”I don’t think you even managed to break a rib!”Ezekiel set out some more supplies, leaving the nectar and ambrosia tucked away, while he listened to Nancy and Demi go back and forth. Zeke rolled his eyes but couldn't keep the smile off his face. Sure they were bickering but they were here. Together. His strange little self made family.
”Alright you two, shut up and sit down. Demi on the table, Nancy just take the chair.” Ezekiel turned around and handed Nancy a tin.
”This is a cream used to help with bruising. We use herbs grown by Demeter’s kids so we have enough. There is some willow bark in there, too, which helps with pain. Numbs it a bit but not significantly. Keep it and use it as you need.” Zeke turned his focus to Demetri and narrowed his eyes at the bruising on his face.
”You could have held back a little, Nanc,” Zeke muttered. Ezekiel palpated along Demetri's orbital bones, making sure nothing broke, but he was sure it was sore.
”How are the eyes? Any damage to the new one?” Zeke asked.
Demetri winced from the pain as Zeke pressed gently around the area.
”Yours? Stunningly beautiful as always.” Demi said with a smirk before sticking his tongue out at Nancy.
”Its fine. She didn't need told back. It was me and my tongue that got me these bruises. Really…well we came to apologize to you. We never should have put you through that, nor should we moving forward. She's your sister, i shouldn't have been jealous of all the time you two were spending together…I…I didn't know she was leaving…” Nancy took the cream begrudgingly, considering for a brief moment handing it right back to Zeke. But the point of this was to make it up to Zeke, and not antagonize him further, so she put it in her pocket.
”I’m sure someone else in the Legion needs it.” As to if she could have held back… She probably should have. But she probably also shouldn’t have attacked Demi in the first place. Nancy knew she had an anger issue. It wasn’t an excuse.
”I am sorry, Zeke - he’s your boyfriend and I lost control of my temper. I’ll do my best that it won’t happen again.” She couldn’t promise it - but she would try. As for the subject of her leaving… Nancy didn’t want to add anything to that. Even if she hadn’t been intending on joining the Hunt, the Roman demigods needed to return to their own home eventually. This was only temporary.
Ezekiel blushed when Demetri made the comment about his eyes. Zeke was hyper aware of Nancy being in the room, and although Zeke had warmed some to the idea of PDA he wasn't sold on it in front of his sister.
While Ezekiel worked, he listened to Demetri and Nancy's apologies. He added some of the same cream to Demi's visible bruises and shook his head at the pair of them.
”I didn't tell you about Nancy, Demi because it's not my story to tell. And I appreciate the apology, Nanc. I know Demi can be aggravating. He has a knack for pushing the right buttons,” he said, teasing his boyfriend.
”But thank you. Both of you for trying. You're both incredibly important to me, and although I don't need you two holding hands and skipping through the strawberry fields, I'd like to not be in the middle of any more fist fights.”Once Zeke was done applying the cream, Zeke rested his hands on Demetri's cheeks and shut his eyes. Glowing light enveloped Demetri while Zeke scanned Demi for any internal injuries. He had some deep bruises forming along his face and torso but nothing alarming. Still, Zeke healed Demetri so he was good as new. Any old injuries were healed along with any of the new. Zeke removed his hands, opened his eyes and smiled before he turned and looked at Nancy.
”So, now what? When should we meet up with everyone to discuss what our plan is for New York?””Psh. Please, why would Nancy and I be skipping through strawberry fields? You hate strawberries.” Demi remarked before wincing again at Zekes initial touch. The warmth of his powers washed over him soon after. It was like the first catch of sun on a miserably cold day, that feeling of ‘defrosting’ by its rays. It reminded him a bit of home, of days by the Pier. Then, it was all gone. Just as distant as a memory.
”Besides, you're incredibly important to the both of us. And much like you did, I think Nancy can come around to my natural charm.” Demetri punctuated his statement with a beaming smile towards the daughter of Apollo.
”No idea on New York though. I was just planning a party for when Madalyne and Leda both return. Think they deserve it honestly.”Nancy shook her head at Demetri’s
natural charm.
”Gag me with a spoon,” she muttered. Her demeanor took on a darker tone as Demetri mentioned Mads. She’d been lost for so long. Just like Nancy hadn’t been able to save Rome, she hadn’t been able to save her friend - one of two people in the world that she could possibly consider to be a soulmate. She didn’t have anyone else she could blame for what had happened other than herself.
”I can have the Romans ready to meet within the hour - I don’t know how long it will take for you Greeks to come together. No offense, but your chain of command… is lacking a bit.”Ezekiel snorted and looked at Demi, shifting to stand a bit closer in the process.
”What natural charm?” Ezekiel brushed his arm against Demetri's while setting a hand on the edge of the table. Although Zeke was glad everyone was seemingly getting along, Zeke was still bothered by Demi's comment during the fight about not being wanted. It was something Zeke wanted to address after.
Zeke laughed at Nancy's dated reference before waving a hand.
”Don't apologize. Getting Greeks together is like herding feral cats. Unless it's to have a party.””Wait, we have a chain of command? Why wasn't i informed of that?” Demi joked, trying to liven up the mood. He could tell his comment had struck a chord with Nancy, and was hoping to patch over that.
”Worst case i can shift into a bird or dragon and just shout at everyone to get the fuck to the Big House to head out.”Nancy raised an eyebrow.
”By bird, do you mean emu again?””Emu? When did you turn into an emu?” Zeke asked, looking at Demi.
”I've always been a little emo. I mean I only wear black Z. geeze.” Demi said deflecting.
”I was thinking more like…i don't know a ton of birds ok maybe a duck? What's a fast bird?””Ostrich!””In flight you immeasurable ass's.”Zeke grinned and kissed Demetri's cheek.
”All's fair in love and war, babe. Alright, why don't we gather everyone to meet at the big house in an hour then? That'll give us enough time to round up the Greeks I think.””Sure, that sounds good to me,” Nancy said with a nod. She then paused for a minute.
”I am really sorry I used that word. It won’t happen again,” and then she got up and started to leave the tent.
”Give me a minute,” Zeke told Demi before walking quickly to Nancy.
”Nanc, wait. Don't…don't punch me.” Zeke waited another second before he wrapped his arms around Nancy and hugged her, trying to be mindful of her sore areas.
”Thank you,” he whispered into Nancy's ear.
”I love you.” Zeke pulled back after whispering into his sister's ear. His face felt slightly flushed and he stepped back.
Nancy wasn’t an incredibly touchy person. She couldn’t remember the last time she had touched someone that wasn’t in an act of violence. It probably had been Mads - or Niah. After her original time in the Lotus Hotel, Nancy had hated her own skin - so much so that she just withdrew from other people, only slowly getting used to physical contact again throughout her time in New Rome. But Zeke was fine. Zeke was safe. Nancy returned his hug, not caring that almost everywhere on her body was sore and bruised or bruising, just letting herself breathe in her brother for a moment. He’d pulled away, so she didn’t want to say it loud enough for Demi to hear - to respect Zeke’s privacy.
”You know I feel the same.””See, normally I'd have already forced myself to be a part of this tender moment hugging you both into a group hug. But I am working on my jealousy and staying right on this table. Growth.” Demi said mimicking a flower growing with his hand.
”And don't worry Z, I'llstritch you later. We can be sure of that.” He said as he hopped off of the table and leaned up against it winking at his boyfriend.
Ezekiel's face split into a wide grin when Nancy not only reciprocated the hug but his sentiments as well. However, the tender sister/brother moment was short lived. Zeke rounded on Demi.
”Dude! Read the room!” Zeke said and threw a nearby roll of bandages at Demetri.
Nancy shook her head. Boys were so disgusting sometimes.
”Sorry babe. Too busy reading that ass the second you turned around. After all you did ditch me this morning because of Hedge.” Demi teased as he picked up the roll of bandages.
”Oi! Keep these off the floor they're meant to be sterile.””Demetri!” Zeke cried, properly blushing now. He glanced back at Nancy, apologetic that she had to hear all of that.
Nancy stared at them both for a second.
”Yup I’m leaving, bye!” and she quickly fled from the room.