I'd love to join back in this RP, if you don't mind having me join of course.
I'd probably go with a new character. Probably either Harry Dubois from Disco Elysium or The Postal Dude from Postal. I honestly might go with Harry. Would that be okay with you?
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>
Sure. Just so you know, we're currently in the middle of the Dead Zone boss battle and you probably couldn't join into that, but we could lay some groundwork to get you set up in our upcoming path. I (and anyone else with extra time on their hands) could puppet temporary characters in Harry's location once we decide it in order to star off your RP experience. Sort of like the Doom Slayer's group in the Dead Zone back in the day? Then once we're done with the boss battle we can pull you into the group proper.
Sorry to ask, but what level would I be when I first start?
@LugubriousName: Harrier "Harry" Du Bois. Also known as Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau, Firewalker, and Tequila Sunset.
Origin: Disco Elysium
Harry is a tall man with a greasy, unkempt mullet and mutton chops. His face is red and swollen from years of alcohol consumption. His jaw is somewhat crooked with a deep dimple on his chin. Harry’s arms are pretty muscular, but he has a relatively large beer gut. Along with long chicken legs. His hands are heavily discoloured, and his hands have deep cuts and gashes from various bar fights. His face seemed to be stuck into a permanent smile. Also known as "The Expression."
Harry wears a green sports jacket and matching green alligator shoes. A white dress shirt with a horrible multi-coloured looking necktie. Brown slacks with a belt keeping them from falling.
Personality: Harry is usually quite erratic and wild cards. His behaviour is generally quite violent and without reason. His deep imagination causes him to daydream a lot and imagine multiple voices speaking to him. Being a cop, Harry is very detail-oriented and persistent when solving a case. Being an emotional mess, saying and doing things that are harmful to the people around him.
Harry thinks of himself as a lady’s man and a superstar. Making lascivious and lewd comments towards women. And putting up a front of being a macho tough guy. His mood can change rather quickly, going from happy to deeply depressed. Harry is overall very friendly and outgoing to other people.
Harrier Du Bois was born in Revachol. During a snowstorm, he was born on the ground floor of Revachol's Old Military Hospital. As a child, he suffered a bout of partial infantile paralysis caused by polio. Though he would, for the most part, physically recover from this condition, it gave him a permanent twinge in his jaw that affected the pronunciation of certain words. In his adolescence, Harry was a member of a street gang comprised of eight delinquents from Faubourg and North Jamrock, calling themselves The Fifteenth Indotribe. Harry is the only one who still lives among all the former members.
Harry's twenties coincided with "the New," a time of excess and opulence. This led to a new music genre, disco, of which Harry became a fan. He became especially fond of the Revacholian Disco superstar Guillaume Le Million, whose stage persona and mannerisms he would try to emulate, leading to him adopting The Expression.
Before joining the RCM, Harry was a high school gym teacher. While the two waited at a bus stop, he met Dora Ingerlund, his future fiancée. She inspired him to join the Revachol Citizens Militia at 26. Over his 18 years of service, Harry solved 216 cases. During a recent case titled "THE UNSOLVABLE CASE.” Harry had a drunken outburst where he rendered a man unable to walk after beating him with his ledger, and sometime before this, he missed a shot aimed at a fleeing suspect, who he hit in the pelvis, and physically held a woman in his apartment against her will. He is also generally known, feared and even suspected to be one of La Puta Madre's peones by the public. Harry's erratic behaviour drove off many former members of Precinct 41, including Guillaume Bevy. Still, he was not disciplined due to his otherwise exceptional work and was even offered a promotion (which he declined) during this period.
Approximately six years later, Dora left Harry and moved to Mirova. Sometime later, Harry purchased the horrific necktie, which he gradually started to project a hyperactive and self-destructive personality. Forgetting his problems by drinking heavily and heavy drug use. Before his investigation into a hanging, he had gotten blackout drunk the night before. His heavy drinking had caused Harry to have temporary amnesia.
On the third day of the investigation, he and Kim were confronted by a group of mercenaries. Harry and Kim, a bright light started to envelop them. Harry panicked, but his body couldn’t do anything but stand and watch the light consume him. At first, he thought he was dead, but as the light disappeared, he noticed he was alive but was in a strange place that wasn’t Revachol.
Job: (Detective) Tank
Specialty: An intense hobo detective.
Chain cutters
Yellow Plastic Bag
Commodore Red Wine Bottle
Smokes Astra (cigarettes)
Lv: 6
EXP: 3/60
Anti-Object Task Force- Harry’s strength is increased against inanimate objects. However, he does not gain this buff against living beings. When activated, he also can heal whenever he hits an inanimate object. And extra endurance against any incoming damage.
Cop of the Apocalypse- This ability allows Harry to gain further insight into the world around him. Gaining an almost ethereal sight of the world around him.
Coach Physical Instrument- Gives Harry enhanced endurance whenever he is shirtless.
Finger Pistols (9mm)- This ability lets Harry have a chance to charm enemies.
Hobocop- This allows Harry to find more items and money while searching loot containers or killing enemies.
Opioid Receptor Antagonist- This ability allows Harry to have no negative effects from consuming alcohol or drug items. It also doubles these items' effects.
Skills: N/A
Weaknesses: Alcoholic- Harry is an extreme case of an alcoholic. He needs to consume alcohol to help with the withdrawl effects.
Low Stamina- Harry does not have alot of stamina, so he can easily tire himself out when in combat.
Erratic- Harry is a wild card of sorts acting irrationally. Making it difficult to know what he will do next.
Spirits: Kiryu Kazama (Active)- When activated Kiryu will rush at the enemy and give them a barrage of punches.
Ryu (Active)- He will charge up and fire a fireball at the enemy.
Medic (Passive)- Will shoot some needles that will slowly heal Harry.
Rapport: N/A
Let me know if I need to change Harry's character sheet.
The abilities are based on the thought cabinets (Perks) that you can get in the game. I just adapted and tweaked them a little. Okay I've switched the abilities to the skills and removed the spirits.
Okay where would be a good zone to place Harry while the others are fighting the Gravemind? He could for the time being get his bearings and try to figure out what is going on. And sure can you DM me the discord server link thanks.
Amaterasu (Ammy)
Origin: Okami
Appearance: To most, Ammy appears to simply be a white wolf. Only those beings related to divinity, such as gods, demons, angels, etc, or those with strong faith, can see the crimson markings, brush like flairs on her tail and shoulders and a divine instrument floating above her back
Amateratsu is first and foremost a benevolent being that is always ready to aid those in need, and will put her all into doing so. She is however somewhat prickly about her flaws, as divines are want to be, and is liable to take offence to rudeness. In contrast she has little issue in being rude herself, and can rather easily grow distracted if she finds a situation boring.
She also doesn't like baths (presumably due to being a very poor swimmer).
Ultimately, however, getting a read on the divine wolf is somewhat difficult given her inability to speak her mind, and a tendency to be rather subdued in her canine expressivity out of a sense of dignity.
Once a being of the celestial realm, Amaterasu fought a war across time, lives, and dimensions against the demonic forces of Yami who first invaded the realm, and then secretly followed her to the mortal one. Upon achieving a final victory, hundreds of years after the conflict began, Amaterasu was ultimately prevented from returning home to the celestial realm by Galeem’s actions.
In the Now:
Amaterasu was spawned in an enclave of demon hunters that existed on the outskirts of the dead zone, where she played a part in a perpetual push and pull as said hunters tried and failed to cleanse the zone of its myriad of demonic infestations. She only survived the dead zone’s annihilation due to her astral pouch restoring her to life after the blastwave pulped her bones, and by then eating a golden peach, which refilled the pouch and let her live the second deathblow that being launched out of and then crashing back down to earth that the dead zone represented.
The place that she had been calling home was obliterated alongside the zone, vaporising the people and restoring nature she had been painting over the city, severely weakening the celestial. Despite her weakness, she made attempts at restoring the land once again all on her own, but beneath the timefall, nothing would stick, and she could find no way to dispel the BTs that seemed to be the cause. After a few days of this, and one to many close calls, a defeated Amaterasu left the deadzone for the lost cause that it was, and has struck out to find some other place in the world where she might do good.
And fill her stomach.
She ran into Martira soon after, but unfortunately the locals were none too keen with the idea of a random wolf wandering into town, especially one that had come from the direction of the dead zone, and so she was driven (or rather allowed herself to be driven) off. Still, she could sense something was wrong simply from watching from afar and so has been hanging around the village, trying to sniff out what it might be.
Job: Celestial Champion
Specialty: Ammy is a highly effective close range fighter, who also has access to powerful magic abilities that work best in combination with her allies, either by enhancing their attacks or borrowing elements from them.
- Divine Retribution: A divine disk, usable as either a bludgeoning weapon, or as a shield to block or parry incoming attacks.
- Devout Beads: A set of hovering holy beads that can either be lashed together and whipped forwards to deliver rapid attacks with great reach, or launched as a barrage of machine gun of projectiles (with a short reload time)
- Tsumugari: A massive blessed blade which can be used to deliver heavy charged strikes, either smashing it down, slashing it up, or diving forward thrusts.
- Astral Pouch: when filled with sufficient amounts of food, the pouch can ‘digest’ it all in one go to fully heal the carrier if they happen to suffer a mortal blow. Superior food items are worth more ‘food points’ with regards to filling the pouch.
Lv: 8
EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0/90
- Celestial brush techniques: powered by a self regenerating ink pot resource, Ammy can pause time and paint divine acts into the world with the stroke of a brush. Unless stated otherwise, each technique costs 1 pot to use, and spent pots take 9 seconds to refill. She starts with 3, but more can be gained through praise.
- Greensprout/Rejuvenation: Ammy can redraw damaged objects to restore them to their former glory. She can also draw around plants to revitalise them or cause them to bloom, draw lily pads onto water, draw trees into existence with a vertical stroke, or interact with plants that have game mechanics attached to them (such as Konohana Blossoms which will pull Ammy towards them).
- Heavenly Influence: Ammy can draw either a sun or a moon in the sky to locally induce that time of day. She can also draw a swirling loop, creating a Galestorm of wind that blows in the direction for a few seconds, which can knock flying foes out of the air, alongside other utility functions.
- Drawn wounds: Ammy can draw wounds directly onto objects or foes to attack them. Drawing a line deals a Power Slash, cutting them, while dabbing a dot on them shoots them with an Ink Bullet, puncturing them. The base damage is fairly low, but if done in tandem with an ongoing or just executed slashing or piercing attack from an ally empowers said attack to deal far more damage than the ally and Ammy would do if they attacked individually.
- Cherry Bomb: drawing Q shape lets Ammy create up to three oversized (2 meters in diameter) bombs with several seconds long fuses that explode like a (massive) firecracker. Dousing or cutting the fuse can stop the bomb from going off, while fire can cause it to go off preemptively.
- Waterspout/Inferno/Thunderstorm/Blizzard: Ammy can draw a line from a naturally occurring source of water/fire/electricity/ice and cause it to leap along the path to soak/burn/shock/freeze a target. This generates more of the element in the process, rather than transferring it, allowing the flooding of holes or borrowing from allies elements without disrupting them.
- Celestial Wolf: Ammy has the physical attributes of a wolf enhanced by her divine nature, as well as their sharp senses of smell, sight, and hearing. This lets her race across the land at high speed, double jump, evade attacks with nimble grace, and detect and track foes with ease. She’s also good at digging stuff up and can taunt enemies via the ‘golden fury’ and ‘brown rage’ techniques (though this last tallent don’t really help in this specific situation)
- Divine Armory: Amaterasu can stash weapons within her own divinity, potentially allowing for quite the arsenal, though she is only able to levitate, and thus wield, weapons of a divine or holy nature. Two weapons can be equipped at once, one floating above her back and the other to her side. Swapping what is equipped takes a few moments of concentration to perform the requisite ‘inventory management’.
She can also store ‘tools’ such as animal feed, treasures, healing items, money etc. within this same nebulous location as well.- Godhood: Amaterasu can gain a defensive aura in return for landing multiple hits on enemies without taking damage herself. Each stack can negate a single attack from a foe, acting like a protective shield. She can gain up to three stacks of these shields, denoted by a red/yellow/green aura (which also causes her to produce green leaves/purple petals/cherry blossoms petals upon attacking, which do nothing except look pretty).
- Voice of the wolf: while Ammy understands the spoken word, she cannot speak it in turn due to lacking the necessary vocal cords and lips with which to form words.
- Paws of the wolf: Ammy lacks long fingers and opposable thumbs needed to directly interact with places/objects built/created with those in mind.
- Hidden divinity: to those without special sight for such things, Amaterasu appears to be simply an unusually intelligent white wolf, her divine weapons and markings, unseen to mundane eyes.
- Divinity runs dry: If Amaterasu uses all her ink pots, the above base wolf form becomes her true reality, preventing her from using her divine instruments, forcing her to resort to tooth and claw to deal damage till her ink is refilled.
- Super Drowning ability: Ammy and water do not mix, and as such she cannot swim for long before being dragged down to a watery grave.
- Powered by Praise: Amaterasu’s divine strength (specifically her hp and inkpot count) is built upon the happiness and good fortune of the people/animals/plants she has interacted with. Without their praise she is significantly weaker than she could otherwise be, making inflicting death and suffering upon them a way to indirectly stifle her power.
- To kill a god: weapons and techniques intended to specifically harm the divine, rare as they might be, will cut through Amaterasu’s godhood barriers like they are nought but air.
- N/A