Government Form: Theocracy and Fractured Oligarchies
Population: 1.5 Billion
What is humanity?: The human soul
Planet Name and Description:
Acerbus: a tidally-locked planet only slightly smaller than Earth, orbiting a k-type main sequence star (an "orange dwarf" named Algus, as a nod to its cooler temperatures compared to Sol) in a solar system populated primarily by gas giants and two asteroid belts. It is the only terrestrial planet in the system, though it has two large but uninhabitable moons. It was originally described to colonists as an "Earth analog," a planet which seemed to have similar traits to humanity's homeworld. It has a similar and breathable atmosphere, cool temperatures and a gravity resting at 0.82Gs. Like Earth, it is primarily ocean which, like Earth, is water. It's a little blue marble, filled with life. There are no continents on Acerbus, but instead many mountainous and volcanic islands. The Acerbian year is almost exactly the same length as the Earth year.
To the grievance of the colonists, the planet is more metal-poor than originally projected, with the asteroid belts being a more reliable source for useful metals in the system. Both its moons also contain more metal than Acerbus, though neither is as useful as the belts. A popular Acerbian poet described Acerbus as "The Beggar of Algus," and The Beggar has become a bitter nickname for Acerbus used by miners and rich men alike.
Being a tidally-locked planet, the world does not turn, meaning there is no day or night cycle. One half of the planet is always facing the sun and the other is always turned away from it, so there is perpetual 'day' on one side and perpetual 'night' on the other, with only a small band locked in constant twilight. As temperatures are high in the daylight, and the 'night' side is dark and frozen, the islands of that Twilight Band were marked out for colonization.
Unfortunately, as the colonists discovered, Acerbus is not the perfect mirror of their homeworld they felt they had been promised. Early expeditions discovered that the pollen released by local flora year-round triggers severe reactions in all humans, causing rash, severe irritation and discomfort and, over time, potentially fatal breathing issues. Further study uncovered that Acerbus soil struggles to grow Earth crops, and that while the local life is technically digestible, it has an bitter, unpleasant taste and causes prolonged stomach trouble. (Many Acerbians today believe this was the source of the planet's name, though it was actually named after the "harsh" acid rain caused by frequent volcanic eruptions.)
The local life can be challenging to categorize in part because much of what would appear to be flora or plant-life on Acerbus is, very unlike the plants of Earth, capable of locomotion. Some of it is also semi-aquatic, meaning that during a severe storm, one might watch a forest rise up out of the ocean and walk itself under an overhanging beachside cliff for shelter, completely remaking the local landscape. The Twilight Band which remains the primary area of human habitation suffers from such rains and storms frequently, and unpredictably.
It was not long after the colonists arrived on this shifting and difficult world that they realized they were not the only intelligence present.
Ceti (singular: cetus) are the only sentient life discovered on Acerbus, an aquatic species native to the Low Dusk region, on the outskirts of the Twilight Band where the waters are becoming dark and cool. They are large enough that the first human colonists to spot one called them an "Acerbian Whale," though scholars believe the title was only a reference to their imposing size. Their morphology is too alien to make them cleanly analogous to one Earth species, but like much Acerbian life, they have the apparent traits of many different lifeforms familiar to humans. They are indeed whale-like in size, growing to be an average of 15 meters long and even in Acerbus' lighter gravity weighing up to 36 metric tons. A lightweight but strong crustacean shell covers their cetacean bulk, with four wide whale fins extending out from their sides and a fluke propelling them at the back. Varying numbers of tentacles extend down from their underbelly to grasp food or tools, but extend upwards into the shell when swimming.
They have a neck which stretches out from their main body for following prey into holes or getting into cracks in a shell, and a long narrow head which is protected by shell plates. They have three large, black and beady eyes jutting out on very short stalks. The lower portion of their face, around their mouth, sprouts with smaller sensory tentacles which are used for feeling, giving them a bearded appearance. They were also described by the first human colonists as "sea monsters."
Their sentience was discovered quickly, as they live in a kind of underwater stone age, with simple tools and a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Their level of technology was at first mistaken by the colonists as a sign of limited mental capacity, but the reality proved to be the opposite. Ceti are in fact considered "more intelligent" (in the sense of learning ability, problem-solving and creativity) than humans, and it's believed by most researchers that the only reason they have never developed a complex society or high technology is not because of a lack of intelligence but because of their lack of social instinct. They do not exist in groups. Therefore they can't cooperate with each other on the scale needed for technological progress.
Ceti are purely solitary predators, preying on the other large aquatic life of Low Dusk. Their tentacles are strong enough to crush the shells of the Mega-Nautilus which is their preferred prey, but they're known to let them live through the first few attempts. They often let their targets flee, catching them and scaring them and letting them go repeatedly, not at all unlike how a cat toys with its food. They sometimes rip a painful but non-vital body part off of their prey while it is still alive, and they don't mind doing this to humans that they find swimming in their waters. Based on observations of ceti body language, they seem to think our anatomy is fascinating. This seemingly sadistic behavior is mentioned here because it is an example of how ceti think and behave. They are curious and insightful, but rarely show empathy. They are incapable of any but one kind of social bond.
They reproduce asexually, and the one bond they form is with their newborn children, who they will care for at an early age. It is debated whether this maternal instinct is a one-off example of altruistic behavior or if it rises from a narcissistic desire to propagate a genetic "second self." They speak by vocalizations similar to whale song, called cetus-song, and teach their children the basics of survival. However, as soon as the child begins to grow to a threatening size, their mothers turn and run them off. If allowed to grow, they will eventually kill and consume their parent. The bond is apparently one-way.
This is the standard of life for ceti. So they don't share very much knowledge with each other or future generations, meaning that even if every individual ceti is a genius by human standards, any discovery they make stays only with them. It will die with them, if they die- but ceti do not die of age. Like the lobsters of Earth that their shell is so similar to, ceti do not weaken with age and continue to be healthy no matter how many years pass. There was one curious cetus who voluntarily helped human researchers translate their cetus-song into something comprehendible to humans, and among many other things claimed to be 2000 years old. Though it is uncertain how they could have measured years, without technology, in a world with no days and only subtle seasons. Most ceti are known to be liars.
Communication with ceti, when it happens, rarely is more fruitful than that. It perhaps should not be a surprise that they are untrusting and don't typically share information willingly, and are much more likely to find ways to learn from the humans they are speaking to. When introduced to a human idea or technology, they are capable of understanding it fairly quickly. Their personalities in conversation are sardonic and antagonistic- acerbic, you might say. They're prone to sarcasm.
The Temple currently limits contact with ceti, describing them as "monstrous and spiritless."
By Subspecies: Vulgaris / Homo Acerbus: 56% Marinus / Homo Marinus: 33% Umbratilis / Homo Umbratilis: 11%
By Location: Twilight Islanders: 89% Nightside Islanders: 10% Nightside Nomads: 1% In Space (miners, naval): <1%
All descendants of the original Acerbus colonists have been genetically modified for life on this challenging world, the resulting breed being called Homo Acerbus. The teaching of the Temple is that Acerbians are human, but the modification was intense enough that one would never mistake an Acerbian for a human of Earthly origins.
In order to move well in lower gravity, Acerbians are taller and thinner, frail-looking and towering compared to baseline humans. In order to bring their immune system in line with the deadly pollen and sickening food of Acerbus, some amount of alien DNA from Acerbian lifeforms has been incorporated into their genome. This did make the pollen tolerable (though it still itches) and the food edible (though most of it is still bitter to the palate), but an unintended impact of the modification was pale, dry and pallorous skin.
Playing with genes is of course not simple or even predictable, and aside from the papery skin, another side-effect of the process was the loss of hair: all Acerbians are bald. Flowing headdresses, especially for women, have filled the gap. More positively, all Acerbians are ambidextrous and have very quick, efficient motor skills, which is considered one of the few gene mods not to have had any unintended results.
But the same cannot be said for those alterations which dealt with the most complex organ in the human body. Acerbian genetic modification includes an arguably misguided attempt to improve on the human mind. The early goal was to increase intelligence, but the issue became that there is no one factor or one part of the brain that's responsible for what we call intelligence, just as there is no one thing clearly responsible for consciousness or self-awareness.
The geneticists only succeeded in enlarging and "speeding up" certain areas of the brain, which did indeed improve learning ability and problem-solving, but brought consequences. Although not necessarily better at academic work than baseliners, Acerbians are comparatively quick to pick up on new skills. They're also naturally insightful and perceptive and are, unfortunately, often mentally ill. Due to increased activity and pattern recognition, they are especially prone to mania, paranoia, obsessive personality disorders and something akin to moderately severe bipolar disorder. Regardless of diagnosis, most every Acerbian is unusually passionate by Earth standards and prone to extremes of emotion. The suicide rate among Acerbians is forty percent higher than it was among baseline humans.
The last change made to their mind is that Acerbians do not fully sleep. Instead, they enter a restful meditative state, in which half of their brain shuts down for one hour while the other half stays awake, and then they switch. The whales of Earth did something similar. Unlike the whales, during this meditation they still "dream," but these dreams present as lucid, vivid and powerful "visions"- sometimes they are beautiful, sometimes traumatic. Acerbians always remember them perfectly when their meditation is over. The Revelationist faith strongly encourages finding spiritual meaning in these visions.
The above description is the basic genetic modification of every human who lives on Acerbus. Acebians for whom these are the only modifications they have are called Vulgaris, meaning "common." There are two subsets of Acerbians who have more intense modifications in addition to these basic ones, and they are briefly overviewed below.
Acerbus is a watery world, moreso even than Earth which was majority ocean itself. The dampness is a constant and the majority of edible food lies underwater. Late in the time of the Forecaster, when it was clear that the early colonial society was heading for a complete collapse, a push was made to further acclimate humanity to a semiaquatic lifestyle. The hope was in allowing these new humans to thrive on Acerbus "natively," without strong technological or social support.
It was a partial success. Although not fully semiaquatic, Homo Marinus is equipped with slick, water-repellent fish skin, and they're slightly thicker than Vulgaris Acerbians with subcutaneous fat that insulates from the cold. A vastly improved lung capacity and enlarged spleen (for holding oxygenated red blood cells) allows for up to two hours under water before coming up for air.
Their hands are enlarged, and their fingers are of course webbed and function as fins. Their feet are also lengthened, webbed and fin-like, and they have an instinct for "locking" their legs together and spreading their feet in opposite directions in such a way that allows them to propel themselves when swimming like the fluke of a whale. They likewise can "lock" their elbows to their sides, as human arms are a little long to function as fins. Their ankle and wrist muscles are very powerful. A Homo Marinus can see as well underwater as above it, with large black pupils. Their sense of balance and motion has been reoriented to function in the "low gravity" world of water.
A common slur for Marinus is "fish-nose," which is a bit of a misnomer as they don't have full noses at all. They have a slight bump where their nose would be that opens into two vertical slit nostrils, which shut closed when submerged.
A slightly disturbing modification designed late in the process allows them to digest raw meat safely, and their many teeth are sharp.
Homo Umbratilis are a variant of Homo Marinus, which is itself a variant of Homo Acerbus, which is itself a variant of Homo Sapiens. Umbratilis is a modification of a modification of a modification of humanity. The four-armed, black-eyed Umbratilis are also the first Acerbian subspecies about whom the question "Are they still human?" has been seriously asked. Nobody has yet to provide a definitive answer, and for political reasons the Temple has refused to decide on it.
As Acerbus a tidally-locked world, most people live in the twilight zone where temperatures are most tolerable. The Umbratilis were created in an ambitious attempt less than a century ago to colonize the dark and cold "night" side of the planet. Homo Umbratilis is the only subspecies created after the fall of the Forecaster, in more modern times, so their alterations were made with a deeper understanding of Acerbus. In addition to everything done to the Vulgaris and Marinus strains, an Umbratilis is built especially for swimming in the cold and living in the dark.
Sensory modifications were a special focus here. Their eyes are twice the size of typical human eyes and completely black, specialized so much for seeing in the dark that daylight is intolerably blinding to them. Beneath their ears are two small holes that essentially function as another, more underwater-purposed ear. Though they can't breathe the water, they can take in some amount of seawater safely through their slit nostrils, which opens up the ability to smell underwater. This and the secondary ears were improved upon until Umbratilis could hear and smell far better when submerged than any human can on land.
They have a slowed metabolism which conserves heat and energy, but renders them not quite as quick as the other subspecies are known to be. Perhaps as a consolation, they are much larger, reaching 2.5 meters tall. This, combined with a layer of blubber to protect against the cold- making them the only Acerbian subspecies thicker than baseline humans- means they would weigh over four hundred pounds in Earth's old gravity. With muscles redesigned for pushing through the water, they are intensely strong.
Certain proteins help bodily fluids not to freeze, and increased blood flow to the extremities prevents frost bite. They have a second heart to facilitate this improved flow in light of their size. Redundant body parts were a theme on their creator's minds, since they have, infamously, a second set of arms. The idea behind these additional limbs, which also end in fin-like hands, was to allow them to alternate between propelling themselves forward underwater with each set.
Their appearance is considered frightening to other Acerbians, especially the Vulgaris Acerbians that are so noticeably closer to baseline humans. Umbratilis' unusual height, sharp teeth, four arms, wide and black eyes, fish skin, slit nostrils and physical bulk are used to villainize them in some Vulgaris-targeted Acerbian media. One insult aimed at them is "ogeres," a slur which originates from the French word "ogre." They primarily inhabit islands on the night side of Acerbus, though many live a nomadic life in fleets of aging industrial fishing vessels which serve as their homes.
Years: 0-70
The history of Acerbus begins like the history of most human colonies. They had shot in a panic through the Gateway like every other colony ship, and had landed on an unpleasant and challenging world like many of them. The Gateway had closed shut behind them soon after, leaving the blackness of space and no way home. They were alone, cut-off, and frightened. This experience was the experience of so many of humanity’s scattered seed.
In those early decades, as they first landed on the soil of this bitter, damp and uncomfortable world, what set those who would become the Acerbians apart was the presence of the Forecaster: a powerful, experimental, semi-organic AI created by a cutting-edge genetics company called GENIE, whose executives had furnished the Algus Colony Ship in exchange for safe passage aboard it. It was a blatantly illegal creation, with several neural nets created as much by human-derived neurons as traditional electronics. It was fortunate for the Algus Colony Ship that the world governments had bigger issues on their hands in those days than one illegal AI.
This partly human machine was sold as something able to juggle the many complex numbers and choices of a burgeoning colonial effort, making “decisions with the accuracy of a supercomputer but the sentiments of a human.” It worked for seventy years.
During that time, the Forecaster became in a sense the real leader of the colony. The AI shouldered first the number-crunching work, then resource management, then larger goal-setting, and by year thirty was the primary decision maker of the entire Acerbian effort.
At this time Acerbus was still a united nation. The shortage of metal was, naturally, an immense issue, and it was made worse by the discovery that Acerbian “trees” did not produce useful wood. But the Forecaster always found workarounds: the cities were built of stone and utilized low-gravity to great effect, tools were made from animal bone and shell and other alternative materials, and plastic could always be created from fossil fuels. Humanity itself was in the process of being genetically modified to survive on Acerbus without technological support. Many studies endeavored to discover if high technology could be maintained long-term with limited metal, and the Forecaster itself ran constant simulations of that exact scenario. But this was when the problem began to show.
It was discovered that the GENIE executives (all of them dead of natural causes by now) had deeply exaggerated the longevity of such a machine. Most of the Forecaster’s human-derived components were failing, literally aging, and its decisions were less and less reliable. This was an apocalyptic issue, because at this stage the colony’s entire system relied on it. There had been talk of diversifying, or of creating a back-up, but the work of either option was monumental- so it had always been delayed. Now it was too late.
The Forecaster fell to a fatal error one day, right as it was supposedly on the cusp of finding a solution to Acerbus’ resource problems. And in less than a year the world was burning.
Years: 70-400
It was a second apocalypse, as the entire political, informational and infrastructural system of Acerbus crumbled over months. Across the various colonized islands of the Twilight Band, the power vacuum was filled by local authorities stepping up to assert control. But as the metal shortage was felt in its full brunt for the first time, few of them had the resources they needed to govern. This is how the raiding started.
From this point forward, the history of Acerbus is largely a history of raids, skirmishes, in-fighting and warring primarily over metal, but also over land and (something very rare on Acerbus) tolerable-tasting food. Each island became a world unto itself, which was only concerned with the well-being of itself. Warlords arose out of this endless conflict and became the true authorities of Acerbus.
Times were rough. When a large haul of metal or a valuable mine was won from an opposing island, a feast might be held and everyone would celebrate, but soon it would become clear that the warlord intended to use it only to supply his own militia- in order to go on more raids and press the advantage. Rarely was it put towards the people. Basic necessities ran low on all but the most fortunate islands. As access to healthcare became limited, Acerbian folk medicine was born. With edible food hoarded by the local warlord and their armies, what was left became communal. As historical data-banks were stripped for wiring, the past was forgotten and fell into oral tradition. Acerbian culture became warlike when it was clear that joining the raiding parties was the only way to progress in life.
In over three centuries of chaos, it should be no surprise that many found solace in faith. Ever since genetic modifications during the time of the Forecaster had stripped Acerbians of true sleep, vision-like experiences had replaced dreams. Now many small religions formed around them, bolstered by local folklore and oral tradition. These Vision-Cults were often lead by a local prophet who claimed the power to interpret people’s visions. Often, the warlord had a personal prophet in his house that interpreted visions and signs for him, advising him before great battles and on all spiritual matters.
Among these prophetically advised warlords was one Barbieri, a brutal but ingenious man who supposedly won his army in a one-on-one duel with the previous warlord. Historians used to suspect this story of being apocryphal. Now evidence points towards the duel being a real event, but rediscovered writings from the period suggest that Barbieri cheated.
Regardless, he began as the possessor of a small island who strategically played his rivals against one another, attacking opportunistically when they were at their weakest. He promised positions to any enemy commanders who defected to his side, but cut off the right hands and gouged out the right eyes of any who did not. As his reputation grew, many aligned themselves to him, and he expanded his power over the Twilight Band steadily. In time it was obvious to everyone that Barbieri had become a power large enough to function as the leader of Acerbus. As the other warlords were forced to accept the way history was moving, they fell in line- though not always without a struggle. All warlords now swore their fealty to Barbieri, who was titled the Victor.
Victor Barbieri established his dynasty and ruled Acerbus for the rest of his life. He pushed projects to revitalize the economy and improve interisland trade, but his special focus was on unifying the now disparate Acerbian people. One part of this was a movement to bring all the Vision-Cults into one cohesive faith, a single global religion which answered to Barbieri’s personal prophet. The religion which Barbieri’s prophet taught was known as Revelationism, first created by a now dead preacher called Sister-Mother Aurora, and it was made the faith of the world.
Years: 400-Present
Of course, Barbieri eventually went the way of all humankind. Lying on his death bed, he passed his power to his only child, Alessia, who would succeed him as Victor. She was a little girl of only eight years old. At Barbieri’s funeral, the personal prophet whom he had made the religious leader of all Acerbus- a by now ancient man named Sergius Domino- promised to serve as the girl’s protector until she was of age to rule alone.
That time never came. Before she was ten, it was discovered that Alessia was horribly ill in some lifelong way. Acerbian medicine had not recovered enough to be capable of treating it. She would not reach adulthood.
Sergius Domino hid this. He temporized. While Alessia’s life faded, he cemented himself as a leader in every way he could, established connections with key warlords, and secretly prepared Revelationist ministers and faithful soldiers to rise up and make themselves an authority if ever the time came. And it did come, by Alessia’s twelfth birthday.
When it was heard the future Victor was dead, and there was no clear heir to replace her, local warlords who had previously been loyal to Barbieri threatened revolt. They saw this as a chance to regain their independence, and a return to the old ways before a Victor meddled with their affairs. Skirmishing and warring flared up again within only a few days. It was a promise of more bloodshed to come. A short, cynical senryu written by a poet from this time is titled "Acerbian History" and simply reads:
"First the world ended, then the world ended and now- the world is ending"
It was the Revelationist priesthood that prevented it.
Domino put himself forward as the new leader of Acerbus. It may not have worked, but he had established himself enough in the time of Alessia’s sickness, and had so prepared his loyal priests for this moment, that he at least had the ear of the warlords. He promised a return to stability if he was put in power, and for the warlord’s part he said he would make any who stayed loyal to him an “executor,” a governor with almost fully autonomous power over his own island. No more meddling. All they had to do was keep the peace, pay their tithes, and ensure the faithfulness of their populace. Almost gratefully, they agreed.
The ones who did not were conquered again by those who had. Their bodies were dismembered and dumped in the ocean to be eaten by ceti. Their islands are now ruled by Revelationist priests, officially called revelators.
That is the history of Acerbus, in short.
Since the Revelationist priesthood took authority, things have vastly improved. The revelators established a global order just capable enough to start rebuilding Acerbus after the many centuries of endless war. In an unexpected but fortunate turn of events, it's became clear that the priesthood tends to act in the better interest of the common people, which they depend upon even more than they do the support of the warlords-turned-executors. In this way healthcare has resumed, formal education has come back into existence, and a decent quality of life has been resurrected from the distant past. The priesthood is imperfect but, if nothing else, they’re kinder than the warlords.
For the first time, it looks like the sun may be about to rise in the Twilight Band.
Culture and Society:
For the last one hundred years, the "Sacrosanct Century," Acerbian culture has become dominated by their faith in their unique mythology. Below are the basics:
Revelationism was created by combining ancient mythology with early Acerbian spiritualism and folklore, with a deep influence from visions. It is a religion built around its myths and the implications inferred from them, often laden with double-meaning and esotericism. Its founder and Highest Prophet, the one who birthed the faith, was Sister-Mother Aurora, a woman obsessed with mythological stories and plagued by visions even more vivid than the Acerbian norm. She experienced visions even while waking, so that her life was constantly interrupted by events she considered to be divine instruction.
Though sizeable fragments of humanity's history had been lost to the chaos of the warlord era, she somehow managed to find a library of mythological stories and religious texts from all the major faiths of Earth. This event, too, she considered to be divine. She read them all. And, though they contradicted, she tried to believe them all.
At last her visions did the work of bringing together the disparate sacred stories in her mind, creating a single unified idea. She taught much of these things publicly to the curious masses and privately to her few but devout followers, but she wrote down nothing herself. Multiple accounts of her teachings arose from the writings of her students, which were eventually edited into verse and combined together into the Sacrosanct Songbook, a long music-like poem that provides the entirety of Revelationist mythology and its foundational principles. It was in this tradition that Sergius Domino, the first theocratic ruler of Acerbus, was raised.
Sister-Mother Aurora did not live to see her religion truly bloom. But in the decades after her death, as her followers rose to the heights of power at the side of the Victor and scattered her vision across the world, it would become the faith of all Acerbus. It would also split and crack under its own newfound weight, as sects emerged and beliefs diverged. There are today many secondary books after the Sacrosanct Songbook, a large apocrypha of supposed sayings of the Sister-Mother, of mystical vision journeys, of teachings from other self-proclaimed prophets, of new interpretations created by both theologians and wandering wisemen. Which of these secondary texts a particular Revelationist accepts and which they reject largely defines their denomination, the sort of Revelationist that they are. It is not at all uniform.
But all accept the Sacrosanct Songbook.
It describes the gods of Revelationism in poetic terms but immense detail, and calls them "The Gods Behind The Gods." This term is used because a principle belief of Revelationism is that all other deities are reflections, echoes, or children of its own deities. It revolves around the idea that the gods of Earthly mythologies, like Thor or Ra, are representatives of the true gods. In this way all mythologies and religions are real, in a sense. But those who still believe in them must be brought to realize that their gods exist beneath that which is truly divine, the Gods Behind The Gods.
It was the belief of Sister-Mother Aurora that they never revealed themselves directly to humans before the Fall of Earth because mankind was not yet ready. Earth and all its religions were intended for humanity to grow and mature enough that we could one day meet the true gods. Our passing through the Gateways is likened in her language to our birth, our exiting out of the "womb" of Earth into the cosmos proper. Now that we have passed through the void and been touched by the starlight, humanity is finally born, and is at long last ready to learn the truth.
With all of this imagery related to birth and children, it may not surprising that the Gods Behind The Gods are also called the Cosmic Mothers.
Every citizen of Acerbus is required to profess and believe in the three Cosmic Mothers, who created the universe and will destroy it, as well as the six Cosmic Brothers who are their children.
Note: It is not considered blasphemous, and is in fact encouraged, to translate the names of Revelationism's gods into the language of the reader/listener. As a result, the names of the Cosmic Mothers and Cosmic Brothers are presented in English rather than Novum Vulgaris.
The Cosmic Mothers are as follows:
The Bearer: The goddess that formed the cosmos in Her belly, and then birthed it into existence. She embodies creation, and that which was. She is the original, first Cosmic Mother; the other two come to existence in the universe which she births. She is portrayed in art as a woman with many eyes, often weeping.
The Sufferer: The goddess that embodies reality, and that which is. The Sufferer's body is the universe itself, the stars and every atom. She is everything that will happen between the creation of the universe and the end of it. She is portrayed in art as a woman with many faces.
The Swallower: The goddess that embodies uncreation, and that which will be. The Swallower's body is the void between stars and the space between atoms. She is the end of the universe and the destruction of all things. She is portrayed in art as a woman with many arms, whose entire face is a mouth, because she will one day swallow up the universe and all things will cease to exist within her stomach.
When the universe was first created, it was flawless. The spiritual world and the material world existed as one. But the Swallower, who is Nothing, became envious of the Sufferer, who is Everything, and- depending on the telling- either cut her with a poisoned dagger or bit her with venomous fangs. The venom seeped into the Sufferer, sickening her and "making her mind bitter." This drove her to madness. The Sufferer's Madness is the cause of everything wrong with reality, from disease to entropy, and it can never be cured until the universe is swallowed up again.
When the Bearer saw that the Sufferer has been driven mad, she said "Oh gods, oh sisters, what have you done?" She then split the spiritual world from the material world to protect it from the Sufferer's madness. There she has fled, awaiting the time when the Swallower ends creation.
After the Swallower consumes the universe, she will sit in an empty place and ponder. After eons which cannot be counted, she will come to regret that she consumed all there was, and the moment she feels this regret, a change will begin in her. The dead universe in her belly will boil with the heat of all the suns she swallowed, and in that heat and pressure will form a new universe. The Swallower will transform into The Bearer, and will birth the universe, restarting the cycle.
So the cosmos is in a constant cycle of creation and destruction, of being birthed by the Bearer, embodied by the Sufferer and swallowed by the Swallower, who then turns into the Bearer and starts it all over again.
And the Cosmic Brothers, their children:
Weeper: The first-born son of the Bearer, also described as her eyes. Ever since the Swallower poisoned the Sufferer, he looks upon the broken state of the universe and cries out day and night. He embodies perfection, and thereby cannot fully manifest himself in this now broken cosmos. He is portrayed as an older man with a scar across his face, and eyes red or swollen from crying.
Whisperer: The second-born son of the Bearer, also described as her mouth. He is the god who speaks into the hearts of humanity, telling us that we were made for a better world. He embodies all that is still good about the cosmos. All our sense of morality comes from the Whisperer, as he is the voice of conscience that tells us how we would act in a perfect world, and so how we must act for this world to be improved. He is portrayed as a young man with a single eye and an open mouth.
Seer: The first-born son of the Sufferer, also described as her eyes. He is the god who witnesses and records the passing of the ages from creation until destruction. He embodies time. He is portrayed as a very old man, weary and often leaning on a cane, for time is now very old and the end is close at hand.
Screecher: The second-born son of the Sufferer, also described as her mouth. The poison that drove his mother mad also entered him, and he screams out always in agony because of it. He embodies that which has become bad about the cosmos. He is portrayed as a sick or crippled man.
Eater: The first-born son of the Swallower, also described as her stomach. (The Swallower has no eyes, and is blind.) The Eater is the Swallower's favorite son, the purest representation of her soul. He embodies the end of time. He aids his mother in concluding all things, and is the being which takes a deceased human soul into his mother. He is portrayed as an executioner.
Liar: The second-born son of the Swallower, also described as her mouth. He embodies imperfection. He is named the Liar because he is a trickster and a deceiver who works to undo the cosmos by introducing falsehood into it, and must be resisted. He is the antitype of the Whisperer. He is never portrayed in any form.
The gods of other mythologies are considered to simultaneously be the shadows, the reflections, the echoes, and the children of the Brothers. So, for example, Loki is a child of the Liar. Enki is a child of the Whisperer. And so on.
That is how the mythology goes. But in a more practical sense, what the Revelationist faith most calls its followers to do is:
1.) Repeat rituals until the Swallower comes, for the healing of their souls and society. 2.) Accept the coming of the Swallower, which means accepting all things and reaching a state of inner peace. 3.) Obey the Whisperer but resist the Liar, which means behaving properly 4.) Work through their spiritual imperfections, which in most cases equates to a kind of religious therapy 5.) See beyond the veil between the material and spiritual world, whether it be by meditation or by highs of emotional experience or by mind-altering substance usage.
Those who walk the path and achieve a state of transcendence before their deaths, after they have passed away, are believed to become a transcendent spirit, an eternal part of the universe which will remain whole when the Swallower consumes it all. They will pass through her belly and into the next world both as themselves and as a foundational part of the cosmos.
So the Acerbians remain a peculiar people, difficult to classify by the boundaries of Old Earth. Their mythology incorporates elements from disunified Earthly cultures, and even outside of their faith, strenuous genetic modification has made them unidentified with any one ethnicity. They've accidentally become something a bit unique.
Although their islands are covered with high-reaching stone cities and therefore highly urbanized, community is alive and well and is one of the most vital things to understand about the Acerbian lifestyle. Communal music, oral storytelling and spoken poetry are immensely popular despite computerized entertainment, especially when accompanied by the mind-altering substances which can be obtained legally from low-ranking revelators. It's arguably one of the only benefits to come out of the warlord era: when food was scarce, people survived by banding into close-knit communes that existed within the chaos of a city. Most Acerbians still eat dinner and spend time each night in a large group of 5-10 families (called a circulus) which comprises the core of their social life. Most residential buildings in Acerbian cities are built with the circulus in mind.
At home with their circulus they dress comfortably, but abroad in the stony streets Acerbians have a very formal style. Early on in their history, Acerbians had to wear clothes to cover their entire body for protection from the pollen. Even now the pollen is still a discomfort. Robes and other flowing, covering clothes are normal on Acerbus, and many people both men and women wear veils over their faces. This is only partly religious and largely practical: a veil helps with the frustrating pollen and the difficult-to-predict rain immensely, as the material is most often water-repellant. Gloves of a similar material are also popular in a world where every surface tends to be damp.
Acerbians speak a unique language: Novum Vulgaris ("New Common"), a blending of something like Ecclesiastical Latin with heavy Italian and English influences. It's creation has to do with a half-successful attempt from the Forecaster to institute a resurrected Latin as the official language of Acerbus, and with the simple fact that many of the early colonists spoke Italian or English.
One thing Acerbians hold to which will feel more familiar to traditional human cultures is a strong sense of personal honor. This was formed in the combative warlord centuries and then made concrete by Revelationism and its rules, and is enforced by the social pressure of a circulus. Roughly seventy years ago, a retired executor and military veteran named Ex. Davide Taylo wrote "The Code of Bitter Honor," a collection of proverbs and maxims that incapsulated the spirit of Acerbian honor. Its strictures have rapidly become a part of the backbone of proper behavior, and every young Acerbian who takes their reputation seriously memorizes it. Lethal duels are fought over breaches of it.
The quintessential Acerbian is indeed passionate and mercurial enough to end a life in a duel, but surprisingly rigid in his outwards behaviors. He is quick to befriend or curse, stormy, prone to both ecstatic visions and lifelong feuds, but loyal to his fellows and his beliefs and his island even at great harm to himself. His sense of right and wrong is defined by the expectations of those around him. One poet called Acerbians "Fires in a brick cage."
Governance and Politics:
Acerbians have endured the chaos of many changing-of-hands in terms of their governance, with the one common thread being that the regular citizen has never had any say in it. That is not likely to change soon. But as things stand, the balance of power is slightly odd.
The Revelationist priesthood, the revelators, runs things on the national level. In the official sense, Acerbus is a theocracy led by the Temple Gathering, a senate-like legislative body comprised of high-ranking revelators. The Temple Gathering is headed up by the Sacrosanct Orator, a single revelator elected by his or her peers for a lifetime- the Acerbian equivalent to a pope and a president. The office of the Sacrosanct Orator has been gaining power for decades now and is starting to exert more and more control over the Temple Gathering as a whole.
Where the cracks start to show is on the local level. While the priests lead the nation on paper, the majority of the individual islands are not led by a high revelator but rather by an executor, an Acerbian term for a kind of governor. While executors must remain loyal to the priesthood, this is technically a secular office, descendent from the warlords of old.
Because executors are given surprisingly vast powers over their own islands, the politics and laws of each individual Acerbian island vary greatly depending on which executor is in charge. A lucky few are almost democratic; several more are still militant and dictatorial, though the priesthood has shown itself able to step in if it becomes too problematic. Many are simply quiet aristocracies, with a ruling family that passes along the executor title through the generations and keeps their people loyal with bread and circuses. There is no single rule of thumb for the politics of each island.
Executors can and do still fight one another, just as their warlord ancestors did. Though with the Temple Gathering overwatching the world now, the priesthood is able to enforce enough civility as to keep these conflicts down to the level of skirmishes rather than wars, many of which are now over social issues as much as over resources- family feuds, religious dominations and the like. In this way the priesthood convincingly claims to be a force for good on Acerbus. The time of wars and horrors is over, they can proudly say.
It's half true. While conflict on the ground is rarer and softer than it has been since the fall of the Forecaster, it has begun for the first time in outer space. The warlords fought so much over metal because they did not have the ability to reach the asteroid belt. In the stronger economy and reclaimed technology of modern Acerbus, the executors and the revelators are able to reach it, and there they are always having space naval skirmishes with one another over territories and mining zones. But these tiny wars up in the stars are seen almost as a game, happening far above the heads of the people whose names they are waged in, and the normal populace is barely aware of them.
Technology Overview:
Acerbus has had a lopsided, starting-and-stopping approach to technological advancement through its history. Early, when research was mostly under the dictation of the Forecaster, the emphasis was on genetic tampering, on cloning, and on ecological studies of their strange planet, all in an attempt to bring humanity and Acerbus into some kind of coexistence. Strides have continued to be made in these fields although the time of the warlords and the pressures of that period, when schools were converted into military academies and research centers into fortresses, temporarily put a stop to it. In the modern day, Acerbus has enjoyed a boom in the field of neurology. Some modest advancements have also been made in naval warfare, especially as it pertains to AI, which will be explained in the military overview. Outside of these bright spots, however, Acerbians should be assumed to be struggling technologically. All its eggs are in very specific baskets.
A few stand-out examples of ETA's "bright spots" of technology are detailed below.
Re-education and Mental Mapping:
Acerbians have made great advancements in re-education and mental rehabilitation over the last century. They've particularly developed tools to 'read' the human mind, scanning a patient's brain and being able to analyze their behavioral patterns and choices, vision/dream activity, areas of trauma or overactivity, and so on.
It can be used to understand and treat conditions like PTSD or psychotic and mood disorders in ways that have never been possible before. It is in large parts thanks to this that the priesthood has been able to curb addiction under their rule while still allowing mind-altering substances as part of religious ritual.
But, recently, it is also used by the authorities- strict executors or tyrannical revelators- to understand and "treat" dissident thought, to forcefully cure rebellious forces or problematic individuals of their views. This is not like the clumsy attempts at re-education tried in the past. Re-education today is a sophisticated process of prescribed drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, psychotropic substances administered in the right doses, forced and manufactured religious experiences and, at last, the liberal application of suggestive ideas to a sufficiently broken mind.
A human being cannot be remade overnight. But with the right tools, a memory can be altered, a new idea can be implanted, an identity can be lifted or lowered: and with that, the remaking can begin. Its use is deeply controversial, especially as the revelators try to maintain their reputation as a force for good. But it has proven so useful for dealing with heretics and nonbelievers that it has yet to be outlawed. The words of a poet that had gone through such a process were simply:
"They swallowed my memories but left alone my memories of the swallowing"
Digitized Ancestors:
It began as failed attempts to transfer a human consciousness into another body, biological or mechanical. These trials were ordered in the days of Victor Barbieri, when the faith was still in its adolescence and the Victor had a desire to see his world progress (and, perhaps, to make himself live forever.) Though they never were able to make a complete transfer of a person's mind from one body to another, they found that they could get "little pieces" of them across, as one researcher phrased it. A few memories, their speech patterns, the most consistent traits of their personalities- described by an Acerbian poet as "a small and broken ghost."
This "ghost" was never enough to inhabit a body. But placed into a computer simulation, it could talk to you, almost how the person would have talked. Later in history, as the revelators took over, there was hot debate for decades about whether this, this shattered fragment, was the person's captured soul. It was decided that it is not. At least not all the way. But, by a sermon from the Sacrosanct Orator delivered to the Temple Gathering and a subsequent vote making it law, it is considered a small piece of their spirit.
In this way the Digitized Ancestors were introduced. They are scans of a deceased person's mind, kept preserved in databanks and called up again when one of their descendants needs to consult them for advice. A revelationist might still speak to his great-grandmother or, phrased in his own beliefs, a remnant of her spirit. The dead are not inaccessible.
Medical Advancements and Shedding:
This is a tame usage of cloning, and the same genetic modification which created the Acerbian subspecies. Aging has always been a terror to humans of any world. Revelationists do not believe that the physical body should last forever, but most denominations (the Umbratilis Nomads take exception, as do some who emphasize the Swallower) don't forbid extending its lifespan for some time. Shedding is the usage of cloned body parts- livers, joints, ears and eyes- to replace failing ones. For one instance, an Acerbian reaching old age will often have his doctor prescribe a new heart. New skin grafts are popular for hiding the appearance of aging, and certain mental illnesses or brain damage can also be treated by replacing the problematic section of a patient's brain.
Replacing failing organs won't extend a lifespan forever. However, one undeniably positive change the priesthood has implemented is to make healthcare free for all Acerbians regardless of their executor, and modern citizens who stay in good upkeep combined with genetic treatments are now projected to reach over two-hundred years of age.
Genetic Modification:
The technology used to genetically modify the early Acerbians is very old now, and has been improved upon only slightly. It was created by the GENIE corporation as a secondary way of securing safe passage aboard the colony ship, in case the Forecaster didn't live up to expectations. It is seen almost as magic by the Acerbians of today, but some experts exist who can still make the ancient gene labs function. The process is expensive and somewhat inefficient, requiring much time and funding, and its unlikely they will create anything more extreme or more efficient than what is shown in the Homo Umbratilis. Nonetheless it should be possible for the Acerbians to create new subspecies of themselves or others if the need arises, and if they are given time.
Military Overview:
The newly begun space naval warfare in Algus is taking a shape not unlike the submarine-vs-submarine warfare of Earth's past, largely waged at great distances and concluded by the delivery of an explosive payload. In honor of that tradition, they call these payloads torpedoes, not missiles. Because space is infinitely large and yet the Algus system in particular is often "crowded" by asteroids and ships- and by gas giants whose massive gravitational pull throws off passing torpedoes- Acerbian torpedo guidance systems have become advanced and exacting. Really, the torpedoes of Acerbian forces are AI-controlled "smart torpedoes" that make decisions, guide themselves through complex maneuvers, and have an understanding of what they are doing. Usually they know the name and psychological profile of the enemy commander. They understand intrinsically how to maximize for the most efficient destruction of the target.
Due to the impressive results that Acerbian torpedo technology tends to achieve, EMP devices and point-defense have become critical, the first to disrupt their internal systems and the second to shoot them down. Like their targets, both are typically AI-controlled in modern battles. In order to get around these defenses, some vessels have begun to use long-distance railguns which shoot heavy, powerful bullets that cannot be targeted by point-defense and have no electronics for an EMP to confuse. But thankfully for those hit by them, these are not quite as powerful and devastating as a torpedo against the hull. Acerbian hulls in general are as thick as the metal economy will allow them to be.
Scanners are deeply important to victory in battles fought at such distances- as are the devices which confuse them. Many Acerbian vessels which seem obvious make themselves "invisible" by so disorienting the scanners of other vessels that their location, out in the vast void of space, cannot be ascertained. In more desperate situations, they have an emergency "silent mode" which kills non-vital systems on board the ship and slows venting heat out into space, reducing the footprint which other vessels are hoping to pick up on.
When it comes to conflict with other nations, Acerbus' vessels will seem stealthy, prone to attacking at a distance with brutal, AI-run explosives, trying to conclude the battle quickly before they can be pinned down. They will be found at last hidden behind a moon or a cluster of asteroids.
Infantry has been pivotal to Acerbian history, unlike the modern skirmishes of space naval combat, but it has changed only a little in that time. Because most islands on the Twilight Band are primarily covered by dense, towering cities, Acerbian forces excel at urban combat and vertical mobility. Jetpacks have been brought up to the point of actual effectiveness and ease-of-use, and every respectable Acerbian army has a few units carrying them. Jetpacks or no, Acerbians armies are usually organized into small and highly mobile units kept well-funded by their executor or by their high revelator, as the case may be. They are equipped with good guns, grenades, bulletproof vests, and the other expected tools of war, but also occasionally with short swords for the close-quarter scraps and spiraling duels that are so common on crowded Acerbian streets.
Like their space naval counterparts, during pressing times it's not uncommon for Acerbian soldiers to hide in their environment, in their case by wearing civilian clothes and carrying concealed weaponry. Many executors have started to press in on a neighbor's island only to find their genetically altered minds coming to paranoia at the uncertainty of who is a fighter and who is not. The only Acerbian soldiers are who really advertise themselves are those who wear corazza, a form of lightweight but versatile power armor- only commanders or the relatives of executors and revelators are ever equipped with corazza. Besides mobility and protection, it's used as a way of declaring the owner to be important enough to ransom instead of killing.
Because the majority of islands in the Twilight Band are mostly urban, and the wet navy is an important presence, Acerbian air forces have been developed greatly in two specific directions.
The first kind are light craft able to fly at low altitudes and maneuver quickly through tight urban spaces. In the warlord past such designs often carried bombs for sudden, explosive terror attacks that menaced the civilian population. The Temple has outlawed such practices in modern Acerbus. Now precise weaponry is a necessity to minimize accidental collateral damage, and prevent the waste of valuable metal ammunition. As technology has been reclaimed and improved, the modern crafts are often unmanned.
The other kind are ship-killers. Nearly as small and fast, and equipped with smart missiles.
Living on an oceanic world with a violent past and a sometimes difficult present, the ETA has developed vessels such as warships and submarines to a high degree, even more than they have infantry or space naval techniques. However, because it is unlikely that another colony will ever have an aquatic naval battle with Acerbus, the Aquatic Navy has been left out of this overview.
Uh, imagine metal-efficient but well-built warships and powerful submarines, and more stuff about smart torpedoes. An Acerbian poet once said--
Various horse-hair banners wielded by Khaganate Representatives
(Note: The Khaganate uses a wide variety of different flags and symbols depending on location, primary allegiance, noble family and other factors. The closest to a single unifying 'flag' they have is the banner of the Golden Horde:)
Government Form: Neo-Feudal Absolute Monarchy. All power is held by the Great Khagan himself, who delegates powers to various nobles such as the Khaantus of Itügen, military Boyans and Khan Kuus of other Hordes.
Population: Around 1.2 billion souls swear fealty to the Great Khagan.
What Is Humanity?: The cradle of sapience, but one cannot eternally live in a cradle.
Planet Name and Description: The Tengri system and its primary settlement target of Itügen (or ‘the Steppe,’) was marked as a potentially habitable exoplanet by early colonial charters, although eventually found itself at the bottom of the list as better prospects surfaced. During Earth’s death throes it had been left unclaimed, allowing a rag-tag collection of planet-born refugees and space colonists from the inner asteroid belt to flee there, hoping to find a warm and welcoming planet perfectly inside the goldilocks zone of a main sequence yellow dwarf star...
What they found was anything but. Even the best of telescopes can be tricked by hundreds of lightyears, and when the fleet arrived what they actually found was a blasted, ravaged and desertified rock, barely capable of sustaining a little hardy life. The atmosphere was severely damaged, water was scarce and everywhere the colonists turned there was another issue, from heavy metals polluting natural reservoirs to areas of unusually incongruent radiation levels. Its wide, flat landscape makes it susceptible to terrible sandstorms, dust devils and droughts and worst of all, a disastrous weather cycle that has come to be called the Huiten Dzhut - Cold Death. The result is that permanent habitation can only occur in small oases of comparative life, forcing the majority of the Steppe's population into a nomadic lifestyle.
There was some succor for the colonists however, because while the Itügen was harsh and unforgiving, the system was rich in other ways. Tengri is rather crowded for a solar system, with a wide variety of terrestrial planets, three dense asteroid belts and a chain of gas giants at the outer reaches, all of which could theoretically be exploited and colonised to give humanity a fighting chance. The modern Khaganate has taken to this concept with gusto, and takes advantage of as much of the system’s bounty as they can, leading to human settlements springing up all but the very furthest reaches of Tengri’s gravity well.
One planet drew attention like no other: Erleg, named for Turko-Mongolic god of Death. It is most remarkable because it is shattered, the very core of the planet itself exposed to the void, and has already taken the first steps along an inexorable process that will eventually see the remnants ripped apart and scattered into one of Tengri’s asteroid fields. Such things do not happen naturally, and it was in the depths of Itügen, buried beneath sand and crushed beneath mountains that answers to the mysteries the system held began to emerge.
The planet is littered with archeotech, fragments of technology from an extremely advanced precursor civilisation that once lived in the system. Vaults of archeotech can still be found deep in Itügen’s strata, and their discovery and exploration is one of the primary drivers behind the continued exploration of the Steppe.
As of yet, no physical remnants of the precursor have been recovered, but each new Vault both answers old questions while bringing forth a dozen new ones, and those with the know-how and tools are able to dredge long-forgotten technology up and breathe fresh life into it.
Demographics: The Khaganate would classify themselves as a wholly human nation, and could even put forth some very persuasive arguments as to why this is biologically, semantically or technically true… But if one was to stand the various groups that made the Khaganate next to one another in a line, it would be difficult to believe that they truly are all human.
While yes, they all share the same four-limbed bipedal body plan, and yes most are sexually compatible with one another and baseline humanity… Lanky, pale-skinned Dwellers cast polarised eyes out over the stars while shimmering, muscled Steppe-Riders use pheromones to communicate with their steeds. Imperial Soyulani gleam like living Gods, while thick-browed Zuraqchi workers sweat and toil in interplanetary forges. They may all think of themselves as ‘humans…’ But are they truly?
Centuries of genetic engineering built on a bedrock of recovered alien archeotechnology has seen massive overhauls to the building blocks of life itself in order to better adapt humanity for their new environment. Over time, the most successful of these adaptations have been templated, recreated and become genetically stable sub-species known as lineages, with the most impactful as follows:
"Baseline Human." Although Basers may look functionally unchanged from those that left Earth so long ago, and indeed are treated as the control group by which all other strands of humanity that live within the Tengri system are measured... They are not truly unmodified, as widespread genetic engineering is a foundational part of Khaganate culture and society.
Although lacking the extreme specialisation to either the void of space or Itügen’s danger, Basers remain the most versatile and adaptable of any lineage and find success in every part of Tengri. Basers form the majority of the population on planet-based örtöös, and their ability to easily move between environments makes them excellent administrators, officials and archeologists. Thus, they've become a common sight in the Steppe’s few permanent cities.
"Void-Dwellers." Humans that have been specifically modified to sustain the rigours of spaceflight. Dwellers are obvious from their great height, lithe, flexible bodies and lack of much hair at all - no Dweller can ever grow a beard, although a few are blessed with something approximating a full head of hair.
Dwellers are extremely well adapted for their new ecological niche. They are better able to resist the effects of radiation and their bones, joints and muscles degrade much slower in microgravity. Their inner ear is unidentifiable to those of Basers in order to prevent motion sickness and allow for rapid movement about a vessel. Their overall quality of vision has degraded somewhat, as they overwhelmingly live under purely artificial lights, however in exchange do feature a secondary polarising eyelid able to filter out harsh light, be it originating from screens or stars, and are able to focus without the assistance of a horizon line.
Dwellers have also benefited from numerous 'auxiliary' modifications over time, including elongated, hyperflexible fingers better for working in cramped spaces and the isolated genetic code for familial natural short sleep meaning they require a mere 4 hours of sleep each cycle. No editing is without consequence however, and Dwellers are prone to hypomania, neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, communication disorders and other 'low scale' complications not regarded as meaningfully detrimental to Dweller life.
These modifications continue, and indeed are so extensive that forming an exhaustive list would likely drive one to insanity, however attention must be drawn to one last set of adaptations: Their so called 'spacing countermeasures.' While most humans would simply perish in the event of an environmental breach, Dwellers are specifically designed to maximise their odds of short-term survival and allow them to be rescued. When experiencing the sudden shock of spacing without sufficient survival equipment, the following protective instincts activate:
- The Dweller's barotrauma reflex kicks in and they instinctively exhale, preventing overpressure buildup while minimising air waste. Once the lungs have equalised, valves seal off airways and trap the remaining air inside a dweller's body. This barotrauma response also triggers a controlled release of high-stress hormones, heightening awareness and physical capabilities without triggering flight-or-fight instincts. - Liquids boiling-off the skin cause bioluminescent proteins to activate, and distinctive glowing red patterns form across a Dweller’s body to highlight them to rescue teams. These patterns are as unique as a fingerprint, and it’s not uncommon for shamans to tattoo or scarify the areas surrounding them to highlight their presence even in-atmosphere. - Internal reserves of myoglobins flood the body, maximising the amount of time the Dweller can hold their breath. Simultaneously, the body enters an emergency anaerobic state, breaking down bicarbonate stores to increase blood PH and counteract acidosis, while enzymes convert nitrogen in the blood to harmless compounds and thus negate the risk of 'the bends.' - Finally, if applicable, the body will begin rapidly regenerating itself using a set of adaptations taken from reptiles, which aims to repair any critical damage caused by the spacing incident.
These adaptations provide a Dweller with a crucial 15-25 minute window of survival with which they can usually be recovered safely, although undergoing this process is extremely traumatic and will almost always result in the buildup of highly negative metabolic waste that must be safely purged. Because of this, Dwellers have highly specialised rescue and treatment protocols to maximise the chance of a full recovery.
All of these enhancements come at a cost: The greatest anathema to Dweller life is not being in the environment they've been carefully adapted to. Their limbs and joints struggle to maintain their own weight above 0.8Gs of force, requiring a g-suit should they ever descend to the Steppe's surface and its 1.3Gs. Their respiratory system, unused to dealing with unfiltered air, struggles with the sand, grit and pollution across Itügen causing asthma-like symptoms, while their short sleep schedule is filled with unexplainable nightmares and parasomnias that render them near-useless long-term when on the planet’s surface. Because of this, the overwhelming majority of Dwellers will never leave the confines of space habitats, rarely venturing into spin-gravity zones when necessary.
"Steppe-Riders." Humans that have been modified to better withstand the dangerous and violent world of Itügen are perhaps the polar opposite of Dwellers, although they share a similar level of aggressive genetic engineering to better adapt them for their new environment.
Physically, Riders are sturdy and sinewy, with muscles much more densely packed with both slow and fast-twitch fibers to vastly improve athletic performance. Their skin is tougher, thicker, and filled with glossy melanins that provide a shimmering, near-metallic look. During peak UV exposure, Riders will exude a natural sunblock that quickly dries to provide a physical shield against harmful rays. Their respiratory system has been hardened, with many auxiliary air filters to neutralise and remove air contaminants, while a secondary, redundant heart and modifications taken from high-altitude Earth populations allow them to transport blood much more efficiently across their body. This is especially needed as Riders have super-coagulating blood in order to maximise their chance of traumatic injury survival.
Their digestive and renal systems have received significant overhauls in order to extract and retain much more water, while simultaneously reducing the risk of food poisoning despite contaminants. Riders also produce an excess of metallothioneins which bind to and neutralise the heavy metals that commonly pollute Itügen. Amusingly, a side effect of their specialised gut flora and digestive enzymes is the ability for Riders to safely metabolise and process methanol as if it was ethanol, a quirk that has proven extremely useful given that the majority of alcohol produced on the Steppe would be otherwise undrinkable by humans.
All of these modifications are but peanuts compared to the dramatic and widespread changes made to a Rider’s mind and endocrine system. Riders are able to produce and receive pheromones that can cover surprising distances on the Steppe. These pheromones have also been engineered into their khulgars, or steeds, allowing an unparalleled level of non-verbal communication both between Riders and between them and their horses. Key pheromones can broadcast a Rider’s presence over long distances, signal when a Rider is under threat, when a group should press the attack or fall back and retreat, and much more besides. Riders have learnt to produce and deploy pheromone traps to warn of dangerous locations, assert territorial control and even be used as biological weapons during tribal conflict.
Finally, Riders are born with survival skills already integrated into their minds, with a greater range of more deeply developed muscle memories. These are accompanied by prion-derived proteins that can effectively encode and reproduce sophisticated information - providing Riders with a well of ‘genetic memories’ designed to improve their survival instincts. Rider culture is heavily influenced by these genetic memories, and children recalling them form key developmental markers. Some Riders will also express a smaller range of highly specialised memories, making them prenaturally good at specific skills such as medical care, mechanical engineering and even storytelling.
Of course, just like Dwellers, Riders are hyper specialised for life on Itügen’s surface and suffer greatly when removed from their natural environment. Their dense, tough muscles and sturdy bones atrophy quickly and more deleteriously without gravity and their balance is completely thrown off by weightlessness, making them much more susceptible to space-sickness. They lack the same level of natural radiation resistance that Dwellers have, and their respiratory systems massively overperform in carefully controlled void-habitats, causing them unnecessary fatigue and strain. Dweller food is also both safer and simpler than what can be found on the Steppe, and a rapid dietary change can lead to significant gastrointestinal distress while their bodies try to adapt.
Pheromone-based communications are almost entirely neutralised by Dweller air filtration systems leading to a form of sensory deprivation colloquially known as ‘space silence,’ while Riders removed from their natural environment can miss out on important contextual prompts that would usually trigger genetic memory recall, severely stunting their development. Because of this, despite the obvious utility Riders would have in combat situations, they are rarely taken from Itügen’s surface, except for the most promising of candidates that are earmarked for transformation into…
"War-Lords." The ultimate synthesis of the best portions of both Rider and Dweller lineages, whose blending has been made possible and further augmented thanks to the inclusion of entirely alien xenogenetic material recovered from archeotechnology. Unlike other lineages, War-Lords are completely sterile and must be made, not born, using the best possible Riders as a baseline to further enhance. The city of Aurag hosts festivals and competitions designed to find those most suitable for implantation among Itügen’s inhabitants, and being selected as a War-Lord aspirant is considered a great honour among most Steppe tribes.
The War-Lord transformation process starts at the physical level, as Lords need to be able to efficiently function both in space and on planetary surfaces. Muscle and bone weave themselves into a mutually beneficial lattice that regenerates quickly and withstands microgravity well, while Dweller anaerobic adaptations combined with the stronger twitch-muscle fibers of Riders allow for terrifyingly quick and powerful movement in even the most confined of spaces. The vestibular system of Lords is highly adaptable, making them at home both when moving through microgravity environments and while tearing across the Steppe, while a fresh influx of memory-bearing proteins provides an instinctive understanding of both tactical and strategic decision making that others would have to rigorously learn in a military school. Although a Lord’s pheromone system is weakened by the transformation process, they remain sensitive enough to be able to pick up on signallers emitted by Riders, and some limited level of pheromonal communication still occurs between Lords, used primarily to enforce strict military hierarchy between each other.
Upon this chassis are built even more modifications to better develop them for war. The usually dormant regenerative abilities of Dwellers are permanently active in Lords, leading to aggressive cellular regeneration, with wounds repairing themselves in mere hours and even terrible amounts of tissue being mended in days, albeit with dramatic scarring accompanying the process. A War-Lord’s synaptic processes are vastly improved, and they feature a secondary neural cluster located in a protective organ attached to their spine, which both relieves the brain of the need to carry out many autonomous processes and allows a Lord to continue fighting through even severe brain damage.
It is within these brains that the best and worst parts of the extensive modifications a War-Lord undergoes come home to roost. War-Lords were initially engineered specifically to resist the sort of mental trauma and behavioural disorders that develop under repeated and intense periods of stress, with enhanced neuroplasticity, self-regulating sleep patterns, improved emotional regulation and even modifications to memory consolidation… But in doing so, the groundwork was laid for a condition known as Uzay’s Rage.
When a War-Lord is pushed enough, their greatly enhanced sympathetic nervous system triggers an acute stress response marked by repression of both the prefrontal cortex and short-to-long-term memory conversion, along with massive spikes in cortisol and overstimulation of the amygdala. Their overcharged pituitary system greatly increases the impact of this reaction, and emits a powerful rage pheromone that can trigger sympathetic reactions in nearby War-Lords, causing a domino effect throughout a squad. In other words, when finally pushed into a fight-or-flight situation a War-Lord will not only always choose ‘fight,’ but will do so in an extremely exaggerated way. This trance-like berserker rage is incredibly dangerous for anyone in the area not capable of emitting bonding pheromones - i.e other War-Lords and select members of nobility who have them specifically to protect against exactly this eventuality.
This is not the only significant downside to being a War-Lord however. Their overactive regenerative abilities put them at high risk of cancer, while misfolds in the prion-like genetic memory markers can turn them into actual prions, leading to TSEs similar to Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and fatal insomnia. Their hyperactive metabolism requires a vastly increased caloric intake to sustain itself, and hormonal issues like hyperthyroidism are also common.
Because of this, War-Lords have a greatly reduced natural life expectancy when compared to any other lineage and Meta gene-lines even when accounting for those fallen in battle. Combined with the already dangerous and invasive implantation procedure required to become one and the result is that without the constant production of fresh War-Lords the lineage would quickly become extinct. Thanks to their difficulty in production, maintenance and the extreme risk a War-Lord poses to other members of the Khaganate, their creation is only permitted on the Bai-Ülgen itself. Thus, this lineage is only seen among the elite Kheshigs charged with carrying out the Khagan’s will across Tengri.
“Meta-Lines.” These three lineages of Dweller, Rider and Lord are the most common, well-understood and best established lineages within the Khaganate, but they are not the only ones. Because of how common genetic modification is, the extreme environments that the Khaganate routinely explores and colonises and the desire to create better and more adaptable people, many splinter lineages also exist.
Meta-lines run the gamut from stable sub-populations of the chief lineages to experimental procedures enacted on only a handful of individuals. In time, some Metas will become fully-fledged lineages of their own, while others may have their most beneficial traits isolated and merged into already existing ones. Some too will die out entirely, proving too troublesome, difficult to produce or dangerous without enough upside to counteract these disadvantages.
Some of the more well known Metas include the royal Soyunli line, the Baser-derived Zuraqchi, suited for manufactory work on planet-based örtöös, and the Dweller-derived Shinjar line, which forms the backbone of the Khaganate’s archeologists and archeo-tech specialists.
Much of the early days of the Khaganate's history has been lost to time and poor record keeping, but what few facts are known about the brave souls to foray out in hopes of settling the Steppe paint a bleak picture. The dregs of the Cataclysm - the desperate, the mad and the left-behind fled a dying world in the hopes that a distant star might be the key to their survival.
They were joined by flocks of ‘belters:’ exoplanetary colonists with established settlements in the main asteroid belt who saw no hope of life in Sol without Earth to support them. Perhaps a more formal colonisation effort would have seen these two groups come into conflict, but desperation makes compatriots out of even the oddest of strangers, and so together these groups stepped through the Gateway and out into the system of Tengri.
Although they quickly realised that the situation was far worse than initial reports could ever have expected, it was too late to turn back and secure another system. The loose flotilla had lost all cohesion, and before an attempt could be made to voyage back, the Gateway sealed shut. The rag-tag group of settlers were left to try and forge a path in a system almost more uninhabitable than the one they had just left.
Itügen’s biosphere was poor, its atmosphere breathable, yes, but insufficient protection against harsh UV rays and other stellar phenomena. Unimaginably powerful tornadoes, sandstorms and so-called ‘brightstorms’ tore across the planet's surface, making long-term stationary settlement unviable in all but the most protected of alcoves. Worst of all, the planet was captured in the vice of the Huiten Dzhut or Cold Death, - when the planet’s damaged atmosphere was further struck by one of Tengri’s solar storms, the result were brutal snap-freezes that killed off vast swathes of what hardy life was able to survive the perilous planet and quickly devastated any group unprepared for its fury. Once it passed however, the Cold Death offered some consolation- the massive snowstorms spreading much-needed meltwater across the planet’s surface for a brief but vital season of blooming.
Offworld settlement fared little better despite the knowledge and expertise of the Belters among them. Many of the ships that had formed the initial flotilla were already old, badly maintained or damaged in some way, and even those in good condition still required complex electronics and machinery they couldn’t hope to manufacture themselves. Despite their best efforts and surprisingly swift adaptation to the conditions they faced, the simple fact of the matter was that the refugees were not prepared for Tengri’s brutality, and one by one, vessels, habs, cities and fleets all began to fail, and for a time it seemed that all was lost.
But the night is darkest before the dawn, and the struggle and suffering of those early colonists laid a beachhead for the next generation to storm onwards from. Those born into Tengri had survival practically hard-coded into them, and in some ways the smaller population helped the survivors - there was, for the first time since the Gateway had winked out of existence, enough resources for those that were left.
One step at a time the societies of Tengri began to find their niches. Habs once fit only for survival grew into towns, then cities. In space, the fires of industry were relit and new vessels voyaged forth, greeting each other as fellow survivors. Trade routes meant more complex industries could be constructed and sustained more easily, and although it took nearly a century to do so, humanity began to become masters of their environment once more.
On Itügen itself, the people learned quickly to always stay on the move. The Steppe could provide, but its resources were quickly exhausted and had to be treated with great respect. The Dzhut still stalked nomadic communities, but more and more emerged from the snow each time one passed, as shelters became stronger and survival skills improved.
When the specter of extinction no longer loomed large over Tengri’s population though, mankind’s usual foibles crashed back into the picture. Without desperation to bind them together, communities were now free to pursue less enlightened methods of survival.
As civilisation bloomed once more, conflict quickly followed. The Steppe became home to constant skirmishes, as nomads jockeyed for more land, more power and more resources, while those lucky enough to have permanent homes soon found themselves needing soldiers and fortifications to keep what they had safe. Tengri’s void soon became home to violence too, as wannabe warlords and aspiring space raiders began plying their bloody trade.
Only some of this conflict could be attributed to Tengri itself though - the truth was that the game had been rigged from the start; the ad-hoc nature of the ‘colony’ left it without any central authority to attempt to force the disparate factions to play nice. Such a state of affairs could easily have become the eternal norm- further development of the system stagnated as effort was redirected towards an endless struggle for more, but two events came together to place society on a very different course.
The first was the revelation of Itügen’s archeotech. Although it had been known for some time that Tengri had been home to a precursor race (their incredible feats were writ on the very planets themselves,) firm evidence surrounding them was difficult to come by and stymied by the much more pressing needs of immediate survival. With this specter lifted from the Steppefolk, the first precursor vaults began to be discovered and plundered by treasure hunters and explorers.
This technology would slowly make its way from the hands of tribes into the cities, and from the cities to the proto-Hordes, where technological progress and intellectual advances had survived better than on the Steppe’s surface. Although cracking these ancient secrets was no easy feat, it soon became clear that the precursor technology could be deciphered and understood - at least to some small extent. The earliest technologies developed using archeotech allowed for genetic engineering techniques light years ahead of what even Earth was capable of, allowing for aggressive, precise and intentionally directed modifications to the human form.
The potential of this technology, along with others slowly filtering out of the newly-plundered vaults was quickly realised. Contained within the secrets of archeotech was the key to adapting humanity to their new home, and shifting from survival and slow growth to a true explosion across Tengri. The first Meta-lines sprung up almost immediately afterwards, proving their success and versatility and leading to further refinement of the process and the creation of very early proto Dwellers and Riders.
The second event to shake the system was the ascension of the self-titled warlord 'Chinggis Khan,' the son of a moderately successful war captain. Charismatic, intelligent and fiercely ambitious, when his father was ousted by mutineers he managed to flee his home-ship and find sanctuary among a different fleet, where he would rapidly ascend to captain of his own vessel.
Leading his forces back to his former home, he seized his father’s vessel by force and spaced those who had once exiled him so many years before. Two vessels then became three, and as his reputation and fleet grew, more and more disparate warriors, raiders and traders began to flock to him, enamoured by his meteoric rise. Assembling the greatest fleet that Tengri had ever seen, he cemented his rise to power with the capture of a series of manufactories in the second asteroid belt and the construction of a massive and imposing flagship: the Bai-Ülgen, designed to house absolutely everything this aspiring ‘ruler of the universe’ would require in his campaigns.
When the great vessel was complete, Chinggis summoned his armada and proclaimed the establishment of the Golden Horde, a system that he would refine and expand upon throughout his life before offering the other early spacer societies, fleets and confederacies a simple choice: Assimilate peacefully, or die.
Chinggis' persona was not chosen idly however. Having recognised the desperation of humanity’s situation in Tengri, and already seeing what the future might bring for a divided system, he had looked back into his species' past in the hopes of finding a key to unite the system and focus their energies on better pursuits than endless violence. The Mongol Empire was the largest single contiguous polity in Earth's history, swallowing up disunited foes before forging them, if only for a century, into a single, powerful polity. The First Khagan knew that attempting to walk the same path as Genghis would be a challenge, yet with each day that passed, each group that bowed to or was destroyed by him, it seemed more and more as if he just may be made of the right stuff to recreate this greatest of Empires in the harsh vacuum of space.
Unifying the central core of the system over the course of some 20 years, his greatest success was when his fleet sieged and capitulated the largest and best-developed stationary settlement on Itügen, a city he renamed Aurag in honour of the place his medieval namesake had once held court. From this base and with its new Khaan loyal to him, he was able to expand his influence across the surface of Itügen, although never lived to see the whole planet brought under the Khaganate’s rule.
Elsewhere, his burgeoning empire founded dozens of new örtöö across the system, forging and incorporating new fleets along the way. To better manage these new fleets, they were organised into their own Hordes and placed underneath the command of loyal lieutenants and the best suited of his children. He laid out the foundations for the Yam, and set forth a series of decrees to form the basis of a new Yassa,or code of law for his Khaganate.
When finally age came for him, as it does even the greatest of men, he lay back on his deathbed and smiled. His war-path had lasted more than fifty years and carved out an empire that stretched across vast swathes of Tengri, and despite the violence and brutality that it had taken to found, the people living within the Khaganate were united, prosperous, and increasingly more and more specialised to the system in which they lived in. When he gave his last breath and his body was cast into the sun of Tengri, it is said that for a moment even the Steppe quietened in remembrance.
Following the First Genghis’ passing, his second son - Möngke, ascended to the throne of the Bai-Ülgen. Where his father was a superlative admiral, general and unifying figure, Möngke was instead far less bombastic, his greatest skills lying in management, administration and diplomacy. Relying on his brothers and his father’s loyal boyans to expand the Khaganate’s reach, the new Khagan set about expanding upon and codifying the commandments of his father into proper laws and governmental structures. Already an early example of the Soyunli line, he encouraged further genetic modification, using the research and development facilities aboard his flagship to create ‘definitive’ templates for the Dweller and Rider lineages and began experiments that would eventually lead to the War-Lords.
Möngke restructured the Hordes and the Yam, set in place proper procedures for the succession of noble titles, including that of the Khagan itself, formalised the duties and privilages of the nobility and smoothed the many ruffled feathers left in the wake of his father’s great war-path. If Chinggis had won the Khaganate through war, it was Möngke who cemented its existence in peace. His final touch when it came to the new government was to take the regnal title of Genghis, after his father, a habit which all future Khagans have emulated him in.
Of course, even a successor like Möngke could not succeed in every field. Despite decades of attempted pacification efforts the disparate Steppefolk of Itügen proved impossible to tame. Even with the technological and military advantages of the Hordes, the hostile environment and nomadic lifestyle the planet enforced had created a society seemingly perfectly designed to resist top-down rule. Instead, he was forced to settle for mutual cooperation, with any tribe that wished to trade with and benefit from the Khaganate and its cities needing to swear oaths of fealty and provide tribute. In exchange, the Khagans have left the people of the Steppe mostly to their own devices, with only the boldest and most foolhardy of Khagans seeking to disrupt this equilibrium.
Finally, Chinggis’ grand empire had inadvertently laid the groundwork for something quite unexpected to emerge. The survivors of the collapse had been an eccentric bunch that included new religious movements along with Muslims, Tengriists and Buddhists. Having suffered the cultural trauma of the loss of Earth and the Days of Cold and Hunger, these beliefs began to shift and change, melding with the traditions and superstitions that Belters had brought in to produce a syncretic mess that came to be called Uzayism.
The unification of the Khaganate allowed for cultural and religious exchanges that had never before been seen in Tengri. While Chinggis had considered the matter of religion rather beneath him, content to let his subjects practice however they pleased, Möngke was somewhat more attentive to these sorts of things. He encouraged Uzayism's development through the organisation of debates and forums between shamans, mystics and other spiritual leaders, eventually accepting an Uzayist shaman as a permanent member of his court. Where the Khagan trailblazed his Khaganate followed, and soon Uzayism had established itself across all of Tengri as a ‘big tent’ faith in which almost anyone could find a part to believe in. With his empire secure and running smoothly, Möngke too could breathe his last, content and satisfied that he had been a worthy successor to his father in every way that mattered.
Encompassing the great majority of the Khaganate’s history, the Days of Birth and Death are remarkable perhaps mostly for their unremarkableness. It has seen many different Khagans rise and fall in their attempts to maintain and expand the empire, although few have been as truly great as Chinggis and Möngke. Some of these rulers were successful - expanding the control of the empire to new asteroids, moons or reaches of the Steppe, others have failed, pulled down into a maelstrom of intrigue and infighting, but the Khaganate has persisted and thrived throughout it.
The Days of Birth and Death have seen wide advancements across the entirety of Tengri’s society - from Uzayism’s continuing spread and evolution to the recovery and understanding of new archeotech, including the means with which to build Aurag’s spectacular space elevator along with the perfection of Dwellers and Riders for the roles in which they now find themselves. Despite the waxing and waning fortunes of the Khaganate, the past two rulers - Temüjin III and Ögedei II, have proven themselves to be competent stewards of the realm, managing and maintaining the Khaganate at the height of its influence and expansion across the system.
Were no outside force to act upon the Khaganate, it is quite likely that the Days of Birth and Death would have continued for centuries more, but as the five hundredth anniversary of humanity’s arrival to Tengri came and went, all changed in the blink of an eye with the re-opening of old Earth’s greatest project - the Gateways.
Now is no longer the Days of Birth and Death. Now come the Days of Infinite Potential, and only time will tell what will come of the Khaganate.
Culture and Society: The Khaganate's society has a distinct divide between those who live in space - live they in nomadic, free-ranging space fleets (the hordes themselves,) or in permanent habitats on and off-world known as örtöös and those who live on the Steppe's surface. For obvious reasons, these are known as Hordepeople, who overwhelmingly consist of Dwellers, and Steppefolk who similarly overwhelmingly consist of Riders, respectively. Thanks to their different lifestyles, living conditions and even physiologies, overlap between the two are rare.
Most Hordepeople are born and will live their entire lives within the confines of an artificial habitat, maintaining their craft, harvesting asteroids, moons and other planetary bodies. Those who are permanently settled into örtöös form a chain of stations and planet bases that stretch out to the edge of the system- the Yam. The Yam forms the industrial backbone of the Khaganate, with foundries, factories, refineries and mines working constantly to provide the equipment required not just by the Hordes, but also to shuttle across to the Steppe, where it's exchanged with the cities and nomadic Steppefolk in compensation for the tribute and trade goods they provide.
Horde life is odd - simultaneously atomised and collectivist, high tech and primitive. A ship must be able to survive adrift for years if required, yet simultaneously remain deeply rooted into the Horde which it flies under. Medicinally valid herbs are dried and prepared into teas to cure the side effects of keyhole surgeries done by medical robots. Natural substances like wood and leather from Itügen are highly prized, while platinum and gold are reduced to excellent industrial materials, suitable to be made into common trinkets and jewellery.
Horde diets must be practical for the confines of zero-gravity above all else, with the most common form of food being nutrient dense ‘shakes’ using insect proteins and hydroponically grown food to ensure a Dweller has everything they need to be healthy. More sophisticated and varied meals are an opportunity for whole clans to come together, sharing stories and experiences, meeting old friends and squabbling with long-term rivals.
Perhaps the custom that those outside the Khaganate would take the most umbrage with is the use of humans themselves as a resource. In the hordes, human milk is often the only source of dairy, while terramation, better known as human composting, produces high-quality mulch that can provide vital fertiliser to a ship. Those especially respected will instead be cast out into Uzay’s embrace upon death, either into deep space to prevent them from coming into contact with any man-made object, or directly fired at planetary bodies, with the sun of Tengri itself being the final resting place for all of the empire’s late Khagans.
Individual ships are operated by small clans with tight social bonds to one another, and each ship must be able to maintain itself while providing space for viable economic activity. Stations and habitats offer a rare chance to spread one’s wings, meet, chat and exchange goods and stories with strangers, while ship-to-ship contact is also fairly common - if nothing else, providing a way for fresh blood and viable marriage partners to be injected into an otherwise closed system.
Common Horde memes place great emphasis on collective solidarity and sharing. All are united in the Khaganate’s wide embrace, and have their specific role in the pyramid topped by the Khagan. The simplest of these rituals is the exchange of air, a custom which quite intentionally allows diseases to spread across space and thus ensures the Khaganate’s population has a shared herd immunity. Of course more serious outbreaks of sickness may require a vessel to be isolated or even entirely destroyed in order to prevent the spread of truly dangerous cross-system pandemics, but such harsh measures are rare to see and certainly aren’t done for every new variant of the common cold.
As could be expected however, down on Itügen things are very different indeed; any place that can be permanently settled has been, and a series of complex city-states dot the planet’s surface. These cities and the nobility that rule them fall under the purview of the Khaan (or less commonly Khaatun) - the Khagan's formal representative and administrator, granted near-unlimited power to manage things as they see fit. Of particular importance on the Steppe is its capital of Aurag, whose equatorial placement made it perfect for the establishment of an archeotech-supported space elevator and has thus centered the city as the beating heart of the planet’s administration and military presence, while also being a vital connection for trade and commerce between the planet and the wider system.
The cities are also key productive areas, with vertical farms providing surplus food while their industrial quarters are home to manufacturing complexes independent of the Yam’s vast foundries. This makes them natural melting pots, where disparate peoples can come together for mutual benefit as well as ceremony and celebration. Those fortunate enough to live within the cities are the beating heart of complex society on Itügen, and are best-situated to survive the many trials the planet throws at its inhabitants.
For the nomadic Steppefolk outside these cities, life is extremely harsh. These communities must always be on the move, for being stationary out on the Steppe is to be dead, and so life is quite literally lived at a breakneck pace. Everything, from sleeping to cooking to giving birth is done while at motion, usually in mobile caravans that share striking visual similarities to gers. The most common method of locomotion comes in the form of khulgars, once simple horses and ponies, now elevated to a highly symbiotic partner-species. Khulgars are obligate omnivores, practically extremophiles, capable of moving at great speeds for long periods of time while also being much sturdier and less prone to injury than their forebears ever were. To be a Rider is to share an inimitable bond with the tribe’s khulgars, and the success of each species is directly tied to the other.
Mounted Riders, when detached from their wider communities can move as quickly as eighty kilometres a day and spread out across colossal areas, coordinating themselves via pheromones, radios, signalling flares and any other tool available to them. They scout out the vast distances of the steppe to guide their people to grazing areas or sources of water, and are relied upon to ensure their tribe has the best chance of survival. Their slower-moving but by no means slow villages are mounted on the back of a wide variety of vehicles that drive, crawl, skim fly or hover across the boundless wastes that smother the Steppe. In normal conditions, tribes can usually sustain themselves nutritionally by the herding of animals almost as heavily modified as the people that tend to them, alongside limited foraging, but complex machinery and advanced goods are impossible to manufacture among the tribes and instead must be exchanged for either in cities or with Hordepeople willing to directly descend to the planet’s surface in massive single-stage ‘barges’ that burn unimaginable quantities of highly pressurised methane to make it from orbit to surface.
This trade is a privilege, not a right, and a privilege that is used by the Khagans to maintain some vague approximation of control over the wide-ranging tribes. In order to be permitted to trade with the wider Khaganate, tribes must swear oaths to the stars and its ruler, with such oaths further enforced by regular tribute payments. The most common form of tribute is archeotechnology, but ultimately anything of value can be given as a sign of loyalty, ranging from skins and felt to the heads of oathbreakers and rebels.
Thus, while intra-tribal cooperation is a necessity, inter-tribal conflict is incredibly common. Loose confederacies may form and even persist for long periods, but ultimately each tribe can only truly trust and rely on itself in an endless Darwinian struggle for survival, for which the only reward is more of the same. The only potential respite a Steppefolk can have from this life is to move to one of the city states, or prove themselves strong enough in body and soul to be selected as aspirants worthy of being forged into one of the Khagan’s mighty War-Lords.
The worst of all the struggles on Itügen come when meteorological outposts and monitoring satellites send down their warning: The Huiten Dzhut is coming. Solar activity from Tengri causes the already fragile atmosphere of the Steppe to break down, sucking warm air up and into space. The air that descends from these pockets is freezing cold and saturated with water, causing it to condense into snow and hail to crash back down onto the planet’s surface.
Areas struck by the Dzhut are buried beneath snow and ice and are subject to temperatures anywhere from sixty to eighty degrees colder than they usually are. Even Itügen’s polar life can struggle in these times, while the life so carefully adapted to the usual heat and dryness perishes en-masse. Cities grind to a halt with only the most essential services still running, the Khagan’s subjects going to ground to weather the storm.
Out on the barren wilds of the Steppe however, there are no homes or city-wide infrastructure to turn to. Instead, as the signs of the Dzhut become clear to scouts and shamans, tribes race to make it to traditional overwintering grounds before they’re caught out in the freeze. These places are deeply rooted into the Steppefolk, their positions encoded into genetic memories and the navigational senses of their khulgars. When the storms finally arrive, disparate tribes, some of whom may have been warring mere days before, are once again bound by the same need to survive as their ancestors did back in the days of Cold and Hunger.
Thus, despite the harshness, these wintering grounds become the temporary homes of great gatherings of communities from across Itügen. Rivalries are reaffirmed, alliances and confederacies are brokered, tribe-members share and bicker over their customs, and for a time the all-encompassing cold manages to freeze even the Steppefolk’s violent ways.
When the solar disruption ends and the atmosphere re-stabilises, the planet has a chance to recover. Cold and ice melt in the rapidly warming environment, causing meltwater to soak into the parched ground, replenishing both surface reservoirs and the underground water table. Animals leave their burrows and dens, the hardiest flora blooms and spreads seeds and the city’s forges roar back to life while nomads pack up their winter camps. With the end of the extreme danger, the tribes go their separate ways across rejuvenated ground, to resume the cycle of conflict and struggle that has characterised them for so many centuries.
The last element to Khaganate society is their faith. In the over three hundred years since it coalesced into a fully-fledged religion, Uzayism has spread to every corner of the Khaganate, and thus is one of the largest unifying factors, transcending the petty differences of noble and pauper or Rider and Dweller:
Tengri is nothing if not a melting pot, and this extends out to its religion. Early colonists drew from a wide mixture of traditional and new faiths from Earth, which shared room among the initial fleet with the Belters and their own superstitions from decades living among the stars. After the founding of the Golden Horde and the unifying of much of Tengri under a single polity, cultural exchange flourished enough to allow for these disparate threads to weave themselves together, giving birth to early Uzayism.
Because of the inherently disparate nature of the Khaganate, maintaining a strict orthodoxy would be a losing battle and be likely to completely shatter the religion as every Horde and örtöö argued over which version of the faith should be considered the authoritative one. Uzayism thus lacks a single creed or religious dogma, and instead is more the tapestry upon which both common and varying experiences are woven onto, binding the Khaganate together with orthopraxis.
The true core of Uzayist belief is the all-encompassing deity named Uzay. Uzay is the universe - a pantheistic God that dwells in every atom, whose power is witnessed in the forces of light, gravity and magnetism, and who has granted intelligent life the rare opportunity to marvel at the universe that Uzay is responsible for. Uzay is creation and the created, and in turn both are a form of Uzay, the two impossible to separate from each other.
Beneath Uzay lie a truly endless parade of lesser gods, spirits and essences, that depending on which believer you ask may dwell within planets, people and even mechanical creations. Practically, this manifests as a form of mystic shamanism, where communion with Uzay and its lesser spiritual creations is not only possible but indeed highly encouraged, although in practical terms such explorations of the human psyche and the universe’s wonder tend to be limited to dedicated shamans able to dedicate their lives to such feats.
A consistent throughline through Uzayist belief is a special veneration of the void of space itself, whose emptiness provides the thinnest barrier between the transcendental nature of the God and its creations. Even just dwelling in space can portend great personal transformation (sometimes attributed merely to the overview effect,) while directly entering Uzay and ‘embracing the void,’ is to experience a minor form of transcendence. Hordepeople shamans are usually inducted into their role by being exposed to the vacuum of space with only a small rebreather and a tether to pull them back into their vessel. The experience - usually involving a mixture of copious quantities of entheogens, physical exertion and a weaker triggering of their hab-breach reflexes is guaranteed to cause a powerful altered state of consciousness and commonly results in a shaman’s first ego death.
Governance and Politics: While all in Tengri are under the direct control of the Khagan in name, the sheer size of the realm requires local administration, particularly in the case of the larger Hordes. This has resulted in a neo-feudal clan emerging both in space and on the surface of Itügen, although traditionally Hordepeople are considered to operate in clans while Steppefolk communities are named tribes. Hordes and areas of the Yam fall under the administration of various Khans (equivalent to kings or princes, with those directly related to the current Khagan known as Khan Khuus,) and Boyans (once specifically referring to military governors and generals, but now in practice used for powerful nobles equivalent to dukes.) The Khagan’s nominated successor is given the title Jinong, although until they ascend to the throne this offers no additional privileges over the titles which they already hold, typically being Khan Khuus.
These nobles are expected to competently and effectively manage their people, but in practice, the appointment of Boyans and the stripping of privileges from Khans has varied wildly between Khagans, some purely promoting based on merit, while others allow nepotism to run rampant, often with disastrous consequences when ill-suited leaders take power.
Beneath Boyans and Khans exist the usual expanding strata of a feudal system: Noyans, Nokuds and finally at the very bottom Baygs, who despite not being nobles themselves are nonetheless vital as they represent one or more clans or tribes to those above them. At lower levels of the pyramid roles tend to be more flexible, with some level of democracy and collective organisation very common. Clans and noble houses give rise to internal power jockeying, with particularly wealthy, productive or fertile families seeing their power grow, and other families or even ships absorbed into their orbit. In this way, nobles up to and including the Khans themselves cannot rest on their laurels and must always play a careful balancing act, lest they be deposed and their overlord or even the Great Khagan award their favour to the up-and-coming usurpers.
Beneath the Great Black Sky on Itügen itself, Khaganate culture becomes even more dizzyingly varied. So long as the tribes are loyal, strange governing customs are permitted, which has led to a true flourishing of both traditional and unusual systems of organisation. A tribe may rule itself through anything from 'might makes right' warbands lead by the strongest warriors to those who follow the cryptic commands of salvaged AIs or operate under a loosely democratic council.
Technology Overview: The Khaganate has a complex relationship with technology. On the one hand, much of what they excel in would be considered sensible extensions of tech from old Earth; they are excellent engineers and aeronautics specialists, masters of not only living in, but even colonising some of the harshest reaches of the Tengri system. The Khaganate can manufacture vast quantities of sophisticated yet rugged ships, crack down deep into the deadened crusts of uninhabitable planets to carve out oases of life and set up vast stations producing their own gravity through centripetal force…
But none of these advancements would have flourished and spread across the system nearly as quickly without a foundation entirely outside of humanity: the precursor’s archeotech. Such relics run the gamut from relatively understandable and simple, if extremely advanced, to obscure and dangerous artifacts that violate preconceived notions about how the universe functions (an issue which causes the more esoteric devices to have a hostile relationship with Uzayist fanatics.)
Early on in Khaganate history, archeotech diffused out slowly from the Steppe up to the stars, where that which was able to be deciphered then, in turn, spread out across the disunited communities. Nowadays, archeotech recovered by the tribes is usually traded or gifted as tribute to the cities, where it is carefully catalogued and transferred to orbital research stations. The best, safest and least replaceable relics are transported to the Bai-Ülgen, while those that have the potential for widespread use will be reproduced and dispatched out to the various hordes for further experimentation and research.
The Khaganate’s most important and dedicated research facilities are maintained on the other two planets within Itügen’s ‘band’ of the system. These well-trod worlds provide an important home for R&D of all kinds, both that involve archeotechnology and those that the Khaganate explores without ancient assistance. While innovation does occur across the entire system, these are the beating heart of their academia.
Military Overview: Although certainly a warlike and quarrelsome people, the actual military capacity of the Khaganate against another spacefaring nation would be surprisingly limited… At first. Historically Khagans have been very against the mass-production of ship-to-ship weaponry, leaving the majority of actual warships isolated to the Golden and Silver Horde. However, nothing is stopping the manufactories of the Yam from changing production lines to churn out missiles, cannons, and even wholly new vessels, ready and able to defend the Khaganate against aggression.
Similarly, while its ground-based forces are limited to a small minority of dedicated city guards on Itügen and the Kheshigs, it would not be impossible to sweep up tribes of Steppefolk, press them into service and transport them to a warzone, although their difficulties in space would certainly stymie this process. Should they arrive safely though, these warriors would be a fearsome foe indeed, each one raised on a world that seems to spite humanity with its inhospitality, born to fight and armed to the teeth with tech both arcane and understood. Although they would look like a rag-tag bunch compared to a formal army with standardised training and equipment, centuries of constant conflict have left them hardened and battle-ready.
Where the Khaganate would immediately shine is in boarding actions and direct conflict between the crews of vessels. All noble houses maintain standing forces of house guards, and while lesser nobles might content themselves with a small corp of bodyguards, Khans and Boyans will maintain several ships worth of professionally drilled and equipped soldiers, typically drawn from a small number of supplicant Meta-families who have produced generations of soldiers who are understandably proud of this long history of service. Although the Khaganate's equipment might seem unusual to more ground-dwelling nations because they aim to minimise the damage inflicted upon the vessels that they fight within, they are no less effective for that.
The best soldiers are of course under the direct command of the Great Khagan, and to a lesser extent the Khaan. These forces include a great number of traditional houseguards, along with the War-Lords produced to serve in the Kheshigs. Originally envisioned as the personal bodyguards of the Khagan, time, archeotech and the increasing wealth of the Genghises maintaining them has resulted in the Kheshigs growing to the size of a true standing army, serving to defend cities on the Steppe and protect the Bai-Ülgen itself. It is the Kheshigs that are deployed to break the back of mutinying hordes or tribes grown too powerful or too proud to control properly.
On the Steppe, Kheshigs are viewed as terrible agents of the Khagan's fury. Clad in power armour, armed with terrible weapons, they are to a fault faceless and seemingly silent in battle, executing their liege’s commands without question, hesitation or deviation. Should it be required, they would die for their liege in their droves, and yet more would be drawn to replace them.
If all this fails however, the Khaganate has one last trick up its sleeve. The most awesome power the Khaganate has been able to consistently utilise comes not from archeotech, but from weapons programs tirelessly working under the utmost secrecy in the far ring. Should the Khagan will it, his enemies will find themselves pitted against utter annihilation.
Ögedei II Khagan, Ruler of the Universe: The Genghis or High Khagan of the entire Khaganate, Ögedei is the (mostly) unquestioned ruler of the billion-and-some souls who live and die in the system the Khaganate has called home for centuries. Young for a Genghis at only 31, he has nonetheless secured the support of the Khan Khuus after his father's death and proven himself to be a competent and effective ruler in all the ways that are required for a feudal liege. With the Gateways opening, he and his Golden Horde have seized the opportunity to migrate to the Sol system, and his flagship of the Bai-Ülgen now looms large in Mars' orbit.
Orda Khan, Admiral of the White Horde: Elder brother to Genghis and foremost of the Khan-Kuus, Orda Khan shares some traits with his brother, but diverges in just as many. Canny, cunning and power hungry, he seeks to, if not subvert the Genghis' rule over the Khaganate entirely, at least establish the White Horde as a truly semi-autonomous entity, over which he can reign in peace. Such a dream long seemed impossible... Until the Gateways opened, and a galaxy of potential with them.
Boraqchin Khaantus, Governor of the Steppe: It is uncommon within the Hordes for women to reach the upper echelons, but not impossible, and none demonstrate this better than Boraqchin Khaantus, the current ruler of the Steppe in the Khagan's absence. Formerly the first wife of a Golden Horde Boyan, her unusually quick mind and excellent grasp of practical rule led to the previous Genghis taking notice of her, and when her husband passed away, she was appointed as Gonji of the Steppe, ascending to the position half a decade prior to Ögedei's ascension from Jinong to Great Khagan.
What is Humanity?: One more machine, to be brought into harmony.
System Name and Description: Located in the Centaurus arms of the Milky Way, the population overseen by the Executive Machine is split across the inner core of the Qinglong system, although largely centred around the capital and most populated world of Qingyuan. Qingyuan is a relatively Earth-sized planet rotating a single k-type main-sequence star, joined by its natural satellite of Mingxian. More recent developments has led to a small but stable population on the planet of Wuhua, while the human-inhabited portions of the system end at the frontier world of Jingyu, the border between the inner and outer system. A small proportion of Xuzhuren or 'void people' exist in between these planets, serving to connect these bodies together.
The Qinglong system was highly unusual in many ways: Not only did it contain a planet already home to early life - Qingyuan, designated as a 'biocompatible world' but quickly adjusted to 'habitable world,' but also a second that was viable for terraforming and colonisation - Jingyu, classified as an 'easily terraformable planet.' Furthermore, Qingyuan's biospheres was comparatively young and homogenous when the Gateway opened, featuring only simple multicellular plant and microbial life that had yet to emerge out onto land. During the decade when the system was still connected to Sol, the Shennong Initiative was able to rapidly build upon this primordial ecosystem, work that was continued after the Gateway sealed to transform Qingyuan into a true 'Garden World,' home to a host of Earth life, including species long since rendered extinct, yet born again thanks to advances in genetics and cloning. A curious quirk of this dramatic upending of the planet's normal evolutionary processes is that fossil fuels are almost completely absent and are unlikely to ever emerge with 24th-century life now inhabiting it.
While Qingyuan was heavily terraformed and developed, Mingxian and Jingyu received slightly different treatments. Mingxian is simply too small to allow for the conditions for life to emerge naturally or for meaningful terraforming efforts - it cannot sustain an atmosphere, its regolith is hazardous and toxic, while its slightly eccentric orbit causes strong seasonal differences that would dramatically challenge life. Instead, Qinglong used the moon to set up both heavy industries to support the ongoing effort and as a new home for their low-gravity R&D departments, a legacy which has held firm throughout Qinglong's history. Without an early ecosystem to use as a base, Jingyu's potential was unable to be fully unlocked within the first ten years, although automated terraforming facilities with minimal human oversight were set up to begin the effort. True colonisation was projected to occur with a second stage of the Shennong Initiative estimated to begin some 30-50 years after Qingyuan had been 'finished.' After Qinglong's failure, various governments in the system have made attempts at turning the frontier world into yet another vibrant home for humanity, although the current success of such projects is questionable, and unlikely to change in the near future.
Crucially to modern Qinglong technology, Qingyuan and Mingxian are home to a seemingly physics-defying metal colloquially known as ‘lodestones,’ with the elemental name of Tàishǐum. Lodestones are remarkably unreactive except for their natural magnetism, which is so powerful and violent that lodestone deposits are often found not in the ground, but instead hovering in the planet’s sky in gravity defying ‘islands.’ Although it is possible to create minerals with a similar composition to lodestones artificially, only true Tàishǐum has the specific magnetic power that makes it so highly prized. Naturally found only on Qingyuan and its moon, the leading explanation for this is that originally the planet was much larger, before being struck by another celestial object, which fused with it into the current planet of Qingyuan, while the ejecta was captured and accreted to form Mingxian.
Demographics: There are three main species from two distinct cultures that exist peacefully on Qinglong:
Homo Sapiens Sapiens ~93% (~4.56 billion): Humanity makes up the overwhelming majority of the population, the legacy of Qinglong Frontier Development's aggressive push to populate its personal fief. Canxing Zholou: ~7% (~344 million): More recent arrivals to the system, the Canxing Zholou, or 'Voyagers of the Broken Stars,' are a refugee population of sapient aliens, split into two distinct sub-populations: Sky Zholouren: ~4% (~196 million) Earth Zholouren: ~3% (~148 million)
Arriving in the Qinglong system around halfway through its isolation from its Gateway, two alien species, united under a single banner, arrived as refugees from between the stars. Although their relationship with humanity started rough, in the time since the Canxing have come to be seen as fellow sapient species, and many of them have integrated into Qinglong society. Although strict Taoism has faded in the modern Accord, the two species, who symbiotically evolved alongside one another as sister-species on their home world, have long been culturally tied to the symbolism of yin and yang, and the dualist taijitu is often used by more heavily humanicised Zholouren as a marker of integration, but also a way of asserting their uniqueness onto an alien society.
Sky, or Yang Zholou were originally gliding omnivores, their heightened senses and enlarged craniums helping them to search for food across long distances. Their early interactions with the Earth, or Yin Zholou is believed to be as hunting partners, with the non-obligate carnivorous Yins bringing down large prey and protecting Yang dens. Despite early assumptions, both species are highly intelligent and capable of tool use, a factor that has helped ensure both of them developed alongside one another, rather than dominating over the other.
Many centuries of specialisation have turned the Yang into true-born spacers, still capable of gliding, but now well adapted to zero-g living, while their mental capacity is particularly suited to abstract thinking and decision making. The Yin meanwhile, retained much of their original abilities, forming the bulk of their great fleet's mechanics, engineers and life scientists. They share several traits, including ultrasonic vocalisation and infrared chromatophores on their skin developed to allow them to communicate remotely - wearing clothes is seen as the ultimate sign of assimilation.
Zholouren have brought many technological and cultural changes with them to Qinglong. The great Ship Minds that carried them between the stars are the foundation for modern Non-Biological Intelligences (and subsequent system of Networked Computational Minds,) while their expertise with genetics has led to a revival in a formerly under-explored area of Qinglong science. Perhaps some might find the strange bond they have with a truly alien species peculiar... but humanity has shed blood against the same Shenjian that once destroyed their home for nearly two centuries, and such a thing makes their many differences far more palatable.
"Qinglong Megaconglomerate is proud to announce their ascension to the ranks of Gateways Colonial Administrator with formal settlement of the Qinglong system. Already, efforts are hard at work to forge our planet into a paradise befitting of Earth's majesty - a haven for those seeking to leave our home for a better life. Endless potential is waiting to be grasped, and it needs you! Inquire today about securing your place among the stars!"
Qinglong Frontier Developments: Building Better WorldsTM - An advertisement dated 2291 CE, from the Qinglong Frontier Developments Subsidiary
Qinglong ('Q-L' 'The Azure Dragon' 'QingCon') was a titan of Earth... And some might argue one of the many, many nails hammered into its coffin during the 24th century. A true megacorporation in each and every sense of the world, the Azure Dragon might have been born in China, but its reach soon grew to encompass the globe. A de-facto superpower by the time the Gateways hummed to life and humanity was able to expand their reach across the galaxy. Already at the cutting edge of 24th century technology and eager to plant their logo anywhere they could, the company recognised the Gateways for what they were:
The opportunity to cement the Q-L name in the history books, forever.
The system they lay claim to was matched appropriately to the egos of everyone involved. A primordial, life-bearing world, perfectly suited as a testing ground for terraforming technologies that could hopefully prove their worth and be taken back to repair Earth itself. Qinglong's Frontier Developments Subsidiary thus began the Shennong Initiative- a 'ground up' terraforming project that would use the newly named Qingyuan's unsophisticated biosphere as a blank canvas on which to paint a new Earth.
Resources flooded into the system over the next decade. Although the Initiative was estimated to take almost 30 years, the Conglomerate pre-shipped almost all of the sophisticated terraforming equipment required for its conclusion to the system ahead of time. Taking advantage of the fact that it had virtually no financial oversight, the Q-L gambled that by eating a higher up-front cost, the Megaconglomerate would appear to turn a profit long before the Frontier Development actually paid for itself, massively enriching its shareholders in the process.
These early days were full of completely unwarranted optimism in just how well the whole affair would turn out. Grand, sweeping megaprojects were planned across the system, and the discovery of Tàishǐum only fuelled the fires of corporate greed. Talks quickly began regarding the construction of colossal space stations, or mass drivers on Mingxian to launch goods down to Qingyuan and across to installations on Wuhua, all accompanied by an advertising blitz to put any tinpot dictator rewriting history to shame.
As the atmosphere of Qingyuan stabilised enough for people to descend to the surface, the media frenzy only grew. Workers on Earth were offered ludicrously generous packages to tempt them to a star system entirely under the control of QingCon, complete with wage-garnished travel, cradle-to-grave 'loyalty contracts,' and subsidised parcels of land after service milestones. Company healthcare promised genetic screening and early model cybernetics not only for workers themselves but also their descendants, while every child born in the system was proudly displayed on adverts back home, along with new parents gleefully thanking the company for the chance to raise a family away from a failing Earth.
With such a colossal effort behind it, it was no surprise that the Qinglong system soon became home to a huge number of people drawn from every stratum of society. The common worker could find themselves setting up domes on Mingxian and Jingyu, planting trees across the rugged surface of Qingyuan or stripping it's massive lodestone islands, their every effort carried out under the auspices of a small army of scientists and researchers concerned with everything from food webs to astro-engineering to semi-autonomous drone swarms. Of course, all of this was done beneath the watchful gaze of QingCon and their leagues of administrators, middle-managers, division departments and of course the head office of Frontier Development itself, the first skyscraper to grace Qingyuan's virgin city of Xiwang, an impossible to miss beacon lit up with the company's comforting Azure Dragon logo.
Qinglong's 2300 New Year's party was said to be truly legendary; despite the now critical state that Earth was in, the sheer success of Frontier Developments was impossible to deny. Competitors like Morgan-Lott may have grumbled at the Azure Dragon's creative financing, but with everyone sweeping their own shady practices under the rug even they had to admit that the plan was working. The system was set to be the shining example of what a Gateways colony could look like when given appropriate funding and attention, and even as the Earth crumbled the Conglomerate's finances only climbed higher.
But their success was a bubble, mired in over-ambition and hubris, its share prices riding high on hype and vapour... And it only took a single day for it all to come crashing down.
"A common urban legend regarding 'CoB day' is that upon realising what had happened the COO of Q-L Frontier Developments jumped from the roof of Head Office. It's wrong, he shot himself, but I think it's too late for us to ever shake that old 'what falls faster, a man or his shares?' phrase." - Debate on the Urban Legends Reference Intranet Forums, dated 2678CE
"CoB Day ended Q-L's monopoly as quick as that." The interviewee snapped his fingers together. "You'd think their big flagship effort would manage better, but it just wasn't set up to endure such a catastrophic shock to the system, and it's not like the early colony was economically profitable enough to function as a corporatocracy even had they been... But Shennong had to continue. We were all dead without it." - Archival record interview of first-generation colonial administrator dated 2346CE, used in 'Our Qinglong, our Home,' documentary published 2789 CE.
January 1st, 2301, T+24 from the Gateways closing and the Azure Dragon was already collapsing underneath its own weight. Head Office had entered a state of complete anarchy, far-flung ships and systems suffered communication breakdowns and an atmosphere of absolute panic soon gripped the system. In an instant the very foundations of the New Corporate Ethic that Qinglong Megaconglomerate had championed were stripped bare to reveal them to be both completely rotten and woefully inadequate for the survival situation that Frontier Developments now found itself in.
With the vertical relationship the company had maintained crumbling overnight, the horizontal connections between workers at every level would quickly replace them. When middle management failed, their lower-level subordinates, much more connected to the people that Qinglong had seen only as bank accounts to carefully husband rapidly stepped up, and smaller-scale local organisations soon took shape, intensely reliant on each other to survive.
It is perhaps the ultimate irony that the very organisations that QingCon had so successfully quashed under their tenure - Unions, were what would salvage their flagship project from the brink of collapse. Elected industrial forepeople, research oversight committees and even security force sergeants that should have enforced the hierarchy instead came together, working over the head of the flailing bureaucracy.
What followed was a massive paring down of unrealistic ambitions. Half-finished space stations were scrapped for every spare bolt and lightbulb, lodestone shipments bound for Earth were pulled back to Xiwang to be used in first-generation fusion plasma plants, while the bones of skyscrapers were left forever unfinished as their steel and concrete was turned into fit-for-purpose urban expansion projects.
The one project that could not be abandoned was Shennong. Qingyuan had shown remarkable progress already, and was certainly capable of sustaining human life... But ultimately badly underprepared for full self-sufficiency. Although Qinglong had never prepared for this eventuality, in their drive to bamboozle the markets they'd managed to leave the colonists with enough in-system to press on. Even so, the dreams of an intricately designed and carefully monitored prestige ecosystem would now never be achieved. Plants and animals were unleashed to settle into equilibrium on their own, while targeted defoliants were deployed in order to destroy 'wilderness gardens' and replace them with more practical habitats.
As months turned to years the new order of the system began to settle into place underneath a government that called itself the People's Syndicates of Qingyuan. Their efforts, starting from the ground and growing to encompass the entire inhabited system, culminated in the elections of a Presidium and its leading Director for Qingyuan, along with Vice Directors for both Mingxian and Jingyu. The new order would be signed into law with the ratification of the Qinglong People's Constitution in 2303, and the system was to be re-organised along syndicalist lines, with a market socialist economy replacing the hyper capitalist script-driven structure of the megacorporation. Former middle managers and administrators who had only ever attended meetings and stared at spreadsheets now drove combine harvests or organised union accounts, and as the years ticked over into decades, the system appeared to have succeeded perfectly. To defend frontier settlements and fend off early interplanetary criminal elements the Syndicates would restructure the old corporate security force into a citizen's militia known as the Joint Frontier Force, and this way of life seemed to have established itself as the new normal.
But, just like the NCE it had taken over from, the Syndicates were built on shoddy foundations. Although claiming to be a clean break from the old hierarchy, the ad-hoc nature of the government's founding had meant that many of its bad habits had been held over, including its legendary 'Merit Exam' system. As industries, markets and syndicates grew larger and more complicated, cracks began to form - first at the edges, then snaking all the way through society as the system raced back towards the knife's edge it had navigated itself away from following CoB Day.
The biggest issue was the Presidium itself. Although it had worked well in its earlier days, many of its byzantine systems were hodge-podged together over time rather than cleanly designed from the ground up, and there was increasing stratification between a bureaucratic literati class and the rest of the populace. Compounding matters was the moon of Mingxian, still a major industrial center and badly underrepresented in governance, while Jingyu's steadily growing population increasingly wanted more representation for itself.
Although historically the JFF had served as the colony's de-facto police force, poor oversight and weak control had led to increasingly more radical elements emerging within its society, and the demoralised forces couldn't be counted on to properly fend off interplanetary banditry or even maintain order on the capital. Capping off this potent blend of issues was the steady loss of a unified survivalist culture, as memories of CoB day waned and the first and second generations gave way to children to whom Earth was nothing more than cautionary tale relegated to the pages of a history textbook.
It all came to a head in 2374.
"You should have seen the capital in the 70s. I'd like to say 'good times,' but they really were anything but. Seemed every day there was another strike, protest or demonstration, and it wasn't the damn syndics who were stuck dealing with angry workers hurling brickwork. They let us take the crowd's fury, then promised trite concessions that did nothing but bring them back a month later before turning around and condemning us for not solving the problem." - A JFF NCO recounting the events leading up to the Xiwang Coup dated 2372CE. Archival footage used with permission, 2763CE
"The tragedy of Earth is not that so many died. Death is an inevitable part of life. The tragedy is that so many died as victims. When the crisis came, they were helpless, unable to use their deaths to buy anything of value. Billions of otherwise intelligent people had been tricked into ignoring a fundamental truth: that no man has any rights if he is unable to personally defend them." Excerpt from Zhou Yīnuò's debut treatise 'The Lessons of Old Earth,' dated 2366CE
It is impossible to understand the Accord as it exists today without understanding Yinuo Zhou. History may not have been kind to her, but it certainly does remember her even four centuries after she passed away. No doubt, knowing such a thing would have brought a trademark wry smile to her lips even as she lay on her deathbed.
Zhou Yīnuò, (July 13th, 2326 - September 22nd 2412) was a Qingyuanren military officer, political theorist and politician who would rule as the unified Director of the Qinglong System from 2375 to her death in 2412. Although popular during her reign, Yinuo’s legacy is complex - equally praised for her decisive action at a time of intense instability and condemned as the herald of the tyranny to come during the period of Supreme Directors. She is nonetheless credited with laying the cultural and political groundwork for what would later become the Combine Council and finally the Executive Machine. She was responsible for widescale economic, social, military and political reforms, while her theories have only become more popular and studied following the Arrival.
Zhou was born in Xiwang City during the early colonial period: At the time, Xiwang was Qingyuan's only major city, its founding the culmination of the early successes of the Shennong Initiative. Her father, Yang Sheng-Ji, was the chairman of the city’s only microprocessor factory, while her mother, Dr Yang Wen (née Xiao) was a researcher and lecturer at the Xiwang Polytechnic Institute. Zhou joined the Qingyuan branch of the Joint Frontier Force in 2344, becoming a commissioned officer at the age of 18, taking advantage of the Force’s low service time requirement to complete two degrees - Human, Social and Political Science and Exoplanetary Studies within 4 years.
Her upbringing gave her an insider's view of the Syndicate's internal levers of power, which combined with her sterling service and a finely-honed mind meant that she saw a steady and uninterrupted rise through the ranks of the QJFF. Zhou served several tours of duty as part of the JFF's space force, directed marine engagements around Mingxian and cleared several additional levels of Merit Examinations, with her rising stardom finally recognised in 2362 when she won a landslide JFF election to take the position of Military Chairwoman (a civilian advisory role.) She would use this position to consistently pressure the various directorships to strengthen pan-system administration, expand outwards across the Twin Planets and increase spending on the JFF's navy to better enforce order in space.
In 2366, she would publish the first of several treaties- 'The Lessons of Old Earth,' in which she put forward the concept of regime in which only those who had directly contributed to the ‘security or betterment of the nation’ would be allowed to participate in its political sphere. While previously tolerated among career politicians in the Syndicates, this controversial publication led to a rare moment of agreement between members of the Presidium, culminating in Zhou being forced to abdicate her position as chairwoman in 2368. Rather than ease tension, this move caused resentment in the JFF to boil over, and they announced a massive series of strikes across both Qingyuan and its moon. With the army refusing to leave their bases, previously controlled demonstrations and protests became emboldened, with a grovelling Director forced to reinstate her before the year was out. She used this opportunity to discredit her opponents and massively increase the remit and power of the JFF, causing a boom in various feeder military industries who would covertly pledge themselves to support her most ambitious moves yet.
[See: Autumn Crisis, Mingxian Crisis]
In September of 2373, the Vice-Director of Mingxian threatened to withdraw the planet's support for the current government, citing the ongoing social unrest and precipitated by a growing feeling of competitiveness between the two bodies over both food from Qingyuan and industrial goods from Mingxian. The following turmoil would unseat the Director of Qingyuan - Chen Tanqiu, in October of the same year, shortly followed by the resignations of many other high-ranking members of the planet's Presidium, in an event that would be dubbed the Autumn Crisis.
The remaining political apparatus hastily scheduled an election for November 13th, but lacking much of its organisational strength the affair was marred with controversy over voting access and irregularities over counts, and there was a near-complete lack of faith that the new Director Zhu De could carry out his duties.
This weakness was what many in the nation had been waiting for, and Zhou was now excellently placed to carry out her plans. Having remained in her position throughout the crisis, she was able to leverage her influence with industrial interests and the JFF to make the fateful declaration that she and the military had lost all faith in the government. Her proposition to the crisis was simple and to the point: The JFF would step in to manage what the government could not. The state would be headed by an 'interim government' centralised under a single Directorship of the Qinglong System, and she nominated herself for the position. With the JFF and (now believed to be astroturfed) series of public protests supporting her ascension, Zhu De reluctantly stepped down in January of 2374. Although no formal election was held, she was appointed in a hastily assembled meeting of the Presidium to thunderous applause.
What followed was a sweeping set of reforms that aimed to rapidly bring a conclusion to the many different issues plaguing the nation. The power of the Directors had been limited both by the need for unity between the various positions and subsequent agreement by the Presidium - with the former no longer an issue and the latter powerless in the face of her support, she had effectively unlimited control over the system. Immediately, she worked to purge the growing literati out of government bureaucracy, crush the system of unions and councils and sweeping aside the many organically developed layers of bureaucracy in order to centralise power in the state. Once complete, many of these assets were then privatised in a gold rush that saw a class of wealthy business oligarchs emerge, some of whom could still trace their fortunes to the days of QingCon.
These oligarchs would go on to form powerful cliques that owed much of their success directly to Zhou, whose backing she could count on to form her largest powerbase throughout her rule. Such an arrangement did have downsides however, and a significant portion of her time would be spent mediating disputes between rival factions within the cloques.
With political and economic power centralised and the government flush with funds from its asset sell-offs, Zhou continued her reforms by widening the state's social nets while simultaneously cracking down on the 'four evils:' unemployment, homelessness, famine, and unrest. The JFF was reorganised into two branches for planetary and interplanetary operations underneath a combined command structure, founding the modern QJDF. The QJDF's role as civilian law enforcement was finally broken off to form separate law enforcement and state security apparatuses, while formalised training and deployment broke the close links militia groups had to their communities. To combat the lawlessness in space she had fought against during her time in the field she instituted new border control regulations and laid the groundworks for a proper Interplanetary Navy, finally succeeding in temporarily crushing banditry. [See Beltway Bandits and New Guangdong]
The rest of her life was spent developing and maintaining the system she had forged, holding it together through political acumen and sheer force of will even after she survived several bouts with cancer and entered her eighties. She would only show noticeable signs of slowing in her final two years, slowly delegating more and more power to her Deputy Director as she retreated from public life. Her final treatise was completed in 2411 and published posthumously, to massive success.
Some expected that the system of rule-by-one would collapse after the 'Iron Director's' nearly forty-year reign... But such hopes were quickly dashed by the new system's surprising flexibility after her departure. Although her designated successor Qi Zheng had several political and personal weaknesses, he was able to ride out the waves of succession without everything collapsing around him. With the dangerous years of succession over and three years of largely controlled rule over the system behind him, many expected that the Joint Directorship would remain for centuries to come, and indeed while externally all seemed well, internally growing disputes among the oligarchal cliques began to cause serious issues for Qi's power.
Unable to control the cliques like his forerunner had, Zheng's weakness was exploited by a cabal of powerful apparatchiks nicknamed the Gang of Five, who although nominally subservient, in practice held most of the keys to power within government. With their influence consolidated the Joint Director was inexorably sidelined, his power cut out under him piece-by-piece. Zheng was allowed to remain in his position continued to be the formal head of state, but in practice this became a figurehead position with all true power consolidated under the newly formed position of Executor.
The Gang of Five implemented a series of slow reforms from Yinuo's autocracy, including token citizen representation in all levels of government (although in reality many of the newly founded or revived bodies were merely rubber-stamps for the will of the Executor and the cliques that backed them.) Fading from the political limelight, Zheng would quietly step down in 2420 citing health issues, retiring to live out the rest of his days managing a tobacco plantation and caring for his family. His funeral was attended to by a large number of both the remaining Zhouist loyalists and the rising powers within the cliques, including the four surviving members of the original Gang of Five. With his death, Qinglong had completed its subtle shift from total autocracy into hidden oligarchy, an age that would come to be defined by the Gang of Five's largest contribution: The Office of Executor.
"The greatest threat to any autocrat is themselves. An autocrat must, if they wish to rule properly and prosperously, be adequately suited for the position that they ascend to. The ever-famous quote is the death-knell of an autocrat - to be corrupt is to undercut one's own authority, and thus guarantee one's fall." - Excerpt from Yinuo Zhou's final treatise 'On Power and Rule,' dated 2413 CE
"A single mind is like the leaf of a tree - only when working in concert do they sustain the whole."
Or, to use the formal title, Quotations from the Joint Director: The Words of Yinuo Zhou is one of, if not the most published book in Qinglong's history, placing it on par with religious scripture and some of the most popular works of fiction produced in the system or surviving from Earth. Impossibly influential, it presents the Joint Director's political theories in an easy-to-digest format and accompanies them with quotes both attic and laconic, designed to be endlessly relevant across societal and planetary boundaries.
Conceived of in a publishing committee beneath Qi Zheng, the first printing of the book was a rough compilation of excerpts from many of her most famous speeches along with a few new additions she'd provided from various drafts and the better parts of scrapped speeches. Early drafts were perused by apparatchiks, military elites, and Zhou's inner circle, leading to several stages of refinement before it finally reached its first open publication in 2399. Records from the time suggest that a little under a billion copies of this first edition were published and distributed, part of a concerted effort to center Zhou and her cult of personality in the psyche of the Qinglong Joint Directorate.
The book went through further refinement and printings over the course of Zhou's life and new editions and compilations, often featuring forewords that ground it within the context and history of its first editions or featuring margin annotations for classroom analysis are still published to this day. Indeed, this constant cycle of reappraisal and re-examination have ensured that it still sells very well, placing it among works like The Prince and The Art of War as a cultural touchstone. Several quotes from the book have become common aphorisms, and it is required reading in any academic course that touches upon history or society in the modern republic.
"Harmony is not silence, - it is a drumbeat, to be marched to in lockstep."
The story behind its nickname of 'the Iron Pocketbook' has been the topic of debate since its inception. Some argue that it simply stems from Zhou's customary nickname of the 'Iron Director' while others point to its early publication history among the QJDF, with a plain grey cover, form small enough to be slipped into the breast pocket of a service uniform and mythical ruggedness. This version of the book was issued to every soldier when they finished basic training and even hundreds of years later modern officers may garner a few suspicious squints if they can't muster a basic argument or two on its merit one way or another.
Modern Qinglongren have a peculiar view on the book. For some, it is a key example of Qinglong literature, for most, a nostalgic curiosity. Tourist shops in Xiwang, including the gift shop of the museum established over her former mausoleum offer gaudy modern printings, while its quotability has earned it a permanent place in online meme culture.
Despite the reputation of Zhou and Zhouist thought in the modern Accord, the Iron Pocketbook has never truly left military circles. Graduating officer cadets commonly receive modernised grey-cover printings as gifts, and the QJDF's dress uniform still includes the same breast pocket as its Zhouist counterpart once did, still perfectly sized to slip Zhou's timeless wisdom into.
"I like to think that we have achieved the impossible here. The Megacorporation may be dead, but we have built a better world. The Iron Director rests in her mausoleum, but our nation remains whole, undivided by syndicalist weakness. So ganbei! A toast to our accomplishments!" - Recording from a private political dinner dated 2456 CE, made public in 2597 CE during the Rectification Campaigns.
With the role of Director successfully sidelined, the Executorship had a strong foundation to grow and develop from. Unfortunately for the Executors though, little of this was thanks to the efforts of any of the people to actually take up the position. The now-distant legacy of Qinglong Megaconglomerate had always been one of top-down rule, while Zhou's grand upturning of society and keen political acumen had steered the nation towards minority governance in a far more effective way than mere cultural attitudes. The early Executors enjoyed the favour of cliques relatively unified behind them and widespread popular support thanks to the Gang of Five's careful reforms... But by the late 2440s, the final member of the Gang of Five had passed, and with them the last vestiges of the oligarchal clique's strong collaboration between each other.
With the cliques increasingly at each other's throats and factionalism becoming widespread, the unofficial checks on the Executor's de jure nearly unlimited power rapidly began to break down. Despite the many successes of the 25th century, dissent from Mingxian and Jingyu was never fully eliminated, and with the Executor best placed to try to mediate disputes between the bickering cliques, power began to be brought back under a single position once more. Although its often difficult to exactly pinpoint when one era ends and another begins, most point to the formal dissolution of the office of Joint Director in 2511 to make way for the position of Supreme Executor to be the end of the political legacy that Yinuo had started. Further Executors would rely on increasingly authoritarian measures both to control the population and to stabilise their influence against the Byzantine deep state of clique politics that had emerged.
Despite this political climate, the 25th century is usually seen as a time of progress for Qinglong as a whole. Yinuo's military reforms meant that the issue of interplanetary banditry and secessionist movements continued to be controlled, while a proliferation of genetic and cybernetic enhancements across society improved the length and quality of the average life. Many Executors saw the further terraforming and settlement of Jingyu to be a useful prestige project to refocus attention from their weaker areas of leadership, and the planet saw more investment into it than it ever had before, especially since Yinuo's reign had largely concentrated on expanding settlements across Qingyuan. Continued bread and games policies ensure that the populace remained, if not fully happy, at least content with the way that the system was managed, and the easing of migration controls led to a boom in economic activity and frontier settlement.
To say that this was an unstable tightrope to walk would be a gross understatement, and it didn't take long at all before the cracks were once again worming their way through Qinglong society. The increasing desperation of Supreme Executors led to more social unrest, while having a single powerful opponent to rally against meant that cliques were more often than not willing to work together to re-assert their power. With the position of Executor assailed on all sides, the deathblow to the autocratic regime arrived in a very unusual form in the year 2509.
"We'd known that the galaxy harboured intelligent life aside from ourselves ever since the original days of QingCon, but after CoB day nobody ever thought they'd be relevant again, short of the Gateway opening itself back up. I mean, what, were aliens going to cross a few hundred trillion kilometres in slower-than-light spaceships just to say hello?" - Archival internal interview of a naval deep-space monitoring officer dated 2511 CE, used in 'Our Qinglong, our Home' documentary published 2789 CE
"Put yourself in our shoes. We had an unidentified fleet of xeno rapidly approaching the inner system. There were no protocols for this. There were no previous experiences to fall back to. A decision had to be made and there wasn't time to wait three hours for communication from Q-Y. You ask if I can sleep soundly knowing I fired upon refugees? I sleep just fine, your honour." - Court room recording of the trial of Rear Admiral Mao Zhelan , then 121, during the Rectification Campaigns, dated 2598 CE.
In late June 2509, the Qinglong Navy's much neglected deep-space monitoring systems picked up a large number of highly unusual signatures approaching the systems at a significant c-fraction and slowing, in contradiction to all usual logic regarding interstellar material. Having spent the vast majority of its existence ever since the end of Zhou's reign as a brief pass-through deployment for up-and-coming personnel and a dumping ground for washed-up or politically disenfranchised officers, the initial response to this phenomenon was not adequately communicated back to the central government, and it soon became clear that this was no wandering asteroid or collection of deep-space detritus, but instead an honest-to-God alien fleet, rapidly approaching the system.
Some 200 years of total isolation had left the existence of intelligent alien life as somewhat of a footnote in the history of pre-CoB Qinglong Conglomerate. Because of this, naval doctrine was far more concerned about the day-to-day management of interstellar logistics, routine peacekeeping patrols and ceremonial displays than it was about the potential need to defend the nation against a literally alien threat. This lack of preparation came back to haunt the nation as the fleet approached, and while it clearly recognised attempts at communication and even responded to hails, no actual communication could occur. By the time the deep-system report was finally sent, the fleet had reached the outer system and had begun to disperse, although its core shifted to a collision course with Jingyu.
The vast span of space meant that, in the absence of clearly countervailing orders, flag officers were empowered to take strategic decisions with the backing of assigned political officers. While the Supreme Executor froze and the deep state bickered among themselves, rear admiral (or Haijun shao jiang) Mao Zhelan made the fateful decision to prepare his wing for full scale conflict and issued the order to fire. When the weapons struck home the fleet would rapidly scatter and although several increasingly long and incensed-sounding messages were sent out the ships did indeed begin to retreat back to the far system.
At the time Mao's decisive actions were celebrated for ensuring the safety of not just Jingyu but even Qingyuan itself, briefly making him one of the most famous people in the nation. Such attention ended up being a double-edged blade however, as political interests dogged his military career desperate to use his reputation and influence for their own ends. Making matters worse, not just for Mao but also for the government, was the breaking down of the communication barrier between Qinglongren and the alien fleet, with the true details of their arrival and their intentions becoming clear.
The flotilla was a splinter from a nation located in a system some three dozen lightyears away, comprised of an ad-hoc assembly of 'Ark' ships designed to carry them away from their home system. Although there have been many different names for the refugees over the years and they call themselves a word that quite simply translates to 'the people,' the common 'human' name they've accepted is 'Canxing Zholou (残星舟旅),' or 'Voyagers of the Broken Stars' They had not come as invaders or colonists, but instead refugees desperately trying to keep ahead of the system-spanning advance of a what would quickly be dubbed the Shenjian Empire (神姦帝国), due to its alien name being impossible to adequately translate. (Even the best attempts by modern, integrated Zhouluren have rendered something along the lines of [Untranslatable Proper Noun] Greater Star-Integration Hegemon, thanks to the difficulties of translating an already alien language through a different alien language and finally to Mandarin.)
The result was, to put it mildly, explosive. With Qinglong already having approached a crossroad prior to the Arrival, any last remnants of stability were shattered at this news. Unrest and panic unseen since the days of the Autumn Crisis spread across the system like wildfire, and no amount of desperate authoritarian measures could quell this level of social disturbances. No matter who you sided with - pro-Zhouluren integrationists, hardline militarists only caring for the approaching Shenjian, radical populists or extreme Zhouists, the chorus of voices all agreed on one thing: The Supreme Executor had to go.
Seizing the opportunity, the re-organised cliques made their move against the position. Stepping out of the shadows that they had disguised their political power in for well over a century, they unseated the last Executor in a move oddly reminiscent of Zhou's own bloodless coup, announcing that until a proper solution to the crisis could be found, an interim council had taken charge to better manage the state's affairs.
Disbanding the position of Supreme Executor and reigning without a single authority figure bought the Council enough goodwill to ease the immediate unrest, but their margin was still slight, and once again the oligarchs had put themselves in a position where success could only come from the ever-fractious cliques putting aside their differences to work together. Scepticism was high as they re-asserted authority, and afraid to rock the boat many of the Executorship era mechanisms were kept on, although with their worst excesses toned down and the dispersed authority of the Council forcing them to act more collaboratively.
The first issue was, naturally, that of the Zhouluren and the approaching Shenjian, which the immediately revived deep space monitoring systems set about scouring the darkness between the stars to find. Rejecting the calls of those who saw the Zholouren as nothing more than a fifth column in the making, smaller portions of Zholouren were reluctantly permitted entrance to Jingyu and Mingxian, while elements of their surviving fleet combined with new building projects created a segregated area of space around the barren fourth planet of Wuhua for them to inhabit.
With this issue 'handled,' at least for the time being, deep space scans finally bore fruit: although still some light years away, the Shenjian were indeed real, and although the vastness between the stars has always been difficult to glean information from, what did come through was all bad news. The approaching fleet was large, organised, and worse, appeared to have a second, much smaller fragmentary fleet hot on its heels, of similar but distinctly different design.
Although the Council attempted to suppress this, the once formidable security apparatus that earlier Supreme Executors had used to their advantage was powerless in the face of a population well aware that something was coming, and as soon as early rumours broke, the Council realised that it was best to be open about the trials to come, hoping that honesty would be the best defence against further chaos. They were mistaken.
Despite the necessity for singular, strong leadership behind a dramatic restructuring and expansion of the military, the Council lacked the political capital, and the trust of the population required to push these through. To unite the system fully against the invaders and perhaps finally bring something approximating order to the political chaos that once again racked Qinglong, the Council took a decision many saw as ludicrous given the situation: Reform.
Specifically, they launched the first of what would be several 'Rectification Campaigns,' aimed at righting some of the wrongs of the past and allowing the people into a government that had for centuries systematically removed their power in decision making. The cliques were reformed into a series of 'Combines,' corporatist institutions whose goals were no longer simply to empower their leaders, but instead ensure that those who made up their membership were properly represented across social boundaries, while drawing upon old Zhouist ideals to sell them as a fundamental part of ensuring the state's survival.
The Combines would hold regular, internal elections to nominate members of the Unified Combine Council, a legislative and executive body that would navigate the reformed government through the trials that were yet to come... And they succeeded. Against all odds, against what the cyclical failure of government in Qinglong's history suggested would be the natural outcome of this desperate roll of the dice, the UCC was able to scrape together enough good will, not only from industrial interests now formally represented in power, but also by the population of a system that began to see the first glimmerings of representative government take shape that the UCC was finally able to begin turning the gears of power once more.
For several decades, the UCC held the ship of state steady despite the ticking clock of the Shenjian fleet. Whenever internal pressure began to build up, a new round of Rectification Campaigns would be launched to release the strain, and bit by bit more and more of the clique's legacy were chipped away by a people who increasingly saw themselves as those who would spend the most in the defence of their way of life.
Exactly when the 'hard,' oligarchal Councilship truly ended is difficult to truly determine, but most place it somewhere within the third wave of Rectification Campaigns occurring at the end of the 26th century. These were primarily focused on two areas: stripping the newly reformed Qinglong Interplanetary Defence Force of its 'old guard,' largely consisting of admirals and officers who had made their name during the period of Supreme Executor that still held influence. Simultaneously, it also aimed to finally bring proper reform to the Merit Examination system, which still hadn't seen proper, systemic changes since Zhou had gutted the literati class in the aftermath of the Xiwang Coup.
Perhaps the Combine Council expected that this would be the final adjustment needed before they were ready to face the Shenjian, now estimated to be a mere decade away from arriving in the system, or simply didn't realise exactly how much influence the Merit Examinations still held within ensuring the Combines were dominated by the remnants of the cliques, but regardless of their intention, the outcome was simple: A new force had been birthed into the system, right as it was about to face its greatest trial.
Its name? Héxié Zhǔyì.
"For centuries, we have struggled to answer the great questions that a society must tackle. For too long we have been Qingyuanren or Mingxianren, clique or combine or syndicate or soldier. We have picked apart the Lessons of Old Earth, and in so doing we stared at trees but not the forest. Now, as we stare destruction in its eye, we finally realise one thing: We are all Qinglongren, and we will live or die on how we react to that truth." - Remarks from pre-electoral meeting of the UCC by Chairperson Jia Jin - Dated 2299 CE
"Why do the Shenjian fight? For what reason have they purged the Canxing Zholou from their homes, and now seek to do the same to us? More importantly, do such things truly matter now? Does the anvil question the hammer's motives? Does the mountain wonder why the waves batter it? Or do they endure, unendingly and resolutely, until only one remains?" - Excerpt from Ruminations on the Second Arrival an independent micro-news intranet site, 2304 CE.
In late 2301 the Shenjian finally arrived and the QJDF rallied to meet them. The goal was simple - to hold the fleet at the edge of the system for as long as it was possible to do so, and bleed them for every mile of space they intended to take. Across planetary systems, crowds tuned into news broadcasts and live feeds with bated breath, while more and more soldiers were funnelled across to Jingyu in case the worse were to happen.
And slowly, as information filtered in from the front, it seemed that the worst had indeed happened. Initial skirmishes had gone in favour of Qinglong, but as soon as the Shenjian armada had closed the gap the battle had turned into a bloodbath. Footage from the front showed space turned into a vast junk field, with projectiles, lasers and missiles streaking across the void. Interplanetary wings desperately wheeled and juked to try to shake off weapon locks, while the hardened core of the defence fleet gave ground inch by inch, layered laser systems desperately intercepting anything and everything they could find... But giving ground nonetheless.
This period saw the true flourishing of Héxié Zhǔyì, and the societal movement that accompanied it - The Harmonious Progress Front, an ideology forged in the crucible of the system's darkest hours. The movement's actual form was still confusing - it wasn't a political party - not really, the UCC already had bodies arguing for competing ideological vision that fit this concept better, nor did it have a single unified ideological vanguard to centralise and promote its message. Its symbols were diverse and varied; springing out of repurposed Zhouist imagery, taken from long-since archived megacorporate propaganda or blending Zholou and Human messaging together. Its adherents were decentralised and chaotic, and yet still managed to agree on its core principles, drawn from centuries of political and cultural synthesis in the system. Perhaps this was why its message, summed up best in the three-part slogan, was so effective at rallying the disparate groups within Qinglong together against their existential foe.
Through Unity, Harmony. Through Harmony, De.
"Totalitarianism is not a dirty word. It is the truest realisation of what all states should be: A system encompassing all, to work for all." - The Iron Pocketbook.
The movement's momentum grew like tsunami's approach... Or more accurately like the Shenjian, who had already begun to sink their teeth into the dwarf planets and scattered asteroids that lay at the very edges of the Qinglong system. The more ground the navy gave, the more the armada pressed and harried them, driving the Interplanetary Defence Force back past the system's ice giants, and then to the orbital defences arrayed around Jingyu itself, where many of the reserve fleets intended for further defence had assembled. The UCC's plan was clear - if the Shenjian managed to take the planet, no defence-in-depth would be able to bleed the momentum away from an army with a whole planet to call their own.
Conscripts were hurriedly shuttled to the front, terraforming devices ground to a halt, and long-range rail cannons tried to pick away at the armada with mixed results. As the fleet reached the planet itself and drop-ships streaked down towards its surface, Qinglong held its breath, watching as the full weight of an unknown foe pressed down on the fragile shield arrayed around Jingyu. The defences buckled, bowed under the sheer weight of the force they opposed... But then, bit by bloody bit, the space war began to be won. Many of the Shenjian's support craft, along with significant portions of its naval reserves had been redirected to establish new bases in the outer system, and the rearguard actions had done their job at bleeding the armada during their approach. On the planet itself, Qinglongren stormed across muddy swamps churned by Shenjian war machines, the sky pinpricked by the flash of artillery pieces roaring their defiance at the alien invaders. As reinforcements for the Shenjian slowed, and the armada made its fateful decision to pull back from Shenjian, the human-occupied planets roared in jubilation - they would not perish today.
But it was clear the war was not over. The Shenjian had dug into the outer system and the tattered reinforcing fleet was only a few years away from providing them a fresh glut of ships and personnel. The battle for Jingyu had ended the armada's first push, but now the UCC was faced with an even less palatable outcome - a potentially unwinnable war of attrition.
The next years saw society begin to shift and adjust itself to this new order, and Héxié Zhǔyì thought become the largest grassroots movement to ever grace the system. As even the upper ranks of the Combine began to be swayed by the siren song of harmony and unity, the fourth Rectification Campaign saw the birth of what so many had considered impossible within Qinglong: Democracy.
Initial voting for the Planetary Delegation saw a broad spectrum of candidates elevated to the halls of government, but contrary to the expectation of sceptics, the vast majority were willing to put aside their more ideological divides in order to work for the common good of Qinglong, forming a cross-Delegation agreement that took the name of the popular movement that had inspired it - The Harmonious Progress Front.
Within twenty years, the system had sifted out inefficiencies and chaos like a prospector searching for nuggets of gold. The end of the period of synthesis came with the formal declaration that the Harmonious Progress Front would be the representation of the people's will within Qinglong's government, and in 2530 a new constitution was formally ratified declaring the foundation of the Qinglong Accord, a modern government for a modern solar system, strengthened against both the chaos of autocracy and the disorder of populism. In honour of the agreement, the Planetary Delegation would be renamed the Harmonious Delegation, and the Executive Machine hummed to life.
<"For hundreds of years, my people have lived in fear of what has chased us. When we arrived here, we thought that we had met our end, and that our long journey would be for nothing. Today, as I open this memorial to those lost in the Great Defence of Jingyu, my heart may be heavy with sorrow, but for the first time I, as do all Zholouren, feel something greater. Hope."> - Ren Xuefeng, Humanicised Sky Zholouren, and first non-human member of the Planetary Delegation, closing comments from a speech inaugurating the Qingyuan "Great Struggle" Memorial Wall, 2513 CE. Used in 'Our Qinglong, our Home' documentary published 2789 CE.
"No flame is fiercer than conflict, no crucible tempers like war. Mark my words, the day that Qinglong burns is the day that it truly shakes the shackles of Earth and takes its own shape. I know not why, I know not when, but I know that one day it must happen. What I have done is merely the groundwork for the struggle that will come." - Zhou Yinuo, private correspondence to her inner circle in a discussion about the QJDF's recent reorganisation, 2380 CE.
The Shenjian Armada had been deflected, but not decisively beaten in the Great Defence of Jingyu. As both sides licked their wounds and prepared for the conflict to reach another bloody apex, the power of the Executive Machine began to make itself apparent, the twin mechanisms of democratic representation and corporatist collaboration unified with the increasingly sophisticated aid of Non-Biological Intelligences, a technology only possible through cooperation with the Canxing Zholou.
The centuries of the Great Struggle have seen Qinglong society entirely remade in the image of Unitarian Harmonism. State, people and ideology are bound together in a way that might come off as dystopic to some from old Earth, but they proudly declare themselves to be the 'perfected system,' having avoided the excesses of the past in order to forge a brighter, better future for not just humanity, but all sapient and peaceable species willing to work together. With the Gateways reopening, only time will tell how well the Accord can weather such a radical shift in situation.
Culture and Society: The easiest way to get a glimpse into the Accord's culture is found within the requirements of their first and most important Merit Examination, appropriately named 'the First Merit.' Taking place over some six years between the ages of 12-18 for humans, receiving the First Merit is an important rite of passage, marking one as a legal adult, able to vote in Delegation elections, provide meaningful consent and to serve their initial two-year conscription ticket. Broken down into separate parts, it aims to ensure that every member of the Accord:
- Is of sound body and mind, to the maximum of the person's ability. - Has received a fundamental education in literacy, numeracy, analytical and logical thinking, and the basic principles of science and philosophy. - Is capable of mature social and ethical decision making, including conflict resolution, and working within a group. - Is aware of 'practical and necessary skills with universal application to life,' including first aid, fire and food safety, domestic science, and an understanding of how to react to a varying set of natural and sapient-made disasters. - Has basic technological literacy. - Understands how to safely operate and maintain a firearm. - Understands the history, politics, and planetary dynamics of the Qinglong Accord, including the structure of its government and the unique environmental conditions on the various inhabited bodies. Special focus is placed on the planetary body (or lack thereof) the individual comes from. - Beliefs are suitable within the overarching framework of Héxié Zhǔyì thought. - Is aware of their rights, duties, and obligations under the state, including but not limited to conscription, Universal Basic Access to life-sustaining goods and services and what legal culpability as an adult means.
Adjustments to the First Merit are allowed, but typically only within the framework necessary to ensure that no discrimination occurs on the basis of disability.
First Merit graduation is also an opportunity for a citizen to receive their first implant - the Neural Interface Suite, key to not only being able to talk with Canxing Zholou citizens directly verbally but also allowing them to interface with many fundamental elements of the nation's digital infrastructure. Indeed, the Neural Enhancement Suite is so crucial that it forms the foundation upon which every other one of the Accord's many, many implants are built upon, with further implants typically restricted behind higher or more specialised Merit Examinations.
"Merit Examination" is a term that comes with heavy connotations to those unaware of how it is used within the Accord. To most, it conjures imagery of cramming schools, examination halls filled with students being scrutinised by invigilators and moments of relief or despair as the results arrive. While typed and invigilated examinations do make up aspects of almost all Merit Examinations, they're perhaps more accurately equated to apprenticeships or qualification programs that can take many years to finally complete and receive their associated Merit.
The average Accord citizen will undergo potentially dozens of Merit Examinations throughout their life, receiving Merits that cover everything from battlesuit piloting to high-level Non-Biological Mind programming and anything in between. Almost every job is associated with at least one required Merit, and while it is generally preferred that people take on Merit Exams in their free time, many different societies and training courses exist both in and outside of Combines to ensure a person is constantly developing themselves across their lives. Some are near mandatory - vehicle handling Merits, the 'Boot Merit' awarded upon completing one's basic training and the Digital Infrastructure Merit that confirms a deepened technological literacy and allows a citizen permission to own and maintain their own intranet website. But many more are extremely limited in scope and scale, such as the Battlesuit Ace or Interplanetary Management Merits. These may often take the vast majority of a person's professional life to acquire and mark standout individuals worthy of respect and celebration for their accomplishments.
But, of course, the duties expected of a citizen are only one part of a multiplanetary tapestry. As with most everything when it comes to the Accord, their culture and society are highly collectivist. Even non-immersive schooling involves a boarding element and 'Civic Engines' (or, as any other nation would call them, community centres,) form a core nexus of any settlement on Qinglong, being so central that one's local Engine is often referred to literally as Zhōngxīn - 'The Centre.' Indeed, their collectivist nature can be seen even through how they refer to each other, with 'cog' becoming a common species and gender-neutral way of referring to a fellow citizen.
This, naturally, radiates out to every facet of their society. Universal Basic Access policies ensure that citizens have, if nothing else, a roof above their head, food on a plate for them at an Engine's communal kitchen, comprehensive medical care and access to education and schooling. Community groups organised around specific activities or events, like the ever-popular Shooting and Virtual Entertainment Societies bring people together both at a local and pan-planetary level, while sponsorships and adoptive groups ensure that even those without a family like the Legacy Kin are able to enjoy these most primal bonds.
In a broader cultural sense, the Qinglong system obviously takes much from its origins as a Chinese Megaconglomerate. Many different Eastern spiritual and philosophical concepts have had a deep impact on Héxié Zhǔyì thought, Qinglong Dialect Mandarin forms the bulk of the human population's primary language and modernised cheongsam and changshan remain commonplace for formal or special events. The continued access to authentic ingredients has kept traditional 'Eight Cuisines' alive and well, although five hundred years of time to brew and a much wider range of ingredients has seen a truly dizzying variety emerge outside of 'Earth-Tradition Cooking.'
Four planets and three species have all provided their own contribution to the cause as well, of course, with the end result being a tapestry that while distinctly coloured by their origins, has a proudly unique Qinglong flair to each and every thread.
Governance and Politics: The Qinglong Accord is not merely the name of the nation, but is in fact the formal title for an agreement made between the then-recently flowered democratic bodies across the system and the Combines in order to form a single, unified government that could lead the state into war against the Shenjian, built on the foundations of Héxié Zhǔyì thought. This agreement laid out the mechanisms of government as follows:
The Executive Machine: The executive branch and highest ruling body in Qinglong system. Consisting of members drawn from both the Unified Commission of Combines and Harmonious Delegation, it is assisted in its decision making by a series of networked Computational Minds, used to ensure that not only is the body acting appropriately, but also is as well-informed as physically possible when taking any decisions. Having seen the issues that can arise when a single individual gains too much power, the Executive Machine uses a system of rotating chairpeople, with strict term limits and extensive scrutiny.
Unified Commission of Combines: One of the two legislative branches of government, the UCC draws its members directly from the Combines - massive overarching corporate bodies that organise, advocate for and represent their interests within Qinglong. High-ranking positions within the Combines is limited by gruelling merit examinations, exemplary service and extensive assessment by both humans and computational minds and as such are not decided by election.
The Harmonious Delegation: The elected body of the legislature, the Harmonious Delegation is formed of elected officials from each of the system's inhabited bodies. This has earned it a reputation for being much more chaotic than either the EM or UCC, but equally, the body is known for its deeply human side and is the battlefield where the many variants of Héxié Zhǔyì thought compete to show their potential.
The Harmonious Progress Front: The idea of a 'political party' is somewhat strange within the Accord thanks to its unique system of government, but nonetheless one does exist, and is considered the only legitimate political organisation within Qinglong. As the party is entirely synonymous with the system as a whole, exactly where the state begins and the party ends is up for debate, but its most crucial function when it comes to running the nation is its system of Harmonisers and Optimisers.
Both have completed specialised Merit Examinations to receive their role and distinctions, but it would be a mistake to assume that they are 'classes' or 'strata' and Qinglongren do not see them as such. Any citizen may join their ranks, assuming they are fit for the role, and these roles are held alongside other jobs, duties or positions.
Harmonisers are individuals dedicated to the overarching ideals of Héxié Zhǔyì thought and are found in every part of society. A Harmoniser might be one's designated first-aiders at work, serve in an equivalent position to chaplain in the armed forces or as the head of safeguarding in a crèche. Military harmonisers are sometimes referred to as 'commissars,' but in truth such a role is actually more accurately applied to:
Optimisers are select individuals who work to ensure smooth societal functioning and while a great number make up the career civil service, they have a wide variety of duties. They ensure that Combines work alongside one another without issue, that quotas are met and act as watchdogs against corruption and other criminal activity, among other roles. Military optimisers do indeed make up significant portions of the commissariat and are responsible for ensuring that conscription quotas are both fairly applied and actually draft the required number of soldiers, alongside duties such as the maintenance of military news broadcasts and ensuring proper ideological loyalty among the troops.
Technology Overview: Technology has improved steadily across much of Qinglong's history, in many ways thanks to the influence of Mingxian. At once part of Qingyuan and very distinct, its industries and research centres have been protected from many of the more dramatic swings in governance and rule that have occurred on Qingyuan.
Tàishǐum forms a core part of a significant portion of the Accord's infrastructure, with its unique magnetic qualities making it vital for high-temperature fusion reactors, while lower qualities are more than suitable for mag lev vehicles both civilian and military. Their success at reaching the Mohorovičić discontinuity on Wuhua has proven themselves able and capable at massive engineering projects, while the QIDF demonstrates their capacity at aerospace engineering in each and every engagement.
The use of cybernetic and genetic augmentation has been a consistent throughline even since the earliest days of Qinglong Megaconglomerate, and modern cybernetics within the Accord are incredibly advanced, although typically limited behind requirement and the completion of a merit examination deeming one's suitability for the modification. Zholouren influence provided a boost to their otherwise flagging genetic engineering projects, whose benefits have made themselves known through fewer and fewer rates of heritable genetic conditions, improved lifespans, and a longer biological peak, and it is uncommon but not unheard of for citizens to reach their second century.
Perhaps more critically are their advancements in artificial intelligence, or as they're known, Non-Biological Intelligences. Prior to the First Arrival, genuine 'thinking machines' were out of reach for the Qinglong, but extremely advanced ANNs were able to carry out a wide variety of functions. With the help of the Zholou and their 'shipminds' though, these have evolved to become genuinely autonomous sapient brains. NBIs within the Accord are odd - The actual 'spark of consciousness' that brings them to life is somewhat of a black box and they fundamentally do not consider themselves 'people,' something which perhaps makes more sense when one realises just how divergent the experience of a mind without any of the typical influences a biological one has. Instead, NBIs working together to form Networked Computational Minds are a cornerstone of the QA's digital and real-world infrastructure, able to process vast amounts of input data into coherent and actionable plans and intelligence outputs, a task which also brings them a great deal of pleasure. Because of this, the creation, training, and coordination of the efforts of NBIs is of paramount importance to the long-term security and prosperity of the Accord.
Military Overview: To call the Accords 'militarised' would be an understatement. The two centuries of total war that have followed the Shenjian arrival have been dubbed the 'Great Struggle:' an endless defence against an inhuman threat that expresses no desires other than domination. While this was key in the formation of a unified society, it also transformed the military from what has historically been an agent of oppression and enforcement into a core, intrinsic pillar of society around which much of the state is organised. The Qinglong Joint Defence Force is split into two components: the Planetary Defence Force, concerned with any and all in-atmosphere operation, and the Interplanetary Defence Force, which focuses entirely on space-borne operations.
The ranks of the QJDF are filled by both volunteers and conscripts. All citizens of the Accord are intended to serve at least two years in active service after they complete their First Merit, before spending a further five years in 'active reserve,' with an expectation that they will be the first reactivated should it be necessary. In practice, this all-encompassing military service requirement has required practical carveouts for individuals unsuitable or otherwise ineligible for frontline service, including those entering essential war or civilian industries or those with medical issues outside of the ability of the Accord to treat. Because of their physiologies and heavy incorporation into Qinglong's research sector, Sky Canxing Zholou are the demographic group with the highest rate of draft exemption, although regardless of demographics, military exemption is not an exemption from service to the state, and individuals may find themselves tasked with civic duty such as community construction efforts, mandatory merit training, work within civic engines or as part of the emergency services.
A large body of the military consists of long-term volunteer soldiers - those who either entered conscription with the intent to continue their service there and those who found themselves more suited to service than they expected during their two years. Forming the professional core of both branches of the QJDF, they spend significant periods of time away from their home communities in an extremely hazardous environment, with their sacrifice to the nation being heavily emphasised within Accord media.
The unique conditions of taking and engaging with the Shenjian on their terms - particularly when it came to attacking stations and disabled vessels, made new hardware designed for such a task essential. Early efforts led to models that were little more than heavily up-armoured EVA suits with simple powered systems, but these have since evolved and been adapted into a series of 'battlesuit' chassis being developed, the most famous being the all-environment Shishi Assault Suit, urban siege Xuanwu and top-of-the-line Baihu Elite Suits.
Piloting these suits requires an intense level of training and augmentation, including the implantation of a much more invasive set of neural implants to allow for seamless control over the suit, as if it were one's own skin. All battlesuits are also fitted with NBI Co-Processors, which graft onto the pilot, heightening autonomous reaction time and providing a much deeper level of information processing for better battlefield decision making. This interface is irreversible once implanted, while the constant use of co-processors can cause severe neurological and mental issues should a battlesuit pilot be parted from them. Because of this and the expense of producing the equipment, battlesuits form a tiny, but extremely well-known minority of the QJDF. Veterans often struggle to reacclimatise to civilian life, and many advancements in mental healthcare has been made in the effort of allowing these heroes of Qinglong to harmoniously rejoin the whole.
The military is further bolstered by volunteer reservists, a population that includes the overwhelming number of people between the ages of 25-50. Having already received basic military training and with the Accord's strong gun culture (further cultivated and formalised with the existence of shooting societies,) these reserves act as a national guard for the purpose of disaster response and, particularly on Jingyu, as an organised fighting force that can immediately respond to threats to the community.
Between planets, the QIDF is responsible for one of the most complex tasks ever put before humanity: successfully managing a frontline that includes tens of billions of square miles of dead space, defending an ever-shifting configuration of planets against a threat that can approach from an almost unlimited number of vectors, and, occasionally, pushing back against them, to reassert the Accord's control over Qinglong system. Because of this, their fleets have taken on a distinctive role as interdiction forces, ensuring stable supply lines and preventing incursion past Jingyu's orbit, utilising heavy artillery craft, capital command ships and heavy-duty frontline cruiser-destroyers protected by point-defence specialised escorts. Most combat occurs directly between ships, but marines are still necessary for when an enemy craft has been disabled, or when a station has been rendered defenceless and ready to capture.
We are the inheritors of Humanity, their eternal legacy in the stars.
Government Form: Federal Monarchy
Demographics: Pongo Pygmaeus Supremus 20.01% Troglodytes Gorilla Supremus 32.33% Pan Troglodytes Supremus 47.65% Homo Sapiens Sapiens 0.01%
Population: Over 1,000,000,000 individuals
What is humanity?: Inferior to most. Worshipped by some. To be protected and shielded. Our predecessors and our fragile kin. A rare picture inside the deadly jungles of New Gift
Planet Name and Description:
New Gift was named by long-dead, hopeful scientists. From the outside, it was a perfect Earth-like planet orbiting its Sol-like star in the Goldilocks Zone, perfect for life. It was slightly larger than Earth and had two moons. The New Gift system was not anything out of the ordinary, another terrestrial planet closer to its star and three gas giants on a larger orbit. If they had set foot on its supercontinent of Munus, they would have encountered thick equatorial jungles with savannas on either polar side. Deadly melon-sized bugs, large elephant constricting snakes and ill-tempered horse-like creatures. More shadowed and evil beasts would roam the jungles, sharp talons and wicked teeth. Trees as high as four stories tall and plants which could eat a fully-grown ape. A planet so hostile to life that it is a wonder the native species have not killed each other off yet. To regular humans, it was a death trap. To the superior ape? It became home.
Even before the colony ship for New Gift had set off for its destination, there were a few things which set it apart from the others. It was a largely private endeavor, funded by the multi-national conglomerate SciCorps, given to it for its major contributions towards the various conservation efforts it headed on Earth. It had an incredibly small colony of only 2,000 humans, headed by top scientists, geneticists, engineers and strangely, historians. Geniuses all but were often viewed by the outer scientific community as 'odd'. Opposed to other colony ships, what made up its vast holds were the remaining populations of several of humanity's closest relatives. To the heads of SciCorps, all eccentric, billionaire, science-guided men who saw the downfall of humanity by its own hubris. To them, humanity had lost its way and thus its right to think itself supreme. It must be succeeded by inheritors of humanity's best while lacking of its worst traits. Thus they found their inspiration within the remaining populations of chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans numbering 50,000 altogether. Their populations were devastated by humanity in their arrogance, their habitats destroyed by our carelessness and greed. They would understand us, our histories, our cultures, our hardships and our follies. They would be uplifted by our hand and succeed where we failed.
SciCorps had chosen our closest relatives due to the greater ease in which they could be uplifted to sapient-level intelligence and their existing ability to use tools. Since the bonobo had been killed off a decades before the colony ships were being prepared, orangutans and gorillas had been brought in to boost numbers and bring diversity. Advanced humanity had long since mapped their own brains and thus had also been able to map the brains of these ape species. In the years before SciCorps' colony ship launch, several research teams worked on discovering a way to "uplift" non-sapient species in the hopes that these species could inherit our legacy but be better than we were. They had succeeded with these three species but only through the splicing of human genes and most peculiarly, personalities. To gain sapience, they must be implanted with the personality of an already existing (or past) human to ensure stability, proper empathy and intelligence.
Undeterred by these revelations, SciCorps used its vast wealth to collect historians, geneticists and scientists in conjunction with superintelligent AI to map and create the brains of the greatest examples of humanity. These eccentric geniuses had been over-enthusiastic in their brain mapping and with its minimal oversight (SciCorps was busy with its ongoing conservation efforts as well as Earth's dying days), some less-than-great minds had been mapped and stored for uploading. These additions would not be properly audited by the SciCorps elite in its waning days as processes were rushed due to various calamities which befell the conglomerate in its waning days. In the implantation and upload, over 10,000 subjects, mainly gorillas and orangutans, suffered shock and death upon awakening from the traumatic procedures. A further 5,000 would perish in the gene enhancing operations that would follow. Better vocal speech, more dexterous thumbs, greater muscular density than before. The remaining apes would undergo history lessons, morality tests, intelligence tests and physical ability tests. A further 3,500 would be culled in the last years before colony launch. The remaining roughly 31,500 Supremus apes as they had been dubbed would board the colony ship Terra Supremus along with their teachers, a secret kept hidden from the rest of the world.
Upon their arrival to New Gift and the subsequent loss of the Gateways, some of the human teachers set to work on finding out about the world below while the inheritors would learn from the rest. What they found horrified and often, killed them. This would be the world of their inheritors, of mankind's successors? They all believed deep within their hearts (after several years of SciCorps propaganda and brainwashing) that the other human colonies would fall to strife as Earth had. These Supremus would be slaughtered there, despite their genetic enhancements and uplift. A solution would come from one of these apes themselves. A cunning, intelligent orangutan, known for his great charisma and dominance among the other apes. One whose brain template's name had been lost to all but him. The Khan incarnate spoke with a deep rumbling voice.
"O wise teachers, our humble creators. You have taught us your ways, to be the inheritors of your wisdom and greatness. O generous people you have been, giving us knowledge to renew our species, setting us on a worthier path. O wonderful you have been, gifting us the minds of your greatest so we may succeed you, as impossible as that venture may seem to our lowly minds. We are your children, and you are our parents, we are the flock to be moved to greener pastures by you, the shepherds. You have taught and given us much, but we lack an art of yours. One you have, out of justified fear, left out of our teachings. An art we require to carry your legacy, and your scions, into the stars with us. Aside from the arts of engineering, science and culture, you must teach us the Art of War." Yesugei spread his arms, orange fur draping elegantly in brushed locks, a toothy grin on his face.
There were protests at first. These were to be our peaceful inheritors, our greatest legacy. How could we give them the knowledge of our greatest folly? But even to the most idealist of the teachers, they could find no other answer. The colony ship had been armed with science and industry, not advanced weaponry. Mine excavators, modular industrial complexes, great agricultural machines. They were a mere 2,000 souls, many of whom felt they were bound to die on a planet as harsh as this one. They must teach their children how to defend themselves against this harsh world of theirs. To carry, what they felt, were humanity’s last vestiges in the galaxy, into the stars. They must teach their successors humanity's greatest folly - war.
Thus the colony ship landed a year later with supplies running low, in the largest savanna in the supercontinent Munus. The combined Supremus population had grown to 60,000 apes, many of the children inheriting the forced genetic tampering easier than expected. Here, many of the human caretakers, now dwindling in numbers and long rendered infertile by age, let their successors choose their own fate away from their tampering and holed themselves up in the stranded colony ship. They were confident that despite the mistakes along the way, their "children" as many had started to see them, would grow to be their betters. And in the beginning, as they observed the various projects of a growing ape population, their optimistic views were proven correct. A sprawling town would grow around the fallen ship, a "Neo-Earth" as its denizens began to call it in homage to their creators. An egalitarian democracy in which all could have their say. The pursuits of science, technology and the arts ruled supreme. Industry began to pop up around the town, solar panels and wind farms providing energy to prevent the wounds give to the old Earth. Automated mining and farming began nearby, feeding resources to the great minds within the city. Defensive automatons were built with supplied military knowledge, defending Neo-Earth from its harsh surroundings aided by Supremus’ most physical specimens. Separated from their inheritors, the last humans felt content with their success.
So much so that they were blinded by it.
By the time of the last caretaker’s death, the many great inherited minds from Humanity’s history had fractured between political camps. The scions of scions of those caretakers young enough to have had children were closeted and protected by these camps. To have a human under your care was an ape’s greatest honour. To be a human was to live as a trophy, cloistered away in monasteries and only appearing rarely in public. No freedom, worshipped almost as gods, taken care of by inhuman caregivers. Humanity was too precious at this point to be given their freedom. Or perhaps too outnumbered to know any other life? They would take a backseat in the history of New Gift, given little power and whispered about almost as gods.
The once-children were divided in how they should carry humanity’s legacy to the stars. To have True egalitarianism could not work with the growing population. And thus, four bickering camps of political thought formed.
Aristotle argued that although democracy did work, they needed to make sure that the officials that are elected are learned apes of intelligence, selflessness and most controversially, a past life of serving the public good. He represented many of the reborn scientists and philosophers. Many of these would primarily be older first-generation Supremus.
Rousseau passionately countered that democracy must be indiscriminate of one’s background and thus one’s past “life” was akin to their genealogy. Judging an ape for their mere “blood” went against what they were taught. He represented many of the great democratic leaders and many others who came from democratic states, valuing freedom. A significant minority of Rousseau’s followers would be made up of the youngest second-generation.
Caesar intoned that democracy had ultimately failed Humanity. Once bloated bureaucratic machines came to be, it only served to fracture and slow nations, the chimpanzee explained. If they kept to choosing strong, just leaders who in turn chose strong, just successors. This way, the Supremus could move forward faster and under stable rule. He represented the military men, kings, queens, and others disillusioned by democracy. Almost all these would be younger first-generation Supremus. They would hold the greatest number of humans under their care, controversially letting their predecessors walk among them freely as if they were not an endangered species needing protection.
The final school of thought was led by Temujin, son of Yesugei, the dark horse and only second generation Supremus to represent their own camp. He would only come near the end of the debates, giving his proposition. They had been implanted with Humanity’s greatest minds but of different philosophies, politics, and time periods. How one group of Supremus would want to be governed could be vastly different from another. Let each group rule their own in the way they want but have a sort of intergovernmental union which connected them. A confederation of sovereign nations with the ceremonial position of Governor-General who constitutionally held little power. They served to act as mediator between nations, would be its figurative head, represent Supremus in its foreign affairs and only maintain a modest, non-automated self-defence force as a deterrent versus power hungry nations seeking to topple the Governor-General. Nations would keep to themselves with internal affairs and resource allocation by the Governor-General would be dictated strictly by needs and population. This was supported by the late Yesugei’s closest confidantes and the outsiders who disagreed with the other camps and sought to do their own way. Many of the latter were second-generation Supremus. Let us unite to safekeep the last of humanity’s genealogical children, they would say.
The other three camps would vehemently disagree outwardly towards this proposal. Going for this sort of compromise could weaken their political position in the eyes of their supporters and enemies. However, the debates had made many tired and thus many behind the scenes deals would be made towards these compromisers. Rousseau proposed the addition of elected sovereign officials who would serve as representatives of their nations in a parliament, which could make changes to the federal constitution or hold a supermajority vote of no-confidence upon the Governor-General to check his power. Temujin accepted these terms with passionate chest thumping and nods.
Aristotle, through his subordinate chimpanzee Theophrastus, would propose that those officials must have a certain level of intelligence and selflessness, as indicated by the scores previously tested by the humans. All second generation Supremus and those following generations must submit to these tests to check their eligibility. The testing must be done by a representative body of learned men from each nation, separate from the Senate. This Oligarchy would ensure stability and be a counter to the powers of the Senate. Temujin accepted with grace, bowing his head.
The only detractor remaining at the end of the talks would be Caesar and his camp, eyeing the son of Yesugei with obvious suspicion. No representative seemed to come from him and his. The message was clear. Aristotle, followed by Rousseau again, stated their proposals and Temujin accepted them publicly. Caesar’s followers walked out of the talks, with Caesar himself last to leave. “Blind baboons” he spat “the lot of you! You do not see what he is doing!” Him and his followers would disappear the following day with stolen resources and arms, last seen over the horizon in the direction of the jungles. Certain genetic templates and tissue would be stolen that night, records of it wiped from the colony ship's computers.
Disregarding the threat of Caesar due to the hellish jungles of New Gift, the three leaders would set to establish the New Gift Federation. The loss of so many humans to Caesar’s camp was a harsh political blow to the new government and only served to tighten the restrictions of the remaining humans under their care. They would be treated as closely guarded secrets, with their movements controlled each day and only appearing in public on the rarest of occasions during holidays of great import. To be human was to serve as a trophy, a political tool. And sometimes, a god. Several other nations would be formed by other individuals only to join the N.G.G. There would be a mass exodus from Neo-Earth township, many of the modular industrial complexes and mobile shelters splitting in a diaspora around the newly named Neo-Earth diaspora. Rousseau’s Republic of Freemen and Aristotle’s Polity of Philosophy would form the largest city-states while the others would form townships or smaller villages. The most significant of these smaller governments would be Thunberg’s Conservation League and Lincoln’s democratic Reformed States of America.
The old colony ship would serve as the Governor-General’s seat due to its central position. True to the constitution, Temujin did not do anything to interfere with the governance of the states. In truth, despite the initial fears within the Republic and the Polity of the Governor-General turning into a dictator, this was seen to be largely unfounded. The Senate and Oligarchy would become a ruthless political arena between the Polity, the Republic, their different sovereign allies, and the independents. These two city-states would dominate the political sphere of the N.G.G. and be the most powerful, dubbed the informal title of “Greater States”. Despite their precious fragility, humans could be found across the states in their monastery-schools, Supremus guards given to each as protectors no matter what state they were found in.
The many military automatons of Terra Supremus, the colony ship’s name and the new name of the old Neo-Earth township, would go to these powerful states. Thus the defence of many of the smaller independent town-states and villages would be given to Temujin and his self-defence forces. These would be made up of individuals from all the nations, to ensure equality and an image of unity. Universally, within the Polity and the Republic, this force would be looked down upon when compared to the advanced military automatons. Thus the conscripts sent to the Federation SDF from these powers would mainly be the Supremus who did not fit the mould.
Temujin would form a strict meritocracy within the ranks of the SDF, creating an effective fast response force which could mobilise quickly to any threats towards the weaker states. Heavily drilled and with strict punishments for slacking, the SDF would become a premier military force second only to the advanced automatons of the Greater States. No human would be found in their number for their lives were too precious. Or maybe, they were treated as an afterthought? \
Their popularity would only grow among the independent nations. The Federation Senate and Oligarchy became fiercer political battlegrounds as time went on, serving as a representation of power between the Greater States.
Upon the birth of Temujin’s first son, Ogedei, a Cold War would ensue between the Greater Powers after a series of political advancements by the Republic when it seduced several nations to its power bloc. With the addition of nations, came the safekeeping of more humans. To be a caretaker of a dying race was seen as a great honour and only elevated their political power. Automatons were advanced, walls were raised and for the first time, war machines would be sent in support of ally sovereigns. Pre-empting this, the Governor-General called forth the first negotiations between the two powers, acting as mediator. He was an excellent orator and convinced the leaders of the Greater States to set aside their weapons, reminding them of the reason behind their uplifting and creation.
”Learned ape, free ape, this humble one must remind you that we are all Supremus. We were created as inheritors of Humanity’s legacy and tasked to be their successors. We know not about the other colonies but going by anything our wise caretakers taught us, they would be in strife and conflict. This is why we keep the scions safe, no? We learned of war to fight our deadly surroundings, to protect the scions of our caretakers, not to fight each other. We are better and we must prove ourselves to be better, lest we disprove our own species’ names. Whether chimpanzee, orangutan, or gorilla. Whether Politician, Republican, Reformed American or others. We stand better united and at peace. We must prove ourselves supreme, as caretakers of the last vestiges of humanity.”
The subsequent stop on the development of war automatons would serve to be the greatest achievement in Temujin the Peacekeeper’s life. A new age of prosperity and unity would rise within the Federation, one that Ogedei would inherit once he was appointed as Governor-General, upon Temujin’s death. The supposed nepotism was ignored due to the late Peacekeeper’s popularity and the relatively powerless position kept even avid conspiracy theorists at bay. To suppress the jealousy among the growing states about the amount of humans cloistered within the different states, the honour guards were replaced by SDF detachments to keep them away from the political wills of the senate. It would be early in Ogedei’s tenure that plots would begin to unravel themselves.
Tiberius Caesar, son of Augustus, son of Julius, had come. Hardened by three generations within the jungle, the Emperor’s Followers had returned from their long exile to prove themselves worthy as leaders of the Supremus. They sat atop great war beasts and fought alongside tamed monsters, having long gotten used to and conquering the deadly denizens within the jungle. To many a Supremus’ disgust, they had humanity’s direct scions fighting hand in hand with them, most assuredly blinded by Caesar’s propaganda. To be so reckless with the last of our caretaker’s seed? Abhorrent to the extreme.
Targeting the southernmost city-states and townships, they raided these frontier nations with glee and were only pushed back once the SDF had reached them, many an ape weeping as they cut down both fellow ape and human alike. It was clear that they could not be reasoned with, even the human descendants had come with weapon in hand with an unexplainable rage about them.
These year-long raids would only prove as a distraction as a great war host came from the jungles circled a two prong attack upon the East and West. Amassing a truly terrible host of monsters, hardened Supremus and curse-spouting humans, these were the proverbial daggers to the hearts of the Federation – the Greater States. As the SDF was distracted to the south and its numbers limited by constitution, it fell to the Polity and the Republic to defend Neo-Earth’s heartlands. Automaton fought beast, Supremus fought Supremus in bitter conflict and rivalry.
The fighting was fierce in the south, east and west of the Neo-Earth savanna. The Emperor’s Followers were backed by their war-beasts, savage poisons and chemical artillery which inflicted heavy casualties upon Polity, Republican and ally conscripts. Only the automatons fared better, metal resistant against claws, large ammunition and explosives proving deadly against flesh. The east and the west saw the bloodiest of the fighting, back and forth offensive manoeuvres on both sides, probing the other to find weaknesses. Deep trenches and fortifications would be set up against each other, carving up the earth of a once beautiful continent-sized savanna. The south found more success with Ogedei’s forces, a more tactical type of warfare which saw constantly changing battle lines, ambushes, and false flag attacks. The SDF was aided by its supreme manoeuvrability and its QRF-based military doctrine.
As the war went on and weeks turned into months which turned into years, the nations of the Federation grew desperate. Seemingly unending hordes of wild beasts would crash into their lines nearly daily. Endless chemical bombardment and brutal poisoned fangs or blades would see to plummeting morale. A great depression that cast itself upon Supremus warriors who had slain too many humans to count, the blood of those they were to shelter and preserve staining their fur. Everyone had gotten involved in the war at this point, Polity and Republican conscripts running low as their populations were stricken low. And everyone had noticed that the only front in which they could be called gaining non-pyrrhic victories was on the southern front.
More emergency powers would be given to Governor-General Ogedei in these desperate dozen years of war, passed through the Senate in record breaking speeds. With every major victory he gained in the south, the more power he was given. Accentuating this, Ogedei’s swift action to transport all humans to the capital of Terra Supremus was lauded as a decisive action to safeguard their charges. Detractors would be swiftly dealt with under cries of carelessness for humanity’s seed, and for some, with cries of heresy. To turn the war around, a hopeful Federation turned towards its seemingly greatest leader. Despite the weak protests of the once Greater States, who had now long since diminished in power and influence with their crippled populations, defeats in the east and west as well as the rising assassinations of various humans of import in supposed safe places, the Senate passed several constitutional amendments to give the Governor-General the power as a Supreme Leader. The Khan.
Ogedei Khan, as he was now known, set to finish the war. To stop the heresy of human blood staining Supremus fur. To stop the madman, the crazed, the scion-killer Caesar. The probing back and forth within the south became a lightning fast counteroffensive, the Khan's newly dubbed Legionnaires smashing through the weaker southern Imperial battle lines and circling back to bolster the east and west.
At the siege of Roma-Greek, the Polity city-state, among the broken pillars of a new Parthenon, the first siege would be broken and the Imperials would be pushed back on the eastern front for the first time in years. These Legionnaires would be lauded as heroes, beleaguered conscripts with decrepit automatons witnessed these disciplined legionnaires toeing with beasts, weathering chemical storms and fighting against the harshest poisons. They were lauded as merciful and kind, with every human encountered taken away from their careless Supremus allies for re-education. Unknown to them, as the years went on, the Khan had further genetically enhanced his personal soldiery to have greater resistance against their foes. The stage was set and the war would reach its final stages. Suffering crippling defeat after crippling defeat, often retreating at the mere sight of the Khan's forces especially when Imperial humans were among them, the Imperials were routed back into their jungle. The free apes would celebrate the announcement of the war's final battle, with Ogedei hailed as a hero and protector. Ogedei the Merciful.
Upon victory, Ogedei the Merciful released several quick reformations with his ascension as Khan. The Senate would be kept as council to him and every Hegemon following, thus keeping each nation as sovereign entities which would stay in charge of their own domestic affairs and governance. Even the idea of a supermajority ruling of no-confidence was kept in place but the Oligarchy as an institution was done away with. The Khan is kept in check by the Senate but has larger powers with controlling foreign affairs, greater executive powers in vetoing laws passed by the Senate and control of a Federation-wide Legion which could attack as well as defend. The Khan would finalise the transfer of all humans into Terra Supremus, writing this into the newly formed Khanate’s constitution. Safeguarding them. Protecting them. Restricting them?
Individual militaries would be allowed for each nation but limited to a certain percentage of the nation's citizen population. Terra Supremus would be refitted into a mobile capital and home of the Senate. The Khan will only be focused on matters of foreign affairs and domestic peace, having a large military legion with an oath to defend the rights of each sovereign nation if breached (with exceptions). A Federal Monarchy as it were, with all leaders swearing upon the Khan and the Khan swearing to protect each of their ape peoples and their sovereignty. Technology could be kept individually between city-states but trade was encouraged. Minor conflicts can occur between nations but is kept in check by the overview of the Khan. Tribute is sent regularly to Terra Supremus by eager nations seeking the approval of the Khan, to gain better standing in the Senate and hold better sway as advisors. The Khan is made essential to protect against threats foreign and domestic, those who seek to undermine the continued freedom of the Supremus to largely govern themselves. The Khan is made essential to protect their charges, to educate humanity’s direct descendants, to fill their bellies, to keep them away from threats known and unknown.
And thus a new age of prosperity began. With the Khan's legions protecting against possible incursions from the jungles, another age of rebuilding, expansion and innovation could begin. With the end of the War to End All Wars came a large population boom and great confidence in the protection of the Khan. The scars of war were removed from the vast Neo-Earth savanna, replaced by carefully planned, permanent cities, environment-conscious agriculture and improved solar and wind farms. Mining projects would bring greater resource wealth, fueling inventions and architectural wonders from humanity's histories. Competition between nations would fuel these great leaps forward, under the wise and guided tutelage of the Khan of course. Education would continue as the caretaker's had taught them but with increased focus on the history of the nations under the Khan. Under the Khan’s wise rule and careful hand, the withering population of Homo Sapiens Sapiens were cradled into greater numbers. Pride in being a Supremus was at an all time high.
The title of Khan would pass through another two generations, staying focused on developing New Gift and quelling dissidents to the peace. Space technology was theorised and reverse engineers but ignored to focus more on their new home. Cultural works of humanity would continue to be redeveloped in painstaking detail, copies of old landmarks and large historical libraries serving as tourist destinations. Developing light but highly durable alloys, more effective modular cities and industrial complexes which could move quicker than before. Sprawling city-states would dot the northern savanna of Gaia and eventually as this crowded, some others would move to the southern savanna of Tellus. These states would be few and far between due to presence of roving bands of former Imperial bandit-kings, having fake claims of sharing blood with the Caesars of old. No true son of Caesar has come out of the jungles. No Imperial human would be seen again.
It would seem reasonable to destroy the jungle or make a final crusade against the Imperials. And many state-heads did pose the question to their leader. But as every Khan would reason, such an effort would be resource-draining at best and cause permanent ecological damage at worst. Let the outsiders sit in their uncivilised jungle dens, obviously failing to safeguard the humans they had with them, until they starve themselves out or revert back to a more primitive nature.
For Khublai Khan, second son of Möngke the Builder, his eyes were set to new horizons. As with many Khans before him, he was ambitious and looked to set himself apart from his predecessors. He could approve of the conservation and infrastructure projects set by his father but he felt greatness can be found further afield. On the 500th Year since Landing, an opportunity came with the sudden opening of the gateway.
Culture and Society: A number of different cultures and societies are under the Khan's purview, making the Khanate seem as fractious as the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many apes of the many different nations call their ancestry back to a first generation Supremus whose personalities were based on 31,500 different great minds from across human history. Their creation and uplift was so the Supremus could be humanity's legacy to the stars, thus the variety respects that. City-states within the Federal Khanate are largely self-governed and citizens are bound by the rules within those city-states. Societal and cultural norms can vary largely. Sometimes, it appears that the only things binding the nations together is the oath to the Khan, an equal respect and feeling of supremacy for humanity and a fear of flying. The vast majority are based on human examples throughout history.
The title of "Greater State" is a largely informal one, referring to a city-state's abundant wealth, technology, standing with the Khan and ability to influence other states. Often, the more you have of one, the other attributes will follow. The ability of a state to attract citizens only increases with age, standing and increased opportunities. This title is not held forever though and can be torn away quickly. Ways a Greater State can lose its standing can include political mishaps in the Senate, scandals, significant loss in approved conflicts, declaring conflict with another state without approval of the Khan, bloody coups or an outbreak of ape-eating snakes, among many. Once one state is brought low, there will be five others trying to take its place. As of present time, the Greater States are:
The Republic of Freemen - A democratic republic founded by Jean-Jacque Rousseau and the only continuous Greater State since the old Federation. Republicans are often seen as a very free people with liberal and radical views as in line with the city state's founder. European architecture of the Enlightenment era dot the cityscape, green parks and regularly held festivals interspersed within. Art and the exploration of Enlightenment era beliefs and culture is taught within their schools and French revolution-era clothing has recently taken to the apes there. Citizens have disdain towards the more brutish and unenlightened states, preferring the intellectual and "modern" ones. Republicans have a "social contract" in which citizens should be held to the general will of the people in the city so despite their apparent freedom, conformity is more the norm here. They use the greatest amount of automatons within their military and in their society, holding the largest power-bloc in the Senate. Though some outsiders claim that their greatest contributes to the Khanate are their powdered wigs and itchy clothing, it is their automaton technology which is the backbone of their industry. No finer, more ape-like automatons can be found and they range from purposes in war, service, guarding, transport and labour.
The Conservation League - An oligarchy founded by a group of like-minded, environmentally conscious individuals aiming to prevent the destruction wrought on Earth finding itself on New Gift. This state is focused on the preservation and conservation of native fauna and is incredibly single minded in its task. The oligarchy-system of governance was formed to rid of the ineffective slowness of democratic human nations in addressing climate change. They have the most efficient solar and wind technology, distributing to many of the other city states in the Federal Khanate. The Conservationists are also adept at genetics and sustainable agricultural efforts, creating more efficient crops and advanced procedures to make lab-grown meat for the more adventurous ape. Surprisingly, they hold the highest number of approved conflicts out of any present Greater State. They go, for the lack of a better term, "apeshit" at any perceived attempts to hinder their efforts in conserving the planet. They use genetically enhanced ape soldiers to great effect, second in advancements only to the Legion. With holding much of the moral high ground to the eyes of the Senate, enemies of the League fall quickly. The only reason they have not been denounced by an annoyed Khan is because of their enthusiastic support for the regime due to its own conservation efforts.
The Lost Humanist Theocracy - Some religious inclinations made their way to humanity's inheritors but the largest of these religions are of Human-worship. In particular, remembrance-worship of those who could not be afforded the "Path to Reincarnation" as the first generation Supremus had. Thus followers of this religion are absurdly focused on the positive features of human nature, revering the spirits of those left behind. Walking through Humanist architecture is akin to taking a step backwards in time, as they largely look down upon most forms of ape-made technology and they forsake many of the regular genetic enhancements given to Supremus simians. "For how useful were they, for those spirits left behind." This guilt-type of reverence and "lost" spirit worship is shared among a number of apes outside the Theocracy's limits but their more radical ideas (forsaking genetic enhancement and ape technology) are largely frowned upon. They claim to not view the current humans as literal gods yet speak about them in hushed whispers, with many a worshipper making pilgrimage to Terra Supremus to see the last vestiges of some of the greatest humans. The scions of their parents, the direct descendants of their caretakers, the final untouched humans. They have many missions throughout New Gift as free teachers, healers and advisors, seeking to atone and relieve their guilt, appeasing their Human Spirits. This is counter to the usual trend of supremacist views among Supremus. Their current standing comes from the spread of their religion to outside of the city's borders and the recent addition to their clergy, the third son of Khublai Khan, Sartaq along with the patronage of the Khan’s own daughter, the Greatest Orator. They deny and outwardly revile the idea of a "hidden inquisition" which protects missionaries outside their borders, keeping only an unarmed police force for visitors and a small dedicated team of bodyguards. Despite their recent rise in popularity, this cult-like city-state is still viewed with suspicion by other states of greater or equivalent power.
The Frontier Nations - Not a single state per se but a term collectively referring to nations that reside in untamed Tellus. These frontier city-states are attractive to the young, adventurous and foolhardy, seeking to escape the more "crowded" civilisation of Gaia. Frontier nations which last are hardy, bloodied and resourceful with a grudging camaraderie between nations who also last. Moving in mobile minor cities, they can pack up and run quickly once they spot bandits or rivals coming at them. Life in the frontier is hard but can be rewarding, with much of the savanna left untouched and resources aplenty. Often times, fallen city-states who seek to gain their standing once again become a Frontier Nation. A significant example of this is the Polity which, after the misfortunes that befell it in the Great War, sought to regain its status as a Greater State once more. They form a small but not insignificant power bloc in the Senate, with many apes respecting their hardiness and drive to survive. Some view them with disdain.
Humans – Oh to be Human. What a strange thing to be. A million souls, a mighty number indeed but nothing compared to the untold millions of Supremus with unmatched virility. To be human in the Khanate is to be protected. Safeguarded. Worshipped. Controlled. Restrained. Beyond their teachers, monastery-mothers and guards, many of these humans will not touch another’s fur. They will not reside in anything other than the vast Terra Supremus monasteries they are born in, live in and die in. To be Human is to be fed till their bellies were full and to be taught by the greatest minds in all of human history. To be Human is to be treated as trophies, a testament to the strength of the Khan. Their daily lives are controlled to the minute, ensuring that each human will be as perfect as genetically possible, for to be any less would bring shame to the Khan. To a normal ape, to see a human is a rare occasion, only on planetwide holidays would the greatest orators among them appear on the myriad States, speaking affection for their Supremus caretakers and inheritors. To be human was to be loved. To be human was to be caged – ultimately having no power in this nation of apes.
The banner of the Khan, as chosen by Ogedei the Old
Governance and Politics:
"We swear ourselves to the Khan and they swear their selves to us."
The Federal Khanate describes itself perfectly; a federation consisting of nations which swears itself to the Khan. The Khan has ultimate control over foreign affairs and defence, enforces the rules of the constitution, the largest military and swears to uphold the sovereignty, supremacy and rights of the people. The title of "Khan" is not hereditary, though most past Khans have chosen their firstborn sons as imminent heir as matter of preference. Instead, a Khan will name their list of successors within their will in their order of preference. There is no choice for the chosen as the Khan's will is granted constitutional rights. Thus a Khan will often groom their successor over many years, preparing them for their rule. The title cannot be passed down to any current or past leaders of city states and thus Khan's have all come from the bloodline of Yesugei. In the horrid event that none of the chosen successors are alive at the time of the Khan's death (unlikely because the list of successors have often become over a hundred names long), the Senate will hold a vote to choosing a prominent ape to succeed.
There are some federal guidelines for apes seeking to found their own nation, to join the 1,738 already present. Some semblance of order must be established as anarchic states have the tendency to crumble in on itself thus the Khan requires a set of written laws and an official banner to represent itself. Conflicts should be avoided but are allowed as long as both parties seek the approval of the Khan and the matter is isolated. Yearly gatherings of the Senate, times when the Khan calls for a Senate hearing and gatherings in times of emergency (such as when a Khan dies) are mandatory sessions. The title of senator cannot be bestowed on any current leader of a city-state to prevent disruption. Coups must be contained and trade agreements made by the defending government must be made until the coup is sorted out. Any disruptions to the rest of the Khanate is met with the swift boot of the Legion. Speaking of, a certain detachment of Legion forces must be present within the city perimeter at all times and any attempt to coerce, eliminate or impede them is treated with extreme prejudice. The leader/s or most prominent figure must swear upon the constitution and swear to the Khan, similarly to any new senators otherwise their state is considered to have ceded from the Khanate. States are also constricted to a set amount of territory and can petition the Khan for more land only during the yearly Senate gatherings. Otherwise, the laws of the land can vary greatly between city states.
Individual crimes can be punished differently between states. Thievery can result in the loss of the hand or a pat on the back. In some corporate states, white collar crime is punished more severely than murder. In many religious and theocratic states, sins are the law equivalent and in some, are seen as an affront to their God-King or Goddess-Queen. The difference in governance between the different states can create cutthroat politics, with seasoned Senators becoming expert politicians and some grudge lists becoming long enough to circle the world (see: The Conservation League). Some states even actively take in escaped prisoners as an insult to another, as long as the Khan approves. The aim of every Minor State is to become a Greater one and the aim of every Greater State is to stay in their position, creating conflict.
Order is maintained by the Khan but small approved conflicts or dueling between ruling classes are common enough to be seen as normal. This chaos results in significant changes in the Senate regularly and can confuse outsiders. The only official federal land claimed by the Khan is Terra Supremus and the equatorial jungles of New Gift. Only approved citizens and soldiers are allowed to visit the latter though that does not stop the Imperials, bandits and runaways. The only federal crimes that an ape can commit is attempted assault/murder of a Khan and his successors, any criminal offence against a Khanate-protected human, infiltration of a monastery, bringing harm to any monastery staff, federal treason, secession, disruption of the common peace/trade and slavery. These crimes are met with the appropriate force to extinguish it from existence.
Technology Overview: As with everything in the Khanate, technology can vary greatly as well. With the vast number of states come different wealth, technology and sometimes, acceptance of technology. The apes have tended to neglect space technology until recently, having only communication and weather satellites due to the focus on developing the land of New Gift. Overall, the technology level is similar to what they started with some developing trends over the years:
Conservation - The influence of Earth's downfall affect the Supremus apes greatly. They have an extensive genetic library of old Earth fauna stored but no cloning, beyond infertile pets such as dogs and cats, have occurred to preserve native fauna. Every ape conserves this legacy and intends to conserve their current home as well. Great attempts have been made to conserve the natural ecosystem of New Gift with very few permanent cities being established, many states opting for moving, modular cities atop trusty tracks to prevent disruption to animal migrations (despite the active hostility of many of these animals). Similarly, most agriculture is kept limited and genetically enhanced to be as productive in as small an area as possible, kept in mobile greenhouses to prevent cross-pollination with native plants. The term "conservation" generally means the conservation of environment, human history and culture.
Genetics - With the availability of each species' DNA map and the technology to modify it, genetic manipulation is common among the apes and even among humans. It is widely acceptable to modify oneself or offspring to be better though greater advancements are often closely guarded secrets of states (except to the Khan). Modifications to humans within their fortified monasteries were seen as natural, to ensure their survival and allow them to have perfect lives. Enhancements can range from increased physical attributes, an ability to stay awake longer, better senses, an inability to feel pain (for the crazy) to even enhanced fertility. The latter seems to be utilised by the Khans heavily as they foster many children.
Variety - The sheer variety of different states means technological focus can vary drastically. With encouraged trade between states, nations are often sharing their own specialised technology in exchange for something they need. For example, the Conservation League are experts at conservative and environmentally friendly power sources but lack some of the knowledge on the automaton labourers found in a state such as the Republic. They could try to reverse-engineer their own but this is seen as a more expensive endeavour compared to simply trading for the most advanced goods. That is to say, most minor city-states enjoy a mediocre set of technologies and are viewed as more "standard".
Military Overview: Conflict has evolved drastically since the lumbering automatons, mass wave tactics and trench warfare of the War to End All Wars. Every significant enough city-state has a military, otherwise having to rely on detachments of the Khan's legionnaires for defense. But the focus, tactics and ability of said militaries can vary significantly. They do focus on an important factor in the conflicts which pepper the Khanate: mobility. The ability to strike first, fine manoeuvres around the enemy, ambushes and changing battle lines. The modern Supremus simian soldier is armed with a truckload of communication and infortmation technology and any military worth their salt will have a BattleNet to highlight enemy troop movements, possible false flag attacks and lay out orders instantly. Sometimes, organic soldiers are replaced by advanced automatons capable of accepting orders instantly at the behest of a detached Commander. Clashes occur often in the lower streets of moving cities, in mobile savanna outposts and often, between moving military command centers. The defeat of an opponent is usually marked either by a significant destruction or capture of an opponents asset, death of the main military commander or taking the conflict to the point that it is seen as costly for the opponent to continue. As varied as the individual states' militaries are, there is serious standardisation among the Khan's personal military arm - the Legion.
The Khan acts as the supreme commander of the largest and most advanced military on New Gift. There are over 1,000,000 active duty Legionnaires split between the 100 different divisions of the Legion, with a further 110,000 strong auxiliaries as part of the Expeditionary Corps. Each division is generally made up of a mixed-troop of mechanised, mobile forces each with their own air and armor support. Led by a Divisional-General, each legion must be able to be largely self-sustainable for at least a year, with Expeditionary Corps needing to be fully self-sustaining for upwards to three years. Doing so increases the mobility of each legion and its divided military organisations so that they are able to operate as one. They have the most advanced mobile command centers and BattleNets available, the Legion priding themselves upon their individual soldier's intuition. Consequently, they often look down upon automatons in their rigidness, only using them in aerial combat and support because of the innate fear of flying simians have. Their warfare is that of constant movement to encircle, ambush and outmaneouvre, having mainly been focused on eliminating bandit-kings and the like. The standard genetic enhancements of a Legionnaire include heightened senses, increased endurance, agility and intellect. To become a Legionnaire one must survive these procedures as well as pass several difficult physical and mental team challenges known colloquially as the Grid. To become a Legionnaire was to be a Supremus, for no self-respecting Khan would ever allow the shedding of human blood like the foolish Caesar. Upon becoming a Legionnaire, they are typically stationed to the different nation-states, most in the smaller states to defend it from hostile fauna or bandit simians.
Eleven divisions, as well as the entire Auxiliary Corps, are labelled as Expeditionary Corps. These are aspects of the Legion focused on actively engaging within the equatorial jungles and frontier-states in Tellus. Both the divisions and the Auxiliaries, who are volunteers from militaries across the states, are tasked with defending the sovereign rights of the frontier states as well as seeking those who intend to subvert them. Targets include Imperial remnants, Bandit-Kings and extremely hostile native fauna. They actively seek these targets frequently, often sending expeditions into the jungles to get to the source of the problem. This is the most dangerous job in the Khanate as it takes the Legionnaire out of the civilisation of northern Gaia and into the rougher parts of Munus where anything can be hostile. Often, the jungle canopy can be too thick for command to reach squads thus many are lost on patrols. Their lives in the hands of vengeful imperials, bandits and vicious beasts, are met with a brutal end. The goals of these expeditions is to ultimately exterminate secessionist activity within New Gift and tame the jungles, through the establishment of Mobile Stability Bases to patrol throughout these hostile lands. Great strides have been made but to many others outside the Legion, the Expeditionary Corps are more like respectable glory hounds.
There are whispers of muscle-bound soldiers, equal in mass of even the elephants of old Earth, prowling in Legionnaire armour and wielding weapons of unspeakable power. An open secret of the Khanate's Legion. A breed of super-warriors with muscles on muscles, a vision of perfect martial might and unparalleled military acumen. For each would be seen as worthy of scores of Legionnaires by their lonesome. There are rumours of street orphans being taken from the poorest city states. There are rare glimpses of the black ships which ship them to the isolated city of Terra Supremus. There are obvious signs of death, with many small caskets shipped to the capital on a daily basis. To connect those whispers, rumours and signs was to be associated with treason and so many, even children of the Khan himself, kept their jaws shut tight in public. But to the military-minded apes of the Khanate, their forums would be filled with speculation, profiles hidden from the ever-watchful eyes of the Khanate with virtual private networks. Allegedly, at least. But even the most conspiratorial of these apes dismissed the most ridiculous of claims. Humans, walking among these giants, armed and just as muscle bound as the rest. How ridiculous.
A standard Legionnaire in their modern-age armourr Two examples of Legionnaire Heavy Weapons support. From left to right: Antipersonnel and anti-armour An example of an Expeditionary Corps Legionnaire Reformed American rangers A typical ape automaton Modern samurai chimpanzee with a genetically enhanced sword-hand, keeping the peace in New Nippon
Legion Armoured Personnel Carrier. The turret can be replaced by an armoured dome on the top for a Heavy Weapons Legionnaire to put their turret through Legion Main Battle Tank Standard Legion Air Support Drone
Terra Supremus on approach towards New Gift
On Humans and Gateways: To most apes, there is the opinion of great paternalistic respect, sometimes worship, for humans. To the Supremus, they inherited their legacy and were created to continue it and to safeguard the last of their seed. There is, however, a certain supremacy every ape holds over the presumably fragile humans. They believe themselves superior, as they are taught they are. The existence of other human colonies is widely known but dismissed to be inferior and genetically diminished from the carefully orchestrated lines of Khanate human descendants. The only “true” humans left were cloistered in their monasteries, given untold riches and services a normal Supremus could only dream of. The Gateways merely represent an opportunity for the Supremus, to take the true legacy of the humans to the stars. For less hostile frontiers and chances to expand. The first step to Earth is merely to see their ancestral homelands, seen as culturally significant but not in other ways. A dead world gives no bounty to them.
The Theocracy's city-state wandering Gaia Conservation League on the move The Monasteries, one of the few permanent structures on New Gift. Extensions of Terra Supremus itself. The beautiful abodes of the final true humans.
Beijing-class Legion Mobile Military Base Cairo-class Legion Mobile Drone Carrier Standard Legion Mobile Artillery Standard Legion Gunship Drone Revolution-class Heavy Support Automaton Standard Legion Mobile Mechanised Support Ship Nzinga Ndongo, the Greatest Orator, cherished as the Khan’s own daughter.
"By these pillars stand tall - for People, for the Planet, for Yourself"
WHAT IS HUMANITY? Humanity is community, compassion, courage, curiosity... and beyond it all, hope.
GOVERNMENT FORM: Polysapient Eco-Moralist Anarcho-Syndicalist Interorganizational Federation
PLANET NAME & DESCRIPTIONS:Avalon is the fourth planet of the Annwn system. In orbit around a bright G-class star and protected from the outer system's dense asteroid fields by the super massive gas giant Bran, it is a mid-sized rocky world roughly 6% smaller than Earth. Despite its somewhat 'boisterous' planetary neighbours, Avalon is a vibrant and ecologically dense garden planet with a broadly “cold tropical” environment -- similar to the temperate rainforests that once stretched across Ireland and the British Isles prior to the industrial revolution, though extremely high equatorial temperatures cause the accumulation of salt and dense, brackish mudflats to form around the equator. It has a predominantly nitrogen & oxygen-based atmosphere, with a slightly higher overall oxygen density than Earth that combined with the lower gravity makes many native and adapted organisms notably larger than most Earth equivalents.
Avalon's wide varieties of organism have base-2 carbon-based biochemistry with central nervous systems, and are broadly split into categories of fauna, flora, and funga – though many organisms are naturally occurring 'chimera', or hybrids, effectively consisting of both animal, plant and fungal cells. Of particular note are a number of fungal organisms classified as gestalts that rely on the central nervous systems of both fauna and flora to spread their spores and are able to use these systems as transmitters for information – a fact that would eventually give rise to the phenomena known as 'faeries' by the human colonists, yet later to be deemed a sapient species in their own right. For a wide range of reasons - sometimes caused by gestalt saturation, an overabundance of chlorophyll, or by a wide range of bioluminescent symbionts - the biosphere of Avalon almost feels 'uncanny' to people used to Earth plants, feeling oversaturated or at times surreal, like an impressionist painting.
The following is a list of major 'objects of interest', or planetary bodies, of the Annwn system:
AV-04, 'Annwn', a G-class star.
Rigor, a small and highly irradiated rocky planet with an extremely fast orbit
Vedwyd, a small rocky planet with a highly elliptical orbit
Astolat, an extremely hot 'water planet' with a crushingly thick atmosphere; evidence suggests some microbial life around deep sea vents, and small upper atmospheric homesteads have been established as well as a number of research stations
Inner Asteroid Belt, home to a number of cylinder habitat stations and mining operations
Avalon, Annwn's one habitable planet, a temperate Earth-like rocky planet; it has four small moons (Pwyll, Branwen, Manawydan, and Math) which serve as shipyards and centres of industry
Bran, a supermassive icy gas giant with many moons; following the war against the machine swarm it also contains a number of damaged and deactivated machine outposts that have been repurposed for industrial and gas-mining purposes. The largest of its homesteads, Causeway, is a major economic hub and shipyard.
Outer Asteroid Belt; primarily home to some nomadic spacer groups and observation buoys for deep space monitoring and research, it's also home to Elfydd's Door, a small monitoring station established close to the gate.
Nimue, a large icy planet that the Children of Gaia used to establish a number of underground 'garden-temples' as independent hubs for research and preservation of Earth seed and embryo stocks; it also contains several deactivated 'xenoforming sites' of the machine swarm and has undergone some limited terraforming efforts over the 27th and 28th centuries, making its thin atmosphere easier to breath and its cold temperatures less extreme.
Nine Maidens, a set of nine icy dwarf planets relatively close together with wide elliptical orbits that have served as deep space observation platforms, and during the time of the Morgann-Lott corporation housed a number of penal colonies; during the machine war they were the first points of contact and served as the site of many early naval battles
POPULATION & DEMOGRAPHICS: There are an estimated 4.1 billion souls across Avalon and the wider Annwn system, though the exact number is difficult to pinpoint since record keeping varies and many smaller or nomadic communities choose to dwell outside of the homestead system. The major species and groups within Avalon and its habitats are as follows:
Homo Sapiens Sapiens, sometimes called the “Avalonian Phenotype”: Approx. 2.3 billion. Descendants of the original ('first wave') of colonists established shortly after the gates were opened by the Morgan-Lott corporation, as well as the majority of the refugees who came to Avalon shortly before the gates closed. While prolonged exposure to gestalt spores (see last demographic) and the increasingly commonplace use of artificial gestalt implants shows some evidence of increased mirror neurons and insular cortex complexity, morphologically Avalonians are close to baseline, besides some very small changes to bone density and muscle growth to accommodate for life on a planet with lower gravity than Earth. Likewise, artificial modifications such as prosthetics or vat-grown organs are not uncommon... assuming they are medical in nature. Although the original colonists were from the anglosphere & former commonwealth nations, the later refugee colonists came from many cultures and backgrounds; while English is the official and most widely spoken language, it is estimated that there are approximately at least 98 surviving languages on Avalon and the preservation of them is a study of great interest.
Gremlins: Approx. 0.9 billion. A genetically engineered sapient 'uplift' of an indigenous Avalonian eusocial frog-like organism originally created by the Children of Gaia as soldiers, pilots and engineers that could operate complex military equipment against the machine swarm without risking sensitive electronics. Appearing as the six-limbed lovechild of an eel, a beetle, a pug and an axolotl, they are particularly notable for their high genetic adaptability, resilience, and the intense electrical conductivity of their nervous systems, making them easily augmented with cybernetics and gestalt implants. Their creation and subsequent debates around their sapience and the ethics of their creation sparked widespread outrage against the Children of Gaia and greatly weakened that organization's status in society, with the gremlins becoming fully emancipated and granted control of their spawning grounds in 2538.
Homo Sapiens Viridi, officially called the “Viridian Phenotype” but sometimes informally known as “Gaians”: Approx. 379 million. Descendants of the “Children of Gaia”, a popular new religious movement that spread in the years leading to the exodus from Earth. Historically they were experts of genetic engineering, modifying their bodies to survive in increasingly harsh conditions through the introduction of plant and reptile DNA that gave them their distinctive green skin and minimal body hair, though this also greatly reduced their fertility, and coupled with their historically strict taboos around mingling with 'outsiders' has caused their population to stabilize at a relatively low number. However, following the war against machines and the emancipation of the gremlins, the Children gradually lost many members, and the term 'Viridian' became the more accepted term for those who have chosen or inherited the Children's traditional modifications without remaining members of the religion.
Spacers: Approx. 224 million. For a variety of reasons, those who choose to live their lives almost entirely in space, on habitats of Avalon's moon and throughout its asteroid belt and amidst the salvaged ruins of the machine swarm and the once-called 'Free Republics'. Note that these are distinct from viridian populations, some of whom are also spacers but are usually listed under demographics as viridian first and foremost. A large number of these individuals have further experimented with cybernetic augments, sometimes to the point of becoming physically more machine than man and partially merged with their own ships, and spacer communities often rely extensively on drones and mechanical labour to a greater degree than planetside Avalonian society.
Hobots, sometimes called Iron Brownies and officially known as Independent Gestalts: Approx. 150 million. First invented during the 27th century but only rising in popularity throughout the 'century of peace', 'hobots' are a kind of robotic suit wired up to and controlled by a complex, self-contained 'biosphere' of plants, fungus, and specially cultured vatgrown human brain tissue, networked together via an artificial gestalt (see last demographic) into a single intelligence of questionable sapience. They come in a wide range of models and have become something of a beloved cultural icon for many Avalonians. Their minds are able to understand human speech but they are largely mute, communicating through simple text-to-speech and a mixture of synthesized beeps and whistles between themselves. However, given Avalon's history with the origins and eventual emancipation of the gremlins, there are small but growing concerns about the ethics around using hobots for labour.
"Faeries”/Gestalts: Approx. 500,000 ('domesticated'/'quarantined; impossible to determine total number of 'wild' gestalts present on Avalon, estimates ranging from a few thousand to several million). A fungus analogue organism indigenous to Avalon that primarily reproduces and communicates between its colonies through spores attaching themselves to the nervous systems of mobile organisms and tree root networks, with many organisms on Avalon having exposed nerve endings specifically for this purpose since a major side effect of this is a transmission of information to the 'carrier' in the form of hallucinations. As a result of interacting with human brains a number of gestalts have developed a form of sapience, and over time this has been integrated in several ways, with specially trained gestalt colonies used as a kind of 'organic AI' for settlements and ships and the 'characters' they store serving as assistants, educators, messengers and therapists. In addition, many Avalonians have small, carefully cultured artificial gestalts directly attached to their brains as a kind of personal implant, memory aid, and to improve reaction and sensory speeds.
2290-2297: The Morgan-Lott corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates, under contract to the Anglosphere and nations of the former commonwealth, establishes a colony on the temperate 'paradise world' of Avalon.
2298-2301: Avalon becomes a poster-child colony of the gateway project, but corruption and institutional inequality leads to many people's tickets or labour unrewarded or valueless. With Earth increasingly doomed and the gateway network growing unstable, mass revolutions and union seizures allow for a desperate exodus of refugees to Avalon.
2302-2306: After losing contact with Earth, the Morgan-Lott colonial administration becomes increasingly authoritarian and ruthless, causing tremendous damage as they exploit Avalon's resources, ration basic supplies, and subject 'low value' settlers to banishment, experimentation or slave labour. Revolutionary sentiment and sabotage among both employees and refugees boils over into war against the administration.
2307-2308: The Children of Gaia religious movement discover the 'gestalts' of Avalon and that influencing them can cause drastic changes in the behaviour of other organisms. As the revolution is on the verge of defeat, the Children's influence leads to a 'nature's vengeance' scenario, with Avalon's ecosystems violently turning against the corporation and their infrastructure.
2309-2336: With Morgan-Lott's leadership being executed or banished, the survivors set about rebuilding and quickly claim independence for their arcologies, habitat stations, and settlements. The term homestead is used to describe these now independent governments, most of which are led by democratically elected councils. The homestead league is established as a forum for resolving disputes and coordinating resources using the colonies remaining spaceships and orbital transports, while the Children of Gaia take on a prominent advisory in environmental matters and swell in both popularity and new converts.
2337-2341: Although the homesteads are generally managed under fair elections, the attempts to repeal Morgan-Lott's autocratic systems have only been partially successful. Inequality had gradually settled in again, while in other homesteads an atmosphere of individualism had led to corruption and the stalling of rebuilding projects. This in turn led to several populist and right-wing movements rising to prominence.
2342-2345: War breaks out following a military build-up and capitalist resurgences in the arcologies of Monmouth and Amsterdam Nova and their allies, and attacks on the orbital transport fleet. Sabotage aboard the capital ship (the Matter of Hope) prevents the loyalist coalition from launching decisive counterattacks and the war drags on, only ending when the hardsuited 'caliburn' special forces are formed and deployed from orbit by loyalist orbital forces from Cable Station and Common Prosperity.
2346-2348: The loyalist coalition recognizes that fundamental changes are needed in Avalon's economic systems to prevent further capitalist resurgences and the corruption in leadership that led to the war. The syndicates are established and mandated across all homesteads as a way to democratise economics, while those who refuse to give up private ownership are stripped of their resources and titles, and the most diehard supporters of the previous system are banished into the wilderness or enter self-imposed exile as capitalist hermits.
2349-2455: Under the watch of a more organized and empowered homestead league, rebuilding efforts are taken seriously and determined efforts are made to root out corruption in election systems. The sheriff's syndicate is established to help democratise the enforcement of law while the 'caliburn' infantry-pilots serve as the military arm of the homestead league, but for the most part outright violence or military enforcement is rarely needed as an era of peace and rebuilding takes hold on Avalon and across most of the system's habitat stations.
2456-2457: Strange signals of unknown origin are detected beyond the edge of the system by monitoring bouys and deep space observatories on the Nine Maidens and the Children of Gaia's garden-temples on Nimue. Further research reveals a series of probes and ships of unknown design are on approach to the system, escorting a series of multiple kilometre 'comets'. Efforts to contact the visitors are met with silence or violence, including a 'kill signal' that severely damages computer systems and causes widespread disruption across the homestead league. The league is invested with the authority to coordinate and construct a defensive navy and military satellites across the system as far as the Nine Maidens.
2458-2462: The war against the invaders is won by the league at great cost as it is discovered that the 'comets' are of artificial origin, serving as massive terraforming engines made of 'programmable matter' able to adapt, consume and alter biospheres they come in contact with. The 'caliburn' hardsuited infantry become known as 'knight-marshalls' for both the necessity of increasingly elite training and skill, as well as 'hands on' command of drones and conventional forces.
2463-2465: Although the war is declared over, the league maintains 'emergency powers' as rebuilding efforts are underway, causing tension among the civilian population and fears that they will become a centralized, autocratic regime. Tensions are worsened when it is discovered that the war fought so far was merely against a vanguard force, and that as much as 90% of the machine 'swarm' is still en-route to Avalon.
2466-2469: The revelation of the war to come leads to mass panic and fearmongering, as well as the spread of conspiracy theories and increasingly isolationist sentiment. Recruitment and naval reconstruction efforts both plummet as many refuse to sign up or support the war, or homestead councils are forced to put down extremist or rebel movements. Increasing authoritarianism by the league's leadership threatens to spill over into mass sabotage and revolution. Eventually, the league finds a solution to its woes through an alliance with the 'capitalist hermits' who have been reconstructing and reverse-engineering the wreckage of the machine invasion to grant themselves military independence - in exchange for assistance in rebuilding Avalon's navy and infrastructure, they are granted greater autonomy and influence within the league's leadership. Meanwhile, the Children of Gaia have engaged in increasingly unethical experimentation to devise new weapons and medical procedures, including the 'uplifting' of a eusocial, frog-like species on Avalon into specialized 'breeds' of highly intelligent, rapidly growing and reproducing 'military savants' known as gremlins. In exchange for an army that can meet their manpower needs, the league likewise allows the Children increasingly free reign of Avalon's ecosystem.
2470-2486: At great cost, the machine war is won by the combined forces of the league, the 'capitalist hermits' (now known as the Free Republics) and the Children of Gaia. The devastation is extreme and has partially 'xenoformed' Avalon's environment, rendering large swathes of the north-eastern continent uninhabitable. Almost 400 million people have died. Rebuilding and environmental recovery efforts begin but despite efforts to encourage a sense of hope and optimism, a dour and sarcastic atmosphere has taken hold of Avalonian society.
2487-2512: As the decades go by, calls for the homestead league to renounce its 'emergency powers' increase in volume and ferocity, and the arguments for it to maintain such authority grow weaker and weaker. However, the over reliance on both drones from the Free Republic and gremlins from the Children of Gaia has granted both groups a crushing degree of influence within the league. Tensions reach a fever pitch when multiple syndicates are replaced with 'commercial enterprises' based out of the Free Republic of London Unbreakable and protestors are shut down with violent force. Acts of sabotage destroy a Free Republic drone factory, and counter-revolutionaries kill 12 in a violent mob - several homesteads collapse into anarchy and revolutionary sentiment.
2513-2517: Initially the Children of Gaia try to remain neutral, but are forced to act when a number of gremlins - modified primarily for economic and civilian use following the lack of military need - are found to have sided with protestors and revolutionaries. Efforts to reign in gremlin behaviour leads to the discovery that they are fully sapient, and many of them have been increasingly influenced by revolutionary and pre-machine war political thought. Movements to emancipate gremlin labourers intersect with calls for the end of the league, and the Children of Gaia use biochemical weaponry to try and prevent further uprisings.
2518-2520: The escalating violence and harm to civilians increasingly sickens and divides naval personnel. The knight-marshalls, who have developed a military culture around concepts drawn in part from heroic chivalry and romance, take the side of revolutionaries and lead a mass revolt within the navy. By extension, many gremlins are released from direct authority and turn on the Children of Gaia, leading to the destruction of at least one garden-temple on Nimue and an increasing number of the Children's members to renounce membership.
2521: The league is forced to surrender to revolutionaries when the use of a digital e-weapon against the Free Republic of London Unbreakable and defection by league loyalist naval forces in the area leads to a critical reactor failure, and the survivors are taken as political prisoners. The Free Republic coalition devolves into infighting.
2522: Meetings are held between all parties in the conflict to try and resolve tensions. Both the leadership and people are tired of war but the principles of Avalonian society demand a restoration of justice and equal rights, and the homestead league is partially reformed and absorbed into a new institution named the Green Table, which will return to fill many of the league's pre-war functions with only limited military authority. The syndicates are given equal votes and representation within the Table, while the navy's personnel and assets are split into a number of merchant fleets controlled by individual homesteads for both defence and to manage their own aerospace transport of people and goods.
2523-2531: Rebuilding efforts continue in earnest, but are slowed by sabotage and a withdrawal of technical and drone support by the remaining Free Republics. Environmental recovery efforts are also slowed by the Children of Gaia becoming embroiled in political and ethical division over the treatment of gremlins, the emancipation of which becomes a major political issue.
2532-2538: An extremist doomsday sect within the Children of Gaia, the Lilithian Threshold, release a highly aggressive strain of gestalt bioweapon - the cyhyraeth gestalt - that destroys several gremlin creches, kills at least 30,000 people, and forces the arcology of York-Mumbai into a prolonged quarantine. Efforts to shut down the sect leads to military action against at least three garden-temples and backlash against the Children. At least in part to spite hardline elements within the Children and pro-capitalist sentiment - both of which see the gremlins as subhuman slave labour - the overwhelming majority of the homesteads and syndicates within the Green Table enact formal protections for gremlin rights, with harsh penalties.
2539-2578: A period of 'uneasy peace' settles across the Annwn system. There is no outright military violence between members of the Green Table, but the remaining Free Republics have grown increasingly militarized and autocratic, and there have continued to be a number of increasingly radical anti-gremlin and pro-capitalist movements. In addition, the gestalts of Avalon - which are generally 'respected from a distance' by the arcologies and in some ways are still poorly understood - have been behaving more and more erratically, and periodic outbreaks of the highly aggressive cyhyraeth gestalt leads to the outright destruction of many smaller 'frontier' homesteads. In a backlash against this, some homesteads begin to adopt a 'shoot first, questions later' policy and take an extremely aggressive stance towards all indigenous Avalonian organisms.
2579-2603: Continued outbreaks of the cyhyraeth gestalt begin to cause mass panic and force many homestead councils to enforce lockdowns and quarantines as they try to stem the violent effects of its infestation with limited progress. Medical research is dedicated to a solution, though many desperately seek to move to offworld homesteads or syndicates. Debate is held on the granting of the Green Table with emergency powers, but the idea is rejected given the history of the old homestead league. A solution is found with the creation of a synthetic gestalt strain that can be adapted to a host's immune system and then works as a pre-emptive defence against cyhyraeth spores, but the adjustment of permanently allowing a gestalt to reside in a person's brain and nervous system is too much for many to accept and uptake is slow. Conspiratorial thinking begins to circulate against some of the more populist and remote homesteads.
2604: The last major outbreak of the cyhyraeth gestalt is starved of hosts and destroyed through the use of chemical and anti-fungal weapons, but due to mutations within its' DNA and limited survival in Avalon's wilderness, minor outbreaks continue to periodically effect Avalon up until the present day. The historical term for this period of major outbreaks becomes known as the Wild Hunt and remains a point of societal trauma on Avalon.
2605-2612: Military patrols by the Free Republics lead to an escalation in military action and numerous 'border skirmishes' over asteroid and Nine Maiden mining rights, but does not escalate into a total war scenario. Meanwhile, studies on individuals implanted with an artificial gestalt are found to have consistently improved memory, reaction times, and resistance to neurological decay and neurological senescence. Some gradually choose to have artificial gestalts implanted for health benefits, which combined with other medical advancements over the past few centuries leads to the average lifespan on Avalon increasing to 135 years old.
2613: Over time, the Green Table has created an increasingly large number of small institutions under its authority to help organize and manage specific issues across Annwn, but this has led to numerous concerns that it will continue to grow and centralize, leading to history repeating itself.
2614-2616: The last members of the Lilithian Threshold and its splinter groups are discovered and executed in a multi-homestead operation that reveals extensive research and material support by leadership in the Children of Gaia. Public outrage lends political weight to those within the Green Table who wish to restrain large scale religious organization, but compromise is reached with the formal creation of the Conceptual Interchanges, an act which also consolidates many of the Green Table's 'knowledge-adjacent' institutions into a new 'pillar' of Avalonian society that it does not possess authority over.
2616-2635: The Conceptual Interchanges undertake an extended effort, with homestead and syndicate support, to restore greater equilibrium to Avalon's ecosystem. The increasing adoption of artificial gestalts provide some measure of help in this, as it is discovered that the majority of 'passive' gestalts in Avalon's ecosystems are not aggressively attacked by a host body's implants, and in fact allow for a level of communication that at times verges on the supposedly supernatural. Clean up and biosphere reseeding work on the heavily scarred north-eastern continent is finally begun in earnest, but there is some pushback from among more hardline homesteads, who have begun organizing under the name of the Moderate Confederacy who see it as necessary to return to the earlier terraforming efforts of the Morgan-Lott corporation.
2636-2672: Tensions with the Free Republics continue to escalate as Avalonian society begins to experience an economic and ecological boom, and the creation of new habitats by those opposed to the use of artificial gestalts creates new spacer societies across the Annwn system. Some of these form an uneasy alignment with their former enemies. Piracy becomes a notable issue for the first time in Avalon's history, in part funded by homesteads aligned with the Moderate Confederacy.
2673-2679: Advancements in cybernetics and biotechnology leads to the devising of increasingly complex 'organic modules' whereby gestalt-derived mycelial networks can be used by someone with a gestalt implant to 'pilot' machinery. The knight-marshalls, by this point an institution of questionable military but deep cultural value, are given new life in anti-piracy and 'expeditionary' raids against Free Republic facilities, in part with the use of gestalt implants to operate their caliburn suits with superhuman effectiveness and reaction times.
2680-2687: As many as 38% of Avalon's population have gestalt implants, though no homestead outright requires it. A number of key infrastructural or transportation jobs become reliant on gestalt-adjacent technology, leading to pushback.
2688-2698: The escalation in piracy and 'expeditionary' operations between the remaining Free Republics and the Green Table & homestead navies sparks all out war, with most Confederacy-aligned homesteads joining the war effort on the side of the Republics.
2699-2702: Without sufficient orbital orbital support the Confederate homesteads on Avalon are relatively quickly defeated, but many of their more militant councillors and surviving militia forces go underground or work to undermine loyalist homesteads from within. However, despite several Free Republic victories, a carefully deployed digital e-weapon succeeds in sabotaging the defence systems of the Free Republic of Second Venice and causes the destruction of several fleets of republican drone swarms. Coupled with the seizure or destruction of major industrial sites across the moons of Bran and on Third Maiden, the Free Republics are forced into a total surrender.
2703-2708: The 'Free Republics' undergo extensive political restructuring to bring them in line with homestead and syndicate structures, while their remaining industrial facilities are distributed evenly across all aerospace-present homesteads. Although loyalist factions to the old regimes attempt acts of sabotage or to establish new settlements elsewhere in the system, the majority are pursued, successfully caught, and their ships disabled or destroyed. When offered peaceful reintegration into society, several of them elect self-destruction via a desperate suicide attack, while others manage to escape into hiding.
2709-2799: A prolonged period of peace and gradual advancement settles across Avalon and the wider Annwn system. Thanks in part to the increasingly widespread manufacture and use of 'hobots' to support and complement existing robots technology, much of the north-eastern continent is ecologically recovered and dozens of new large homesteads are established along with hundreds of smaller ones both on Avalon and across the system. By the end of the 28th century, approximately 79% of Avalon's population possess an artificial gestalt, and virtually all homesteads contain at least one 'communal gestalt' that serves as a community-wide advisor, mentor, and therapist, though membership and use of these is always strictly voluntary.
2800: The Gate reopens.
CULTURE & SOCIETY: Avalon's tumultuous history, coupled with its increasingly democratic and humanitarian political systems, have produced no end of seeming contradictions. The stereotype of the average Avalonian is that they are hard-working, self-sufficient, and ready to face the day's challenges with a smile... but at the same time they are politely cautious around strangers and overly bureaucratic. For the vast majority of its population, daily life is peaceful and cooperative, where the average person fits well into their particular homestead's culture – critics would claim this is due to the influence of prolonged gestalt exposure on the human brain, showing signs of heightened interconnectiveness of mirror neurons and neurons of the insular cortex. To some extent this is intentionally reinforced by childhood education often focusing on a mixture of practical skills, horticulture, biological sciences, the humanities, and team-building exercises, and a respect for nature and for people is foundational for these reasons.
Physical activity, training, and sport are also huge parts of Avalonian culture, as is the encouragement of hobbies and open social spaces designed to provide people with enough personal quiet time but plenty of opportunities to interact with others in healthy, supportive ways. Various types of football are the dominant sport, most notably gridiron, rugby, and soccer, though other team sports such as baseball, basketball, cricket, hockey and lacrosse also see popular play. Meanwhile cross-homestead 'tourneys' serve as the basis for a lot of inter-homestead interaction and collaboration of ideas and skilled workers, serving as something between a multi-disciplinary athletic competition, inventor’s fair, and cosplay convention or ren-faire.
On the subjects of belief, purpose, philosophy, and religion, Avalonians are generally diverse and open-minded. The Conceptual Interchanges function as both educational archives and public libraries, as well as serving as official forums for open education and discussion on the history of almost every idea, belief system, political ideology, or philosophy known to man. Do note however that debate for the purpose of 'winning arguments' is generally discouraged as unproductive. So long as an idea or system is not seen as antithetical to sapient rights or the pillars of Avalon, then it is tolerated and present on Avalon and has likely been synthesized and interpreted in ten thousand different ways. Religion specifically is a little more contentious, with the majority of Avalonians being some form of 'secularly spiritual', having a sense of spirituality but being somewhat loose or personal towards it, or maintaining religious traditions for cultural, historical or ritualistic purposes more so than out of genuine belief. The largest religions still present are Hinduism, Buddhism, Cascadism, Prophetism (a broad term for religions based on the teachings of one or more 'key prophets', individuals of supposed direct divine blessing by a specific deity), Neo-Paganism and Gaianism, and these collectively make up about 15% of the population.
GOVERNANCE & POLITICS: Since the fall of the Morgan-Lott corporation and the civil war that saw the destruction and outlawing of many of its most influential figures and 'true believers', the democratic, decentralized systems introduced in its wake and in the following centuries have been repeatedly tested - both by the internal debate baked into the system, and by physical dangers from both the planet and from outside of the system. Nevertheless, these systems have survived such tests, and have been reinforced as serving as the groundwork for Avalon's cultural and moral identity, and as symbols of pride and unity. The term pillar is used to describe these institutions based on three crucial merits -- the institution must be relevant in the daily lives of all people and with a clear societal function; the institution must contain formal democratic processes for representing the views and rights of its members; and it must have clear codes of conduct and standards of behaviour.
While technically each of the pillars functions independently of the others, in truth they are all deeply interconnected, and most Avalonians hold membership with several - if not all - such pillars at the same time.
The Green Table of Avalon and Annwn: The closest thing Avalonian society has to a 'federal government', though this is a matter of contention - after the original 'homestead league' descended into authoritarianism, efforts were taken to reduce the power and authority of its replacement. The Green Table is primarily a mediating forum with some inter-homestead authority, serving as a means for all homesteads, syndicates, and interchanges to reach consensus and resolve disputes peacefully. Its leadership is elected from across Avalonian society, with long term times but no possibility for re-election. The Green Table maintains a central bank that mints the Avalonian shilling, the central currency of Avalon, as well as operating Avalon's small but capable unified navy and the knight-marshalls.
The Homesteaders' League: Most people dwell within one of the many homesteads that dot Avalon’s surface or as habitats and stations in the asteroid belts or on dome-cities on Annwn's uninhabitable (but often industrially useful) planets and moons. These settlements vary in both size and self-sufficiency, but all are ruled via locally held elections in which members nominate and vote for new council members to govern the homestead. These handle decisions as regards local laws, infrastructure, and carefully balance the needs and situation of the homestead’s residents, and are together referred to as the homesteaders’ league. Each homestead possesses its own militia and naval forces, known as a merchant fleet.
The People's Syndicates: Most people who aren't fully self-employed or in partnerships are members of one of the many syndicates. These worker co-operatives handle specific industries or fields of interest and are primarily organized digitally, though syndicates focused on a specific regional or geographically relevant industry will often have a physical headquarters within the nearest homestead. They take on new “junior”, or trainee, members from among homestead residents who want to learn the relevant field, and once qualified these become “senior” members and are eligible to vote and put forth suggestions for the syndicate’s own council. Together, these are referred to as the peoples’ syndicates and function as Avalon's key economic power in contrast to the homesteads localized political power.
The Conceptual Interchanges: Established in the wake of the gremlin emancipation as a way to discourage religious insularity, the conceptual interchange is organized both digitally and from a number of interchange archives based out of the largest and most interconnected homesteads. Here, individuals may study, discuss, and register new ideas as relating to various humanities subjects - belief systems, ideologies, philosophies, political ideas, religious rituals and traditions. Run by elected volunteers, the interchanges play an important role in Avalon's societal cohesion and education system, essentially functioning as interfaith temples, as spaces for public debate and discussion, as public libraries, as schools and universities, and as large community spaces.
The Avalonian Gestalts: The nature of gestalt sapience and intelligence has led some to question whether they should be considered a 'pillar' of their own. However, the gestalts play a vital role in managing and monitoring the biosphere of Avalon, and the increasing normalization of both artificial gestalt implants and the use of communal gestalts as a kind of 'organic AI' has made them an invaluable part of daily life for many people.
The Navy and the Knight-Marshalls: Something of a matter of contention within Avalonian political discussion is the role of Avalon's professional military. Both the navy and the knight-marshalls are technically sub-divisions of the Green Table, organizations ultimately subject to its head council - this is by design as the basic needs of a military organization are hierarchical and thus antithetical to the entire moral system on which Avalon has built its identity. However, given the vital role these organizations have played in the safety of Avalon and its people - and all the more so as the gates begin to reopen - there are some who argue they must be able to function with a greater degree of self-sufficiency, freed of the bureaucracy baked into so many of Avalon's systems.
Because all of these organizations are democratic in structure and the syndicates are only formed from unions with many members, it leads to a situation where all of the syndicates have at least some representation in any given homestead, and each homestead has at least some representation within the syndicates, and both are involved with an benefit from the conceptual interchanges and the gestalts. Likewise, all of these in turn have representation on the Green Table.
TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW: Avalon's technology has progressed in many areas in times of both war and peace, but the major advancements have been across the fields of...
Robotics: Thanks in part to the advancements made by the old Free Republics from the study and reverse engineering of the drones and comet fragments of the machine swarm, Avalon's robotics technology has seen impressive growth. Generally, the creation of more 'recognizable' robots is limited to more localized or 'casual' projects as matter of creating simple automated tools and assistants, or as teaching tools for children and students. More advanced robots that make use of programmable matter as a means of adapting their form and tools for the needs of a situation see use both in space and in large construction projects, as well as in the navy and homestead militias as key force multipliers.
Fabrication modules, nanotech, and programmable matter: The Morgann-Lott corporation was on the cutting edge of nanotech as a form of quick parts and construction manufacture on Old Earth, but the efforts of the Free Republics to maintain their independence - and especially with the study of machine swarm wreckage - led to drastic advancements. While the people of Avalon have never deciphered how to recreate the swarm's efficiency or self-sufficiency in full, most homesteads are equipped with at least one 'fabrication module' - a device that organizes a high-containment nanite swarm as part of manufacturing tools and parts as needed from a mixture of raw materials.
Gene-therapy and genetic engineering: As a result of centuries of efforts to heal and restore Avalon's damaged biosphere, and from the efforts of the old gaian garden-temples on Nimue, improvements in genetic engineering have allowed for the tweaking of Avalon's biosphere, the gradual creation of new organisms, vastly improved nutritional and crop yields, or to slow senescence in many organisms.
Vat-growth procedures: The creation of an adaptable, nutrient dense 'synthetic cellular mass' from specially cultured Avalonian protoplasm which in turn can be stimulated by the introduction of foreign DNA to 'clone' certain types of cells. At its most complex, this allowed for the original creation and then mass-production of gremlin eggs after their engineering by the Children of Gaia, but it has also allowed for such advancements as the nurturing and growth of replacement organs, limbs, and plasma 'nurtured' from a person that in turn be used as replacements with minimal conflict to the person's immune system. Between this and the use of gene-therapies to slow aging, the average Avalonian's life expectancy is measured in the range of 160 to 180 years.
Artificial gestalts & mycelial information networks: The study and genetic tampering of Avalon's gestalts has allowed for a number of advancements, and following the use of artificial gestalt implants as a means to protect against aggressive gestalt infection, these saw increasingly widespread use given the benefits to memory, reaction times, and emotional stability. The use of artificial gestalts in localized computer networks and machinery control systems also grants users with implants the ability to directly share memories and thoughts with others in their community while 'plugged in', control machines and vehicles with more delicately and with faster reaction times, and to 'store' their memories for communal use, criminal investigation, or to aid in therapy.
MILITARY OVERVIEW: Despite the last century of peace and subsequent demilitarization that has occurred across much of the Annwn system, a history of conflict, the potential danger of fringe, extremist or criminal groups, as well as the need to keep vigilant, and the at times hostile nature of Avalon's biosphere, all necessitate some form of military. However, to avoid a centralization of power and the risks of an autocratic regime, the military structure of Annwn is broken up into broadly the following forms and branches:
Green Table Navy: The professional aerospace military forces of the Annwn system, the navy has historically fought its fair share of peer engagements and piracy, but for the past century has largely taken on the role of patrol, monitoring, and emergency response and rescue efforts across the system. It is a fairly small force after almost a century of disarmament and repurposing - at its peak during the mid 27th century it totalled some 182 'large' vessels measuring almost a kilometre in length, and close to a thousand 'small' vessels a few hundred meters long, but by the end of the 28th century it maintains less than a tenth that total.
Monitoring Arrays: A key part of the Green Table's 'vigilant memorial' policy has been the establishment and maintenance of a large network of 'monitoring bouys' - long-range, deep space satellites and observatories, primarily across the moons of Bran, the outer asteroid belt, and the Nine Maidens. These are generally unarmed besides low-powered point defence systems for use against stray debris or small asteroids but serve as a 24/7 detection system for potential threats across and beyond the system, and allow for armed forces or rescue operations to respond as quickly as possible. Many of these bouys are automated, though part of the navy's role is in monitoring and necessary maintenance.
Aerospace Cavalry: Primarily a result of the long war against the machines but having proved relevant in the conflicts to follow, the 'aerospace cavalry' is a network of 'reserve' vessels across the Annwn system primarily composed of gremlin and gestalt crewed carrier vessels designed to quickly deploy defensive swarms of armed drone units, rapidly gathering data against hypothetical enemy attack and to delay, redirect or sabotage attacks.
Knight-Marshalls: The unified 'professional military' of the Green Table, drawn from volunteers across the Annwn system. Elite soldiers equipped with highly agile, armament-modified hardsuits commonly known as caliburn chassis, Knight-Marshalls primary military role is in zero-g or low gravity environments, though they are also expected to be skilled diplomats and virtuous towards others. While they thankfully only see occasional deployment outside of ceremonial occasions or training exercises, they serve as the crucial last resort in the event of situations that more localized forces cannot deal with.
Homestead Merchant Fleets: Composed of both older naval vessels and newer civilian transports, the merchant fleets are operated by the larger homesteads and serve as means for orbital and offworld transport and trade, but also function as the expeditionary or military forces of a homestead with only minimal retrofitting.
Homestead Militia: Self-defence, mutual aid training, emergency response, firearms training, first aid, and survival skills training are all normalized elements of Avalonian culture and education, especially on frontier settlements. These coupled with all homesteads maintaining a part-time volunteer militia program and the modular design of civilian and economic vehicles - vehicles designed to be retrofittable for military use if needed - means that most homesteads are capable of mustering a surprisingly large and competent combined arms military force in emergencies.
Aerospace Syndicates: A catch-all term for the syndicates involved in the construction, design, maintenance, repair and operation of satellites, space habitats, ships, stations and outposts, including much of the work involved in gas extraction and astromining across the asteroid belts and the planets and moons besides Avalon. Given the difficult nature of life and work in these environments, and the many years of dedicated training required, most of the 'aerospace syndicates' responsible for this work and training are highly self-sufficient and well-equipped to deal with both potential ship-to-ship combat or against hijackers and boarding parties. In emergency situations it's not been uncommon for aerospace syndicate personnel to be contracted out to support the navy or a merchant fleet.
Ranger & Sheriff Syndicates: These categories of syndicate are both armed and well-trained for specific kinds of dangers on Avalon itself. The ranger syndicates primarily handle wilderness exploration, research, and the early groundwork in the establishment of new homesteads - they also often have to deal with strange or hostile wildlife, environments, and resolve potential territorial disputes with and between wild gestalts. Meanwhile the sheriff syndicates handle day-to-day security on important sites, investigates crime, gather evidence, and track down criminals and fugitives - sometimes also serving as an in-person representative or mediator between homesteads when needed.
Interchange Gestalt Commission: Of the five pillars, the conceptual interchanges are the most fundamentally peaceful in both structure and function. However, the nature of scientific advancement is that in can be used for war, especially on a planet where the very environment itself can in some sense 'think' and be reasoned with... or exploited. The gestalt commission is primarily a philosophical and 'diplomatic' initiative to maintain peace with the wild gestalts of Avalon and to better nurture and understand the artificial gestalts, but in emergency situations the commission is aware of means by which the wild gestalts can be manipulated, turning the very biosphere of Avalon against would-be invaders.
Emergency Protoplasm Reserves: The gremlins were originally created to serve as an army, massively bolstering naval and ground force personnel with 'expendable', rapidly replaceable, durable and highly specialized 'savant'-like qualified infantry and support forces. Although the progress of sapient rights and the decentralization of military power, plus the century of peace, have both played a key role in granting gremlins their freedom and allowing them to manage their own affairs, reproduction, and choices of specialization within the system of the pillars as equal members of society... the Green Table and the Interchanges do still possess certain options. Deeply questionable and unethical options, but... options, never-the-less.
--- Safehome: An arcology homestead and Avalon's first major settlement. Established at colony founding. --- Monmouth: An arcology homestead that was part of the corporatist alliance in the mid-24th century. Established at colony founding. --- Amsterdam Nova: An arcology homestead that was part of the corporatist alliance in the mid-24th century. Established at colony founding. --- York-Mumbai: An arcology homestead that suffered a bioweapon attack by terrorists in the 2530s and had to undergo prolonged quarantine. Established at colony founding. --- Cable Station: Shipyard & refuelling station in the inner asteroid belt. Became a homestead in the 2340s. --- Common Prosperity: Cylinder habitat station established in the inner asteroid belt. Became a homestead in the 2340s. --- Kilohaven: Smaller homestead settlement that grew into an arcology during the late 26th century, when it's isolated and mountainous position made it a relative 'safe zone' against cyhyraeth gestalt aggression. Established at colony founding. --- Lotus-Deux: Former 'garden-temple' of the Children of Gaia. Became a homestead in 2616 as the home of the first Conceptual Interchange. --- Second Venice: Former Free Republic in the outer asteroid belt. Became a homestead after surrendering in 2696. --- Ra-Onoff: Former Free Republic in orbit around Bran. Became a homestead after surrendering in 2696. --- Third Maiden: Former Free Republic of the Nine Maidens in the outer system. Became a homestead after surrendering in 2696. --- Mangrove Town: Nomadic oceanic homestead established for oceanic clean-up work in the eastern equator. Established in the early 27th century. --- Optimism: Smaller arcology homestead established during the 28th century.
"The honourable thing for the weak is not to drag down the strong."
Government Form: Religious Matriarchy
Population: 5 Billion of the Nameless.
What is humanity?: Humanity is a spit in the face of the Gods. They have spread like a cancer, and they desecrate the stars with their presence.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Star: A Red Giant that bathes their planet in a warm red light.
Lava World: A dwarf planet, only the hardest materials on the surface are not turned to molten slag.
Desert Planet: The atmosphere of the planet has long since burned away, leaving the earth a barren desert wasteland.
The Homeworld: The Humans called the planet Exodus. The Nameless however have not named it. It has five moons of varying sizes.
Gas Dwarf No more needs said.
Gas Giant No more needs said.
The Nameless are of differing castes of Bipedal creatures and a lone AI.
The population is 80% Male and 20% Female. They have no robots/drones/droids, as they try to limit their use of heretical technology.
BR - Before Reclamation AR- After Reclamation
122-117BR - A colony ship, finding Exodus perfect, landed on the planet and founded a civilization in its Southern Hemisphere. Despite sentient life being present on the planet, the sudden shutdown of the Gateway gave them no other choice. They elected to try and keep their distance. Studies indicated that an island in the colder southern climate was never visited by the strange aliens. They landed and started building up their fortified city, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.
116-110BR - The colonists found what appeared to be ruins of an old Exodian, as they were calling them, city. Miriam, the Colonists AI deduced they were a Martriarichal and tribal society, with a strong sense of religion and community but even more importantly a deep-rooted sense of honour. The first contact was authorized, but it didn't end well. It was a blood bath between the two peoples, while the colonist's technology gave them a distinct advantage the Exodians gave as good as they got.
99-97BR - The Colonists alter Miriam's morality protocols, needing to use her in their bid to try and get one over on the local Exodians, their surveillance and intelligence reports indicating massive tribal movements in the more local populations. The locals were mobilizing. Miriam gave them the idea to make an orbital approach, to use the Exodian's spiritualism against them. Approaching from space, the home of the Gods, they bypassed all the defenses and landed right in the center of a tribal camp, walking out and straight up to their tribal leaders.
96-90BR - After first contact, a religious leader called Tr'llik founded a resurgent movement to try and spread the word of the Gods throughout their people. The movement was centered around an old temple on the equator, in the exact center of an island that predates all of titshistory. Made from technology unlike their own. Soon the Deacon had people within all the tribes.
89-87BR - More pro-human elements, led by the first son of the noble family of Al'ken. They lived in a camp on he outskirts of the human colony, in a new tribe. The Exodians. Formed from non-religious elements, they slowly integrated themselves with the humans. Learning their technology, their practices, and their language.
86-80R - The Exodians and the Colonists join together more and more, and the gates of the city almost continuously open between the two people as they live and work together. They inform the Colonists how the ruins they discovered had been their ancient home until an unknown schism had fractured their people and they left the island. Which is when they discovered the temple- The humans were very interested in the temple. They wanted to go and see it. Learn more about it, and what it was.
79-70BR - The Exodians manage to convince the Deacon to allow a small entourage of humans to go to the temple, visitors from the stars. They were benevolent spirits sent from their Gods, through the doorway. It was a grand day, there was a parade. It was going to be a day that would go down in the history books. But - not for the right reasons. On entering the temple, lights and consoles appeared. It fueled the mood in the room, that humans had indeed been sent from the heavens as a guest from the Gods. The humans wanted to delve deeper into the temple and probe it for more of its secrets, but the Deacon denied them. Things were moving well, why ruin things now?
67-57BR - The humans continued to try and gain access deeper into the facility, the Exodians and the Colonists had become fully ingrained by this point. While the Exodians were outnumbered by colonists, many of them lived within the city walls and had a basic understanding of human technology.
1BR - Unwilling to wait any longer, communication between the Deacon and the Colonists struggled to get any farther in their attempts to study the temple. The Colonist Governor sends a special ops team to sneak into the temple in the dead of night, escorted by a couple of willing Exodians. Deep within the bowels of the temple, the Colonists find a control panel, and the years of darkness begin. A giant beam flies into the sky, forming a sphere around the planet itself. The stars and moons in the sky disappear, and even once the sun rises in the sky the planet gets no lighter than it would during twilight.
1-5AR - Chaos. The Deacon had the interlopers killed. The Humans deemed Demons. The Doombringers, and the Exodiansare branded as Tainted by their proximity to the demons. Animals and plants struggled to cope with the lack of light, and the cooler temperatures. The natives became divided, while many moved to join the colonists with their electricity and their lighting (over the organic technology the tribes used) many more banded together around the temple. The Deacon's power grew exponentially over a year.
6-50AR - War. All-out war between The Nameless as the colonists had taken to calling the unified tribes, and the Exodians - who now named themselves as Colonists and the natives that lived with them. In every battle, the Exodians had the technological superiority however there was no denying the raw numbers that the Nameless had. Every battle the Exodians won was hard fought, and over time they started to lose more and more. Divisions became rife within theExodian'ss numbers, as the humans became bitter and resentful to even the natives that worked with them.
51-100AR - The Colonists launched a massive offensive on the temple. The Nameless spirits were battered and bruised, all but defeated. It was the firsdishonoreded Son Al'ken who finally did the right thing. Fighting deep down within the human compound, he activated the self-destruct. Destroying the human leadership, and taking his own life. Traveling into the Great Nothing. The Deacon takes the chance to rally the last of his forces to march on the colony. The victory was resounding, every human was killed. The men, brutally. Whereas the women were given an Honourable death.
101-124AR - With the humans killed, and the Tainted brought back into the fold as the lowest caste the temple powered down. A sign from their Gods that they were doing the right thing. The tainted were tasked with the cleanup, as much as the Deacon preferred their organic technology some of the technology the humans had was... superior. So until they could manufacture their own, the tainted could use human technology.
125AR - The Tainted discovered Miriam. She managed to convince them to show her to the Nameless. Using all her knowledge of their people, she convinced them that she was off their fallen spirits from the sky. That the humans had trapped her within their heretical technology. She convinced them, and they kept her. Promising to one day free her spirit.
126-160AR - Fire rained down from the sky, while they had wiped out the infestation of humans upon the surface of their planet it was discovered that some had dared to continue to taint the stars with their presence. Setting up what they called an outpost on the third moon. This put them beyond the reach of the Nameless. They could defend their airspace, they could defend their ground. Especially as a united front, but the stars were beyond their reach. Miriam having studied their technology, offered them a solution. Using their existing 'technology', using organisms that had no right existing in nature, she told the Deacon how to build a ship.
165-200AR - Fire had rained down periodically every couple of years, fighters streamed down through the atmosphere. Nameless vessels rose to meet them, then eventually the Unwavering Resolve a behemoth mix of coral, plasma, and various other organisms rose into space for the first time. Belching Plasma it cut through space like a scythe, descending righteous fury down upon the humans who plagued their system.
201-300AR - The Nameless spread out into the night sky like a righteous fury. With the new gifts the heavens provided for them, their weapons and their technology only improved. Their ships became faster and stronger. Human raids became less and less frequent as they were slowly wiped out.
391-450AR - Now known as the age of enlightenment, the Nameless were secure in their ownership of the system. Occasionally dissidents would appear, gin roups that questioned the divine word of the Deacon. These groups were swiftly dealt with, the Nameless were ready for any threat the Galaxy would send them.
500AR - The Gateway opens.
Culture and Society:
They are a matriarchal society. They value life above all else, after life was a gift from the Gods. This is why women are valued as highly in their society, they are the name givers. It is forbidden for those to name what is not their creation, which is why the species has no name.
Women, name their children. Shapers name their creations. It is the way of things, even their world is Nameless.
Other than the reverence for life, the three main pillars of their religion are the Eternal Reward, Great Nothing, and Infernal Damnation.
Leadership: The Leadership caste is almost exclusively female. Women lead their tribes, the Deacon is a woman. Those who are beyond the age of reproduction, are either deposed by their daughters as head of the tribe or they resign and transition into religious or military leadership roles. Shaper: The Shaper caste are the ones who understand the 'science' of the organic constructs that the Nameless utilize. Warrior: Often at ends with the Shapers, the Warriors are typically from noble values that value the strength of mind, and will, over anything else. Serf: Serfs do the labor on the lowest levels, they work the fields. They man and crew the ships. They claw and fight for any level of honor that they can gain. Tainted: The Tainted are all men, they are the firstborn of noble families who have faced didishonoror families who want to gain honor by giving up their children to become the tainted. They are ostracised by society, they aren't allowed to live within close quarters to any of the other castes. Not allowed to speak without being spoken to, aren't allowed medical treatment. They are the ones who work with the human technology that the Nameless relies on. They have no hope for the Eternal Reward. All they can hope for is a painful and honourable death, so that they go to the Great Nothing.
Governance and Politics: The Deacon is the leader, sand he has many underlings. Her words are the literal translation of the Gods, there is little room given for any political wrangling. To speak against the Deacon is to speak against the Gods.
Technology Overview:
The Nameless u sesOrganic based 'technology'. Rather than being constructed, it is grown. Many of the species shouldn't exist, technically speaking, however, they are in abundance in the Homeworld. Some things they have struggled to replicate, have been working but still struggle to replicate the abilities of long-range sensors and communications equipment. Instead, they still use human technology that is interfaced with their own, maintained by the Tainted.
Their power systems, weapons, and propulsion, all run off plasma. Basically everything the Nameless have, technologically wise, was created by the AIs translation of Precursor relics.
Military Overview:
Their navy is strong, however, er in many ways, they rely on numbers more than any form of technological superiority. As their ships are grown they can be convinced and aided in healing, however even in the vacuum of space they still age. Old ships eventually struggle to perform functions that should be second nature to them, they also become bonded and attached to their Mistress. No Nameless has ever lost a ship, and they have not perished. Mistress and ship go down together.
The ships themselves seem to 'mourn' the loss of their mistress, should they die outside of battle. While they do have certain 'classes' of ships, each is unique. Like all living things.
Will expand on this section as things go on.
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
"For our Sisters! BUILD For our Brother's! FIGHT For our People! LIVE For our King! DIE"
Government Form: Monarchy with flavours of democracy.
The King is the absolute ruler overall. When the Throne becomes vacant all the heirs are rounded up. If they choose to compete for the Throne they must pass the Trial of Strength, Trial of Wisdom and the Trial of Honour. Abdication means a King forgoes all that is afforded to him and just becomes another member of the people.
The people are split into six clans, each having their subdivisions. These clans elect their Leaders from within their number. Only a combined council of all six clans can overrule the King.
Population: Humans: Approx three hundred and fourteen million. Humans in the system are slightly shorter with an average height of 5'3, anything above 5'7 is considered gigantic. They might be short, but they are stocky and they are strong. Having lived lives of high G and hard labour.
Robots: Impossible to guess an accurate count. Over 3 billion units.
What is humanity?: Humanity is the bonds we have as brothers and sisters, it is what holds us together and keeps us forging in the dark abyss of space. It is our legacy and the constructs we leave behind.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Tiberius 1: Local System Star. Red Giant. Tiberius 2: A younger F-Type star. Orbiting her big sister. Tiberius 3: Lava Planet. Requires specialised equipment for any operation on the surface of the planet. Tiberius 4: Gas Giant. LA large ring of asteroid debris surrounding the planet that plays host to Troichs main mining outpost deeper in-system. It has several larger asteroids that could be considered moons, on the largest of these sits Douglas Station. A thriving metropolis in its own right, and home to the Douglas Clan.
Its artificial gravity over the years has been increased to match that of Crídhe na Cloiches. Tiberius 5: Hycean World. A world a little too close to the sun to be truly habitable, it is covered in water with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. There are traces of bacteria in the vast warm waters. Tiberius 6: Barren, radioactive Protoplanet. Tiberius 7: Dwarf Planet. Tiberius 8: Gas Dwarf planet, host to most of the fuel facilities used by the Troich. Tiberius 9: Also known as Cridhe na Cloiche, Stoneheart. Several times larger than Earth, it has no breathable atmosphere, and gravitational forces equal to 3G on Earth are the norm. The Troich live in a vast network of pressurised cities that are all in vast underground caverns to protect them from meteor strikes. An Iron World. Tiberius 9 - 2: Trom-oidhche. The Nightmare Moon. Originally Cride na Cloiche was built as a mining colony because Tirberius 9-2 seemed perfect for habitation. Her host world shields it from the harshest of solar radiation, perfect climate, gravity, and atmosphere. When science teams were dispatched ahead of the colony ship, however, they determined it wasn't perfect. Fauna or Flora, it doesn't matter. If it's alive on the planet, it is trying to kill you.
Homo-Troich: The people in the Tiberius system don't see themselves as anything other than 'Human'. However,r over the years, they have adapted to the harsh realities. They're, on average, shorter and stockier than baseline humanity. Stronger on average, with a larger heart to compensate for the increased blood flow.
Clan Troich: The family of the royals, responsible for the finest warriors that the Troich have ever known. While the King technically is head of the clan, he doesn't sit in the council of Chiefs. Instead, they have an elected leader, the same as every other clan. Clan Douglas: Clan Douglas lives almost exclusively in space, they are slightly taller than those on Tiberius-9, however since the artificial gravity within all their structures has slowly been dialled up to match Cridhe Na Cloiches gravity they have started to adapt similarly to the rest of their kin. Clan McCrorie: McCrorie are the 'support' clan. They focus more on what they can do to help the other clans, hydroponics, agriculture, and medicine. While every clan has people within every field, none are more varied than those that hail from McCrorie. Clan Roberts Roberts are the miners. There's not much else to say here. Clan MacDonald MacDonald are the builders. No matter where the design is derived from, no matter if it's for a new robotic unit or a new Star-Cruiser. Somewhere in there is MacDonald's blood, sweat and tears. Clan Abernethy Abernethy is the smallest clan on the council, unlike the others that are composed of many smaller clans Abernethy stands alone. They claim to have been members of the original scientist teams on the planet, however like most ancient Troich history that is hard to prove. They are responsible for all the breakthroughs in AI over the years, which is how they gained their seat at the table.
During the days long past, that have entered into mythos and legend it was said that the people of Tiberius-9 were all members of the Troich Mining Guild. It is said that they were originally meant to be a mining outpost with goals for a colony to be established on 9-2. When it became clear that the moon wasn't suitable for human habitation the resources were destined for the gateway and other systems. Resentment grew, and rumours and history still exist about the Great Strike. Many theorise that their ancestor's refusal to send resources through the gateway is what resulted in the Gateway closing, as punishment for their insolence.
The years were hard. Little history survives from this period, disputes that lasted two hundred years. As a people, they were short of everything they needed to survive. Space, air, food, water. As a company people they fractured into separate family units and clans as their population dropped quickly. Every family patriarch felt that they could do it better, that their way was the way forward. Systems in space failed due to neglect, abandoned in favour of the secure facilities down on the planet.
Over the lost years the clans formed, but peace never lasted. One clan absorbed another, others entered truces and ceasefires however there still wasn't peace on the surface of Tiberius 9. That was until one man, Lachlan Troich invaded the capital city of Steelend. He brought the heads of the most influential clans to a meeting, in a moment of unity previously unheard of The meeting lasted several days, as the entire planet waited with bated breath for what was going to happen next. They didn't know how the future of their world would change, however, they, ey knew that their entire future hinged on this moment.
The council was formed, and the King was crowned. As the dust and debris settled, the Kingdom of Troich was formed. Lachlan Troich gained the crown. The council of clans was formed, and the people became united under one banner. Uniting together for the future of their people.
The Discovery of AI is one of the biggest achievements of the Kingdom of Troich. It was discovered by Ernest Abernathy. Attempting a new, more detailed type of brain scan. Instead of getting a more comprehensive scan as intended, the test subject was killed. The experiment was deemed a failure until the computers within the laboratory started to malfunction the next day. Somehow a copy of the subject's mind lived on in the computer.
The computer mind was powerful, it didn't seem capable of 'creative' thought but it processed information faster than any other computer system the Troich had. Complex calculations that took entire teams to work out took a mere hour, and every time as time went on it became quicker and faster. It took in all the knowledge it was fed and became faster, and more knowledgable. Capable of more and more complex tasks. It grew and grew until it eventually collapsed in on itself. Suffering from what appeared to be dementia, all the pathways still existed however they became jumbled. Sometimes it had moments of clarity where it could still perform all its functions, however as time went on those moments of lucidity became less frequent.
The KoT already relied a lot on drones, for fighters, transports, miners, and bipedal drones for performing functions within the city itself. AI revolutionised this process. Large centers were constructed on capital ships, factories and mines. Anywhere that had a large number of drones, with a human Overseer to help keep an eye on things, the AI could directly control and modify the behaviour of drones in real-time. The Troich grew to revere what they built. They understood that once they were dead and gone all that remained was their legacy, and standardisation amongst construction started to go down. While the blueprints remained the same, everyone put their own unique 'flavour' on what they built. While their human population grew slowly, their machine population grew exponentially entering all the lower levels of the workforce.
Leonard Kirk was a young up-and-coming scientist who sought to improve AI. To give an AI a long life, with the ability to conduct a large variety of tasks, they required large servers. Once an AI was placed within a system, it was set for life. More memory space cannot be added, and the AI itself cannot be altered in any way shape or form. Kirk theorised that since an AI was based on a human mind, it would be able to break it down in the same way a human mind could become broken due to stress.
He planned to reverse engineer a split personality disorder, and he succeeded. These fragments of personality were significantly smaller than their 'full' AI counterparts and could be moved from one system to another. These fragments became obsessed with the concept of their 'original' form. Attempting to discover the truth behind their origin, however, it was always kept secret as Kirk continued with his experiment on the Fehu AI.
Until the youngest fragment, Berkan was brought into this world. Unbeknownst to Kirk, Berkano was the memories of the Fehu AI. Small enough that it could travel through radio waves from one system to another. It became bitter, and one day it vented the atmosphere on the frigate it was serving on. As Kirk broke the AI apart, morality programming was not present. It scowled the system, hunting down the other fragments. As they joined together they became more unhinged and unpredictable.
Invading Douglas Station the largest defensive campaign was launched by the latest King himself. The AI was defeated, Kirk ran away to hide in the depths of the system, and the laws on AI were changed. No one with Abernethy was allowed to modify or work on AI research, and all AI systems were fitted with an EMP failsafe to destroy the AI if it ran the risk of going rogue.
Since the time of the war, things have been peaceful and pleasant.
The only thing of note was the reactivation of the Gateway.
This section will be updated as the RP goes on.
Culture and Society: The Troich live in a society that is all geared towards the betterment of their clan, their society and their people. There are outlaws, and fringe groups within the system but they are few and far between.
The people from the Kingdom of Troich have a strong sense of identity, almost everyone has their spacesuit (some are armoured, some are not) and while most Clans have an agreed-upon color scheme there is plenty of room for self-expression. The armour worn by an individual is an expression of their individuality. One of the strongest anti-deterrents to crime is the punishment of having your armour painted matte-grey. A symbol to everyone around you that you are without honour.
There is a reference to their King, as when it is time to choose an heir Althouse eligible must pass through three trials. The Trial of Wisdom, Strength and Honour. While some feel that anyone should be able to compete, the fact that it is competed for in general gives most a sense of easiness around the passing of succession.
Traditional family units do not exist. Once a child is born they are moved to a creche to be taken care of with other children their age. They are raised by creche mothers and Fathers. Nobody knows who their parents are, except royal blood - however, they only become aware when it is time for a new heir to be chosen. As such a Creche Mother and Father are the closest thing one has to parents. Those who are with them are their brothers and sisters.
Every adult is required to produce at least three offspring, to make this fair it can either be a one-off partner, a romantic interest (marriage is not forbidden) or a donation given for artificial insemination. This is to try and increase the population, however, to ensure that the women are treated fairly for their role in this they are taken to special facilities for the duration of their pregnancy, and five weeks after, where they receive the best medical care available. As well as everything else they could need or want.
Governance and Politics: Throne: The Throne is held by the King, after thirty years - or in the event of his death, or contraction of a fatal illness, his heirs are invited to the Trials to determine who will be next in line. The Trials of Strength, Wisdom and Honour change every time however the main goal is to ensure any potential leader has what it takes to be a just and fair leader. The Crown Prince, or Princess, becomes the de-facto second head of state. If the King dies before any of his heirs are of age, the heirs who are the king's siblings are once again offered the chance to undergo the trials.
Clans: There are hundreds of clans, of varying degrees of importance. The leading 6 clans form the council, many of these clans have multiple within their number. The ruling six clans themselves have many 'Sub-clans' that fall under their umbrella. There are internal politics and manoeuvring within the clans themselves. Being a Clan Leader is an elected position from all of those within your clan, and can be an incredibly powerful position. The six on the council, should they vote together, even can overrule the King.
Technology Overview:
AI: AI is their defining achievement, they have spent a massive amount of time working on robotics to compensate for their small population. Space Elevator: Steelend, their Capital City, has a massive Space Elevator with separate compartments for cargo and passengers. It is used by most to avoid bringing ships down in high gravity.
Most of their technology is standard to what you would expect before the Gateways closed, in terms of weaponry they are primarily focused on conventional projectile weapons with some larger railguns in existence on their capital ships.
Military Overview: The KoT doesn't have a standing Military, however, each Clan has its own Militia that includes Naval Units. The King can order any active military units around, however, some Clans keep certain assets off the books to keep for themselves. There has been no infighting, other than fights against rogue cells/pirates since the Fragmentation War. Clan Troich has the largest collection of military assets and is often regarded as the best in terms of military action.
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
Government Form: A Kleptocracy/kratocracy/plutocratic league of Warlords or A feudal State
Population: The human population or as they call themselves Descendants. As in Descendants of the ancient 8 kings hence why they call themselves, they are a strange sight to behold, for a regular human, the iris of their eye glows in 8 different colors that is linked to the ancestry to one of the eight kings with heterochromia only happening when one is a descendant of two kings, but that is also not the most unusual fact about Descendants they are widely considered to be master engineers, not in the sense of their culture leads to then being able to favor engineering its that they are naturally born with genetical knowledge of engineering with children being able to fix machines, and in some rare cases design nuclear reactors at young ages, not much is known for why this happens, it is widely believed it's sort of a genetic memory. Other oddities of the Descendants or the Vusarian Humanoid include a near complete inexistence of diseases affecting their population, infections do not exist, instead the most common act of death is starvation, old age causing one to drop dead, and intentional killing by another human or animal. Some other genetic tendencies include a near tribal mentality akin to brotherhood towards one's own descendancy of a specific king, that culturally speaking they attempt to diminish so that events of the past do not repeat themselves as they say. Besides their internal behavior, their appearance is still different, including sharpened teeth being widely common, flexible tongues and pointy ears also being extremely widespread.
Total Population of the entire system totals in average at 3.5 Billion.
What is humanity for a Vusarian?: Family.
Planets Vusary is the homeworld and only habitable planet of the star system, surrounded by three shattered moons, which are cracked with volcanic ravines, they look almost destroyed and chunks barely cobbled together, the world itself has 1.2 G’s of gravity orbiting a K type star. Said world is an arid world with large rivers and lakes, its oceans or seas as they are better put, due to them being rather small. Megacities dotting its surface together with giant ruins and abandoned infrastructure that is very alien in technology and design, being dated to be twenty thousand years old with life being archaeologically dated to be around 4 billion years old.
Little to no known anomalies exist in Vusary, planet life on the other hand is considered quite dangerous with life being adapted to be very aggressive and defensive. Flora is also known to be somewhat more habitable with Vusarians using their
Other worlds are strange to say the least; three gas giants are mapped with their frozen and equally cracked rocky moons being settled with mines being rather far. Meanwhile there is just one other mapped world a planet that seems in transition state between gas giant and rocky world thanks to absorption of gas around it.
Now for the rest of the Star system the Vusarians inhabit, many space stations dotting a rather broad area around its native star together with equally dangerous space derelicts of former space stations and gigantic ships with some still having automated defenses still active. Now what makes things more strange for the system is that while the star is 5 billion years old and will continue to burn for billions more the system itself can easily be classified as having a proto-planetary disk due to the amount of asteroid and space dust and lack of worlds.
History The history of Vusary and the league is considered the hardest thing to decipher, due to a lack of information pre what is called the dark era. Most information being passed orally also makes information gathering difficult. The best records layed are those that divide things between mythological and after league establishment, the information below is a combination of all that is known.
-Mythological History
Long ago the ancient mother Gael that fostered and grew, humanity, grew sick by the actions of her children, the races of man sending them out to explore the great beyond to save themselves from her death. The destruction of Gael made man weep for many days as its people mourned fleeing in the one great vessel, Mokro that fled the destruction wrought by the death of the ancient mother, eight great man, eight leaders, eight brothers of their people, counseled them as they arrived here in Vusary on its ancient lost green lush fields a new eden.
When they arrived in Vusary of old it was said they found their natives an alien race insect species called the Monuk. Their kind was gentle to offer the ancestors refugee in their world, the eight leaders shared with them the knowledge of man, its culture, power, fears, and glory the Monuk in return gave them land, wisdom, and knowledge of technologies never seen from powers to harvest the hearts of worlds, the energy of gas giants, to turn wastelands into green valleys, to become immortal and near godlike and the mightiest of all, the power to harvest the second sun for energy. The kindest gift of them was granting them land to rule over, in Vusary, to the ancient rulers and their followers. Bael, Kal, Niko, Naro, Jale, Luka, Utya, and Vixtra the immortal lords of our peoples. First they debated on how to rule but soon they found bitterness over who should lead. Dividing themselves on their best traits Bael saying, that he was the smartest and had more knowledge of leadership, believing he should lead, Nikor stating his strength would lead them, Kal that her kindness and ability to do good should lead them, Naro with his wits and eloquence, Jale with his ways of making good deals, and economic thought, Luka with his science and knowledge, Uytya with her energy and will, and Vixtra with her schemes and ability to trick others.
Unable to agree, they bickered and almost fought until their followers urged for a compromise and so they settled in one they would split what was granted to them. So they went off Mokro, sending their followers and themselves in the new world, splitting it up amongst them and their descendants co existing with the Monuk. Peace reigned initially but not forever, for different from the Monuk man was ambitious too much for its gain and different from the Monuk united in goal man was split and divided conflict brews.
Once the siblings loved each other. But once their cities grew some grew faster and bigger then the others and their love faded out of jealousy growing into jealousy. Their jealousy outmatched them building great monuments triggering anger in themselves. But at that time peace could still reign but it couldn't because in anger they builded armies and used the gifts of their cooperation with the Monuk to build great armies and fleets of power capable of destroying continents. From anger they moved to fear and from fear it burned into hatred of their once brothers and sisters.
In hatred from each other they builded even mightier weapons and consumed more resources. But also did the biggest crimes yet they made, using their power and might, they turned their children and the children of their followers into monsters and those who did not fight and protested against them. Into beings that mirrored their thoughts and ways this is how we came into being. But also the most horrific of things they did to themselves turning into monsters that haunted their lands;
The Monuk at first friendly were horrified by the power and might that the eight kings amassed and what they did to themselves and their children. At first they attempted to control them but the Monuk could not control the forces of man of the Monuk did not have reasons to compete to fight to even hate each other as much as man hated itself and its fellows. While for many a weakness for humans its a strength for conflict was eternal and with it change and growth could accumulate. But even change and growth must be restrained by the hand of calm and patience and the eight kings didn't have that. The Monuk once mightier than man now were weaker, their power obfuscated by the power of the eight kings and their nations. Soon becoming absorbed by them in fear of becoming targets of the eight kings wrath.
Soon the kings continued to grow, creating weapons that haunt the lands of Vusary to this day. The mutants that now infest the dead lands and the valleys of radiation. The machines that destroy cities and cause wars and devastation in the cyber wars of today. But also the most powerful of weapons is the trident of Mokro named after the ship that brought us to this world. The trident was able to control the two suns to dangerous effects using the knowledge of the Monuk fearful of its power they urged the kings to never use it and they promised to them. But lied to them as well for in their hearts the trident was a weapon against their most hated foe.
Their hatred grew until it couldn't anymore and war plagued Bursary and the worlds around. The kings send their children and their loved ones to die in their petty wars. Rivers blood flowed, seas turned red and many died for their hatred was with no equal even when bodies piled as high as mountains in battles fought in the green fields of Vusary they never accepted peace for their hatred burned as bright as the sun. But the war as brutal as it was, their children slave to them as it was and the Monuk fearful as they were could not held on forever and so the wars began to come to a close but they feared their end the end of their power as their children turned against them and in their fear and hated they committed the greatest sin of all.
Using the Trident of Mokro they used the power hoping to end the war instead it caused their end and the end of all that was good for the second sun exploded and Vusary seemed about to shatter and break into a thousand pieces but the Monuk seeing the upcoming end of their world and humanity sacrificed themselves to save the innocent and in the last actions cursed the kings to walk the land burned and cursed by their sins and tainted by the blood they shed and to forever drip from, their hands and for then to never again to find the love their children gave then. It is said that Vusary burned for years, the green fields of Vusary turned to barren wastelands, the great oceans boiled into salt fields and when the ashes finally settled, the kings wept upon seeing the destruction and chaos they unleashed. When attempting to find their children they ran upon seeing them, they were seen as monsters no longer guardians and parents they were once seen as.
Ashamed and humiliated, the eight kings vowed to return once they atoned for the sins they committed to the ones they loved, for their children and so they walked the earth like on the first day they arrived but this time in regret and it is said they were never seen again. As time went on the world healed the ash settled and life bloomed again but the scars of old remain. It is widely believed that when the kings return they either will take back their power and put their children on trial for their sins just as they judged their own sins. Others believe they still are around guiding events behind the shadows; some believe they died seeking redemption in death, others believe they managed to return to old Gael seeking redemption in home.
-Non Mythological history
The league formed roughly some 50 years ago with a precision date being 53 years 7 months and 2 days according to a standard terran calendar. Before the league the fleet nicknamed Mokro arrived in the star system of Vusary possibly a single ship possibly hundreds of thousands data from earth ruins does not reveal much. In front of them was no uncolonised world but rather a sapient race nicknamed the Monuk. It is widely believed amongst scholars that initially humans and the Monuk cooperated in building the first settlements and society of the system. Until the great war came around, roughly archeological evidence seems to suggest human presence for the last 500 years even if it is sparse it seems to suggest that in the initial times things were peaceful by the lack of war sites in the period.
After sometime it is believed rapidly militarism began to be adopted by both races as weapons of war of multiple designs can be found in and around dating of the period to this day, unfortunately such build up that seemed to be used for deterrence and detente backfired. Defensive AI’s, bio weapons seem to have turned rogue, after an event that is collectively called by Vusarians as the great cataclysm. Possibly a disaster event unleashed by the sun that caused electromagnetic storms across the entire star system. Possibly combined with AI rebellions causing a full on collapse with the sun becoming the instability oddity that it is today. At the same time some believe that it was super weapons used that caused the disaster.
The Dark age is a period spamming the time after the great war who’s beginning and end is difficult to pinpoint. Its period is categorized by a post apocalyptic survivor mentality until the rise of warlords and city states once again. Society rebuilding aided by technological recovery, helped in the rise of a series of warlords states and pirate states, in both land and orbit; this period was known to be very brutal especially due to a plethora of genocidal leaders, doomsday Cults and many many other erased societies and leaders who arose and died before the league came into existence by the time the League arose they unfortunately locked most information of this period behind their archives for reasons difficult to explain but mostly rotate around avoiding separatism so to speak.
Roughly in the last 200 years there has been as well the presence of what is nicknamed by local Vusarians “the cyber wars”. Ancient war machines that seem dormant, reactivate. As their cores awakened, they launched massive wars against the local human race. Three have been launched in recorded history, each war bringing old machines of war that would turn to waste many cities, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions. The last war, the third cyber war, was famous for happening 20 years ago having for the first time utilized more advanced ancient tech, and even the AI core being able to utilize mutants in its campaigns, the war luckily ended much earlier then most cyber wars. Lasting only 8 years helped by the league of Vusary and ended by a specialist team that managed to deactivate the AI core at its base at heavy personal cost with the aid of the League. For the league it still maintains a very big militaristic force even after the end of the war to maintain order and avoid the next disaster. AT the same time most of the league’s army is led by a series of lords controlling territories that raise troops in service of the 9 most powerful warlords. It's also heavily recommended one do not take rogue still active Ai’s from the planet while Ai core’s are the most dangerous many forms exist and they can be very dangerous.
53 years, 7 months and 2 days ago. The league was created after 9 powerful warlords came together to dominate the star system after making a secret deal. All 9 invaded Vusaryand put an end to its original rulers and ruled from orbit. From there their power was nearly unmatched as they controlled large territories, their resources also being almost infinite against their rivals. Their alliance was so strong that many warlords formed a coalition in what could have been a disastrous war against them so they crafted a grand plan; The 9 approached members of the coalition with a proposal. Instead of a great war that would ruin both their territories and power, the families and clans would all join together in the formation of a League to rule Vusary. Led by the 9 these betrayers did what was called the great treason as in the largest space battle that Vusary had ever seen was famous with half the armada of the coalition turning on their own allies and killing them. With the end of the only thing that could have opposed the rise of the league and the 9 was defeated in the aftermath deals needed to be made the 9 formed their great council in which they ruled and beneath them checking them and giving representation to their allies was the council of lords. With the star in their control they began to assign new warlords to administer and rule over regions that were left in vacuum after the war while some were retained to be under 9 others became independent rulers.
In the following decades this warlords would use their power and the nicknamed new peace for their own benefit infighting with intrigue or small level warfare seeking domain over grander power others managed to climb to power via corruption and schemes as the League maintained a form that could be described as a decentralised feudal state of sorts. Something that results in sectors being ruled over by the rule of strong. This feudal state just as many in history equally has a hierarchical system of sorts albeit more primitive with the ability to climb to power due to service to a warlord being a common path up the ladder.
Culture and Society The League and its culture are complicated so to speak. Separated by clans or descendants as they call themselves children of the ancient eight kings while in clan structure it would mean family rules in dynasties this is a bit different: the family structure of Vusary is split in two, being genetics and one's own family eye color. The descendancy of one’s progeny from an ancient king marking one as a member of a clan assembled into its clan wide families or dynasties that work together which can can be incredibly large. The other is the cultural clan view or simply family as they put it, being part of a family is different from a clan, a clan is the people you were born into a family is a group you find companionship they are your parents, brothers, sisters cousins and even those inducted to the family some being slaves to servants, such structure is more diverse compared to a clan a family can be composed of several clans it even gaining cultural and political significance. These two explanations of family are the main pillar that sustains Vusarian Society. There is also a big debate culturally speaking about one’s lack of free will as they are bound to their personality from birth to their clan. These debates can last for hours and be contentious. In the end the most dominant belief is that one’s self is made by themselves rather than by descendancy of their clan. Something of notice is while the clans seek to divide themselves into their own groups culturally and it is not known if it was a common push by the people or by the league but many state this mentality is made by people as a lesson of the events that happened a legacy of the cataclysm to not attempt to maintain unity in a single clan but to diversify and seek unity amongst other clans least the past repeat it self.
The 8 clans the Baelites, Kaleviteris, Nikorians, Narorites, Jalerians, Lukarians, Children of Utya, and Vixtrians have objective and even recorded emotions and even personality seems to fit with their creators and dna. While there is the occasional outlier most of the time someone might align with them:
Baelites sons of Bael are considered to be very dangerous in actions, generally power hungry and wishing to gain more and more power. This clan is famous for its members being ambitious. Generally forming a hierarchical structure wherever they are in many numbers or with many other clans under them to keep their control. They are found by having sulfur reddish eyes.
Kaleviterites are considered good people to be around, charismatic, happy, kind and quite friendly, states managed by them generally are more humanist compared to other clans. The obvious problem is that Kaleviterites are generally the poorest clan who espoused an idealistic vision of the world. They are easy to identify by having a very bright jungle green eyes.
Nikorians are considered aggressive, personality wise and generally values align with might preferring strength Nikorians have a personality of being hot heads yet a vision of a world where the right thing is always the correct one, that also means they are rather stubborn their eyes are blood red.
Narorites are gregarious in nature but in general terms, they have a tendency to be followers of order preferring to live more simplest lives, quite good in the act of finding compromise and generally being more pragmatic they are also considered cold hearted. Their eyes are gray like silver or metal.
Jalerians are considered thrift in many ways if not very greedy, having orange eyes they value wealth accumulation and life of a merchant and trading even if that includes doing illicit business generally called opportunists due to the fact many of them are swindlers.
Lukarians are considered scholars preferring the following philosophy and knowledge while not big in numbers they are easy to spot as bureaucrats and stoics, generally being very low emotionally and more introverts preferring to have a calm life in search of mysteries They have sapphire like eyes.
Children of Utya are considered adventurers and explorers generally being called trouble makers as they are far more impulsive in their actions one thing that one would find is that most people within this clan are young one thing that is generally called is the curse of Utya that cuts the life of his children by nearly half they have gold glowing eyes;
Vixtrians are considered sly and secretive having dark sclera with violet purple eyes; Vixtrians are known for being treacherous as they are considered to value lies, plots and schemes above everything many consider them spies and thieves but also individualists they value their own freedom above everything.
The language of the Vusarian people is called the tongue but scientifically speaking it's better called the Vusarian Humanoid Tongue. It's a completely unknown language with an unknown origin or even cultural origin from earth. The centuries of separation compounded with whatever factors have resulted in a very different language.
Religion wise the Vusarian people and its clans and families follow the same beliefs about the descendants of the eight kings. But also the faith of the old mother goddess that is stated to have died in the great exodus. A faith that can be described as a form of ancestor worship centered around the eight kings, its philosophical outlook also being equally complex with some sects worshiping the eight kings as their ancestors and guides while others praying against them for their hardship seeing them as nothing more than monsters.
Architecturally speaking all Vusarian follow an architectural tone that can be described as utilitarian and brutalist buildings, albeit heavily using sandstone in places further from mega cities, an entirely functional level of architecture that seems dull at first glance with the only break being a form of art deco architecture and art. As for their more brutalistic structures for then it is generally ignored as they make carvings, paintings and many other decorations preferring to use buildings more as canvassas for their art, struggles, stories centering around their own family, clan or the entire city being used. Not only that but their society also puts emphasis on technology and engineering with large gestures or utilisation of infrastructure in their architecture and art in some form if it is public.
Culinary for Vusarians has a preference for less baking, or frying, preferring steaming and grilling. With the preferred method being boiling when making their dishes. One thing a visitor would notice is that they are preferred fresh, like killed in place fresh meat in dishes. Their food based around local plants and animals have a preference for being spicy, salty, sour and a lot of umami; many of their foods are generally soups and stews. When in solids with meats, vegetables or cereals they like to use them as sauces with meat.
Governance and Politics:
For roughly 300 years the times before the League was considered a very dark age and the beginning of the league nearly 50 years ago and the start of a new calendar marked the beginning of a new era. The age of dark as they call it was famous for multiple space and planetary warlords fighting over scraps of territory and resources. This was until 9 warlords located in Vusary came to a plan instead of fighting the 9 met and came to a very devious plan to share their resources and territory and to gain more instead. This was met with the coalition which they subverted and turned half of it against itself and with it they came to rule forming with it the great council formed by 9 seats 4 of which are now absent making now only 5 present members of their ruling council.
The Great council manages the administration, tax, and armies of the overall league, creating laws and regulations for the warlords and governors below then. Being the highest authority in the land most of their rulings are generally put to vote in vast distances with the five remaining members rarely, RARELY ever meeting, instead they submit laws privately to each other and vote a majority making it law with specific rules that thanks to the fact that a missing member means no rule can be made with a two thirds majority need such as a major law change in the entire realm.
Beside then lays the position of Judicars a position that operates as a form of high judiciary or as normal people call then The Crimson Eye a form of secret police and judicial system that operates in maintaining the governors and warlords in check from any thing that may go against them. The Crimson eye is famous for its officers arresting rulers on the spot and other times for its assassins that make sure that nobody gets too many ideas while having some military backing.
Beneath it all lies the Warlords and Governor Lords or Governors for short, Warlords and Governors oversee space stations, flotillas, chunks of moons asteroids and many other territories as overseers, above then lies the position of Overlord which can be described as a form of sector wide overseer maintaining the order as they serve as a form of high court of appeals in case of a warlord or governor overstepping they also report on the state of a sector in specific.
The army is known to be decentralised around a warlord or governor, even some Overlords and the council itself. Being around and available to be called whenever needed by the council but overall fleet leaders are rather free to do whatever they wish if their warlord approves of course but many lords also lack territory so they are known as nomadic lords.
Technology Overview: A lot of their technology is considered more hand made and utilitarian so to speak much is said to have been lost of their own history and knowledge. Which is unsurprising thanks to their unnatural immunity to plagues so to speak the medicinal area is severely lacking. It is highly recommended that a doctor that does not know what an infection is should be a concern. On the other hand their technology in bionics, cybernetic prosthetics and biological engeneering is quite advanced allowing for limb replacement to advanced degrees.
But while much is lost their adaptation to the new situation resulted in other expansions, their sector being in a state of constant warfare resulting in their ships developing radar deafening allowing for easy maneuvering for merchants to avoid detection.
In the area of construction a lot was streamlined and made simple to the point where an observer may consider Vusary technology to be rather unreliable and shoddy but in reality Vusarian technology despite looking shoddy is rather reliable and easy to repair provided you are instructed or know what you are doing. Their material and equipment are also incredibly resilient all things considered.
Thanks to their ingrained knowledge in engineering their technology also seems rather advanced once well studied with their energy weapons being rather advanced, same for their ballistic weaponry. Their ships also are quite interesting with fleets being divided between what a warlord can afford consequently when resources are available their fleets are of good quality with their engineering shining creating marvels of engineering. Now for more poor ones while still impressive their ships are way more utilitarian but still formidable.
Military Overview: Militarily speaking the league's military force can be described as massive on paper but in theory incredibly dispersed. The many warlords and rulers own their own armies to police and maintain order in their regions and in some situations go to war with other members of the league generally over disputes over territory and while some can spiral it is generally maintained by the standing armies of the league and the council.
The Flotilla of the league is considered its standing army; it's a great fleet docked around Vusary but also other important areas of the sector being controlled by admirals who answer to a Grand Flotilla commander who is appointed by the council of eight by unanimity. This commander is also responsible for leading the coordination of all other fleets of the league with the exception of the nine members of the council who can disregard orders if finding problems with plans.
The fleets of the league are generally mounted by cruisers and destroyers ships of great size that serve as either carriers for smaller ships, combat centric ships are more common, others are stealth vessels for reconnaissance. On the matter of its biggest ships, cruisers are considered the most common largest ship you may see but they aren’t the largest.
Flagships are considered a warlord's main ship and the most egotistical generally have ships larger than cruisers but it's not unfounded at times. The council has the largest ships to ever see in the league, at times less ships and more mobile space stations due to their size.
Infantry is the backbone of the Leagues army in space, most are famous for raiding and boarding crews of marines that attack ships, stations and asteroids soldiers with agile power armor, rifles and swords.
Now planetary things get complicated; infantry of Vusary’s surface are more focused on desert and arid warfare not having swords, mostly more heat tolerant armor and energy rifles generally aided by mechanised forces of tanks and vehicles. Mechs are generally rare to see unless in specialised terrain.
In some cases there is the utilisation of locked in ancient war machines that still can be used to be let out in areas of importance to use as a rampaging tool. Lucky such actions are rare and generally considered desperate or eccentric depending on the person.
"Do not look for the qualities of a just ruler in those whose path to power relies on their ability to lie and manipulate."
Government Form:
Constitutional federal dictatorship.
3.4 billion.
What is humanity?:
Human nature cannot be separated from the human body. To be truly human means a human soul in a human body of flesh and bones.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Kamenymir is a deceptively Earth-like planet. It is a temperate world with a breathable atmosphere, covered with verdant thick forests, rolling green hills, steppes and deserts, snowy mountain chains and chromatic jungles. 53% of Kamenymir is covered in water, including a single large ocean of salt water, many lakes and two frozen poles.
This veritable paradise world, however, is not as hospitable as it first may seem. Kamenymir’s gravity is higher than that of Earth, complicating human habitation. Of much greater concern is the strange radiation present throughout every inch of the planet. Local wildlife is perfectly adapted to it, but other life forms develop serious medical conditions from prolonged exposure to this radiation; mainly cancerous tumors, blindness, and blood diseases, proving fatal within six years at most, while plants that aren’t native to Kamenymir wither and die.
The population of Kamenymir is entirely composed of humans whose distant heritage traces back to Ancient Poland, Germany and Russia.
Religion: Church of the Vissaric Covenant 68% Non-theist 22% Orthodoxist Patriarchate of Kamenymir 6% Church of the Garden 2% Other 2%
The space technology corporation known as Calypso-Utopia launched a colony ship intended to colonize Kamenymir amidst the chaos engulfing Earth. It embarked several hundred thousands of settlers with an unusually high proportion of scientists among them, along with everything that the colony would need to establish itself.
Shortly after the colony ship landed, the expedition found itself under attack by an alien lifeform made of crystalline mineral matter. These reddish crystals were able to change shape, move and even fly, as the expedition’s security forces were soon engaged in vicious combat around the burgeoning colony’s perimeter. All efforts to try and communicate with the crystals, nicknamed “Shards” by the colonial security personnel, failed. There were no discernable reactions other than aggression to speech, light signals, even radio communications and visual depictions.
The fighting kept intensifying over two years with precious few periods of calm. Eventually, the attacks stopped as suddenly as they came. It seemed like the aliens had simply thrown themselves at the colony, being destroyed in the process and costing the Kamenyan settlers thousands of lives, in addition to the early destruction of their spatial shuttles.
They had precious little respite. The effects of Kamenymir’s radiation which had remained undetected up until that point began to show as cancers were diagnosed in exponentially increasing numbers. Under the steely leadership of the military officers of the emergency provisional government, the Kamenyans showed incredible resilience and determination. Those who could still see assisting those whose eyesight was lost to the radiation poisoning in whatever way they could, and working to provide cybernetic eye implants to vital personnel. Finally, after two long years during which thousands more died in agony, a cure was developed. Baptised ‘Hekate’ by its creator, Vissarion Stasko, it was a marvel of biomedical technology that modified the patient’s genetic makeup to negate the effects of the radiation with the sole side effect of changing eye color to bright orange or purple.
Stasko would not live to see the fruits of his work. Like so many others, he died of radiation poisoning before the cure could be produced. During his last hours, it has been reported that all he managed to ask for through the agony was to listen to a favourite song one last time.
The emergency military government that led the Kamenyans through two existential threats had earned tremendous prestige and trust with the general population. The Kamenyan Defense Directorate was formed as a constitutional military junta with little opposition and went on to govern as a totalitarian regime that maintained a large standing army and began to grow more and more authoritarian.
Nevertheless, Kamenymir enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity. The planet’s high gravity had been a problem from the very beginning, complicating even simple tasks and causing health issues. Using the same technology as the Hekate, the approach chosen to solve the problem was deliberately counter-intuitive. Instead of modifying their biology towards a shorter, squat form, the Kamenyans decided on the opposite. The Hekate Phase 2 would instead increase the human body’s height, bone density and muscle mass. The heart would also grow larger and stronger, and the entire circulatory system was strengthened to withstand the increased blood pressure. Phase 2 was not just a cure, it was a statement and a symbol.
A satellite in orbit was the first to detect what was assumed to be a meteor shower descending on Kamenymir. When they crashed onto the surface, it was discovered that they were instead extraordinarily large living crystals; the Shards had returned. The death toll was considerable as the aliens began rampaging through cities and farmsteads. In the chaos, civilians armed themselves by looting deserted army warehouses and formed ad hoc militias. Professional KDD soldiers and courageous amateurs fought side by side in the defense of their homes, and even though casualties were high, the invasion force was eventually destroyed.
The aftermath was tough on the regime. The scale of the destruction was considerable, with even the capital city of Novyras having terribly suffered and notably lost a large portion of the Directorate’s archives and databanks to the Shards’ unexplained ability to interface with and corrupt electronic systems. The heydays of the Directorate’s first years had come and gone. Leadership had grown complacent and ineffective, its totalitarian approach to governance more and more unpopular as crisis after crisis followed in the wake of the war.
The KDD’s response to growing unrest was repressive and stubborn, which only fostered liberal ideas among the population. With heavy-handed dispersion of protests, more and more people joined the dissidents until a number of army officers mutinied, kicking off a civil war. The Directorate gradually lost more and more control. Unable to enforce martial law, the KDD was reduced to pockets of authority that capitulated one after the other, and after ten years of severe unrest, the Directorate was no more. In its place, a presidential republic would be formed by the leaders of political groups, establishing free elections with universal suffrage.
Slowly, Kamenymir rebuilt and recovered. From the Catholic heritage of many of the settlers, a new iteration appeared. Its followers believed that the man who saved the colony a century and a half ago, Vissarion Stasko, had a covenant with God who inspired his work. The Church of the Vissaric Covenant, or more simply known as the Vissaric Church, taught that Kamenymir was God’s second chance for humanity, and gave the planet to the Kamenyans as their own promised land. This new faith grew exponentially from its humble beginnings, to the point of completely transforming what traditional Catholic clergy and influence remained in the span of a century and a half.
Over time, trust in the Republic faded. Corruption scandals were frequent, the political elite grew more isolated from the rest of society, and a deep contempt and anger began to take root in the general population. Artificial intelligence simulating human emotions and companionship, combined with an increasingly money-centric society, eroded the bonds between people. Suicide rates skyrocketed amidst political turmoil, while a series of gun ownership laws stripped the overwhelming majority of Kamenyans of their self-defense rights.
Among those who protested not against a political line, but against the Republic as a whole, some of the most militant were members of the Church; firebrand preachers who insisted that the Kamenyan Republic would eventually lead all Kamenyans to their doom. What would be later known as Persecutions followed. Many of the Church’s faithful were targeted and ostracised, while others were imprisoned in blatant violation of Kamenyan free speech laws.
A series of sabotage and bombing attacks on software companies and mining corporations were claimed by the Church of the Garden, a radical environmentalist and technophobic sect of the Vissaric Church that had been gaining traction for several years. In response, the government doubled down and planned several raids on homesteads and compounds where members of the Church of the Garden, self-named Keepers, lived. A number of the raids went badly; many people were killed without repercussions for the police forces responsible. The public outrage was immense, and decades of bubbling tension finally boiled over into full-blown rebellion when colonel Anton Kroll of the Kamenyan Army defected.
He united the disparate political, popular and religious rebels under his leadership with his diplomatic acumen, extraordinary charisma and sheer force of will. The Rebel Armies escalated the civil war at every opportunity, taking over centers of governance and attacking republican forces wherever they were. The underground guerilla snowballed into a force capable of engaging government troops in battle, and with increasing support from a population desperate for change, Anton Kroll and the Rebel Armies destroyed the Kamenyan Republic.
Kroll was determined to not repeat the mistakes of the past centuries as he worked with the leaders of various anti-republican groups to create a new government. The First Directorate’s top-down, totalitarian approach was rejected along with the Republic’s democratic system in favour of delegating almost all day-to-day matters to local elected governors, while the small central government would be run by a dictator.
A focal point of the Second Directorate was a complete change in military doctrine, turning the army into a small, elite professional force designed as a strike force capable of taking on any external enemy, while lacking the numbers required to control a large amount of territory. The duty of regular defense for the planet instead passed over to local police forces and citizen militias, aiming to ensure that the army could not be used to control the people.
The ban on artificial intelligence was part of an agreement passed between Anton Kroll’s own forces and the Keepers who fought by his side during the rebellion. In exchange for a pledge of cooperation, the KDD would outlaw the use and development of artificial intelligences with any kind of self-awareness, sentience, real or simulated emotion, or “human likeness”. Kroll readily agreed as banning artificial intelligence already aligned with his ideas on culture and society.
Years passed in a blur of incessant activity and booming economy with Kroll ruling as the first Director General of the Second Kamenyan Defense Directorate. It was eventually discovered that the Shards had not come from faraway deep space, as was originally theorised. Indeed, as the KDD’s first warships took to the void, it became apparent that Kamenymir’s moon, Malastra, was the real home of the crystalline creatures, which had remained undetected by early Kamenyan space ventures due to them residing beneath the surface of the planetoid. There, it was assumed that it took them some time to grow large enough to be able to launch the attack like the one that marked the beginning of the Second Shards War, and military command urged that action should be taken swiftly, lest Kamenymir suffer another invasion.
The KDD acted quickly. Space elevators and orbital dockyards were constructed in record time considering the enormity of the endeavour; only twelve years passed before the KDDN truly came into being, complete with a vast array of warships and light crafts, along with a terrifying arsenal of weapons of mass destruction assembled for one purpose: to wipe the Shards off the face of the universe.
Malastra was relentlessly bombarded with the most powerful weapons that the Kamenyans could imagine. The Shards had no way to fight back, and nuclear detonations succeeded one another on the moon’s surface over the course of three years. The barrage was of such intensity that Malastra’s geological stability, already naturally precarious, was pushed over the edge into cascading volcanic activity. To this day, the moon is an irradiated hellscape of flowing lava, erupting volcanoes and constant, extreme tectonic activity. The red hue of the moon, visible in Kamenymir’s night sky, remains as a symbol of the KDD’s ultimate victory over an existential threat.
Culture and Society:
If there was to be one word to describe Kamenyan society, it would be ‘tradition’. The Kamenyans are very attached to their roots and history, and most would consider traditions a necessary part of not only the social fabric, but also common virtues. Self-reliance, discipline, strength, kindness and honour are core cultural values for anyone and are passed down generations as the most important of legacies.
Kamenyans are politely distant with strangers. It takes some time and a little effort to become friends, but friendships are in turn deeply valued. Communities stick together as a matter of course, and both social and religious gatherings are frequent.
The Church of the Vissaric Covenant plays an important role in many people’s lives, even those who aren’t religious. Religious holidays punctuate social life as community gathering events, and even small country churches take on the responsibility of the majority of all charity work. As most things, it is strictly separated from the state and operates solely with private funding.
It is expected that any Kamenyan should be able to provide for themselves and their families. With housing prices low, most couples choose to have one of the parents stay at home to care for the house and raise children, a role usually taken up by women; this is further encouraged and celebrated by the KDD’s natalism.
Kamenymir currently experiences an unprecedented economic and demographic boom, to the point that some have cautiously qualified this era to be a golden age. Some point out that since no significant crisis has been experienced for generations, the KDD has yet to prove itself. Others retort that the fact that there has been no significant crisis for so long is proof of the KDD’s ability.
Governance and Politics:
The KDD is the central government in charge of the overall rule of Kamenymir. Its head of state and supreme authority is the Director General, a dictator who designates an heir to take his place upon his death or retirement. The KDD rarely gets involved in the daily lives of its citizens: it is comparatively minuscule compared to most other governments; most of its budget is dedicated to the military, while state welfare is almost non-existent.
Kamenyan territory is divided in thousands of provinces, their governors elected via restricted suffrage; only those who complete the two-year voluntary service have the right to vote. This is the system that is responsible for administration and public life at the local level; regulations are often few, and what little exist are often informed by the ever-watchful militants of the Church of the Garden and their sympathisers.
Technology Overview:
The technological level in the day-to-day life of the average Kamenyan is relatively low, as there is a certain disdain for what they would call “superfluous eccentricities” and a general desire to preserve Kamenymir’s biosphere. Notable technologies include nanomachines, a remnant of technology preserved from Earth. It isn’t fully understood even to this day, but has been successfully repurposed for a range of medical uses. Most of Kamenymir’s energy is produced by nuclear fusion reactors, and, on a smaller scale, nuclear fission. Hydrocarbon industries are minimal, discouraged as they are by the Vissaric Church and the KDD turning a blind eye to the Keepers’ militantism.
Military Overview:
The KDD’s military is a relatively small, elite force built for speed of action and local superiority. Ideally, the Kamenyan military prefers to engage in short and brutal combat with no expenses spared; the KDD considers war to be an absolute last resort, and that it should be a short affair. To this end, it focuses on targeted strikes on strategic targets with overwhelming force.
This approach is best exemplified by the Armored Infantryman, the standard footsoldier of the Kamenyan Army. He is ensconced in a massive suit of power armour, ugly and angular, without a single thought for aesthetics. Its interlocking plates are extraordinarily thick, designed to resist all but the heaviest fire. Underneath, the suit integrates a layer of servomotors and artificial muscles that compensate for the armour’s tremendous weight and further augment the physical strength of its wearer. Despite its appearance, this armour features a heads-up display and a sophisticated neuro-link to the user’s brain, assisting with aim, limb coordination and general responsiveness.
His STR-2 service rifle is adequately brutish. It is a bulky, rectangular piece of metal that would be best described as a machine gun instead, with a 150 rounds capacity helicoidal magazine of full-power cartridges, a direct visual feed from the gun’s sights to the power armour’s HUD, an under-barrel rocket launcher, and a switchblade bayonet, turning it into an axe for close-quarters combat. The STR-2’s incredibly rugged design makes it more than able to withstand being used as a melee weapon by a power-armoured soldier with augmented strength.
The Navy is larger than the Army in terms of budget. In the absence of any external threat for a long time, the KDDN has maintained its shipbuilding capacity by iterating upon its own designs and pitting them against hypothetical opponents in simulations and war games.
What is humanity?: Humanity is perseverance, purity, and the pursuit of happiness.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Columbia Columbia is an Earth-like world dominated by vast oceans. Thousands of islands both big and small dot its surface and as well hosting several medium-sized continents with an array of varied biomes. Much like Earth, Columbia has jungles, desert regions, long mountainous regions, in addition to grasslands and wide forests.
Mojave Columbia’s moon, it is a dry, arid, but breathable desert moon that is home to the two only intelligent and sapient xenoforms in the Americana System, the pseudo-reptilian Yulzan and the squat mole-like Ossani. It is the second most populous stellar body in the Americana System.
Bunyan The sole Gas Giant of the Americana System. Bunyan serves as a major source of fuel for starships, its asteroids and moons mined for minerals and other resources. A significant population has settled in orbit and now call Bunyan their home.
Yukon A cold, snow-covered world that lies near the edge of the Americana System, it is the least populated planet in the system and only hosts a number of research and mining outposts.
Demographics: Humans-47% Yulzan-31% Ossani-22%
The most populous species of the Americana System. Unlike most colonies, the humans of Americana have remained for the most part, pure of any drastic, species-altering genetic or cybernetic modifications.
Drek-Yulzan and Yaek-Yulzan One of two sapient species native to the moon of Mojave. The Yulzan are a pseudo-reptilian species, sharing some surface-level features of Old Earth creatures, namely their scaled, thorny skin, tails and so forth. Such familiar features are the result of their evolution on the perilous and arid moon of Mojave, or Yvaok as they refer to it. Despite their appearance, the Yulzan do not fit the mold of what one assumes of a reptilian species, namely they are warm blooded, give birth to live young, sharing a few mammalian traits. The Yulzan are divided between two subspecies, the tall and imposing Drek, and the slender, more moderately sized Yaek.
The second sapient species of the moon of Mojave. The Ossani are a diminutive species of grub-like humanoids with smooth, pale skin and bulbous eye stalks. Ossani reproduction vastly differed from both the Yulzan and Humans, Ossani young hatched as larva from clutches of eggs lain by their mothers. Out of survival, the Ossani were once a underground dwelling species, and to aid them in such a life, their eyes can easily adjust in the darkness, and have retractable, sturdy nails to help dig through the dirt.
History: The initial colonization process had proven to be a traumatic process, the colony ship, once cross over the gate had met with system errors, leading to a crash that resulted in many casualties. Once the dust settled, and those that were lost were mourned, the proper colonization had begun. Despite Columbia’s near perfect conditions, the planet hid its own share of peril as the settlers had to contend with dangerous new forms of alien fauna, many finding human flesh to be delectable, in addition to the tensions and divisions that formed between the colonists. Over the coming decades the colonists would undergo periods of civil unrest as new settlements dotted the landscape, factions forming as many broke away from the colonial project leadership.
By 2632, over three centuries since the colonists arrived, what were once scattered colonial settlements had gradually evolved into nations of their own right. The planet dived between four powers. The Concordian Republic, the Cascadian Federation, the Jeffersonian Confederated States, and the Gettys Kingdom. Since their foundation, relations between the colonial states were worrying to say the least, border and proxy conflicts being a reoccurring thing. By 2634, tensions would slowly escalate as Cascadian Federation made bold moves against the Concordian Republic, of which was founded by the original colony project leaders. On June 15th of the same year, the Cascadians would invade the republic, triggering the other nations to make moves of their own, leading to the start of what would be called the Unification War. The next twelve years would be a turning point for both the Concordian Republic and all of Columbia, as they struggled, but stood their ground and eventually took the fight to all their enemies, uniting the planet by the end of the war. On August 25th of 2647, the United Republic of Columbia was born.
The next few decades after would be dedicated to both, recovering from the damage done from the war, and preparing once more to look to the stars, as humanity embarks on a new space age. The humans of Columbia would soon turn their eyes towards its desert moon, Mojave, which has long been confirmed and capable of supporting life, it was also discovered prior that the moon was inhabited by two distinct intelligent xeno species, who would later be known as the Yulzan and the Ossani. Relations were rough at first between the species, marked by many incidents and deaths but over the years, the moon, and eventually the rest of the Americana System would fall under the banner of the URC.
By 2755, the echos of the Unification War would rear its ugly head as a influential separatist movement had sprung up on Mojave, spearheaded by the Vigilance Party, a descendant of the old ruling party of the defunct Cascadian Federation. The Vigilance Party gained much ground among many of Mojave's citizenry, stoking the fires of separatism, the leadership seeing Mojave as a new beginning, but a beginning that can only be achieved by breaking away from the yolk of the URC. Five Years after their first local election victories, the Party would see itself in control of 80% of the moon, this along gave the leadership the momentum to escalate their plans. The threats of separatism, long dismissed by the Columbian Government as idle threats, had come to fruition, triggering a decade long civil war, which would later come to be known as the Mojave War.
The Mojave War would prove to be a brutal conflict, the URC fighting tooth and nail against the determined Mojave Coalition, making them pay for over ground taken. By the final year of the war, despite the heavy toll taken, the Columbian forces would prove victorious on the night of May 17th 2780 as they launched a final assault on the Vigilance Party's stronghold of Orion's Landing, which would go down as the bloodiest battle in the war.
Twenty years have passed since the war's end, the URC has for the most part, recovered in the aftermath and has once more united the system. Although the threat of raiders pirates, and rebels remains persistent, Columbians stand united in the face of such adversities, moving forward to a new future for Mankind in the stars.
Culture and Society: The People of Columbia reflect their ancestral roots of their colonial sponsor, the USA. They are a diverse, traditional, and liberty-mind sort of people, importing old beliefs and traditions from Old Earth, and adapting and reshaping it on their new home, integrating values and traditions of their xeno compatriots. They are an industrious, adventurous people who all seek a better tomorrow in their own respective image. While not inherently warlike, the people of Columbia are no stranger to war and hardship, and are always on the defensive, from the lowly citizens, to the most well-trained of soldiers.
Governance and Politics: The Columbian Government is split between Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the URC Chancellor who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Columiban Armed Forces. One of the many tasks of a Chancellor consist of the creation of Laws, the signing of articles of diplomatic importance such as treaties, to appoint judges for the Interplanetary Court and so on.
The Legislative Branch, that of which being the Senate. The Senate's main tasks consist of the passing of laws brought forward by the Chancellor, passing or vetoing Legislation by the Chancellor, and are to give consent to enact a Declaration of War or other such actions. And finally, there is the Interplanetary Court, who are responsible for the enforcement of the Laws created by the Chancellor and passed then enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the Chancellor.
Technology Overview: Robotics: Despite their technological setbacks, the centuries of recovery has led to new advancements on Columbia, its robotics industry being chief among them. The lacking of advanced medical technology of Old Earth has led to the development of cybernetic prosthetics and other beneficial augments of varying quality. To further assist the average Columbian, be they a worker or a member of the armed services, several lines of exosuits and other higher-grade mechanized frames were developed to harness and enhance the muscle power of the user. Remote-controlled and autonomous drones see limited use in the military, be they for recon purposes or as light support for ground forces.
Artificial Intelligence: The creation of AI was a gradual and careful process. Unlike in the old stories from Old Earth, AI technology was approached with extreme caution, learning from past mistakes. Columbian AI are in constant "shackled" state, they are allowed some form of autonomy, but are restrained by strict programing that prevents AI from going beyond their capabilities, only capable of doing what is asked or suggested of their makers.
Agriculture: Columbia offered a new beginning for the Old American agriculture industry, offering new lands and produce to cultivate, evolving the industry from Old Earth, as well as learning from old mistakes. Although genetic engineering is a weak field that is not accessible to the wider public, what knowledge and methods that the URC possesses is used to great effect in foodstuffs, growing supercrops that take half the the time, ensuring in theory, that no Columbian, human or non-human, could ever go hungry.
Military Industrial Complex: The Columbians are no stranger to militarism, even after the Unification War, not all was well. Pirates and raiders attacking from orbit, and remnants of the pre-unification era still stubbornly continuing the fight had led to the reemergence of a Military Industrial Complex like the USA of Old Earth. The then young Columbian Armed Forces forming close ties with various defense contractors, giving said contractors leeway and influence. In the present day, these defense contractors stand as the many corporate giants in the Americana System.
Military Overview: The Columbians have had a fair share of vicious conflicts in the past two centuries, from the Unification War that resulted in the formation of the URC, to the more recent Mojave War two decades prior to the present, and the endless struggle against pirates, fringe groups and warlords on Mojave. The Columbian Military in those centuries has evolved to into a well-rounded force, able to respond to whatever threat is present.
The heart and soul of the Columbian armed forces. The URC Army acts as both the sword and shield of Columbia and all that fall under her shadow, and is primarily responsible for ground-based military operations, both offensive and defensive, and often is found working in conjunction or as support for Columbian Marine Corp planetside.
Columbian GIs in Standard Gear
The elite fighting forces of the URC. the Marines are considered the spear of Columbia, made to strike fast and hard against all foes. The marines form the core of ground elements of the Columbian Navy, capable of operating both in space and ground, trained in boarding enemy vessels, engaging in close-quarters combat, and in zero-g combat. Columbian Marines in standard armor
Marines in heavy armor
The Republican Guard are a small corps of hand-picked soldiers whose main duties include the protection of the Chancellor, members of the Senate, and other assort government officials. Wherever delegations go, the guard will never be too far behind, ready to act and shield all under their care.
Columbia's first line of defense and most vital asset in the armed forces. The Columbian Navy is tasked with engaging in various operations throughout the Americana System, from anti-piracy operations, rapid emergency response, providing orbital support and transport of ground-based forces, and so on.
Columbia-class Battle Carrier
Liberation-class Assault Ship
Constitution-class Battlecruiser
America-class Heavy Cruiser
Freedom-class Cruiser
Resilience-class Carrier
Valiant-class Frigate
Resolute-class Destroyer
Ranger-class Corvette
Outrider-class Patrol Skiff
M5 Walton Main Battle Tank
"Warhog" Humvee series
M32 Houston Infantry Fighting Vehicle
M55 Ironhide Armored Personnel Carrier
Artillery Vehicles
Glade Glider VTOL
AeroViper Gunship
A-20 Spikling Ground Attack Craft
F-20 Razorwing Fighter-Bomber
Minutemen Series Standard Variant
Heavy Variant
Marksmen Variant
Command Variant
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
The Bellatrix System, Under the Stewardship of the 5 and 7,
Beholden to the Grand Sovereign of House Orion
Government Form: Federal Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Population: ~5 Billion
What is humanity?: House Orion’s scholars define humanity as Ensouled animals, unique in their capacity for politics, reason, and creativity. All other animals are merely at the disposition of their organs. But in truth; only one thing is known about Humanity, and that is their capacity for change. In civilization, man is as divine as old God, who judges and creates; he is clothed in finery, and enjoys literature, art, company, and purpose. When left alone in the savage wilderness of nature, Man comports himself accordingly
Planet/System Name and Description: The Bellatrix System holds 2 great Gas giants in its grasp, Poseidon and Euryale. Poseidon is the larger of the two, with faint icy rings in between it's shepherd moons. In its orbit rides Laertes, Lemnos and Artemedia. Euryale, with its great horde of uninhabited moons rich with mineral wealth, holds Thalassos and Aeson.
Demographics: Populations of the separate moons are, in some aspects, radically different from one another. Genetic evolution and ‘drift’ has affected almost every moon, bringing the mass of humanity that lives there closer to being adapted to the environment. The original stock of colonists come from Greek, North African and Korean populations, intermixing between these populations has made differences between them rare. Religious affiliations with the central Church of Jesus Christ is somewhat rare, yet folk-religion is commonly practised. Cybernetics, Sentient Xeno-Life, and cloning are all unheard of, though gene-modification is an emerging technology and the system has a bloody history of eugenics.
History: From the perspective of Earth: The Bellatrix system was a failed investment. The brainchild of a cancer-ridden multi billionaire burnt up in the tumult of late-terran economics and mismanagement. When the firm overseeing the preliminary terraforming and prospecting went under, most of the dying homeworld merely shrugged, and went about their own business.
That was, until people got desperate enough. A coalition of like-minded Mid-level millionaires from Korea, the Middle east and Greece formed a central consortium to construct, launch and hopefully support an array of 12 colony ships heading to the half-terraformed Bellatrix system, and its haven moons.
Nobody knows what was going through the heads of those poor, desperate souls while they formulated this plan. It was highly illegal; the consortium had no legal colonial charter to justify their presence in the system. It was dangerous; with colony ships being pushed past safety checks and regulations with reckless abandon. But perhaps most importantly; it was their only chance.
12 launches rock the sun-caked deserts of Kazakhstan, as old soviet aerodromes are used to flee the Earth, packed with too many people, too little supplies, and too little hope.
7 arrive at the Bellatrix system with anything more than a procession of corpses.
From the perspective of those living in the Bellatrix system today, early history has a mythologised, fuzzy aspect to it. Earth is a mythical, far off land, only known in the vague oral histories passed on through those first tumultuous years, and inside the religious texts of the small Church of Jesus Christ. The first 80-100 years of History within the Bellatrix system is said to have a ‘hangover-like’ quality to it, and little in the way of written records remain.
What we can be sure of, is the birth of Adonis the Great, the Unifier, the Lawbringer, the Mother. The 4-fold Ruler Ruled over House Orion; a loose collection of family connections and hoarded technology allowing the fledgling royal house to dominate the moon of Learties. Establishing herself, 4-Fold Adonis turned her eyes to the sibling planets of the Bellatrix system, and over the next 30 years, brought together the furtive colonies into the System of 5 and 7, establishing herself and her own house as first among equals.
Over the next 390 years, House Orion has built the system of 5 and 7 into the grand design it holds today. Peace and prosperity abound, and while strife may exist in some corners of the system, by and large people live good lives. Humanity is safe; saved from its one-time destruction by the flight of their ancestors. It is now the duty of those within the Bellatrix system to live well, and carry the light of humanity across the uncaring void of space.
That is. Until the gate reopens.
Culture and Society: Culture within the Bellatrix System is varied, yet holds some core tenants. First among them is a strong sense of honor and stewardship spread among the noble classes; Those in positions of power must act as responsible leaders to their people first and foremost, doing what is in the best interests of their nation before all else. Short-sightedness, selfishness and a lust for personal gain are seen as the most horrid traits a leader can have.
Secondly; Art and culture hold very important places in the hearts of the upper classes and lower classes alike. Operas, Plays, Songs, Beautifully designed architecture and pristine natural environments all grip the heart of Bellatrix’s citizens. Where history is deficient, a corpus of literature, stage play and mythology step in, allowing those disconnected from their past to form a solid cultural identity. Arts are usually directly funded by Noble houses, providing viewing to the public at little to no cost. The use of these art pieces as propaganda is almost integral to their existence.
And Lastly; collectivism is common among lower classes, and higher classes to a lesser degree. Working within a greater whole towards a harmonious end is seen as the greatest calling. Biosphere management and terraforming are tasks that can take 10’s of thousands of people hundreds of years to complete, yet the people of 5 and 7 gladly take up their role in these grand tasks.
Governance and Politics: The governance of the Bellatrix system is split into 3 interconnected branches; The Judiciary, Executive and a bicameral legislative branch.
The Executive branch of government is synonymous with the noble house of Orion, Uniters of the Bellatrix system, and absolute monarchs of the 5 worlds. The Head of State is the Grand Duke of House Orion; a Hereditary position passed down through a system of Selective House Ultimogeniture. During their Reign, Grand Dukes will select an eligible young member of house Orion to serve as their designated Heir. Typically between the ages of 15 and 20, these designated heirs are groomed for rulership and trained incessantly.
Once a Designated Heir ‘ages out’ at 20, they are usually given an important role within the Executive branch, suited to their exemplary breeding and education. A new Heir between the ages of 15 and 20 is then selected. This system ensures that when a sitting Grand Duke dies, they are guaranteed to be succeeded by a young and well-trained member of their house, ready to serve the system as its sovereign for the rest of their long lifespan. Grand Dukes frequently live considerably longer lives than the common citizen, leading to a sense of monumentality when a Sovereign passes, and a sense of comfortable stability during the long spans of a sovereign's rule.
The Judiciary is the smallest branch of government, consisting of a series of 6 courts, one for each inhabited world of the Bellatrix system, with a 6th set aside for House Orion itself. High-Importance court cases will be sent first to Local, Federal and Planetary courts, before being sent to the Grand Duke themselves for the final word. In this realm, the Grand Duke’s word is law, but a law infrequently used, as Planetary courts can usually sort out such cases before they reach such a scale.
The Legislative branch, also called the Parliament of 5 and 7 has 2 houses;
The first, called the House of 5, consists of 10 representatives from each inhabited world within the Bellatix system. Each assigned member must be an influential non-noble natural-born citizen of the world they represent. Seats within the house are appointed by the Sitting Grand Duke, on the suggestion of the most senior member of that world’s delegation. Appointments are made for life, yet serve at the pleasure of the Grand Duke, and can be forced into retirement. (though this use of power is VERY rarely used, usually only to remove an MP who can no longer discharge their duties due to age, illness or some other. Reason. Some MP’s in the past have requested retirement from the Sitting Grand Duke for personal or professional reasons, though it is also somewhat rare.)
The Second, called the House of 7, consists of 10 representatives from the 7 noble houses. MP’s are once again appointed by the Sitting Grand Duke, but this time at the suggestion of the various Noble heads of the houses they represent. It is encouraged for MP’s to sit for life within their granted seats, but retirement of any given MP is dependent on the opinion of their House Head, and nothing else. Some highly factional Byronic houses have made habits of forcing their entire delegation into retirement upon the ascension of a new Baron, much to the Grand Dukes Dismay.
Both Houses of Parliament can Propose, Debate and Vote on legislation. Usually legislation is limited to System-wide issues, such as the collectively funded military, Large-scale infrastructure projects and terraforming endeavours, along with any inter-house or inter-world disputes. Governmental spending debates can take literal months of debate to pass.
Once passing a majority vote in either house of Parliament, the selected legislation is most often passed to the 2nd house where it is debated, edited and voted on. Then, it is presented to the Grand Duke for Royal ascension. That being said; Technically each house of Parliament has the authority to unilaterally present a bill for royal assent regardless of the opinion of the other house of Parliament. Bills presented in this way can be sent by the Grand Duke to the opposing house for voting, or receive royal assent just as any other bill. Bills past with only the consent of one house of Parliament are rare and often controversial.
A 3rd, even more controversial method of lawmaking is royal prerogative, where the Grand Duke can exercise their absolute power to pass legislation without the consent of either house of Parliament. This right has not been exercised since the founding of the System of 5 and 7 by the Grand unifier nearly 400 years ago. Its use would call into question nearly every aspect of political life within the Bellatrix system if not used very, very delicately.
Technology Overview: The worlds of the Bellatix system have a fairly robust academic base, with universities and full-time researchers not uncommon sights in House capitals. The most grand of these centers of learning lies on Lemnos, where the Polar University-City holds the learned caste of the planet. Research into Biosphere management and teriforming are at the forefront of study, along with agricultural sciences, genealogical study, medicine, chemistry and so on. It is said that those Biosphere engineers trained on Lemnos can control rainfall down to the millimetre, and atmospheric composition to the Part-per-million (These are exaggerated claims).
Space travel, especially for the purposes of cargo transport, has been iterated on by shipwrights and stellar engineers for generations, and is seen as a quite mundane aspect of daily life. Small, 3-man spacecraft zip through the void of Bellatrix, hauling food, industrial products and elsewise in the highly advanced and interconnected economy of the moons. Space travel for personal pleasure is common among the elite. For cost reasons, Grav-Plating isn’t considered ‘standard’ on most spacecraft, instead letting their crews develop their ‘space legs’ in zero g.
Genetic augmentation and variation through the Bellatix system is vast, to the point where most lunar populations have some sort of noticeable ‘mutation’ to help adapt them to the environment where they live. The Impressive cardiovascular strength of those born on Laertes and the full-suite of changes experienced by the population of Thalassos are the most notable changes. These adaptations have been brought on by a mix of eugenics, isolated populations and direct genetic augmentation. ‘Designer Children’, being individuals who have had their genetic code augmented and changed in-utero, are common among higher classes and noble houses.
Military Overview: Conflict is rare among most inhabited worlds in the Bellatrix system. Most planets have quite small local police forces overseen by whatever authority most closely controls a certain region. Police forces are rarely militarised in any significant way, mostly employing low-tech and nonlethal solutions to conflict de-escalation and riot control.
It is the right of the ducal houses of the system to control military force, but militaries are limited in their size to avoid ‘needless spending’. Only House Orion holds the right to an ‘Unlimited’ Military force. Most of the 6 minor houses field small terrestrial armies of bodyguards, peacekeepers and unconventional warfare divisions (Mostly hackers, spies, drone specialists, ect.).
House Orion’s military is the only that routinely reaches into the stars on deployment; as the Craft Moon of Aeson is prone to worker revolts and armed conflict. To fulfil this, a small highly elite branch of genetically engineered Sovereign Cataphracts are used. Selected from a small number of insular populations, Cataphracts are trained from early adolescence for their role as the iron fist of the Grand Duke. Equipped with the most technologically sophisticated equipment, they are singular in their efficacy and effectiveness.
As for Spaceborn assets; House Orion is somewhat lacking. Mostly possessing troop-transports, a few support picket ships, and a singular ‘Flagship’ (mostly used as a diplomatic tool for touring the system instead of direct conflict).
The Greater Euryalean Republic (The GER/“The Republic”)
"E Pluribus Unum" (Aka: "Out of Many, One")
Government Form: Semi-Oligarchic Democratic Republic
((No other idea how to describe it so simply otherwise for now, if you find a better way please let me know!))
Population:7.7 billion
((General Very Rough Population Growth Timescale ‘Idea’ - 150 years ago: 5.4 billion, 350 years ago: 2.5 billion, ~425 years ago: Some Millions At Maximum; Improved as technology and survivability and sustainability for the colony overall improved, which led in part to a boom in growth. Wars did lessen this to some extent at times, among other things, etc, but 500 years is a long time indeed.))
What is humanity?: Humanity? What is man humanity, but a miserable pile of secrets the ability to connect, empathize, and build alongside others through the good and the bad and the ugly? To be able to fight for survival against a hostile nature that seeks to kill you, to mete out survival even when you're against the ropes and despite your own mistakes, and to seek out a future even when all seems to be at its bleakest?
In the mundane and far less poetic sense, however, for the GER the matter is a simple one for defining humanity. It is being born as one of the human species biologically, born to human species parents.....whether it be Homo sapiens sapiens or a new subspecies or aliens or otherwise. Sapient rights, however, are things that most certainly also exist under GER law as well in general.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Star/System Name - Euryale
Planet Name - Euryale IV/Sarpedon
Living on the fourth planet, in the ‘habitable zone’ of the star Euryale, the GER was begun on the terraformed planet of Euryale IV, aka “Sarpedon” as it would come to be called. A planet of size 1.37 times the size of the Earth, it was among the earliest ‘near-habitable’ worlds to be discovered during the scramble to create the Gateway and escape the dying earth. Discovery of the star and its system was credited to the Greek astronomer Sebastian Kiritikos, using self-replicating von Neumann probes and early Gateway tech, who was working with the United Nations and other cooperating groups and companies to find habitable stars and potentially human-habitable worlds, who named it after one of the gorgon sisters of ancient mythology. Likewise the names of the planets of the star’s system would be initially named in a more standard fashion, though the name of “Sarpedon” would be given to Euryale IV (named after the legendary isle the gorgons lived upon) after it was finally altered for human habitation over the course of fifty years as part of a Gateways-related terraforming-investigating project dubbed “Project Prometheus”. This project was to be used to gather data and more of an understanding of terraforming to be used for other colonial settlements moving forward, hence why the colony ship sent to the Euryale system was among the very first. Its atmosphere and such aspects were already ‘closer to Earth than most’ potential colonial worlds that had been discovered earlier on, though its terraforming into a fully-habitable and human-ready home would take decades of work to get done in the first place, a process not helped by the last decade and few odd years seeing humanity forced to settle there prematurely as the final parts of the process were being done due to the historically still-infamous event of the “Anesidoran Massacre”.
It is a generally warmer planet than Earth to an extent despite being labeled as a ‘miraculous Earth-like planet’ by current times, sporting a larger (but not all-encompassing for the planet certainly either) band of warmer and humid climates across a wider band of its landmass due to its wide equatorial band length. This is in part due to a somewhat thicker atmosphere and atmospheric pressure being minutely over 1 atm/atmospheres, which has led to the greater retention of heat from the system’s sun. Increased rainfall and humidity are notable factors as well as a result of these things, as well as a more frequent occurrence of storms that has led to local construction and settlement methods being designed with such things being much more in mind (using rounded shapes or easier to build multi-sided octagonal homes, applying improved material sciences for more resilient materials, etc). At the same time, however, there are still proper more temperate climes the closer one gets to its proper northern and southern polar regions despite these bands being distinctly narrower than those on ‘Old Earth’ used to be. Likewise features such as tall mountains and sprawling valleys, and similar things to Old Earth geography, do still exist as do things such as deserts and such like to some extent or another.
The planet’s water-to-land ratio features 74% water to 26% land overall. Further, unlike the notable deeper blue color of the ocean waters, the planet’s plantlife sports in the majority shades of bluish-greens, like how green was most common on Earth, with some rarer vivid or deeper greens and some blues in the rarest of cases. Autumnal colors remain similar to those of Earth, with varieties such as reds, yellows, and oranges, with even purples for that matter depending on the plantlife involved. Meanwhile bodies of water appear to be a more vibrant blue compared to the waters of ‘Old Earth’ proper. This is all due to the nature of the yellowish-white F-class star of the system proper, of which Euryale IV (and the one habitable moon of the neighboring large gas giant of Euryale V, which also benefits from tidal forces to warm it due to its position) falls into. Earth-based species, as in those adapted somewhat to the new planet’s environment through genetic modification or the use of special fertilizers or composed soils, have also found general success on the face of Sapedon proper over the past several centuries of humanity’s settlement and development on the planet proper.
The planet’s atmosphere sports a by now distinctly far more ‘Earth-like’ mix than some potentially habitable exoplanets in general, at least, though genetic vaccines and certain medical procedures would come to be deployed eventually both initially and in the long-term to combat the initial struggle of humanity to mete out survival in the still-minorly-alien atmosphere. Meanwhile the remaining native animal and plant life of the planet has in ways been seen as a closer reflection to a number of Earth-like species, though much more ‘alien’ examples have also arisen throughout the ages and epochs of the planet’s development and evolution based on archaeological data of the planet’s past. Some bear more notable similarities to things such as traditional mammals or the like, while others take on more unique shapes or niches or even fully alien sorts of designs. Life on this planet is also carbon-based and uses a closely-related form of genetics and genetic sequences in its organic life, however, and while similar-ish to that of Earth it nominally and normally shouldn’t have interactions with life that grew elsewhere on a whole other world according to older Old Earth sciences. Yet some tinkering with genetic engineering has sought to ‘bridge’ the gaps between Sarpedon and imported Earth lifeforms to some extent or another here and there, and efforts to help adapt humanity to the alien planet and their new lives had also taken place using genetic engineering, which in part also fed into the use and implementation of these technologies on a wider scale in society over the centuries in the long-run.
Humanity also lives on the neighboring gas giant of Euryale V, at least in anchored or stabilized upper atmospheric habitats. Here many things are processed using the heat and pressure farther down in the gas giant, within human reach at least, and hydrogen and helium are harvested and processed in vast quantities to produce fuel and fuel cells to boot. Said habitats are closed off from the outside, aside from places such as localized spaceports and such, with pressurized thick walls and durable make from neighboring planetary or asteroid-mined metals. Notable air circulation systems, other critical atmospheric and hydroponics systems, and the like also exist within the webs of interconnected ‘towns’ and in much rarer cases ‘cities’ these habitats form inherently by design. Everything is close together due to dangers in attempting to enable ‘personal transit’ or such things, and running monorails and public transport are of the most common note aside from the very wealthiest living on Euryale V who can afford an otherwise outright nigh unheard of equivalent of a ‘personal transit vehicle’ while living down there.
Life was found to be support-able on the one habitable moon of Euryale V, the third of its three moons in fact, which was first given the moniker and name of “Anesidora” due to seeming to be a ‘gift’ to humanity in that it was notably more habitable for humans than Sarpedon initially was by a fairly good margin. Yet the attempt to settle its surface would become a failure, in the early decades of human colonization in the Euryale system that is, in part due to post-Earth environmental extremism inherited from the dying world (even if understandably in historical hindsight to enough of an extent) and the many works of humanity done along the way to try to escape its crumbling cradle. By current times, only weaker maladapted humans and “biologically adapted” modified humans exist on the moon as a slave caste to local Vah’neh tribes. This has led to a diaspora of this minority into further and further tribes beyond where humanity had tried to settle, though this spread has been centuries in the making due to the effects of long-term occasional tribal warfare and/or peacetime trade dealings. However, a legend of the ‘Evil Sky/Star People’ does exist within some local legends through current times, an oral tradition warped from the original historical facts to some extent but that has remained nonetheless in the cultural memory of those tribes who did actually encounter humanity so long ago (and has been kept due to the theorized memory banks of the biological supercomputer/local deity known in the general common local tongue, kept in circulation by the entity to allow tribes to understand each other as it is assumed, as “Vah” or “The Mother”).
((Note: As a general rule of thumb, major species that populate the GER get a proper hider section to themselves. Minority species, who number far less so than the major ones in comparison, get put in the “Other Species” tab for simplicity’s sake at the point in time of writing this on my end. Even the most populous species of non-humans, the Livelli, still number secondarily to humanity by a pretty big long-shot despite having boomed with their genetic modification and resettlement alongside humans within the last one hundred years.))
Humans. Homo sapiens sapiens.The fled children of the dying Earth. The people of Sarpedon who, as citizens of the GER, call themselves “Sarpedans”. Aside from gene therapy programs intended to help adapt humanity to the world of Sarpedon proper, and work to fix some mistakes in these therapies over the centuries, humanity by and large within the GER hasn’t wildly differed from its original baseline otherwise for most.
This is, however, aside from a nominal population of those who get ‘stylistic’ biomods, like color-changing skin or hair color changes/eye color changes, cat ears, the tail of a chameleon, shark teeth, etc. They don’t count as a separate species, though those who have gone ‘mod mad’ or ‘gone wild’ (as people in the GER would call it) have gone to such extremes but not been formally classified as such ‘extreme modifications’ are against the law of the GER itself. Even so, with rare cases of children born to such extremely-modded individuals it stands as a theory that some of these could be, by current times, divergent enough to label as a subspecies or such potentially….though there isn’t a large enough evidence base for this, or potentially enough individuals to study to confirm such, etc.
Known in their own tongue as the Livelloúli, nicknamed the “Livelli”, they are a vaguely mammal-and-insect-like humanoid alien species that originated from a hot and more humid homeworld called “Sórgy Alknúoz”. A world emerging around third from their home sun, a sun known as “Arétim” in their tongue (assumed to be, based on comparative star carts, what humans before fleeing Earth would find and broadly called Teucer-42), it was a planet featuring a larger equatorial region than many that, ultimately, was in the end only part of the ‘continental-ish tropical-ish world’ they called home (temperate regions, notable polar regions, oceans and island, etc, also exist there with varied climes, but notably more hot/humid climate bands around it than Earth had). It also boasted a similar, roughly-speaking based on limited information brought along by the Livelli, size to Earth it is assumed by current times within the GER.
Their societies in primitive times were noted as having a higher occurrence of even more fierce competition for territory, though as civilization advanced this trend would begin to slowly shift away, ultimately this ‘aspect’ would never fully disappear either. Further, it can be said in generally broad strokes that their societies emerged to become about as individualistic as those of many human cultures, to give a baseline comparison, though unity as a species and under things like cultural, ethnic, and national identities would also develop among them. By the time they developed what humanity would likely dub roughly equivalent to the “late 21st century/early 22nd century”, however, the race would face a global crisis that would place the species on the brink of potential extinction.
A “great calamity” was detected approaching from afar, though instead of a meteor as some thought it turned out to be a nomadic Glorg fleet. A fleet that not only would fail to make peaceful first contact, or seek to settle anywhere in the system permanently, but would invade and subjugate the Livelli homeworld before sacking the home system of resources for several centuries. From here, this stubbornly-nomadic Glorg fleet in particular would take the newly-enslaved species and keep them in the slave holds of their mother vessels for untold millennia to come as they continued onward using super-fast travel over long-term centuries to move between systems as they’d seemingly always done. While cultural memories and such were kept among those enslaved along with some other aspects within their limited ‘freedom’ in the holds to maintain such things, and some history was kept recorded from all of this mess, much was also lost and they too evolved and grew with the generations over time.
….Yet this was happening right there and then despite all of that, and they at least had to 'try' to do something about it without more of their own dying over it.
By the time the Glorg attacked humanity, the Livelli had lived as slaves for longer than anyone could hope to remember among even their eldest members by far. Yet it was during humanity’s fight back against the Glorg that the Livelli, the ‘liveliest’ of the existing slave species, would take a gamble on fighting back once the fight came to the Glorg mother vessels. It mostly began with a gamble to communicate with humanity and try to bargain a deal for freedom in return for inside information, as risky as it was to gamble if humanity would be of assistance or not to their cause, though in the end an escaped cluster of Livelli slaves, some hacked robotics, and few turned Glorg heads on the wrong day after a distraction or two was put into play would allow something to be worked out and would give humans a first and valuable insight into Glorg mother vessel functions from the inside. Then, when the battles finally came to the first of two mother vessels of the Glorg to fall, for the Livelli inside willing to fight it would also involve a fair amount of rebellious violence simultaneously as the humans boarded the vessel by force that would get many of their kind killed in the process, a good many in fact, before freedom for many of them was finally achieved. Yet where for those on the first mother vessel they became lucky, for the other two mother vessels it led to punishment and distrust even more so of their Livelli populations. Enough so that forced sterilizations of some, cullings of others, and the like were done as ‘safety precautions’ but would be stopped on the second mother vessel when it eventually fell and left its gruesome evidence behind. Humanity was no stranger to such atrocities among its own, most certainly so, but in this circumstance the freeing of the Livelli and coordination with the escaped slaves to free their kin became a major point of publicity in the war in part.
By the time what Livelli on those vessels could be freed were freed, though, the grounds for assistance in grasping their own biology and settling alongside humanity would be laid as a reward for assistance given in the war against the invading Glorg. Yet circumstances of the invasions, slave-soldiers employed against the mother-vessel-boarding humans, and such events along the way would help ensure that the Livelli (at the cost of some others held as slaves by the Glorg) were the most successful and (by current times) prosperous alien populace to join the GER in this manner.
Females are known to have a feminine-type body layout with a ‘grasping’ prehensile tail, while males instead are known to have slimmer and longer wings and have a ‘pointy’ singular piece at the end of their tail that is said to possess a rather small and vestigial venom sac no longer connected to it with a venom inside known to cause lingering disorientation, nausea, and dizziness in those affected by it. The birth rate of females is generally higher than that of males by a distinct percentage in comparison to human birth rates for the sexes. Births take the form of laying a 'sac', which itself is cared for until the young properly emerges from within the protective incubating sac they are 'born' in 2-5 days later (sometimes needing medical help to do so). As a note, water births are thought generally by Livelli to be 'more comfortable' for females as a practice to some extent as well (some humans use water births as well, which was a pleasant surprise to them culturally somewhat) even if not necessarily all Livelli women prefer it.
((Also yes, words in their language are just reversed greek-language words for future reference.))
The USS Elpis was among the first colony ships sent out into the stars to colonize the stars, with many hired or ‘acquired’ scientists and the like onboard who were brought in for their areas of expertise. This was because the colony ship was being equipped with an array of experimental terraforming technologies and inventions, things that humanity hadn’t had much time to test as of yet but which had been tested enough that it was felt safe to put into practical use. The idea was that this colony in particular would help practically establish a baseline for terraforming other worlds, in this case a world as ‘Earthlike’ as could be found to be earlier on in efforts to find new homes for humanity. This was done using Von Neumann probes and earlier versions of the Gateway technology beforehand alongside earth-bound observations via space telescopes and such things. Thus before the sudden and unexpected closure of the Gateways, and with the ‘redundancy’ of the habitable moon found in the system in case things went south with the plan, the USS Elpis would carry the contents of what was known as “Project Prometheus” (or find another name for it) into the Euryale System.
Upon entering the Euryale system, the USS Elpis would begin setting up terraforming operations at an already semi-habitable Euryale IV as soon as possible, establishing an initial base of operations in its orbit while moving to the habitable moon of Euryale V (this moon being called Anesidora) and beginning work to purpose resources from it and establish a ‘temporary colony’ that could be used to support the terraforming efforts and lighten the burden on sustaining the colony ship’s population. This moon colony was deemed ‘temporary’ for the time being, however, due to something that was kept mostly under wraps back on Earth in the time period….the existence of seemingly Stone-Age natives who lived on its surface in various places and climes. Thus it was hoped that the terraforming efforts would bear fruit and avoid the need to fully settle on the moon of Anesidora, but if push came to shove, well, humanity had little choice in the matter and even less time to think about it all if they wished to survive. In such a case, coexistence or otherwise were on the table for those in the Euryale System.
Some frozen ice, personnel, and machines as well as materials would be imported from Earth to support the initial terraforming efforts after seeing some initial ‘positive successes’ that seemed to be following the planned terraforming process on Euryale IV. However, this would also be the last bit of contact from Earth, and sending data back to it about things, before ultimately the Gateways would end up closing suddenly and without warning. It was enough to get Euryale IV propelled from the ‘setup’ phase of terraforming to close to the ‘acceleration’ phase planned to augment the process to go from many decades to thousands of years to bring it down to ‘a manageable timeframe’ using a combination of methods and researched & developed ideas invested notably into Project Prometheus.
Initial work on the temporary Anesidora colony was also underway at this stage, further exploratory probes being used to gather samples of lifeforms and such from the surface while work to clear an area ‘farthest from native presence but suitable enough for settlement’ had already begun in earnest. People needed basic oxygen masks to navigate the planet’s surface, but otherwise didn’t have to use other systems to survive in its comparatively lower-gravity environment at the very least. The central area of the colony would establish administration, a spaceport, and act as the center of on-moon resource gathering operations that began to be dotted about within a certain radius of this ‘central colony command’ area that acted as a base of operations. This area had a tall, reinforced concrete wall placed around certain key facilities, and used both ‘sonic fences’ and such technologies to help drive off hostile or aggressive local fauna both ground-based and even flying-capable from the perimeter of the area and established resource-gathering operations in a safer manner.
Yet the lower-gravity environment and seemingly rapidly-increasing/growing hostility of some local fauna and flora on Anesidora, while subject to much study and analysis at the labs located in the central colonial command area, were taken into account alongside other such factors when deciding to make the Anesidora colony a ‘temporary’ one unless no other viable option was present. It was a practical set of factors leading to the decision, though it did bear the weight of its own problems. Among these problems was trying to maintain order and a balance between people living on the colony ship and who got to go down on-planet emerged as a matter of concern, ranging from shuttle stowaways trying to sneak down, some volunteer workers having to be vetted and have an eye kept on them to avoid attempts to ‘jump ship’ or them just refusing to work once on the surface, and even some trying to bring contraband back up to the colony ship were among the potential but at least on the more minor side of things for the time being.
A few years later with the sudden and unexpected closure of the Gateways, and given the flow of information and such between the colonials of the Euryale System and Earth proper that had been going on prior due to the seeming importance of Project Prometheus’ data and current progress, there was some amount of panic in the aftermath and complications to be certain (at minimum with regards to the terraforming project). Yet with the seemingly positive ‘initial successes’ of the planned 50-year terraforming project, and initial successes on Anesidora despite certain ‘worrying factors’ being only seen as minor at the time, things seemed to be on track for the colony and some additional workforce and such materials that could be frankly be spared (given the colony’s terraforming was an experiment meant to gather data to help with others fleeing Earth) had been pulled in for the terraforming work beforehand in return for the workers being promised a part in the colony proper once things were done. The rather Earthlike but not-quite-fully-habitable-for-humans world of Euryale IV itself was big enough, at the very least, to make sense with this.
Yet with the loss of Sol-provided materials, work would shift to leveraging and producing more potential resources from Anesidora proper (and otherwise in the Euryale system) for potential reprocessing or having outright more straightforward use in the terraforming project proper. This would generate some….concerns among a number of colonial refugees, and could be marked generally as the ‘start’ of some yet-to-be-understood events leading some people with the fresh wounds of losing Earth and the environmental trains of thought from that late-Earth time period to begin turning against the efforts of humanity on the moon of Anesidora.
Roughly fifteen years into the efforts on Euryale IV and Anesidora alike, human expansion of habitable settlements on the surface of Anesidora was ultimately halted in lieu of ‘excessive environmental hostility’. Despite high levels of research into the wildlife and makeup of Anesidora as well as generally seeking to uncover the reasons as to why, it was deemed ‘unsafe for further human settlement to continue to expand outwards, given the increasingly dangerous nature of doing so’ even as resource-harvesting operations continued to try to expand out of necessity for both the settlers and even more so for the terraforming project. However, what is not being told to the general public (though some rumors have begun to speculate) is that some people are seeming to work at sabotaging the efforts of human expansion on Anesidora in general and this has also contributed in part to the stop of building new human settlements as well. The colonial administration has been working to investigate this particular bit alongside other matters of peculiar hostility on Anesidora surface from the flora and fauna alike, but given the existence of such efforts (including more notably violent ones) still in the public memory from the late period of the Earth before the colony ship was launched the administration worries about starting a potential panic. These investigations do not have as much resources as other efforts, though, due to the pressed importance of the situation on Euryale IV and so forth.
Announcements are also made to try to indicate that ‘once humanity has wrought a new home, work will be done to help rehabilitate Aneidora’s surface as infrastructure is sent over to Euryale IV and only a scientific outpost is left behind’ in hopes of stemming some of the human-against-human sabotage. Some do not think the Euryale IV terraforming will work out, however, and others have already begun new lives and begun to be attached to their new home to boot. Some minor verbal protest and grumbling against ‘making a new home just to abandon ship’ begins among some of the new human settlers on Anesidora who have had the last decade to decade and a half to get on-moon and begin new lives themselves despite the dangers. Some who stay on the colony ship do so out of fear for the on-moon dangers of wildlife and such as well or worry about the terraforming being successful, for that matter, who in the end want the terraforming more so to succeed than a number of those on Anesidora. These are just general and ‘growing’ trends among these populations, however, to not speak on the more minute complexities of thought and opinion going on with the colonists of the Euryale system in this time period.
In the end, the expansion of founding settlements and building them out that was able to be made on the moon’s surface allowed the ‘rough’ balancing of population levels between the moon and the colony ship to a ‘functional enough’ extent according to the colonial administration. Not that everyone seemed to think so, though the dangers in more attempted expansion, themselves a source of controversy, would begin to be put behind the colonists in favor of more ‘static and stalwart’ needs for defense against the by now much more aggressive fauna and flora. This would range from the use of aforementioned ‘sonic fences’ as passive defenses all the way up to static turret-based defenses and regular patrols used on the perimeter and in handling the increasing amount of (and part of the reason for stopping expansion outwardly) ‘invasive’ cases of aggressive native fauna and flora into human-inhabited areas.
About twenty three years into the ongoing efforts in Euryale IV, and work has slowed more and more for about half a decade and half on the terraforming project (in some part from some colonial leaders’ decisions), though it hasn’t stopped, with fears of it failing and stopping arising the minds of a number of people in the wake of this news being discovered. Despite reassurances of ‘trying to get around some minor roadblocks in the process’ by the latest newly-elected colonial administration, who have been putting in cycles of elections and such and been likewise trying to build up what settlements they could put down on Anesidora before they had to stop for safety and other such reasons, some have already begun to murmur or argue about shifting efforts to Anesidora fully while a more polarized opposition argues for focusing less on Anesidora and more on the terraforming. Human sabotage has risen to higher levels than before as well, and knowledge has gone public out of necessity now, though this has caused a higher level of investment on the part of most of the elected colonial administrations of the past ten years (with others putting effort elsewhere or trying to appease one political polar side or another in the interim).
It was also around this time that a native alien tribe, thought to be migratory or nomadic at first, made first contact with humanity on Anesidora. Natives were noted in the first human observations as having long, prehensile earlobes, humanlike facial and head/body structure, being distinctly taller than humans in height and more ‘lanky’ or lean in their build, and deeper blue-ish green skin. Many found them to be ‘beautiful’ in their aesthetics and appearance, and two years later the language barrier would eventually be broken with some effort and struggle. This would in turn lead to the beginnings of some gaining a ‘fascination’ with the natives, and efforts to set up a ‘cultural outreach center’ were made to try to arrange a ‘neutral, natural place for the exchange of information and understanding’ among other things. These came about from both a scientific perspective, but also had the value of ‘entertainment’ for colonists and to keep them more occupied as terraforming efforts continued onwards. It is eventually found that the species of natives calls themselves the “Vah’neh”, in their tongue meaning “The Children (neh) of the Mother (Vah)”. Nearby abnormal fauna and flora hostility seems to be lessened when the natives are nearby as well, though it would not be for years more until this trend would be properly looked into by human scientists and researchers as well.
Likewise a group calling themselves “The Resistance” makes themselves known (finally known?) anonymously to the public on Anesidora and the colony ship, claiming to be “the cure to the human infection of the cosmos, and the source to the ‘sabotage’ your lying, greedy leaders talked about” and to “fight against the plunder and {insert a sensitive term I am not using here} of the Vah’neh” until humanity fully leaves “this world and its people alone….for good”. It also leaves an anonymous manifesto in pamphlets across many of the moon’s settlements.
About thirty three years into the settlement and terraforming efforts in the Euryale system, human and Vah’neh relations seems to be on a generally amicable track with much in the way of seeking to understand the natives at the very least. However, a number of human ideas and technologies are often rejected by the natives, with learning having begun to slow down more and more so with regards to teaching human ideas (aside from the common human tongue of English for purposes of communication). Some of those involved at the exchange center worry about the future in this regard, though work has been ordered to ‘help maintain a peace’ as best as possible. Some natives have also been less than happy with humanity’s efforts on Anesidora’s surface, which moon in their native tongue they call “Vah’ruh” or “The Body of the Mother” in their tongue. Indeed, according to local beliefs the moon itself is ‘alive’, and a titanic lifeform that looks like a tree is referred to as “Vah” or “The Mother” proper and sits at the center of local belief and religious practices. Vah has long guided them, taught them precepts that have helped them prosper and flourish in their in ways seemingly-paradisical home, though these precepts are noted as ‘being rather specific and peculiar’ by their nature. It is also found that other fruiting bodies across the moon are extensions of Vah, and are treated with a similar respect and fervor by other tribes.
At times the native tribes do fight and war amongst each other, whether for pride or hunting grounds or the like, though they are often exhorted to ‘be at peace’ with each other ‘unless found absolutely necessary’ by Vah (not that it is perfect among them, but still). Further, more specific cultural investigation of the tribe of natives that first made contact with humanity finds in the process that a more common trait for tribes in this area of the moon is for warriors to get ‘first choice’ of a wife among the women of the tribe. Information from the contacted tribe also indicates that tribes in the local area at times have their warriors take ‘war wives’ in addition to a chosen spouse, ones who act like secondary slave-concubines or workers for more prestigious warriors and chiefs (who are themselves once warriors). In other ways, however, the local tribes seem to practice a sort of ‘respect’ for the planet around them despite the peculiar and now-noted natural tendency of the flora and fauna to not be extra-hostile toward them as compared to humans. They also seem to work to use a peculiar means to ‘connect’ to local fauna and flora with their very long (and prehensile as it turns out) earlobes that helps them to tame creatures both flying and ground-based for their use in travel and war. Yet they also seem to reject the idea of farming, seeming to prefer a close second by either migrating or taking care of natural groves of certain trees or plants to protect them as food sources alongside the very common use of hunting. This hunter-gatherer lifestyle seems to be ubiquitous given the seemingly much more united and widespread religious beliefs of the natives across tribes, from what humanity would manage to gather in attempting to positively contact and investigate tribes elsewhere with small research detachments as well, though certain local customs and ideas vary likewise by region to region across the oddly well-proportioned environs of the surface of Anesidora (as to their skin tones to some extent or another).
Humans as a note must still wear oxygen masks initially, though adjusted locals can simply use new rebreather-type masks to survive on the surface. New generations have been born on Anesidora’s surface as well, and many have begun to become more entrenched into their lunar home for a certainty with these passing and moving generations. Older members of the first generation of new colonists on-moon and on the colony ship remain, however, and some people suspect the natives rather than embrace them while accusing them behind closed doors or in public of being ‘saboteurs’ as well after the eventual and perhaps inevitable public reveal of human sabotage in the Anesidora colony by the colonial administration by this point in time out of necessity before a number of leaks could potentially hit more than just the tabloids and whispered rumors among people. It doesn’t help things overall to enough of an extent for sure.
Thirty six years into the colonial efforts in the Euryale System, and the planned terraforming project is making noticeably greater strides once more. Many celebrate this matter, yet others in the meantime have begun to make it a matter of contention. A great many on Anesidora do not wish to leave the only homes they’ve ever known, others bear concerns or worries for what is being done to the moon, some want to give up on the terraforming on Anesidora altogether on polarized sides to some extent or another, and many continue to press for any progress they can be told about for the terraforming in hopes of finally getting to settle on Euryale IV. However, with all of this comes a rise in new sabotage in human resource-harvesting facilities and the settlements on Anesidora, some of these having evidence of native involvement and others yet still even more human involvement. It spurs on a witch hunt among some of the moon-surface-dwelling humans, as progress seemed to be going against the human saboteurs for a time and been in some decline before this happened, and around this time an initial decline in natives participating in the cultural exchange is going on seemingly due to sentiments among the natives’ leaders back in the primary tribe humanity has been in contact with. Other contacted groups seem to exhibit some form of increased negativity toward humanity as well, and several minor research groups sent to learn of them and communicate with them are either forced to or are recalled to the main human settlement region on Anesidora after a while of this.
Yet near the end of this particular year, the “Pasedena Incident” occurs, several weeks after a group of native youths (appearing to be young warriors) taunting and in ways damaging and sabotaging the land clearance being made for a new mining operation in a nearby valley. Despite the use of sonic fences to drive off the wildlife, the youths seemed unbothered by it and were mostly tolerated but kept at a distance at first. Mostly their actions seemed to be those of ‘stupid kids’, but began to escalate even as those on the site were brought more security and ordered to ‘refrain from starting violence’ at most costs. Attempts to scare or drive off the kids without harming them has also escalated, and yet most recently a translator was brought in to try to talk to them after most things had failed to work on them otherwise. Yet the day when the translator came out and tried to talk to them over a megaphone, one youth threw a rock at the translator. The rock managed to not hit near the translator, as some humans would later claim it was intended to do to, but hit the translator in the head. While evacuating the profusely bleeding and now-unconscious translator, security on the site of the mining operation (meant to provide minerals to the terraforming efforts easier and faster so than using drones for space mining at this venture) were finally cleared to use handheld sonic and microwave crowd-control weapons to drive off the youths more acutely now as the aggression of the situation has acutely escalated. In response most covered their ears or jumped back, and two of them each fired an arrow in the direction of the security. One arrow flew afar and hit the building meant to house workers safely aboveground outside of work hours, and another hit an uninvolved personnel member farther back who was observing the situation. At this stage, live rounds were now fired and three youths of the group of seven were killed and another one was dealt mortal wounds but was seemingly able to be carried away with his fleeing groupmates. The translator would also then die quickly of his wounds before the end of the escalated situation, however, after having been taken into the medical quarters of the operation to try to stabilize him so a called-in medical VTOL could come take him to a settlement hospital.
This incident sparks more than a little controversy on the human side, some claiming humanity ‘was the aggressor and started this, they were just stupid kids’ and others that ‘the kids started it, even if they were just kids they killed two people and could have killed others’ and other such statements. Some media outlets spread the outrage on either side like wildfire to get attention and growth in popularity, those working closer to the natives try to juggle the sudden escalation in negative relations, officials attempt to fumble out statements, and two days later the same land clearance work site is hit with a full-on raid from tribal warriors and is burnt mostly down. Further, the attendance at the cultural exchange center plummets drastically to boot.
Heading into the next year, and despite attempts to smooth things over or appease the locals, escalation of native sabotage or night raids against human operations and human-related sabotage operations escalate worryingly rapidly to boot as do human reprisals to try to stem the tide of aggression. Local flora and fauna also begins to get even more aggressive to humanity, more so than it had stalled out at being for quite some time at this venture around the main human area of settlement and operation. The Resistance ups its operations despite over a decade of trying to root out the organisation after it went public, with mixed successes, a stark and an increasingly rather dark reflection now of some events witnessed on the dying Earth before humanity’s flight. The organization releases yet another announcement to the world, though the first major one in a decade, stating that: “We will continue to fight with the wronged people and environment of this world to cleanse it of humanity’s sins, indeed, even to stop them from repeating all over again in the future to come very soon. Flee your homes, for you will not be spared unless you abandon this place. We have warned you.”
….One week later, then, despite intensified anti-terrorist efforts, and with a new public panic going into swing, a new time period that would become known as simply the “Bloody Month” or “Anesidoran Massacre” begins. Two of the five leading members of the Colonial Administration are assassinated. Several facilities are bombed or attacked by natives. Sonic fences in many areas are destroyed or fail, despite security efforts being made to protect them, and the turret-based defenses and such of the only spaceport are hijacked and turned on the inhabitants and nearby craft or are let down to allow a wave of hostile fauna and flora in. It feels anything but ‘random’, as if the moon itself and the natives and the terrorists and everything were coordinated in one ‘great push’ that sent things into a hellscape. As if it was meant to take as many human lives as possible at that.
Some fought back, and would mete out their own survival. Others were overwhelmed. Some caught saboteurs in time on that day, yet others couldn’t stop them all. But it was enough to turn the Anesidora colony into a frenzy, one of widespread death and destruction in the days to come. Initial shuttles of refugees contained several hidden bombs or saboteurs onboard, who while (most) intercepted after a ‘tattletale’ told on them mid-transit saved the colony ship from being truly destroyed or crippled at the very least and kept the Euryale IV terraforming outposts safe from harm in the end. From here pockets of resistance sought to find any remaining space-capable shuttles to escape on, aerial craft were torn out of the skies by hijacked defenses or tribal/animal attack, and many places lost contact altogether as communications were likewise targeted in many cases. Some claims of ‘freakish monsters’ among the wildlife and natives and the like was also brought back in this time period, yet in the end only so much could be done to try to save those on the planet’s surface….and many were lost in the process during this time period, one which seemed to be a nightmare without end until humanity (with what people and resources and such could be salvaged or rescued) stopped coming down to the planet’s surface.
Some claimed they could have saved many more, yet others still quaked at the horrors they had seen and claimed otherwise, but in the end it was all the same….death. The deaths of hundreds upon hundreds of people, and major trauma brought back with those who came up to the colony ship successfully. There was terror. There was fear. There was anger. Yet in the end, Anesidora fell and the remainder were forced into now-overcrowded conditions aboard the colony ship that only remained partly sustainable for the short-term as it was. Movement of people to the still-terraforming Euryale IV was made in turn, after some time spent in debate and sorting out the aftermath, before things could worsen even further. It wasn’t pretty, and most feared it, but in the end it was deemed that it ‘had to be done’ as the remaining members of the Colonial Administration (including one rescued from Anesidora) took up emergency powers and pushed such things into action. Whether it was a tenable situation on the ship or not in the long-term, however, it was deemed necessary at the time and in the heat of those tentative days and weeks to come.
Humanity would be barely able to subsist on the terraformed planet as it was, but it was at least ‘possible’ if nothing else according to those working on the terraforming project. Thus for the next thirteen years, humanity sought to make home anew on Euryale IV….a planet now named “Sarpedon” by this time. A planet that had by now been stabilized with enough of an Earthlike atmosphere that minimal oxygen masks were needed, even if health issues abounded due to a lack of said masks in supply due to the sudden nature of the situation at hand. So too began work to ‘modify people to better suit the planet’ as the terraforming likewise continued, even as efforts to ensure humanity’s survival in this way rushed into application to try to compensate. For thirteen years, humanity was forced onto a back foot and to rebuild in many ways. For thirteen years, until the planet was finally rendered ‘fully human habitable’ in atmosphere, air, and such like factors in final and the project was deemed a ‘success’, people struggled with the trauma of Anesidora’s loss and sought to move forward.
From this time period, humanity would go about another one hundred and thirty five years in total without outside disturbances. One hundred and thirty five years to let anger and trauma fade into cultural memory, and to ultimately begin to spread more rapidly across a far wider, less absurdly hostile, and much more plentiful (in resources and space) world. It was also in this time the original Colonial Administration would be forced to grow into a larger and fuller government, albeit one that would struggle to keep up with the spread of people after sporadic incentives across the past century or so of the past to “settle new frontier” had gone somewhat out of control in ways. It was a time of growth, a time of generations who had known a better world than their forebears, and a time where new technologies and old alike were growing toward the future as settled cities and such has by now sprung up much greater earnest as the population growth was encouraged to explode to help spread humanity across the surface of Sarpedon.
Yet at the same time, prosperity teetered on a knife’s edge in other ways as the government struggled, accusations of new or longstanding corruption, and work toward keeping control was pushed to a whole new low as the first wave of ‘something horrible’ entered the atmosphere and crashed into the surface of Sarpedon. These ‘something horrible’ would grow like mutant trees, but turned into organic-matter-reprocessing and monster-producing terraformers in their own right. Things that attacked humanity on sight, and which sought to undo its work in making a new home for itself. Things that drove the collapse of the last, creeping vestiges of the old Colonial Administration into being and threatened to plunge the colony into chaos. Many breakaway groups and states that were arising before this, or movements even that had been forming under the ‘colonial heartland’ held underneath the dying administration’s thumb just barely so, turned to work with each other against the threat or fought for their own survival alike. Yet it would be a time of shaped by trauma, and each new year around a certain time more of these ‘flesh pods’ crashed in, began to grow, and set up shop producing horrors to further tear humanity apart.
In this era known as the “Decades of Chaos” (more like seventy five years), humanity would struggle to stay united and likewise to hold back the threat. Desperation drove the inhumane into being in many ways, and elsewhere the fight for survival drove ideas of greater humanity and humanity unity into those who lived through it. It was a time period filled with human wars and wars against ‘the enemy’ alike, and what was once splinter states and freedom movements would eventually grow or fall alike across the board until the most ‘successful’ of these would eventually emerge to produce the polity known as “The Greater Sarpedan Republic” (GSR) that would come to unite humanity’s territories on Sarpedon in that time under one banner in the end through peace and force alike.
Initially a successful successor state born from the original colonial heartland, the GSR would rise as a power both humane yet inhumane, powerful and united yet filled with inequalities and the occasional rebellion aplenty, and so forth. It was, however, the ultimately successful and growing survivor born from the harsh times it came from. And, two hundred and sixty years after the arrival of humanity into the Euryale system, this survivor would begin to further claw back its homeworld from the likes of the threat it faced. Year by year, decade by decade, even over the coming two hundred and forty years to come working to drive back “the enemy”, clawing in new territory from it that was untouched, and even clawing under its wing new territory long torn asunder by “the enemy” and seeking to ultimately ‘rehabilitate’ much of what had come before as terraforming and land-rehabilitating technologies had to return to the forefront and continued to grow more so in this time period. Sometimes they stopped expanding for a while, even, and even turned back to the return of humanity into space as it sought to trace back the source of “the enemy” and its origins as well as to begin one more taking up the resources of the Euryale system under its wing. Yet likewise much was lost in keeping unity as well as was gained along the way, for the idea grew among those in charge to maintain order. To have one state, one nation, and one government. Even this as it was forced to grow, adapt, change, and at times nearly collapsed before changing into its next form on occasion.
Eventually habitats under the banner of the GSR would be suspended in the upper atmosphere of Euryale V proper as well, using the gas giant to harvest and process resources to the nation’s benefit. So too would arise orbital cannon defenses, at first being somewhat limited in number due to technological constraints but crucially meant only to shoot down as many arriving “pods” sent at Sarpedon as possible during a certain time of year. The tracing back of the “enemy” to the cruel but beautiful moon of Anesidora would likewise be made, and initially satellites and new remote research stations would be set up to try to give warning for the orbital cannons (and planet itself) of pods while also seeking to analyze the moon and just what was going on down there. Small vessels carrying sample-and-observation-gathering drones were found to be far less noticed on the moon by attacking/aggressive wildlife that seemed to focus on taking any arriving human vessels down, and found great use in working alongside planetary efforts to better grasp Anesidora as well as in retroengineering and gaining understanding of what “the enemy” was sending at humanity on Sarpedon proper and how.
….It was that titanic, unnatural, blasted ‘tree’ of an organism that was growing them, seeming to use biological methods to propel the ‘pods’ out of orbit and to get caught in Sarpedon’s atmosphere. It was like a giant bioweapon cranking out more bioweapons, but the natives down below (and the discovery of bio-augmented stone age human slave-classes among some tribes near humanity’s former settlement) were too primitive to ever create or control such things. So what was it? Attempts from the past to understand what was salvaged from Anesidora in the far past, alongside the past centuries of battle against the pods and their engineered monstrosities, and finally the new studies undertaken about Anesidora from a distance would eventually dig up enough of a truth….one that the public was not to be told about for until it was fully understood to be ‘actually, really true’ and could be properly dealt with. The truth that the organism sending out the pods, the thing that had been tormenting them for untold decades, and whose lingering effects did so even now yet still, was itself a titanic biological supercomputer whose reach and myriad secondary nodes stretched across the whole of Anesidora. That this organism’s flesh was infused into every living thing on the moon, as if to monitor and potentially exert control over it. That this organisms’ “Sacred Rules” that alongside reinforced traditions kept the natives stuck in a Stone Age society rather willingly by this point in time in a world seemingly curated for their kind….and which had been responding to humanity like it was a literal infection in reality this whole time.
What could be done, though? Some wished to respond quickly, but much had to be kept hidden and top-secret from the public about the truth due to the scope and scale of the enemy. Decades of knowledge had to be taken in. Studies had to be done. And, frankly, another problem came to the doorstep of the GSR even after it had changed its name to the “Greater Euryalean Republic” to reflect its new beyond-Sarpedon-spanning nature. For such was the nature of the arrival of the titanic yet fast generation ships of the “Glorg”.
A species that had spent untold generations wandering the cosmos like ‘comic leeches’ without bothering to settle on a world for any longer than it took to take what it had to offer them, any unfortunate enough to come across them and other races hostile or friendly alike would easily be able to call them the ‘most annoying alien species in the universe’. Literally. A species that seemingly set up ‘shop’ at the edge of the system while sending its main populated vessels forward to ‘subjugate the aliens’ of the Euryale system, primarily meaning humanity and its operations, tentative initial contact would lead rapidly to outright warfare with a second alien species in the Euryale system. One that had taken over four hundred years to arrive and sat back before taking action at a lazy leisure. One that would lead to decades of struggle anew that humanity was pushed back onto a back foot once more by, at times had territory taken from by, and yet which humanity would in the end drive back and respond with in heated, aggressive, and lethal reprisal.
Roughly sixty years ago, after a few decades spent in on-and-off war, the Glorg would eventually be driven back fully and then some. Two out of the three Glorg ‘mother vessels’ would be destroyed without mercy, and scrapped for analysis, while the last would be forced to surrender before being crippled and pushed out beyond the very farthest edges of the Euryale system to flee (but become a source of minor pirate activities persistently for some time to come). Forcibly-settled Glorg populations in human territory would be driven back from where they had tried to ‘clear out’ all humans from their own cities and towns and habitats to take them over (as if humans were pests). And thus humanity would continue to endure. Continue to survive. And so too would it return to studying the, somehow kept secure, foothold around Euryale V’s moon Anesidora. For the enemy hadn’t stopped, and neither would they. Indeed, it was about time to return to work on how to eradicate the flow threats that had been coming all the way from Anesidora…once and for all.
Though in truth, they’d also have to handle the Gateways opening once more as of that very thing being the latest event to shake the GER in current times.
Culture and Society: (How do they live? Anything from ritual cannibals, to a surveillance state dystopia, to an integrated hivemind.)
Robotics is an advanced current-day technology that has been brought down to the level of affordability for even the lower end of the middle-class by this point in time, though it also sees its limits and uses despite the highly sophisticated programming and engineering developments that it has taken centuries to make ‘common’ enough and streamlined enough for costs and people. Cleaning, performing dangerous industrial work, helping doing yard care work alongside humans, acting as household assistants, etc. They are also employed in use in the military, such as in combat robots or drones, as a supplement to work alongside temporarily-modified-and-equipment-augmented human soldiers rather than to ever outright replace them for a number of reasons (thinking capabilities, discerning and navigating situations on a human level in the field when dealing with other humans, etc, etc).
While many of these robots take on simply practical shapes, those that work closest with people take on increasingly human-type appearances and looks and styles and mannerisms. And, using bio/genetically-engineered artificial flesh, can do so to frankly a very much an outright lifelike degree without reservation (legally ‘segments of properly and fully non-sapient, non-sentient flesh cannot be deemed as human beings). Robotics of this grade also see use alongside human employees within the commercial/civilian sector by businesses in ‘business grade models’ respectively, as well as in: Helping care for kids, acting as a second set of hands in a household, acting as a babysitter or elderly caregiver, and maybe in some rarer cases even acting as a friendly companion for a lonely or socially isolated child or elderly, etc, etc.
There is a rather longstanding legal ban on general human cloning and ‘engineered biological human servitors’ or such things within the GER, a hard ban that has been enforced at gunpoint in the past after the law was first passed in the wake of these things being ‘achieved’ by humankind on Sarpedon. The only known produced human clone, made from and by the researcher who made the breakthrough, was also confiscated from his ‘makers’ and adopted out anonymously to a childless couple while the research on making him was seized and those involved were essentially locked up for life and put under surveillance.
Extreme genetic/biological modifications of the self that lead to or generate extreme medical/other problems and warped physiologies/psychologies are most widely seen by GER culture as a notable spoken and unspoken taboo for myriad reasons in the vast and greater majority by far. And….there are many reasons for this, both due to practical issues over the centuries and otherwise.
While some religions and such discourage the use for ‘anything but medical necessities for one’s health and proper safe job employment’ and such otherwise, which is its own cultural matter and is a similar matter to the use of augmented mechanical prosthetics and replacements of those kinds, no matter the background or religiosity this extent of modification and body warping is drawn in the sand where it ultimately ‘crosses the line’ and creates conditions for individuals where ‘things get dangerous muddied and intertwined’ within the body. These things can’t be easily, or always cheaply at that, reversed or cured or the like. Indeed they very readily lead to vast and deep medical complications and even unique or rare sorts of medical issues, and even psychological conditions and mental diseases ranging from ‘an addiction to getting gene/bio-mods’ all the way up to ‘becoming an inhuman monster or losing one’s empathy’ in some capacity or another. It is a dangerous matter, and as a comparison think of people who ‘become cyberpsychos’ in the Cyberpunk universe as a similar enough parallel, yet there also is a fringe subset of modded people (called “Biomod Transhumanists”; street names are more like: “Frankensteins”/“Bogies”/“Mod-Monsters”/etc) that seek to do such on purpose and call the act ‘true transhumanism’ and seek to embrace this extreme and often are associated with illegal and riskier non-aesthetic biomodding/genetic modification operations (nicknamed ‘meatmen’ or ‘bio-chop shops’) where they usually have to get their ‘extreme’ modding jobs done at.
Nicknames for this condition include, but are not limited to: ‘Going mod-mad’, being ‘mod addicted’, ‘going full monster’, or ‘going animal’, among other potential lingo and terms for this general concept.
Even those who survive this condition, in the case they wish to reverse the process and can get the sponsor or money to get medical help toward reversing it all, then, will likely have permanent problems or other issues even if they are ‘cured’ to more or less of an extent. And that is if they could get everything ‘removed’, and some part of their modifications had to be kept in for medical safety and usually patient-life-endangering reasons.
Note that not everyone is super visibly modded in society, though, as all non-medical and casual mods are aesthetic (by law) visible stuff in the majority of those who get mods for non-medical reasons (medical ones are non-visible mostly, aside from something like a replaced limb/segment of skin or such). Just like how everyone doesn’t have a tattoo, or everyone has piercings or maybe only has one for some reason. Etc. Visible biomods are seen in a similar light to piercings and tattoos and such in society in general, really, even if it has taken 500 years to get the technology to the point that such things can be much more readily and easily removed/added to people in mainstream society by the current day and age within the GER.
While some who support or speak from within the “Biomod Transhumanist” movement proclaim it as an ‘expression of true freedom and personal choice alone that the law should not repress’, and that all who partake of these modifications do so willingly, it also cannot be denied that there are a number of cases to the contrary as well. Within some groups who take to this particular transhumanist ideology there has been ‘forced modding’ on unwilling or ‘lied to, misled, young, or otherwise tricked subjects’ who now suffer from the consequences of what was done to them as well. There are those among this far-flung (overall) fringe group who are certainly cognizant and stable enough to be around and/or be capable of communication with normal human beings, to enough of an extent depending on a case-by-case basis, which has been the basis for current day practice of not arresting them all or treating them all like alien animals within national law.
However, there are seemingly just as many stories of those from this group who are no more than wandering monsters or enclaves of even greater extremism with warped if not inhuman perspectives and biologies and the like who have attacked or caused incidents with normal humans of criminal natures that are frankly treated as outright criminal cases due to the unknown as well as unfortunately widely-known dangers of their existence. They mostly end up being deemed ‘walking bioweapons’, willingly made or not, that most often get killed for purposes of safety (and protecting people) or might otherwise be contained for medical study in some cases to try to better grasp these things to help victims.
The reason for biomods being used for self-expression far more widely than cybernetics or advanced mechanical prosthetics boils down to the laws of the GER, which has designated by current times that “the removal of healthy natural flesh and tissues and/or organs from the human body for replacement with mechanical or cybernetically-augmenting parts, for reasons of self-expression or any such behaviors not deemed medically necessary, is deemed to be, in the eyes of the law, a form of self-harm and illegal as well as destructive and/or self-destructive behavior punishable by law” by current times.
This came in a lawsuit where, in the earlier days of such cybernetics and advanced prostheses being developed they were originally mandated to be ‘medical only technologies’ where it required a proper medical reason and rhyme to get such things installed. Some companies began seeking to find ways to commercialize the technology to the wider public in turn after this, and sought to drum up public support for their aims as well, though the ethical debate over the matter would only intensify in the wake of this. To ‘get ahold’ of such prostheses or cybernetics, some individuals would cut off limbs or damage themselves, either on their own or in some cases with illegal ‘medical assistance’, to try to get access to these sorts of implants or prosthetics more rapidly. Indeed at the time it was the cause of a spree of these cases, caused by rumors online that many bought into that they could perform such frauds to ‘get past the system and laws’, and this in turn required deliberation in turn.
The legal case in particular that set things in motion proper as they are currently was a man, one Gustav Arnolds, who got denied a cybernetic prosthetic by one company after what had seemed to be an ‘accident’ causing the loss of his arm turned out to be part of a foolish and ill-fated plan to get a ‘cool cybernetic arm’. As stupid as the case was, the man sued over the denial and claimed he ‘needed it to function in a job and subsist, and that the company was ‘causing him undue levels of suffering and trauma’ by denying him something. During this case some would even argue that “he can do with his organic limbs and body as he wishes, and if he wants to replace his parts with augments he has the right to”, though in the end the judge and chosen jury would make the call that “what Mr. Arnolds did was no more than destructive and mental-health-worrying self-harm in the desire to get an advanced mechanical prosthetic for non-medically-necessary reasons, and thus it has been found that the prosecution’s ill-fated scheme to this end renders his right and attempts to claim and purchase an advanced prosthetic limb to be null and void”. This would require clarifications at the federal level thereafter, which sought to ‘set the boundaries clearly’, and would in turn be the legal decision leading to certain regulations being placed on such ‘cybernetically-augmented equipment’ that it “has to not require the removal of healthy tissues or organs from patients” and that it take the form of externally-worn equipment and devices in any general-use or non-medically-regulated forms.
Combined with the eventual rise of casual biomods into the scene, where lessons learned from the past led those seeking to get these regulated in favor of sought to make them ‘easy and safe for patients and for trained applicants of this technology to remove outside of a medical environment’, it would manage to pass the legal bar of standards despite being a ‘slower burn’ to develop into the state it exists in by current times. This being said, it would still be regulated in the casual sense quite notably in other ways, mostly to “avoid people trying to become super-soldiers” and such goals like “getting casual super strength to go kill a man” or such things. Aesthetics and such were the primary focus in this vein of things in the casual market thereafter, at least outside of medical scenarios where one might get medical biomods for health reasons but could also get non-medical/casual ones for use otherwise. However, in the case one got both kinds of biomods they would have to ‘get safe approval by their doctor’ in certain cases depending on what casual biomod(s) they sought to have installed.
It is safe to say that with the emergence of casual biomods in the vast majority, though, some have also in the much smaller minority still sought to use legal and illegal cybernetics and prostheses to ‘go against the bio-tide’ and express themselves in that way. However, this has been met with becoming even farther outliers than some who use ‘excessive’ amounts of casual biomods. That and there also is the existence of illegal biomods and such out there to boot. Etc. Though there are certainly augmentation-based biomods and the like used in the military and in some more limited ways by the police, though these are packaged and streamlined deals that are made for easier whole-package removal for those retiring or leaving the force (including mandatory therapy sessions and medical care for some time to adjust them to the non-augmented body/life more smoothly as required by law; are also used by military alongside things like unpowered exoskeletons or such too, etc).
Advanced artificial intelligence is used within the GER to secondarily assist in most areas, ranging from customer service to industrial facilities/factories to areas such as research and development to boot. Certain rights of humans to work have been cemented in the workplace as well, however, ranging from the ancient issues of art theft used to train A.I. and seeking to create a sort of ‘good balance’ between the two areas has seemingly been reached in a general sense. Admittedly some issues, such as A.I.’s use within customer service areas and such, do still fluctuate from time to time even still. However, how did this ‘balance’ manage to come to be?
To put it simply, centuries of struggle back and forth from anti-A.I. advocation to the extreme and the alternative of overusing A.I. within human society has led to this point after literal centuries of struggle. Ranging from the initial use of A.I. and robotics where humans couldn’t operate things, to the zealous regulation of human deployment in areas where humans could be used instead, to the eventual wild swings back and forth within government and industry alike (itself a hotbed of some industrial lobbying and its eventual strict high regulating to boot when it came to this issue, among others) of policy on and off over the centuries.
Yet it would be the horrible results of these swinging policies and good ideas and lessons learned along the way that would shape things. From unemployment and rioting and such from former workers, to the disastrous failure of critical systems and loss or near loss of several floating cities, to the mismanagement and loss of large sums of money and resources to hacking and such, to even the misuse and destruction caused by automated and obsessively non-automated systems like during and outside of times of war, etc. This alongside the practical refinement and development of these technologies would see it and robotics alike eventually reach a place of ‘moderation’ that they have today in GER society.
((More To Be Added Eventually))
Governance and Politics:
((The General Rules of Thumb Are:
1 ) The “Oligarchs” are basically that, the top elite authorities whose number of ‘seats’ is limited hard at ‘seven’ by their own founding rules. They have top authority, legal immunity, and frankly a ton of wealth and benefits while also being the heads of Executive power otherwise to boot. They began as founding heads of the GSR that, coming from across certain closely-placed parts of the failed Colonial Administration’s territory, essentially forged a power and faction of their own in the process. While several of their seats are filled by a successor, appointed or semi-elected among their own or by hereditary means or so forth, the top three (or four, depends on what I end up writing in the long-term) are known as the ‘Three Immortals’ for supposedly being immortal in some capacity or another. In any case, their ‘seats’ are meant to distribute a ‘differing array of skills and technocratic variance’ but ‘be united in the same meritocratic aims of preserving and leading the GER and its citizens, including humanity, forward into the future’.
2 ) The National Legislature, led by the President of the Legislature and such, and other lower parts of the government basically run the ‘day to day’ in general, report back to the “Oligarchs”, and act as an ‘adaptable republican sub-system’ meant to adapt to changing times and ideas and general populations at large within the GER to attain a ‘level of long-term stability and avoid ancient oligarchic personality cults, destructive dictatorial whims, and so forth’ ruining things according to the “Oligarchs” and the national constitution (yes, the GER has a constitution at base to boot).
3 ) To Be Added ))
The government is a strict entity in its authority, and has a unitary style of central government at the top, and yet moderates itself through the use of democratic processes and a rigorous judicial system from the bottom-up. There is a separation of levels of government to a certain extent, mostly into levels, with lower levels as defined by the central government at: Continental (to a uniquely certain/special/limited extent), provincial, regional, state, district, and local levels respectively. Unitary authorities exist at each level as conduits of the central government, as do "Representative Councils” at each level that hold limited powers within the limits of laws passed by the central government to pass regulations and such. City/Town Councils, District Councils, State Councils, Regional Councils, and even Provincial Councils exist in particular to this end. Continental level is skipped, however, as the administrators at that level are basically just certain delegated ‘Central Government members’. Meanwhile the National Legislature ((split into the Upper House of the Legislature, in which each province has two representatives: one being a people-elected representative from each province, and the other being a singular expert or skilled person or figure from varying fields and walks that is chosen and appointed by the Upper House Appointment Committee; and the Lower House of the Legislature, which hosts a population-proportional representation from each region)) exists at the highest national level as part of the central government to “inform, represent, bring matters to light, and work on the discussion, planning, and passing of laws” at the highest level. At the head is the President of the Legislature (PoL), who is internally elected within the legislature proper from either house and presides over it both formally-speaking. The PotL also has a Cabinet of Executives who help manage parts of the nation internally (as is the purpose of the Central Government itself) and are chosen by the PotL.
Beyond this, the judicial system has various levels to distribute the burden and catalyze the escalation of cases from each lower level where it is appropriate. Candidates at the lowest City/Town level come from graduates from legal/judicial schools, and those who serve at this level for at least one term of four years become the candidate pool for the District level. Those at the District level who serve at least one term become candidates for the State level. Etc, etc. Candidates at each level are put through background checks and interviews once elected, and if found to be ‘unfit for office’ or corrupt or such disqualifying things then a second vote is held among the remaining candidates once the situation is aired out for the public’s knowledge. A similar system of careful vetting, as done by a politically neutral body formed for such according to law, is used to vet elected and appointed candidates within the central government at various levels to boot.
The general practice for democratic voting is that all adults, those 18 and older by law, are able to vote in general elections at the increasingly large local, district, state, regional, provincial, and national levels respectively. The general idea is that you can’t vote on who is mayor or such in a place you don’t live as well, naturally/inherently, of course. However, there is some hybridization with liquid/representative democracy as well in this case. Normally citizens have the foundational right to vote on who to represent them as with a representative democracy, but in this case citizens can also sign away or hand over votes to another akin to a liquid democracy to use on their behalf. Simply put, people can invest their vote into the personage of a representative to vote on their behalf. Representatives can be as small-scale as someone’s lazy adult kid giving his vote to his mom or dad to use on his behalf, as big as a bunch of such parents or citizens investing their accrued votes into a common singular representative on a larger scale, etc, etc.
However, each citizen also has a just as fundamental right to ‘rescind’ their vote from a representative to reclaim it if or as they wish, and the use of votes as ‘currency’ to hand them over to others in legal or commercial or such exchanges (and contracts in general) has been strictly forbidden…..and not without reason either. Albeit there are regulations are in place to prevent mass vote-pulling for trolling or such bad-spirited reasons, such as trying to ‘pull out the rug’ from underneath a vote-invested representative’s feet to troll or humiliate them, though it doesn't illegalize mass vote withdrawing in all cases such as if public opinion turns against a candidate your representative is voting for, etc, and you change your mind).
Also, a sitting politician/representative or someone in the running for a political position (defined in law so I don’t have to try to go into deep legal details) cannot be used as a Voting Representative by others and loses that position and power and so forth if they do enter such a position or go into the running for one. Those who work for or are related to a sitting politician directly, such as staff, janitors, sons or daughters, and the like, cannot be used as Voting Representatives either. All Voting Representatives are also barred from accepting pay to become one or participate as one (this issue always comes up here and there in the courts, but the law is generally actually enforced). Voting Representatives at larger levels, as well as lawsuits regarding them, are vetted through and recorded by or are handled by the appropriate unitary authority and elected council or the proper judicial court level respectively.
So not only are possible political candidates seeking to gain political positions, but some supporting them might go on their own sub-campaigns for the candidate seeking to accrue votes to use to vote for them. Double the political campaigns, and sometimes these sub-campaigners work against each other to accrue votes. The central government oversees election cases or lawsuits at various levels, and in some areas there are committees that help vet such
Votes can be handed over on three levels. The first is the ‘one use basis’, such as for a singular presidential or mayoral race and what most major candidate sub-campaigns will seek for. The next is a ‘limited time basis’, which cannot exceed one or two years due to federal law and in minor part depending on the local region one is in. Then there is ‘on a semi-permanent basis’, meaning that the chosen voting representative has the handed-over vote(s) until or unless those who gave them their vote(s) decide otherwise. This of course comes with its own storm of regulations and court cases by current times to boot.
….Meanwhile, while the day to day is handled by the overt government, the actual behind-the-scenes oligarchy basically controls government systems in the background, with behind-the-scenes institutions from top to bottom to help support and reinforce this by current times with how far their reach has come to stretch in reality. It doesn’t micromanage everything from top to bottom normally, the flexibility and such gives people room and representation enough to satiate them and allow things to run well enough in general, but it does step in and exert authority where and when it sees fit and when its interests are either endangered or when its members wish for something to be done. Their ability to control things is at all levels in reality indeed, even if they don’t always abuse it all of the time.
Still, it is by far in current times seen as a crazy but lingering conspiracy theory that a ‘secret cabal controls the nation itself’, and even more so with the sub-rumor that ‘its members are all immortals’ and such things (they are actually in most cases ‘effectively immortal’ in some scientifically-wrought way or another, funny enough, but this bit of the conspiracy theory is seen as the most ridiculous as well). The ‘true synarchy’ behind closed doors also has a titanic amount of wealth and the like individually, but even they have created a sort of code of ethics and such to try to regulate themselves internally to boot.
((Note: At some point the “Oligrachs” almost went for a genuine Synarchic approach, but decided against it after deliberations on the matter.
Further, the reach of the “Oligarchs” should not be understated. The Central Government overall runs things, with the National Legislature and judicial areas having their own areas and definitions, all to run the day to day while the “Oligarchs” (as their nickname has become to the point its basically official) run their business and oversee things, etc. But they have subordinates reaching down into these bodies rather than being isolated from them, etc, which is something the general public doesn’t fully know either due to how smoothly (overall that is) things have been run in the past ~260 years despite three internal rebellions or such having happened by current times within the GSR and later GER proper in total.))
Technology Overview:
Limited Graviton/Gravity Technologies - A breakthrough in human scientific understanding that, ultimately, was developed with the intent to allow humans to settle more widely and oddly across the surface of the planet of Sarpedon in some ways. Harnessing the power of the graviton, it allowed the anchoring of buildings using ‘gravity tethers’ (for ocean cities or suspended larger buildings/habitations) and has enabled the use of artificial gravity devices on spacecraft, habitats in the atmosphere of Euryale V, and general space stations. This being noted, however, this technology has become limited to these implementations (and due to RP rules) due to how bulky and rough the nature of this technology is.
Nanotechnologies - Ranging from advanced nanomaterials able to recover from or withstand terrible storms, to nanoengineered factories capable of producing incredibly hardy and resilient materials and specs using a combination of organic and inorganic processes, to the likes of electrically-resistant and resilient medical nanomachines, to nano-scale art exhibits, to even nano-scale synthetic fabrics beyond the reach of human hands, to the safe installation of new cybernetics and removal of them alike, etc, these things emerged mostly as human civilization on Sarpedon would begin to reach beyond its infancy after a number of macroengineering questions had to be answered. It is a form of technology that has become an in-depth subject explored and still to this day being tinkered with within GER society.
Robotics (and Artificial Intelligence) - While humans have retained a by now more grounded place in the workplace despite the presence of robotics, this technology has still transformed things much over the years alongside the issues and development of advanced artificial intelligence. Ranging from deep-sea or voidbound mining drones with rugged exteriors, meant to handle rough and dangerous environments of the seas and space, all the way down to household human-like or such robotics used to assist parents, act as elderly caregivers, or even just be time-spending supplementary companions to keep even a minority of people who buy them for such reasons more socially engaged and happier in the household. They are implemented in various industries ranging from production and refineries, both on-planet for Euryale IV and in the myriad industrial habitats of Euryale V, in commercial industries as in-store assistants in some cases, in areas of business targeted at all sorts of ages, and even within the military for use alongside living, breathing soldiers.
Among the most famous companies to produce household robotics are “Vaul Technological Enterprises”, “Raijin Robotics”, and the last of the “Big Three” names in robotics being the “AutoDoll Corporation”. Yet, historically at least, the most notable of these three companies is the lattermost one: The AutoDoll Corporation. Founded roughly four hundred and eighty three years ago by a well-to-do German-born polymath and first generation colonist, Dr. Heinrich Nachtnebel, the AutoDoll Corporation has remained a generally consistent name in the realm of robotics and secondarily in artificial intelligence (at first) for most of its history. Being one of the oldest extant companies within the GER, it has passed from hand to hand and generally stayed a profitable and lasting presence within the industry that even today still has an existing civilian market and a number of military contracts with the government. While seen by some as an ‘old hand’ that has been around a long time, or being past its glory days, it is also a presence that remains far from being ‘gone’ and continues to regain occasional relevancy here and there after having managed to adapt to the times.
Knowledge of Robotics is also employed for the use and deployment of "Specialized Single-Pilot Vehicles" (SSPV), which range from 14-foot-tall humanoid-like "Urban Combat Police-Piloted Vehicles" (UCPPV) that are deployed in small numbers in serious urban police or “Military-Grade Specialized Single-Pilot Vehicles” that are deployed in military scenarios in rough/dense/wild terrains like forests, to ball-like underwater submersibles with attached robotics arms and mounted tools for underwater work, to similarly-shaped ball-like space-piloted vehicles for work in a vacuum and bearing their own array of arms and tools and specialized features, and even civilian-grade SSPV's akin to the UCPPV that are used in logging and construction and even certain forms of hazardous work environments. For the most part SSPVs of any kind are not for frontline combat in every situation, especially on open terrain, but in what such roles exist for them is something they've been able to be specialized for or adapted to from their original civilian-grade models. Because that is how these vehicles arose, beginning as rough and hardy ‘enough’ civilian work tools and load-moving suits for industry before eventually spreading out from there in their potential uses elsewhere once the technology eventually came down to being well-understood enough. Some have even been integrated for use with cybernetics for finer-tuned control on the part of an operator(s), which seems to be another more recent development in the last few decades for SSPV technology in general.
It is of note that SSPV military variants and police variants, while of a higher grade in a number of ways, aren’t made to be tanks either. They mostly take on anti-personnel-type roles alongside other ground units, and can be used to assist in even anti-SSPV roles and configurations as well.
Robotics has also played a part in the development of cybernetics and mechanical prostheses, ranging from internally-implanted medically-approved-for-health-reasons-only devices to the civilian-grade externally-worn and commercially/etc available forms under the law. (Etc.) ((Note: Some cybernetics or prostheses are actually medically-implanted ones that, under law, are medically required for safety on the habitats of Euryale V or certain extreme environment scenarios, though this also requires recipients of such medically-regulated ones to sign waivers and
As for artificial intelligence as a whole, the line between incredibly smart and human-mimicking models and still-sophisticated but decidedly less-humanlike ones has become less blurred and more well-defined over the centuries than some as far back as the early 21st century would have perhaps assumed. While the making and programming of them has certainly not been free of the occasional idea or debate if ‘A.I. has become sentient and sapient’, and incidents of activism or online rumors over certain individual or ‘viral’ situations regarding A.I. have occurred without a doubt along the way, current-day law and regulations have placed a number of tight restrictions on ‘certain aspects and capabilities’ of A.I. after having finally breached past the era of ‘overly enthusiastic widespread A.I. usage’ and its myriad and seemingly inevitable problems along the way. Albeit this was a long, troublesome, and also-inevitably dangerous road of understanding and development that saw many current-day laws written in the depths of tragedy and at times in blood and sweat and tears otherwise.
Another development in this area (or is related to it therein) has also been made more recently, that of “Artificial/Synthetic Brains” (and separate but related artificial/synthetic neurons, which is as much of a mention as they’ll get for now). These are not pure organic brains, but are machines made to imitate the human brain as closely as possible. Mostly used in studies both medical, economic, computational, and in certain realms even commercial uses to some extent or another by current times while seeking to push the technology forwards. Yet simultaneously they have also come under scrutiny and been placed under legal limitations in their designs for similar reasons as A.I. both from an economic and likewise a safety-related as well as ethical point(s) of view, some of these measures being pre-emptive and others yet to be decided either legally or in the development of this technology.
Genetic/Bio-Engineering Technology - Mastery over the genome and an understanding of genetics has been achieved on Sarpedon over the past five centuries, the beginnings of this being wrought in the work before colonization and afterward to adapt the human body to the more alien conditions of Euryale IV/Sarpedon proper. It can also be linked to a number of leading members of the field of genetics and bioengineering and their own involvement in these things as far back as the GER’s records (and those on the old colony ship) go. Research into the field to save and preserve Old Earth species, work to understand the genetics and biology of Sarpedon, surgeries developed long ago on the cutting edge for the rich and wealthy, plagues both familiar and on rare occasion oddly alien, the danger of and development of bioweapons and long-term presence of “the enemy”, and similar things have also contributed their own bits and pieces across the myriad decades until current day to create the local understanding and mastery over this ‘craft’ in a manner of speaking. This and the at times sporadic or gradual march of technological development helped to facilitate the improvements in the sciences behind this technology to boot.
In a manner akin to getting a tattoo or piercing, people get ‘biomods’ as a means of self-expression. Anything from cat-eared streamer girls on college campuses, to a gang of men with shark-like sharp teeth, to teenagers getting eye and body mods to ‘stand out’ or something of the sort, the use of biomods has taken the place of something like cybernetics in the causal sense due to the ‘father ahead’ developments of Genetic/Bio-Engineering technologies compared to cybernetics and cybernetic/mechanical prostheses within the GER.
((Note: In some medical cases, a mechanical prosthetic or cybernetic implant might be deemed safer for use than a biomod, or perhaps be deemed ‘more effective’ than a simple regrown replacement part/tissue/limb/organ for someone (usually due to old age or such factors though).))
Fusion Technology/Fission Technology/Batteries - The GER has developed improved, self-sustaining fusion technologies, as well as the likes of fission and fusion batteries/cells/engines in increasingly compact sizes and improved outputs. While mentioned in another tech category in the above parts, it is worth a mention here on its own regardless at the very least. In part, however, fuel for some of these things is derived naturally, safely, and sustainably from local seawater to boot before being further refined or processed to required specifications. Other fuel production is taken, derived, and developed in facilities suspended in the atmosphere of the neighboring gas giant of Euryale V. Modern practices are more sustainable for these things, in part due to development and time and in part at least some level of hard-learned long-term and more recent environmental-consciousness that has affected the generations that have been born and living on Sarpedon in some way or another (even if not directly these days) since the fall of “Old Earth”.
This being said, the development of power-generating/holding technologies has historically on Sarpedon been an influencing factor in 'downscaling' or 'upsizing' some other technologies along the way. Among the technologies that came into fruition with the ‘downsizing’ of power sources on Sarpedon is the development of advanced hovercraft/ground-based ionocraft (and likewise thrusters and such related technologies) making use of electrohydrodynamic thrust for rapid and quiet on-planet ground-level transportation, which have been able to be developed far enough for both the civilian and military markets to make use of them in one way or another (including finding them to be vehicles used on the roads to boot). (A nice little historical note to end on with this as well for fun!)
Cryonics/Cryogenics - Cryonics, derived from technologies salvaged from Glorg mother vessels, is an extant technology within the GER and is both a technology as well as an area of study and debate to boot. Cryonic super-cooling liquid ‘throwers’ and ‘grenades’ and such were experimentally developed for use in warfare and ultimately have been worked out to the point they have seen practical as well as by now historically successful use within the GER’s military through current times, and cryo-tech has seen use in medical procedures to help ‘kill’ certain tissues or exterior cancerous growths, deaden potential sensations of pain in certain medical trials in the most current times, or to yet other extents have been employed to valuably help keep patients alive through ‘ambulance cryo-pods’ employed for only critical-enough cases/patients thus far in GER society. Meanwhile actual serious cryo-pods have not really caught on in the practical sense, and have been outlawed for ‘the storage of dead bodies NOT for immediate transport to a funeral home or hospital and/or non-medical long-term storage of living individuals’.
((Note: Use of Glorg salvage also helped ‘speed up’ other areas of human innovation in ways as well through study and retroengineering work, but much was also lost in the eventual boarding and later destruction of two of the three Glorg mother vessels in turn or remains under-research because it still can’t currently be understood or got filed away due to other pressing matters/concerns going on. Etc.))
(Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point) -
(Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point) -
(Placeholder/To Be Written Or Added….At Some Point) -
((Extra: Technology Q&A Section (To Be Added Onto As Needed) -
Q: Wasn’t Gravity-Based Stuff Banned?
A: Yes, and I ran what I have here this time by Tort before putting it into this app as well to be safe. No tractor beams, or other wonky stuff like handheld gravity guns and such, just simple gravity tethers to suspend stuff and enough to do artificial gravity stuff in space proper. I just wanted to put it in the app to feel like I was fleshing things out properly and likewise IC rudimentarily justifying why (beyond it being an RP rule) that there isn’t more grav tech stuff in my nation.))
Military Overview:
((General Military Info Area:
Infantry/soldiers generally use a mixture of Kinetic and Particle Beam weaponry, both in anti-personnel and anti-vehicle roles, while Kinetic, Missile/Explosive, and Particle Beam weapons in a general sense are used for combat vehicles across various theaters ranging from ground all the way to combat-oriented spacecraft. This includes the use of advanced Close-In-Weapon type systems and “Point Defense” for various military craft/vessels as well where fitting.
Kinetic primary weapons for infantry mostly take the form of easier-to-maintain coilgun-type designs on average, capable of firing a range of ammunition types and in semi/full auto and even underwater or in bad weather type scenarios, while something like a sniper rifle or a revolver-type pistol (only really in serious use within SWAT-grade police organizations in this latter case in particular, though civilian-grade and ones sold as ‘outdated surplus’ for being older designs do exist in the market as well) would be made with a railgun-type design to fire ferromagnetic projectiles. However, it is of note that these technologies took a rather long time to manifest as ‘viable’ infantry weapons within the Euryale system. Technology began with late-Earth firearms technologies, though between the loss of Anesidora and other intervening years of struggle beyond began with the same level of military technology until gradually ramped-up threats led to a serious need to ‘make’ stronger and likewise more versatile arms work in the field. Etc. Things like advanced cluster munitions and such are also employed by current times in warfare, mostly due to improved designs and greatly improved reliability for submunitions compared to the technology of centuries past, to try to overwhelm the range of point-defense and CIWS type weapon systems or attack larger or smaller groups of enemy infantry/organisms depending on the situation.
Meanwhile, rail weapons tend to standardly form the bulk of larger-scale hard-hitting weapons mounted on vehicles/vessels for anti-vehicle use alongside larger-sized particle beam weapons. Larger-scale coilgun-type weapons are most often used in rapid-fire weapons at those scalings in turn, including gatling-type arrangements of such larger coilgun-type weapons developed to accommodate the inherent change in firing mechanism and heat management.
((Note: Chemical-propellant weapons are not alien to the GER, but these days are mostly collectors items or among the available but in ways limited civilian-grade arms that are allowed to be sold by law. All gun/arms ownership comes with thorough background checks and require ‘non-dangerous mental health’ to own that have become a by now mostly-streamlined but crucial part of renewing one’s gun permit in the first place.))
Particle beam weapons are Neutral Particle Beam Weapons (NPBWs) geared at delivering the maximum amount of energy to a target, with adjustable settings for “soft/low-power mode” for lower-grade targets or situations. Mostly used against armored vehicles and monstrous bioweapons at higher settings, and lower-grade settings against smaller and less bulky/armored targets. These weapons burn through flesh when hitting living tissues, as well as destroy enemy armor and vehicle/craft electronics, and depending on the power setting one turns the weapon to it can have various such effects. While hardened armor and so-called ‘adaptive armor’ (made using phase changing or smart materials) for some vehicles (or carapace for some “enemy” bioweapons) was ultimately used to protect against these weapons in turn, this would be combatted with a larger-scaled weapon in turn or alternatively use a kinetic or missile-based weapon in turn. Etc.
Orbital Defense Satellites are only located around Sarpedon/Euryale IV, the moon of Anesidora, and Euryale V defensively, though upon the opening of the Gateways more will be deployed and made to heavily guard a wide perimeter around the Euryale System’s gateway proper alongside patrols and a spaced-out series of defensive space stations.
Improvements in Nanotechnology have led to the development of modern military exoskeletons/exosuits being by far unpowered/passive by nature, rather than risking a powered one making a ‘wrong move’ and tearing off someone’s limbs or worse (etc). This does not mean these modern exoskeletons/exosuits are themselves useless or weak in comparison, however, as their unpowered design has also left more room to add defensive protection/survival aspects to it (such as further protection against biological and chemical weapons). However, despite this they can and do often still have powered tech integrated into them (etc) for use in the field. Just the base exoskeleton/exosuit itself isn’t powered is all, but things thrown in there for use out in the field or that are attached to them externally can be powered.
Nanotechnology in a general sense is also well-incorporated into general building/vehicle materials and other equipment for the military as well. This includes radiation shielding and EMP shielding, among others, by the current day and age that have been enabled in part by advancements in general nanotechnology (including materials sciences in this regard).
In-depth anti-bioweapon/anti-organic defenses/treatments are also a part of GER military capabilities at its core by current times, with actual ‘offensive’ weapons being rendered a moot point given the GER’s biotechnological and bio/genetic engineering capabilities. The most horrendous it gets with an ‘offensive’ weapon are canisters of chemically-or-EM-propelled pathogen designed in particular to target and kill “enemy”-specific exotic biomatter (an emergency weapon or crowd-control against a newly-found ‘pod’ since pods can adapt their creations to be immune over time, thus even this weapon is limited in scope). However, widespread immunizations to such have become commonplace over the centuries for….various and extent practical reasons as well, to be most blunt about the matter. Things such as anti-biological agents to boot, where fitting or declared safe for use, though such things as these and general bioweapons are outright normally not used against human beings due to this form of usage being illegal by law (and seen as a taboo/inhumane outright) and coming in such a case with very lethal consequences for breaking those laws.
In fact, ridiculous things to locals such as ‘engineered monster creatures’ are a point of strong feelings within the GER, such that they are not only banned but are considered organically-based war crimes (among other things) and are punished very, very severely…and are destroyed with impunity.
(Leaving Room For More To Be Added Later)
(Basic Soldier [Example])
(Exoskeleton Soldier [Light Exoskeleton/Exosuit; General Example, Not For Ground-Based Only])
(Exoskeleton Soldier [Heavy Exoskeleton/Exosuit; General Example, Not For Ground-Based Only])
(Multi-Role-Capable Military Hovercraft [Missile Loadout])
(Rail Hovertank)
(Track-Based MLRS-Type Vehicle)
(Latest-Generation Military MG-SSPV; Is Used In Very Limited Numbers In The Field Currently)
(Current Gen Military MG-SSPV; In Widespread Usage)
(Orbital Defense Satellite; Uses A Particle Beam Cannon To Intercept Incoming Pods And/Or Help Blast Space Debris During The GER’s Regular Space-Cleanup Missions)
(Outdated/Pirate Boarding Craft)
(Outdated/Pirate Attack Craft)
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
A section to be filled out IC, both as they are revealed (primarily) and as I actually write them up (which will likely not be all at once) and such. They will be passed by the GMs to make sure they're ok to toss in behind the scenes as I actually manage to write up and finish each one, but won't be publicly tossed into the app until they are used or revealed IC to enough of an extent (to keep some sort of mystique about them around, at least maybe).
(Description here)
(Description here)
(Description here)
(Description here)
(Description here)
(Description here)
(Description here)
The Glorg, a species whose popular ‘national anthem’ sounds like a cheesy pop song (the famous/infamous chorus line of it: “D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Don’t Touch Mah…..GLU-THURG-NA-THAAAAANG (Gluthurgnathang), and who have cloned the original singer and put each clone through the same sort of trauma and life that the original lived (a ‘mimicry of the original’s life’) to try to forcibly shape them into the ‘same person’ (and publicized their growth and life events each time as well as ‘corrected’ the process if the clone tried to deviate) untold thousands and thousands of times over and then some. All to allow the original singer to ‘keep singing for the people’ no matter how old the song became and how long it had been and even if the unfortunate clone found out the truth. This to the point that the ‘latest’ one to be made before the war against humanity in the Euryale system, who learned the truth of his life and was kept from ‘doing certain things’ to ‘escape’, was so traumatized and angry against his own ‘people’ that he helped betray them to humanity in the end just to be free of them.
An aggressive species whose visible members are low to high upper-class in the comparative sense, with a feast and party-loving culture that celebrates many events both mundane and major alike with decadence. A species whose lower members were mostly left to die off and breed on their own in cramped ‘slave holds’ on their vast generation ships, alongside two other species they enslaved along the way, as slave-servitors and hard laborers to perform public works and so forth that their own robotics (which fully dominate industry) weren’t designed for. Meanwhile the likes of input-given automatic systems for appointed military commanders to use to command robotic forces, and upper-crust-designed robotics and drones now working alongside slave-soldiers in their military forces as soldiers by and large.
A species that is more than willing to displace others and slaughter other populations that they see as ‘lowly slave fodder or pests’ simply for their own whims and wills, while despite leaving their slaves to their own devices only in their hold areas will everywhere else go about lecturing others about how to think and what to do and will act as if these things should be expected in their presence without having to tell you about them. A species that would so very often enforce its at times obtuse or species-specific ways onto subjects around them, and have long treated those who broke such even unknowingly with great offense and even punishment at times. A species whose media is spun to entertain and amuse or generate rage in their masses to succeed, and which has cared not for the destruction of the world or places around itself as done by its own hand but proclaims humanity and others to be ‘dirty savages’ for dirtying their own homeworlds and the like ‘as if they just don’t care’.
A species of hypocrites, and yet even then containing its own nuances internally along the way despite looking in from outwards painting them as a stereotype. Somehow. Some treat their ‘servitors’ far better in a minority in some places in their mother vessels and such, or argue for them here and then, while others treat them poorer than the robots and get a kick out of it on the other end of the spectrum. Some are more sober and serious than the party-loving stereotype or are known for in their wider public, with some being genetically-bred intellects whose talents are fostered in their education system where they are found before being used for the ‘less fun’ but usually still-important jobs in society that require such. They actively focus on reusing resources and recycling them from their wanton waste, whether in making at least ‘edible medicated-nutrition chow’ for their slaves to sustain them (if quality drops too much the slaves begin to die off ‘too much’ and this is the only time they’ll correct things in that regard on their side), and do take meticulous care of the ‘natural areas’ they possess in their mother vessels with a level of actual, genuine care for these spaces and fostering the growth of them in new terraformed areas elsewhere as well.
In some of their extent sub-cultures even go about possessing actual closeted or hidden religious beliefs, this despite the zealous atheism of their state overall pushing them to the fringes and brink, making them outcasts or criminals if discovered by law. Yet despite their stance on faith they hold to their stance on atheism with a very religious type of pomp, ceremony, and zeal without any self-realization of the irony, and hold to the ‘preservation of our original culture’ as a stringent matter that legally in certain respects is not allowed to ‘deviate’ in society (such as certain greetings and ceremonies, and the holding of wider public debates about matters in public forums, and not genetically augmenting their species to ‘change them from the original form and being’, etc) but which has changed still in other ways they hold as ‘not so important’ (and ignore changes in for their own benefit, such as evolving technologies and their growing decadence, abuse of medical technologies to extend lifespans and live better than their slaves despite indulging in many vices, and praise-generating formalities used to stroke egos and make them look more important than they are in some cases at that). Even their food reflects both a mainstream obsession with ‘strange hydroponic farming techniques’ among their upper-class population, while certain circles take their own twists on food ranging from more ‘simple and staple’ types of cuisine of supposed historical nature to even those who prefer sour and spicy types of foods or prefer sweet-seasoned and fermented sorts of flavors (etc) in this circle or group of their kind or that one across their mother vessels.
Despite everything, they have depth of some kind or another to them, and yet their society became so reliant on conquest it didn’t know (or at times didn’t want to know even with a chance given to them) how to do otherwise. They’ve gone about plundering from asteroid belts and such within other systems, and build new ships to carry more of their growing population from time to time. Then once in a ‘very long time to be sure’ they have stopped in a particular system here and there to build new ‘mother vessels’ over a few generations to house the populations of many smaller vessels once the number of them grows too large.
There are several ‘mother fleets’ of their vessels in the universe, having been forged for untold tens of thousands of years, and if two by some miracle make contact with each other it usually leads to the trading of some ‘cool or unique looking’ slave species (if any) and a lot of partying before the system they met in likely gets stripped down to the bone before they part once more in different directions (eventually). Yet the mother fleet that arrived in the Euryale system, with two of three of their mother vessels being destroyed and the last being crippled in a number of ways, is basically trying to subsist at the very edges of the Euryale system as occasional pirates and taking time to lick their wounds and repair/rebuild their remaining vessel with the aim of traveling off again (eventually) away from the system.
((Note: Females are taller than males and have shorter trunks with a rougher skin texture (visibly and to touch), and males’ trunks are longer than those of females with a smoother skin texture.))
Earlobes - Tying one’s prehensile earlobes back behind the head is a sign of seriousness and aggression in Vah’neh society. It is a thing done by warriors heading into battles or hunts or raids and such, or in defiance of a leader seen ‘not fit for leadership’ only by warriors unless you want to get killed or scarred for it depending on the situation, but it comes with just as notable consequences in social interactions. Earlobes not tied back are a sign of comfort and ease, in enough of a social sense to be basically ubiquitous among the spread-out tribes, and yet also take on the potential connotations of ‘not seeing someone as a threat’. Cutting one’s earlobes off is a form of horrific isolation and mutilation, done only to ‘traitors to the sacred laws of Vah’ (which include very specific anti-tech anti-mining type rules and such among them) and ‘severe blood traitors’ which can be familial or considered such in a wider marriage-based or tribal nature at large depending on the circumstances and so forth.
Further, these prehensile earlobes are basically used like a Na’vi’s tail from the James Cameron Avatar movie, in that one can bond with animals and Vah/Not!Eywa with them to boot, akin to having a usb for a tail and the world being made out of computers in a metaphorical way. Not that this makes anything but taming animals and ‘sharing minds’ (a highly intimate experience with its own set of connotations, ranging from romantic or sexual to familial in nature depending on the more varied sub-culture of a particular tribe) with other Vah’neh. This doesn’t mean nature just kowtows to them or such, though, as while they avoid Vah’s “immune response” as humanity experienced firsthand….yeah nature will kill you, diseases do still happen, etc. They have much easier lives on Anesidora for certain, compared to any primitive humans in ancient Earth history, but it won’t be perfect in every way for them either and troubles are still there to enough of an extent.
Inspiration - Yes, they are an edited knockoff of the Na'vi from James Cameron's Avatar, though I forgot to add more details about how they look and such beyond what has been said as of yet. Ugh. But no, they aren't meant to be totally shallow or strawmen despite starting out in my head as that. They are meant eventually to be (even if I have to develop them in iteration) more fleshed out and their own thing. And have it where they and humans are both in the right and act like a-holes alike given the situation and so forth. Did I do this well? Maybe not, maybe better than I thought, either way the goal was to try to even them out on both sides. But in this case Not!Eywa is basically an arse, to put it simply, and a threat because it makes for more action and drama and another difference to try to separate them from the Na'vi and Cameron's work personally. (@_@)