- Basic Information Name: Calal Tergis (Ter-j-iss) Age: 34 Race: Half-Elf Appearance: (picture is not mine) Heigh:5ft 7in. Weight: 200lbs Personality: Calal is a humble and kind-hearted hunter whose greatest concern is the well-being of his wife and children back home. His life revolves around his family, and every decision he makes is guided by his deep love and sense of responsibility for them. He is well-tempered, rarely letting his emotions get the best of him, and approaches life with patience and quiet determination. Though he may not be the most intelligent or quick-witted, he makes up for it with unwavering dedication and a strong work ethic, always doing his best with the skills and knowledge he has. His genuine and caring nature makes him a dependable and trustworthy companion.
- Abilities
Skills: Hunter Gatherer: Calal is very adept at hunting and gathering. As he often spends weeks if not months by himself out in the wilderness trying to hunt and skin as many pelts as he can. That way he can sell them for a good profit he can then send home.
Magical Affinity: He has some magical qualities to him, (will go into detail in the magic section), but he mainly has used illusion magic to help with his hunting of animals.
Survival Instincts: Calal has honed his ability to navigate and endure the wilderness through years of experience. He can identify safe and dangerous foods, recognize environmental threats, and determine the best times to hide or remain exposed. His keen awareness of nature allows him to adapt quickly to changing conditions, making him a reliable guide and survivor in harsh landscapes.
Sneak: Calal can walk and move without detection. Years in the forests have granted him this ability. Trial and error from consistent mistakes sneaking on animals and not being detected have been his bread and butter and shown his persistence.
Alchemy: He isn’t super skilled in Alchemy, he will never be able to concoct the next greatest potion, but his dealing with different herbs in the wild is enough to be able to surely cure your hangover.
Bow and Arrow: His preferred method of hunting is using a bow and arrow (duh). He has spent much of his life practicing and using it in the wilderness, whether his hunt is moving or still. He has become precise and quick on the draw.
Trap making: Calal has had to make multiple traps with little supplies, he has learned to make traps for rather pesky hunts or when he is really desperate in the winter and needs to ensure he gets his prey.
Magic: Healing (Basic): Calal has the ability of basic restoration magic, he will not be able to heal a lot, but he has enough that he can keep himself alive from any wounds from animals and mishaps from other hunters.
Illusion (proficient): Calal when he was younger was able to pay a mage to train him in illusion magic, this way he could do better at his job. He can use spells like muffle, invisibility, calm, and minor illusion. All so he can keep his prey from being able to detect him. This is really what put him over the edge of being a great hunter.
- Equipment
Personal Items: Generic clothes (his trader clothes). A deerskin that he has tied around his waist. A drawing from one of his children of his family. (One wife, two daughters, and a baby boy).
The Lock Box: 2 iron daggers. Alchemy pouch with some herbs. A necklace of animal fangs. Stone bowl and a grinder Short Rope 200 Septims
Storage (in an inn in the city): (20) Iron arrows and a medium bow. A few more hides. 300 Septims. 8 Vials of varying uses. (healing potions, and antidotes) A bag with gear for making camp. Iron Shortsword. A notebook on Animal Tracking, written by him. A Map A cloak that looks pretty dirty.
Background: Calal was born in a small, quiet town in Cyrodiil, where his parents worked hard to provide him with a decent life. His father, a skilled hunter and trapper, taught him the ways of the wild—tracking, skinning, and moving unseen through the forests. His mother, an Altmer, kept their modest log home in order and taught him patience and discipline. Though life was harsh, it was honest, and Calal grew up believing that hard work and dedication were the path to a good future.
As a young man, he fell deeply in love with a woman named Amber. Their love blossomed quickly, and with determination, he built a home for them just north of the Orange Road. Here, Calal honed his hunting skills, often traveling to the Imperial City to sell furs, meat, and other goods. He gained a reputation as a reliable and skilled woodsman, a man who could navigate the wilderness with ease. To most, he seemed like a devoted husband and a simple, hardworking man.
Ambition: Calal’s ambition is to take care of his family. He wishes to make them have as comfortable a life as possible. While they still live in a log cabin, they have a decent life where Amber does not need to work. His world is his 3 kids, Selene (10 year old daughter), Elenna (7 year old daughter), and Tobias (2 years old). These are his ambitions, his dream to see them grow up and fulfill whatever it is that makes them happy. Calal will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens.
@Paingodsson A little light, but we've talked about it so you're good to go. Just pop him over to the characters tab and make your intro post when you're ready.
I've been down bad with the flu, so forgive me and my sick brain not functioning properly, but how are we to handle the recent post? Since I just posted the collab with Verena, Isai, and Deia, I don't see a need for a Verena post specifically, but I'm just not sure how to go forward. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm missing something, but I've read the post several times now.
Is this for those who have yet to decide which path they want to take, i.e, go get their belongings, go down the tunnel, or go up?
I've been down bad with the flu, so forgive me and my sick brain not functioning properly, but how are we to handle the recent post? Since I just posted the collab with Verena, Isai, and Deia, I don't see a need for a Verena post specifically, but I'm just not sure how to go forward. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm missing something, but I've read the post several times now.
Is this for those who have yet to decide which path they want to take, i.e, go get their belongings, go down the tunnel, or go up?
Sorry again @.@
I mean, I suppose if people really want to go up themselves there's not much stopping them, but the intention was to have everyone go on down the tunnel. Yashar and the officer of the watch is to regroup with the party and return everyone's belongings. As said though, Isai/Deia/Verena are good at the moment since you guys just did a collab post, so you're not missing anything lol.
I mean, I suppose if people really want to go up themselves there's not much stopping them, but the intention was to have everyone go on down the tunnel. Yashar and the officer of the watch is to regroup with the party and return everyone's belongings. As said though, Isai/Deia/Verena are good at the moment since you guys just did a collab post, so you're not missing anything lol.