That means that the special ability is Deadly, by a hair, and the favored contact is Stacey Weathers, by a considerable margin.
Last thing to settle is the crew/ship equipment. @meri suggested Stun Weapons and Tracers. Everyone else, can you either give me one or two suggestions to add to the list we'll vote on (or otherwise explicitly abstain)?
(Thanks for your patience--I know the initial setup is a lot, but we're almost done, and we'll dive right into the action once we are =D)
Alright, that's everything! Below is what should be the full list of your crew stats; I'll make this the 0th post in the Character section at some point. I'll also start working on the first IC post, which I hope to have up by tomorrow night depending on how hard work kicks my ass.
@Penny,@POOHEAD189,@rush99999--when you get the chance, please add the additional action rating from Deadly and post your character sheets to the Character section =)
As an additional note, the crew creation steps have the GM specify some factions that the crew has a reputation with; I've added those to this as well, but if you feel like one or more of them don't fit, or you have some other ideas on that score, feel free to say so.
General Info Ship Name:Cerberus Crew Cred: 2 Reputation: Daring Crew Quality: 0/3
Stun Weapons (A wide variety of less-lethal weapons for capturing and securing prisoners.)
Tracers (Variety of ways to track targets, including audio/video bugs, attachable beacons, and transmission cloners for comms. Legality varies by device and jurisdiction.)
Training: Prowess (When training Prowess during downtime, earn an additional XP.)
Deadly (Each PC may add 1 action rating to Command, Scrap, or Skulk. You may not increase an action rating past 3 this way, but if taken during initial character creation, you may increase a skill past the starting limit of 2.)
Ship Info Comms: 3/4
Long-range Scanner (Provides a variety of EM spectrum and gravimetric readings, giving the crew advance warning up to a dozen light-minutes away
Engines: 2/4
Jump Drive (A special engine that can activate Ur gates that connect systems and translate ships into hyperspace lanes)
Hull: 0/2
Weapons: 1/3
Grappler Arm (Officially for latching onto asteroids and netting cargo, it's an array of nets, grappling lines, and arms that can tie two vessels together for towing or boarding. Legal.)
Brig (Space jail. Not meant for long-term incarceration. Will prevent most attempts to escape.)
Faction Status:
Ashen Knives: +1
Your contacts with the Knives were able to point you in the direction of some tracking equipment, only slightly used; the deal went smoothly, and they took note of that (+1)
Wreckers: +1
They helped you get your ship outfitted; you promised them a favor in return (+1)
Hegemonic News Network: +1
Your friendly relationship with Stacey Weathers has given you a minor but positive reputation with the other HNN reporters in the sector (+1)
Guild of Engineers: -1
The upgrades and surplus weapons you acquired were looted from one of their outposts, and they're not impressed by that (-1)
House Malklaith: -1
Somewhere in the endless cycle of feud and counter-feud, House Malklaith's has found itself out of favor with the HNN, and their coverage has consequently been... less than flattering. Your crew's association with the sector's star reporter has not put you in the House's good graces (-1)
Stacey Weathers (Friendly - Ace reporter for the HNN's Procyon office; has the hottest leads.)
Arlox (Used to be an assassin, now an Ashen Knives Pasha. Gave the crew their first job.)
Ishi (Weapons dealer--sells both legal and less than legal weaponry, for the right price.)
Hegsgud (Gweldite tracker--both his name and his purpose.)
Jezri (A fixer; slimy, but he really does have the hookup.)
@Penny, if I'm interpreting your question correctly--you're already maxed out on your Prowess attribute, but if you put your Deadly point into Command, it would increase your Resolve attribute.
Lix (Gweldite tracker--both his name and his purpose.)
If he is a Gweldite, could I ask that he be called Hegsgud instead? I like making up my own languages when I play an alien character, and Hegsgud was the word I settled on for Tracker.
@rush99999 Not a problem, change made. In fact, if you have some kind of Gweldite glossary written up, feel free to send that over and I'll make sure I reference it when/if any more show up.
In fact, if you have some kind of Gweldite glossary written up, feel free to send that over and I'll make sure I reference it when/if any more show up.
I have less of a glossary and more of an alphabet jumble. When I want to make a Gweldite word, I run the English version of the word I want to make through the jumble and then possible add and/or remove a few letters to make sure the result isn't too silly.
Quick Question, do we have to lock in all our dice before rolling or can we add on more from optional sources after the roll if we don't like the result?
Asking for future rolls. I'm happy with the one I got this time.
@Penny I believe you roll a number of dice equal to your score in a particular ability! For example, my character has 2 dots in Study, so when I make a check with that skill, I roll 2d6 and take the higher number. If I had 1 dot I would roll 1d6, if I had 3, 3d6, etc. If you have no dots in a particular ability, you roll 2d6 and take the lower number.
@Penny I believe you roll a number of dice equal to your score in a particular ability! For example, my character has 2 dots in Study, so when I make a check with that skill, I roll 2d6 and take the higher number. If I had 1 dot I would roll 1d6, if I had 3, 3d6, etc. If you have no dots in a particular ability, you roll 2d6 and take the lower number.
Yes, that's correct. Rules are on page 18-21; main caveat to the above is that you can get bonus dice one of a few ways:
Some character or crew abilities will give you bonus dice to certain rolls
+1d for receiving assistance from a teammate; they take 1 stress
+1d for either pushing yourself (take 2 stress) or through a Devil's Bargain (up to me =D) (can't get dice for both)
Spending a gambit, which I realize now I need to track in your crew status
@rush99999 - The actual shot sounds like Controlled, Standard to me. That said, I'd like to stay away from nano-scale technology--not that it doesn't exist/can't be obtainable by the PCs, but I don't want it to be commonplace or part of "standard kit", if that makes sense. Do you mind editing to remove the tracker microchip? If you want to change the action to have Ijin put a larger tracker on the bike itself (or something similar), I'm open to that; I'm also open to just removing the tracker bit altogether, or hearing other suggestions.
@rush99999, I think the answer is "yes" to both, though we'll deal with XP postmission. (This is another one of those situations where the rules specify "per session", which doesn't really fit with the pbp format, but I think doing it per-mission will probably serve well enough).
That does bring up the point--@POOHEAD189, you also have Predator, so arguably you should have gotten a +1 as well. Do you want to roll another d6 to see if you can get a full success, or let the current result stand?