Alrighty I'll be going away for the next 3-4 days (should be back no later than the 18th of March), but I'll check in occassionally while I'm on my trip.
We are also getting close to the 2 week mark that Esty has unfortunately been required to leave and unable to return. I think we need to consider the possibility that she may not return (at least not within a time frame of a few months). So I propose the following actions (More or less what I have previously mentioned):
- We complete the Beach Episode intermission while we play in IC, getting back into IC normal play on the 25th of March (Or approximately) with a new resource system (Single resource - Supply). Territory wars Continue.
- We complete the Beach Episode intermission first, then enter back into IC normal play on the 15th of April (Or approximately) with a new resource system (Single resource - Supply). Terrirory wars Freeze.
- We complete the Beach Episode intermission first, then enter back into IC normal play on the 15th of April (Or approximately) with the old resource system (Dual resources - Personnel and Wealth). Territory wars Continue.
- We complete the Beach Episode intermission first, then place Nocturnia Memoirs on indeffinate hold for Esty's return (If she wants to continue it after returning as well).
I have drawn up plans, arcs and systems to continue IC normal play that I'm getting close to being happy to share, but if people aren't comfortable to continue the game in Esty's abscence I understand~. Let me know your throughts and I'll chip in when I have time.