Revamped Angel from Season 1 and her NPC gone PC, Kenen Vax from the same season. Gotta finish The DealBreaker/Broker and the Revamp for Vaihrn and Mairyell >_>
God I'm ridiculous lol. Well, at least I'm not Ioi *winks playfully and jokingly at Mikael*
Saella Lasari – The Shining

Theme I\|/Theme II
Collapsible Shield: Saella carries this shield, which is typically collapsed into a rod formation. This shield was made for her by a human friend of her's and can extend out from its rod formation to the round buckler in order for her to utilize it for defense. She has become rather skilled with it since she began using it years prior. More recently she has begun to couple it, at times, with a sword.
Ancestral Blade: A blade she managed to retrieve from the smoldering remains of the Council building in Loom when things had died down somewhat, this Ancestral blade was stored in the vault of the building had, somehow, drew her to it as if it was hers to begin with. Unaware of its true nature, Saella has since toted it around, or had Kenen do so in her stead, and has, in the last year, trained extensively in order to begin utilizing it in combat. The blade's properties are mysterious, but it appears to amplify and channel angelic essence in order to burn and further damage demonic essence, any of its other capabilities are unknown at current time beyond its miraculous durability and lightness. The blade does appear to have some kind of enchantment, though Kenen has stated that the blade is much more difficult for him to carry, while it is almost as light as a feather in Saella's hands. The blade's scabbard contains its essence and partially contains its abilities however, even when the blade is sheathed it will glow and hum when it senses harmful, or killing, intent.
The Crystal Prison: Additionally, there is the crystal necklace given to her by her 'mother' and tutor, Lasarian. This necklace is capable of sealing demons within it once they have been subjugated. This necklace is known as 'The Crystal Prison' and can be viewed in the 'appearance hider'. This necklace is thought to have been created by a joint effort of the three races in order to seal a demon that was a threat to all three. The seals on its surface do not indicate exactly where the things sealed within are sealed, but it can be seen that they are ancient and were crafted by human hands. Hands that were likely guided by an angel clairvoyant, who gave some of her tears to fuel its power. A demon of unknown name at the time, likely one from the Western kingdom (oddly) sacrificed itself with the crystal over the ritual altar, allowing the entirety of its being to be used to eternally power the crystal prison, why a demon would do something so selfless has been lost to time. The necklace has been passed down between Saella's soul 'lineage' since her creation. It is likely that only the archangels and the most ancient of demons know exactly what it is...or what the unnamed beast referred to only as Unlight was. It is presumed that the Crystal Prison seals its inhabitants in an elaborate location that has since been hidden and erased from the minds of all, but one archangel and one ancient greater Hellion. Additionally, if Saella were to delve deep into the memories of her past lives, she would eventually (after a very long time) be capable of accessing the knowledge regarding the necklace, but for now she knows very little and maybe that is for the best.
Armor: Depicted in her appearance picture, Saella has managed to ger her armor enchanted so it does not inhibit her movement, makes less sounds than it normally would, and is less heavy than it should be. Beyond this the armor is normal in all respects.
Personal Capabilities:
Taming Power: Where her abilities were considerable before, now they are downright impressive even with her mental instability at times. Saella, at this point, is capable of open empathic and telepathic communication with nigh anyone whose mind she can contact, and whose mental defenses she can circumvent. She is capable of incapacitating the average surface demon, and mentally crippling the average hellion with her mental influence. Warden class demons no longer overwhelm her and demonic lords, while not manageable, can be dealt with on low levels.
At this point she has reached a level that she can access people's subconscious mind, allowing her to predict their actions before they are entirely aware of them. This ability is not perfect and increases in difficulty with the power of the individual, not to mention how guarded they are mentally. At this point Saella can also create psychic fields, which are detailed below. As with before she can accurately gauge the power, and even skill level, of most individuals regardless of race...unless their essence is mixed which can briefly, or permanently, confuse her. Additionally, chimeras and beings of mixed racial essence are much more difficult for her to read, predict, or deal with in general.
Physical Ability: While originally Saella was like all other tamers, aka not physically powerful, she has since developed a decent amount of strength and durability, allowing her to take more damage and dish more out. However, in particular her flight skills have increased significantly, as well as her ability to maneuver while still on the ground. This allows her to not be too weakened when she is forced to fight without her wings. Beyond this she has managed to use her taming abilities to amplify her mental perception, allowing her to increase and control the input/output of her senses. She can block out her own pain, infuse herself with pleasure, and a few other useful tricks. Lately, she has come to think that some of her abilities are borderline, as in they seem to be very similar to other angelic classes....
Swordsmanship: While she is no pro, Saella has managed to become a decent swordswoman, allowing her to deftly evade strikes, counter blows, and skillfully subdue her enemies.
Instinctual Battle Prowess: Due to her nearing her final few regressions, Saella has gained a good amount of battle knowledge and instinct, which she has managed to partially train into her muscle memory. As such she can sometimes become momentarily more deadly than normal in combat, allowing her brief bursts of exceptional effectivity, followed by a decrease in stamina and general ability till she rests.
Extensive Knowledge: Originating from her past lives, Saella has gained extensive knowledge of both humans and demons, allowing her a broader perspective in life, as well as certain situations. This knowledge can however, only take her so far.
Tamed Demons:
Kenen Vax
Sharvalli - Hellion

"So you want to know about little old Vax eh? Well, it's pretty simple. I was the Warden of the southern kingdom, I decided to take ooone tiny little trip to the human world to retrieve some idiot minions of mine, and this little tart decided it'd be fun for her brute, angel friend Kaeden to thrash me around a bit until she could capture me. So yeah, here I am, you meager insect, sitting in the sealing void of her necklace, but hey, at least I'm the central gem! I mean yeah, this totally beats ruling a country with an iron fist, being able to kill and eat whenever I want, and you know all that other good demon shit. Totally...totally.
"Anyways, I bet you're wondering why I didn't just use my lofty powers to defeat Kaeden. Well, it's pretty simple, and I'll be quite blunt here, Kaeden is a badass. Yeah, a demon giving a complement to an angel, what a spectacle, but seriously...that guy fuckin' threw me around like I was some rag-doll, and I ain't no pushover y'see. Anyways, been in this damned crystal prison ever since, forced to abide by Ms. Saella's will. So I've gotten used to it, settled the fuck in, and become her friend. Yeah, that's right, she's friends with a goddamned demon, fucking deal with it. Anyways, back to mindlessly staring into MOTHERFUCKING NOTHING SPACE, leave me to my empty, lonely, boring existence now and stop asking me questions...bastard."
Appearance Details: Vax stands at eight feet tall and has an essentially humanoid appearance. However, his skin is of a false smoothness as to use his ability he must 'open' rather large pores in his flesh, allowing the essence to be pulled into his body. Additionally, he possesses a sleek tail with a deadly oval formation lined on both edges with serrated spikes, allowing him to use his tail as something of a club. His fingers and hands appear fairly human, but he can extend his slightly sharpened nails into wicked bird-like claws. Upon his back there are two discolored bone-like formations that run parallel to his spine and on either side of it, these can be drawn out and used as swords, after which his flesh will heal over the spots they were extracted from.
Abilities: Kenen vax is capable of a good amount of things, and he is certainly a rather powerful demon, but his chief ability happens to be something he calls Ruina, or ruin. This ability allows him to gather an alternate type of essence, the kind that is infused through the realms rather than to give direct life to a host. This ability allows him to cause locations to decay and go into ruin rather quickly as well as using the essence gathered in that area to fuel both his physical form and powerful destructive abilities. While Ruina can effect living things by making contact, Saella only allows Vax to use it to weaken them and tire them out, rather than allowing him to kill them by removing the full extent of their essence from their bodies. He is also capable of using gathered essence, or his own, in order to strengthen various parts of his own body. Additionally he is rather durable and rather physically powerful due to his size, which is roughly 9 feet tall. Sharvalli all possess this ability, though Kenen vax's form of it is especially powerful.
Hellion Construct

"Ghaaavhaiiiiii kisiskikik cracka vhanadsfk"(We're not sure what it's trying to say, but we think it is cursing our ugly existence...rather ironic I think).
One of the FleshShaper's lesser creations, Chia'raq'kis'ij is a demon whom must beings have given up trying to call by its name, thus it is instead called 'Bladebug'...for obvious reasons.
Appearance Details: Yeah, it's repulsive. Only thing you really need to know is that it is roughly seven feet tall even when it is hunched over, so when it stands up fully it reaches roughly nine feet in height. Oh yeah and it's blind as a bat...meaning it sees through vibrations...aka its hearing is super acute. So is its sense of smell, allowing it to track down people by their essence signature alone as long as it has smelled it once before.
Abilities: Immensely fast and ridiculously hard to kill, Bladebug is capable of regenerating as long as even a single shred of his body remains intact. Along with this, it is fast, agile, and possesses a mouth and arms that can shred or cut through most materials. Even low grade swords and a good deal of firearms are easily cut into ribbons by this things blades, their master's soon consumed afterwords. This creature has no real power, unless being so repulsive that it sends most into shock initially is a power....
Rahpturi - Hellion

"You better stop staring, I don't like human eyes, they make me want to rip them out."
Appearance Details: Possessing the lanky but lean build of most of his kind, Nessaeris stands at 7'3, towering over almost all humans. The wings seen on his back can very easily fold around his arms, where they will become an armor of carbon fiber till unfurled for flight. It should be noted that Rahpturi Hellions are almost half as heavy as they appear.
Abilities: Like most Rahpturi, Nessaeris, or Nessy, as Saella calls him, has the ability to exude a liquid form of carbon which he can then manipulate into various forms. This allows him to shield himself from blows with a powerful armor, or to create weapons out of solidified carbon. In addition to this, Rahpturi are exceptionally quick on their feet, as they are lighter than they look despite their general size. As a Rahpturi, Nessy has one other ability and that is a small degree of deep level mind control. This allows them to control the stability of the subconscious to disrupt or stabilize individuals on a deep level to cause general dissaray in their psyche. His abilities can be easily blocked for the most part so they generally only work if the person is very weakened, willing, or if it happens to be a sneak attack.
Ascended Vampire - Surface Demon

"Must I explain my position? It really is nothing special. I was a well developed surface demon, a vampire, until I devoured several angels and a demon or two. Of course it just haaad to be a problem, so I was targeted, but they all fell. Eventually I was able to grow these wings, their essence fueling my evolution till I became the magnificence you see before you! I am Dseszel, the ascended one! Bow before me lest I lay waste to your senses and the sad excuse you call a physical body."
Abilities: Dseszel is inhumanely fast, capable of moving and flying at speeds beyond the scope of the human eye. So far only skilled battle angels, and a very lucky Saella, have been able to hinder him in any way. Of course, now he is under her control. Beyond this, he is capable of conjuring massive blasts of wind with his wings and creating subtle illusions through eye contact, which allow him to make himself even more difficult to follow. These abilities, while semi-typical for ascended vampires, do not necessarily apply to all of them --though there are few due to the angel's careful watch over the surface demon population.
'The Excluded'
Demonic Construct

Abilities: The Excluded is capable of creating semi-elaborate illusions that can confuse or generally disorient its foes.
Other Data: A construct created by the FleshShaper during the war, this beast was accidentally released from its cage and onto Surface a few years back. It appeared to be composed of the parts of a variety of demons who used illusion or pain inducing magic, along with obvious signs of possessing the abilities of a Sharvalli Hellion(see Kenen Vax).
Vortrud Kemex'kal 'Bane of Prosperity'
Nightwalker - Hellion

“Oh come now, having your essence drained isn't that bad, it's just terribly agonizing. It's not a bad thing though, you die eventually anyways. Might as well get it out of the way asap, right?”
Abilities: Like any nightwalker, Vortrud is capable of manipulating, assimilating, and traveling through shadows. His power increases as the illumination decreases in an area, making him strongest in dark areas or at night. Vortrud has developed his Origin State, but Saella has been unable to force him into showing her as of yet as it is deeply ingrained in the hellion and he is still able to resist her influence somewhat. Like all nightwalkers, Vortrud has a particular affinity for essence manipulation, be it his own or that of other beings.
Other Data: During the early days after the war, Vortrud took part in the demonic campaign in which demons impeded the angels from setting up base on Surface as best as they could. He was the Warden, a general of sorts, who led these guerrilla strikes against angel kind. He is a former Warden of the Western region of hell, serving under the lord of the time, which may or may not have been Szayeis. Vortrud is a member of the Nightwalker species.
Captured Demons: These are demons which Saella has captured and sealed into her crystal necklace, but not tamed thoroughly enough for use. She keeps them sealed most of them time, choosing not to use them and not to release or kill them due partially to her principles and partially because they are too dangerous to release.
D'hrash 'The Blood Hungry'
A demon originating from the Western reaches of hell in the domain of the Chimeric lord. Formerly of the Warden class. A member of the Faelsar species. Was alive during the war where he killed over two hundred angels before being sealed into the crystal prison.
Loh'eik 'The Severed'
A demon exiled from hell, Loh'eik gained his name from the fact that he possessed no limbs excluding his two tails yet still managed to always sever the heads of angels, devouring them soon after. His race is unknown due to his body being too disfigured to identify him.
Unknown name/Unknown Title
Unknown race or former position and affiliation.
This being was sealed into the prison by Lasarian, it is unknown as to who it is or was. Lasarian has sealed it in such a way that nothing can touch its mind without specific keys and the like. Saella is afraid of it and she calls the demon 'Unlight', despite this not being its alias or name. She has figured out most of the keys needed to access Unlight's consciousness while keeping it sealed. However, she is afraid to wake it its power sends her into a cold sweat.
Kenen Vax
The Ruinous Siphon

Theme I\|/Theme II
Demonic Abilities:
Ruina(Ruin): This ability is characteristic of Sharvalli hellions and allows Kenen to gather the essence of inanimate objects in large amounts from the surrounding area. Because this essence is being ripped out of objects it more or less tears apart the surrounding environment, destroying things, hence its name. The energy obtained from this process can then be used to fuel him or his various other attacks.
Demonic Influence: Sharvalli hellions can create a strange kind of surface demon when they feed on humans and do not kill them. These demons are very bat-like, but can also be seen as rather draconic, as they will gradually form scales, grow wings, and sharpened teeth, not to mention nails, to hunt. Eventually their nails will transition into talons, their eyes will become pupil-less, allowing them to literally see vibrations, though they become completely colorblind, to perceive their environment. Appearances differ slightly as some even develop tails, while others will form spikes on portions of their body. The transformation can take anywhere from two weeks to six months and is not only strenuous on the body, but on the mind due to the intense pain of one's essence warping the body to fit its new nature. As such, many of them go insane from the process, these insane crazed surface demons are basically insatiable beasts driven by instinct; they are referred to as Madbats. The other form of surface demon caused by a Sharvalli's demonic influence are anywhere between barely sane, and completely cognant and capable of rational thought, though there is always a fight for control with their instincts. These are referred to as Drakes.
Sharvallian Physique: Like the rest of his kind, Kenen is very durable due to his body's natural armor, not to mention the field of essence that covers his flesh, shielding him from a small amount of damage. Additionally, Sharvalli have a considerable amount of physical strength and speed, though speed is certainly their greater physical attribute, allowing them to run at around twenty to thirty miles per hour, though it can take them a good amount of time to get to that speed. Still, their flight speed is much faster, allowing them to hit between 40 and 50 mph, while their divebomb allows them to temporarily accelerate to around 65 mph. Their physical strength is, in comparison to other demons, not that impressive, and allows them to lift about 1,500 pounds if absolutely necessary. Their strength is more commonly used to allow them to participate and compete in normal hand to hand combat, as well as climb surfaces with their retractable talons. Their talons are sharp enough to cut through weak metals and thick wood, not to mention drywall and the like.
Vibration sense: Due to the fact that Sharvalli hellions have no eyes, they have instead developed the ability to define forms by way of vibrations which are released in their surroundings and from the small shield of essence on the surface of their flesh. This ability is more or less an extremely advanced version of echolocation. While it can be referred to as echolocation, as previously mentioned, it is considerably more advanced, allowing some Sharvalli, such as Kenen, to actually feel textures and weights by how long it takes for a vibration to pass through an object.
Magical Abilities:
Kenen Vax's magical abilities are based around his demonic ability, Ruina, so he is more or less able to shape the essence he obtains and use it for destructive purposes. He has recently learned how to heal with it as well as how to allow the essence to regain some of the properties that it was giving to the physical objects that it was ripped out of.
Skills and Learned Abilities:
Combat Skill: Due to his position and level of evolution, Kenen has a decent amount of combat experience and while he was bested by a single battle angel and tamer combination, he was taken by surprise and had not intended to fight till near the end where he was sealed into the crystal prison.
Demonic Knowledge: Since he lived out entire life in the southern realm up until he was captured, Kenen has a considerable amount of knowledge regarding his realm of origin. Whether he will share it or not is another question entirely.
God I'm ridiculous lol. Well, at least I'm not Ioi *winks playfully and jokingly at Mikael*

Name: Saella Lasari.
Alias: The Shining; The Unbroken; Lasarian.
Nicknames: Sae or Aria.
Age: 20.
Type and Wing Colour: Pure Tamer Seraph.
Relations: Her 'mother' and mentor Lasarian The Brilliant; her 'elder brother' Kaeden The Destroyer; and acquaintance Caeldrin The Aurist.
General Activity: Saella spends most of her days looking for ways to help others, unite the angels once more, and work on figuring out how to pass her memory block so as to properly recall the remainder of her past lives. She is currently in Loom for various reasons, partly because it was the last place a certain, Solus Grim, was seen. Additionally she seems able to help the most people in this violence ridden ruin.
Personality: While before she was naïve, she has become realistic, at least for the most part. Her innocence, for the most part, has been dispelled and she now bears the demeanor of a toughened sort. She's beheld many things, some good and some bad. Her conclusion is that knowledge is necessary, caution is key, and loyalty is to be divvied only when necessary. She understands, now, that some sacrifices can, and must, be made for the greater good. Yet she retains some of her idealistic views, wishing for a peaceful world, a harmonious coexistence between the three races...and the three realms.
Through her regressions she has learned a lot and her intelligence and mental fortitude has risen greatly. Despite this she can be shy at times, but this only emerges when in the company of those whom she cares for, or when taken off guard by particularly...indecent, actions. She still believes in the equality between the races, believing that the current state of the world is naught, but everything becoming worse before it gets better. While she wishes for coexistence, she has no illusions as to the immensity and difficulty of such a thing, knowing that it is nothing if not implausible. Yet, like anyone with a copious sense of justice and even a smidgen of idealism, she strives for such a result despite herself, wishing to bring everyone into a place that all can enjoy, rather than just a select few, even if it is flawed.
Her fear and reservations regarding murder have been vanquished, but that does not mean she enjoys it. In fact, she has tailored her combat style to incapacitate rather than kill, so as to preserve as much life as she can, unless absolutely necessary. Still, despite the many months that have past and the changes that they have wrought on her personality, she has retained her dislike for the spotlight.
Despite the cruelness of the world, Saella's temperance allows her to restrain herself even when dealing with particularly difficult individuals. However, what has changed is that she will no longer put up with those who are truly devout in their wish to stand in her way. For while she will strive to peacefully create solutions and pass through obstacles with diplomacy and tact, she has little patience for those who would get in her way despite her kind and empathic treatment –not to mention her consideration of their circumstances, should she know them. Beyond this there is only her intense dislike, and sometimes hatred, for those who have no appreciation for life, this includes those who make it their mandate to disservice others –this of course includes those who would meaninglessly slaughter others, either for their own amusement, or some other insufficient purpose. Aside from the aforementioned circumstances her temper is seldom riled, though once it is it can be frightening.
Beyond these things, her emotions tend to stay in a more positive spectrum, though her heart has hardened considerably in the last year, giving her a bit more of a confident and tough outer shell.
She is very kind and very brave; able to walk into the fray of a harsh and brutal battle even when afraid for her life or the lives of others. She is a defender of the weak and unable as well as a positive example to humans of what they once thought angels were: Powerful and divine guardians of the heavens and the human race. In this way, she is exceptional, but like all people she still has her flaws.
Biography: Coming into existence was a frightening thing for Saella, but soon after she came to know the woman who would be her mother, but not her mentor. Lasarian, having been a powerful battle angel in her day was the one chosen to raise the young angel who would become the girl that is known today. So as Saella grew and learned from the beautiful, though aged, Lasarian, the girl eventually came to know something about herself...the gods had chosen wrong. The older and more conscious of herself she became, the more she learned, the more she came to understand that the world she lived in was not the world in which she wanted to be.
She didn't belong. At least, not among her kin. They were all so...hateful, so cold towards the other races. She understood why they acted that way towards demons, but to the humans? It just didn't make sense to her.
When it came time for her to learn her specialty as an angel, Saella resisted, and resisted strongly. She was to become a tamer, but that violated her own beliefs. She didn't want to subjugate demons and then force them to kill their own kind, and she really didn't want to twist their minds to her will. When her mother found that she had been refusing to practice her inborn skills, she first questioned the girl as to why. However, when she found out, she almost froze as if trapped in obsidian.
Lasarian thought things over for a time, but soon recovered from the shock of her kind, if rather subservient and quiet, child's reasoning and unbending stubbornness. Lasarian found her daughter's response to be unsatisfactory and in response, Lasarian took Saella on a mission, a mission to show the damage a single surface demon could do to a community. Watching, tears came to the eyes of the younger angel, her white wings bristling with anger and so she abruptly stole her mother's weapon and charged down to protect the humans, despite her skills being far from those of a battle angel's.
Yet, when she got close enough that the demon turned to attack her, she faltered, thoughts flying through her head.
It's a living thing just like you; All it wants is essence, it is any creature must; It feels pain just like me, I can't...I-....
Frozen in mid-flight, Saella was saved only by her mother who promptly tore the demon in two and tossed its wrangled corpse aside only to turn and cradle Saella in her arms. Rather than berate her, Lasarian surmised only that the girl had been afraid of the demon, not that she had literally been unable to kill it.
Saella never told her mother the truth, she couldn' would hurt the beautiful angel too much. So, instead, she opted to learn the subtle nuances of demon taming, despite her former resistance, thinking that at least this way she wouldn't have to kill anything herself. It was at this time that she met the angel who she'd eventually come to call 'brother'.
On only her second mission into the field, Saella was to capture her second demon, taming it and bringing it under her control. However, when she arrived she found herself promptly overpowered by the beast. Luckily, there was a clear sky that night and so Saella was saved by the grace of Kaeden the battle angel, an angel who had earned the title 'Destroyer' for the wrath and damage that his blades and body wrought on his enemies. He also rather enjoys watching over the city from the clouds in case someone might need his help. After all he always rather enjoyed the expressions of those who saw his magnificence hurtling down from the heavens.
So, upon finding the startled Saella, Kaeden found himself endeared to her by her silly rambling and nonsensical nature. So, rather quickly, the two became friends and so Kaeden came to cause less of his storms (of wrath, blade, and body) just a bit less.
Saella took to watching the city from the clouds as well and so the two became quite close and are still as such to this day. In fact, Kaeden is the reason that Saella was finally able to gain control of her favorite demon, a creature known as 'Kenen'. As without his battle prowess, Saella would have never been able to conquer the creature. So she does feel rather indebted to Kaeden, though he hasn't decided to make her pay this debt...or the one for saving her life.
Since then. Saella has managed to increase her skill in taming, finally proving herself on the field by being skilled enough to both avoid the attacks of demons at close range and subjugate them to her will at the same time. She has been acclaimed for being some kind of genius in the field of taming, but she will adamantly deny such, not to mention blush rather brightly. Beyond this, she has earned a single title, mostly due to her complete refusal to kill anything, be it to save herself, or another no matter the race.
The angel community is rather confused as to how to handle her....
--During Season 1 Saella was mostly on patrol and interacting with Kenen Vax. However, there was an interaction with the Lordess of the Southern Realm in which Kenen vax lost his warden status and subsequently went berserk. Saella was forced to protect his unconscious body from the destruction that ran rampant in Loom during the events only a few months prior to the fall of Hell's gate. Since then she has begun the process of bettering herself, starting by bringing Kenen back to the peak of health.
Not entirely forgiving her, Saella took to blaming herself for his situation and has felt somewhat guilty ever since. Regardless, Kenen has gradually forgiven her and assisted in her newest venture: Recovering her past lives. After he, and several of her other captured demons who she managed to forcibly tame and reprogram mentally, assisted in keeping her mind stable while she rapidly went through a tremendous amount of her past lives.
However, while she has managed, by the end of the year, to get 3/4ths through her regression, she has had to take multiple breaks to reground herself in reality and not lose a hold of her individuality –not to mention stability. Partly due to her regressions and partly due to her having become fed up with feeling helpless in combat, Saella has taken up the art of the sword and since the destruction of Loom has been training her little heart out.
She, at one point, was drawn to the destroyed council building in the center of Loom, and while it was difficult to get to, she managed to enter its sub-floors by moving some of the rubble. Once in she was drawn towards a particular blade, which she now wields. She is unsure why she feels a connection to the blade, but none of her past lives so far reveal the information, so she just keeps delving when possible to find out.
Due to the amount of regressions she has gone through, Saella has developed two pairs of additional wings and several traits not typical of tamer angels. She is somewhat confused by this, but accepts them nonetheless. Mostly caused by the hardship of survival and living during these hard times, Saella's outlook on life has gone from naive to a strange mixture of idealism and realism. She is very aware of the cruelness of the world now and has lost many of her reservations, replacing them instead with a more realistic, but nonetheless hopeful, worldview.
While she has tried several times in the last few months, Saella has been unable, thus far, to regress any further as she seems to have met some kind of artificial, but alive, mental block in her psyche. In addition to this, she will sometimes pass out as her psyche destabilizes too far for her demonic stabilizers are able to handle. Sometimes she blacks out or suffers extreme mental episodes where she has memory lapses or collapses into a heap of sobs and moans. Similarly she can suddenly feel unexplained exultation and happiness. These, she figures, are symptoms of rapid regression, but they seem perfectly natural and are in fact fading rapidly.
Since the completion of her regressions, so far, she has found a new goal in life: Coexistence and leadership. First, however, she must unite with the remainders of her past psyche, after which she can more actively pursue her goal to reunite and change angelic society as a whole. This time, she intends to make an impact...and a damned big one too.--
Note: Saella has taken on part of Lasarian's name to show the bond held between the two.
Alias: The Shining; The Unbroken; Lasarian.
Nicknames: Sae or Aria.
Age: 20.
Type and Wing Colour: Pure Tamer Seraph.
Relations: Her 'mother' and mentor Lasarian The Brilliant; her 'elder brother' Kaeden The Destroyer; and acquaintance Caeldrin The Aurist.
General Activity: Saella spends most of her days looking for ways to help others, unite the angels once more, and work on figuring out how to pass her memory block so as to properly recall the remainder of her past lives. She is currently in Loom for various reasons, partly because it was the last place a certain, Solus Grim, was seen. Additionally she seems able to help the most people in this violence ridden ruin.
Personality: While before she was naïve, she has become realistic, at least for the most part. Her innocence, for the most part, has been dispelled and she now bears the demeanor of a toughened sort. She's beheld many things, some good and some bad. Her conclusion is that knowledge is necessary, caution is key, and loyalty is to be divvied only when necessary. She understands, now, that some sacrifices can, and must, be made for the greater good. Yet she retains some of her idealistic views, wishing for a peaceful world, a harmonious coexistence between the three races...and the three realms.
Through her regressions she has learned a lot and her intelligence and mental fortitude has risen greatly. Despite this she can be shy at times, but this only emerges when in the company of those whom she cares for, or when taken off guard by particularly...indecent, actions. She still believes in the equality between the races, believing that the current state of the world is naught, but everything becoming worse before it gets better. While she wishes for coexistence, she has no illusions as to the immensity and difficulty of such a thing, knowing that it is nothing if not implausible. Yet, like anyone with a copious sense of justice and even a smidgen of idealism, she strives for such a result despite herself, wishing to bring everyone into a place that all can enjoy, rather than just a select few, even if it is flawed.
Her fear and reservations regarding murder have been vanquished, but that does not mean she enjoys it. In fact, she has tailored her combat style to incapacitate rather than kill, so as to preserve as much life as she can, unless absolutely necessary. Still, despite the many months that have past and the changes that they have wrought on her personality, she has retained her dislike for the spotlight.
Despite the cruelness of the world, Saella's temperance allows her to restrain herself even when dealing with particularly difficult individuals. However, what has changed is that she will no longer put up with those who are truly devout in their wish to stand in her way. For while she will strive to peacefully create solutions and pass through obstacles with diplomacy and tact, she has little patience for those who would get in her way despite her kind and empathic treatment –not to mention her consideration of their circumstances, should she know them. Beyond this there is only her intense dislike, and sometimes hatred, for those who have no appreciation for life, this includes those who make it their mandate to disservice others –this of course includes those who would meaninglessly slaughter others, either for their own amusement, or some other insufficient purpose. Aside from the aforementioned circumstances her temper is seldom riled, though once it is it can be frightening.
Beyond these things, her emotions tend to stay in a more positive spectrum, though her heart has hardened considerably in the last year, giving her a bit more of a confident and tough outer shell.
She is very kind and very brave; able to walk into the fray of a harsh and brutal battle even when afraid for her life or the lives of others. She is a defender of the weak and unable as well as a positive example to humans of what they once thought angels were: Powerful and divine guardians of the heavens and the human race. In this way, she is exceptional, but like all people she still has her flaws.
Biography: Coming into existence was a frightening thing for Saella, but soon after she came to know the woman who would be her mother, but not her mentor. Lasarian, having been a powerful battle angel in her day was the one chosen to raise the young angel who would become the girl that is known today. So as Saella grew and learned from the beautiful, though aged, Lasarian, the girl eventually came to know something about herself...the gods had chosen wrong. The older and more conscious of herself she became, the more she learned, the more she came to understand that the world she lived in was not the world in which she wanted to be.
She didn't belong. At least, not among her kin. They were all so...hateful, so cold towards the other races. She understood why they acted that way towards demons, but to the humans? It just didn't make sense to her.
When it came time for her to learn her specialty as an angel, Saella resisted, and resisted strongly. She was to become a tamer, but that violated her own beliefs. She didn't want to subjugate demons and then force them to kill their own kind, and she really didn't want to twist their minds to her will. When her mother found that she had been refusing to practice her inborn skills, she first questioned the girl as to why. However, when she found out, she almost froze as if trapped in obsidian.
Lasarian thought things over for a time, but soon recovered from the shock of her kind, if rather subservient and quiet, child's reasoning and unbending stubbornness. Lasarian found her daughter's response to be unsatisfactory and in response, Lasarian took Saella on a mission, a mission to show the damage a single surface demon could do to a community. Watching, tears came to the eyes of the younger angel, her white wings bristling with anger and so she abruptly stole her mother's weapon and charged down to protect the humans, despite her skills being far from those of a battle angel's.
Yet, when she got close enough that the demon turned to attack her, she faltered, thoughts flying through her head.
It's a living thing just like you; All it wants is essence, it is any creature must; It feels pain just like me, I can't...I-....
Frozen in mid-flight, Saella was saved only by her mother who promptly tore the demon in two and tossed its wrangled corpse aside only to turn and cradle Saella in her arms. Rather than berate her, Lasarian surmised only that the girl had been afraid of the demon, not that she had literally been unable to kill it.
Saella never told her mother the truth, she couldn' would hurt the beautiful angel too much. So, instead, she opted to learn the subtle nuances of demon taming, despite her former resistance, thinking that at least this way she wouldn't have to kill anything herself. It was at this time that she met the angel who she'd eventually come to call 'brother'.
On only her second mission into the field, Saella was to capture her second demon, taming it and bringing it under her control. However, when she arrived she found herself promptly overpowered by the beast. Luckily, there was a clear sky that night and so Saella was saved by the grace of Kaeden the battle angel, an angel who had earned the title 'Destroyer' for the wrath and damage that his blades and body wrought on his enemies. He also rather enjoys watching over the city from the clouds in case someone might need his help. After all he always rather enjoyed the expressions of those who saw his magnificence hurtling down from the heavens.
So, upon finding the startled Saella, Kaeden found himself endeared to her by her silly rambling and nonsensical nature. So, rather quickly, the two became friends and so Kaeden came to cause less of his storms (of wrath, blade, and body) just a bit less.
Saella took to watching the city from the clouds as well and so the two became quite close and are still as such to this day. In fact, Kaeden is the reason that Saella was finally able to gain control of her favorite demon, a creature known as 'Kenen'. As without his battle prowess, Saella would have never been able to conquer the creature. So she does feel rather indebted to Kaeden, though he hasn't decided to make her pay this debt...or the one for saving her life.
Since then. Saella has managed to increase her skill in taming, finally proving herself on the field by being skilled enough to both avoid the attacks of demons at close range and subjugate them to her will at the same time. She has been acclaimed for being some kind of genius in the field of taming, but she will adamantly deny such, not to mention blush rather brightly. Beyond this, she has earned a single title, mostly due to her complete refusal to kill anything, be it to save herself, or another no matter the race.
The angel community is rather confused as to how to handle her....
--During Season 1 Saella was mostly on patrol and interacting with Kenen Vax. However, there was an interaction with the Lordess of the Southern Realm in which Kenen vax lost his warden status and subsequently went berserk. Saella was forced to protect his unconscious body from the destruction that ran rampant in Loom during the events only a few months prior to the fall of Hell's gate. Since then she has begun the process of bettering herself, starting by bringing Kenen back to the peak of health.
Not entirely forgiving her, Saella took to blaming herself for his situation and has felt somewhat guilty ever since. Regardless, Kenen has gradually forgiven her and assisted in her newest venture: Recovering her past lives. After he, and several of her other captured demons who she managed to forcibly tame and reprogram mentally, assisted in keeping her mind stable while she rapidly went through a tremendous amount of her past lives.
However, while she has managed, by the end of the year, to get 3/4ths through her regression, she has had to take multiple breaks to reground herself in reality and not lose a hold of her individuality –not to mention stability. Partly due to her regressions and partly due to her having become fed up with feeling helpless in combat, Saella has taken up the art of the sword and since the destruction of Loom has been training her little heart out.
She, at one point, was drawn to the destroyed council building in the center of Loom, and while it was difficult to get to, she managed to enter its sub-floors by moving some of the rubble. Once in she was drawn towards a particular blade, which she now wields. She is unsure why she feels a connection to the blade, but none of her past lives so far reveal the information, so she just keeps delving when possible to find out.
Due to the amount of regressions she has gone through, Saella has developed two pairs of additional wings and several traits not typical of tamer angels. She is somewhat confused by this, but accepts them nonetheless. Mostly caused by the hardship of survival and living during these hard times, Saella's outlook on life has gone from naive to a strange mixture of idealism and realism. She is very aware of the cruelness of the world now and has lost many of her reservations, replacing them instead with a more realistic, but nonetheless hopeful, worldview.
While she has tried several times in the last few months, Saella has been unable, thus far, to regress any further as she seems to have met some kind of artificial, but alive, mental block in her psyche. In addition to this, she will sometimes pass out as her psyche destabilizes too far for her demonic stabilizers are able to handle. Sometimes she blacks out or suffers extreme mental episodes where she has memory lapses or collapses into a heap of sobs and moans. Similarly she can suddenly feel unexplained exultation and happiness. These, she figures, are symptoms of rapid regression, but they seem perfectly natural and are in fact fading rapidly.
Since the completion of her regressions, so far, she has found a new goal in life: Coexistence and leadership. First, however, she must unite with the remainders of her past psyche, after which she can more actively pursue her goal to reunite and change angelic society as a whole. This time, she intends to make an impact...and a damned big one too.--
Note: Saella has taken on part of Lasarian's name to show the bond held between the two.
Collapsible Shield: Saella carries this shield, which is typically collapsed into a rod formation. This shield was made for her by a human friend of her's and can extend out from its rod formation to the round buckler in order for her to utilize it for defense. She has become rather skilled with it since she began using it years prior. More recently she has begun to couple it, at times, with a sword.
Ancestral Blade: A blade she managed to retrieve from the smoldering remains of the Council building in Loom when things had died down somewhat, this Ancestral blade was stored in the vault of the building had, somehow, drew her to it as if it was hers to begin with. Unaware of its true nature, Saella has since toted it around, or had Kenen do so in her stead, and has, in the last year, trained extensively in order to begin utilizing it in combat. The blade's properties are mysterious, but it appears to amplify and channel angelic essence in order to burn and further damage demonic essence, any of its other capabilities are unknown at current time beyond its miraculous durability and lightness. The blade does appear to have some kind of enchantment, though Kenen has stated that the blade is much more difficult for him to carry, while it is almost as light as a feather in Saella's hands. The blade's scabbard contains its essence and partially contains its abilities however, even when the blade is sheathed it will glow and hum when it senses harmful, or killing, intent.
The Crystal Prison: Additionally, there is the crystal necklace given to her by her 'mother' and tutor, Lasarian. This necklace is capable of sealing demons within it once they have been subjugated. This necklace is known as 'The Crystal Prison' and can be viewed in the 'appearance hider'. This necklace is thought to have been created by a joint effort of the three races in order to seal a demon that was a threat to all three. The seals on its surface do not indicate exactly where the things sealed within are sealed, but it can be seen that they are ancient and were crafted by human hands. Hands that were likely guided by an angel clairvoyant, who gave some of her tears to fuel its power. A demon of unknown name at the time, likely one from the Western kingdom (oddly) sacrificed itself with the crystal over the ritual altar, allowing the entirety of its being to be used to eternally power the crystal prison, why a demon would do something so selfless has been lost to time. The necklace has been passed down between Saella's soul 'lineage' since her creation. It is likely that only the archangels and the most ancient of demons know exactly what it is...or what the unnamed beast referred to only as Unlight was. It is presumed that the Crystal Prison seals its inhabitants in an elaborate location that has since been hidden and erased from the minds of all, but one archangel and one ancient greater Hellion. Additionally, if Saella were to delve deep into the memories of her past lives, she would eventually (after a very long time) be capable of accessing the knowledge regarding the necklace, but for now she knows very little and maybe that is for the best.
Armor: Depicted in her appearance picture, Saella has managed to ger her armor enchanted so it does not inhibit her movement, makes less sounds than it normally would, and is less heavy than it should be. Beyond this the armor is normal in all respects.
Personal Capabilities:
Taming Power: Where her abilities were considerable before, now they are downright impressive even with her mental instability at times. Saella, at this point, is capable of open empathic and telepathic communication with nigh anyone whose mind she can contact, and whose mental defenses she can circumvent. She is capable of incapacitating the average surface demon, and mentally crippling the average hellion with her mental influence. Warden class demons no longer overwhelm her and demonic lords, while not manageable, can be dealt with on low levels.
At this point she has reached a level that she can access people's subconscious mind, allowing her to predict their actions before they are entirely aware of them. This ability is not perfect and increases in difficulty with the power of the individual, not to mention how guarded they are mentally. At this point Saella can also create psychic fields, which are detailed below. As with before she can accurately gauge the power, and even skill level, of most individuals regardless of race...unless their essence is mixed which can briefly, or permanently, confuse her. Additionally, chimeras and beings of mixed racial essence are much more difficult for her to read, predict, or deal with in general.
Physical Ability: While originally Saella was like all other tamers, aka not physically powerful, she has since developed a decent amount of strength and durability, allowing her to take more damage and dish more out. However, in particular her flight skills have increased significantly, as well as her ability to maneuver while still on the ground. This allows her to not be too weakened when she is forced to fight without her wings. Beyond this she has managed to use her taming abilities to amplify her mental perception, allowing her to increase and control the input/output of her senses. She can block out her own pain, infuse herself with pleasure, and a few other useful tricks. Lately, she has come to think that some of her abilities are borderline, as in they seem to be very similar to other angelic classes....
Swordsmanship: While she is no pro, Saella has managed to become a decent swordswoman, allowing her to deftly evade strikes, counter blows, and skillfully subdue her enemies.
Instinctual Battle Prowess: Due to her nearing her final few regressions, Saella has gained a good amount of battle knowledge and instinct, which she has managed to partially train into her muscle memory. As such she can sometimes become momentarily more deadly than normal in combat, allowing her brief bursts of exceptional effectivity, followed by a decrease in stamina and general ability till she rests.
Extensive Knowledge: Originating from her past lives, Saella has gained extensive knowledge of both humans and demons, allowing her a broader perspective in life, as well as certain situations. This knowledge can however, only take her so far.
Tamed Demons:
Kenen Vax
Sharvalli - Hellion

"So you want to know about little old Vax eh? Well, it's pretty simple. I was the Warden of the southern kingdom, I decided to take ooone tiny little trip to the human world to retrieve some idiot minions of mine, and this little tart decided it'd be fun for her brute, angel friend Kaeden to thrash me around a bit until she could capture me. So yeah, here I am, you meager insect, sitting in the sealing void of her necklace, but hey, at least I'm the central gem! I mean yeah, this totally beats ruling a country with an iron fist, being able to kill and eat whenever I want, and you know all that other good demon shit. Totally...totally.
"Anyways, I bet you're wondering why I didn't just use my lofty powers to defeat Kaeden. Well, it's pretty simple, and I'll be quite blunt here, Kaeden is a badass. Yeah, a demon giving a complement to an angel, what a spectacle, but seriously...that guy fuckin' threw me around like I was some rag-doll, and I ain't no pushover y'see. Anyways, been in this damned crystal prison ever since, forced to abide by Ms. Saella's will. So I've gotten used to it, settled the fuck in, and become her friend. Yeah, that's right, she's friends with a goddamned demon, fucking deal with it. Anyways, back to mindlessly staring into MOTHERFUCKING NOTHING SPACE, leave me to my empty, lonely, boring existence now and stop asking me questions...bastard."
Appearance Details: Vax stands at eight feet tall and has an essentially humanoid appearance. However, his skin is of a false smoothness as to use his ability he must 'open' rather large pores in his flesh, allowing the essence to be pulled into his body. Additionally, he possesses a sleek tail with a deadly oval formation lined on both edges with serrated spikes, allowing him to use his tail as something of a club. His fingers and hands appear fairly human, but he can extend his slightly sharpened nails into wicked bird-like claws. Upon his back there are two discolored bone-like formations that run parallel to his spine and on either side of it, these can be drawn out and used as swords, after which his flesh will heal over the spots they were extracted from.
Abilities: Kenen vax is capable of a good amount of things, and he is certainly a rather powerful demon, but his chief ability happens to be something he calls Ruina, or ruin. This ability allows him to gather an alternate type of essence, the kind that is infused through the realms rather than to give direct life to a host. This ability allows him to cause locations to decay and go into ruin rather quickly as well as using the essence gathered in that area to fuel both his physical form and powerful destructive abilities. While Ruina can effect living things by making contact, Saella only allows Vax to use it to weaken them and tire them out, rather than allowing him to kill them by removing the full extent of their essence from their bodies. He is also capable of using gathered essence, or his own, in order to strengthen various parts of his own body. Additionally he is rather durable and rather physically powerful due to his size, which is roughly 9 feet tall. Sharvalli all possess this ability, though Kenen vax's form of it is especially powerful.
Hellion Construct

"Ghaaavhaiiiiii kisiskikik cracka vhanadsfk"(We're not sure what it's trying to say, but we think it is cursing our ugly existence...rather ironic I think).
One of the FleshShaper's lesser creations, Chia'raq'kis'ij is a demon whom must beings have given up trying to call by its name, thus it is instead called 'Bladebug'...for obvious reasons.
Appearance Details: Yeah, it's repulsive. Only thing you really need to know is that it is roughly seven feet tall even when it is hunched over, so when it stands up fully it reaches roughly nine feet in height. Oh yeah and it's blind as a bat...meaning it sees through vibrations...aka its hearing is super acute. So is its sense of smell, allowing it to track down people by their essence signature alone as long as it has smelled it once before.
Abilities: Immensely fast and ridiculously hard to kill, Bladebug is capable of regenerating as long as even a single shred of his body remains intact. Along with this, it is fast, agile, and possesses a mouth and arms that can shred or cut through most materials. Even low grade swords and a good deal of firearms are easily cut into ribbons by this things blades, their master's soon consumed afterwords. This creature has no real power, unless being so repulsive that it sends most into shock initially is a power....
Rahpturi - Hellion

"You better stop staring, I don't like human eyes, they make me want to rip them out."
Appearance Details: Possessing the lanky but lean build of most of his kind, Nessaeris stands at 7'3, towering over almost all humans. The wings seen on his back can very easily fold around his arms, where they will become an armor of carbon fiber till unfurled for flight. It should be noted that Rahpturi Hellions are almost half as heavy as they appear.
Abilities: Like most Rahpturi, Nessaeris, or Nessy, as Saella calls him, has the ability to exude a liquid form of carbon which he can then manipulate into various forms. This allows him to shield himself from blows with a powerful armor, or to create weapons out of solidified carbon. In addition to this, Rahpturi are exceptionally quick on their feet, as they are lighter than they look despite their general size. As a Rahpturi, Nessy has one other ability and that is a small degree of deep level mind control. This allows them to control the stability of the subconscious to disrupt or stabilize individuals on a deep level to cause general dissaray in their psyche. His abilities can be easily blocked for the most part so they generally only work if the person is very weakened, willing, or if it happens to be a sneak attack.
Ascended Vampire - Surface Demon

"Must I explain my position? It really is nothing special. I was a well developed surface demon, a vampire, until I devoured several angels and a demon or two. Of course it just haaad to be a problem, so I was targeted, but they all fell. Eventually I was able to grow these wings, their essence fueling my evolution till I became the magnificence you see before you! I am Dseszel, the ascended one! Bow before me lest I lay waste to your senses and the sad excuse you call a physical body."
Abilities: Dseszel is inhumanely fast, capable of moving and flying at speeds beyond the scope of the human eye. So far only skilled battle angels, and a very lucky Saella, have been able to hinder him in any way. Of course, now he is under her control. Beyond this, he is capable of conjuring massive blasts of wind with his wings and creating subtle illusions through eye contact, which allow him to make himself even more difficult to follow. These abilities, while semi-typical for ascended vampires, do not necessarily apply to all of them --though there are few due to the angel's careful watch over the surface demon population.
'The Excluded'
Demonic Construct

Abilities: The Excluded is capable of creating semi-elaborate illusions that can confuse or generally disorient its foes.
Other Data: A construct created by the FleshShaper during the war, this beast was accidentally released from its cage and onto Surface a few years back. It appeared to be composed of the parts of a variety of demons who used illusion or pain inducing magic, along with obvious signs of possessing the abilities of a Sharvalli Hellion(see Kenen Vax).
Vortrud Kemex'kal 'Bane of Prosperity'
Nightwalker - Hellion

“Oh come now, having your essence drained isn't that bad, it's just terribly agonizing. It's not a bad thing though, you die eventually anyways. Might as well get it out of the way asap, right?”
Abilities: Like any nightwalker, Vortrud is capable of manipulating, assimilating, and traveling through shadows. His power increases as the illumination decreases in an area, making him strongest in dark areas or at night. Vortrud has developed his Origin State, but Saella has been unable to force him into showing her as of yet as it is deeply ingrained in the hellion and he is still able to resist her influence somewhat. Like all nightwalkers, Vortrud has a particular affinity for essence manipulation, be it his own or that of other beings.
Other Data: During the early days after the war, Vortrud took part in the demonic campaign in which demons impeded the angels from setting up base on Surface as best as they could. He was the Warden, a general of sorts, who led these guerrilla strikes against angel kind. He is a former Warden of the Western region of hell, serving under the lord of the time, which may or may not have been Szayeis. Vortrud is a member of the Nightwalker species.
Captured Demons: These are demons which Saella has captured and sealed into her crystal necklace, but not tamed thoroughly enough for use. She keeps them sealed most of them time, choosing not to use them and not to release or kill them due partially to her principles and partially because they are too dangerous to release.
D'hrash 'The Blood Hungry'
A demon originating from the Western reaches of hell in the domain of the Chimeric lord. Formerly of the Warden class. A member of the Faelsar species. Was alive during the war where he killed over two hundred angels before being sealed into the crystal prison.
Loh'eik 'The Severed'
A demon exiled from hell, Loh'eik gained his name from the fact that he possessed no limbs excluding his two tails yet still managed to always sever the heads of angels, devouring them soon after. His race is unknown due to his body being too disfigured to identify him.
Unknown name/Unknown Title
Unknown race or former position and affiliation.
This being was sealed into the prison by Lasarian, it is unknown as to who it is or was. Lasarian has sealed it in such a way that nothing can touch its mind without specific keys and the like. Saella is afraid of it and she calls the demon 'Unlight', despite this not being its alias or name. She has figured out most of the keys needed to access Unlight's consciousness while keeping it sealed. However, she is afraid to wake it its power sends her into a cold sweat.
The Ruinous Siphon

Name: Kenen Vax.
Alias: The Ruinous Siphon.
Nicknames: Vaxy.
[B]Age: 700.
Species: Demon(Hellion).
Sub Genus: Sharvalli
Relations: Sealla Lasari and Daiyrisa first and foremost.
Social Status - Former Warden: While it does not award him any particular note in demonic society other than an implication of power, this status indicates to the other two races that he is not only a powerful demon, but that is perhaps also influential in some ways as well.
Appearance: Vax stands at eight feet tall and has an essentially humanoid appearance. However, his skin is of a false smoothness as to use his ability he must 'open' rather large pores in his flesh, allowing the essence to be pulled into his body. Additionally, he possesses a sleek tail with a deadly oval formation lined on both edges with serrated spikes, allowing him to use his tail as something of a club. His fingers and hands appear fairly human, but he can extend his slightly sharpened nails into wicked bird-like claws. Upon his back there are two discolored bone-like formations that run parallel to his spine and on either side of it, these can be drawn out and used as swords, after which his flesh will heal over the spots they were extracted from.
General Activity: Kenen is under Saella's hold, for the most part, and as such he spends his time at her side helping her. Currently in Loom with Saella.
Personality: I really can't get a handle of the words to be honest, so I won't.
Biography: Before he was captured by Saella, Kenen Vax went through his evolutions and hunting events in the Southern kingdom of hell, working to become noticed by the lord of that time, aka Daiyrisa's mother.
In short he succeeded, being named one of the Warden's of the south and gaining favor from the lordess. However, her reign soon past and Daiyrisa came to rule. Initially, Kenen was not sure how he felt about this green ruler, but over time he developed a very close, and loyal, bond to her. This bond persists to this day and despite his capture by the hands of Saella and his subsequent friendship with the angel, he remains loyal to the least in part.
Over the past year his has helped train and keep sane the angel whose sway his is under, even if she does not influence his mind as she says she does. Regardless, he has formed a bond with Saella, one he didn't think possible between angels and demons, not that he had reacted with angels much prior to her. Yet, there remains a grudge in his heart aimed at Saella for she tore him away from his lordess...forcing the demoness to remove his bond to her realm.
As such he strives to create some kind of balance between his two opposing loyalties and to assist Saella in the completion of her goal, as if she is truly successful, there will be no need for him to chose....
Alias: The Ruinous Siphon.
Nicknames: Vaxy.
[B]Age: 700.
Species: Demon(Hellion).
Sub Genus: Sharvalli
Relations: Sealla Lasari and Daiyrisa first and foremost.
Social Status - Former Warden: While it does not award him any particular note in demonic society other than an implication of power, this status indicates to the other two races that he is not only a powerful demon, but that is perhaps also influential in some ways as well.
Appearance: Vax stands at eight feet tall and has an essentially humanoid appearance. However, his skin is of a false smoothness as to use his ability he must 'open' rather large pores in his flesh, allowing the essence to be pulled into his body. Additionally, he possesses a sleek tail with a deadly oval formation lined on both edges with serrated spikes, allowing him to use his tail as something of a club. His fingers and hands appear fairly human, but he can extend his slightly sharpened nails into wicked bird-like claws. Upon his back there are two discolored bone-like formations that run parallel to his spine and on either side of it, these can be drawn out and used as swords, after which his flesh will heal over the spots they were extracted from.
General Activity: Kenen is under Saella's hold, for the most part, and as such he spends his time at her side helping her. Currently in Loom with Saella.
Personality: I really can't get a handle of the words to be honest, so I won't.
Biography: Before he was captured by Saella, Kenen Vax went through his evolutions and hunting events in the Southern kingdom of hell, working to become noticed by the lord of that time, aka Daiyrisa's mother.
In short he succeeded, being named one of the Warden's of the south and gaining favor from the lordess. However, her reign soon past and Daiyrisa came to rule. Initially, Kenen was not sure how he felt about this green ruler, but over time he developed a very close, and loyal, bond to her. This bond persists to this day and despite his capture by the hands of Saella and his subsequent friendship with the angel, he remains loyal to the least in part.
Over the past year his has helped train and keep sane the angel whose sway his is under, even if she does not influence his mind as she says she does. Regardless, he has formed a bond with Saella, one he didn't think possible between angels and demons, not that he had reacted with angels much prior to her. Yet, there remains a grudge in his heart aimed at Saella for she tore him away from his lordess...forcing the demoness to remove his bond to her realm.
As such he strives to create some kind of balance between his two opposing loyalties and to assist Saella in the completion of her goal, as if she is truly successful, there will be no need for him to chose....
Demonic Abilities:
Ruina(Ruin): This ability is characteristic of Sharvalli hellions and allows Kenen to gather the essence of inanimate objects in large amounts from the surrounding area. Because this essence is being ripped out of objects it more or less tears apart the surrounding environment, destroying things, hence its name. The energy obtained from this process can then be used to fuel him or his various other attacks.
Demonic Influence: Sharvalli hellions can create a strange kind of surface demon when they feed on humans and do not kill them. These demons are very bat-like, but can also be seen as rather draconic, as they will gradually form scales, grow wings, and sharpened teeth, not to mention nails, to hunt. Eventually their nails will transition into talons, their eyes will become pupil-less, allowing them to literally see vibrations, though they become completely colorblind, to perceive their environment. Appearances differ slightly as some even develop tails, while others will form spikes on portions of their body. The transformation can take anywhere from two weeks to six months and is not only strenuous on the body, but on the mind due to the intense pain of one's essence warping the body to fit its new nature. As such, many of them go insane from the process, these insane crazed surface demons are basically insatiable beasts driven by instinct; they are referred to as Madbats. The other form of surface demon caused by a Sharvalli's demonic influence are anywhere between barely sane, and completely cognant and capable of rational thought, though there is always a fight for control with their instincts. These are referred to as Drakes.
Sharvallian Physique: Like the rest of his kind, Kenen is very durable due to his body's natural armor, not to mention the field of essence that covers his flesh, shielding him from a small amount of damage. Additionally, Sharvalli have a considerable amount of physical strength and speed, though speed is certainly their greater physical attribute, allowing them to run at around twenty to thirty miles per hour, though it can take them a good amount of time to get to that speed. Still, their flight speed is much faster, allowing them to hit between 40 and 50 mph, while their divebomb allows them to temporarily accelerate to around 65 mph. Their physical strength is, in comparison to other demons, not that impressive, and allows them to lift about 1,500 pounds if absolutely necessary. Their strength is more commonly used to allow them to participate and compete in normal hand to hand combat, as well as climb surfaces with their retractable talons. Their talons are sharp enough to cut through weak metals and thick wood, not to mention drywall and the like.
Vibration sense: Due to the fact that Sharvalli hellions have no eyes, they have instead developed the ability to define forms by way of vibrations which are released in their surroundings and from the small shield of essence on the surface of their flesh. This ability is more or less an extremely advanced version of echolocation. While it can be referred to as echolocation, as previously mentioned, it is considerably more advanced, allowing some Sharvalli, such as Kenen, to actually feel textures and weights by how long it takes for a vibration to pass through an object.
Magical Abilities:
Kenen Vax's magical abilities are based around his demonic ability, Ruina, so he is more or less able to shape the essence he obtains and use it for destructive purposes. He has recently learned how to heal with it as well as how to allow the essence to regain some of the properties that it was giving to the physical objects that it was ripped out of.
Skills and Learned Abilities:
Combat Skill: Due to his position and level of evolution, Kenen has a decent amount of combat experience and while he was bested by a single battle angel and tamer combination, he was taken by surprise and had not intended to fight till near the end where he was sealed into the crystal prison.
Demonic Knowledge: Since he lived out entire life in the southern realm up until he was captured, Kenen has a considerable amount of knowledge regarding his realm of origin. Whether he will share it or not is another question entirely.