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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oona hand tingled and stung a little after the handshake, she could only assume the girl's power was electricity. she listened to the girl then broke out in a smile when she asked to be friends "really?" she sat down "yeah, that's be great!" she chuckled "i don't know anyone here yet, do you?" then stopped and took a deep breath "i'm babbling aren't i?" she laughed "i do that sometimes" she flattened out her dress, a hand falling instinctively, and protectively, on her little box "so your powers electricity?"

the other boy spoke at that point, he stuttered a bit then said "My name is Zivon, ni-ce to meet you" she turned to look at him and smiled "Hi! it's nice to meet you too!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuu felt his jaw hang open for a few seconds. Recovering in a surprisingly decent manner, the second son of the Yamauchi family adjusted his sunglasses, his eyes glued on the fox girl with dangerously wide eyes. It had been so long since someone even considered giving him another chance. Well, actually, his father told him to go take a walk on the Himalayas when he evaporated all of the water in the household's swimming pool. That was not a pleasant thought to think about.

Eh, he thought, time seemingly frozen in his perspective because he was still gaping at the fox girl like a predator finding its prey doing break dances. My sister literally deported me to England before.

The otaku straightened his back a little.

He then proceeded to walk straight up to the two. Right before he let his feet leave the ground, he twisted his body and wrapped his loosely wrapped his shoulder around the girl in a friendly manner, though he still looked like a gangster.

"Name's Ryuu Yamauchi." He said with his teeth clenched, his canine teeth being particularly sharp compared to most of the flat ones around it. "I'm the best when it comes to watching television shows for three whole days."

Needless to say, he was unaware of the fact that he sounded extremely worthless right at the moment, though his looks definitely said otherwise. Then, Ryuu remembered how his face's default smile was that of a serial killer's.

Better fix it up for a quick sec, he thought to himself.

The otaku's "devil grin" loosened, only to have him smile a little less awkwardly. He still looked like he wanted her lunch money.

"Er," he blurted out, quickly thinking up random crap in his head. "I like Power Rangers. And stuff like that. So I'm not a bad guy after all, alright? Hah!"

It was only until he was finished with that statement that he finally managed to make a less distorted smile. Before the boy next to the girl was able to move away, he quickly wrapped his shoulder around the frightened student, still excited from the many realizations he came across.

"Now, tell me your freakin' names!" Ryuu exclaimed, a confident smile on his face. "Lunch's on me if you do. Especially you, boy; you seem like you hate me already. Ah, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

The sunglasses-wearing otaku silently praised himself for pulling all of that off in one shot. It was mainly thanks to the fox girl that he was able to reintroduce himself. Did it work? He had no idea. But even if he failed this time, he sure did feel more confident in having conversations. The girl was a quiet one- he could tell at a first glance-, but to top it off with being nice as well made it feel natural for him to talk.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, but he already felt nostalgic just by doing this.


...He still needed to fix his violent looks, though. They sometimes looked eviller than the devil himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Crash looked at their haul and shrugged. “You’re probably right there...” He attempted to pull a disgruntled face as she ruffled his hair, though he couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face. “Thanks for that” He remarked, huffing his fringe out of his eyes. He actually looked grateful when she took some of the food off of him, at least that way she would definitely get something to eat...he’d maneuvered the queue without incident, it would be pushing it to think he could make it to a table without an incident. He looked around the cafeteria, crimson eyes searching the cafeteria for the few empty spaces. He raised a curious eyebrow at Kathy as she suggested the busiest table in the cafeteria. “Why don’t you just go up and ask?” Crash queried as he followed her over to the table, paying no attention to where he was walking as they got closer to the small crowd.

He did however miraculously make it to the table without causing any more accidents, and keeping the food in tact. He placed it on the table between them, allowing Kathy to spread it about evenly, he raised his eyebrow again the side of his mouth curling up to form a smile as he watched her look between the two similar looking guys. He followed her gaze and stared at the two guys for a while, trying to determine who was who, they were obviously different their mannerisms. Crash was staying very still as he studied them, his eyes a little distant as he stared at them apparently not ashamed at how rude he was being.

He turned his head as soon as Kathy spoke, shaking his head and returning his attention to her. He picked up a fork as he listened to her, as well as ear-wigging on the conversations next to them. “Yup, first day would be the correct guess” He answered her question, before helping himself to a healthy portion of bacon. “I’m guessing because you knew where it was; today isn’t your first day?” He queried, his leg begun to twitch under the table as he sat there. “What’s the deal with Criston then?” He asked her after a moment. “No offence and I know I’ve only just met you but you don’t seem the swooning type...is he a must know here?” He glanced over again as the girls surrounding the two possible Criston’s giggled particularly loud, an unimpressed look crossing his face before he turned his gaze back to bacon, the smile returning
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Criston ate his food in relative silence, still taking in the fact that there was someone that looked exactly like him in the school.

Didn't know I had a clone... I mean, it makes sense he's so good with the ladies, considering.

He chuckled at himself as he shoveled a fork full of pancake into his mouth, never mind the girls near him. He liked being near pretty girls but they were all so clingy... Maybe he should let Cyrus have them. they'd always come back to him in the end anyway. He'd make sure of that. He glanced up just in time to see Cyrus sit down near him.

Well, think his name and he shall appear...

Criston sent the guy a smile, food still in his mouth. When he swallowed, he sent him a toothy grin. "'Sup, freshmeat. How you liking Athalia?" He asked and then shoveled another fork full of food into his mouth. He pulled his drink up to his mouth and took a sip through the straw, his eyes never leaving Cyrus. He glanced down at the girls and let out a small chuckle. "It seems to be treating you just fine." He continued, winking at the girl on Cyrus' arm. She blushed and buried her face in Cyrus' arm. Again, he could only laugh at her reaction.


She took in a deep breath as she leaned against the back wall. She waited for the other students to fill through the doors, probably in the direction of food. That's where they all always went the first day, her included. It was a rather good place to make friends. Her eyes narrowed as she stared out at the back of the gym. Should she even try to make friends? They'd just leave her behind, treat her as a mascot.

She let out a deep sigh, her face solemn. No, it was in her nature to want friends. She needed them. She never knew why, she just... did. Friends gave her a reason to live when she nothing else to live for and she didn't. She found it hard living for herself. Being cold and uncaring wasn't her and she knew that now. She pushed herself up off of the wall when a majority of the students had left and left through the door that wasn't currently barricaded by students. She wanted to head in the direction of the cafeteria but she already knew too much was going on there. She needed a breath of fresh air.

Another deep sigh as she made her way to the cafeteria.

It's only to get an apple. I just need a little something on my stomach.

She walked through the double doors and stopped to look at all of the students in the cafeteria. There was a horde of girls sitting near two guys that looked very, very similar. One would say they were twins. She shook her head slowly, a smile creeping up on her lips at them.

Foolish girls. Just don't get too attached.

There were several other students sitting down, eating but she simply walked past them. She walked up to the fruit cart and pulled out a nice shiny apple and then walked back out another way, towards anywhere in particular. She wound up at a pond that had several benches all around. She smiled and walked over to it to sit down. She sat gingerly, and began eating her lone apple.

Years ago, when she was younger, she would have jumped at the chance to see these people. Dancing, and spinning around, joyful as could be. Now, her thoughts and actions were more carefully planned out. Maybe one day, she'd be able to dance and twirl and just be merry but it might... take a little bit. Then again, maybe it was in her nature. She didn't know. She never knew anything anymore.

She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, hugging them and lifted her hand to her face. With a little concentration, a small glow appeared on her finger and she smiled. "Good to have you back, old friend." She whispered. She could feel nearly everyone on campus' energy, glowing brightly, bouncing around and it was as if she'd never changed. She couldn't even begin to tell someone how happy it made her to be able to feel her powers again. The moment she'd gotten them back, she went flying, the feel of the wind in her hair and her feathers... It was a feeling worth dying for. She'd have done anything to get it back and now she did. But... at what cost?

She let her head fall into her lap, biting her lip. The process of getting her Grace back had been a bit sketchy at best, but Gabriel had promised her Lucifer wouldn't come back. She wanted to trust him but some part of her soul nagged at her, telling her something wasn't right. Something had changed that shouldn't have.

She let out another small sigh and took another bite of her apple.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Cyrus watched a girl and the clumsy red-head plop down at the table he and Criston were sitting at. He wa getting tired of these girls, they were like leeches. They didn't even know his name and they were acting like they liked him. He was delighted to hear Criston speak up, "Athalia is interesting. Never been to a school this huge, let alone a school with a whole bunch of freaks with world-shattering abilities." He noticed Mr. Ginger giving him a dirty look, Bane just smirked. Cyrus frowned slightly though, and wriggled out of the girl on his arm's grasp, she once again pouted. He made a "leave us," motion to the shallow group of girls. "Criston only wants to bone ya and leave, if you are expecting some sort of relationship with him just bail now. I know he's gorgeous, I mean, we're twins so it's a give-in." He turned back to Criston, grinning widely. He turned to the newcomers sitting at the table. "Who are you guys?" He asked curiously, voice returning back to its quiet volume. ""Well who are you besides clumsy?" He aske with a small grin, looking at Crash.

Cyrus began eating his food, still keeping eye contact with the boy and girl, waiting for their answer. Once he shoveled all his food into his mouth, he shot the food into the trash can by creating a vector field behind it and redirecting its potential energy and changing it into kinetic energy. Cyrus sat back in his chair, drinking a can of Brisk Tea. Bane would turn to Criston after Kathy and Crash answered and ask, "so tell me more about this party, how crazy is it going to be?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


He watched as a few more people sat down with them. How they'd gotten over there without him seeing them baffled him but here they were, sitting in front of him. A red headed boy, a bit taller that Criston and a brown haired girl with ruddy red hair. He choked a laugh at the guys glance at them.

Not our fault we're attractive.

He chuckled a bit and then turn to Cyrus after hearing him throw something away. He looked at the trash bin and then at Cyrus, a curious look on his face. "Dude, that's like... across the room practically. How'd you do that? Whatever it is, it's rather impressive, my friend." Criston told Cyrus, flashing another toothy grin. He placed his elbows on the table, still eating his food. When Cyrus asked about the party, he grinned. "As crazy as you want it to be, my friend. Just ah... alcohol, yeah? I may be 21 but my mom's the principal. I might get away with a lot of things but uh... giving alcohol to underaged students ain't one of 'em. And if anything's spiked, it's got nothing to do with me." He explained, holding his hands up as a figurative 'white flag.' He grinned again and ate a bit more of his food. "It'll beth thun though." He mumbled, food still in his mouth. Before, continuing, he swallowed. "Just trust that there will be lots of pretty ladies and a whole lot of music and games." He explained, holding up a thumbs up for Cyrus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quickly he hid the spoon before Oona saw it, not cause any questions. Trying to avoid it he could have a normal conversation and who knows…he could have a new friend. He asked “Are you new here?” Surprisingly he said that without stuttering, he felt like he gained an achievement. As sort of a reward for himself for saying that smoothly he grabbed one of the sea salt ice cream bar and opened up the wrapper. Taking a small bite of the bar he hummed happily. There were a lot of people in the cafeteria, like they all pop up magically, this school is certain ally something. Had nearly devoured the whole ice cream bar with in a matter of seconds he saw a girl sitting near Oona, maybe he could be friends with her too. “Hi-i there…”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dani - Auditorium
Dani looked up at the women, eyes shining with gratitude, but before he could do anything, Allan grabbed the collar of his shirt in attempt to keep him from getting away. The lack of freedom made him remember his ability. He became incorporeal and ran behind the women who stood up for him.
"I didn't mean to! I promise!" he told Allan.

Matt - The Garden
Matt flew to the island and shifted back into his human form. He was about an hour late, so he missed the opening ceremony. Not something he meant to do. It was breakfast time, so everyone was probably in the cafeteria. Matt, however, was tired from his long flight. He sat down near a girl with red hair.
"Hello," he said politely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oona saw him hide the spoon but decided not to ask why, she pulled her hand away from her box self-conciously. 'now i'm nervous, why? i talk to people all the time ... well they don't talk back alot'

she smiled warmly and said "yeah i am new here, i've never seen so many amazing things in one day" she looked around the cafeteria again as he said hello to Drow,

those 2 boys were still there with all the girls, there seemed to be even more people now, 2 new people had sat at the same table as the 2 look-alikes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

”Why don’t you just go up and ask?”

Kathy shrugged a little, attempting to seem indifferent but the slight blush on her cheeks obviously showed that she was embarrassed. After a small pause she admitted, “I feel a little bad. No matter how similar they are, it probably doesn’t feel good to be mistaken for someone else right?”

Rubbing her hands together in anticipation, she started breakfast with a warm biscuit smothered with blueberry jam and a few pieces of crispy bacon. Between bites she continued her conversation with Crash, being careful to talk only after she had swallowed the contents in her mouth. “Yup. This is my second year here. So I'm nowhere near a veteran, but I can help you with a few directions at least if you need it."

’Swooning type?’ Almost choking on her food from laughing, she quickly downed a glass of milk to help it pass. “Ahem. No, not a fan of that at all. Rather than a ‘must know’ I’d say more like a person that’s ‘good to recognize’? You saw him just a while ago giving a speech about the party right? Basically he’s the head of the student government and son of the principal, so a little higher up than most of us on the power ladder.”

Listening to snippets of the conversation going on beside them she noted, ’Aah, so Criston’s the one that’s a little more tanned and the twin is a new face around here.’ Satisfied that the initial curiosity that brought them to the table in the first place was sated, she stopped eavesdropping and returned to enjoying the food.

"Who are you guys?"

“Me? I’m…” She glanced around a bit at the faces around the table, wondering what sort of answer the guy was expecting. Names perhaps? She wasn’t well-known at all in the school. ’Hmm… Maybe he’s actually asking why we joined them at the table?’ “I’m Kathy, just a randomly passing Pedestrian A taking a meal break. Uh, don’t mind me and please just continue with your fun conversation.” Giving him a small wave and sheepish grin, she pretended to be intensely interested in a plate of waffles covered in syrup, chocolate, and fruits. False fascination aside, the waffles were delicious. Leaving half of it, she pushed the plate towards Crash. “This is really good by the way, you should try it.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Allan's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at Carmen's response, but at least he was not as hostile to her as he was to Dani...at least not yet. "Finally some recognition...at least someone knows a dragon when they see one...wait...what did you just say?..." He said at first appreciating how observant that she was, until to the part where he realized that she just took a shot at his temper. Before he was able to say anything back to her, Dani managed to slip out of his grip by using his ability which infuriated Allan even more. "Hey! I'm not done with you! You little no-body!" He shouted shaking his fist to him. This kid was able to enter my head and move through my hand...what the hell is he? A ghost?... He thought taking notes on Dani's power as he looked back at Carmen when he was really looking right through her and straight at Dani.

There was a vicious look in his eyes, the kind of look that you would see on any kind of predator hunting after a prey. "An apology...I demand a sincere apology...from the both of you..." He said standing up straight and placed his arms back to his side appearing to have calm down. Carmen could easily tell that Allan is the type of person who holds grudges and will not stop until he is one-hundred percent satisfied. The apology was just something to make him go away for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago


She smiled slightly when she felt a familiar energy coming towards her.

I honestly didn't expect anyone else to come here.

She sighed and turned her head to smile at Matt, the phoenix boy. "Hello there." She replied, unsure as to whether or not he remembered her or if he just genuinely didn't realize it was her. "How are you, Matt?" She asked, smiling at him warmly.

An old friend. Maybe this is what I need, then again, maybe not.

She pushed her legs back down to the ground and the glow on her fingers faded as she turned to face him more head on. "It's been awhile, eh?" She continued, chuckling slightly. She had to admit, seeing him here did surprise her but at the same time, she wouldn't put it past any of them. She almost welcomed it. Some semblance of normalcy would be great... So many memories and all of the friends involved gone.

Somehow, her hand found it's way to her ring finger, where sat the engagement ring Xanthus has left her. She always did this when she was nervous or her emotions got the best of her. For some reason, knowing it was there calmed her down. Knowing that everything wasn't just some bad dream. That everything had happened and that she was alive. It also was a reminder for her, a remind to never fall in love again. It only ever hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Finetales
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Carmen noticed that apologies given or demanded when unnecessary were a recurring theme in this conversation/argument. Having only momentarily averted her eyes from the dragon boy to watch the other become incorporeal (A ghost, she thought. I knew he wasn't a normal human.), she responded. "You need no apology from me...I merely used a little word play. A joke, if you will. You should loosen up! Life is more fun when you're not glaring all the time. I'll have to play you a symphony sometime." She paused. "Why don't we go somewhere else? If you haven't noticed, this auditorium has become a little...empty. The cafeteria perhaps? Or maybe the garden?" Yes, the garden, she thought. It would be nice to be outside. Knowing that the ghost was now at least temporarily safe from the dragon's advances, Carmen shifted into her bird form and left for the garden without waiting for a response. They would follow if they wanted to.

Soon she reached the garden. There weren't many people there and the ones that were there seemed occupied, so she found the nearest bench and shifted back into her human form, observing the scene presented before her. She hadn't heard any music in a while so she put her trumpet to her lips and began playing an elegant, soothing improvisation using very lush, ethereal chords, and it was audible to all that were willing to listen, whether in the campus or out. Ahhh...now that's better, she thought as she closed her eyes. She was the happiest when she was making music, and hoped her two quarreling acquaintances would step out into the garden or just listen wherever they were and be soothed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

Ezra - Rooftop: Gymnasium

The Demonologist watched as all of the new students heard the short speech from the Vice Principal, and watched as the Student Body President Criston Cross announced the festivities for tonight. He sat quietly and made no thoughts, no sounds, no comments. He was invisible to everyone, seeming to be just an average person, as average as you could get for being a student from Athalia. No one paid him any mind or even glanced his way.

That would have been the case, if it weren't for the obnoxious, loud mouthed, deviant, downsized demon who couldn't shut his mouth during it all while he sat next to Ezra, chomping down on a bucket of whole raw ducks. "Hey Ezra, you think that we can do good here too? Not that I'm interested or anything, FUCK THE SYSTEM!" it exclaimed as it chomped off a duck's head. Ezra simply sighed and leaned back, kicking one leg over the other.

When Criston went up to announce the party, Ezra glanced down at Illyen, waiting for his reaction, as he knew what was coming. When the room went wild with excitement, the young Demonologist sighed to what the Chaotic did: jumped on the shoulders of a young man in front of them and put out a fist, screaming, "WOOOOO, PARRTAYYYY!! LET'S FUCK SOME SHIT UP AND GET WASTED LIKE THAT ONE MOVIE WITH A TIGER AND STUFF!!"

Ezra had retired to his usual hang out spot, the roof of the gym, and watched over the students as they began to mingle in with one another. He chuckled softly as he walked back down, the little demon humming "Highway To Hell" by AC/DC all the way down as they wandered into the garden.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bael had been walking around the halls for a while. After that introducing speech, the party's annoucement and the students fighting their way out of that peculiar place, he was feeling... Extremely bored. He was walking with his hands behind his head, his sky-blue eyes focused on his feet. He wasn't heading anywhere because that wasn't anywhere to go, yet. He just didn't want to stay in the same place as everyone. Something about these two white haired guys attracting all the ladies while he, himself, couldn't focus on any to flirt with annoyed him more than it should. But, no problem. Soon enough those two popular guys will be nothing when compared to the great Bael. Or so he hoped.

Glancing through the window, he saw the garden outside, the pond- it was perfect. So peaceful, he instantly decided that he'd go exactly there, and so he did. Step after step, he made his way towards the garden, humming a classic instrumental song quietly while heading there... A few more steps and. Wait. The figure of a boy walking with what seemed to be a small... strange demon-like creature which Bael could've swear that he had seen somewhere just came into sight, they were a few steps ahead and by the looks of it, heading towards the garden, too. Oh well. Bael followed, eyeing them cautiously... And then, the garden. He lost interest in the dynamic pair, his focus being the beautiful gar-... lady. A red haired natural beauty shaped with the world's most beautiful... beauties. No, that was lame. But honestly he couldn't describe it any better in his head.

She had such angelic grace and serenity, his eyes widened slightly as he moved deeper into the garden, a quiet sigh ghosting past his lips. Then, his body stiffened as his expression shifted back into it's emotionless state. He simply walked and sat at one of the benches around the pond. He gazed sternly at the girl, staring... staring...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

Ezra - Garden

Illyen stopped humming almost immediately as they took a few steps into the garden. The garden was such a beautiful place, and was one of the places it would be able to calm down, so amazingly beautiful it was. It even would come down here to plant in new seedlings and saplings, almost as a token of apology for his usual destructive manner.

This time felt different though, very different. It sensed two other otherworldly presences, and jumped up on Ezra's shoulder, who looked at it curiously. "I can feel a holy presence here..as well as an unholy one. Look for a person with wings and signal me. I'll look for my bro!" he whispered quickly as he bounded towards the other demonic presence, leading him towards a blue haired boy. A boy. A little blue haired boy. Who's this r-tard?! it wondered as it bounded up onto Bael's head. "Hey, who are you and why can I almost taste your energies?"

Ezra didn't move, but instead sat down on a bench next to a young woman. He waved to her silently and smiled courteously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

"A lunatic? well that sounds absolutely intriguing" with a start Harry turned and saw Da Vinci standing next to him. Harry was about to give the artist a tongue lashing when he was interrupted by Da Vinci saying "Pay attention child! It's rude to not give a muse your full attention!" snapping his head back around to Luna. With a smile that he hoped was easy he said "Oh, yes that was quite rude of me, sorry Miss Luna. I'm Harrison Glint. I haven't been introduced to anyone else that's like me so I'm not sure what I should be described as. I've taken a liking to the name "Shattered". I relive the past through the medium of objects..." pausing to give Da Vinci a glare, "Miss Luna, about this party. Since you are the Secretary you wouldn't happen to know any specifics would you? I'm a little confused about it all this."

Da Vinci tapping Harry on the shoulder asking "Can you ask her to model a portrait for me? It will be great for your lessons" rubbing his temples Harry silently cursed and whispered and him "No Leo! I'm not going to ask her, we've only just met and it would be impolite! Just remember for later if you have to. Honestly you're as bad as Frankie sometimes! Now back off, it's a bit weird having you here looking over my shoulder eavesdropping." Picking up his apple Harry took a bit bite to stop himself raging further at the artist.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Drow lifted the scarff in the right place just before her nose over her mouth. She nods at oogla her question and removes her glove and moves her hand to oogla giving her a small electronic shock from not even half way of the tabel. She pulled back her hand when she came to close. Drow puts the glove back on and looked at the boy she had been looking at for some time. He pulls back a metal object just as she looked he stutterd out “Hi-i there…” she looks at the boy with her glassy eyes between het scarff and cap ''Hi'' and she keeps looking at the boy waiting for him to reply back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Crash watched Kathy’s attempt at indifference, cocking an eyebrow as a slight blush spread across her cheeks. He bit his lip thoughtfully as he listened to what she had to say, he looked indecisive. “I...can’t honestly answer that” He frowned after a moment of thought, which for him was 5 minutes worth of musing. Shaking off his thought process he grabbed for a glass of tropical juice and took a hearty glug from it, smile tweaking at the corners of his mouth as Kathy begun to speak again. “Thanks that would be appreciated. My internal GPS doesn't work all too well these days” Crash explained. “Too many hits to the noggin” He finished, with another cheeky grin.

He looked really taken aback as Kathy almost choked on her food, lifting a hand in an offer to pat her on the back when she grabbed a glass of milk and chugged it back in record timing. He couldn’t suppress a laugh at that, a person choking wasn’t funny but that was done with the right level of comedy. He listened to what she was saying, leaning his arm on the table as he took another sip from his glass of juice before putting it back down on the table...carefully. “Point for correct observation on my part” He grinned at her. “Ah, he’s the one who announced the party? I’d kind of blanked on that” He admitted looking a little sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, he huffed animatedly. “Aww...school politics, I hate school politics” He complained, though it was hard to tell if he meant it because of that damn smile he wore.

He glanced sidelong as he felt someone’s gaze on him, catching Criston look in his direction before seemingly choking back a laugh. He raised an eyebrow at him, and almost instinctively looked down at his chest. Crap, please tell me I haven’t spilled stuff down me...not today He sighed in relief when he was sure his shirt was clean, his eyes jumping up to rest on the not Criston at the table as he addressed the pair of them. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, humor instantly seeping into his expression at the jest at his expense. He glanced back at Kathy as she answered first, holding back until she had introduced herself . A slight chuckle making his shoulders shake as he suppressed it, when she had turned back to her waffles he looked up at the guy.

“Besides clumsy? Ah, that’s a difficult one...erm tall, smart, charming and genuinely lucky in the looks department” He answered Cyrus, with a cheeky yet sincere smile. “Though Crash would probably be less of a mouthful” He quickly followed up, raising an eyebrow as he watched the white haired man shovel his food into his face with purpose, before somehow projecting his tray to the other side of the room and turning back to Criston without even offering his name. “You want to drop an introduction? Or shall I refer to you as ‘Awesome tray throwing dude’ or ‘The doppleganger’?” Crash interrupted Cyrus and Criston. It was becoming more obvious that his social skills sucked and he wasn’t aware he was being rude. He turned back to Kathy as she pushed a plate towards him, looking down at the plate curiously, cutting himself off a small mouthful and doing as suggested, after the initial bite he was inclined to agree with her. “Cafeteria food isn’t normally this good...this place already seems pretty great” Crash decided on saying, though he didn’t continue to eat the waffles. “What classes are you down for?” He asked Kathy, eager to return to a normal route of conversation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zivon somehow felt strange, well haven’t talk to practically anyone else but his dad for a long time so maybe it just felt weird for him. “ Yeah I am new here, I’ve never seen so many amazing things in one day" Oona said. The girl who he had said hi to replied back with a hi, he gave small wave back to the girl. “M-my name is Zi-von…uuuhh ho-w about you?” He tried to introduce himself in a proper manner but still ended up stuttering slightly… he is getting better. “Am-azing things huh? Tr-ue…well I ha-ven’t se-en mu-ch thoug-h. This who-le place is sure b-ig, it’s kin-d of scary…” With a huge academy likes that he felt like within a matter of seconds he would be lost.

After a while the sea salt ice cream he was eating was finished, he put the stick down. He looked at the stick if there was that symbol that showed that he gets a free ice cream bar, even thought it was pointless he always did that when he was younger…nostalgia. After a while he didn’t know what to say next, there are lots of possibilities and he couldn’t decide or maybe he was still scared. He grabbed an oreo ice cream sandwich from the plate and opened up the wrapper; no matter how much ice cream he had eaten he will always have room for more.

With all of his thinking his other hand holding the rusted spoon put the spoon back on the table like it had a mind on its own. He didn’t even notice as he asked. “So are you new here too?”
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