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"Well, I couldn't really tell you anything about that. Don't really know anything about her motives, sir. I know you talked to him first, so, he knows more about that then I do. I dunno, maybe she had a crush on him or...shoot, Inspector I can't tell you what goes on in the mind of a criminal, the only thing I can do is speculate and deduce. If you want intent, motives, I couldn't get anything out of her. You'd have to ask a psychologist if you really want an analysis, no offense intended." Light said with a chuckle. "Is that all? because that's basically the rundown of the situation." Light asked.
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"That'll be all. It will be helpful once we question Minene when she is in the condition to talk," Keigo nodded, seeing no reason to keep this going. For now, that is it for the interrogations... Keigo said as he lead Light out of the room. Outside, Yuki and Yuno weren't really talking, and that Yuno was looking over her phone for entries again. "You can go on now, we're done with the interrogations," Keigo told the two. "Oh, okay. Let's go Yuki~!" Yuno smiled as she tightly held Yuki's wrist. She glanced at Light for a moment, then was going to leave the building with Yuki.
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Light gave a nod to Keigo, then gathered his things and left outside with the two of them. "Well, that pretty much means school is done for awhile. I'm gonna take off back there, and see if this means my job is finished, or the school is repairable. In any case, since I "know", if you catch my drift, I won't be letting you two so far out of my sight." Light explained. "Hey kid, remember what we talked about, keep your head on straight, for me." Light said to Yuki, then nodded and walked off towards the school. I wonder if Yuno read anything about our conversation from earlier..she's helpful, but if I can just slowly ease Yuno off from him, I'll have a good asset on my hands.. Light thought to himself as he walked.
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"Oh, yeah. I will," Yuki said, giving a quick nod before Yuno tugged on his arm once. "Okay, I guess we'll run into each other soon," Yuno gave a little smile before dragging Yuki along with her. It was like she was that obsessed over Yuki, it would be difficult to gain her trust by the looks of it. She hasn't mentioned anything about my conversation with Light. Her entries would had told her already... Yuki thought to himself, knowing that Yuno was quite unpredictable.
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Light only turned around and walked the opposite direction down the sidewalk. He waited a bit before speaking up. "What a day, huh Ryuk?" Light stretched. "Flawlessly executed, I would say. No one will ever expect a thing. In a week, Minene will die of her injury's due to the blunt trauma without even knowing why. "It'll all fall into place soon. Still, even so I have no place to stay. Someone like myself will not stoop to living in a homeless shelter. I have to keep up my masquerade of being on a "experimental vacation", so I need to place to live." Light said, still not being able to find a place to stay.
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"It was entertaining as usual. Actually, it's pretty funny that no one suspects a thing from you. It only took one day for you to get things moving, a new record on that," Ryuk says in remarks of what happened in the matter of a few hours actually. Usually it would take days for Light to get his plans into motion, but this went by so fast, it was like this entire world appeared so easy for Light to drive his efforts through. Then came the matter of finding a place to stay, surely enough it would seem suspicious that a student for a "experimental vacation" has no place to rest at.It was definite that Yuno's place was not the place to stay at ideally, and there was no way for him to know of Yuki's house. However...maybe luck was on his side today.

"Excuse me...can you help me? I don't know where this address is," a girl happened to walk up to him a few minutes later, she happened to have a luggage with her and she showed him a piece of paper with an address to a nearby apartment building. With Light's shinigami eyes, he would be able to see this girl's name and lifespan...but strangely, her name was either greatly distorted or maybe her name was in a cryptic language that even shinigamis had no knowledge on. Even her lifespan was off, it was all in zeroes, just zeroes. Her face was almost unreadable too, it was just void of emotion or expression, like an ultimate poker face.
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What's..with this girl? is she a diary holder? Light said, looking over this young woman with extreme suspicion. No, I can't even see her name. What's up with that? I guess I should just answer her for now and see how this rolls. Light blinked. "Ehehehe, sure. It just so happens I was looking for a place to stay myself. I've passed by that building at least once, so I can show you the way I guess." Light said with a small smile. When you're me, there are no such things as coincidences, I've made sure to calculate my actions throughout and then let things play out as they should. If I didn't have the eyes, I wouldn't be worried because I wouldn't see anything strange about her other then this. Is she abnormal, or know something about me at least? I can't be for certain but I can speculate.. "Come on, I'll lead you there." Light started to walk. "I can carry your bags for you, if you want." Light offered, and then started to make small conversation. "You should be careful, ma'am. Moving into this city at this time is dangerous. A teacher disappeared, and this mad terrorist bomber got arrested today after trying to blow up the school not very far away that the teacher taught at. Plus, you hear about those criminals dying suddenly all over the world? it's insane. Not to be in your business, of course. You have your reasons, as do I." Light said, trying to squeeze some information about herself from her.
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"Thank you," the girl says with the most expressionless voice, saying this for both him offering to show her the way to the apartment and offering to hold her things. Not too long after Light's statements and her giving him her bags to hold for her, she immediately responded,"It is. I've heard not too long ago. I rather not get so worked up on the matter, it'll die down on it's own, like how the terrorist was arrested today. I don't care much on the many criminal deaths, it's just like criminal death row being done at a fast rate. Others would tend to that, so I don't see much that would correlate with me." The girl was silent for a moment, not even letting a single change in her facial expression appear for just a second. "As we're both looking for a place to stay, we're coincidentally on vacation at the same period in time. I'm only here as a transfer student from England. I'm assuming that you're here for school, education, or the likes," the girl continues to speak after that pause of silence.
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This girl..there's definitely something about her. She's definitely not average, I can tell without the eyes. It's that feeling..like when me and L met. Whatever she's thinking right now..she might know something. Time to play mind games. I feel..excited, somehow. Light thought to himself. "Heh. Yeah, I'm on a vacation, I guess you could say? I dunno, I just wanted to try new things. I became a teacher at the school today, filling in for the one who went missing. Course', with no place to stay and that bombing I guess I have to find another teaching job, or wait until they repair it. Oh, by the way. Being a student from England, you probably won't know this, but my name is Light Yagami, I'm one of the top five smartest students in Japan. Of course, that's what I'm told back home. I came from quite far away and people think I'm pretty smart there, but I dunno. I just simply do my best and things work out alright for me. What's your name by the way?" Light asked, wondering if she named herself, it would appear in front of her when spoken. If it didn't, it was an alias. It was the easiest way to tell if something was truly unordinary with her.
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"I'm Madeline Cousart. That must be an honor to know that. I'm known to be a...star student if that is what I'm considered to be, even if people can't understand me well. I just happen to go with it, nothing to say about me as interesting," the girl says, but her name still didn't show up through Light's shinigami eyes. It was certainly an alias. She didnt respond much to Light's mentions of him being quite smart, maybe she wasn't that interested in that detail.
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"So, why did you transfer here to Japan, Madeline-san? if you're that type of person, there must have something you found quite interesting here." Light asked, his curiosity was more then a simple one. If they were playing mind games, she'd say something he could pick out. If it was him, he'd know after her answer. He'd already confirmed she was using an alias, so this was next on the list. But honestly, it was more like he was fishing for answers more then her. Or was he revealing himself through his talk? he had no clue how much or if she knew about him at all. He decided to stay silent after she answered him, to avoid feeding her anything she could use against him.
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"I'm not entirely sure. I only came because the opportunity came up. Maybe that reason would come later eventually. I do have a lot of time before then. I suppose you're interested in crime investigation and law. The moment we began talking, the terrorist incident and the dying criminals were the first thing you mentioned. Then I gave you my thoughts on it, so it would be safe to say that I would like to hear your thoughts on those two things. It should not be hard with the terrorist incident, you were there when it occurred," Madeline spoke with no pauses in-between, and then begins to bring up what Light said about the terrorist and the dying criminals. It was all sudden, like it was her turn at this mind game. With that poker face of hers, it was hard to tell if this was something to pry information out of Light or it was just a way for her to keep in mind. Soon they got to the apartment building, Madeline going in with Light, she glanced at the paper for a second before heading for the elevator and pressing "up" on the wall. As she waited, she also waited for his response.
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Reading my mind, eh? well, I guess I'll play along. "Well, the truth is, and I don't mean to gloat, I actually figured out if she was coming to the school specifically the night before it happened. I hadn't actually known about the bombings until I read a newspaper, and I happened to notice she was bombing schools and churches. So, I actually joined the staff not only to try out being a teacher, but to see if she would try to sneak in. Sure enough on my class list a new student who stood out was there, a transfer student with nothing little to nothing about her. It was easy confirming if it was her or not, but I can't really tell you any more because it's confidential, I just went through a police interview a few minutes ago." Light said, leaving some of the bigger details out. "It was scary, but people leave paper trails, and make themselves open and predictable. I can say I definitely saved the school with my knowledge." Light moved on to her other topic, "as for the weirdness of the latter, I have no clue what that's all about. Honestly, it wasn't a freak accident. Or natural causes, 400 something people don't just die all in a row simultaneously. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it could be..not of this world." Light said, knowing such a thing could not be possible. He shivered. "It makes you wonder, about this world and what's beyond it. Are there gods? death gods, maybe? or aliens? I dunno. It gets people paranoid. The thing responsible has not announced itself, yet. So..we can only point fingers in fear. It's like..is the person passing by you, someone you bump into on the street, or the person right next to to you..really a human being? and well, that's about it on my thoughts on that stuff." Light said, summing up his thoughts. But at that last part, he was subtlety hinting that he knew she wasn't human, or at least not a normal one.
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"It must had been a wild guess for you to go for that school and for the terrorist to coincidentally sneak in the same school. Otherwise if the terrorist went for another school, no one would realize it as immediately as you did. Though, from what I hear...I find it strange that the terrorist did not just completely blow up that school just as the other places that same terrorist had attacked before. It must mean that the terrorist was demanding a certain person or thing from that particular school, and the reason why is left in obscurity. It must also mean that if her demands were on a certain person, that certain person would had been taken in for a police interview. It's all assumptions I could make of this," Madeline first responded with her replies towards the terrorist bombing and Light's thoughts on that. It sounded like she knew exactly what happened by how she happened to assume this from the top of her head with the fact that she was never there to begin with, and she just didn't hear this from the news as the news did not air it yet or that the news would not air too much information on the school bombing. "Isn't that everyone's thoughts? Thinking that everyone around them could be the one responsible for the 400 or more deaths. It's basic cause and effect. 400 people die in a day, people start to become paranoid and afraid, thinking that anyone could be responsible. If you also assume that a supernatural force can be a cause for this, then the effect would be that both everyone would have more paranoia and that scientific research would be aimed to figuring out this force. Honestly, it's quite ridiculous, but maybe it's possible by less than 1%. Who knows? Maybe there's a lot of the world we don't know yet. I rather not think so much, others would tend to that matter. I have no business to pay too much attention towards the culprit of the 400 deaths, it's most likely someone with the mindset that they could play god," Madeline explains her response towards Light's thoughts on the criminal deaths, the elevator door opening and she walked in and pressed "9." As much as she happened to have a clear view on the matter, she didn't want to involve herself in it too much. Sure, it was 400 deaths, but apparently even that had no surprise or interest spark up in her.
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(Couldn't tell if you meant she walked back into the elevator or up to her room and pressed 9, so I just assumed elevator. If I was wrong, I will edit this. Don't want to screw with the set-up.)

".....Madeline-san, what floor number does it say on your paper? for someone who is a transfer student, you'd think you would want to unpack your things. I would imagine, a trip from somewhere like England would leave any normal girl tired. Yet, you hit the up button a single time. Our discussion finished quick enough, yet you found it necessary to delay getting to your room. Was our discussion that important to you? it was simply casual banter between two people of differing opinions." Light said, pointing out how needless that was. "Alright, I think we need to cut the crap here. I want to know, who and what you are. I will not speak a word more about myself, I refuse to. But I know your entire cover story is bullshit, and that you are possibly not a human being. I would have kept on with the back and forth, but no one is around to hear this. Honestly, the way you set yourself up with "asking for directions" it is like you knew that I would already know all of this and then try to confront you later on, which you might." Light said, deciding to stop playing games. The elevator stopped, the door opened, and then shut. "You have eight floors to explain yourself. Don't think about escaping me, either."
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Madeline wasn't surprised that he decided to reveal this now, though, she let out a short sigh as if this entire confrontation was meaningless. "What should I expect...you shinigami. I suppose the Death Note has no effect on me...but I'm not like you. Simply, I am the vessel created for Kami once out of dormancy. I only appear here after hearing of a certain...shinigami deciding to go to different human worlds, and that is you. Particularly...I have no interest on what you do, just a shinigami wandering around is amusing on itself. However, once Kami awakens and I am used as the vessel, I have no doubt that you'll face judgment," Madeline explained with a monotonous voice. The elevator passes the 4th floor, it felt like this elevator trip was taking forever to reach 9.
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Light was surprised as this bombshell of a reveal was laid on him. Light cleared his throat, speaking up after a moment of silence. "Then, it is good I decided to act on getting to know who you were sooner then later. However, you are aware how much time that will take, yes? it has been stated in various faiths and such that the entire collective of what was the The Multiverse, or anything beyond that I cannot fathom as of now stems from this one being that existed..or was simply there. I am sure it is just like your name, I cannot wrap my head around it. If said being lays dormant, this "Kami", it could be hundreds of thousands of years before it wakes up. In the mean time, let's talk about "you". You said you heard that I was traveling to other worlds. How is this possible? I was in the Shinigami realm when I explained this plan, it's different from Earth. Tell me, what place do you come from where you can hear such things? and, these "people" who told you. Are they other omnipotent beings? how many are aware of me? and if so, how often do these people speak of me?" Light asked.
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"I'm not aware on how long or how short the time is before Kami awakens, but until then, my body will not age or waste away. How did I find out?...I just simply witnessed your actions from another plane of reality, from a place that even I can't explain on my own behalf. I can only assume the place I originate from is the "heart" of the Multiverse. From there, I watched your actions in the shinigami realm, and it was me only. It was only me that I existed...or a half of me, should I mention. When I was created, I was split into two due to conflicting personalities. The person you see in front of you is the knowledge of the vessel, while my other half is the emotions of the vessel. I will tell you this, I'm not here to stop you or prevent your plans. You could say...your actions interest me. At least...you are not as primitive as the other shinigami that I had to silence from pestering me," Madeline explained somewhat more of herself. Even if she were a "higher existence" than Light, she wasn't so concerned on what Light had planned, but she was more like a spectator from the above. She also mentioned the reason why she was rather...emotionless. The elevator passed by the 8th floor, it was almost the 9th floor by now.
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"Then, I have no grudge against you either. If I can do nothing and you have no harmful intent, I won't worry. Watch me all you want, vessel of Kami. Watch me shape this world in my image. I spent my life, all the way into my twilight years ridding the world of filth. I had control single-handedly, none dared to oppose me. It was a sinless world I had. My vision was realized, I was God of a world reborn in my name, "Kira". And none even knew my identity, I preferred to keep it a secret and left the government's to each it's own devices. There was no more war, no more fighting. No more racism, or hatred or even religious bigotry. That is my world, and to be frank, the ends justified the means. I don't believe in coincidences. I plan my every action, my every word. And "Fate" is an already planned out series of events. I think, it was inevitable for me to pick up the Death Note, to escape the boring tedium of day-to-day life, to change the world. Perhaps, something up there handed me that chance. And now..my world, my vision and ideals I will carry on, one Earth or place of existence to the next, re-shaping it in my image. My "New Age of Light" is beginning. And nothing will stop me. Not any government, any supernatural force, nor the police or any Survival Game. And certainly not Kami. This I swear." Light declared.
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For once, that breaks her complete emotionless state, Madeline had a slight smile on her face, as if this appeared funny to her. She felt the elevator stop, and she spoke moments before the elevator doors would open,"Then enjoy that while it lasts. Be honored to have caught my attention." With that, the doors of the elevator open at the 9th floor and she stepped out. While both were "otherworldly" existences, to the public eye, they were just two people on vacation. There were a few others in the hallway, so she retained her emotionless facade. Once reaching the apartment door, she took out a key and unlocked the door. "And I thought I was the only one here for a vacation in this city," Madeline says with this act, since there were others nearby them in this hallway.
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