Very little? Yes, low enough I would not take Act's story here and go around referencing it as if it's fact. I'd need hard proof before I do that.
Yes quite. Yet you go on to make a valid point. There's no point in saying "That didn't happen". There are numerous factors that should sink in before trying to neuter such a large claim, such as, "Well why would someone who lived through a horror movie want to give one hundred percent proof of what had occurred?" *I'm talking to Turt here*, Would Turtle like to ask a female victim of assault her Doctor's results of the pap smear? Her STD testing? Etcetera? Would Turtle like to butt in to her therapist's business, have a little talk with her Church pastor, have her show him the putrid crime scene?
Not to mention, there are some things that for some reason just don't get reported in the news, even murders. At least not through the news media the way I think he means. What if it not never got reported, what if a lot of other things happened that Turt couldn't know about just because he has nothing to do with it. By the way, just saying, you have something to do with it because I talked about it, isn't an excuse to go making railing accusations and attacking someone's credibility out of, well statistical analysis. People have been known to spontaneously combust. Does it make it any less fucking painful, after surviving being set on fire, God knows how, just because some bumbling, armchair detective, faux lie detecting Internet Tought Guy thinks he has the right to be a pain in the ass?