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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Freeshooter92 said
Act 2, actually. She was a scrublord then too. She's actually less powerful than her previous incarnation because she lacks her indestructable permasharp legendary lance! Please, its important to me, and I'll gladly forego any GM gifts to keep it. Seriously, I need it for her backstory.

Alright, but at least lower it to what I asked and it can remain Fortite armor. Please? If I compromise, then I hope you will too. It's not as easy to crack armor and keep some NPCs at lower levels for characters like Mar who doesn't wear armor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looked through the CSes and the magic and I gathered that there is only a single electromancer and close to no Ancient blood character other than Ryonara's
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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Fallenreaper said
Alright, but at least lower it to what I asked and it can remain Fortite armor. Please? If I compromise, then I hope you will too. It's not as easy to crack armor and keep some NPCs at lower levels for characters like Mar who doesn't wear armor.

Alright, I think I got an idea. I'll PM it to you in a moment...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Updates have been made to Lord Haklo. Little bit of History (Unfinished) and more detail about the sword. I added family armor which I always wanted to use.

Attributes have also been added.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

here's link if people don't care to search

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

And for my second character... Another Snake person.

UserName: Sundered Echo

Character name: Xyden. Centurion of the Myrmidon Order.

Age: 391

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Hydromancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Naga (Ocean)

At rest Xyden is 6'9. However, being possessed of the formidable stature of a Myrmidon, when he raises himself to full height and extends all fins he is 8’2. His eyes are a malevolent yellow and his teeth are razor sharp like those of an ocean predator. While his skin is an uninteresting shade of Aqua, his fins are more pearly white and his scales darken from the same colour as his skin at his waist to an almost black dark blue at the tip of his tail. Like most Naga, he bears a number of scars, and several of his fins are slightly tattered along the edges. When expecting battle, he wears his Myrmidon armour, which is made predominantly of Shark Leather with bronze plates and scales covering less mobile areas such as the chest. The armour does not in any way impair his capacity to swim, other than adding weight. There is a faint smell of the sea surrounding him at all times.
He wields a bladed Steel Trident with a bronze finish, customary of a Naga Myrmidon.

Short Bio: From the moment Xyden emerged from the egg he was different to this kin. Even at such an early stage, the extensive fin structures of a Myrmidon could be observed in their vestigial stages. Because of this, the moment he reached maturity he was given to the Myrmidon sect in the Hunter caste for training. He learnt the ways of the Myrmidon for several decades, but after a time it became apparent that he would never grow to the size of a Myrmidon and match their awesome stature. An aberrant amongst an already unusual branch of his species Xyden never once truly belonged anywhere in the fairly rigid caste structure of the Naga of the Depths.

Some among the leaders of the Myrmidon were ashamed of this apparently ‘runty’ Naga amongst their ranks, and thanks to them Xyden received all the most outlying Myrmidon positions, positions which often proved the most dangerous as well. From this, Xyden’s armour was heavily scarred with regularity, and his combat skills were honed considerably. He developed techniques that did not require teamwork and made use of the environment to his advantage. The first event to mark him out as a Naga of importance occurred on one of these distant guarding assignments.

Xyden was stationed to defend one of the furthest afield volcanic forge-vents. Several Naga lived and worked there, forging various high quality bronze and steel implements for the city, and there were a number of air-filled buildings built up for the Naga to ply their trade in. Near the end of his watch for the day, a large, multi armed monstrous creature appeared from the murky depths, taking him by surprise, intent on consuming him and the people of the outpost. He played a vicious game of cat and mouse for it for half an hour. Even as a Myrmidon he was unable to defeat it, and fell back to the Naga dwellings. In order to survive, he was forced to enter one of the air filled buildings. He’d weighed the chance of holding his breath there as being favourable to being eaten by the beast.

It was within that air filled dwelling that he expected to die. However, instead of gasping at the air and suffocating, he found he was able to breath the air. This new revelation in hand, he was able to manipulate the control system inside the dwellings for the Volcanic vent outside. He redirected it to flow in the widest stream possible and took once more to the water. He lured the great beast into the heated Volcanic stream and, in desperation, forced it down with blows from his trident, and, though he didn’t know it, a small but potent change in the currents through hydromancy.

Upon returning to the City, he slithered right into the hall of the Matriarchs dragging the head of the beast behind him. He was known enough that everyone stood back in shock to see a Myrmidon breathing air. But that was not the only thing that shocked the gathered Naga. The beasts head was impressive, but all around Xyden water was seeping from the various pools in the halls floor towards him, as if with a mind of its own. He did not get the chance to brag of his abilities though. Instead, he collapsed before the Matriarchs eyes, and the water that was following him became lifeless, flowing back to the pools across the sloped floor.

The Matriarchs knew what was happening. They recognised change of the sort that had not occurred in the deeps for a very long time. They saw to Xyden and formulated a plan. Xyden had suffered from blood sickness due to not knowing what he was doing He eventually awoke and within the day was accoutred once more in his armour and sent to lead a boarding action against a nearby ship, a number of the Naga’s best hunters at his back, and one of the Matriarchs seconds to conduct the questioning.

Xyden and his Hunters boarded the ship in a storm, taking the majority of the crew prisoner. The ships crew stood no chance against the surprise assault from the deep, and not a single Naga was lost. The crew was questioned at length by the Matriarchs second, with a specific focus on magic as it was on the surface, but also to determine the state of the world. The Naga of the Depths had long been out of touch, the occasional ship raid never taking prisoners to question. The Matriarchs wanted to fix that.

Among other things, the Naga learned of the Twilight College, and after some deliberation, Xyden was charged with locating this college to learn to control and master his abilities For the good of the Naga. As well, he was to be the eyes of the Naga on the land. The Matriarchs knew his appearance was the signifier of momentous events to come and they did not want to be caught by surprise.

Xyden set out for the land, taking his armour, his trident and some of the strange gold ‘coins’ the sailors kept offering the Naga to spare them. Apparently the Surface-Dwellers used them to trade for items. He came ashore as close as the Naga could figure to the College, and set out to cover the land between his mighty sea and the College.

He received a poor greeting from the villages he passed. No-one had ever seen something like him, and his monstrous visage even among Naga did not help. by some Miracle of Fate, he is due to arrive at the college on the same day that it accepts new members.

Good Attributes:
-Myrmidon Traits: Xyden is large and heavily muscled, needing little effort to maintain this shape due to the Myrmidon mutation. He has a large number of frills and fins across his body that make his swimming exceptional even among the Ocean Naga, as well as providing him with a fierce visage and making him appear bigger. His coils are not as strong as those of the Desert Naga, as they are suited more for swimming than constricting, but they are still considerable. The scales he bears are slightly tougher than a Desert Naga’s though. He still possess the ability to strike with great speed due to his coils.

-Naga Senses: He has an acute sense of smell and taste, but it functions best in underwater situations, leaving him at a disadvantage compared to a Desert Naga in this area. The heat sensing abilities of the Ocean Naga have, however, largely atrophied.

-Naga Venom: Identical to Desert Naga Venom, with two exceptions. It is not spitted, but injected via fangs instead. It is stored in somewhat higher amounts due to the much greater physical size of a Myrmidon.

-Calculating: Xyden’s mind is often as cold as his blood. He observes situations and acts only once he has determined an efficient and logical course of action. This means he often goes into battler well prepared, but it does have downsides.

Bad Attributes:
-Ocean Born: Xyden is born to exist underwater. His body is made to operate best there, and he is not nearly as swift on the land as he is under the water. AS well as this he suffers from the same mobility issues as a Desert Naga due to his tail. He is not tolerant of particularly dry environments, and they can have a similar effect on him as particularly hot environments. In addition, his fins present vulnerable areas. They can regrow and do not inflict much pain when damaged, but damage to them can severely hamper his swimming ability.

-Calculating: Xydens mind is driven by logic and efficiency. While this has definite benefits, it also means that he can be callous and insensitive, even impatient if he thinks his time is being wasted.

-Matriarchal Society: While not as heavily gender biased as the Desert Naga, the Ocean Naga society is still Matriarchal. As such, Xyden has a slight unconscious deferance to females in positions of power.

-Superiority of the Deep: Xyden, like most Ocean Naga, thoroughly believes that the ‘Surface Dwellers’ are foolish and inferior for their choice to live above the water. This colours his interaction with disdain for all those that live on the land, which is everyone except him. He has more respect for those that dwell below the ground like Dwarves, but they are still at least ‘Land Striders’ and not to be fully trusted.

Secret Word: Rebirth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Username: Luna

Character name: Colette Filiatraut

Age: Appear 16-18 but is 231

Mageblood Type: Obiligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Demonmancy

Previous Magic Training: None

Race: Vampire


Short Bio:
She lived in a large manor with her parents as a young girl, an aristocratic family. Colette was but a human child. Her family had been a very social, and rich family, hosting many parties for others. Colette was always expected to behave in a very polite, and lady like manor, and she did so quite well.
One particular party, however, Her parents hosted a much larger social gathering then normal, An uninvited guest, snuck in, a vampire. Late at night for a midnight blood lust. He layed his eyes upon the young human girl who had secluded herself in her room, brushing her hair in front of a vanity before bed, The vampire had calmly brought himself into her room, was quick to cover her mouth and bit into her neck.

She started changing over the next few days, and it wasn't until a little while later that her parents had caught onto her bizarre changes. She'd keep all the curtains in her room shut, staying in her dim room. She wouldn't come out during the day very much, and during dinner she'd request meats 'rare', which before then she had been a strict vegan. This had gone on for a good little while, and Colette had been suppressing her blood lust for quite some while, but being such a young vampire, she'd found herself growing weaker and weaker by the day, she knew she would wither away if she had gone on any longer, during the night she had attacked one of the maids of the manor. Unfortunately, being inexperienced she had bit incorrectly, causing the woman to bleed out to her death- Colette had screamed in terror and agony- this wasn't her intention, and she never wanted anyone to die. The scream echoed throughout the mansion, as butlers, other maids, and along with her parents ran down to the kitchen, to find Colette over top of a lifeless body, covered in her blood- particularly by her mouth.

The Filiatrault manor was a family filled with their own pride, word could not set foot outside of the immediate location about the happening that night, and the transformation of the sole heir of the Filiatrault family.
So they locked her away in a small cage located inside of her bed room, twisted in their own sick secrets, the parents would every Friday evening sacrifice one of the guests at the luxurious parties in order for their daughter to live, at such a frail age of thirteen, her blood lust was much to strong to be satisfied, so it took the lives of many, but the burden was too deep and ultimately the Filiatrault family, and help, withered away into their own madness.

Of the surviving help, many had run away, insane from having to sacrifice the lives of many. One maid had taken pity on Colette, such a young girl who had to kill to survive, Before attempting to escape she entered Colette's room, offering her freedom from the tiny cage in exchange for her never leaving the manor expect when she needed to feed. Agreeing, she allowed Colette to escape, before Colette had greedily taken the life of the poor maid, although keeping her word, she never left the mansion expect for nights she needed to feed. Living like this, for a century.

Good Attributes: Unknown but will be find out

Bad Attributes:
Blood Lust: For centuries she had trouble with her blood lust and it always gotten control of her o the point she would kill

Memories: She is surrounded by a dark past that she could never escape from and her eyes will always hold sadness

Secret Word: Rebirth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AssassinNumber7


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UserName: AssassinNumber7

Character name: Shai Jaikes

Age: 35

Mageblood type: Lues Mageblood

Favoured Magic Class:

Previous Magic training:

Race: Snow Elf

Appearance: Standing at around 2'8", Shai is a Snow Elf with shaggy whitish-gray hair and light (almost paler than the sky) blue skin. The only thing marring it is the two scars on the right side of his forehead. His slanted eyes have very little color to them, giving him a sort of eerie presence. While Snow Elves are usually slight, Shai is almost bone thin, causing a sort of physical weakness. He wears a dark gray tunic over baggy black pants, which are stuffed into his black boots. He carries a multitude of large needles on his back.

Short Bio: Shai prefers to be alone. It's just the way he's always been. He has never interacted with anything other than the animals that he sometimes comes across when he's walking around the valleys in the Frozen Plains. So he decides to leave his silent little world that he feels has become too lonely. Now his world is LOUD, and bearable. He earns his keep as a thief, thinking he has done well for himself.

Good Attributes: He is quick on his feet, and his small stature makes it very difficult to catch him. He is also very handy with his needles, knowing just where to pierce the skin. Or scales. Or whatever else they have.

Bad Attributes: Shai is very thin, which has caused a sort of physical weakness in his bones. Others would consider him 'fragile.' He is also very susceptible to a dry climate.

Secret Word: Faded

All right, here it is. Is it outdated???
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AssassinNumber7


Member Offline since relaunch

UserName: AssassinNumber7

Character name: Shai Jaikes

Age: 35

Mageblood type: Lues Mageblood

Favoured Magic Class:

Previous Magic training:

Race: Snow Elf

Appearance: Standing at around 2'8", Shai is a Snow Elf with shaggy whitish-gray hair and light (almost paler than the sky) blue skin. The only thing marring it is the two scars on the right side of his forehead. His slanted eyes have very little color to them, giving him a sort of eerie presence. While Snow Elves are usually slight, Shai is almost bone thin, causing a sort of physical weakness. He wears a dark gray tunic over baggy black pants, which are stuffed into his black boots. He carries a multitude of large needles on his back.

Short Bio: Shai prefers to be alone. It's just the way he's always been. He has never interacted with anything other than the animals that he sometimes comes across when he's walking around the valleys in the Frozen Plains. So he decides to leave his silent little world that he feels has become too lonely. Now his world is LOUD, and bearable. He earns his keep as a thief, thinking he has done well for himself.

Good Attributes: He is quick on his feet, and his small stature makes it very difficult to catch him. He is also very handy with his needles, knowing just where to pierce the skin. Or scales. Or whatever else they have.

Bad Attributes: Shai is very thin, which has caused a sort of physical weakness in his bones. Others would consider him 'fragile.' He is also very susceptible to a dry climate.

Secret Word: Faded

All right, here it is. Is it outdated???
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AssassinNumber7


Member Offline since relaunch

UserName: AssassinNumber7

Character name: Shai Jaikes

Age: 35

Mageblood type: Lues Mageblood

Favoured Magic Class:

Previous Magic training:

Race: Snow Elf

Appearance: Standing at around 2'8", Shai is a Snow Elf with shaggy whitish-gray hair and light (almost paler than the sky) blue skin. The only thing marring it is the two scars on the right side of his forehead. His slanted eyes have very little color to them, giving him a sort of eerie presence. While Snow Elves are usually slight, Shai is almost bone thin, causing a sort of physical weakness. He wears a dark gray tunic over baggy black pants, which are stuffed into his black boots. He carries a multitude of large needles on his back.

Short Bio: Shai prefers to be alone. It's just the way he's always been. He has never interacted with anything other than the animals that he sometimes comes across when he's walking around the valleys in the Frozen Plains. So he decides to leave his silent little world that he feels has become too lonely. Now his world is LOUD, and bearable. He earns his keep as a thief, thinking he has done well for himself.

Good Attributes: He is quick on his feet, and his small stature makes it very difficult to catch him. He is also very handy with his needles, knowing just where to pierce the skin. Or scales. Or whatever else they have.

Bad Attributes: Shai is very thin, which has caused a sort of physical weakness in his bones. Others would consider him 'fragile.' He is also very susceptible to a dry climate.

Secret Word: Faded

All right, here it is. Is it outdated???
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AssassinNumber7


Member Offline since relaunch

UserName: AssassinNumber7

Character name: Shai Jaikes

Age: 35

Mageblood type: Lues Mageblood

Favoured Magic Class:

Previous Magic training:

Race: Snow Elf

Appearance: Standing at around 2'8", Shai is a Snow Elf with shaggy whitish-gray hair and light (almost paler than the sky) blue skin. The only thing marring it is the two scars on the right side of his forehead. His slanted eyes have very little color to them, giving him a sort of eerie presence. While Snow Elves are usually slight, Shai is almost bone thin, causing a sort of physical weakness. He wears a dark gray tunic over baggy black pants, which are stuffed into his black boots. He carries a multitude of large needles on his back.

Short Bio: Shai prefers to be alone. It's just the way he's always been. He has never interacted with anything other than the animals that he sometimes comes across when he's walking around the valleys in the Frozen Plains. So he decides to leave his silent little world that he feels has become too lonely. Now his world is LOUD, and bearable. He earns his keep as a thief, thinking he has done well for himself.

Good Attributes: He is quick on his feet, and his small stature makes it very difficult to catch him. He is also very handy with his needles, knowing just where to pierce the skin. Or scales. Or whatever else they have.

Bad Attributes: Shai is very thin, which has caused a sort of physical weakness in his bones. Others would consider him 'fragile.' He is also very susceptible to a dry climate.

Secret Word: Faded

All right, here it is. Is it outdated???
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AssassinNumber7


Member Offline since relaunch

i hate this thing. so much right now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Well at least you got your CS up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

AssassinNumber7 said
i hate this thing. so much right now.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

UserName: Toxic Diamond

Character name: Aruna Mortista, Lady Mortista

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Noxomancy

previous Magic training: Only what she could learn on her own

Race: Esyire/Human

Appearance: Tiny by esyire standards and average by human standards, Aruna stands at 5ft 4in and has short cropped raven black hair. She has black scales and skin across her body. Her scales are prominent most at her forearms, middle back, shoulders, and calves. She has dragon wings and a long slender tail that is surprisingly muscular

Short Bio: A cautious girl who has lived most of her life on the edges of the scorchlands, surviving by her self. Her father being an Esyire chieftain and her mother a low class noblewoman of a village that is not far from the outskirts of the scorch lands. She died giving birth to Aruna and her family blames the monstrosity that is Aruna for that fact. Her father did not want such a puny child. The nobles let Aruna stay until she wags five, then left her to her own devices. When she returns, as she does from time to time for supplies and to warn of the dangers that may lurk beyond the village, the townsfolk and nobles mockingly call her Lady Mortista.
She harbors a deep set paranoia molded from years of living alone and fending off attacks from beasts, Esyires and people. She is slow to trust, but won't be overly rude to those she doesn't know. has few people she would refer to as friends, and even fewer of them she actually sees more than once every few years. She doesn't talk much, but can be an amazing listener. Though she acts a tough, deep inside she harbors a dream of being free from the life that holds her now. To have friends and those she calls family. (Though she doubts it will ever happen)
She came to the college by way of flight, hearing about it from the folk around her home village speak of it. She hopes for instruction on her abilities with mage blood, and so she can settle some unfinished business with her father, who she has come to despise more than anything.

Good Attributes: Good at anything requiring survival techniques, familiar with most weapons, can make almost anything into a weapon, and is an expert with the knife and her own custom made tail whip

Bad Attributes: Paranoid, doesn't often work well with others, lack of any real training with most weapons and no magic. though familiar with most weapons, she is not trained properly with most giving her at adisadvantage with anything other than her knife or Tail whip. She has a fear of large bodies of water.

Secret Word: Rebirth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

AssassinNumber7 said
All right, here it is. Is it outdated???

Yes. Obviously, you need to put up preferred class and training, even if it's just 'none'. And the Bio needs to be extended(two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each). Also, what are the needles used for? Are they Naruto style needles or sewing needles?

Toxic Diamond said Character name: Aruna Mortista, Lady Mortista

First, how is she coming to the College? Did a friend recommend it as a place of safety? Did she hear about it through hearsay? Second, Adept with most weapons and lack of any real training with most weapons are contradictory. She can't be adept with most weapons and have little training with them too.

WitchChild said
Character name: Lord Haklo Thalen Desol

What does absorb it and transfer it to Haklo mean? Haklo can use their magic? When he stabbed the guard in the neck, did he do that because that was what was required for the fight to stop, because he wanted to, or because it was an accident? Why is he coming to the College? Because his father forced him? Because he wanted to be better with his mageblood? Because he wants to fix the blade?

Sundered Echo said
Character name: Xyden.

More rapi-Naga. Lovely. Looks good to me.

Konan375 said Character name: Leith Calder

What happened to the two men? Did they just leave him when they saw him collapse unconscious? Did the herbalist beat them off with a stick?

Lucius Cypher said
Character name: Annabeth Gulch

Now, she looks good. But, I can't accept her until you swear allegiance to me, and swear to never lift a finger to harm me, and never let any attack or plot against me go unpunished.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm not a tree, so that's a plus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Crossark said
I'm not a tree, so that's a plus.

True. But, then again, Lucius doesn't eat trees so maybe you should turn into a tree.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As I said, Rtron. The History is still in the works. I was mostly thinking about feedback on the armor and what detail I have disclosed on the sword. Anyways, sleep now, CS tomorrow plus drawing
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hello everyone oh yeah Fallen and Rtron me and Lucius did a collab with Lucius's idea with the rest of my character's history of how she became to be at the college
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