Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah, 'course. Post gonna happen soon™, as I'm sure y'all got used to by now. Don't worry too much 'bout it Jack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Still here just waiting on Shien to post in the collab or give me permission to post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 18 min ago

I'm alive, assuredly... I was visiting my family over the weekend after having not done so for a while, and have otherwise been trying to one-woman-army through a coding project I agreed to do and finish it by the time I said I will get it done.
- Will likely post Koraakan's part tonight, for what it's worth (erm, or at some point today).

Edit@Hymusia: You'd still need to know the actual outcome of Aemoten's actions, no? I figure you're free to post once Jack has again (which he noted he'd like to do after I have posted Koraakan).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah I'm waiting on DJ/Yth to let me know whats going on, mind you of course I'm still in two minds if I'll bother but DJ more or less has convinced me to stay put.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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*whispers timidly* still here...my inspiration is being troublesome though *fades into the shadows to lurk once more*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhaevnn Xeno
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Rhaevnn Xeno Caster of Shadows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alive and kicking!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Say Ashgan, I realize that you're probably busy with Dark Souls 2 by now but are you going to post? I realize that it isn't certain that there is even anything for you to post about, with Jillian being unconscious and all, so if you're not going to maybe I should try to progress things a little further... although just how far events can progress without input from you would be uncertain at best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So I realise I may have some severe editing to do in my recent collab post and I'm more or less ready for it but Thaler kinda...lost it and the post insisted on being written.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 18 min ago

I don't think I have any issues with the happenings in the post. Koraakan (assuming the one has won) would first stop Rilon from doing anything harmful and then make him leave and undo as much of the damage done to the group as possible. Between Rilon being stopped from doing anything and others having already been fixed and/or Rilon having left there is no one left to stop her.

(Would you be okay with Aemoten - once mostly healed - coming up from behind her and managing to catch her? I doubt she would be paying too much attention to her surroundings at this point... At least this is a part of the scenario I have in mind... As for now, I have a few other things I have to finish and probably a few more just-in-case questions at Jack after that.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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That's a good point DJ, I meant to bring it up as well. So in a nutshell, Jillian isn't going to wake up because of some pep talk, that much is true. I figure I could portray some vagueness of what Jillian is conscious of during her sojourn in the spirit realm, but physically at least she won't be responsive for a while, so technically Gerald can do whatever he likes without my consent or need to post per se. I don't want to use this as an excuse not to post though, that'd be cheap. ;P

And yes, Dark Souls 2. You got that one right. Also, uni stuff, weeeee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Shien I don't have ap roblem with it no but be prepared for the back of her head to try and find his nose, her elbows to try and find the side of his head/ribs and her feet to go for groins and shins because unless it's Olan himself she isn't going to stop being ragey until she gets to his side and turns from ragey to weepy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 6 days ago

I'm also alive and kicking. I should have more free time now since I've handed in the bulk of my final year project, so expect a post from me.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay, good. Then I know a little more of how much I have to work with...

Hmm... I started wondering after reading your comment just now, Shien, about just why the One would even try to make Rilon undo the damage done to the group? It's an understandable sentiment, to be sure, which is one of the reasons it seems even more out of place that the One would do it. Of course we don't have a copy of the exact deal being made anymore since the Guildfall (this is apparently the term being used on the forum about the transition from the old RPGuild to this one), but I think it was for Jaelnec, Aemoten and Olan to be protected from Rilon and his schemes (I'm not even sure she included herself in the deal). Trying to undo what happened before the bargain came into effect would not really be part of the deal, and as has been made very clear the One only gives exactly what one asks for in the deal, nothing more and nothing less...
And yeah, with Rilon's grip on the Black Thorn broken it can pretty much be established that the One has won.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Erm... I phrased things in a manner that could be read in two ways a bit: Koraakan would be the one undoing the damage, not Rilon. The only things Rilon would be made do is first stop doing anything, and then leave the place. Thaler's request back then was actually quite elaborate, and "make it so that they will be unhurt" was a part of it, just as "keep them safe from Rilon and his schemes and minions" and a number of other permutations of "just please keep them SAFE from Rilon" were.

(And no, Thaler did not really include herself ... the only protection she has derives indirectly from the fact that by hurting her he would be hurting the three, too. Basically, if the three left her behind and simply stopped caring about her - not that I could see it happening -, then according to the deal she made Rilon would be free to do whatever he wants with her...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She left herself out on purpose, just as she purposely didn't ask for anything fancy from the One because she didn't actually expected him to keep to his word (she has god issues, go figure) so she doubted that if she, for instance, asked for a weapon on par with the Black Thorn, she'd even get it. At the time though, at that exact instant all she wanted heart and soul was for all three (though mainly Jaelnec and Olan since Aemoten's immortal and all) to be utterly safe. She's lived with Rilon 'in her head' for a long time and she was happy to continue too despite his anger at her or even face his anger since she isn't protected. Right now she believes (or then, since right now all she wants is utter destruction) she deserves to die, in fact she's hoping and welcoming it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I have been arguing back and forth with myself for some time now about whether to bring this up or leave things as they are, seeing as so much has irreversibly happened IC by now and thus cannot be remedied anyways, but ultimately I reached the decision to at least notify you of the problem that was already brought up IC in Rilon's thoughts. As well-explained and logical the properties and powers of Koraakan are - and I maintain that there is indeed no problem with the reasons for Koraakan's being what it is if one was to solely compare it to the lore of the world, which is a given, since I helped explaining it myself - it is nevertheless ridiculously overpowered, especially for a player-created and semi-player-controlled deity.
The issue really is that Koraakan... it has no weaknesses, or rather that every weakness it has already has a countermeasure in place to negate that weakness. Initially I had no problem with Koraakan due to it supposedly being notably less powerful than other deities due to its alternative origins, but this was more-or-less counteracted completely by it being able to siphon energy from the Spirit Realm through the karakon, which "alone made the Balancer if not a match for Rilon, then at least brought the one close to the non-life-blessed major gods". In other words due to this ability, Koraakan although it by itself is weaker, it is in fact stronger than most major deities once powers are applied practically, such as in the struggle between it and Rilon.
Then there was the omniscience, which was troubling from the very beginning but initially counterbalanced by the lack of power... which isn't a factor anymore. The capacity of knowing everything is an unbelievably powerful ability, one that got the Oracle locked away in the Lower Plane and guarded by legions of demons, and one that made the Oracle a unique and extremely valuable force in the Planes. The fact that Koraakan possesses a similar ability not only lessens her significance, but makes Koraakan pretty much the single most dangerous being in the Planes. For a short time I thought that a balance would finally be achieved through the One's inability to make even the most basic predictions of the future, but even this is negated by the One using its karakon's ability to do so for itself... which coupled with omniscience means that Koraakan will always know what everyone is intending to happen and thus be able to predict and counteract anything that could possibly be done to it.

I'm not angry or irritated about this, mind you, I'm merely telling you that this situation in which Koraakan's properties were much more firmly established has made me realize that the One is overall far superior to all but the upper echelon of the Death Clan, the Spirits of Union and perhaps Reina, although I'm not too sure about the latter. The One just defeated Rilon, the fifth strongest immortal in the Planes (excluding the Spirits). And I'm making you aware of this because there is no doubt that there will be serious repercussions IC now that Koraakan has demonstrated its superiority thusly; basically Koraakan has just announced to the world that it is a threat to all immortals. It doesn't matter that it has no desire or intention to threaten them, the capacity of being a threat to all gods and demon lords is enough. That, plus there are some other supremely powerful beings in the Planes that would be very concerned with another being - one that is willing to trade any information to anyone, nonetheless - possessing knowledge of their plans.
So there you have it; every action has consequences, and it turns out that involving Koraakan in this particular situation means that some very bad things are going to happen.

I'm also wondering when I'll see any new posts... in the collab or otherwise. I also have to say that as little as I personally want Olan to die, it is almost disappointing that he probably won't, with Koraakan healing him and all; I had prepared the most breathtakingly epic last words for him. Oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I cant really post again until i know if Rilons being dispelled or not. Then Thaler can go hug the life back into Olan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 18 min ago

I have been a bit preoccupied this week - it seems I have managed to arrange myself a busy time -, but I assure you I'll get a post up as soon as I am both certain what I'll be posting (in regards to which I still haven't made clarifications...) and near a computer in a decently awake state.

...And yes, I must admit Koraakan has ended up in a vastly different place than I expected and intended. I made the Reniam-version with the intention of creating a much weaker version (to allow the one to fit in line with the average Reniam-gods) of the equivalent neutral deity in a world of my own while keeping true to the original concept as much as the lore permits. Much as the Nkaa Raakan of Hektairen was more of a background-element with a single notable exception, I had figured the One would be in Reniam - as even things like the Withering are very minor compared to what finally had the Balancer take distinct action. Since then, the group has had to face more deities than I expected and under different circumstances (although the Black Thorn did make a very brief appearance in the previous incarnation of the RP, it did not become significant (yet) and Rilon was not heard of) ... and by now Koraakan's this Weighter-incarnation has apparently managed to write oneself into a place where I presumably can no longer just let Koraakan go back to being Nkaa Raakan, who, just by the virtue of being who the one is, would just continue weighing bargains as always and, above that, simply indefinitely being and nothing more.

(I note, though, that the ability to use a karakon's mind is by no means a "free" ability that Koraakan can call upon at any moment - that is something limited to the Weighter and the Balancer more specifically. It would not - more or less cannot due to how Koraakan works - be used unless the one has become summoned under very unusual circumstances that transcend the usual trading - which was the case here - or retroactively for an already very broken world. Attacking a karakon also saw something like that take effect, but that was solely because ... well, the one targeted is who does the predicting. There probably is something about being personally attacked in the Reniam-version's case, but I have to think about it for a bit...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I managed to find the new site, Jack. This is my new name. I'm still interested in partaking in this RP if I'm still welcome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sure, I guess... but I'm afraid you'll sort of have to rejoin it, since events have continued since last time you were active in the RP, and the situation you left your character in doesn't exist anymore (the Wyrmslayer has moved on and the battle has moved into its final stage). You're welcome to rejoin, but unfortunately you can't very well just pick up where you left off.
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