Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 24 min ago

@Jack on Thaler's words: I did remember how Thaler's words put more stress on the subject being's interpretation ... which was partially also why I bought up the difference-aspect. I kind of doubt yths naturally have a concept for servitude in the sense of doing what a superior being instructs them to like most humanoids and other beings with well-developed hierarchal societies do. [An error has occurred. "Serve" has not been defined. Action has been terminated.] Well, and in any case the word would be demanding the yth to do something it doesn't want to, be what it wants getting out or eating the closest thing available... I cannot begin to fathom how hard it would be to get it across to this particular yth that it should simply go past multiple people to bite a specific one.
(...Did someone actually chain an yth up just to see what will happen if you feed it a hard-to-obtain and expensive illegal substance?)
@Hymusia/Cthulu (Should I introduce you to my friend, the business-suit Cthulu?): I am most definitely not trying to make you feel bad for anything...? If there is anything to say about what I am doing, then, well, I analyze things. I am more or less constantly analyzing things, and occasionally making remarks over some of said things - which should be taken as either completely neutral expressions of my thoughts and impressions or constructive criticism, depending on how I word them. In the given case, it was actually the first - I wasn't giving an estimation on whether anything would work as much as I was just remarking that such a command would probably be a quite complex thing to pull off. And later I explained why I thought so. I like disassembling things just to see how they work, so to speak (if my occasionally rather elaborate discussions with Jack on how his world functions haven't been an indicator).

I also like when my own things are taken through, since sometimes it brings up aspects you yourself did not think of, and having to explain why something works in one way or another is often enough a good way to make it easier to later put it down in written word in a more eloquent manner than you'd have done so yourself with the first take. Granted, my manner of debating sometimes tends to come across as a bit aggressive in plain text, which in turn might drive some people away from bringing such topics up ... which is a pity, really. I don't feel the need to defend my concepts - I constantly seek to adjust them so they'd be more complete, more logical, and so forth -, and much like my personal beliefs, if someone shows me that another way makes more sense, I just might go for it, depending on how much effort altering everything on the go would take (just remember my notion on already-published works). If not for the line at hand, then at least keep it in mind for the future.
It's always the matter of "why didn't anyone just tell me (sooner)?", and never that of being done injustice to. (Has the fact that I am not a "pure" writer and artist affected my way of seeing things? Most likely. A programmer will expect other programmers to painstakingly scrutinize every single line of their creation and consider it a perfectly natural part of life, whereas most writers tend to be very taken aback by similar treatment, especially in the beginning. And I tell you, the world of writers tends to be a lot more biased, opinion-based and brutal in the end - along with more praise comes more open hostility...)

I am not judging Thaler. Even less, I am implying that she should act differently. (I, however, very frequently *do* get people asking for my advice in how they "should" play a character... At which point I will most likely simply say that in a way that is realistic for that person. I will gladly help with designing technology, anatomy and to an extent society - that would work with the environment - but there is no specific way one "should" play a specific character aside of paying mind to realism and continuity.) As for Thaler, I can in fact perfectly understand why she's acting in the way she does, and that's usually a sign of a good writer. (Is my own character "perfect"? Of course not. His intentions might be good, but it doesn't mean that he won't approach to some matters in a manner worthy of a groan and hitting your head against the keyboard for a few times.) It's as you said - perfect characters are boring and artificial. Characters should be independent beings with their own lives rather than pieces of chess you move around as you see fit.

- Written just because I prefer people to know where exactly I stand.
@Jack on Nilick/Koraakan: Hmm... Okay. As for Nkaa Raakan* oneself, then the one would still treat Nilick's predictions as just that - as predictions, and not the hard reality the one oneself deals with. The one is not someone that tries to lead the world according to one's own will as much as the one is simply a force that (mortal-initiated interactions left aside) sets things back towards how they should be in a natural state once they have already gone too far askew. Basically, it can be said that normally the Balancer always reacted to happenings retroactively in the canon. (Well... Kind of how, if you decided to build an infinitely tall tower, gravity would eventually get fed up with it and just make the tower collapse upon itself.)

As for mortals gaining knowledge of the future by asking Koraakan what the Oracle knows of the matter... I suppose it would basically fall back to the usual barrier of information overload that has always governed information trades with the one (for the purpose of the example, lets just assume that the requester always has what it takes to give in return). Namely, while it is possible to gather usable information this way, you have to already know quite closely what you're looking from and where should you look it from, and even then you had to be extremely careful. (Aemoten was, and even then I have stated that his obtainin information about the Unmentionable One is largely resonsible for his poor mental state.)
If someone were to simply ask what Nilick knows of ending or curing the Withering without narrowing it down further, then they would quite simply receive everything that fits it by the literal definition - every single attempt, every single speculation, every single wish, the results and prognoses for every single attempt and speculation ... and buried somewhere under it all, the answer that was actually being searched for, too. At once. As very vivid thoughts and memories. Which will simply break said person's mind.
Alternatively, you could ask a karakon, since they are protected from their minds breaking upon something like that and to an extent can use their own logic to narrow the selection of information down by giving additional specifications, but even then, the sheer amount of information that would be returned upon such generic question would mean that unless you are simply utterly, ridiculously lucky, the karakon will easily spend a few dozen years pondering, discarding one useless instance after another until one that seems to fit is found. 'Cept since karakon are very limited resource, the karakon would probably be summoned somewhere else in between.
(Of course, it also remains a matter of asking the right question... But that can be much harder to do than it sounds.)

*There, by the way, is a meaning behind which label I use. "Koraakan" mostly refers to mortal depictions and understandings of the deity, "Keeper of Truth and Balance", "Six-Eyed God", "Bloody Balancer" and a few other descriptive names more narrowly refer to certain specific cultures' understanding of the deity, the Varaagic "Nkaa Raakan" refers to the force/deity itself in the purest form, "the Balancer" being the self-incarnation of the deity as the one takes action on one's own accord ... and "the Weighter" (which I've mostly been using in the posts) generally refers to the mortal-summoned incarnation, and also the incarnation that draws upon the karakon for reference and action-determining the most, thusly being also the most mortal-like and relatable form the deity can potentially assume.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

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There, I wrote a post as the yth. As you might be able to tell it turns out that Thaler's command did work, somewhat, but not entirely as intended in that the yth is now compelled to listen to and obey any further orders directed at it, but until it receives a command that prevents this it will remain hostile. This doesn't show IC, of course, but I just wanted to tell you what the ultimate effect of her command really was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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I think I should ask over how severely did Aemoten actually hit and where exactly, just in case... (Since it turns out I managed to unintentionally omit some details I shouldn't, and only caught up on it when my character was described hitting the yth in a manner he should not have been able to according to my mental depiction of the scene.) - In my mind he swung the sword pretty much with all of his might, unhindered, from right upper corner (nearing the front of the yth) to lower left, and the sword he uses is both heavy and extremely sharp (I would have expected it to at least cut to the bone of the uppermost right arm, given that that arm would be the first thing in the way and not the creature's neck; I imagined him more or less swinging as if he wanted to cut the beast - or its neck, more precisely - diagonally in half, and being very close to the creature by the time the blade makes contact). I don't care much whether we go with what I actually had in mind or how you interpreted the post - mostly I just can't figure out where would the sword end up compared to Aemoten and the yth itself and how successful would the creature be in hitting back (with Aemoten initially being at notably less than the yth's arms' length and more towards the back than front if the yth by it's right side if to go by mental image)...

(I should really just remember to describe what he's doing with his sword more accurately... Edit: Or how close he is to what he is attacking, now that I think of it. It is more a matter of distance in the given case than anything else.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ah, so he swung very horizontally-diagonally... so he would basically apply all his strength in hitting the upper right arm, since as you rightly pointed out that would be between him and the yth's neck and be hit first, and due to the more vertical angle he would hit only that, but hit it a lot. If I understand this correctly he would actually end up cutting a long gash along its upper arm, almost all the way to the shoulder. That would damage that arm a lot more than I thought it would. I've made a quick edit to the post; is it better now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Hey guys, I do apologise for not posting. Being busy at university for a final project = time eaten up. I'll try and get a post up ASAP.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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Okay... It looks like browsers occasionally do not detect that changes have occurred on the site, and actually load the cache instead of the actual current state when opened. - Which is why I sometimes don't notice new posts unless I see the topic bumped up on the first page and force-refresh.

@Jack: In any case, looks good now. I will briefly post Aemoten again in the evening - right now I have some things to finish I promised to send in today. Ah, and I will try to find my camera cord so I can upload the sketch I made a few days ago. (For some reason, finding the correct wire to connect the camera to the computer can be a hard task... Not as hard as convincing oneself to look through the mess that is a file containing all unsorted files from your decommissioned devices, though.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

Member Seen 1 hr ago

By the way, is Koraakan going to accept Thaler's cancellation of their deal? Because that'll probably affect how much further I'll feel like I can go with Rilon's actions in my next addition to that part of the story, chronilogcially speaking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 24 min ago

No, Thaler's "recall" has no affect whatsoever. (Refer to Koraakan's sheet in the box - Thaler would have to pay off the relic in full to get rights to it back, amongst other things. As it was worded back to Thaler, the initial trade will go in effect once - ...and if - Koraakan actually *has* the Black Thorn - at which point all apparent harm caused by Rilon will most likely undone -, so the deal has also technically not been broken.)

...We are running out of group members who can actually do something. Jaelnec's been paralyzed, Thaler is pressed against the wall and is having more than half foot long claws being forcefully pressed deeper into her body (which tends to make people unable to react in any sensible way), and I am not certain whether Aemoten will be able to stay on his feet for much longer after he makes another desperate attempt to make the yth let go of the daywalker in my next post (since the yth's retaliation crushed several of his ribs in; he will mostly only remain standing because of adrenaline and bleeding out internally taking some minutes). Etakar is outside.... Erm... Olan, any good ideas?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Shien I'm exhausted from a lot of fighting this weekend but I WOULD like to post before you Shien as it is rather important in my opinion to do so as Thaler.
She's pinned and injured and far from rash but she isn't critically wounded and she hasn't given up yet. So please just wait for my post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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Okay, I'll wait until you have posted before I actually do so. For the record, though, there would be around five seconds between Aemoten being hit by the yth and him leaping onto the creature's back to plunge a dagger into its left eye - and he isn't registering too much of the details of his surroundings anymore. (Mentioning this just because technically, several things are happening at once rather than in sequence; I don't know whether it has any impact on what you would post.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Shien Posted, sorry it took so long but still utterly exhausted from the weekend. I took into account that there isn't much that can be done physically not that Thaler can do anything physically but regardless that she is still going to try and whether she went over the five seconds or not between attacks she's still going to keep trying. The Yth is utterly in DJ's capable hands so its reaction will sort of determine my posts primarily and Aemoten secondary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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Uhh... I am once more not entirely certain what I should do... I had intended to post first simply because what Aemoten does technically doesn't affect Thaler directly, and Thaler in return wouldn't be affecting what he does in any way (he'll probably half-register that she is speaking when she does, but wouldn't actually comprehend what she is saying until later). My planned post would - time-wise- be ending about when your *first* paragraph does, and has a fair chance of negating the rest of your post... Basically I intended to post first simply because I imagined there being very little opportunity and time during which Thaler can do anything that would potentially impact my post (hence my OoC-note that she has about five seconds between the yth retaliating to Aemoten's attack and him having already attempted to plunge a dagger into its left eye) before it becomes necessary for you to know what the outcome of my post would be before you can continue the post in a way which'd make sense (since I doubt she'd be acting the same way if Aemoten succeeds and the yth drops limply to the floor halfway through - having a dagger in one's brain tends to work rather quickly). She'd not have the time to speak all those sentences she does in your post - especially those directed at the yth later on - before Aemoten would already have done his thing, successfully or unsuccessfully...

- More so than on basis of turns, I tend to try to time my posts according to the (estimated) duration an action or another would take. This is why Aemoten can have three full paragraphs of speech when everyone is just standing around and doing mostly nothing but will at most pass a word or two when he's actively fighting (and even that has a high chance of resulting in a mistake derived from distraction and thusly injury).

((Once again, this is *not* meant in a negative way. Just learning process, and anyone is welcome to comment on if I do anything odd the same... And my brain is genuinely a little confused at how to make this scene play out in a way that makes sense.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fine I'll delete it I'll post after Dj does again.

Edit: It might be better in this instance to just let me know when its plausible to have Thaler do anything or for you and Jack to finish the collab without me and just let me know the outcome. I'm getting rather sick of everything she/I do/post being wrong or non-consequential in any shape or form and its ruining my enjoyment of the rp. I'm sure you and DJ will do a much better job of winding it up and getting them to Zerul without me getting in the way of it constantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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...Sorry? ...I honestly don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome here in any way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Shien It's fine I've just got too much on my IRL plate to keep having to do rewrite after rewrite or get this stressed out about a post and whether it'll pass all the checkpoints it needs to to count as a possible/plausible post or not. Its nothing personal but seems to be the best way of dealing with this so no one has unnecessary stresses. If its okay if you and Dj don't mind using the same PM for the collab because if Thaler's going to be about I would like to check what she does is within her character or how I see her to be. Failing that have her pass out and then she's got no say in it anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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I have finally posted. Hopefully Ixion's actions are ok and intimidating enough.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

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*Cue "Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background.*

Okay, Jack, you worthless piece of trash, time to take your head out of your ass and get back to it! This has gone on for too long now! You're a writer and a GM, damn it; you have a responsibility to yourself and others. So now you sit the hell down, open freakin' Word and write a post for your RP! Right now!

Yes! Yeah! I'll do it! I'll write a post today! Definitely! YEAH!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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I immediately put Eye of the Tiger on :P Grown somewhat fond of it after having heard it on repeat for a few hours doing a low-level run of Dark Souls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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*hugs Dj* You aren't worthless your having a bad time, everyone's entitled to that sweetie. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Jack
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Dark Jack The Jack of Darkness

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Uh, guys? I know I've really dropped the ball lately and stuff, but... are you still around? It has been very quiet lately...
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