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Force CS

Force Name: 7th Fallum Harvest Guard Army

Force Type: Seccessionist Army (IG Regiment)

A newly raised unit from Fallum with the outbreak of open war between the Tímise Énosis and the Imperium at large. Originally intended to be another planetary defense force formation, the call of their Space Marine rulers have led to several field armies being sent to fight on their behalf on distant worlds. To meet their exacting demands, the formation of the 7th field army was greatly accelerated and the bulk of it’s ranks were filled with hastily levied militia troops before being shipped off world.

Their only combat experience so far was their first deployment at the mining world of Zeran, a low-intensity conflict between the heavy local defenses and six second-line Imperial Guard regiments which had bogged into a stalemate neither side was willing to invest seriously in breaking. While the 7th would not be a substantial breakthrough unit, they did their part to hold the line and continue the fight for eighteen months of skirmishing and limited field battle before being redeployed to Zeta amidst the hurried preparations for it’s defense against the Imperium.

Zeta will be the crucible to truly define the 7th Harvest Guard, or the meatgrinder that will end it’s story before it has truly begun.

Headquarters: Agri-world of Fallum

Strength: Approx 25,000 Line Infantry on paper, primarily militia levy with some PDF and IG-grade troops mixed in as NCO’s and officers.

36 Basilisk Artillery vehicles, arranged into three batteries of twelve but typically concentrated when and where needed.
30 Hydra Flak Tanks, arranged into squads of three and dispersed among units for overlapping anti-air coverage.
50 Chimeras
15 Gorgon Armored Assault Transports
19 Arvus Lighters, dedicated logistics shuttles under Garroway's direct control.

The 7-FHG prefers a doctrine of strategic offense, tactical defense. Striving to take major strongpoints with mass assaults, before holding them against enemy counterattack and forcing enemies to pound upon their defenses. Enabling them to concentrate the heavy weapons they have while limiting the range of actions their ill-trained militia units have to take. Defense is preferable to offense.

The 7-FHG prefer to keep at range, both due to lack of discipline among militia units to hold in melee and to leverage the sheer weight of ranged firepower they can bring to bear with mortars, rocket launchers, autocannons, and thousands of las-guns in unison. This is further bolstered by being universally equipped with Merovech-pattern assault las-guns, built for rapid-fire and twin power-pack slots, enabling even rookie militia to lay down a considerable hail of las-fire before having to reload.

Mortal enemy: Imperium

Fallum has secceeded from the Imperium, and is thus now locked in a brutal struggle for independence and freedom from the Administratum. To falter is to bring about the ruination of their home and to the Empire they belong.

Leader CS

Name: Helena Garroway
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Rank: Brigadier General

Phelgmatic, quiet, focused. Not one to lead with grand speeches or action, but with consistent competence, diligence, and hard work. More of a skillset of an administrator or garrison commander than a frontline army sent off to war, but she doesn’t have time to panic or be over her head with a army to run. While her leadership is hardly inspired or inventive, she can make rote tactics and doctrine work more smoothly with her grasp of logistics, even with militia units.

Born into a lesser house of the Fallum agri-aristocracy, the Garroway family primarily owned ranch-scapes and holdings on the more arid regions of Fallum, producing livestock products as well as some of the hardiest folk on the planet, resulting in the house also being a relatively militaristic house invested in the PDF.


Equipment/weapons: Chainsword, las-pistol, Merovech-pattern assault las-rifle, carapace armor.
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