Tis would definitely be an easier route to go for Jackson's mental state, but his heart is on Eve. Though, who is to say that he won't make mistakes? He might slip up every now and then, and potentially shack up with a certain jibberish-speaking surfer chick when thy heart is brokeneth. :P
Just a reminder that we are now one week away from the current scene's deadline! I expect to have everyone's scenes wrapped up by then. I know some are already waiting for the time skip, but some are waiting for other characters to be posted for in order to continue their scenes. So, if you are holding any character up, please please please post soon! The sooner the post the quicker you can finish the scene and transition to the new one smoothly. That or communicate to the person that you will not be able to post by then so they can proceed with their post. I'd appreciate everyone's cooperation! <3