Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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@TheUnknowable @Nikki Moonlight@PURRfect93@olcharlieboi @ShadowVentus @CreedTheChimera @SephietheEvil @Framing A Moose
The fight lasted for hours. The content attacks would drain everyone. It wouldn't be an easy battle. The creature was obviously stronger then they were. Even working together it would a long time for their attacks to drain the creature. The beast knew it was losing. He would use the abilities that had been given to it and teleport away. Those gathered would feel most of the negative energy leave but not all of it. Those who took the time to look might find another shard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sarah panted and sensed something sitting there. She went to look and saw a stone. She decided to leave it for the other people who probably wanted the shard more than she did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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Dawn squinted through her scope, frowning as she saw the beast teleport away. She took the rifle apart and placed the parts back into her bag. She flung it over her shoulder, and gracefully stepped around the empty bullet shells and made her way down the stairs to street level. By the time she stepped outside, she had used her manipulation of darkness to hide her face under her hood. She glanced around, before feeling a pull towards a small object on the ground. She walked to it, bent over, and picked it up. Still looking down at the object, Dawn began to speak. "Who the fuck are you people?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dusk would feel the pull and looks at the others seeing all of them, he was weakened so he couldn't try to capture any of them, granted most of the others was weakened as well. At lest he could now note down the appearances of all the others, he would decide against adding another unstable power to his arsenal it would be better to just destroy them. He would narrow his eyes at Dawn feeling just evil from her. He wouldn't answer her because he was trying to figure out what they should do right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@ShadowVentus @KatherinWinter

Maxie stared at the grotesque beast, cursing under her breath and giving it a hybrid look of confusion and disgust. Her expression quickly shifted to more or less scared crap-less when it started roaring and fighting with the others.
"W-what should we do-" Maxie was about to ask Taka before he just leaped into the fray himself with words of his own. She was almost a little pissed, but mostly because things had gone psycho wayyyy too fast for her liking. She was a normal 18 year old about a month ago. How in the hell did it come to all this?!
Despite her her thoughts about everything going on, she agreed with Taka. She should probably stand back and let the animals under her control (sort of) do the attacking. Maxie closed her eyes and willed ferocity and anger into all the animals she had around her, or in her vicinity. The animals already at her side leaped at the monster within seconds. That was good, but it wouldn't be enough.
Maxie only had a a few precious moments to determine where the sudden ferocious barks and growls were coming from. She ducked, and less than a second later, a huge beast completely bounded over her and jumped into the fray. She stood up to look at it, and her heart caught in her throat when she saw a big, muscular German Shepard in a vest viciously harassing the demonic being.
"Ohhhhhh god...a police dog..." Maxie covered her face in her hands. "I just stole a police dog.....crap..."
When the battle finally ended, and the creature had fled, Maxie did what she could to get her animals under control again. A cat and some birds had died, but another cat walked calmly back to her side...along with the now very happy-looking police dog.
"Please. PLEASE, go home. I don't wanna get arrested for this." Maxie begged the dog, who in response, only barked and wagged his tail, sitting in front of her.
"No! Go hooooome!" Maxie whined in exasperation. She didn't want to touch the dog, because they might find her DNA on the dog later, and incriminate her further. Her only hope was to get it to go home on its own, or somehow find a way to control it back home. Though, controlling didn't feel like a good option right now. She already felt drained from all the power she used summoning and assisting her animals in the fight.
"Yo, Taka. You alright...?" Maxie glaced over at the one person within this group of other shard users (a fact she didn't have time to register earlier due to panic) that she actually knew, trying to ignore the big dog next to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyle saw the creature leave and knew that his opportunity was at hand. He was certain that that creature was the source of his power, and knew that if he acted quickly enough he might be able to get another power without having had to do anything for it.

He ran over to where it used to be and started searching. After about fifteen seconds he found a new shard in a corner and grabbed it, being sure to hide it from the others so that they wouldn't know he had it. After that he kept looking. There could be more, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As Jeremy saw the creature disappear, he grew a bit disappointed. "Seems he was in a hurry..." He looked down and noticed several shards scattered across the battlefield. Smiling, he spawns a near-perfect copy of himself running from his building, jumping down and running to the shard. It was unaffected by the fall due to the fact that it was merely an illusion made to look like him, but picking up one of the shards was a bit trickier. Focusing extremely hard, he gave the illusion the solid form to pick up the shard. It was still weaker than craft paper, but it would do for bringing the shard to him. Luckily, it seemed like there were enough shards around that nobody had run towards this one, leaving his illusion to grab it without a problem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"I'm alright. I'll be even better once I snag one of those shards..." Taka responds, smoke dashing his way over to one of them, picking the first one he saw. Despite already having a good array of abilities, he figured it wouldn't do him any harm to improve his arsenal even further by grabbing another shard. If it didn't give him a completely new power, it could go one step further and unlock more abilities for his current power over smoke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Framing A Moose The shard that Dawn picked up was one that added a power. This power wasn't a strong one all the time but in the right situations it could give her an advantage. She would feel a tingle as the power mingled with the one she already had. The new power was hidden within the older power.

@TheUnknowable The shard that Kyle picked up was one that was perfectly suited to someone who had the shard of greed. It boasted his power making it easier for him to sway others with the power he already had. He might not notice right away. But in time he would notice that he wasnt having to put as much into making people feel the way he wanted them too.

@CreedTheChimera The shard that Jeremy picked up was one that conflicted with his power. At least at first. When he picked up the second shard he would notice a buzzing in his head. At first the buzzing would just be an annoying distraction. It would make it hard for him to concentrate enough to use his first power.

@ShadowVentus The shard that Taka picked up was one that added a power. When he discovered this power would depend on what Taka did after he picked up the shard. It was a strong power but one that wouldnt be obviously useful. It would take him some time to figure out the best way to incoperate the new power with the one he had.

@PURRfect93 The shard that Brandon picked up was an odd on. It conflicted with the power he currently had. He would notice that it was harder to change when he wanted to. It would take time for him to figure out to balance the two powers. Once he did though he would find that the second shard gave him a edge in certain situations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by masterwriter234

masterwriter234 The dimension jumping shapeshifter

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Josh swooped down and saw a shard. He picked it up and felt something strange. He became a human and watched as the shard dissappeared.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Sarah looked at Dusk. "We should go before someone decides to try to hurt us." She began walking away, her shard stopping its glowing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Brandon had used up a good portion of his ammo in the fight, glad that the creature had gone. All of the people gave off that weird vibe and judging by what some of them were doing he figured he was as well. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a Shard that hardest be spotted by the others and picked it up before the others noticed. Still in the military outfit and soldier body he waited...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Nikki Moonlight

Dusk would nod "ya.. your right there" he states. If he wasn't pretty much out of power he would try and take them on but unfortunally he doesn't. He would follow behind Sarah "Guess now we can go and enjoy some food" he says with a chuckle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Sarah giggled. "Yeah. God knows we need it..." She smiled at him a little as she walked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@TheUnknowable @Nikki Moonlight @PURRfect93@olcharlieboi @ShadowVentus @CreedTheChimera @SephietheEvil
Katherin saw and felt the other shards, or rocks, or whatever they were. Part of her wanted to take one but the lust Kyle funneled into her helped her to stay where she was. Unfortunately it also kept her from fighting since she was focused on him. She frowned when he went and got one of the black objects. She was able to move her attention to the others around them. "Does everyone here have one of those shine black rocks?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KatherinWinter Kyle walked over to her and tried out his new power. He gave her a taste of greed, then kissed her hand. "Why don't you go pick yourself out something pretty?" Kyle asked. If he was lucky then a bit of the greed might become vanity, but that wasn't really his purpose in infecting her. It had been so easy to infect her this time. He was certain that this new power would come in handy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jeremy watched as all of the others took their shards, his shard fading into his illusory copy. "Hmm... interesting..." The copy mimicked, the last word going static as the image flickered, before disappearing. Jeremy noticed his sphere had gone as well. "The shard seems to have interrupted my powers... less of a boost and more of a hindrance..." The last observation was made with a hiss to his words. He immediately was disappointed with this creature. What use to him was a beast that only dropped nullifying pieces?

He discarded that line of thinking and started climbing down, guessing he should go ahead and confront the others that had made an appearance now that his presence was revealed for all to see. He jumped off a few feet from the bottom and rolled, standing back up, hand upon his hat. It would almost look cool if he hadn't tripped up his feet, taking a stumble, but not completely falling on his face. "Tch..." He rights himself and removes his hat, revealing a tangled mess of hair, and bowing appropriately. "My name is Jeremy Haynes... former owner of Haynes Industries." He still had trouble saying that part, but he got through it without any noticeable difficulty. He replaced the hat where it belonged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "So... weird monster, right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"EXCUSE ME?!" Maxie couldn't help but get a little loud when she heard what Taka said, and saw him go for another shard. "You need more?! MORE of this?!"
She stopped herself and took a deep breath, shaking her head. She reminded herself that Taka might not feel the way she did about all this. Like the powers from the shards had made life more difficult than it normally was. After all, his abilities were somewhat more easily concealed than hers. Probably didn't bother him as much.
While she was lost in thought, the stolen police dog next to her started moving in the direction Taka had gone. Maxie looked over, brimming with hope that maybe the dog was going home...for just a split second, that is, because a second later, she saw the dog daintily clench a shard in his teeth, and come rushing back to her.
"GOOD GOD, NO!" Maxie recoiled with panic. She couldn't stop herself from running, but it didn't really take too long for the police dog, pretty much trained to chase after people, to catch up and tackle her. Maxie nearly landed on her face, getting flattened onto her stomach. The dog pawed at her hand until she gave up, opened it, and let the dog give her the shard. After that, he got off of her.
"Ugggh....it's...a little...slobbery..." Maxie sat up with a groan. She looked down at the shard and breathed a sigh of defeat. The police dog sat next to her, happily panting away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@KatherinWinter@SephietheEvil@CreedTheChimera@TheUnknowable@Nikki Moonlight@olcharlieboi@PURRfect93@Framing A Moose

"Hmm...it seems we've come across a nice stroke of good luck, Maxie. We're surrounded by others that are just like us! Doesn't it fill you with hope? It seems just about everyone has gained an additional shard as well...of course, save for the "purest" ones in the bunch.." Taka pauses to form a concentrated ball of smoke in his right hand, hurling it towards Dusk and Sarah, the size of it only large enough to cover their portion of the area. It goes off as soon as it makes contact with the ground, engulfing the duo in a cloud of heavy smoke. Before anyone can threaten him with death or their false beliefs of murder, Taka chuckles, grinning obliviously. "Now, in any case, I'd love to see just what you all are capable of. That creature brought us all together for a reason. I can hear you all quite clearly...I wonder if sides have already been created and chosen.." The young man ponders aloud, making it seem as if he is leaving himself completely open to any form of attack heading his direction at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@ShadowVentus@KatherinWinter@CreedTheChimera@TheUnknowable@Nikki Moonlight@PURRfect93@olcharlieboi@Framing A Moose

"W-what?! What are you-" Maxie stopped short when her mind caught up and took in Taka's words. While she had been fighting the creature, and busy with this troubling police dog at her side, she'd totally forgotten about the strangers all around her. She felt her whole body stiffen. She stood to her feet, made an attempt to look at the other people, but found her gaze quickly and nervously shifting back down to the ground.
The chronic social anxiety was coming back now. Strong. Especially now that she realized how many times she must've looked incredibly dumb messing around with this dog, or pretty much just hurling stray animals at a giant demonic creature.
Maxie felt her feet taking some steps backwards. She could feel eyes on her. She didn't know if it was just her imagination, or all these other people were really staring at her, but she couldn't bring herself to look back up and find out. Instead, she just looked at the ground, Or at the police dog, who eyes her curiously. During this moment of awkwardness, she studied the dog's vest for once, and found a name tag on his collar. Printed in letters big enough for her to read without crouching was the name "Marathon".
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