If there'sstuff you guys want to do then you should sgart a scene. It's not like you need my permission >_>
@floodtalon So, what kinda animal you wanna be?
@The 42nd Gecko
Henry's totally a magpie. They're greedy fucks.
Well let's see. Marquis is indisposed and probably wouldn't care. Krieg wouldn't care. Ryo is basically dead right now. Eos is out for obvious reasons. Ni-Mu doesn't exist outside battles. Bonesword is in a committed relationship with someone in another faction. Bastion is possible but seems more interested in Diana, and Windel is currently busy playing ruler of hell. The Machina have a successful captuee rate of -2, so that hasnt had a chance to happen. Which leaves me, and I'm not writing a scene for myself that only serves to help you guys get off.
Yep. It's a real problem.