Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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AAAAANNNNNDDDDD HE IS BACK TO BEING A JERK AGAIN! I just spent the night crying and being pissed/upset. I will try to post tomorrow but it is probably not happening tonight now. Glad to know that taking care of my grandma after surgery is not as important as him getting the things I offered to him out of storage. I have no idea who this person is. He is not the man I married. I have no idea what happened to the nice person that I loved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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@Akayaofthemoon I'm so sorry. I know I keep saying that but I don't know what else to say. Like I said to Loon when he was having problems, I love you and you're welcome to tell me if there's anything I can do. Maybe I could ask my mom what she did when things didn't work out with my dad? He was a massive jerk for a while, enough so that I cut him out of my life for several years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Honestly, I am having trouble moving on. I will take any and all advice I can get :(
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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@Akayaofthemoon I asked my mom. Her advice was actually about what I would have guessed. She says she spent more time with friends and family, prayed a lot and tried to be more physically active, and that these things helped hear heal little by little, but the healing process didn't happen all at once. So, do those things if you think it will help, and know that eventually the pain will go away and you'll be stronger for it. Idk, I guess that seems like pretty stereotypical advice but she says it worked for her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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That is kind of what I have been doing so at least I am headed in the right direction. I haven't been doing much exercise but I have been taking short walks for my breaks at work since I have been having panic attacks and need air. I am starting a detox diet for a week on Monday so that should help my body feel better and lose some weight which will make me feel better about myself. I want to be the weight I need and use to be before my husband. I need to get back to the beginning before I can move forward completely. I know it sounds stupid but I don't feel like me.

I am also doing a new thing where I go to the movies every Tuesday since all movies are 5 dollars a ticket. It is helping me get use to being in public without freaking out or shying away.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@AkayaofthemoonGood words fail me at the moment, but I'm happy to see that you're starting to feel better. Tell your kitty I said hello!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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My kitty being home helps. She helps me heal more than I could have imagined. I have someone to love and care for which is good for me. I have mostly bad days but there are some good ones.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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@Akayaofthemoon It sounds like you're on the right track then! Keep going for walks if you can, just getting some fresh air and sun can be great for you and any exercise is good exercise. I would totally hang out with you if I could, but it's probably for the best that you're getting out one your own. Learning how to carry yourself with confidence while alone should be good for you mentally, it has been for me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I am trying to be better for myself. I need to heal. I need to feel good about myself. I need to forget him and think of a future without him. I need to hope that this will all get better and I will find someone wonderful
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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@Akayaofthemoon Keep trying, you'll feel better before you know it. I know you're capable of finding someone who's perfect for you, but for what it's worth I think you're already pretty awesome on your own.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Loony

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@Akayaofthemoon I'm really not the greatest with this sorta stuff, but I'm really sorry with everything that's happening. I'm glad your cat is helping you recover - it's good that you're both taking care of each other.

@Kronshi I'm ready to get a reply up as soon as someone else does. I know I was exempt in your roll call, but I just wanted to put that out there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@LoonySup Loony, how ya doing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Loony

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@Raijinslayer Been better, but not bad. Trying to finish this credit in under a week, procrastinated two of those days because I'm an idiot, now currently working on 9 pages worth of work. X______X
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I love you all. I will try to post today to move some of the Kindergarten stuff forward :/ not sure how good or long it will be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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@Raijinslayer Been better, but not bad. Trying to finish this credit in under a week, procrastinated two of those days because I'm an idiot, now currently working on 9 pages worth of work. X______X

I can feel that, as my status can tell you, College bee kicking me in the ass lately.

@AkayaofthemoonCool, glad to be of service. Also, I got a short post up for rReggie. Wasn;t sure what to have him do at the moment, so he's just asking t be let down.

@BrassOtterForgot to mention ya.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Loony

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This is completely self inflicted though. I don't know what's been up with mom as of late but she's fucking pissed. I know she means well and I'm lucky that my parents care but just...Holy shit, it's taking a toll on my mentally. Would you believe it if I told you I had //three// mental breakdowns in one day? Euhg.

Graduating high school as quick as I can is mostly just to get her off my case. I wake up to her screaming about how useless I am, how I don't work hard enough, how I should just give up, asking me what I'm even trying for, etc. She's been getting a bit better about it after my dad had a talk with her but it's still a constant worry.

If I can finish a credit by roughly the week, I can graduate at least half a year early. And if I do that, then I can also do whatever extra courses I want while I save up money to move out, since by law I'm allowed to stay at my alt school even after I graduate and continue to earn credits up until I'm 22. Don't intend to do that since that'll mean living with mom for 5 more years, but at least until I'm 18 or 19 methinks.

So I get her off my case and I make more time to get out, as well as working in a school environment to keep my brain from not dying over the months between moving out and uni.

On the bright side, she finally agreed to buy a proper binder...Only took her over a year and two instances of the one she got for 50 cents from the creepy garage sale lady (which I told her again and again is not proper and could do permenant damage to my ribs and/or lungs) cutting to a bleeding point twice, but eh.

Sorry this became vent-y. Orz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spinna
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Spinel post woop.

@Loony Hey Loon, I know we've already spoken about it somewhat but I'm really sorry about the difficult stuff you've been going through with your mom. I'm always here to offer what comfort I can, if you want. Congrats on the school stuff though!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@LoonyShit, that sounds rough. I honestly don't know what to say. I wish I could help in some way.

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