Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago




Commanding Officer - Rear Admiral William Locke - NPC [Controlled by Rawk/Heat]
Pilot - First Lieutenant Sara Hawkins - @Vietmyke
Medic - Amara Locke - @Subject Zero
Military Intelligence Coder - Murdoch Diggs & Morningstar - @Binary Reign


Android - Michael - @Heat
Head of Security - Gavon TreVayne - @Rawk
Cryogenic Expert/MD - Loretta Raidne - NPC [Controlled by Rawk/Heat]
Chief Engineer - Xaith Calhound - Now controlled by @Fuzzybootz
??? - Chizuru "Iron" Yama-uchi - @Peaceless
Head of Robotics - Mackenzie Newton - @Fuzzybootz
OB/GYN - Dr. Emilie Marie LaFavre-Stone - @Heretic
Chief Inspector - Lee “Bloody” Reynolds - @Romero
Doctor - Dr. Ferdinand Lorenzo - @Goldeagle1221
Engineer/Non-Combat Pilot - Echo Olveira - @AtlasRize
Civilian Administrator - Anabella 'Ana' Brax - @Ruby

Inactive Characters

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Player Name: Sep
Character Name: Rear Admiral William Locke
Character Age: 50
Character Gender: Male
Appearance: Locke wears the traditional officer uniform of the United Earth Council, traditional black with the symbol of the old United Nations on his left shoulder. Medals (on dress occasion) are pinned on the front. To signify that he is Martian on his right shoulder there is the old Martian Unity emblem, below which is that of the Vitae.
Profession: Commander of Ark Vitae.
Nationality: Previously a citizen of the Martian Unity.
  • Special Ops Training: Mars always prided itself on it's special ops division, prior to being assigned to the Vitae Locke spent his entire career on stealth ships running surveillance and counter surveillance ops. In the three day war he lead a fleet of ships in a flanking maneuver against the Devastators. His training gives him a unique way of thinking over more traditional officers.
  • Charismatic: So long playing the spy game, he's good at working with people and simply working people.
  • Intelligent: He may not be a scientist of any caliber, but he's well educated.
  • Respected: He's known to never expect anything of his crew that he himself wouldn't do, which makes his crew trust and respect him. He doesn't just throw his weight around.

  • Career Military: He may be Spec Ops and used to not going on much, but he's still used to following orders. It'll be hard to adapt to the last order of 'See to it that humanity survivies'. Not to mention it goes against "leave no man behind".
  • Prejudice: He'll say it won't affect him, but most Martians grew to resent people from Earth first for their treatment, second Mars had a desert and tried to turn it into a garden. Earth started with a garden and paved it. It's something he never understood and thought them to be fools for. He also harbours a strong resentment to those who would willingly alter themselves with cybernetic enhancements.
  • Missing eye: He lost his eye when a bulkhead exploded during the defense of Mars in the Three Day War, while he himself refused a replacement he still sometimes gains pain from the injury and it limits his peripheral vision.
  • Depression: He'll wear a strong face, but he can't deny loosing his home, family and even his planet has had a psychological effect on him.

Personal Effects: Very little, some photographs and clothes. He also has a collection of stones taken from Mars as his connection to home.
Code Word: I made it, so I'm not gonna say it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 7 days ago

Player Name: Heat

Character Name: Michael 'Smith'

Character Age: Appears to be in his mid twenties, was created on the Vitae within the past year.

Character Gender: Masculine

Michael stands 6 feet exactly, his frame is lean. He appears externally human with no blemishes or scars. His medium brown hair is not really hair, it does not grow, he also can't grow facial hair. His skin is a synthetic fiber that feels like real skin but is almost plastic in its composition. His eyes are a deep blue.

Profession: Michael was designed to work with the ship's scientists for whatever task they require, he also answers to anyone listed in his programming as a 'superior'.

Nationality: Synthetic android

  • He has a near encyclopedic knowledge of recorded human history. He can recall any point if asked to. Also will constantly add to this knowledge over the Vitae's journey.
  • He also possesses a deep knowledge of many different types of sciences, comparable to a supercomputer.
  • Michael is stronger, faster and better coordinated than a human being. But his strength is not superhuman by any means. It's comparable to modern, lesser advanced robots. Still greater than the average man's
  • He was given a fully functional, detailed personality. Designed to be as human-like as possible in this aspect. He can easily blend in and appear fully human.
  • He knows how to make basic repairs to himself and has a tool kit within his quarters. More complex injuries require his creator's assistance.
  • Michael does not need to eat, drink, sleep or breath. He can survive in an oxygen-less environment.

  • Michael was programmed to never harm another human being, even if he is being attacked. Violence against humans is something that would never occur in his mind. As stereotypical as it seems he was programmed with Asimov's three laws of robotics.
  • He freely thinks but does not have free will, whatever his creators ask he will do. As long as what is asked of him is within his programming.
  • His personality is very naive, he was given emotions but does not really understand what its like to be human. He'll often ask 'odd' questions about human nature and has an almost child-like curiosity about life.
  • He does not feel empathy, if told something that would cause an emotional response in a human he will often stare blankly and appear unaffected, not sure how to react.
  • Michael does not bleed, this would give away to someone that doesn't already know that he is not a real human. Internally he is filled with complex machinery, externally he appears fully human.
  • His body is quite fragile, his skeleton is sturdy but many of his internal mechanisms are vulnerable. His central processor is located in his head, if that is damaged enough then he will shut down.
  • His programming is susceptible to modifications, if someone wanted to modify him for whatever reason then they could and he would be forced to adjust to it.
  • If his serial number (MHSA276012) is read out loud enough for him to hear then he will shut down on the spot.

Personal Effects: Michael does not have many personal possessions, in his room he only has a small wardrobe of clothes and his repair kit.

Bio: Michael was constructed by the a small team of scientists, the concept for the creation of a humanoid synthetic only something seen in science fiction until then. Robotics and artificial intelligence are both something the human race is familiar with, but Michael is something completely different. If God made humans in his image, then Michael was made in his own creator's image as well.

His creation was a hotly debated subject amongst the few that actually knew of the idea, some frowned upon it, others saw it as a necessity. If we were gathering the greatest of our species, then why not simply create one that would be destined for greatness? They had the technology, no one just had ever given serious thought to creating a truly synthetic man.

The cost of his creation was a high one, but money was not an issue when the survival of the human race was at stake. It took some time to build him, they started from scratch and spent every dime required to make him perfect. It was not rushed, every single moment of it was monitored closely to ensure perfection. They could not afford any failures with such a delicate operation.

Early on in the android's creation some within the team voiced a concern to limit their machine man, they ultimately decided to treat him the same as their artificial intelligence. Michael was given the ability to freely think but not freely act, though his programming left opportunities for modifications. He would answer wholly to those that made him, do whatever was asked without hesitation.

After months of focus and dedication the synthetic man was completed. The final touch was to give him a name, Micheal, there was a certain irony in bestowing a biblical name upon the android but it was oddly fitting. For the past few days he has sat in deactivation, tightly locked away until the moment is right. At his creator's blessing Micheal will be 'born'.

Code Word: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

1st Lieutenant Sara "Twitch" Hawkins

Female - 25

Profession: Pilot
Nationality: Armani
  • Piloting: Sara is one of the sharpest pilots on board the Vitae- and isn't afraid to let anyone know it. She's clocked in countless hours of simulation and firsthand experience, and has qualified with the T-22, T-47, and AG-64 spacecrafts. She's memorized countless maneuvers, and can hum for you the exact tone a Serpent missile makes when it confirms radar lock.
  • Scrappy: Dexterous yet tough, Sara can handle her way around a fight, in and out of the cockpit.
  • Perceptive: Keen-eyed and sharp witted, Sara is excellent at noticing small details.

  • Impatient: Twitchy and jumpy, Sara is sometimes too eager to jump into a fight, and hates sitting still for too long.
  • Hot-Headed: Easily goaded and provoked, Sara is very adamant about her ideals and can be rather hard-headed.
  • Overconfident: While definitely talented, Sara sometimes exaggerates her capabilities and can get in over her head.

Personal Effects: A suitcase with her clothes, her father's old bomber jacket, a picture of herself and her brother, and a scale model of the Citadel on her desk.

Prosthetic and Cybernetic enhancements: like many Armani, Sara has undergone considerable amounts of replacements and enhancements, some voluntary, others by necessity. Different Armani families have different methods when it comes to enhancements, some like to make their enhancements obvious, and proudly display chromed arms and legs, others like to make their appearances indistinguishable from normal humans, Sara and the Hawkins family falls under the latter category.

  • Smart-Vision: a high grade cybernetic implant implanted directly on the irises, these implants give Sara the perks of a multi-function HUD without needing a helmet. Useful for when in civilian clothes, or even combat situations where the helmet is damaged, Sara can receive accurate and precise readouts about her situation and others. Neural wiring allows her to manipulate the HUD without need of buttons and vocal commands. The implant is fairly common amongst Armani military personnel, and is very unintrusive as far as cybernetic enhancements go. When activated, one can see the lines of data, crosshairs, etc crossing over the irises.
  • Wired Synapses: a very expensive, high grade cybernetic augmentation Sara installed shortly after graduation from the military academy. Essentially a set of advanced emp-shielded fiber-optic cables running parallel to the body's Central Nervous System, the Wired Synapses boosts a user's reflexes and control functions by several degrees. To the unprepared bystander, a person utilizing Wired Synapses can be unnerving; their movements too smooth, too realistic to be real. Wired Synapses are oftem connected to other interface based augments, such as Sara's Smart-Vision and can be triggered om and off at will. The procedure is quite invasive and as a result, Sara has a long, ridging scar down her spinal column, but typically covered by her clothing.
  • Subdermal Bone Lacing - Arms: The bones in Sara's forarms are equipped with a multi-function lace that links up to both her Smart-Vision and Wired Synapses. The lacing's primary function is to counteract minute muscle spasms and random motions, allowing for extremely precise and fine motor control when needed-such as when lining up a shot with strikecraft control or even mundane tasks like taking pictures. The lacing can also stiffen upon impact protecting the arms from bruising. This particular augment is very common amongst Armani and even earthlings and martians, and the arm variants are a particular favorites of military snipers.

Born the youngest of two to a family of engineers on the Citadel, Sara had a tumultuous childhood. Forced to leave her home at a young age, Sara and her family fled to Earth as refugees from the Citadel. She had a tough time adapting to life on Earth, she lacked the innate brilliance of her brother, as well as his tendency to be in the background, Sara's feisty and aggressive personality often found her in fights in the school yards with other kid and bullies, who enjoyed to taunt her Armani heritage at her expense. Despite this, Sara graduated high school with relatively high marks, and followed her brother into The Mars Military Institute.

Military Academies, thankfully, were tuition free- exchanging education for much needed military service, which the decimated human forces were in sore need of, and Sara and her brother Samuel were quickly encouraged by their family to enroll and enlist. As usual, Sara's brother Samuel was quickly placed into the engineering track- a highly regarded position in the academy. Sara on the other hand, found her self on track for a pilot MOS. Finally falling into her own, Sara found that she excelled as a pilot, quickly sending herself to the top of her class. While she still received plenty of disciplinary action on the account of her attitude and hot-headedness, her simulator scores hushed any critics she had- with scores and simulations rivaling some of the most talented pilots of the Three Days War.

Upon graduating from the academy, her and her brother were introduced to the Genesis Project. While already in the later stages of construction and development, Samuel was signed on to help out with creation of the remaining Arks, while Sara was assigned to its security detail, where she flew patrols in space, fending off pirates from the valuable resource convoys, and scaring off merchant and commercial liners that strayed too close to the build site. Sara also participated in several scouting missions, and one military campaign into rogue space during which she earned her Ace.

Distinguishing herself from her peers, and having already been working with the Genesis Project, when news of the project went live, Sara was one of the members of the military assigned to a protection detail rather than fighting the Devastators in a last stand. Sara was assigned to the Vitae, while her brother was assigned to another Ark. Reluctantly leaving her comrades in arms behind, Sara boarded the Vitae and prepared to leave the Sol system.

Aboard the Vitae, Sara has been given command of one of the 12 fighter squadrons, the 'Grave Robbers' 7th squadron- often monikered to the 'Grave Squadron'.

Code Word:Prickly heavy object of sweetness that causes my mouth to hurt if I eat too much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rawk
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Rawk Perfectly Broken

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Player Name: Rawk

Character Name: Gavon TreVayne

Character Age: 37 (b. Oct 15, 2179)

Character Gender: Male

Appearance: 6’1, 225lb lean muscle, olive skin, neatly combed dark hair and trimmed beard, showing streaks of gray. When not dressed in the standard navy blue ARK Security uniform, he prefers simple t-shirts, slacks, and boots. Although he always carries a sidearm and his bowie knife, whether concealed or otherwise.

Profession: Chief of Security

Nationality: European Confederacy

Bilingual: Russian/English

- Small Arms Specialist (ranged & melee)
- Close Quarters Combatant (primarily in defensive/take down/disarming techniques)
- Cold weather adaptation (inherent in his Russian lineage)
- Attention to detail/sizing up certain individuals
- Crowd Control

Has a rather soured outlook regarding AIs, and would much rather rely on human intuition and skills. Uncompromising when enforcing a law that some might consider unfair, impeding on personal rights, or perhaps a conflict of interest.

Personal Effects:
- Duffle bag of civilian clothes
- Two modified Trak Kingmaker IV handguns
- Bowie knife (gift from his father, more or less a prized possession)
- A media card full of 20th Century Jazz & Blues recordings (Something he confiscated during his time with The Brotherhood.

“If you’re really up there God, just as you’ve been preached about countless times enough over the years for me to have listened, then I promise to turn things around once and for all. I know I’ve been a mudak, made wrong choices, but I’m not doing this for myself anymore…”

Gavon peaked around the corner of the large steel pillar he’d been huddled behind for the last hour during the firefight, catching a glimpse of his former comrades armed to the teeth, intent on ending the female Relief Soldier’s life -and his- to preserve their own sadistic lifestyle. There were four of them, one with a pistol pressed firmly against the girl’s temple, she couldn’t have been any much older than eighteen and damn sure she didn’t expect this to happen. Or maybe she did? Either way, he could see the fear in her eyes, a life that was ending even before it really began. It was hard enough for him to believe that he’d fallen in with such psychopaths, but equally understandable to a degree considering the world they were thrust into, and the lengths people had to go to survive in a wasteland...


Russia, the once capital of the European Confederacy, had been torn down to essentially nothing after the Third World War, leaving its people and those surrounding countries, to pick up the pieces of their life and pride. Gavon only received these as stories, passed down through a generation or two, trying to picture in his own head what his homeland must have been like before war came to rear it’s ugly face and spit blood on civilization. His father went off to help in the war efforts, his whereabouts never revealed, and mother, a school teacher, assisted in rebuilding the educational infrastructure that was so desperately needed. Fortunately for Gavon, aside from his native Russian, he was taught to read, write, and speak in the English language, as that had been more or less the universal tongue and would serve him well.

To eke out a life from the ashes of a once proud legacy was anything but simple, and the difficult choices had to be made in order to preserve what was left, to rebuild something out of literally nothing, and hold on to the hope that one day you would put all of the chaos behind you. Either by means of a one-way ticket out, perhaps to another stabilized nation, or from a bullet to the head. Gavon was born and raised in a wasteland that looked like a hopeless case, a place nothing good could ever come from again, and yet he held onto the values passed from his parents:

Work hard, stay true to your homeland and protect it’s people, and have faith in the One who creates rather than destroys.

As time passed during the adolescent years however, his values and beliefs wavered greatly, and more out of necessity he fell in with a group who promised greater things than he’d ever had. The Solntsevskaya Brotherhood, a name derived from a Russian mafia of the twentieth century had been one of the major factions who recruited and labelled themselves as “Resistance Fighters”, when in fact they were no better than vicious street thugs. Stealing illegal technology, weapons, and supplies -ripped either from opposing gangs or from relief convoys sent down to assist in rebuilding and revitalizing- only to have their goods sold on the black market to other gangs and corporations waging their own civil wars. The Brotherhood took no sides, but rather reaped the benefits from whoever had the means to pay.

Even as he learned several useful skills and trades through his teenage years such as armed and unarmed combat, guerrilla tactics, and negotiations through intimidation and blackmail, he just didn’t see a future in taking from a society who was already buried in shit and piss. In his early twenties, as relief convoys began hiring additional protection for their goods, the gangs found it increasingly difficult to overrun them, and Relief Soldiers began pressing down hard on their assailants. Gavon saw the potential of joining such a faction of people who’s sole purpose was to help, not hurt those nations who needed the means to a better future. A life of crime at the expense of the innocent was no life he’d ever intended, and the opportunity finally came to prove where his loyalties lay.


“I’m doing this for the people and values I swore to my sem'ya I’d protect…”

He slid the ammo magazine out from the modified handgun gripped tightly in his hand, doing a quick ammo check, before clicking it back into place and sliding the next bullet into the chamber.

“...and I intend on keeping that promise...”

With a smooth and effortless roll to the side, he kept low behind a table tipped over, and fired off several rounds, the first hitting the man next to the girl, which knocked him off balance, giving her the opportunity to disarm the guy and finish him off with his own weapon. The other bullets went wide, a few hitting non-vital body parts and scattering their ranks. Curses were screamed out in Russian, English, and some other unknown language, as bullets flew in both directions, one of which nailed Gavon in the shoulder causing him to fall backward. The firefight alerted nearby Relief Soldiers, who charged in and swept up what was started, and in the end, three assault rifles were aimed at the lone man laying on the ground with a bullet in his shoulder and a wry grin across his lips.

“Who the hell are you?” The girl asked him, flanked by her team, as she wiped sweat from her brow.

“Just a nobody trying to get the fuck out of this place...”

In the years following, due to his heroics and sacrifice, Gavon was part of the Relief Convoy, assigned as a soldier tasked with protecting the ships, it’s cargo, and delivery of goods. A position he grew to love, embrace, and would die for. That female soldier he saved? As fortune would have it, they grew close and married a few years after, working together to recruit more to the relief cause while maintaining a personal life. The idea of children had come up several times, but they both knew their duty came first and accepted it all the same. When the Genesis Project rolled out publicly, relief efforts turned into riot control, and soldiers were needed in every capacity to keep the peace. Gavon was eventually given the opportunity to become the Vitae’s Head of Security, based on his combat skill set, loyalty to team, and leadership qualities.

The day came, however, where his life would take an unexpected turn, when the bullet of a sniper passed through his armor, piercing his heart, before exiting through his back. Gavon instantly fell, his wife Natalie rushing to his side, and her screams for help fading as all went dark. His body was carried away by the medical AI units , sustaining his life through temporary means while they transported him to the Vitae -an Ark that would become his new home- in hopes of saving his life and retaining a great asset. On board the Ark, they quickly went to work, replacing his damaged human heart with a newly developed artificial unit, and allowing him the time needed to rest and recover while his new robotic heart adapted to its host.

Natalie, who was assigned as Security Chief on the Vitae until her husband’s full recovery, began structuring the department for additional personnel, amassing a loyal group of men and women who would serve as the ear, eyes, and law onboard the Ark.

A responsibility she knew Gavon would uphold with his life.


Code Word: p1n3@ppl3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Player Name: Sep
Character Name: Doctor Loretta Raidne
Character Age: 31
Character Gender: Female
Profession: Head of the Cryogenic Stasis department, biochemical expert, general practice Doctor.
Nationality: Armani

  • Intelligent: She's one of the foremost experts on Cryogenic Stasis mankind has to offer, some say she's in the top 12.
  • Calculating: She never does anything in the heat of the moment, every move she makes is planned long term in advance, which is one of the reason she likes working with Cryogenics.
  • Augmented: Like many other members of the Armani she is cybernetically enhanced. With an implant in the frontal lobe of her neocortex and her hippocampus in order to improve long and short term memory, both with encoding and recall.
  • Zero-G/Space: She's used to Zero-G environments, as well as working in space due to her races nature.


  • Cold: She can seem quite cold and distant sometimes, almost detached.
  • Anxious: She does not do well in situations where she has not had time to plan accordingly, and not spontaneous what so ever or like surprises.
  • Implants: While her implants are sophisticated enough not to cause pain electromagnetic pulses or sounds at certain frequencies can disrupt them causing her pain or even damaging her memory.
  • Solitude: She may appear cold and distant, but there is something to be said about someone who spends more time with people who are in cryogenic stasis rather than people that are awake.

Personal Effects: The plaque from the bridge of the Vigilance, a ship she once lived and served on until it was destroyed by the Devastators above Titan (it hangs above her bed). Her personal effects such as clothes, an vintage chemistry textbook from 2010 that stays in a display case and an equally vintage bottle of Scotch Whisky.
Bio: Loretta was born on the Vigilance, which was once a freighter but had become home to her family and others like them, she attended school aboard the ship and did everything aboard, the Armani being the risk takers they are only they could say that they got to do a field trip to the outer hull of a spaceship. When she was younger she was a happy little girl, she invested herself wholly in science and even from a young age it was what she wanted to do. Her parents encouraged her as all they had ever been was maintenance techs aboard their home vessel.

At the age of eleven the Devastators came, tearing through the Citadel. Every Armani ship was needed in orbit of Titan to protect one of the few land based outposts the Armani had, unfortunately it wasn't enough. The Vigilance was lost, but thankfully not with all hands. Her family and five others had managed to secure themselves in the disaster bunker aboard the ship, floating through space until they were finally picked up. With Armani connections to their vessels being as strong as they were, that when they found a scarred plaque from the bridge of the Vigilance that they gave it to Loretta, who was the youngest in the disaster bunker. Though after this incident she was never the same, she became anxious and jumpy. She no longer sought out to connect to people, she just wanted to be alone with her work. She was driven and calculating, but her parents often worried at how distant she was becoming.

Over the next ten years she excelled herself, she wasn't going to be hopeless ever again. Getting into Mars University at the age of 17 she became one of the big up-and-coming names in the scientific community, taking to cryogenic theory and bio-chemistry like a moth to the flame. Which is why when Genesis Protocol was concocted when she was 21 she was assigned to the Vitae. She finished her dissertation under the guidance of some of the best humanity had to offer, and even helped implement improvements into the cryogenic storage. While at the same time she spent her time brushing up on her other medical skills, in order to keep her ever hungry mind occupied, while also to make herself more useful to the Ark and her crew. When it came time to start filling the stasis pods with people Loretta sought out her parents, both of them being an engineer she was sure that they would manage to get through the selection process. They refused.

Even breaking her non-disclosure agreement she told them what the project was, what it meant and what would happen if they didn't come. Always the risk takers, always the patriots they refused. They weren't going to go with her, but instead give there spaces to people younger and more deserving. She cursed them, and pleaded with them. She would have continued if not for the fact that she was recalled back to the Ark to oversee the freezing process aboard the ships cryogenic vault.
Code Word: Wouldn't you like to know?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vital Statistics:
  • Player Name: LegionPothIX
  • Character Name: Xaith Calhound
  • Character Age: 37
  • Character Gender: M
  • Nationality:
    • Native: Armani
    • Adoptive: United Earth Council
  • Race: Mixed: Tamil/Gaelic
  • Position: Chief Engineer

Reference Description:

What history does your character have in this universe?

Since learning about the Singularity in history classes nearly thirty years ago Xaith had always been fascinated by the question of what does, and does not, define life. Moreover, the question of synthetic versus organic was always of paramount importance as no one could give a good answer that didn't rely entirely on some philosophical or archaic religious context.

With the ban on artificial intelligence research so overtly hampering his own inquiries, he decided to skirt the rules as closely as he could technically be said to be observing them. To do this he decided to tackle a question that neither science nor society was willing to broach: "How close must an approximation of intelligence be before it is considered to be an actual intelligence?"

Though but a teen when his research and studies began, the attack on Citadel Station introduced him to a new idea, that would changed the direction his life would take. After the shock and horror of the event passed the question instead became: "How close of an approximation are we to intelligent creatures?"

Historical Profile:

Psychological Profile:

Psychographic Profile:

Code Word: Pineapples
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Peaceless
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Peaceless Praise the Sun, skeleton!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amara "Mercy" Locke

Player Name: Subject Zero
Character Name: Amara "Mercy" Locke
Character Age: 25
Character Gender: Female
Appearance: Amara stands 5 ft 5 inches tall with a slim frame. She has dark hair and darker eyes. She is a very attractive young woman but some have said that she would be even more attractive if she smiled once in a while.
Profession: Medic
Nationality: Martian Unity


  • Caring - Despite her sometimes terrible bedside manner, Amara actually does care a great deal about her patients. She will rush headlong into danger for anyone who needs help.
  • Athletic - Amara is surprisingly fast and nimble. She is a trained gymnast and is more than capable of putting these skills to use to get to places others would not normally be able to reach. It's not uncommon to see her traversing some high catwalk above everyone else.
  • Hand-to-hand combat - During her mandatory military service, Amara was never particularly fond of firearms. While she is perfectly capable of using a gun, she preferred to train in hand-to-hand combat and is quite skilled at taking down an opponent.


  • Reckless - Amara will often rush into danger to help others out without thinking about the consequences to her own personal safety.
  • Distant - Amara can seem very distant and even cold to those who don't know her. She isn't very talkative and often prefers to keep to herself rather than work with others. She isn't much of a team player.

Personal Effects: Other than clothes, the only things Amara really brought aboard the ship with her were a stuffed monkey and a collection of knives. Many people, understandably, find the latter a weird thing for a medic to keep.

Bio: Life on Mars was hard. The entire planet was a desert. And not even a warm desert. It was cold and dusty. Boy was it dusty. But Amara Locke was never anything but proud of her home planet. The people had a drive and a resolve to fight. It was the people that made Mars great in Amara's eyes. There were two people who she admired more than all the others though.

Being the only daughter of a career military man and a workaholic doctor may have been difficult, sure. She didn't get to see either them as often as she would have liked to or even was normal for a child but she didn't resent them for not being around much. She knew what they did was important. She was proud of them. She wanted to be just like both of them. They were her heroes. Her father became even more of a hero to her when he helped push back the attacking Devastator fleet. Amara absolutely idolised her father.

Unfortunately, a few years after the Devastator attack, Amara's mother passed away, effectively leaving Amara alone. Her father chose to take a step back from his duties and take a less active role in the military to care for her. From that point on, wherever he went, she went with him.

As Amara grew and matured into a young woman, while all of her friends tried to decide what they wanted to do with their lives after school, Amara already new. She had known or a long time. She wanted to be just like her parents and she believed she had found a perfect middle ground to honor both of them. She began studying medicine from an early age and it was always something she enjoyed. So when she left school and entered he mandatory military service, she put her knowledge to good use, training as a field medic. It was a job she fit into well and it was here that she earned the nickname "Mercy".

By the time Amara finished her two years military service, her father had already been assigned to the Genesis Project. While she could have joined him but decided to take some time to herself first. During this time, she took up gymnastics and found that she was surprisingly good at it. She had spent so long trying to be like her parents that it was nice to just be herself. But there was only so much time and Amara knew what was coming. Eventually she joined her father aboard the Vitae and prepared for a new life.

Amara was always proud of her planet and her people. But it was time to say goodbye. It was time to leave Mars behind.

Code Word: Pinaepples
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fuzzybootz
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Fuzzybootz Cake or Death

Member Seen 23 days ago

Player Name: Fuzzybootz
Character Name: Mackenzie Leanne Newton
Character Age:26
Character Gender: Female

Profession:Robotics Engineer and Technician
Nationality: Martian

    Robotics:It is a highly interdisciplinary field that often includes computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, human–computer interaction and interaction design. There is a fine balance between hard study and fiddling about in the field and Mackenzie dances the line on a daily basis. She spends a lot of her time fiddling in the lab and Planning in her Quarters. Her particular areas of study include A.I and Nanotechnology.

    Computer Programming: There are hundreds of programming languages and even though Mackenzie does not know them all, she is able to adapt rather quickly and easily when the need arises.

    Athletic: when not fiddling with machines Mackenzie enjoys staying active. She believes that a healthy body encourages a healthy mind. She can be seen every morning running or engaging in healthy competition with a friend.

    Well-read/ cultured: Not only does she know several computer languages but she knows a few human ones as well. She speaks Japanese fluently, but German, French, and Italian only conversationally.


    Introvert:Large groups of people make Mackenzie uncomfortable. She prefers either one on one friendship or small groups.

    Pacifist:Even though she enjoys good competition she believes that Violence is wrong. She will participate in martial arts as a sport but never as a means to an end. She enjoys Aikido and Tai Chi.

    Workaholic:Even when out doing other things Mackenzie is thinking about her work or the project she is currently working on. At times it is all she can talk about.

Personal Effects: Several books, which includes technical manuals and a very worn down copy of Fahrenheit 451, a picture of her father and herself, and lots of random computer and robot parts scattered about.

Mackenzie Leanne Newton is the daughter of two highly influential and wealthy Martian family members. Her father, Carl Newton, was a well-respected and famous mechanical weapons engineer and her mother, Mercedes, was the heiress to a highly profitable mining company. They met, a year after Carl graduated college, at a fundraiser and spent the entire night together. They parted ways knowing that it would never have worked for them. However, three months later Mercedes reconnected crying that she was pregnant and her family would disown her if she didn’t marry the child’s father. Fearing the same scandal, Carl reluctantly agreed and they were married just a month before Mackenzie was born.

Mackenzie grew up privileged even among the Martian elite. She went to all the very best schools and even had tutors.Even during the Three Days War, which happened when she was 6, she was sheltered from the horrors.She had everything a young girl could want and desire. However, her family life wasn’t as happy as it might seem. It was very clear that Mackenzie’s parents were in a loveless Marriage. Her father worked all the time and her mother spent her time spending money and throwing lavish parties. Mackenzie was also her mother’s favorite person to harass. Mackenzie could never do anything right in her mother’s eyes. It wouldn’t be until Mackenzie was 16 that she discovered the reason for her mother’s treatment. Her father had never been a faithful husband and over the years he had many Mistresses. These times, however, he was always careful never to sire any more children. Mercedes had always been aware of his unfaithfulness and she let it continue if only to save herself from embarrassment. This was why she took her frustrations out on Mackenzie.

Despite her father’s misgivings Mackenzie loved her father, and she knew that he loved her. He would often bring her gifts when he was away on long trips and he would spend many hours with her when he wasn’t working. He would even take her along with him to work and allow her to help him on his projects when she needed to escape her mother’s wrath. Her father recognized the latent talent in his daughter and helped to foster her work ethic and hone her skills. He taught her most of what she knows in engineering long before she ever went to college.

College was a mixed blessing for Mackenzie. On one hand, she had entered college a year earlier than most and was a spectacular student. She was always at the top of her class. However, her long hours spent studying didn’t leave her much time to socialize. In fact, she didn’t have many friends at all. The friends she did have either had the same field of study, and didn’t get out much themselves, or she had known them from outside college. One such friend was Amara Locke. She was the daughter of a military Admiral that Mackenzie’s father worked with occasionally. They grew up in the same circles and they found that they enjoyed friendly competition against each other. Even after they had both been accepted into separate Universities they had kept in contact with one another. They often would call each other to let off some steam when they had a big exam or to boast about a good grade.

Mackenzie studied hard and worked even harder. By the time she was just 22 she had successfully completed her doctorate in Robotics Engineering. She then spent her 2 years on active duty for the Martian Military. It was a hard two years and one she never could get used to. She was never truly good at following orders and always fell behind when it came to training. Luckily she spent a majority of her time working and repairing the various machines and robots the military used.

Then tragedy hit when Mackenzie was 24. Her father, during an argument with her mother, had suffered a heart attack. Unfortunately, he did not make it. Mackenzie was left heartbroken. She could not bear to be around her mother, as Mackenzie blamed her mother for her father's death. In an act of grief and defiance Mackenzie left Mars to live on Earth.

Unsure of what to do with herself, Mackenzie delved deeper into her projects and studies. She even began work on her second degree in computer science. When she was young she never really knew what father had been was working on, but it never really mattered to her. It wasn’t until the Project had gone public that she had learned of her father’s involvement. Apparently He was the lead Engineer on all the weapon designs and systems for all the Arks. He also had a hand in designing the weapons aboard the new Reaper-Class Cruiser.She and Amara had spoken about it in length as her father was also involved.

Then Mackenzie was approached by someone from the project itself. He claimed that she was a perfect candidate for the program and that her skills would be needed to save humanity. Mackenzie was hesitant at first, but after taking to Amara, she realized the best way to stay close to her father was to be around the things he had helped to create. She applied and was accepted almost immediately even though she had no idea what she would be getting herself into.

Initially, she was drafted to be aboard the Citadel, but just 3 days prior to the Devastator vessels appearing she was transferred to the Vitae.

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