"We all knew this moment was coming. We knew that everything we did, would never be enough. Federation and Conglomerate joined together giving the world a sense of unity it has never before seen, it was not enough. We have lost contact with Admiral Constantine, who took the combined Martian and Earth fleets to confront the Devastators. Genesis protocol is now in effect, we are leaving Earth. We are trusted with the burden to continue humanities legacy out in the stars. There can be no turning back."
This roleplay is set in a (hopefully) fictitious future, where in the year 2196 experiments with a new type of faster than light (FTL) technology resulted in an attack by an alien race which tore through our defenses in the Three Day War only stopped by a joint defense in the orbit of Mars lead by Admiral Roland Constantine. After the war humanity banded together like never before, all factions uniting under the banner of the United Earth Council. Ten grueling years past, leaps in technology from shielding technology to artificial intelligence were abundant all in the hopes of preparing for the next wave. Nobody was of the impression that they wouldn't return, when deep space scanners detected them amassing a fleet far larger than the one that decimated our system a plan had to be concocted as despite advances in technology there was no way Humanity could survive such an onslaught.
Project Genesis was concocted in secret, 12 Arks would be constructed to ensure humanity survived. Filled with the best and brightest humanity had to offer, each ship capable of hosting 100,000 waking people with a further 500,000 in cryogenic stasis. At the same time a hyperspace gate would be built in orbit, sending each Ark to a different distant solar system to minimize the chance of being followed or the possibility of sending the Arks into a dangerous system. Each Ark built with the best technology, the best resources humanity had to offer however the labor was mainly done by robots and trusted individuals to reduce panic. As soon as the cryogenic bays were completed healthy young individuals were chosen from the population at random and brought aboard the ships in secret.
10 Years later, with the Devastator fleet on the move again Project Genesis was made public, riots happened as expected however many people seemed to understand the necessity of their sacrifice. Admiral Constantine, a hero of humanity delivered the address and promised that he would lead all military units willing to fight against the Devastators. Not one member of the military went A.W.O.L, or asked to be released from service. In the mean time the best servicemen were assigned to the Arks, as well as Scientists from all fields, historians, doctors and engineers.
The Vitae, our Ark, is now ready to launch as Mars falls to the onslaught. How will you contribute to humanities survival?
The current year is 2216
We have our own Wikia!
For a character click 'insert' and 'infobox' and 'character infobox'. You need to upload the photo to the Wikia first, and paste the NAME of the image (the name you put in the box when you upload it to the wikia) into the 'image' section of the infobox.
1. @Rawk and @Peaceless are Gms.
2. Characters can (and likely will) die, accept that if you do something stupid you may not survive it.
3. Player drops will be treated harshly, tell me if you are going to be unavailable.
4. This is Sci-Fi, but we're keeping a foot in the door of reality.
5. Romance is okay, but if it goes beyond a kiss take it to PM or off guild (Guild rules)
6. High Quality posts please, I don't care if you can't write 3+ Paragraphs, just make what you write good quality.
7. No Super Long Collabs. It's hard to deal with someone who drops in a collab, keep them short so if need be I can offer GM interference or someone can interrupt. If something critical happens in a collab e.g. a Bulkhead explodes post the collab up to that point, as that affects other people.
7.5. Magic-word for sheets is Spaghetti.
8. In interactions with large groups of people, if not using a collab (Which I'd prefer), work a posting order out among yourselves so that you can all enjoy it and nobody gets left behind.
9. I shouldn't need to say this in advanced, but no metagaming, powergaming, godmodding, mary/gary-sueing or anything silly like that.
10. Have fun.
11. Do stupid shit? Expect consequences.
12. One character to begin with, you can only get more if you prove you can handle it.
13. It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended that members of this RP join the NTB Discord chat. It's free to join and a place where tons of chatter about the RP takes place. Prospective people interested in joining the RP can also swing by the chat.
14. The turnover for posts is once every two weeks. If you do not post within this time without giving an acceptable reason to one of the three GMs the story will move on. Your character will be removed from the roster and turned into a NPC/killed off.
Duty Roster
If you are unsure on prospective roles, ask or throw me your suggestion.
Roles I would like filled:
Please take note of the word 'like' I'm not forcing you to choose it.
- Any type of scientist.
- A surgeon or nurse, perhaps another doctor. (Medical)
- An engineer or two.
Character Sheet:
Note: Your character was selected because they're great at what they do. It's also important to note that your character will have known that they won't have much room on the ship, and are never going home. A last note is, the selection process will have tried to 'discreetly' weed out those who weren't viable to produce offspring.
1) Three Day War started in 2196 (20 Years ago IC)
2) Genesis Project started in 2206 (10 Years ago IC)
3) Martian Revolt happened in 2090 (126 Years ago IC)
4) World War III started in 2068 and ended in 2079 (148 and 137 Years ago respectively)
Post the sheet in the OOC tab, once accepted move it over to the Character Sheet Tab.
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b]
[b]Character Gender:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] Image or Description is fine.
[b]Profession:[/b] What do they do?
[b]Nationality:[/b] You a Fed? Con? Martian or Spacer/Armani?
[b]Personal Effects:[/b] Your character has a cabin which is about 41 Metres Squared and a shower room and is leaving home forever, what do they bring?
[b]Bio:[/b] How did they get here, one of the (relatively small) population to be chosen to survive?
[b]Code Word:[/b]
1. Can I be a scientist? Yes. Yes you can.
2. How will this work? We'll be working towards survival, as I our mighty GM, will throw things your way. These could be big events that effect everyone (Such as a spaceship showing up and shooting at us), or small events that only effect a few people (Such as a murderer on board, or a deadly virus).
3. What year is it? 2216.
4. How long has it been since WWIII? 137 Years.
5. How old is the Vitae? She's virtually brand new, though her construction took nearly ten years.
6. Will there be civilians on the ship? Yes, with offduty personnel, scientists there will also be a substantial civilian population but they will also perform a vital role, on production of goods to staffing recreational facilities.
7. Can my family come? All crew will have had the opportunity to file for up to three family members to come aboard in stasis. This is to keep family lines apart, make sure there is no unemployment and is meant as a kindness. They must also be a viable choice for the program e.g. young/healthy and have skills necessary to build humanities future.
That's all the F.A.Qs right now.