Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago


"We all knew this moment was coming. We knew that everything we did, would never be enough. Federation and Conglomerate joined together giving the world a sense of unity it has never before seen, it was not enough. We have lost contact with Admiral Constantine, who took the combined Martian and Earth fleets to confront the Devastators. Genesis protocol is now in effect, we are leaving Earth. We are trusted with the burden to continue humanities legacy out in the stars. There can be no turning back."

This roleplay is set in a (hopefully) fictitious future, where in the year 2196 experiments with a new type of faster than light (FTL) technology resulted in an attack by an alien race which tore through our defenses in the Three Day War only stopped by a joint defense in the orbit of Mars lead by Admiral Roland Constantine. After the war humanity banded together like never before, all factions uniting under the banner of the United Earth Council. Ten grueling years past, leaps in technology from shielding technology to artificial intelligence were abundant all in the hopes of preparing for the next wave. Nobody was of the impression that they wouldn't return, when deep space scanners detected them amassing a fleet far larger than the one that decimated our system a plan had to be concocted as despite advances in technology there was no way Humanity could survive such an onslaught.

Project Genesis was concocted in secret, 12 Arks would be constructed to ensure humanity survived. Filled with the best and brightest humanity had to offer, each ship capable of hosting 100,000 waking people with a further 500,000 in cryogenic stasis. At the same time a hyperspace gate would be built in orbit, sending each Ark to a different distant solar system to minimize the chance of being followed or the possibility of sending the Arks into a dangerous system. Each Ark built with the best technology, the best resources humanity had to offer however the labor was mainly done by robots and trusted individuals to reduce panic. As soon as the cryogenic bays were completed healthy young individuals were chosen from the population at random and brought aboard the ships in secret.

10 Years later, with the Devastator fleet on the move again Project Genesis was made public, riots happened as expected however many people seemed to understand the necessity of their sacrifice. Admiral Constantine, a hero of humanity delivered the address and promised that he would lead all military units willing to fight against the Devastators. Not one member of the military went A.W.O.L, or asked to be released from service. In the mean time the best servicemen were assigned to the Arks, as well as Scientists from all fields, historians, doctors and engineers.

The Vitae, our Ark, is now ready to launch as Mars falls to the onslaught. How will you contribute to humanities survival?


The current year is 2216

We have our own Wikia!

For a character click 'insert' and 'infobox' and 'character infobox'. You need to upload the photo to the Wikia first, and paste the NAME of the image (the name you put in the box when you upload it to the wikia) into the 'image' section of the infobox.


1. @Rawk and @Peaceless are Gms.
2. Characters can (and likely will) die, accept that if you do something stupid you may not survive it.
3. Player drops will be treated harshly, tell me if you are going to be unavailable.
4. This is Sci-Fi, but we're keeping a foot in the door of reality.
5. Romance is okay, but if it goes beyond a kiss take it to PM or off guild (Guild rules)
6. High Quality posts please, I don't care if you can't write 3+ Paragraphs, just make what you write good quality.
7. No Super Long Collabs. It's hard to deal with someone who drops in a collab, keep them short so if need be I can offer GM interference or someone can interrupt. If something critical happens in a collab e.g. a Bulkhead explodes post the collab up to that point, as that affects other people.
7.5. Magic-word for sheets is Spaghetti.
8. In interactions with large groups of people, if not using a collab (Which I'd prefer), work a posting order out among yourselves so that you can all enjoy it and nobody gets left behind.
9. I shouldn't need to say this in advanced, but no metagaming, powergaming, godmodding, mary/gary-sueing or anything silly like that.
10. Have fun.
11. Do stupid shit? Expect consequences.
12. One character to begin with, you can only get more if you prove you can handle it.
13. It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended that members of this RP join the NTB Discord chat. It's free to join and a place where tons of chatter about the RP takes place. Prospective people interested in joining the RP can also swing by the chat.
14. The turnover for posts is once every two weeks. If you do not post within this time without giving an acceptable reason to one of the three GMs the story will move on. Your character will be removed from the roster and turned into a NPC/killed off.

Duty Roster

If you are unsure on prospective roles, ask or throw me your suggestion.

Roles I would like filled:
Please take note of the word 'like' I'm not forcing you to choose it.

- Any type of scientist.
- A surgeon or nurse, perhaps another doctor. (Medical)
- An engineer or two.

Character Sheet:

Note: Your character was selected because they're great at what they do. It's also important to note that your character will have known that they won't have much room on the ship, and are never going home. A last note is, the selection process will have tried to 'discreetly' weed out those who weren't viable to produce offspring.


1) Three Day War started in 2196 (20 Years ago IC)
2) Genesis Project started in 2206 (10 Years ago IC)
3) Martian Revolt happened in 2090 (126 Years ago IC)
4) World War III started in 2068 and ended in 2079 (148 and 137 Years ago respectively)

Post the sheet in the OOC tab, once accepted move it over to the Character Sheet Tab.

[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Age:[/b]
[b]Character Gender:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] Image or Description is fine.
[b]Profession:[/b] What do they do?
[b]Nationality:[/b] You a Fed? Con? Martian or Spacer/Armani?
[b]Personal Effects:[/b] Your character has a cabin which is about 41 Metres Squared and a shower room and is leaving home forever, what do they bring?
[b]Bio:[/b] How did they get here, one of the (relatively small) population to be chosen to survive?
[b]Code Word:[/b]


1. Can I be a scientist? Yes. Yes you can.
2. How will this work? We'll be working towards survival, as I our mighty GM, will throw things your way. These could be big events that effect everyone (Such as a spaceship showing up and shooting at us), or small events that only effect a few people (Such as a murderer on board, or a deadly virus).
3. What year is it? 2216.
4. How long has it been since WWIII? 137 Years.
5. How old is the Vitae? She's virtually brand new, though her construction took nearly ten years.
6. Will there be civilians on the ship? Yes, with offduty personnel, scientists there will also be a substantial civilian population but they will also perform a vital role, on production of goods to staffing recreational facilities.
7. Can my family come? All crew will have had the opportunity to file for up to three family members to come aboard in stasis. This is to keep family lines apart, make sure there is no unemployment and is meant as a kindness. They must also be a viable choice for the program e.g. young/healthy and have skills necessary to build humanities future.

That's all the F.A.Qs right now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Colonel Theodore Anderson

Space, It's big, deadly, and i have to fly humanity through it.

Male - 40

Theme song

Profession: Pilot for the ark and other vehicles that require his skills.
Nationality: Roslin Federation
Strengths: Quick Reflexes, High Pain Tolerance,Intelligent and Experience in zero-g/space.
Weaknesses: Incredibly Sarcastic,Alcoholic,Lack of respect for command,Depressed and cold.
Personal Effects: While others take as many things they can to remember home. Theodore has surprisingly taken only two things with him. His self made mini bar and a photo of him and his uncle fishing.

Some people's childhood are full of beautiful memories. Theodore's childhood was everything but that. Born in the slums of new York Theodore doesn't know his mother or his father as he was dropped of at an orphanage. This orphanage was understaffed and those who worked there were horribly underpaid. To make matters worse he was bullied constantly by almost all the other children. At one point it got so horribly bad that he contemplated suicide. Then at the age of ten. Something happened that would change his life forever. It was a cold winter morning and Theodore was called from his room. Apparently someone had come for him which didn't make any sense since he had no family. However as he walked down the stairs he saw an middle aged man in military uniform. This man named James Anderson was apparently his uncle and had decided to take him in.

This would be a new start for Theodore as James would take care of him as his own son. He took him to his home in Texas where he was given proper schooling, clothes and all the other thing Theodore could have dreamed of when he still lived in the Orphanage. But best of all was that he finally had a family he loved. James and Theodore quickly gained a strong bond that only a father and son could have. They would always go camping every month. Where James learned him how to fish. Then at the age of 18 Theodore would walk the same path like his uncle when he decided to join the navy of the Roslin Federation. In the two years he worked there before the three day war. He specialized himself in the flying of large class ships. In which he quickly prove his skill becoming the top of his class. And was to be assigned to the battleship The RLF Invincible. Which his uncle commanded. Then the Three day war happened. The first two days of the war where just a goddamn blur. But The battle against the Devastators above the planet of Mars still burns into his mind like a passion. A nightmare he cannot escape, and dreams every night.

As they arrived inside Mars's orbit a flurry of SOS signals filled the com's and it soon made sense as they saw the slaughter before them. Most of the stations orbiting Mars were destroyed and where crashing on the planet's surface. For a moment the entire bridge was silent the only sound where the cries of those dying on the comms. The martian fleet was doing it's best to defend the planet but it was slowly getting pounded to mush. The main line had already been crushed and the Devastators seemed to be doing a clean up duty. Then the order was given and the fleet opened fire. The cannons roared as hot molten slag fired. The ship was shaken to its very core. And yet the ship remained eerily silent. There was a mix of anger and sadness so strong no words could be uttered expect the harsh commands of James. Then the missiles left there bay's bringing their deadly payload towards The enemy. But none ever hit home as the enemy ships fired their lasers. The slag had hit home pounding on the enemy hull with barely any effect. Then a command was given from the admiral." All ships follow my lead, Show no mercy." There wasn't a single emotion in those words the rage deeply buried within him. And yet they all felt it.

The devastators finally drew their attention on them and opened fire. There lasers burning right through the hulls of the ships they hit, Like it was wet paper. Theodore could see the Ship beside them exploding not even one escape pod launched killing the entire crew. The closer they moved towards the devastators the more they lost. Ship after ship burned away its crew dying in anguish. This wasn't a battle but a never ending slaughter. By the time The enemy fleet had entered close range weapon fire the fleet had left a trail of destruction behind itself. Close range lasers began to fire doing some damage to the hull of the enemy vessels. Fighter craft launched into the void unleashing every projectile they had on the enemy. Slowly but certain The enemy started to loose ship after ship exploding under the never ending hail of fire. But that hail became smaller and smaller as they lost ship after ship a lot faster than the enemy.

Then one of the Devastators fired at the Invincible sending a laser straight through her nearly hitting the bridge and sending Theodore into unconsciousness. When he awoke he heard nothing as an eerily silence had fallen over the bridge. But as he turned around he quickly realized why. The ceiling had collapsed crushing everyone except him. He then realized he didn't see his uncle and frantically started pulling away part of the collapsed Ceiling. He then found his Uncle. His Torso was utterly crushed with some of the ribs sticking out. And a single metal pipe ran through his neck. But his eyes still had some life left in them and they moved to look into those of Theodore. And with one single sigh of relive the eyes went lifeless and James died. Theodore stood still. Not being able to move. Tears rolled over his face but he did not cry. They had killed the one man in this world that had cared for him. A man that had raised him. But now they would feel his pain. Now they would cower before his rage! He turned around walked towards his controls and looked at the ship’s mainframe. The main reactor was about to overload and is he was fast enough he could crash the ship into the enemy before it exploded. So he throttled the engines at maximum speed and steered it towards the enemy ship Quickly giving Theodore quickly gave command to abandon ship as the ship’s reactor would soon overload. The ship screamed under the pressure, Almost tearing itself apart And yet it held firm even when it got hit again she held together to fulfill her act of vengeance. As they neared the ship which had killed his father Theodore left the bridge running towards one of the escape pods. He launched seeing the ship he had flown with for months bury itself into the Devastator tearing open it hull and destroying it. The explosion that followed knocked him unconscious. the last thing he saw was Mars burning under alien fire.

After this Theodore would be rescued by a destroyer and be transported towards earth where his wounds would be healed. After enough healing he was given the medal of honor. But this didn't really matter to Theodore considering it would not give him his uncle left. For six long years he would command a reaper Cruiser class fighting his alcohol problems in the progress. never really getting over the death of his uncle. However when he returned from a patrol he received a message from high command. Telling him that he was needed at command immediately. When he arrived he was briefed about project Genesis and that he was ordered to become one of the pilots of the arks. He learned the ins and outs of her controls. Studied her frame and how much punishment she could take. And he also learned how to fly the other ships that would join the ark in case the need arises. Now it's time to leave Sol behind, and to save humanity for extinction.

Code word: Pineapples

( I know its my old character but i decided that i would put him here just in case.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@boomlover I have previously tore this sheet apart and had you rebuild it, so you're good to go in this instance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sep quick quistion. How realistic do fighter craft fly again?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@boomlover I'm going with Battlestar Galactica-esque fighters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sep so part realistic and part looking really really cool?XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@boomlover well they do look pretty cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sep i like the latest fighter design. Shame cylons could hack that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@boomlover I was actually talking about the fighter design in the NTB-Universe, as I am tryna keep things on topic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sep they do look a bit bulky. I mean it's not a plane so it makes sense but still.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Also gonna go with a fighter pilot, or a grease monkey, probably a fighter pilot- or a scout ship/long range reconnaissance pilot
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@vietmyke Then you may be interested that the Vitae carries the Nyx which is a Reaper-Class Cruiser

The Reaper-Class Cruiser is a 150M long light attack ship, designed to be able to dock with it's larger brethren. It is one of the fastest capitals in the fleet due to it's size, capable of going twice the speed of an Ark. It's weapon systems are designed to be fast tracking, which allows it to perform hit and runs on larger targets or take on strikecraft.

On top of this it is a plasma cannon on the bow that can perform a powerful strike if the Reaper manages to line up a shot. Though it's biggest advantage is that it needs a very small crew, with ten crew being the absolute minimum, due to a large number of it's systems being automated.
Reaper Class Cruiser

Picture is in the technology section.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Made some slight changes to my character, mainly took out the "assistant" from her job title and gave her a PhD.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

oh. I had some cool looking ship designs, that I will find on my pc when I get home. Currently in class right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Xandrya She's back in a black hat. She's good to go, but she doesn't need to row.

The ship has engines after all.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Player Name
The Spectre

Kevin Wilson Ford



A sleeve tattoo of a Japanese demon covers his right arm. But, many people won't known that he has a single tattoo because he always covers it up with clothes.

Historian & Ambassador

Roslin Federation.

Kevin is an intelligent man since he went to Stanford and earned the highest grades during high school. He's also a great speaker, because of his charm and knows how to play the game very well. He is also has patience enough to not get upset or angry at most things unless it has to deal with his family. And he's a hard worker as well. Either forcing on work or helping out his friends out, he will finish it and put care into it. That doesn't mean that he will try to make it perfect; however, he doesn't want it to be too perfect.

Friends and family members often call Kevin a complex person, because he is difficult to understand and predict. However, that could also mean that he can get too honest with people, including people that he doesn't like at all. He can become blunt and genuine at the same time and often enough the message gets mixed up. It either ends with the person being confused or very upset. And he also is feeling guilty and depressed about leaving behind his family and the Earth.

Personal Effects
Kevin knew that he was never returning to Earth and seeing his family again. He brought about two bookshelves worth of history books. He also brought a couple pictures of his family and his home in both Europe and America. And he also brought some music among with plants, a fish tank with fishes, and a desktop filled with his works. Finally, he brought in a flat screen television with some of his favorite movies.

Kevin's family was originally from the European Confederacy before World War III began. Most of his family was in the military before the war begun, but things changed after it ended. The destruction of Moscow and other major cities caused the remaining family to retreat to the Americas aka Roslin Federation. Because of the event, the family didn't want anyone else to join the military unless it was an important reason. One hundred years since the war, Kevin was born in New York City to his family.

His family wanted him to become a successful person and live a happy life. Kevin, thanks to his mother, went to one of the best public schools in Roslin during his childhood. He found out that he had an interest in history and becoming a history teacher. History was a fun class for Kevin as he loved going back in time and talking about what happened during World War II and the first World War. He got the highest scores in his class on history and got his degree at the age of seventeen.

And because of his hard work, he was accepted to Stanford University. He wanted to get his major in history and his minor on political sciences so he could become an ambassador. The world was in a peaceful state until the Three Day War, where the Citadel was destroyed and humanity met the Devastators for the first time. After the war ended, the world was a different place. The remaining factions became The United Earth Council and Kevin was still focus to get his degrees. At the age of twenty-one, he got his degrees and took the Foreign Service Officer exam. He passed with flying colors and become an officer. Kevin spent ten years working as an ambassador for the world. During his time, he met his future wife and her son. Julia was from California and her son, Wyatt, was a child.

That was when the world learned about Project Genesis. Riots ensured and the world's military was willing to fight one last time against them. As soon as Project Genesis was announced, Kevin was selected among with others to have the role of ambassador on the ships. He was able to take his entire family with him, because they only allowed with three family members. However, the rest of their families have to be left behind. Julia gave birth to another son, Brandon, and he was able to come when the time came to leave. Ten more years later, it was time to leave behind the Sol System. He packed their belongings and important things to take on board. He spent months, saying goodbye to their families and friends that were left behind. Wyatt was angry and upset for a teenager and Brandon was young enough to be remembered this event.

They soon left for Africa to board the Vitae. This was a brand new start from both his family and humanity.

Code Word
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@The Spectre as I managed to catch it this time, the Ark is sitting in Africa on Earth. After that's fixed we're good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Sep, I fixed it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Sep, I fixed it.

Thankyou, your now accepted :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Sep would it be possible to tingle your tastebuds with some arts like these?

Also, if fighters fly like BSG, at least let us fly Vipers. plz.
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