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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Damian was about to speak to Cillian he heard someone else speak coming from the direction they we're just heading. For a moment he ignored and he looked at Cillian with a smile toughing his shoulder. '"you know" he said happily."if you want you can always join my quest and run a gym with me. If you can't desire what you want".

After finishing his sentence with Cillian he turned to the other person who we now speaking excitedly and holding up some sort of poster. Damian wasnt sure what he wanted to do in regards to this. "what is this"? he asked with confusion "some sort of Pokemon club? " the second question, though said with light humor, was very legitimate.

Damian was very confused by the person who stood before him and his new friend. Who we're they? And why on earth we're they asking a couple of noobs for help. Fire heart looked angerly at the newly found trainer and their Pokemon. He got in a pouncing position and began to growl. In order to calm him Damian began rubbing his neck and soon the groulithe was calm again. Damian looked between Cillian and the new comer. He wasn't exactly sure what to do. @Dusksong
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Central City - Poke Corp Tower, Floor Three

Looking around, Leisy spotted the desk above which a sign reading “Pokemon Trainer Help Desk” hung and walked over. ”Excuse me,” she said, catching the man’s attention. ”Would you be able to tell us where we can find more information about Organizations?”

The man behind the counter gave the trainers a friendly smile. “Right here is fine. I’m guessing you two are new—it’s good that you at least know that organizations exist then,” he said, swinging around his monitor for the pair of trainers to see. “Many trainers don’t realize and end up training twice as hard with no real gain. Organizations, in my opinion, are crucial to a trainer’s growth, especially when they’re just starting out.”

“There are currently two organizations in Central that are actively recruiting. One is the League Prime, a organization that awards its members for honing their skills in battle. Another is the Helping Hand Guild, a organization that focuses its efforts on connecting trainers with each other,” the man said, pointing to the logos of the two organizations on the screen. “You can look up their information on your Pokedexes, but you’ll have to find a Poke Corp building in order to join one. Any questions?”

Leisy shook her head, turning to the boy with the eevee beside her. "Raven?"

Shanae Eller

Central City - Outskirts

”The Helping Hand Guild, or the HHG, is a organization for Pokemon trainers established under the goal of promoting bonds between trainers,” Shanae explained to the brown-haired boy with the Growlithe. The Growlithe growled at Shanae’s Pokemon, eyes distrustfully darting between them as his trainer bent down and petted him to calm him.

”Your Growlithe is adorable!” Shanae gushed, squatting down to the Growlithe’s height. ”Hey little guy, how’re you doing?” Shanae asked, extending the back of her hand slowly towards the puppy Pokemon for him to sniff. ”Having fun with your new trainer?”

Shanae looked back up as the Growlithe sniffed her hand distrustfully, eyes wide.”Oooops, almost forgot the most important part,” Shanae said, standing and extending a hand to the two trainers.

”My name’s Shanae Eller, and I’m the president of the Helping Hand Guild. We’re currently still recruiting, and we extend our offer to everyone regardless of trainer rank or experience,” Shanae explained with a friendly grin. ”Detailed information for our organization can be found using your Pokedexes—just do a simple search for us. All I can say for now is that I highly recommend that all trainers—especially ones that are just starting out—to join a organization. It is immensely helpful if not crucial to helping new trainers ease over the first few days of their journey, providing them bonuses for meeting organization milestones and helping them earn trainer points.”

”So,” Shanae said, looking at the two trainers again, ”what do you say?”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven shrugged, "Just a couple, can we join multiple orginizations and is there any reason we can't leave one after joining?" Relevant questions, Raven wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to join an orginization yet and he didn't want to chain himself down to at the very least. He also pulled out his Pokedex and searched both names, curious to learn more about them. Both of them sounded somewhat interesting, but he'd want to find out a little bit more first.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian's eyes darted back and fourth between the two people before him. He was confused and distraught. He didn't know what to say what to do . All he really knew was that he wanted to do whatever Cillian wanted to do. Cillian was his new friend. His new traveling buddy. So that's when he had an idea.

"what do you want to do Cill?" he asked very proud of himself for coming up with the idea. He felt smart for having made such a plan. So cleverly putting the pressure on someone else but at the same time finding out another's opinion. He sort of wanted to join just a bit, but he didn't want to go without his friend
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Central City - Poke Corp Tower, floor three

“As joining organizations is like pledging your loyalty, trainers are only allowed to be in one organization at a time,” the Poke Corp representative said, frowning. “However, trainers will only get a point bonus upon joining their first organization. You may indeed leave the organization and join another, but you will not receive the point bonus you did the first time.”

Seeing Raven pull out his Pokedex, Leisy did the same, typing up the names of the two organizations into the device. While League Prime sounded relatively intimidating, especially since Leisy had just experienced her first battle, the Helping Hand Guild sounded like everything Leisy wanted in her journey as a Pokemon trainer. ”Would it be possible for you to add trainers to organizations?” Leisy asked, looking up at the man behind the counter. The man nodded affirmative, putting on a smile.

“What organization are you thinking of joining? As I said, there are only two organizations that are currently recruiting in Central City, so it’d have to be one of those,” the man told Leisy. Leisy returned his smile with more enthusiasm.

”I’d like to join the Helping Hand Guild, if that’s not too much of a hassle with you?” Leisy asked, smiling politely. The man nodded again, swinging his screen back around and typing quickly into the computer.

“You’re all set. The leader of the organization will be sending you a message shortly,” he told Leisy before turning to the other trainer. “How about you, young man? Any organizations you’d like to join?”

Cillian Weiss & Shanae Eller

Central City Outskirts

Cillian frowned as the woman spoke, his eyes wandering over her team of six. A Houndoom, an Aron, a Joltik, a Trapinch, a Igglybuff, and a Lotad, he thought, naming the Pokemon inside his head one at a time. A grin stretched over his mouth. This was a trainer he could respect, excluding the latter two Pokemon. ”How long have you been a trainer?” he asked the woman—Shanae Eller.

”On record it’d be a few years,” Shanae admitted with a wry smile, ”but technically this would be my fifth month. I’ve taken a long break.”

Fifth month! Cillian thought, eyes widening. There’s no way I’d move that slow, right?

”I was sidetracked by my job—ever heard of me?” Shanae asked, putting on a bright smile. ”Shanae Eller, Central City Poke Corp Vice President, at your service.” Cillian’s eyes rounded at the revelation, now impressed. First Damian turns out to be a Pokepagent judge, then he meets the vice president of a large-city Poke Corp? How the day was turning out.

Gears whirled around in Cillian’s head. He had been planning on joining the battle guild as he planned on centering around battling, but at this rate that could be difficult to do. Here was a chance to pull connections with one of the most accomplished and important people in Central City and possibly even the region! Damian’s question knocked him out of his thoughts, reminding him that he’d now been standing silent for a few minutes.

”Right,” Cillian said, nodding. ”I’m in. If I remember correctly, I can always leave an organization if I find that it doesn’t suit me, right?”

”You can,” Shanae said, pulling out her Pokedex with a glint in her eyes, ”but I’d also make it my life goal to loop you back into the organization.” Cillian pulled out his Pokedex, and in a few seconds it was official: he was a member of the HHG. ”What about you, fellow trainer?” Shanae asked, turning to the brown-haired boy.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Tommy nodded. "I don't either, grabbed another pokeball before I came here. Should have come here first, ended up behind a group of hot headed trainers having a three way battle. Sorry about that by the way." He notices Cici look away from a direction and looks that way, trying to figure out who she'd not wanted to look at. The only person that could fit the bill was a gal in a green dress, but he decided he'd ask about it later. She'd already said she didn't want to talk about it right now in not so many words.

"So pokemart for you then head out?" Amica looked away from her food towards the Swablu that Cici had caught and narrowed her eyes as it eyed her food.

"Froakie." The tone indicated a warning to the Swablu and Tommy sighed.

"Relax, Amica. I'm sure the Swablu's already eaten."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian smiled and gave a happy thumbs up. "if he's going than count me in as well" Damian hadn't been so happy in his life. He was excited and readily to get going. He opened his pokedex scanned the Pokemon and added the new organization on his pokedex. Such an eventful day. Two trainers met, a new location and 8 pokexed entries one of which being his very own Pokemon. He was so excited.

Damian turned to his growlithe who was overzealously excited. He pat him on the head and smiled happily Fireheart licked his face and wagged his tail excitedly . "well it seems fire heart is in for it too"he said with an excited smile. "so I guess that gives you two new recruits"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shanae Eller

Central City Outskirts

”That’s great to hear,” Shanae said, registering the boy using his Pokedex as well. ‘Damian Green,’ the device informed her. Cillian and Damian, Shanae thought with a grin. Both dashing young men full of potential. Now all I need is to rake in some pretty young girls to keep them down.

A notification told her that a trainer in Central City’s had just joined her organization through the Poke Corp tower—a trainer by the name of ‘Leisy Takigawa.’ Shanae traded her giddy grin for a confident smile as she looked back at the two trainers. ”Okay Cillian, Damian. From this day forth, I pronounce you both members of the Helping Hand Organization. Talk to people, socialize, and lend that helping hand whenever possible,” Shanae told the two trainers. ”If you ever need anything, I’m only a message or call away on your Pokedex.”

Shanae waved merrily at Cillian and Damian as she walked back towards the city, eyes now set on the Poke Corp building.

Cillian Weiss

Central City Outskirts

Cillian closed his Pokedex, eyes still trained on the woman as she headed back towards the city—no doubt to the Poke Corp tower, for whatever reason. As vice-president, Shanae Eller probably had lots to do—unlike himself. But, he’d make do.

”Off we go then?” Cillian asked, looking at Damian with a grin. ”I think we now earn trainer points for journeying together, so there’s a win,” he said, looking down the road. ”Alright, now we head to Feyhollow. What do you say about taking a detour or two to catch some final Pokemon around here? Feyholow doesn’t have any water types, so speak now or forever hold your silence!” Cillian joked, looking towards Damian.

//Extra points for Cillian & Shanae for interacting with another trainer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian smiled and nodded. "water isn't really my type, but if you want to than we can take a few detours" Damian said this a little more happy than before. He was so excited about traveling with another that he started to blush slightly not really aware of it himself.

Damian waved forward motioning for Cillian to take the lead. Damian would follow behind. He didn't care where they we're going anymore . Now he had a friend and training partner and that was much more excitement than he was used to. He was already enjoying their journey even though it had only just begun. @Dusksong
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

Central City Outskirts

Cillian was quiet as he walked in front of Damian, contemplative. His team now featured two Pokemon that would evolve to be dual types, but what kind of team would he he building? What kind of Pokemon would he have to catch? He had no idea. Maybe the idea is to just catch all the Pokemon I can, Cillian thought, frowning as he read the information on trainer ranks again on his Pokedex. I need to catch ten Pokemon to rank up. And have a battle.

Cillian paused for a second, breaking his pace and causing Damian to catch up in pace. Seeing the boy’s confused expression, Cillian smiled it off. ”I’m fine,” he said with a grin. He dropped it, not knowing what to say. How did battles work? Did he have to be a bully or something and incite the other person into a fit of rage to cause them to challenge him? But he didn’t want to do that--he’d made a friend, and friends were helpful.

”Damian, if I told you I wanted to have a battle with you,” Cillian started, looking at the boy. ”I mean not right now, since you only have one Pokemon, but in the future. Preferably when we both have three...”

Shanae Eller

Central City Poke Corp Tower

Shanae half-ran, half-walked to the Central City Poke Corp tower, eyes tracing the imposing building. She remembered back when the franchise was still in their large department store duplex--she’d been in elementary at the time and still enthralled by the variety of people that came and when. She’d even met a few champions back then that had journeyed through, although she didn’t remember any specific people. As the daughter of a family buried in the company’s heart, she’d met many important people in her life, and famous trainers before they were famous ranked low on that list.

Shanae entered the building, waving a friendly hello to Wanda Clark, the bespectacled secretary who insisted on cat-eye glasses. They’re cute, Shanae thought with an amused smile as Conner Kiene pressed the button to call down the elevator for her, [i[but Wanda would get so many more guys if she just ditched the damn glasses.[/i]

On the way up to the third floor—apparently the trainers that had come in had made quite a ruckus with some sort of contest up the stairs—Shanae chatted pleasantly about how the day was going with Conner. Two new trainers, Shanae thought, smiling devilishly, One already in, so just one to go.

Shanae was looking forward to the future. Maybe she’d even set a record for the most people recruited in a day!

// Cillian (HHG) - 1 bonus TP for interacting with Damian
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven nodded in response to the answers, though not enough to shake Oliver off his head and considered. From a logical standpoint it would be best to join an orginization even if you had no interest in it, if you didn't like it you could just end up leaving. But it seemed kind of rude to join something just for something as silly as points and then leave immediatly after. Raven shrugged and put his Pokedex away, "I think I'll pass for now, if I change my mind I can just come back anyway right?" Maybe he was just being silly but he didn't really feel like joining either of the orginizations that were open.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Central City

Leisy nodded at Raven’s decision. She’d joined upfront because the Helping Hand Guild had resonated with her principles, but she could see how someone might not want to make the decision right now. On their way out of the Poke Corp tower—they took the elevator this time around—they passed a pretty woman who gave them a bright smile. She reminded Leisy of someone, but she couldn’t place the face. Knowing the types of people that came and went in the Central City Poke Corp tower, it was probably some mini-celebrity whose picture she’d come across in a magazine once, but Leisy had never been into those much anyway.

”So,” Leisy started, looking at Raven, ”I think we’re heading to Feyhollow then? Or do you have other plans?”

Shanae Eller

Central City

Shanae was about to jump up when the boy declined to join a organization—for his good, of course—but she saw his eyes when he turned around and realized that wasn’t necessary. The young man had determined eyes, and that meant that he had a plan or at least a good reason as to why he wasn’t joining an organization. Shanae beamed at Leisy and the boy as they walked out, taking the elevator this time. Leisy gave her a odd look—did she recognize Shanae from her profile picture on the Organization webpage? But that was from a year ago, back when her hair was still shoulder-length. The damn barbar— as she passed.

”Some day, huh?” Shanae asked Michael, the man at the Help Counter, as she thumbed over the Pokeballs on her belt. She’d returned all her Pokemon when she came into the tower, deciding that decency was more important than the pleasure of flaunting her high position, but now she was starting to miss them.

Well, only one thing to do now, she thought, waving a goodbye to Michael as she entered the elevator. File for a week-long vacation.

// Leisy (HHG) - 1 bonus TP for interacting with Raven
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 6 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Central City


"Ah, it's ok," Cici reassured Tommy. "Yeah, I won't be long, I could just do with a few more Pokeballs." She wondered how many Trainer Points she must have by now.

At Amica's warning to Dulcet, Cici looked down and shook her head. "So food always tastes better to you when it's someone else's, does it?" she said. "You've had your breakfast. Talking of food..." She excused herself and ordered a breakfast sandwich, as well as another much-needed coffee and some food for the journey. Taking a bite of the sandwich, she glanced down again to make sure Dulcet wasn't causing trouble. Forte was trying to back Amica up, but a cute pink puffball who whispered could only warn so convincingly.

Although the coffee was still hot, Cici kept taking small sips, trying to drink it as quickly as she could. She leaned back in the chair, attempting to appear relaxed, but the conversation with Sarah was still fresh in her mind, even though the other girl had left. What Cici wanted was to get out of this cafe, and out of this city.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shanae Eller

Central City

Shanae exited the Poke Corp building for the second time that day, feeling refreshed. Looking down at her belt of Pokeballs, Shanae frowned. There was going to be a great deal of walking involved for right now as none of her Pokemon were big enough to be ridden, and she didn’t want to put her Pokemon through all the unnecessary walking, especially since a few of them dislike the prospect anyway. Turris, her Aron, would send her cold glares all day if she made him walk everywhere, and amusing as that would be, Shanae took no pleasure in making her Pokemon annoyed.

”Ebon,” Shanae said, releasing the Houndoom. Ebon looked around with a sniff, frowning at his trainer. Shanae knelt down and scratched his head, examining the intricate bones that stretched over the black-and-orange Pokemon that inspired his name. ””
”You’re so pretty, Ebon. So, so pretty.” The Houndour looked nonplussed, eyes wide in disgust at the label.

Shanae laughed, straightening up and pulling out the Pokeball she’d bought earlier that day. ”Alright, Ebon. Let’s go catch some Pokemon.” The Houndour gave his owner a grin, leading the way out of the city.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian tilted his head to the side . "you mean like a trainer battle? " he asked quite confused. For a moment or two he didn't know how to respond. He pondered on the question for a moment and looked down at his growlithe. With a smile he pet his small dog like Pokemon and looked up at Cillian.

"actually if you ever wanted to battle I would love to do so. That would be a great way for us to bond better with our Pokemon." with great amounts of excitent Damian smiled and nodded "my friend I would most deffinetly say yes"@Dusksong
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Cillian Weiss

Central City Outskirts

Cillian smiled in relief. ”That’s good to hear,” he said, looking down at his own Pokemon. Hazmat gave him the usual cry of joy while the Mudkip shrugged and looked to Damian’s Growlithe with a focused expression. His Pokemon were as ready as he was, but Cillian still wanted to build up his team a little more before entering his first battle. ”What do you say we have a match when we both have three Pokemon? We can have it right here.”

Cillian looked around at the flat path the two trainers were standing on, happy to find that it was perfect terrain for Pokemon matches. ”Other than that,” Cillian continued, ”Where would you like to head now? If you don’t want a water Pokemon, I don’t see much point in going to the riverbanks. I already have Mudkip here,” Cillian said, smiling at his grouchy pokemon that promptly averted its eyes.

// Cillian (HHG) - 1 extra TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven nodded, "From what I've heard Feyhollow has some pokemon that I'd like to look for so I was planning on heading there next." It was true, he knew Feyhollow had a variety of Pokemon not availble here, like fairies and poison types. Plus he'd already gotten one Pokemon here and he was considering simply getting one Pokemon from each town he visited. He wondered if Leisy wanted to stick around him or was just keeping him around until she felt like using her favor. Ah well, either way didn't really matter to him. "Guess we should get going, burning daylight after all." Raven said with a grin and began walking towards Feyhollow, wondering what Pokemon he would see there. "Hey, what kind of Pokemon do you wanna catch next?" he asked, wondering the same thing of himself.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Northern Path (Central City to Feyhollow Town)

Leisy nodded as Raven spoke, following beside the trainer when he started walking down the Northern path. However, when Raven asked what kind of Pokemon she planned on catching next, Leisy gave him an awkward smile. ”Er, actually I have no idea,” Leisy admitted sheepishly. ”I don’t know many Pokemon at all, except the ones I’ve seen around home. I only recently decided to be a trainer, and I have no idea what kind of Pokemon I should catch,” Leisy said. She pursed her lips in thought. ”I suppose I kinda just catch whatever comes along. I mean I have five Pokeballs, so that means five Pokemon?”

Shrugging Leisy looked down at her two Pokemon. Bidein was dozing quietly on Leisy’s shoulder, opening an eye curiously when she looked at him. Naunet was waddling beside her trainer at a steady pace, looking curiously at the forest around her. A wave of affection her her Pokemon rolled over her, and Leisy realized that she did know what kind of Pokemon she wanted to catch.

”I want to catch a Pokemon I feel a kinship with. A connection,” Leisy said, looking back up at Raven. ”I want a Pokemon that can be my friend.”

The two made small talk as the walked some more. The sun was slowly sliding into the highest point in its trajectory, and soon enough the pair had reached the deeper parts of the forest. ”Hey, what’s that?” Leisy asked, eyes wide as the bushes to her left shook wildly. A brown-and-black puppy-like Pokemon sprang out from the bush, its red nose twitching as it sniffed the air curiously. Then another popped out, and another. Soon enough there were a whole group of the puppies surrounding Leisy and Damian, all of which were sniffing at the trainers suspiciously, eyes narrowed.

Leisy slowly pulled out her Pokedex, scanning the Pokemon directly in front of her. ‘Lillipup,’ the screen read. Leisy gulped, the bushes the group of Pokemon giving a final tremble as the last member of the pack revealed itself.

// Leisy (HHG) - 1 extra TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Raven found himself internally aggreeing with everything Leisy said. A Pokemon that could be your friend. Well that could certainly be said of Oliver. However their small talk and his thoughts were interupted by Leisy pointing out the shaking bushes on the side of the road. An adorable group of puppy pokemon filed out of the bushes and they wre quickly surronded, taking Leisy's lead Raven also scanend one with his Pokedex. Raven only considered capturing one for a moment. He had no real interest in any of them. "Smart enough to check your opponent's strength eh?" At these words Oliver jumped down and weaved around Raven's feet protectivly, at the same time letting out a mix of a growl and a hiss. "Then you should know to back off." He said confidently. Of course escape was always an option. After breaking through the circle he had no doubt that he could escape. Leisy perhaps was not to capable. Hm, well if the pups still thought they could win in a fight then there was always bribing, Raven hadn't been lying when he said he always had food on him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Tommy waited while Cici ate, though when he noticed the rate that she was drinking her coffee at, he chuckled and shook his head. "Slow down some or you'll get the hiccups. Personal experience with it." He continued to watch Amica after, who promptly finished her sandwich before the Swablu could steal it then hopped up on her trainer's head. Knowing this to be a sign that she was done, Tommy leaned back and closed his eyes. "So, any specific pokemon you want to see on this journey?"
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