Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian smiled and laughed a little. "I thought we were headed for some city or something ?"he said with a small chuckle. It was hard for damian to hold his composure and he wasn't really sure why. He didn't really feel there was a reason for his laughter. Maybe it was Cillian, but he wasn't really sure.

Damian looked up and smiled at Cillian. "so do you know any good stops on the way there? We should probably get a move on" Damian said this happily as he started walking in the direction they were currently moving. Damian was happy to continue with Cillian as his new friend. He stopped suddenly and turned to Cillian

"I almost forgot to follow up on what I said earlier" damian said happily . "so how do you feel about it? If you can't decide what to do with your life" Damian paused for a moment looking at the ground feeling a bit embarrassed. "do you want to join me in running a gym"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Northern Path (Central City to Feyhollow Town)

A large dog Pokemon stepped out of the bushes, the tufts of fur on its cheeks trailing longer than its body. Raising her Pokedex, Leisy realized that she recognized the final evolution of Lillipup—Stoutland. Her grandfather had owned one of the loyal dogs, and she’d often sat next to it on the porch when she was younger, threading her fingers through the dog’s rough hairs that spoke of experience and wisdom rather than softness.

The Stoutland that emerged from the bush spared the two trainers a glance before tilting its head, its tufts of whiskers gracefully drifting in the same direction as the Pokemon’s head. The pack of Lillipup perked their ears at the Pokemon’s motion, swiveling and pouncing after the Stoutland as it walked onwards across the road to the bushes on the other side.

Leisy looked down at her Pokemon, realizing that neither had made much of a motion. Naunet was clinging to her leg, keeping a nervous eye on the puppy Pokemon as they left. Bidein, on the other hand, had closed his eyes and continued dozing. ”It would have been nice if you told me the Lillipup weren’t actually attacking,” Leisy said, giving the robin an affectionate scratch under its chin before looking to Raven. ”Mmk then, let’s move on?”

Cillian Weiss

Central City Outskirts

Cillian’s eyes widened at the offer. A joint Gym leadership? Sure he’d heard of such things—there was a gym in the Unova region run by a set of triplets, so it wasn’t impossible—but something like that had never occurred to Cillian before. Leading a gym? He didn’t even have half a team of Pokemon, much less a full team! But, the more Cillian thought about it, the more he realized that he really wasn’t prepared for the future. There was so much uncertainty in his future, so much that had yet to be outlined and decided.

”I can’t say anything for sure right now,” Cillian said at last, looking at his Pokemon flatly. Hazmat gave him the usual clueless grin while the Mudkip returned the stare as if asking him why he was staring at his Pokemon like that in the first place. Recovering himself slightly, Cillian slapped on a smile and looked up to meet Damian’s stare. ”But, thank you for the offer. Maybe I’ll be able to make a decision in the future, but for right now,” Cillian said, a real grin on his face now, ”I just want to be the best Pokemon trainer I can be.”

@eklispe @kiritoasuna
// Leisy (HHG) - +1TP
// Cillian (HHG) - +1TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Scoffing, the Cacnea crossed its arms. From it a gurgling noise issued and, seemingly in response, the Karrablast let loose a determined cry and scrunched up its face. Its expression became a mask of goofy, overdone, and ineffective intimidation—to Olivie, at least. Buck, though, could only shudder as his trainer snickered. At this the Brunette's eyes widened in surprise. ”You kidding? That's not a scary face at all. Rollout, now!” Grateful for the distraction, the Bidoof tucked himself into a fluffy sphere, ready to smash into his opponent as a wrecking ball. Unfortunately, the Karrablast was faster. It took advantage of Buck's momentary fearfulness to leap in and, with a horn brimming with strength, deliver two diagonal slashes to form an 'x' from their trails. Fresh cuts opened across Buck's back, and the second slash, a bottom-left to to-right sweep, threw him back.

By then, however, he'd tucked himself tight enough and gained enough momentum to power through the pain and roll straight into the Karrablast. The force behind the full-body blow, combined with the added edge of rocks picked up in the roll and sticking out of Buck's fur, dealt a decisive blow to the bug. It stumbled backward, barely keeping itself upright and teetering on its little feet even after it recovered. The short but brutal exchange earned an approving nod from Olivie. ”Looks like it didn't like that Rollout at all.” Buck, still curled up tight, continued to roll around the clearing blindly. His trainer imagined that he wouldn't be able to cancel the attack, but she'd already made up her mind that a repeat performance would be wildly effective. It made sense; though lightweight, fast, and annoying, bugs couldn't typically take much punishment, especially from heavy, blunt objects. Still tottering, the bug in question gnashed its teeth and assumed a solid stance. Olivie watched, suddenly intrigued, as some sort of power began to build up in its horn, visible by a light green glow. Quite unexpectedly, the Karrablast's horn suddenly exploded outward, growing to twice the size and gaining an array of new spikes. Before Olivie could react, it threw itself like a torpedo at the oncoming Bidoof. A pang of fear gnawed at the girl's heart: could her partner make it? By now, all of his rolling had picked up a lot of dust and stones in his coat, making him look like a miniature boulder, but the Karrablast's Megahorn looked fearsome to say the least. As the two Pokemon drew near, Olivie held her breath.

In a flash it was over. A cracking sound echoed through the field as the revolving force of Buck's Rollout diverted the Megahorn's point straight down, and where the horn went, the Karrablast followed. In the end, the Bidoof rolled right over it, burying it partially in the dust and cracking off its horn. Fragments of carapace littered the ground as Buck rolled to a halt, emerged from his ball, and began to shake himself off. He was worse for wear, and terribly dirty, but he was still conscious. The same couldn't be said for his foe. When Buck saw that he'd won, he chattered noisily in celebration, and Olivie knelt by his side to brush him off. ”Great stuff! That dumb beetle really bit the dust. That's three wins under your belt, counting that crappy Pansear.” Rising to her full height, she crossed her arms beneath her chest and narrowed her eyes at the Cacnea, who'd also been looking on. She felt as though the walking plant were sizing her up, but it was an altogether different sensation from what she got from the usual 'sizing-ups' that went her way. This thing was deciding whether or not to respect her from the abilities and attitude of her and her partner alone. Honestly, it was exciting.

Out of nowhere, the Cacnea raised its arms up and began to move. It whirled around and around like a helicopter, its clublike arms the rotors, until it sprang toward her. As it flew her way, Olivie watched silently, noting the dozens of spiky needles protruding from its limbs. Taking a deep breath, she waited until it was in range and then extended her right arm in a backfist punch. The guard of her fighting glove intercepted the Cacnea's arm in mid-air, and it stuck like a burr. After that, all Olivie needed to do was toss her arm to throw the Cacnea off. It landed in a roll, righting itself in no time, and sprang to its stubby little feet. Somehow the brunette didn't think it would attack again, and her prediction came true as the Cacnea crossed its arms again and put on a wide smile. Though Olivie couldn't truly understand it, she tried to imagine what it might be saying. Looks like yer one tough customer, those beady eyes told her. Ah guess Ah kin tag 'long with ya fer a while. When the girl picked up a Pokeball and held it out, the Cacnea didn't flinch, so she proceeded to throw it. Surprisingly, the Pokemon struggled a great deal inside the ball—one last test. In the end, it could not break free, and Olivie grabbed her new minion to set it free. ”Aaalrighty. That's two scrappy Pokemon in my team. Welcome to the club, pal. We're gonna go far together, so I hope you've got enough fight in you to keep up.”

As Buck and the Cacnea approached one another and began sizing one another up as well, Olivie's gaze fell upon the Karrablast. She hadn't planned on nabbing anything besides the Cacnea, but the blue bug put up a pretty good fight for such a small beetle. Besides, it looked much cooler than any other Bug-type Olivie had seen, and the whole way it used Megahorn was pretty sick. ”Eh, I guess I've got room for one more.” Procuring another Pokeball, she tapped it against the Karrablast's shell, capturing the dazed bug easily. With it contained, she rose back up and tapped the ball thoughtfully against her head. ”Let's see. What am I gonna call you jerks?” She shrugged after a few moments. ”Eh, come on. We're going south. Today's the first day of my journey, and Feyhollow's the nearest place to explore.” Flanked by her two Pokemon, Olivie waded back into the grassy field, headed toward a thick green forest only about forty-five minutes away.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Central City


Naturally Raven scanned the Pokemon as well and shrugged as they began leaving. If he had a to pick a reason he didn't want to catch of them it was because he felt they were... ungraceful? Now that wasn't it. Ordinary? What was it? Well it didn't really matter, it was just he didn't feel like it and that was all hta mattered wasn't it? With only 1 pokemon until he got to another mart he didn't want to be frivolous about it. Raven gave Oliver a hand up after rubbing his head affectionatly. Oliver had a smug look as though he had scared them all off, desite the fact they'd simply walked away. "Guess we both didn't want one." he said idly. That was a little odd though, Pokemon didn't seem to like crossing roads much. Eh.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 6 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Central City


Cici forced herself to laugh. "This is just how much I need my coffee in the morning," she said. As Amica finished eating, Cici watched Dulcet's attention shift to the sandwich on the plate. "I kind of need my breakfast too," she said to the Swablu before taking another bite of the sandwich.

When Tommy asked her which Pokemon she hoped she'd find, Cici had to think for a moment. She'd considered her options, but hadn't done much more actual planning than she'd needed to. It would mostly be a matter of seeing what happened. "Well, I'm hoping to get some electric types at some point," she replied. "I like fairy types too, though. It surprises people, for some reason, but..." She shrugged. "There are all sorts I like. Igglybuff's one I'm gonna try to get in Feyhollow. As is Cleffa." She drank more of her coffee. "There's another Pokemon I want to see, eventually... I want to find out if the rumours are true. Meloetta. You've heard the stories, haven't you? It'd be great to hear its song."

She finished her sandwich, much to Dulcet's disappointment. "How about you?" she asked Tommy. "As well as dragon types, which Pokemon do you want to see?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Northern Path (Central City to Feyhollow Town)

”Guess so,” Leisy murmured, staring at the Lillipup as they trailed after the Stoutland. The Pokemon were cute and innocent, but none of them had given Leisy the feeling that Naunet or Bidein had. Rather, they just seemed like Pokemon to her—the wild kind, the kind you watch from afar and admire but could never yourself feeling a connection with.

Shaking her head to herself, Leisy looked to Raven. ”On we go then?” she asked, prompting the pair to start walking again. ”There’s a river that flows by here,” Leisy said, looking at the boy. ”I caught Naunet there yesterday, and there seemed to be a lot of water Pokemon there. Do you wanna head over, or?”

Shanae Eller

Central City Outskirts - Forest

It didn’t take long for Ebon to sniff out a Pokemon in the woods. Well, Shanae thought, an amused smile on her face, ’a’ Pokemon is kind of an understatement.

Indeed, for rather than a single Pokemon, the Houndour had sniffed out a frolicking meadow of plant- and bug- type Pokemon. Shanae had seen most of them before, but over the years the names had slipped her mind. Most trainers tended away from plant-bug dual type Pokemon, believing them to be soft due to their quadruple weakness to fire types. However, Shanae had seen enough battles to know that the presence of a plant Pokemon could make or break a trainer’s team, especially when up against the unlikely Quagsire or Swampert. This, however, also meant that Shanae’s team was lacking, as the woman had never bothered to catch more Pokemon after she’d gathered her initial six.

Hm, which one to catch? Shanae thought, watching the Wurmple and Cherubi frolick in the grass, the latter staying a bit farther than necessary from the former due to natural prejudice. Burmy strung themselves upside down from the branches or adhered themselves to the trunks, hanging peacefully.

”Alright, Ebon,” Shanae whispered, eyes flicking around the array of Pokemon that lay before her, ”Which one are we getting?”

// Leisy (HHG) - 1 extra TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Central City
Mountain Pass


Nick was returning to his parent's house the same way that he had came down the mountain, but this time, the feeling was different. He felt more alive and self satisfied with his first Pokemon eagerly walking by his side, singing a one word marching song, "Munch. Munch. Munch Munchlax! Munch. Munch. Munch Munchlax!" The repetitive song would drive most people mad, but Nick enjoyed the simplicity of Little Man's music.

Now past the meadows, Nick started his way up the mountain. The familiar songs of the Flying type Pokemon filled the air, welcoming him back. Whether Munchlax's song was synchronizing with the forest Pokemon or the other way around, the effect was magical. Even nick started to hum along. Before long, every branch that he passed was filled with merry Pokemon singing in time. The urge to catch one of these Pokemon began to well up inside him once more, but with only one Pokeball left, he didn't know how to choose. "Oh well" he thought. "I already have Little Man." There is no need to rush it.

Lost in the forest's song, Nick walked quite few steps before realizing that the lead vocalist had stopped singing. He had lost his Munchlax! "How stupid!" He began to curse himself. Looking around frantically, he finally spotted Little Man quite a ways behind, at the edge of some bushes. "Hey Little Man! Come on! What are you doing?!" Munchlax ignored his trainer, softly mumbling to some unknown creature. As Nick got closer, he could understand why. Just under the bush lay a sleeping Starly. The tiny bird Pokemon looked worse for wear, it's feathers tattered and caked with dirt.

Softly, Nick petted the little bird with the back of his hand. "Hey there. Wake up. Where is your nest?" "Munch Munch. Munch?" Little Man appeared to be repeating his question.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shanae Eller

Central City Outskirts - Forest

Ebon whirled around, fangs bared in a silent snarl as the bushes behind Shanae rustled. A pink-and-green Pokemon crawled out, yellow eyes blank and a smile on its face. “Hopip!” it said, launching itself into the air. The green leaves on its head whirring like a helicopter would as it floated over to Shanae. “Hopip!”

A grin stretched over Shanae’s face as she registered the amazingly pink, floaty, and utterly adorable Pokemon beside her. Ebon let out a breath of air, dropping to his haunches in defeat. ”Ebon, we’re getting this one!” Shanae declared, hands reaching for the Hopip. The flying type Pokemon easily escaped her grasp, dodging to the left with a murmur of its name before starting to drift away.

Ebon was up in a flash as Shanae’s eyes widened in surprise. ”Oh no! It’s getting away!” she said, stating the obvious. Ebon rolled his eyes internally, taking off after the Pokemon before his trainer could muster up the words to form the order. ”Yes, Ebon! Good boy!” Shanae called, seeing her Pokemon take off. The Houndour easily caught up to the lazily drifting Pokemon, snatching it out of the air with a easy pounce. The Hopip’s eyes widened with surprise, but it was inside a Pokeball before it could blink.

”Nice one, Ebon,” Shanae called to her Pokemon, jogging over. The Houndour sniffed, giving his trainer a light yip to acknowledge her aim before turning his head to continue watching the Pokeball intently. The Pokeball was still aglow, pausing in that state as if it were confused. Shanae and her Pokemon waited patiently for the Pokeball to make up its mind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Feyhollow Town


Raven shrugged, "Sure, seems as good a place as any to go looking." For some reason he had a good feeling about this. The pair diverted course to the river and Raven looked around expectantly. "Well I-" His words were interupted by an odd noise above him and he quickly stepped backwards. Sure enough something dropped from above and stuck itself into the ground. Upon closer inspection one could see that it was in fact a weedle that appeared to have dived headfirst from above in an effort to attack Raven, and now was momentarily stuck in the ground. Raven crouched down next to it and scanned it with his Pokedex, looking at it curiously. The poor thing seemed rather distressed, wriggling back and forth in an attempt to free itself. "Oliver why don't you give this little guy a hand." Raven said, grinning at its antics. Oliver jumped down and also exaimened it, sniffing it curiously for a moment or two. Then he procceded to bat it with his paw and weedle rolled away a couple of feet. Not at all the worse for wear, the weedle regained its feet with an oddly determined look on its face.

If one had to compare it with another weedle they would find that this one was a little smaller and seemed to be missing the tail spike that most weedles normally had. Raven couldn't resist a laugh at the bug's fiercness. "Well you clearly you want a fight so I'll have to oblige you won't I?" Raven asked himself. "Oliver, looks like you're up again, let's not be too rough with him alright?" At these words the weedle seemed to be enraged and managed to lunge foward with surprising speed, intent on striking Oliver with the horn on the top of its head. "Oliver, dodge to the side and headbutt." Surprising speed for a weedle was still too slow to hit Oliver and with a grin of superiority Oliver moved to the side, just barely letting the horn pass by him and butted his head into the weedle while it was still in the air. Once again the weedle was sent tumbling away. This didn't seem to discourage it and this time it turned and fired a burst of string at Oliver. Raven's voice rang out confidently once more "Quick attack." Oliver moved fast enough that normal eyes could barely track him and he slammed into the weedle from the side, having avoided the shot with ease.

Once again the weedle was sent rolling, colliding roughly with a tree. Raven tutted softly, "Now now little weedle, don't you think that's enough?" His question was met with a strange sort of angry desperation and the weedle attacked again in desperation. "Oliver dodge, but stop attacking." Raven stared at the weedle intensly as Oliver once again evaded its strike. He glanced at his Pokedex again. "Huh, so that's it." He said softly to himself. The righted itself itself for the last time and lunged at Raven instead of Oliver. It was promptly met with a Pokeball to the face and it vanished with a *zap* of red light. The Pokeball rolled twice before coming to rest. Raven grabbed pocketed the Pokeball with a smile, "Don't you worry, we're gonna be great friends."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Feyhollow Town Outskirts

Leisy watched as Raven and Oliver battled the strange tan-and-red worm Pokemon. Her Pokedex kindly informed her that the Pokemon was Weedle, a poison type. Poison type! Leisy thought, eyes wide as she scanned the information on the Pokemon type. Weak against ground and psychic types and strong against grass and fairy types, the typing seemed to be mostly paired with bug and grass types. Clapping when Raven successfully captured the Pokemon.

”That was awesome!” Leisy said, eyes glowing as she jogged over to the boy. The ensuing battle has persuaded her to keep her distance, and now that it had ended Leisy could move freely again. ”Now we have to get to a Pokemon Center to heal him up,” Leisy said, clapping her hands together again as she looked around the forest. Seeing Raven catch the poison-type had made her want to find another Pokemon as well. Now that the woods had become denser and darker, there were probably new Pokemon to find—Pokemon native to Feyhollow.

”Wanna walk around some more? Or are you planning on heading to town first?” Leisy asked, frowning. She didn’t want to split from Raven yet, but at the same time they both had different goals in mind. With daylight rapidly approaching its end, Leisy figured that she should use her time wisely.

Shanae Eller

Central City Outskirts - Forest

The Pokeball blinked once before dulling in color, accepting its fate. Shanae did an inner happy dance. Thank god she didn’t have to loose her fiery Pokemon on the poor plant Pokemon!

”Way to go, Ebon!” Shanae said, grinning as she picked up the classic ball. Her seventh Pokemon—she’d almost forgotten the thrill it felt when you caught a Pokemon, the wave of pleasure and accomplishment. ”Mk then, back to Central we go,” Shanae said, breaking into a job beside her Houndour.

Memories of running through puddles in the rain and splashing up mud came back, and Shanae realized that she really was happy to be seriously training again. ”Race you to the Center, Ebon!” Shanae challenged with a grin. The Houndour let out an unamused grunt, speeding up beside his trainer.

// Leisy (HHG) - 1 extra TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Feyhollow Town


Raven's stare at the pokeball was interupted by Leisy coming up excitedly and congradulating him. Raven shrugged sheepishly, surprised by the praise. "Ah it wasn't that big of a deal. You're right though, I definatly need to get him to Pokemon Center, I think I'll do that first, plus I can pick up some more Pokeballs when I go into town." The Pokeball vanished into a pocket and Oliver took his customary place upon Raven's head, with a rather pleased smile on his face. Raven grinned, "Well I'm off to town, you gonna keep exploring or you coming with?" He asked, clearly moments away from walking towards town back via the path.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The road to the forest in which Feyhollow Town lay was not an exhaustive one, but the forest itself turned out to be another matter entirely. The overwhelming greenness of the place, from the thick brush on the ground to a profuse canopy that let very little light through, turned the path into the woods into a gaping maw that made Olivie furrow her brows. Upon entering, she couldn't shake the feeling that this verdant expanse was swallowing her up. Behind her, the visage of sunny meadows faded away into the distance, and Olivie felt as she glanced back over her shoulder at it that her adventure into parts unknown was truly beginning. Her partner Pokemon, Buck, padded beside her. Determination battled against weariness in the little Bidoof's body, and for what must have been the tenth time Olivie reminded herself to seek out a Pokemon Center as soon as she arrived at the town. In contrast, her new Cacnea walked in front if her, full of energy and bravado, unafraid of the shadowy maze of trees.

In most intimidating situations, silence set the scene, but here Olivie found it was quite the opposite. The forest around her, in every direction, brimmed with noise. The songs of bugs and birds blended together into a cacophony that confounded the brunette's attempts to relax. Every inch of the place, from the flowers, to the unafraid Pokemon that she spotted moving among the plants or across the path, to the dappled sunlight, filled her with a sense of natural beauty and vivacity. If that's what it is, it suits me perfectly, she thought with a wry smile, but in reality the entire scene unnerved her just as much as it fascinated her. In the end, though, she trusted in her new companions, and in her own martial abilities, to take on whatever came her way.

Roughly twenty minutes into her walk, she spotted a column of light next to the path up ahead. When she drew near, she recognized it as a little clearing where a single tree had been felled and a bench erected on its stump for weary travelers to sit. Olivie did not count herself as tired just yet, but thankfully took the chance to rest the feet of her and her Pokemon alike. The rough-hewn nature of the bench struck her as pleasantly quaint, but it didn't quite compensate for the hardness of the seat. Buck hopped up next to her to flop onto his side, and the girl's Cacnea pulled itself up with its burly arms. Glancing around, Olivie found that the bench sat in the middle of a fanlike array of creeping vines, which seemingly slithered out from between the other plants to wrap like curtains around the legs of the bench. This interested her for only a moment, however, and she was quick to check up on her Pokedex to see what updates awaited her.

”Six trainer points, huh?” she asked her Pokemon, who did not respond. Unbothered, the nineteen-year-old continued, ”They sure go quickly...I only have one Pokeball left. I'll have to make sure I don't waste it on some loser.” Her thoughts landed squarely on the Karrablast. Had it been a mistake to pick it up too? After all, until she found a Pokemon Center, it wouldn't even be able to help her out. As she mused on this, an ad popped up on her Pokedex, and as Olivie instinctively moved to close it, she happened to read something that bid her pause. Her interest piqued, she examined the ad. ”Hm. There's some team calling itself League Prime that sponsors battlers. Extra trainer points...?” Her eyebrows raised quizzically, but her decision had already been made. ”Hell yeah! We've got a lot of asses to kick before we're in the big leagues, so we might as well get bonuses for it.” The Cacnea watched her with renewed interest as she accessed the League Prime's site. Deftly her long fingers entered her information into a membership request form, and only a few moments later the application was on its way. ”Nice.” She looked up, taking in the forest around her, and putting the Pokedex away as she did. ”Well, let's get to it. Sooner we get to town, the better.” As she got up, her cactus companion hopped down after her, and Buck heaved himself to his feet to follow along.

Unbeknownst to her, a large, dark, angular shape began to move as well, steadily plodding through the underbrush as it pursued her.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Feyhollow Town Outskirts

Leisy hesitated when Raven voiced wishes to head to town. Looking back to the forest behind her, Leisy realized the day was ending quickly. ”I’m going to stay here for a bit more,” she said, frowning. She didn't want to part ways with Raven but there was no other way for her to continue exploring. Their goals were different for the moment, and she would have to accept that.

”See you back in town?” Leisy asked Raven, giving him a wave as the pair parted ways. Looking at her Pokemon, Leisy smiled again. ”Alright, where to now?”

Shanae Eller

Central City

Shanae skidded to a stop in front of the Central City Pokemon Center, panting as she shot the Houndour waiting outside the building a glare. Tipping his head in mock confusion, Ebon looked at his trainer innocently. ”Never going to take it easy on me, Ebon?” Shanae asked, straightening up and giving her trusty black-and-orange Pokemon a ruffle on its head before walking into the Pokemon Center.

Automated doors parted for the trainers, revealing the young woman who manned the front couter in the Center. The last time Shanae had come, Martha had still been the regular nurse, but the woman had since moved to the Orange Islands to get the “full extent of paradise on Earth.”

”Hello!” Shanae said, walking up to the counter and giving the nurse a cheerful smile. ”Can I get this Hopip healed?”” she asked, handing the now-occupied classic ball to the nurse—Danielle, as her name tag read.

“Sure thing,” Danielle said, taking the Pokeball from Shanae with a polite smile. Looking at it, Danielle gave Shanae a knowing grin. “New Pokemon?”

”Yep!” Shanae said, returning the grin. ”That obvious, huh? Seventh Pokemon.” Nodding, Danielle popped the Pokeball into the machine behind her, pressing a button to start it up.

// Leisy (HHG) - 1 extra TP
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Tommy wondered to himself where he'd be most likely to see this Meloetta before Cici asked him about what Pokemon he wants to see and he shrugs. "There aren't really any specific ones I want to see. I'm looking to catch every type under the rainbow if I can. Though if I had to pick a legendary to see...or even hear, I would say Rayquaza. Or even Latios. Both are dragon types, but Latios is also supposed to be psychic. Anyways, wanna hit up the mart before we head out?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shanae Eller

Central City - Pokemon Center

Technology these days, Shanae thought, taking a moment to admire how fast and efficient the machine worked. The nurse returned with the Pokeball within the minute, handing it back.

“You should probably figure out which Pokemon you’re going to drop off,” Danielle said, a polite smile on her face again. Shanae’s eyes widened slightly. Of course! she thought, internally facepalming as she looked down at the Pokeball in her hands. I now have seven Pokemon, which means I’ll have to store on in the PC.

Thanking Danielle, Shanae walked over to the machine beside the counter, looking at it warily. Sure she’d heard about the system and even read up on its inner workings, but the PC storage box had always seemed so intimidating. What did it feel like to be stored in a PC? Was it like drifting in limbo? Dreaming? Or was it a dreamless sleep in which Pokemon would think about the world? The possibilities were endless, and Shanae felt a wave of beginner-trainer uncertainty roll over her.

Ebon nudged his trainer, eyes solid and serious as he stared up at her. Giving her Pokemon a thankful smile, Shanae quashed the unease inside. As indecisive as she was, her choice was clear: she’d leave the Hopip. Her other Pokemon weren’t yet evolved nor high-leveled enough for higher-tier battles, and she still had a long way to go before challenging a competition or the like.

After dropping the Pokeball in and watching the Hopip appear on the PC screen, Shanae signed off her account and let the screen go black. At least I don’t have to switch out any of my main six, she thought with a sigh. Yet.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven Heartwood - Feyhollow Town

Raven made it to town without further incident and managed to quickly find himself a Pokemon center, getting both Oliver and Weedle fully restored, despite the fact that Oliver hadn't taken any damage. Call it just in casies. He then made a purchase of several Pokeballs in case he ran into anything else he wanted to catch, along with a stylish belt to hold them on. What to do now? Lesiy said they were going to meet up back again in town. Well it would be a good time to get to know his new Pokemon and explore the town. Raven found a convenient bench and released Weedle from his Pokeball. The small larva like pokemon landed on the bench next to him and looked around briefly before putting its head down dejectedly. Raven shook his head briefly before grinning and depositing a handful of leaves in front of it. The Weedle looked surprised and sniffed the leaves cautiously, then looked at Raven even more surprised. Raven had a cheeky grin on his face, "Surprised right? I know you like leaves and I was betting you liked sugary ones more, so I snagged a few for ya." The Weedle, rather than pondering this any longer, began nibbling them eagerly. "Don't you worry buddy, I don't know why you were like that, but you don't have to worry about that kinda stuff anymore." Raven had a sneaking suspicion that Weedle was a bit of a runt of the litter. The lack of a tail spike, the odd desperation in attacking, the lack of any other weedles or even Beedrills around. Above all else the Weedle had that feeling of loneliness. Ah well, as he'd just said, it didn't matter anymore.

@Balthazar007 Purchase 2 Pokeballs
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 6 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Central City


Cici took the last sip of her coffee. "Yeah, variety's a good idea," she replied. As much as she liked electric types, she was also open to the idea of catching any Pokemon as long as she got along with them.

The twinge of self-doubt from the conversation with Sarah hadn't fully faded, though. That comment about her lack of effort... Could she really be a successful trainer? Pokemon were good, loyal friends, more so than humans were to each other, but could she take on the responsibility of having over two hundred of them? No matter how much she told herself it didn't matter what other people thought, former friends had a tendency to get under each other's skin.

"Anyway, yeah," she said, standing up. "You ready?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Tommy nodded, standing as well and beckoning to Amica who hopped on his head again. "Ready and willing. Let's hit the mart and then the road. To Feyhallow we go!" He turned on a heel and faced the Pokemart, intent on getting going quickly. He started walking and whistling, running through a couple of jazz scales as he went.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leisy Takigawa

Feyhollow Town Outskirts

Leisy’s eyes were peeled wide in the sunset light, darting around for a glimpse of another Pokemon she hadn’t yet met. All around there were strange Pokemon that she didn’t know about. Spinarak, Weedle, Kakuna, Wurmple--the list went on and on. Leisy’s Pokedex was like a holy grail in these moments, both her friend and enemy.

Why is there no function to save past scans? Leisy thought, whirling around to find yet another Pokemon--A big purple and green moth named Dustox that flapped away before she could even form another thought. She couldn't even be angry at the annoyingly useful device as it was performing to the best of its ability. As the forest floor wasn’t the best terrain for webbed feet adapted for aquatic environments, Leisy had returned Naunet into her Pokeball. Bidein was quietly sitting in her shoulder through all the quiet creeping and scanning, watching every movement intently in case it posed a danger to his trainer.

”How do you feel about an early evening hike, Dei?” Leisy whispered to her Pokemon, eyes draw to the mossy mouth of a yawning cavern.

Shanae Eller

Central City

A late lunch—or early dinner, depending on how you looked at it—at the rather upscale Blooming Sunflora made Shanae sleepy, but the sun was still out and the night not yet born. Shanae returned her Pokemon, leaving Ebon the only one out as she usually did as she headed back towards the Pokemart. Having checked her Trainer Point balance while she was eating, Shanae knew what she was going to do. It’d take a lot of points, but it had to happen.

Walking in, she greeted the clerk who took the evening shift--Marcus--and pointed to the shard sitting on display behind him. ”I’ll take one evolution shard, if you’d please.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Sorry for the long wait) Damian smiled happily. "sounds good to me buddy" he said giving Cillian a pat on the back as he started to walk off again in their given direction. "and I will be right here along aide you to push you to the top". Damian was excited to get into character and help move with this other boy.it was exciting to know someone shared at least past of his aspirations. Damian too wanted to be all that he could be and that is what gives him his drive.

"come on we better get a move on if we want to get there and get a hotel before sundown".the two boys had been standing around talking for quite some time and it was starting to get later. Damian hadent even noticed until they started moving again but the matter was that they really needed to get moving.

With a small jog Damian took off as he started to notice the other town over the horizon. "come on let's go" he said excitedly as his small jogstarted to turn to a dead sprint with growlithe slowly picking up behind him. Hopefully Cillian wouldn't be left behind but Damian was ready to bolt off and get to the new town he had never even seen before today. @Dusksong
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