Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to Bridgewater

Bridgewater is a unique town where the stores, homes, and castle are built over The River Joy. The town is economically rich and is one of the major trade ports in Rin. The best way to reach Bridgewater is of course by boat. Boat is also the best way to leave. Many luxuries, oddities, and expensive niceties can be found in Bridgewater, and many a gold coin can easily be lost in such a place, whispering temptations from its every shadow and alley.

There is a major Bridge Rat problem. The massive rats are responsible for consuming majority of the cities trash, while also leaving their plague-filled feces all over. The sick crowd the alleys, while the rich live above them on the bridges.

Crime lurks beneath the feet of many. The smuggling of illegal narcotics are moved across ship, into the sewers, and into the hands of the wealthy. It is commonly sold to brothels to increase business. A prominent gang known simply as the Bridge Lords occupy Bridgewater and claim it as their territory. The gang has many members under the bridge, and have exploited the struggle felt by those who live in the ghetto.

The Bridge Lords are run by Jack Johnson.

Other Notable and Prominent Figures

Current Setting

Greased Oak Tavern

The Greased Oak Tavern is usually empty during the day and comes alive at sunset. Like a beast stirred from its sleep, if you're seeking chaos, then the higher the moon, the greater the activity. Bar fights are a prevalent occurrence. Every now and then, some mercenary becomes sore after losing in a game of cards. The piano rolls no matter if the place were burning down. They say the pianist will burn down with it before he stops getting tips. The ale flows like the River Joy and the women...heavens, the women! The tavern is stocked full of everything.

Juicy Girls

They are quite beautiful and they'll feed you endless mugs of ale just to take you to bed and rob you blind. Traveler be warned! They're the tavern's best business.

The Greased Oak, despite all the chaos, guarantees a good night's sleep and the best beer and food in town!

Quest Board

A RPG can't be complete without quests. The Quest Board can be found posted about town, leading to crazy plots either the entire party or a few party members can complete. Whoever decides to be the party leader must choose to pick who they want to go. Meanwhile, those not on quest can partake in other quests and shenanigans.

  • The Fat King - "Oy, that Fat Willy up there on tha' bridge thinks he's jus' gonna let us rot! We, the Bridge Lords are gonna show his fat arse a thing or two. Y'see the slobs actualleh plannin' ta' leave his castle for once, and he's gonna leave his women at 'ome. Most ov'tha' guards gonna be escortin' tha' king, which means we're gonna sneak in, steal some loot, and some lovelies while we at it. Maybe use tha' gals fo' ransom!"
    King's Request: Guard the Queen and Princess.
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): 3
    Reward: Plenty of Gold to get the party to the next location comfortably, food, wine, and three days at an Inn.
    Level Up: Yes.
  • Bridge Rat Infestation - "Help! They're everywhere and they're eaten us! Oh gods! What is that? A monster! Aargh!"
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): Everyone
    Level Up: Yes
    Reward: Rat King Skull (someone might want this); Rat King Heart (someone might want this)
  • Stolen Daughter - "Please! Someone! The bandits took my daughter! Please, help!"
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): 1
    Level Up: Yes
    Reward: Health Potions x3
  • Boss: Jack Johnson and the Bridge Lords - LOCKED

Some quests and their results will unlock other quests or more quests called Side Quests can appear. Some quests may permanently lock other quests, so be careful what you choose. When all quests for the area have been completed or if the party acquires enough funds to move on, then the party will do so to the next location.

Tagging System

[b]Level:[/b] 1
[b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning, Noon, Afternoon, or Evening
[b]Location:[/b] Try to specify where you are. Just saying Tavern isn't good enough. The tavern is huge! So for example, Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - So-and-So's Bedroom or at a table in the main lounge.
[b]Tagging:[/b] Who your character is directly talking/interacting with. [b]Mentioned:[/b] Who your character may have mentioned in their post but he or she isn't directly or currently interacting with them. Use the mention button for both categories!

Be sure to use this tagging system so that the game can flow smoothly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open Mentioned: Open

The warrior approached the large, wooden round table where it was decided last night to be the place where the guild would meet. His hand rested on the back of the chair and he slid it back, its wooden feet grinding across the stone floor. The large man that dumped into the seat was sickly-pale. He looked about as white as his hair and his yellow eyes were bloodshot. A blood spot was at the right corner of his hairline with streams of dried blood running down the side of his face—a brawl-wound mayhaps?

The dragon leaned his greatsword against the table and eased back in his seat with a rumbling groan. He leaned until the chair creaked beneath him. His head and arms pathetically dangled. Gods, he felt like death. From the pits of his stomach, a hot magma-like wave of vomit surged up his throat into his mouth chamber, causing his cheeks to inflate. So that he didn’t dump his insides all over the floor (he had done enough of that already), he inhaled deeply through his nostrils, his chest expanding and belched a stream of fire into the air. The fiery pillar extended three feet above his face, incinerating the chum before it could spill anywhere. The firestream stopped once he felt all the spew had been burned and he leaned upwards in a coughing fit. Black clouds of smoke left his mouth on each cough before the weight of his skull thunked against the table.

No closed his eyes and just waited for the damn meeting to happen as he wished he had just stayed in bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Raven
Level: 1
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Thief
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The meeting spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Holy Soldier (No) Mentioned: Open

Raven walked up to the Tavern with a hop in her step. She loved the opportunity for more gold, and a guild meeting that broke them up into parties for missions meant a lot of gold. Her long black hair flowed freely, and her dark violet colored lips formed a smirk. As she scanned the room, Raven saw a large man burp fire up above him. He looked like death, which Raven has a lot of experience in what death looks like. He must be having a bad day. she chuckled as the thought crossed her mind.

Raven walked over to the round table. She pulled back the chair and sat down delicately. She crossed her ankles and laid her left arm on the table, while her right arm rested on her right thigh. She really was amused by the man who now had his head across the table. She contemplated saying something to him and decided she should. "Rough night, huh?" Her smooth voice spoke. She wondered if he would even answer, which wasn't likely judging by his current state.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Ayemdar Mentioned: Open

Rough night, huh?

The dragon had drifted off briefly without even realizing that he had. His eyes cracked open when he heard a feminine voice that had been so smooth that he hoped the voice matched the woman. The warrior sat up straight in his chair and upon glancing across the table at the sexy thief, he tried to play off his hangover. He rested a folded arm on the back of his chair, puffed out his chest proudly, and eased back comfortably. The air of arrogance had just thickened.

“I had me some Beau Bey last night,” he bragged, which wasn’t exactly a conversation a man would have with a pretty woman, but then again, No wasn’t exactly refined. He then frowned in contemplation as he tried to recall what had even happened last night. “…I can’t remember what happened though. It must have been good.”

His façade started to falter as he felt a wave of nausea come over him. He slowly started to lean, no longer having the strength to stay up. His cheeks puffed with what left his lips as black smoke before he pathetically returned to resting upon the table with the side of his head plastered against the surface.

“Ugh, shit…I think I drank too much last night.”

He closed his eyes to resume his suffering.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier @Ayemdar Mentioned: No, Raven

Gwendolyn could already tell she was going to have a swell time as part of this guild. As she exited the stairs and spotted the table, she could already spot her two fellow compatriots. One had obviously drunk too much last night and was dealing with a hangover and a bloody head How did he get the head wound?, and his attire marked him as a regular barbarous type. The other might not be so bad, but had tried to start a conversation with the brute, definitely social then. "Last chance to back away and come up with some other plan to make money. What other plan?" And sighing, she screwed her shoulders and walked over to the battlefield called socializing.

"Looks more like he had a good time last night." Gwendolyn replied to the half-elf as she neared the table. "It's this morning that's rough for him." Then she neared No and said, "Hold still." Before casting heal for his bleeding head wound and cure for the headache and nausea. Satisfied with her work, Gwendolyn sat down then realized she'd forgotten something. "My name's Gwendolyn by the way" she offered while alternating her hand between No and Raven to see who would shake it first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open Mentioned: @Holy Soldier (No), @Cyrania (Gwendolyn), @Ayemdar (Raven)

Damn appointments... He hated appointments! At least it was in the morning, the time the Greased Oak would be rather empty. At least that was what people said. The gargoyle had not yet experienced this himself due to a significant lack of coins to spend for the delicious meat they offered. Again, that was what people said.

In the cold morning air, Kerylun discharged a cloud of condensed water every few seconds. The rather loud breathing noise was telling a story about how much air he needed just for maintaining his usual, slow pace that gave most people ample opportunities to pass him or cross his way. It raised the question why he was walking when he had wings to fly with. It would certainly have been faster and saved his naked feet from unrecognized and direct contact with a tiny bit of disgusting dirt here and there, but what would people say when he would circle above their heads until they finally made enough room for a proper landing ? Not that he cared that much about the welfare of humans, but he cared about the welfare of his nerves!

Finally, Kerylun had reached his destination and squeezed through the doorframe. Another gasp, but this one broke with the rhythm. Was that smoke ? Sure, there were candles all over the place, but this smelled different. Yet the creature had arrived too late to observe the cause for it. He looked around, his ember eyes scanning the room. Three persons were sitting or standing around the table in question: A half-elf, a quite large human-looking male and another elf that seemed to be busy taking care of him. The gargoyle reached for two chairs, turned each of them around so that their backs faced the table and slowly sat down with straddled legs and his tail not being blocked by a backrest. He really wasn't sure if and how long the furniture would support his weight. "Good morning. How are you doing ?" His words were more adressed towards the elves than to No, who seemed rather busy dealing with whatever had happened to him. Maybe this guy would continue doing just that... it would be a nice thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Raven
Level: 1
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Thief
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The meeting spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Holy Soldier @Cyrania @Fetzen Mentioned: Open

Raven watched as the man lifted his head and boasted about his "adventure" last night. She couldn't suppress her chuckle when the nausea hit him again. Before she could say much more or even think more on the subject, she heard someone say Looks more like he had a good time last night. It's this morning that's rough for him. She then watched as an elf neared No and healed his head wound and hangover. Now thanks to you, he might have a good day as well." The elf extended her hand and introduced herself as Gwendolyn. Raven reached out and grasped the hand for a handshake. "I'm Raven. Looks like we're in the same guild."Raven gave a smirk, she didn't normally full out "smile", because they always contain a glint of mischievousness.

Raven scanned the room, curious to see who else had gathered in the tavern. Their table had the three of them. The rest of the tavern wasn't that busy, mornings aren't exactly peak times. Many people were still sleeping off the ale. She never saw the appeal of getting drunk every night, Raven actually hardly partook in ale at all. She'd rather be aware of her surroundings. Her reputation isn't one of sunshine and rainbows after all.

A gargoyle interrupted Raven's thoughts. She looked over at him and responded, "Morning to you too. I'm doing just fine, and yourself?" Some felt Raven's friendliness was a bit odd for her profession. But she felt friendly relationships with those that helped her get gold, was a good thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Ayemdar (Raven), @Cyrania(Gwen), @Fetzen (Ker) Mentioned: Open

No hadn’t said a word as he rested and attempted to forget the miserable situation he was in. Another feminine voice was heard, and his eyelids parted, revealing his golden eyes blearily peering up at the elf.

Hold still.

A cool and pleasant sensation washed over his body and suddenly his nausea seemed to fade. The gash on his head sealed up, leaving behind only dried and old blood. The dragon’s eyes widened in surprise as he sat upwards with a spurt of rejuvenated energy.

My name’s Gwendolyn by the way.

The warrior regarded the cleric who was offering her delicate hand. The chair ground loudly as Gwen would suddenly discover that the dragon had scooted closer to her. Her personal bubble had been breached as he sat next to her with his legs shamelessly wide about her chair. He rested his weight upon his elbow on the table as he took her fae-beauty in with a shameless and toothy grin.

“I owe you, beautiful. My name’s No, short for a much longer name that most can’t say,” he introduced himself. He then pointed a thumb at himself. “I’m a dragon, girl. You couldn’t find a better companion than me.”

Good morning. How are you doing?

The dragon’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head just to peer over his deltoid at the…he was a pretty big guy. No sized him up for a minute, before his brows furrowed a little, giving the creature a look that said, Piss off, I’m working here! Before he turned his attention back to the elf cleric.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: "Lizzy".
Level: 1.
Race: Gnome.
Class: Wizard.
Date/Time: Day 1/Morning.
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Fetzen.
Mentioned: Kerylun.

"Hmph! What a troublesome place at a troublesome time." Lizbeth huffed and puffed as she stomped down the stairs that led to the tavern's second floor. She quickly scanned the main hall, noticing how it was pretty much devoid of any meaningful life forms (then again, it was always like this) and the bad smell of burnt things, greasy foods, watered down drinks and, worst of all, terrible music. With this much bad qualities going for it, one had to wonder why this place was still running?

Either way, Lizzy had agreed on meeting her allies here, therefore she needed to fulfill her end of the promise, like she or not. And so Lizzy trailed to the table where some of those who were supposed to be gathered, met already. "You could have at least chosen an establishment that offered properly sized chairs, for this meeting." Were the first words that left Lizzy's mouth as she joined the group and, with some effort, reached to the chair that was set for her before hand, siting at a wooden crate that was over that chair, before giving a hard stare at everyone. Lizzy's eyes settled over the living brick that hogged two chairs for himself, the gnomish wizard didn't say a single word, but her eyes seemed to try to bore a hole on Kerylun's brow for his shameless display of spaciousness.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: Open
Mentioned: Open, @Holy Soldier

Kai scratched his head while walking inside the Greased Oak Tavern. "I'd already told them I sleep around this time, yet they still went ahead and arranged a freaking guild meeting..." He mumbled, while the rest of his incoherent talk was buried under the lively tavern atmosphere. Nevertheless, it had been some time since their last guild meeting, and Kai wouldn't miss one for anything. He walked over to the stairs, not giving the main hall a second glance, and ascended to the second floor where the others were bound to be.

The second floor was quieter and had a more loungey feeling. Nothing like the wild, merry feeling one would get when he first walked into the inn and was greeted with the smell of wine and beer, as well as the sound of drunken laughter. He scanned the second floor for any familiar faces. "Damn charcoal, he always stands out like a sore thumb..." Kai thought and sighed when he recognised No sitting with a group. He walked towards the table, plopped in an empty seat, and put his legs on the table while leaning back. "Yo," he greeted everyone with a smile and a two-finger salute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Day/time:day 1/morning
Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak
Tagged:@Cyrania Mentioned:Open

Reavus was walking down the streets of the town he had just moved into taking in all the new smells.'is that pie?'he went down the street to bakery. He looked at pies wondering which ones tasted as good as they smelled. He decided to play it safe and get a pie he always liked. He looked up at the Baker and realized from the look on the Baker's face he drooling again."like my pies that much huh?" The Baker was smirking as I wiped of the saliva while still looking at the pies."these smell amazing, can I get two apple pies? he said grabbing the sack of gold in his pocket."that'll be ten gold" the Baker was already grabbing the pie. Reavus simply tossed the Baker the his his small sack of gold with 14 gold in it."keep the change" he was already walking towards the smell of ale and puke that he assumed was the greased oak.

Reavus walked in carrying two fresh apple pies from down the street.'everyone likes pie right?'after taking a look around he came to the table with his new guild members."this is the guild meeting right?and excuse my poor looking cloth I tend to buy cheaper clothing to save money for food." he asked the elf while while putting one of the pies down in the middle of the table. He could already tell this would be fun based of the oddballs already here. One of them being the person who smell led him here. He sat himself in the chair and began eating his pie without using his hands like he was used to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JackalopeLove
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JackalopeLove A Loser

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: "Elel".
Level: 1.
Race: Elf.
Class: Bandit.
Date/Time: Day 1/Morning.
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Fetzen @Raizin.

Elel is never in a very good mood and today is no exception to that rule. She hates going into town, mostly because she interacting with other people, but apparently they were offering some good money at the Greased Oak today so reluctantly Elel was headed that way. Ahead of her, she could see odd people entering the large establishment each one seemed like an interesting character that Elel would hate to interact with. Teamwork is necessary Cary for some of the jobs that are there so Elel is absolutely willing to work on a job with someone if she gets paid, it is just the terrible chit chat before the job that makes her want to jump off a cliff.

When she finally entered the tavern and saw the group that was assembled it was nearly laughable. She walked over without a word and sat down in her chair with a thud then kicked her feet up on the table and looked around. The first person that caught Elels eye was the tiny gnome, she looked grumpy already and who doesn't like an angry little person. She followed the gaze of the furious baby sized person to see what she was staring, and that led to the world's ugliest statue. There might not be a better way to describe him, just a giant ugly mess of a creature. She continued to look around the table at the odd characters, but she didn't really care much, she just wanted the gold. So she leaned back in her chair just waiting for the grouping to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Holy Soldier@Raizin@Ayemdar@Fetzen@Vec@KoL@JackalopeLove

Gwendolyn just froze as other people trickled into the scene, too stunned by the utter audacity of the so-called "dragon." He was way too close and definitely flirting. The smell of apple pie eventually snapped her out of it, resulting in her pushing her chair back, loading her bow, and aiming it at No's heart. "Stay away from me." she yelled, then sat herself at a different chair between the half-elf and the gnome before putting away her weapons.

Then she turned to the pie-bearing newcomer and smiled, "Yes, this is the meeting place. And I'm sure most people would like pie. Thank you." Then she sliced herself a piece and ate, more delicately than the newcomer, but she was not going to complain about table matters when there were worse faults. Then she got a good look about who all had arrived and said,"Is this everyone? If so, then we better get this meeting started."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Ayemdar@Cyrania@Fetzen@JackalopeLove@Raizin@Vec@KoL Mentioned: Open

The rejection had been more than cold. She hadn’t even given him a chance and she even drew a weapon on him. The barb forced a grin, trying to play off the drama she had created and salvage any fragment of his pride that he could find. His brows twitched a bit as the elf chose to rise and change seats to get as far away from him as she felt comfortable.

No faced the table to see some weird human talking about pies. His golden eyes glanced down at the one in the center of the table. The smell of the pie made his stomach ache, and a loud groan soon sounded from it as though a beast were roaring from inside it. He could have used some steak and eggs at that moment. His hand went to his belt, expecting to find a plump wallet full of coin only to feel nothing but his hip. Frowning, the dragon patted all about his belt frantically before he scooted back in his chair and stood, searching around the vicinity of the table.

His eyes grew in size as the possibility of him having been robbed dawned on him. When had it happened? His eyes accusatively went to the thieves at the table. He wasn’t sure they were thieves but they obviously dressed like them. Neither of them had approached him though.

Already in a bad mood after he was rejected so mercilessly, No’s hands balled into large fists that he slammed upon the table, but not hard enough to shatter it. It made the pie leap into the air and a loud bang to demand everyone’s attention. Baring his jagged teeth, his near stark-white hair bristled like hackles as he growled, “Who stole my wallet? I work too *****ing (chat censor) hard to have some ****ing punk steal my hard-earned gold! WHO STOLE IT!?”

Gold was one of the dragon’s lovers, and he didn’t like being separated from her. Even more so now that he was hungry, cranky, and recovering from rejection. He felt like he could kill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Ayemdar @KoL @Holy Soldier Mentioned: @JackalopeLove @Raizin @Vec

"I'm doing quite fine. You ?" It was a bit of a lie. With humans in close proximity he did less fine and more boiling. Yet it wasn't him who seemed to have the need for letting off steam. No's facial expression towards him was enough to make the decision to not even try and engage a friendly dialogue with this guy who had just tried to 'explain' his name. Perhaps 'No' was just short for 'Nobody you should take care of because he's a big fat a****** ?'. The gargoyle didn't say this, he just thought it and let go of a subtle grin while doing so.

Kerylun felt being stared at. It took a noticeable moment for the gargoyle to recognize the tiny person that had required a crate to be stacked onto the chair to reach a proper height. Gosh... was this a gnome ? A shiver ran down his spine when he tried to imagine being that small... She could accidentally get hit or even stepped on at any time, Ker thought. He would have to be careful. Perhaps it was this why she tried to bore a hole into him with her stare ? He stared back, his huge pupils being black holes that tried to suck out Lizzy's thoughts, but not for long. He didn't dare to extend his claws towards her for a greeting, perhaps it could be misinterpreted. Ker made a mental note to try and talk to her later.

It was only after three more persons, a seemingly very casual human that appeared like the opposite to No with his complete lack of grumpyness, another man who seemed to have the same attitude when it came to clothing like himself, and an Elf that just had escaped major disturbance by not openly telling him that he was the ugliest statue in the world, that the largest of the other men got his response for his... let's say quick approach. It was a fierce one and the sight of a weapon being drawn and directed at one of the future party members at THIS early stage made him arch his eyebrows. But it got even worse when No decided to start yelling and throw out random accusations.

Ker slowly, but audibly clenched his claws, causing them to leave superficial scratches on the wooden table. "Well, don't look at me. If I had had any interest in your purse I would have ripped it out of your pocket and spread its content across this whole floor so everyone would have been able to participate." The gargoyle's voice was as calm as it could be considering his stature, yet it was cold like stone. There were humans and humans - this one seemed to be the latter category!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open

The door of the Greased Oak was pushed open without much in the way of fuss, allowing the young man dressed as a street magician who pushed it open to step into the shelter of the tavern. Keith glanced around to have a look at what kind of crowd was present; A wide range of characters of different races, backgrounds and motivations mingling together (with a possibly violent situation brewing in the air)... pretty much just another normal day for the Greased Oak really.

Normally Keith didn't bother to get up at such an early hour of the day; To perform he needed people with money and people with money only tended to get out of bed a few hours after the sun had risen and heated the world up a little bit... a state of affairs that suited Keith just fine if he said so himself. Still... he had an appointment to keep. An oppotunity for him to not only earn himself a bit more treasure then the average day entertaining the peasants, but to also meet a few other... needs without causing to much of a stir among the authorities.

Looking among the crowd that had already gathered, he sized it up with a predatory drive as he removed a stack of cards from his pocket. Without paying attention to the cards themselves, he broke the deck in half before he started to juggle the two halves without losing a card. After a few seconds of juggling two 'decks' he somehow managed to break the two in half without stoping, resulting in him juggling four small 'decks' at once.

Almost at random, he caught two 'decks' in each hand before putting the two back together, shuffling it in a more mundane way before walking up to the nearest member of the gathering and fanning the deck out for them to draw a card from. "Pick a card, any card. Feel free to show everyone around you but don't let me see it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seth awoke to the sound of a door closing gently. No creaking of the wood, no rusty hinges squeaking, just the slight tap of wood on wood as the door made contact with the frame and the mechanism inside the door locking it into place. He’d had a good night and felt rather well rested, but still turned over and noticed an indent in the mattress from his companion. It was still warm and smelled like her, he drew in a deep breath. In his mind a flurry of impressions came. Feminine curves, soft skin, brown hair, eyes, a dress falling to the floor… He couldn’t remember her face. He tried for a while, but apart from the eyes her face was empty He’d been sober last night… Reasonably sober at least. It was just that, she wasn’t memorable. One of those people you meet in a tavern and talk to, her name was utterly uninteresting, her ideas small and naive, her voice alluring. But that was also it, for Jess, Kate, Ann or whatever her name was, that was life and all life would be unless something happened that forced her to re-evaluate her existence.

He rolled into the crevice and breathed in her scent and warmth for a while longer before he opened his eyes. The room was very simple. There was a bed, obviously, a table and chair, which were both occupied with Seth’s clothes and equipment. A cupboard for storing said equipment which was empty and a small chamber pot under the bed, hopefully empty as well, Seth didn’t feel like checking just yet. Instead he yawned and threw of the blanket. Cool air came rushing toward him and reminded him about the importance of being dressed.
“My garments once I gave in the field
to two land-marks made as men;
heroes they seemed when once they were clothed;
'tis the naked who suffer shame!”
The old verse came to him from memory and as he finished reciting it he pulled his pants up and put the small pot back underneath the bed. Someone would come around and empty it during the day. The rest of his equipment was quickly donned and for an observer it would be obvious that the same ritual had taken place many times before. His arms and hands moved as if of their own will, holding things in place and tightening straps by pure muscle memory rather than a perception-based need. At last he tightened his belt and picked up his shield. The familiar weight felt as good on his left arm as a warm meal or dry socks. As he turned toward the door that had stirred him from his slumber he immediately realised something.
He was late!
The light shining in from the window had reached almost to the doorhandle, and the guild had set the meeting at dawn. His heart went into overdrive and his eyes widened as he hastily opened the door. He could feel a slight tug from the small muscles behind his ears as they picked up noise coming from below. Is was only a few meters, but it was best to appear keen, and he broke into a controlled run down the stair, where he stopped to observe the horrible scene that played out before him.

The room was mostly empty, which was normal for a tavern at the early hours, but a small gathering of people had amassed around a corner of the main lounge. As Seth rounded the corner and could see the entirety of what transpired an elf woman had suddenly drawn her bow at point blank range against a man, threatening him to stay away, and then almost instantly put it away to have a chat with another fellow. The man, looking more shocked than worried also left the situation unresolved and instead began looking for his money, which reminded Seth about checking his own purse. Grabbing the small leathery bag in his right hand, he weighed it carefully. As far as he could remember it wasn’t that much lighter than yesterday. Meaning that the woman he’d gone to bed with was either more trustworthy than her kind usually was, or horrible at math. Of course, one did not exclude the other.
As his concentration returned to the scene a large monstrous creature, demon or gargoyle jumped into the conflict with the missing money, claiming that he could easily rip the robbed man's moneypouch in half if he so desired.

That felt like a war waiting to happen. A few more moments and the two men would be at each other’s throats and every other person in the room would be caught in the wake of their fight. Seth strolled over, a confident walk with his shoulders and hips alternating, his back straight and steps long, like there was nothing in his way.
The monster and the man, who needed to be addressed first?, that was that thought that ran through his mind as each stride took him closer to the impending chaos. Then another verse hit him.
A wise counselled man will be mild in bearing
and use his might in measure,
lest when he come his fierce foes among
he find others fiercer than he.

“Calm down, man, you are making a spectacle of yourself!” He eyed both prospective fighters from up close and suddenly the coward in the back of his mind wished he’d stayed away, but the hero in his soul pushed him in between them, as far as the huge table would allow anyway.
“By the gods, you’re as big as a mountain, no one in their right mind would accuse you of stealing for it is clearly beneath you” He said to the monster and then instantly swiveled around to face the man and for the first time noticing the almost impossibly big sword.
“Settle yourself, please, I have yet to face a crook so hell-bent on death as to even think of robbing someone who carries around enough metal to supply a smith for a year. Call on your memory and you will surely find your money left beside the bed in which you spent the night.”
That felt pretty fitting. At least he should’ve been able to divert their hostile emotions toward himself instead of each other. A little more flattery and sweet talking and they should hopefully calm down.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops, @Holy Soldier, @Raizin
Mentioned: @Halvtand, @Fetzen, @Cyrania, @JackalopeLove, Open

Everyone seemed to be having fun in Kai's eyes. He scanned the group of people that had gathered and lightly chuckled. "This'll be interesting, to say the least," he snickered. When another man, presumably a fellow guild member, approached them holding pies in his hands and asking if anyone wanted any, Kai helped himself to a piece. "I'll have that!" He said before leaning back in his chair once more, this time with pie in hand. As he took a bite, he noticed the elf thief that had inserted herself within the group without saying anything and smirked at how similar her mannerisms seemed to his, albeit, she seemed to not be in a good mood at the time.

Out of nowhere, one of the girls suddenly stood up, brought out bow and arrow and pointed it towards No while screaming to stay away from her, much to everyone's surprise. Kai placed a hand on his forehead and sighed. "It was bound to happen eventually..." Kai knew of No and his reputation as a flirt, but he didn't think he would make a pass at someone so early in the morning. Apparently, Kai was mistaken.

Nevertheless, No seemed to get the message and didn't bother the girl anymore, and the table once again found peace. Sadly, nice things don't last long; No suddenly stood up and started shouting something about having his wallet stolen. Kai frowned and scratched his ear, "Do you really think that whoever stole it - if It was even stolen and you're not forgetting where you put it - would reveal themselves? 'Oh yeah! I did it!'" Kai mocked with half a smile.

Others interjected as well, trying to calm No down, like the knight, or outright refuting his claims, like the gargoyle. Kai nibbled on the piece of pie he had in his hand as he diverted his attention to the black-robbed magician that had just approached the group, and was holding a deck of cards, asking for someone to pick a card. "Oh, this ought to be more fun than whatever those guys are doing," Kai said as he stood up and quickly chose a card before anyone else could. "Let's see your tricks, master magician," he told Keith and after throwing a glance at it, put the card over his chest, not caring to show it to anyone other than himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Day/time:day 1/morning
Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak
Tagged:Open Mentioned:@Holy soldier@Bright_Ops@Vec@JackalopeLove@Halvtand

Reavus finished his pie just in time to notice the man who had been hungover getting pointed at by a bow and arrows the elf moved away yelling"Stay away from me!". 'I don't get how she plans to work with the guild if she can't stay calm here, but on the other hand I guess that big man probably did something stupid, with a scent like that it's likely he does stupid things often.'.

While Reavus was grabbing the rest of the second pie, the large man began throwing a fit about losing his gold. Reavus didnt really listen since if he'd had the money he would've just bought more pie. He also noticed a new smell at the table and turned to see a man who appeared to be a magician, doing magic for the cleric that had been sitting at the table. While at the same time a knight had come in to try to put a stop to the dragons accusations. Or maybe the knight was in the guild too. The people so far were so diverse he wondered if this could really work before starting on the rest of the other pie.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: Open, @Vec

It didn't take long for someone to step up and accept his 'challenge'. With a smile on his face, he watched as the admittingly handsome human man took a card before inspecting it, through he seemed to be keeping exactly what card it was to himself. It was of no consequence through; Giving the man enough time to fully inspect the card and burn it into his mind, Keith split the deck of cards in half expertly before holding one half of the deck forwards in an invitation as he politely commanded "If you'll return the card to the deck sir."
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