Character Name: Katherine. This is the name she chose for herself, it was not given to her. She had no actual name beforehand, but had to pick one since humans and most other creatures need a name to identify one another.
Age: 20 (or so she says)
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 117 lbs
Visual Description: I'm basing her off of Holo the Wise Wolf. If you don't know who that is, here's a picture (also, you NEED to watch Spice and Wolf. Like, right now)

Written Description: Unlike other kitsune, Katherine only has 1 tail, but she's supposed to grow more as she becomes stronger (read, levels up). She tries to conceal her fangs and keeps the whiskers on her face trimmed to keep a more "acceptable" appearance among humans. She has whiskers growing from the top of her wrists and the back of her ankles, which help her navigate in the dark and while climbing. She keeps these concealed under her clothes, however, unless she needs them. Despite trying her best to appear human, her fox ears and long tail give her away. She doesn't even try to conceal these, and she has found they appeal to humans, describing her ears and tail as "cute," "fluffy" and "adorable"
Level: 1
Class: Warrior
Abilities: For now write two abilities. You’ll be allowed to earn more as you level up. These are like special attacks or if your character is a mage, magic attacks. Some special attacks can be magical related. You need two.
1. Dash and Bash: Katherine can strengthen her aura around her and perform a short but ridiculously fast dash, with the full intention to smash into a desired target. Her aura will protect her from damage while delivering an impact equivalent to being hit by a moving truck onto the target.
2. Nine-tailed whiplash: With an inhuman, lighting speed, Katherine slashes at an enemy 9 times repeatedly with her spear. This causes an immense pain, some cuts and bruises, but considering she's wielding a spear, it would probably be more effective to thrust instead... However, Nine-tailed sting doesn't sound as appealing. Besides, what's the point in finding new toys if you can't play with them a little?
1. Parkour: Being quick and nimble, she will breeze through any movement-based action with an array of unnecessary flips, jumps, and wall-kicks. She can also use this to climb just about anything, from trees to buildings to perfectly solid, featureless, walls standing at a perfect 90 degree angle from the ground. Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there's a wall, she will climb it.
2. Hunting: Katherine prefers to track and hunt her own food rather than paying for it (though she can appreciate the delicacies found in civilized settlements). She finds hunting down and toying around with her prey "fun." Beware that not everything she hunts can be eaten by humans, and she has no idea what humans can and can't eat, so don't overly rely on her for food. Specially if you don't have a fire to cook what she normally eats raw.
Weapon: She wields a 10 feet long spear with a steel spearhead designed mostly for thrusting and very little in the way of cutting. Despite this, she mostly slashes and smacks her enemies with it. Because of this, she plans to get a spear with a sharpened blade and a reinforced shaft, so it won't be as easy to break or catch when she's smacking people around with it.
Katherine is very laid back, easy-going, fun-loving, lazy, and often gives off an air of incompetence, despite being a very capable fighter, smart, witty, calculative, and very perceptive of her surroundings. This air of incompetence leads people to underestimate her, which makes them easier targets for her to manipulate... and she is very manipulative. In fact, she takes pride on how easy it is for her to manipulate people into doing what she wants.
She doesn't initiate anything unless she absolutely has to. She normally sticks to the sidelines and lets others take over while she silently agrees or loudly disagrees with their plans, often sarcastically pointing out their flaws, but never taking the lead.
People can easily mistake her laziness and easy going nature as her simply not caring about anything or anyone but herself. However, she actually very deeply cares about those she considers her allies, and will jump in without a moment's hesitation when she perceives her allies to be in real danger. Notice I said REAL danger. If she believes the party can handle their own without her, she will take her usual laid back approach, and she will even attempt to step out and let the party handle the situation themselves while she finds a good tree to climb and sleep on.
Towards her party, she tends to be sarcastic, and loves picking on people, specially those who would be annoyed by her the most. She fills moments of silence with bad jokes and puns, intentionally trying to annoy her party.
She has very sadistic tendencies, which become more obvious when an enemy steps out of line, usually by putting an ally in danger. She finds pleasure in torturing said enemies, both physically and psychologically before finishing them off.
Whenever given the chance to do so, she will do anything to keep up with her party but walk alongside them. Instead, she will climb up walls and walk on high ledges or climb trees and follow alongside the party as she leaps from tree to tree. She finds the act of just walk boring. She is more reserved in public or when there's a need to keep up appearances.
She often sleeps on trees.
She has no definition of "personal space."
When she's excited, she rapidly (and uncontrollably) wags her tail from side to side. Her ears and whiskers will stand on end, sometimes even making her whiskers visible through her clothes.
She claims to be able to drink her wieght in alcohol without so much as getting tipsy... She's also an excellent liar.
Likes: Climbing. Relaxing. Reading. Playing mind games. Skinny-dipping.
Dislikes: Repetitive tasks. "Boring" people. Getting her tail stepped on. Unfortunately, when picking her name, she missed the fact that people named "Katherine" are often called "Kat" for short, which she hates. She's not a Kat. She's a fox.
Inventory: Empty