“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is Aether's imperative. Which means you'll need me to keep your hopes up.”O U T O F G A M E
N A M EElijah Lee
A G E17
G E N D E RMale
O N L I N E P E R S O N ATii
C L A S SNovice
L E V E L9
S T A T SHP - To Be Determined
MP - To Be Determined
S K I L L S / S P E L L S[Verse Spitter] — A passive skill that buffs the affects of his spells and attacks the faster he raps and the better they rhyme.
[Crowd Thriller] — During this verse, he passively buffs his own and his allies melee damage for a short time. [Verse Spitter Buff: As his allies gets thier hearts pumping and blood rushing to his music, thier mobility is also exponentially increased.]
[Freestyle King] — During this verse, enemies who are in listening distance are slowed, compelled to listen as he spits. [Verse Spitter Buff: The faster he spits, the stronger the slow, which maxes to reveal the enemies critical strike zone.]
I N V E N T O R YSteel Spear
Traveler’s Tunic
Health Potion [10]
S T O R A G E150 GS
"You gotta be kiddin' me!" Elijah's words weren't mumbled or harshly spat in hushed whispers, but screamed at the top of his lungs, much to the dismay of those around him. His frustration was clearly etched into his face, dissatisfaction boiled in his eyes as his lips drew back in a snarl. He had a life to live outside this world, a legacy to build, an album to create, and more verses for the world to hear.
And he was stuck here!
Elijah let out another frustrated scream as he began to pace. Why was his luck so bad! By some chance, he happened to be one of the few thousand who logged into the damn game at the wrong time, snagged by fates bullshit once again. It was one thing when he could unravel the situation, but it was different when he was basically slapped a life sentence.
"At least this is a sentence you can work you rway out of." Elijah let out a ragged breath, his throat burning and his voice raw from his screaming. He did have a way out, there had to be a way out. Nothing could hold him down, not his mother, nor his father, neither could his critics; if they couldn't, neither could this game.
"The art of duality, made real in this reality, i'll beat it through sheer, unbridled brutality."