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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

NUI Galway! I always loved the West of Ireland and Galway is a nice city so I sorta liked the sound of it! Plus CAO is so easy compared to UCAS - no bloody personal statements or any of that drab! Also I was planning to go for a physics degree and see where that takes me! And I know, most of my friends are planning to go to Queens so I sort of want to follow them but Belfast is a fun city if you ignore all the shit with political disputes! And I'm sure culchie-college was loads of fun! Culchies are interesting fellas, after all!

Also that actually sounds like a good idea for a thread! x3 Sign me up if you ever make one!

But in the meantime...


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

How else do you think farmers hook up? Sometimes theres only one house for 8 miles, hard to make booty-calls when there ain't no booty around!!!

*raises hand*

How do you even hook up via the internet if you live so remotely, I'm amazed how you get internet nevermind bootay callz.

Also SpudxNarcissisticPotato is my new ship. Which also happens to be made of tubers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Spud>

*raises hand*

How do you even hook up via the internet if you live so remotely, I'm amazed how you get internet nevermind bootay callz.

Also SpudxNarcissisticPotato is my new ship. Which also happens to be made of tubers.

We nagged Enda, he said he'd fix the floods or give us broadband ... people bought wellies and now we have shitty broadband!

@NarcissisticPotato if I wasn't so knackered I'd set up a thread now, but Im gonna nap and finish my essays for tomorrows class before I get my ass failed out of school x'D
The Wesht is mighty beautiful, Galway City is meant to be the best for student craic, Belfast is fairly quiet I've found but the rent is so much cheaper than Dublin. If you're movin out for college, Belfast or Galway are the places to go, anywhere in Dublin is stupid expensive or you have to commute and commuting is no craic at all!
So you're doing your ... A-Levels(?) This year then? Damn I was gonna say "Ill go annoy the crap out of your mates" but I finish up my Masters in September so I'll just miss ya'll, 'sides I'm probably gettin too ould for the first year kinda carryon *cough never too old for a sesh cough*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

hey so can you guys chill on the posting?

It's mostly unneeded posting and while making friends is all fun and stuff, maybe we should wait until the OOC to post so much because interested people are easily turned away by too much activity in an interest check and important information gets buried. It's just really inconvenient - maybe take this to the guild discord? :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


@Spud vs @NarcissisticPotato
Who will take home the title of the true Irelandic potater?
Who has the truest Irish blood?
Who has the reddest hair of them all?
Who hates the British the most?
Who is the one tater to rule them all?
Who will win...


I don't even...

Did Jab get scared and run? I would.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If this thing is still happening, I'd like to join if possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

should be still open...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Maybe someone from the first page could find it in his or her heart to copy and paste the list of submitted and accepted characters to the first page of the interest check?

I would but I didn't post until somewhere around page ten or more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jfc, 22 pages of activity in the OOC? What have y'all been up to?!

Regardless, it looks like this RP is gonna be nice and active, and the premise is pretty cool besides. Thinking I'll join up with you all, if this is still going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If the OP is still around and lets us know that, I'll make my character. He's going to be a control-mage, just thought I'd let you all know that the role will be filled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If the OP is still around and lets us know that, I'll make my character. He's going to be a control-mage, just thought I'd let you all know that the role will be filled.

Jabbers was going for a large group and typically, if you're going for a large group, you won't have a cap considering a few may drop-out. So I'd say go ahead and make the character anyways - given the interest, this RP will start, even if Jabbers disappears.

Jfc, 22 pages of activity in the OOC? What have y'all been up to?!

Regardless, it looks like this RP is gonna be nice and active, and the premise is pretty cool besides. Thinking I'll join up with you all, if this is still going.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Qro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fair enough. I'll have a character sheet up tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 7 days ago

How about instead of us shitposting, how about we talk about what class line we are gonna develop our characters with down the line. So, who has an idea about their base class, and promotions?

Novice > Base > Promotion > ???
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Is it still possible for me to join this? 22 pages in 6 days is quiet alot to take in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yes, it should be very possible to join, what with the considerable unlikelihood of a player cap.

Jabbers was going for a large group and typically, if you're going for a large group, you won't have a cap considering a few may drop-out. So I'd say go ahead and make the character anyways - given the interest, this RP will start, even if Jabbers disappears.

There have been excitement, character posts and discussion on critical plot elements. There's some more but, unless I'm wrong, there's a list of all current characters thus far on page 19, I believe - unless there's a more recent list on the front page or something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alright great, thanks. Is there any rule against race? Its not mentioned in the OC, am I to assume its not?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 7 days ago

Yes, it should be very possible to join, what with the considerable unlikelihood of a player cap.

<Snipped quote by NarcissisticPotato>

There have been excitement, character posts and discussion on critical plot elements. There's some more but, unless I'm wrong, there's a list of all current characters thus far on page 19, I believe - unless there's a more recent list on the front page or something.

Aye, though my actual up to date sheet isn't on that page. It's being regulated between pms and such. Trying to balance things out has been a little difficult, but I have a feeling a resolution is arriving soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That would be a very safe assumption, I would say. A solid case against it doesn't come to mind right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Marionette - Tinker (f)(16)

Tisiphone - Fighter (f)(18)

Hanako - Rogue (f)(18)

Allune - Mage (f)(16)
Callum - Cleric (m)(22) [ALTERNATE]

Xander - Fighter(?) (m)(17)

Mouette - Mouette (m)(18)

@Lord Zee
Dramar - Cleric (m)(20)

Morphine - Cleric(Possibly Mage?) (m)(17)

Tenguu - Mage (m)(18)

Striker - Rogue (f)(16)

Gopnik - Fighter(Tank) (m)(24)

Ako Wall - Fighter(Tank)/Cook (m)(16)

Ashen - Spooky Mage (f)(37)

I hope I haven't left anyone out! That's a somewhat updated list with characters and stuff! (Sorry for all the mentions, folks! >.<)

For Gopnik, it's probably Novice > Tank > Tankier Tank but I wanted to make him a farmer so I don't know if that's a side thing or involved in the major skill tree!

Also that other person raises a good question - what is the stance on other races???
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

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