Super mooning friends.
Greetings ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, fans and haters. First I want to open by apologising for the delay in our regular scheduling. The Super Moon caused @vietmyke to run wild and we had to spend most of the day hunting him down. I can confirm that he is back home safe and sound, and thank you all for being patient. Especially given that all of our schedules have changed dramatically. That said, rest assured that we will do our best to ensure that every two weeks there is a brand new issue of RPGN to sit and look pretty for your reading pleasure. So without further ado…
Notable Roeplays
By @Vietmyke
The reason most of you are here! Let's see what the all seeing, all knowing Vietmyke has for us this time?
Up and Coming!
Interest checks are often the first stage in recruiting players for an RP, and a really good one can net you a lot of applicants.This week, we’re going to highlight some of the best looking interest checks that caught our eye. Best of all, they're looking for players!
Cool and Current
Sometimes Roleplays do something special that needs to get them recognized. If you yourself know of such an RP send it in to RPGN or to Vietmyke.. It maybe just passed a certain milestone, or something dead awesome just happened. Let us know.
Challenge to RPGN
Challenge posed by @Ashevelendar and fulfilled by @RomanAria as requested.
Question to RPGN
Again posed by @Ashevelendar to @Sep and @RomanAria
What type of RP genres do you like ( sci-fi, fanstasy etc ) ?
Arena , NRP , Tabletop or Normal RPs ? Which one do you like the most and which one do you like the least and why ?
If you guys have a question you want to ask, leave it in the comments below.
Question to the floor
This week the question is getting a bit deeper, how do you build your characters?
Music? Basing them off yourself? Singing a song? Poetry? Reading? Basing them off a friend? How do your characters come into existence is the point of this, they don’t come out of nowhere.
By @Wade Wilson
Help! I don't have much time! This is Wade! Wade Wilson!
The Spirits of RPGN Past have held me captive, and hidden three things in the past three issues - a top hat, some text, and a pumpkin. If you can find them, specify which issues they're in (and what the text says), and I'll be able to escape! You have to hurry, though, there isn't much ti-
This week we’re not going to have an interview, sorry to all. Though in the next issue for the interview we have something special planned. So stay tuned.
Closing Note
From all of us at RPGN, apologies again for the delay and thankyou for reading. I’d like to thank @Wade Wilson for joining the team, as well as @Vietmyke and @RomanAria who have been members for a couple of weeks now.
As per usual feel free to contact us on our Discord Chat or PM @RPGN directly. I look forward to seeing you all in the next issue, we’ve got some real treats in store for you all.
Until next time!