Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Each of You

A letter was brought to each of you...some of you may have met the Kabuki masked man, some of you may have not. But all of you just know of this, this man has witnessed you commit a crime at least once. Whether it was murder or a small pickpocket, he knows about it. The letter starts off as this:

Hello there, dear new member of my new team I'm making! As you may have heard, heroes have been on the rise as new Quirks are constantly showing up everywhere and peace has been supposedly promoted world-wide. Well, I'm not too fond of a world at peace, way too boring if I do say so myself. Therefore, I'm recruiting young individuals such as yourselves to join my grand little group! It's going to be ohhh so much fun. Be sure to attend this meeting if you are interested in joining and seeing a new world be born!

The letter has an address...saying to go to the major shipyard in Tokyo and look for the Green Cargo Container. It also states that there are no other Green Containers so there's a 0% chance of one missing it...and be there by midnight or else you'll miss it.


"...green container. Kinda sticks out...that man better not be screwing with me."

Ryu followed the instructions as the letter said. They were pretty easy and understandable after all...the security was lax too. Two guards watched over a small gate that opens and closes with their permission but Ryu didn't even bother with them. He simply went around to a blindspot in there security and making sure there were no cameras around as he fazed right through security. His usual gang's mask on his face now, the teenager takes a simple stroll to the green container, 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Heading inside, he doesn't notice anyone else inside so he relaxes as he takes out a candy cigarette to light.

"Surprised I'm the one on time...whoever else shows better not be late, going to be a pain whatever this gathering is if I'm the only one on time for it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, Kurt hoped he read the letter right. Green container? What the hell was that supposed to mean? He didn't know, nor did he care that much. He just wanted to be on this new team. He would show those heroes what this shark was made of.

Taking a sip from his water bottle, he stared up at the guards in disgust. If he was joining a group of villains, why would these guys need to be here? He shook his head and lower his face into his grey scarf, eyes twinkling like blood in the moonlight. He moved towards them warily. "Uh, excuse me sirs?" They snapped their attention towards them. "Ah, yes, well-"

Before he got another word out, the gate was opened. He hid his smirk with his scarf. Bingo. He tried to look nervous as he walked ahead, but really he was excited. If he wasn't the only one to get invited, then who else would he see? The thought of his new group mates excited him greatly. A new adventure awaited him ahead.

He walked inside cautiously, eyes scanning his surroundings. At the sight of the make, he put on his usual mask and smiled. "Uh, hello!" He quickly walked up towards him, eyes gleaming with real excitement. "You must also be on the new team. I'm Kurt. What's your name? Do you have an interesting Quirk?" After the questions, he took a large gulp of water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vert found herself near the ship yard. She was staring at the guards licking her lips. "I would love to eat them, but it seems that there is too much security. I haven't been at this game for so long by being careless." Vert said to herself before find the the blind spot in the security. There was a rather awful smell coming from her bag. As she approached the green cargo container she took what looked to be raw meat of some kind from her bag.

"Man I'm starving, whoever called me here better offer me some more meat. I don't think this will be enough." Vert said as her tongue wrapped around the piece of meat then shot it into her mother as she chewed it then swallowed. She wasn't shy about showing off her quirk that was for sure.

"You know, It's been awhile since I last had fish, maybe I should consider some shark tonight." Vert said with a smile as she walked up to the two already there. Her sharp teeth glinting as she showed them off. "Although, I hear they have dolphin around here too, I wonder which tastes better." Vert said as she licked her lips.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ryu was still smoking the minty mist from his candy cig as the first person came up. The person seemed...thirsty of sorts and rather eager for wanting to be here. He was quite surprised that there was someone this eager to fight on the other side of the law and chuckles a bit.

"Ryu...and you can take off the mask. Not like I'm going to report you or anything, and yeah. This new team seems like the real thing, I would've taken it as a joke if I didn't meet that man who made the note...you thirsty there? Can't do much to offer besides some chips and a few candy cigs, unless you can drink the port water nearby."(@sharksama)

He shrugs and shows the new guy a pocket in his sweater which held the said potato chips and cig. Then the next person came, a female with a rather strange scent to her...bloody if anything. Noticing her eating some sort of red object, he shrugs and looks at her with a surprised face when she said she'd eat dolphins.

"Geez...you know, Shark Fin Soup is nice, but I think I've never heard of Dolphin Fin Soup...probably better to go with the Shark one. Less rubbery I guess...and unless you plan to catch a dolphin and eat it, good luck. Here for the letter too? I'm not saying my Quirk unless everyone starts saying theirs too. It'd be a pain if one of you can counter it and start to get some sort of funny idea to impress whoever is in charge of this meeting."(@Cuccoruler)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


A girl cheerfully skipped along the dock,whistling a tune to herself. Her floral sundress fluttered in the air as her sandals clacked across the cement. The cool midnight breeze exhilarated Sawa as a brisk breeze made her shiver. Over her shoulder she carried along with her a white purse that bumped on her hip every time she came down from a skip, it rattled with the sound of many objects inside. In the distance she spotted the entrance to the shipyard and the guards standing at the front. Slowing to a stop, she made sure the guards couldn't see her before she looked around for something to use. "Something tall...tall...." she muttered as she looked around when she spotted it, a 2x4 leaning up against a building. Her eyes lit up as she eagerly skipped over to it and picked it up over her shoulder.

Coming up to a darkly lit part of the fence, she looked around cautiously before she rested the wooden plank on the fence. She pressed her thumb up against the damp balsa and SNAP, the plank had become a ladder. Luckily she had spotted one in a construction site on her way here. Deeply impressed with herself, she smugly climbed the ladder and hopped down to the other side, ladding with her arms raised in the likeness of a gymnast. Ta-daa! she thought to herself. With another SNAP of her fingers the ladders was gone and a plank of wood remained against the fence somewhat inconspicuously. Poking the plank through the fence, it fell to the ground and Sawa set off to find the green container. She heard the sound of voices and bounced towards them excitedly. She jumped inside, struck a dramatic pose, and winked at the group talking. Hiya!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Allison Hillard~

"My my...maybe this could be fun?"

Location: ???
Time: Roughly ten PM, two hours before meeting time.

Ah, the night air was so blissfully cool and crisp this fine morning. The only thing that would make it better was a light drizzle. Something to...set the mood. A little Beethoven, maybe? Bach? Hmm...No, no. Mozart. Definitely feeling Mozarty today. A small gust of wind blew the hair out of her eyes as she walked down the darkened street. Pulling the over sized jacket she was wearing tighter around her, she moved into the darkened alleyway that she had gotten rather well acquainted with the past year.

She walked far into the alley, the tall buildings overhead blocking out the moon from view as she approached the door that led to what amounted to as her home. She unlocked the padlock on the rust door and moved inside, locking it from the inside as she entered. The was dim, the small, musty smelling hallway and set of narrow stairs that the door had led too was barely large enough for two people to pass through somewhat comfortably at the same time.

With a tired sigh, she walked up the creaky stairs to the place she had called home for the last year or so. Ever since she dropped out of school and decided to live 'off the grid' as one might say. The stairs led all the way to the top floors of the apartment, making for a bit of a tiring trek but it was a fairly easy way to daunt most curious trespassers that weren't very...actively inclined. The door at the top of the stairs looked just as rusted and worn as the one below it, and was also locked with a complicated looking mechanism but she easily dealt with it and opened it with little trouble.

The inside of the room, was definitely not what one might expect of the rickety slum building.

The loft consisted of one large room, with only three doors leading to a few smaller ones and a set of stairs leading up to the rarely used roof. The room itself appeared to be kitchen, living room, and bedroom with no windows to the outside. Using what little of her parents money she could, she had renovated the top floor of the old building. It wasn't the most structurally sound place, but it'd definitely do for her purposes. One of the doors led to the bathroom. Another to a small closet and storage space.

The third? Well, that was where she entertained 'guests'.

Throwing off the coat carelessly onto the floor, her facial bones restructured themselves, the toothy grin she formed on it disappearing in moments as the bones sunk back into her skin, leaving only two bony pads just under her ears. Next, off came the bloody shirt she was wearing. Not her blood, of course...one of her less fortunate little playmates. A small time hero caused her more trouble than she had expected. Made for quite a bit of fun, but in the end she just couldn't feel satisfied. Next, off came the pants followed by the boots and gloves as she headed into the bathroom.

A warm bath sounded absolutely delicious right now. As she ran the water and lowered herself into it, she had to ponder what exactly was she going to do. She had received a rather...interesting proposition not long ago. Something about some container or something in the shipping district. It sounded rather shady to be honest...but well, maybe this was something that she could have fun with. She had her own goals but the routine had gotten rather stale. She needed something to shake things up a bit. Some little playmates to have fun with.

...why not? Could be fun. She opened the pill bottle next to her, and swallowed the supplement.

had to have her daily dose of nutrients, after all.

About an hour and a half later Allison arrived at the shipyard, humming a light tune to herself as she approached the entrance. Security was lax. Two guards...two fairly quirk-less guards it seemed. Or at least, guards with quirks that she could easily deal with as long as she had the element of surprise. Hmm...it'd be a wonderful way of starting off the festivities, but yet she also just finished cleaning the blood off of her other jacket and was somewhat hesitant to get this one dirty again so soon.


Ah, whatever. She didn't care and she didn't particularly have the patience to deal with them at the moment.

"Ah, uhm guard persons sir!" She called out to the guards. "I apologize for the intrusion but u-uhm I seem to be a bit lost and was wondering if I could ask one of you a question."

This of course, got both of the guards attention. And of course, they were also quite suspicious of some random teenager appearing out of nowhere wanting to ask them a question. One of the guards seemed to roll his eyes, shaking his head as he pointed to her. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but it was probably him telling the other to go deal with her. After a few seconds of seeming to argue with each other one of the guards shrugged and started walking towards her.

"Alright, what do ya need brat?"

How rude, but she couldn't exactly blame him.

"R-right. Uhm...argh this is embarrasing uhm...I live here getting lost is not cool..." She fidgeted nervously, checking the corner of her vision just to see if the other guard was currently watching...and he wasn't. Suddenly, her smiled turned into a toothy grin filled with incredibly sharp teeth. "So...right, question. Have you had your daily dose of calcium yet?" Before the guard could reply, a sharp, bony sword protruded from the palm of her hand and impaled the guards head. He went limp within moments, and she kicked the lifeless body off of her weapon sending it to the ground with a thud.

"I am a comedic genius." She giggled to herself, her usual bone mask forming form the bony pads under her ears as she approached the second guard. He seemed to be busy doing something. Whatever it was, she couldn't tell but didn't particularly care for. He wasn't paying attention to his partner, and he really probably should have been. She tapped him on the shoulder, just to get his attention before stabbing him in the back, her sword going right through his heart.

After fumbling with the gate controls for a bit, she managed to open it without much hassle. Cleaning the blood off of her blade, she retracted it and made sure to wipe off some dust on her jacket. She'd keep the mask covering her face for now. No need for the others to see what she looked like. Anonymity was something she valued greatly.

"...Ah...I remember I'm out of milk. I'll need to buy some on the way home."

Walking away from the gate, she made her way towards her destination. A green container. True to the letters words, it was the only one in the area and quite hard to miss. Voices were being heard, likely from other candidates or people who got summoned to this little nighttime soiree.

"Well, it seems that mysterious and ever so shady note wasn't lying." She chuckled quietly as she approached the group, voice muffled slightly beneath her mask just as another seemed to show up as well. "Quite a little macabre looking group. I think I'm going to have fun with this after all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kurt tilted his head at the boy named Ryu, smiling all the while. "Ah, my lungs are probably not strong enough for cigs, but thank you for the offer, as for the chips..." He laughed quietly to himself, taking a sip of water. Then, he realized the kid had made a comment on his thirst. "You could say I'm always thirsty. The port water will do just fine." The shark-boy liked any kind of water, be it fresh or salt. But... He always got fresh water, since they didn't have salt water every place he went to.

He cringed at the comment the female made and restrained himself from glaring at her. "Y-You know," he said, controlling himself from getting pissed and keeping his image, "I think you'd like Dolphin Fin soup the best. Some of those Dolphins need to be killed off." He added the last part quietly, so that no one would hear him.

Kurt turned to see a new female enter the group, holding a small chuckle of amusement at her pose. "Welcome to the party," he said, hiding half of his face with his scarf. "Have fun getting over here? I know I didn't." He smiled a toothy smirk under the protection of his scarf. He didn't do shit to get in, and that was why it wasn't fun.

He turned his head towards the masked girl. "I think we're all going to have fun here, miss." He bowed his head, making sure his scarf didn't move from the bottom half of his face. "Wouldn't be surprised with the excitement; we are going to kill some damned heroes, after all." His eyes flickered from one person in the group to another.

@Barioth @cloudystar @Cuccoruler
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Vert turned her head the boy who mentioned something about the dolphin soup. "Yeah, I'll admit I've never had dolphin before. Sounds tasty to me. Names Vert by the way." Vert said licking her lips. That was when her nostrils started to smell the air. "Someone killed the guards... great, that means the cops will be alarmed soon. They were on camera from what I saw." Vert said holding her hand to her head. She then turned her face to girl with the bone mask. "You killed them didn't you? Tell me you at least tried preserve the bodies or dumped them in the ocean. Those things get rotten quick and attract way more attention than you would like." Vert said in an annoyed tone now.

In truth Vert was hoping to kill them on her way out and just snatch the legs to eat on the way. If there was one thing that Vert hated it was watching good meat go to waste. "If that guy isn't here within the next hour then we're gonna be a real big problem. One of which I won't be here for." Vert said looking at the girl with bone mask and the others. Vert added now approaching the girl with the bone mask. "This is gonna be a problem isn't it." Vert asked getting closer to the girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wasted Ink
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Wasted Ink

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

K a z e

At such a late time of the night, it was often hard to find well-meaning establishments that sold freshly-grained coffee.

Usually, this wouldn't be a problem. Usually, Kaze consumed his caffeine-loaded guilty pleasure in the mornings, the time where most able-bodied men drank their coffee. However, today was a special day. Today, he decided to meet a bunch of shady criminals at some dock at 12 o' clock midnight. Even he didn't know why he chose to agree to the mystery man's terms. Maybe it was boredom, or maybe it was the yearning to do something more to take out the 'heroic' population. Regardless, here he was, walking down a dimly-lit street, an hour before he had to be at the -secret- meeting place, searching for a coffee shop that didn't look like it was bathed in spiderwebs and darkness. The streets were suspiciously silent, other than the occasional car making it's presence known by the scent of exhaust, or the meowing of tiny alley cats scurrying their way to their next rotten meal.

'It's a surprise that I've not been mugged so far.' And it was truly a surprise. Kaze was definitely not rich, by any means, but he was relatively well-off, for a seventeen year old that lived in a high-rise apartment. It was pitch dark out, and a teenage boy was walking, alone, wearing nice sneakers, nice jeans, a buttoned-down white shirt, and a black designer's blazer. The only explanation was that he was either being stealthily followed, or the criminals of the night somehow recognized him, and decided to cut their losses and flee with their Quirks between their legs. 'But I suppose that I should be thankful...' The lack of attention meant that he would be able get his coffee and fly to the docks without any trouble...that is, if he could find a fu-

He paused in his walk, turquoise eyes widening ever so slightly. There, in front of him, illuminated by the streetlights as if it was Heaven itself, was what he was looking for. A nice-looking, if quaint shop, with a large, artistic coffee mug illustrated on the one-sided window. Hanging on the door knob of the warm wooden door was a sign that read 'OPEN'. A genuine smile formed on Kaze's lips, the young man not hesitating to reach forward and open the door. Immediately, the scent of freshly-ground coffee pilfered his senses, floating along the air currents like the sweetest melodies. He entered the shop, letting the door shut quietly behind him. "Perfect."

Thirty minutes later, Kaze's feet lightly touched down on the pavement, just outside of the Shipyard's entrance. He had smelled the scent of blood along the air-currents, on his way to the shipyard, and had changed course to investigate - mostly out of curiosity than anything else. Originally, he had planned to fly straight over the gate and directly to the container, but...

Two kills, easily fresh - by only minutes, it seemed. The wounds seemed to be from some sort of blade - one of the guards was pierced through the heart, and the other through the head. Cleanly, as well. Obviously, one of the villains that he would be meeting with did this. The guards seemed to be quirkless, and he had high doubts on two heroes being undercover security guards. That meant that they were...innocent, most-likely. Or, at the very least, there was a fifty percent chance of them being guilty, as well.

He stood up straight, eyes cool as he turned away from the bodies, and entered through the gates. He wasn't here to judge or be judged...he was here to see what this meeting was about, and leave if it was foolish. What other villains did wasn't his concern.

The green container was rather hard to miss, and so was the voices inside. They carried on the wind currents like chiming bells, easily placed by someone with high enough senses. He truly didn't know what to expect whenever he entered. Hardened criminals? Grimy, bloody beasts? He'd seen his fair share, after all.

With a silent exhale, Kaze schooled his features, and entered the container.

The first thing he noticed, was that the container was rather spacious. More spacious than what it seemed on the outside.

The second thing he noticed, was that everyone appeared to be around the same age as he - that is, teenagers. Most seemed to wear masks, which he understood, and respected. Was it careless that he couldn't bring himself to care about such things? Or maybe arrogance? That wasn't important at the moment.


His voice, cool and composed, seemed to carry along the currents of the air. He made eye-contact with each member, ending it with the female with what seemed to be fresh blood on her clothing. So...she was the killer, huh? She seemed tough. They all seemed adept.

Kaze paused, noticing that the shark girl seemed to be in the middle of being confrontational. A fight already, maybe? His emotionless mask broke somewhat, a smirk tilting his lips as he watched the group from a respectable distance away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Allison Hillard~


Allison smirked as A mutant class addressed her by the name of Vert. Something about her killing the guards being a problem? Enhanced senses then. Likely could smell the blood. She didn't think she had any blood on her, but she could of course be wrong. Tsk, she just made more work for herself if that was the case. Ah well. She'd deal with that later. For now, she was going to play with a funny little carnivore who was trying to be confrontational.

"We're villains, love." Allison replied, mask hiding her smirk. "Those guards are probably related to some hero in some way anyways. After all, they are guards which means they are against us, no?" She wasn't intimidated by this girl at all. "Besides, how else could I get in? Climbing over the fence would have been difficult since I weigh ten times more than all of you." Not a lie, but a slight exaggeration. Having bones as dense and heavy as steel made for one having poor mobility unless one was able to use it with precision.

"So don't worry your pretty little head over it." She gave Vert a pat on the head. "If any big bad guards come after us we're clever people I'm sure. We can handle them. Unless you're scared of a few little heroes, of course." She was being needlessly antagonistic as well, honestly and it probably wouldn't do to build herself as having a reputation for it among these folks. Well, whatever. She wasn't too concerned with it. She wasn't sure she was going to be hanging out around them for much longer anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Sawa looked the group up and down, they all appeared to have some flair, definitely not boring, but they could use some work. A few seemed to enjoy hiding their identities, maybe she should've tried something like that? The boy with red eyes began speaking to her. "How I got here is a secret. se-cret~" she said playfully with a giggle. Whatever they were going to discuss excited her. She wanted to make a show so bright and big nobody would ever forget it, and this little meeting sound like a neat way to fulfill her dream.

Behind a dopey smile she judged the two who entered after her. It appeared as if the girl in the bonemask had killed the guards. A bit boring that had its' own charms, she liked her style. The other was a boy of athletic build, he seemed a little emotionless but cracked a slight smirk at the interactions before him. She put her hands on her hips and spoke with mocking authority "Let's be nice guys ok~?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Well...that's useful that you can take in any types of water I suppose but these aren't really tobacco or drugs...just candy."(@sharksama)

Ryu responds to the reply of the liquid drinking person and nods his head understanding. However, the once empty container started filling up with people...of all sorts. He waves and smirks a bit at one of the girl's entrance as she comes in. After all, that wasn't a sight really expected for this type of group of villains...then again, Ryu shouldn't really expect anything from them besides the fact that they were all willing to kill people for their own reasons.

"Are you going to do a dance next of sorts? Nice entrance...but doing a flip too would make it more dramatic, now let's get you in here so we can figure out what this meeting is all about."(@Barioth)

The next newcomer had a strange...mask around her face. Guessing it was something related to her Quirk, Ryu didn't pay her any mind. This proved to be a mistake when another person came in and he didn't pay any attention which led to his candy cig being blown out. Shaking his head disappointingly, he takes it out of his mouth and stomps on it before he turns to face the man first.

"Oi...little warning next time will ya? These things aren't easy to get nor make...what candy store sells candy cigarettes?"(@Wasted Ink)

Looking past the man, he notices the one earlier known as Vert who mentions that the skull girl mask person killed the guards. Judging the blood on her clothes, Vert didn't seem wrong about the prediction. However, this shouldn't lead to the sudden confrontation and being the good old ex-mob boss he was, he goes up to them and taps both of their shoulders.

"As much as I'd like to see a good old cat fight as the next man, let's not get the person who sent the invites pissed off since that person did make the effort to get the whole lot of us over here...take it out after the meeting...should be occurring soon, so don't go too crazy."(@Cuccoruler@Rune_Alchemist)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kurt sighed at the two girls. They had to fight now? Sure, the blood could go to waste, but he usually controlled himself from turning into something deadly. "Ladies, let's try not to fight," he said, gulping a quick sip of water before continuing. "We're allies here; better to act like friends rather than enemies." He was right, in his mind. Fighting wouldnt get anyone anywhere.

He nodded towards Ryu. "Just... I'm satisfied with my water, thank you." He sighed with a small, unheard mumble. "It may be useful sometimes... But the downside is just water. No other liquids... Escort for maybe one." His eyes shone for a moment, similar to blood.

At the playful girl's giggle, he blinked at her. This girl wasn't happy; she was sadistic. At least, that's what the shark-boy thought. He smirked at her from under his scarf. "A secret, huh? I suppose we all have our secrets... Do you mind telling me the secret of how you got in later? I would much appreciate it."

His head turned towards the other male. Red eyes bored into him for a moment. Then, the man's smirk matched his own hidden one. "Ah, c'mon; you can't get a good look at the drama from all the way over there. You should at least join the rest of us." His eyes twinkled with something... Mischief? Maybe; he himself didn't even know what was on his mind at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Lance walked through the cold of night, carrying his backpack, bag of BBQ chips, and note. Walking down the street eating his favorite bag of chips, he reached into his pocket pulling out the note which said 'Meet at the green container in the ship yard' Lance continues to the entrance and sees guards on the floor in a pile of blood. He pokes at the body with a rod of ice and they responded with no signs of life. "awe that's too bad", Lance said as he took another chip and walked through the front gates without a care in the world, he saw some people by the container.

You could hear his crunching and munching from far away. Lance walked over to the container looking at everyone with a blank stare but not saying a word, he just munched in the background eating his BBQ chips, admiring the moonlight, and letting the ocean serenade him. Lance wasn't all to interested in what everyone was talking about, he kept a solid stare on the candy cigarette, he was quite curious as to what it was and how it worked exactly. Lance only knew so little about the world only knowing things pertaining around the core subjects, law, and the economy, when it came to combat he was a genius he has yet to see anyone match him, he wonders if this crowd of criminals can. Lance started licking his fingers loudly, you could hear him off to the side going at it.

@sharksama @Cloudystar @Barioth @Rune_Alchemist @Wasted Ink @Cuccoruler
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Vert had her fists clenched when she was patted on the head. "Your wasting good meat you idiot!" Vert yelled before turning away from the bone girl. "And it's not that I don't think we can handle a big group of cops. It's the big group of heroes that comes after it. They never come alone, not in my experience." Vert said her fist still clenched. "If you wanna stay in one spot for long, don't make a huge mess near it. And if your near water. The least you can do is push it into the water. These are the basics of covering you track." Vert said turning to the girl. Her foot tapping rapidly as she crossed her arms. "And you could have just cut the fence. Don't have to jump it you know." Vert added pointing out the flaws in her plan.

One thing she was good at was covering her tracks. Though she had more than on reason of constantly covering them. One of them was her own brother. She did not like him to say the least. In fact she hated him, and worse of all, he was a hero, one trying to track her down. "Use your head kid, brawn doesn't always win." Vert added before heading back to the container.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Meet

Gathering of Garbage

Interactions with @cloudystar,@sharksama, @Barioth, @Rune_Alchemist and @Wasted Ink

Kokato's Noodle Shoppe, Somewhere in Japan

요즘 rapper soundin extra extra extra lame, put you in your place call that real estate reppin south korea thats where we fuckin beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...FUCK! SIK-K you got me? The sound of music echoed through the near empty street of Tsuka Dr. A few people sat at the booth just outside the shop, next to them a couple shady characters strapped overtly with pistols, sunglasses and an unyielding stoic posture. Inside a cook making beef and chicken ramen and another making sushi. The place smelled of cigarettes despite the alluring smell of food, an ashtray in need of emptying and a few glasses half full of sake.

"Yow man what the fuck! Urrrrghhhh!"

"Gi, you need to sit still plus it was your idea to go oldschool with the tattoo anyway, baka."


OW! What the hell GI!?" Gi let out a light chuckle from his friends reaction after getting slapped on the back of the head. His grin was light but was recognizable.

"Geez Taiko, didn't hurt that much did it- SONAVA!!!" another sharp pain from the oldschool tattoo artist knocking the needle into his back, etching in the final shading of his new pride and joy, a dragon whose claws seemed to dig into the gunshot wound on his shoulder. It truly did look like a claw would penetrate his skin with the way the artist drew it.

Payback is a bitch ain't it." Gi glared at him which earned a hearty laugh in response. There were a few people besides Gi in the back room of the noodle shop. Two seemed to be counting money, another one was on the phone talking about kilos, more than likely not for the shop itself and then it was Gi, his friend, the tattoo artist and the bartender, who was getting Gi a drink to ease the pain.

"Yo, Gi. We still taking care of Shinto's tomorrow. He hasn't paid Miyagi in a few months." Gi stayed quiet and listened.

"And he's pretty fucking pissed about it too. So what's the deal. We doing it or are we wai-" A gentlemen entered the back of the shop where they were. Everyone's progress stopped, hands discreetly making their way to their firearms. Gi stood up, letting his shirt drop over his tattoo.

"Letter for you Gi. Some guy just dropped it off..." He stood there for a minute, stoic expression on his face for a moment before he gestured for him to bring it forward and then waved him off.

"Green container...This aint sketchy as fuck at all..." His friend gave him a concerned look.

"Need me to go with ya." He shook his head.

"Nah, I'll go by myself but if I call you, just gather who you can and meet me here. Where my butter knives?" Gi made his way to a locker in the corner and began to strap up. Across his chest were about 5 sheaths for boot knives, each ranging from black to grey. Both sides of his calves held machetes and on his sides two katanas and one ninjato that rested on his back. He through his black coat over him and made his way out the door.

What was the address again?"

"225 Nikkei Drive, Mitsui Shipyard. Dock 14 Area 4. YO YOU BE CAREFUL BRO!" His buddy walk out with him and shook his hand before bringing him in for a hug.

"Always..Peace." And with that he was gone in an instant, already turning down the street towards the shipyard.

225 Nikkei Drive, Mitsui Shipyard. Dock 14 Area 4

It doesn't take long to get anywhere when you can move faster than the police can scan ya. He made it to the docks and managed to find the green container along with a few others. He kept his distance for a bit and watched them move about and talk. Not taking chances, he moved around the side of a container, undoing his middle chest boot knife and slipped the full contraption under his sleeve, strapping it to his wrist as a precaution just before moving back out, a smoke in hand. As he neared he raised a hand to greet before bringing it back to his side and joined the group. He sighed.

"So I'm assuming you are all here for that letter to huh?" his half lidded eyes and relaxed posture didn't show much but rather the glint of some of his weaponry did.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everything Begins with a Bang!

Once everyone was in the container, the doors shut immediately on them. They didn't even get the chance to escape as a bomb suddenly came out of the ceiling and hung from it on a thin string. Slowly it counted down on the timer:

5.....4....3.....2...0, because...screw...1....

Soon below the group, the floors opened up and a decent fall led to them (hopefully) safely on the ground. Whether they were injured or not, they were now in a sort of large open warehouse-like basement after going through the trap door. In front of them about 30 meters ahead, were 8 Robots, standing in a neat line side by side. A man in a Kabuki mask stood in the middle between the two groups, applauding to the newcomers.

"Hello there! I hope you did enjoy meeting each other but as you can see...in order to join this group, you need a particular set of skills. This is a great opportunity to show those skills, but...there is a thing that comes along with this. Each one of you needs to destroy at least one of these bots behind me, otherwise I won't let you people out and more Robots will come in until each of you get a kill from that new wave. Combat ready, titanium alloys...though then again, too expensive to add the nice things like mini-guns or flamethrowers of the sort. Basically, avoid the blades and find a way for each one of you to break at least one! Good luck because this'll be fun to watch for me...oh and in case you haven't noticed, the blood stains around the place are the previous group I tried to recruit."

The masked man claps his hands as a few more lights shone around the floor, showing 6 pillars that were the main structures holding up the ceiling and many blood splatters across the ceiling, floor, and walls were shown. He does a small polite bow of sorts as a hand out of nowhere grabs his shirt and causes him to disappear. The Bots start to power up...only giving the Villains little time to get ready for combat. However, there were noticeable damage on the robots on the far ends of the line...but they still seemed just as deadly in offensive skills as their buzzsaws started to power up.


Ryu was able to land pretty decently as the trap floor went off. Sure, the bomb from the ceiling caught him off guard but he knew he could get away if he wanted. After all, getting out of bad situations was pretty easy for him. However, the Robots...and Kabuki Man's orders...one kill for each of them? This was not favorable odds...but he knew he could get one kill pretty easily. Nothing could hit him...well except a few things but the fact that they didn't have any extremely advanced weaponry really comforted him. Drawing his katana slowly, he started to move toward one of the pillars to take some sort of cover in case the Robots drew guns of sorts...

"...you guys got any good ideas? I can at least destroy one of them easily...but how about you guys? Rather not fight another wave in case a bad injury occurs."

@sharksama@Cuccoruler@pkken@FallenTrinity@Rune_Alchemist@Barioth@Wasted Ink
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Allison Hillard~


"Kid? That is quite a hilarious assumption since we're probably of similar ages." Allison laughed, turning her head towards the others who urged her not to fight. "Don't worry you two. I have no intentions of fighting. It wouldn't be any fun fighting this one. I doubt she could have an intelligent conversation with me. I killed the guards because I was bored and I didn't want to go through the trouble of going around." She leaned against the wall of the green container, fixing her eyes upon Vert, smirk still hidden by her mask. "Of course 'Brawn' doesn't always win. My quirk is nowhere near able to use just pure 'brawn'. I've been living off the grid for the past year...I know how to cover my tracks and make sure the heroes aren't privy to my activities. Moving unseen if I want or need too. Plus, cutting the fence...you aren't quite observant. I am not capable of such a thing. As I just said my quirk is unsuited to such tasks, but rather finesse...which you seem to lack."

She chuckled, refraining from adding 'as well as intelligence' at the end of that sentence. Before she could continue, though...something incredibly odd and humorously overly theatrical happened. The container slammed shut. A bomb fell from the ceiling and started a countdown from five that conveniently skipped over the number zero. Before anything else could happen, the floor opened and dropped them from the container to a warehouse like basement below. Allison landed with relative ease on her feet, not looking bothered by the turn of events at all. In fact, judging from the laughing she was quite enjoying herself.

"Well...this mysterious stranger at least has amusing style." That said, it was also the sort of style that could grow stale quite quickly if one couldn't keep up with it...but for now she was amused, so he was safe from any sort of berating she could possibly give. "Hmm...a robot for each of us...hmhm...I'm not fond of little violent soiree's such as this. That said, this will be rather easy for me." She wasn't particularly used to working with others, and she doubted these guys were either, which meant attempting to use teamwork when they had none was going to be quite difficult.

"Hm...it would be silly to attempt any major teamwork since I doubt any of us are actually skilled at working majorly with others." She replied to Ryu. As she spoke, a large blunt weapon resembling a mace started forming in one of her hands, as well as a bony plate forming across her abdomen, forearms, as well as her legs. All the immediate vital areas the bots seemed capable of reaching easily. No need for a full on suit yet. "Hmm...The robots on the far end of the line already seem damaged so it would likely be a good idea to get everyone one of those to beat up on. As they are robots and likely armored, blunt strikes would work best...or perhaps someone could stun one with electricity if they could perhaps overload it."

She was of course just throwing out ideas for now, the ones that seemed best to her.

"You know, just use your head and don't get in anyone's way and we'll all walk out of here and able to all have a nice cold glass of delicious calcium rich milk after this!" She laughed. First though...she would wait and see the other peoples moves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The hairs on her neck bristled as soon as the doors slammed shut behind her. Oh dear~! she said aloud as the floor fell from beneath her. She landed a bit roughly and stood up in discomfort rubbing the spot on bottom where she landed the hardest. How mean...., she pouted under her breath as she took in her surroundings. Softly she slid the thumb mittens off her fingers and placed them in her purse as the man in the mask began to speak. She looked around for the sandal that fell off in the fall in a scatterbrained matter, whether or not it was genuine was left to mystery. I lost my shoe! she sputtered as she looked around the dark room. Fumbling around for her sandal she spied the robots the man described. Certainly, this would be no easy endeavor, but it was an exciting situation, the type that grips an audience in suspense unable to look away. Alas, their weapons would definitely make it difficult for her to directly apply her marks without the loss of he precious thumbs! This was gonna need something outside of the box and she had almost figured out what.

At last! She found her long lost sandal and picked up in between her thumb and index finger. She turned to the group with a bright smile, Found it! The robots at this point were starting up and she wasn't even wearing both of her shoes. Softly she lobbed her shoe at one of the robots at the end starting up, Have a taste of that you dummy robot~! she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out. The sandal made a soft plop noise as it hit the robot on the far right and anti-climatically rolled off. If a robot could smirk that one definitely did. She turned back to everyone, That's all I got right now. she said with an uneasy smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kurt flinched as the floor gave way and he found himself plummeting to another floor. He landed on his feet, just barely in time to listen to the Kabuki-Masked Man. As the boys appeared, he scowled. Robots, he thought to himself, It had to be robots…

He leaped behind a pillar nearby, same as Ryu. Only, he didn't have a weapon; he had himself. He turned to his other newly-found comrades, finding himself glaring at them. “Alright, I can hold them off for a bit. Might get hurt, but it's nothing I'm not used to.”

He sighed and focused on the thought and essence of transforming; what it felt like, what it made him do. After a moment or so, he felt gills return to their rightful place on his neck, causing the scarf to make it harder to breath. A fin slowly stretched out of his back, webbed-like feet replacing normal feet. White and bright teeth shone along with his blood-red eyes, making him look more like than beast he was.

He smirked much like a cunning demon, a dark monster in the night. He swiftly ran at an enemy, pushing it back before it could reach any of his teammates, especially the unprepared ones. Cuts began to show on his arms, legs, and torso, but he kept on biting into the robots and pushing them away.
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