Jutsu name 
Asura no Teisai (
Visage of Asura)
DescriptionThe user will form the tiger seal with two hands, or one if they are that way inclined. Afterwards, the user will 'sprout' four sets of arms that will grow from their back, and are under the full control of the user. This allows them to, for example, form handseals with these arms, or hold weapons. The arms also create new chakra paths inside of them that connect to the original chakra path. Therefore, while this technique seems simple, it's extremely difficult as the body must adjust to the new motor skills required to move the arms, as well as to accustom to the chakra paths. Mawari has perfected this art, but a new student would likely struggle to learn this technique, if he ever manages to learn it at all.
As it is a manifestation of 'creation' it is a direct representation of Asura, whom was a master of Yang release among other things.
Jutsu name 
Indra no Teisai (
Visage of Indra)
DescriptionThe jutsu starts by forming a tiger seal, one handed or two handed. The user then needs to take their time to gather yin chakra at their chest, to prepare for the next move. A result of the gathering of chakra is that they need to hold the tiger seal for as long as it takes, but also that they begin resembling 'Indra' and thus, a light blue line appears
under their eyes. Jutsu name 
Indra no Guntai (
Army of Indra)
RangeA circle of 10m in diameter around the user.
DescriptionThis technique is the follow up to Indra no Teisai, using the built up Yin chakra to cast a powerful genjutsu. As Indra embodied Yin chakra, this technique is the embodiment of Indra. The user will perform the genjutsu at the moment they release the tiger seal, with the 'trigger' for the genjutsu being the words she speaks afterwards. These words can, quite literally, be anything as the words are not important, but the sound of her voice is.
After the genjutsu is cast, those under it's effect will be faced with a sudden purple mist setting in, limiting their view rather harshly. It is possible for them to be in the same 'circle' clear of mist with other people. Then, from the mist, a 'clone' of Mawari will appear. This is the genjutsu in two parts; the mist is one genjutsu, the clone is another, but they act together and are cast and dispelled together.
The genjutsu clone is, in theory, a perfect human, and will fight without mistakes. They will block all the attacks that are thrown at them, but all their attacks will never hit (because, a genjutsu has no 'life' and no physical presence due to the fact that there is no yang chakra) and will therefore always pretend to miss, or to be blocked. As a result, the clone will engage in an engagement that can theoretically last forever.
As a result the target will lose stamina fighting the clone and, if they remain unaware of the genjutsu, can be targeted by anyone. Therefore it is easy for someone (Mawari for instance) to attack and take down the enemy.
As the genjutsu is convincing and similar to other 'real' techniques (the mist technique from Kirigakure, for example) it would be hard to see through it. But if it is found out somehow, it is possible to dispel it using regular means.
A better way to deal with it would be to realize the clones aren't physical, and ignoring them. However, this leaves the mist, and would force you to fight in the mist with limited vision.
The genjutsu affects allies as well. Allies caught in the genjutsu would need to be freed from it by Mawari/someone else, or else they will see the mist and Mawari attacking them as well. Also, deaf people are not susceptible to this genjutsu at all because they cannot hear the trigger.
Jutsu name 
RankS - kinjutsu, forbidden technique
RangeLong range bunkerbuster
DescriptionFirst the user propels themselves into the air, using chakra augmented at the feet to launch themselves into the air, well beyond the reach of any shinobi. The user then lifts their six arms into the sky and begins gathering yang chakra, pushing it out of the palms into an orb of pure yang chakra.
Although the edges are smooth at first, white as the chakra - reminiscent of a perfectly round pearl - the more chakra is pushed into the orb, the more unstable it becomes with spikes of chakra sometimes shifting outwards and spiking into the area around the orb.
Then, using her chakra control, Mawari will form the 'orb' into an open stretched palm, reminiscent of a palm strike.
At some point it would become too dangerous to continue the filling of the palm, and the user must then throw down the palm at their target to destroy it. The palm would be large enough to obliterate a battlefield, or a small village. The area where the Brahmastra would be thrown at would perish, and be destroyed completely. Survivors of the blast would be infertile, nothing would grow on the land, etcetera. Hence, it's a kinjutsu.
The technique would severely incapacitate Mawari - in fact, it would more than likely kill her or remove her from shinobi life for the rest of her life.
Jutsu name 
Asura no ude (
Asura's Arms)
DescriptionAlthough it is in essence a rather common summoning technique, the difficulty lies in that it summons three sets of two weapons all at once, making one appear in each hand of the Asura stance. The details will be found in the weapons bit.
Jutsu name 
Kami no kami o shōkan suru (
Summoning the God of Gods)
DescriptionUsing all six arms, the user will perform a summoning jutsu, for which the handseals are different for all three pairs of hands. Hence, this technique could only be used by someone that has mastered the Visage of Asura technique.
This summoning requires no contract - the God of Gods is not a living creature. Rather, it is.. best comparable with a statue inhabited by a spirit, or multiple spirits. It is an ancient thing coming from the age of the first two shinobi - Indra and Asura - that was said to have the power over peoples emotions.
When the God of Gods is on the battlefield, the allies of the summoner will feel inspired and be inclined to fight harder. Similarly, the enemies will feel demoralized and will have a hard time to continue fighting with the lurking eyes of the God of Gods upon them, judging them for opposing him.
Furthermore, the statue has numerous other capabilities that will be entered later on, as these techniques are deserving of an entire sheet of their own. Honestly, getting lazy and want to post this for you guys.