Level: 1
Day/Time: Day One; Evening
Location: Tetris Castle Reception Hall
Tag: @Gentlemanvaultboy@Lmpkio@SuddenSardines@Bornlucky@Aether Spawn@Hostile@Loki Odinson@Hylozoist@Fabricant451@Bright_Ops@DracoLunaris@Argetlam350@Etherean Fire@Simple Unicycle
Day/Time: Day One; Evening
Location: Tetris Castle Reception Hall
Tag: @Gentlemanvaultboy@Lmpkio@SuddenSardines@Bornlucky@Aether Spawn@Hostile@Loki Odinson@Hylozoist@Fabricant451@Bright_Ops@DracoLunaris@Argetlam350@Etherean Fire@Simple Unicycle
Mario froze in his last position after completing a swing at an orange as a loud, drill sergeant-level voice boomed into the reception hall. His blue eyes were wide and lips tensed into a fine line of panic. Oh shit, was that Guile? Untwisting, he lowered the turkey bat to regard the American Hero standing in the doorway with an expression as stern as a mountain’s face. Mario caught the end of his exclamation and quickly hid the turkey leg behind his back and fearfully tensed. Nervously, he glanced around at the other characters, expecting a spiteful Samus or Luigi to throw him into the wheels of the bus. Shit, he expected even Freeman of all people to even squeal but no one did. Mario blinked in disbelief before dropping to a knee and bowing his head in shame. He wept happily to himself. He had such loyal followers fans comrades!
I did sir, Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck from the 343 Industries kingdom? World? Military profession…I believe you have a job for us?
Mario raised his head with a frown. Wait a second, he didn’t need someone taking the beating for him. He was no bitch!
“Hold it right there!” he shouted.
Mario stood up and leapt into the air. He bounded once, then twice, and on his third jump he performed a full twisting layout, flipping through the air to stick his landing…on a banana peel. He landed flat on his face before the Street Fighter legend and next to Buck, a tear drop slowly descending down the back of Guile’s head as he thought, Who was this clown?
Springing to his feet—in his best attempt to play off his fall—Mario grasped the cloak he had been conveniently wearing (and which also kept all the food mush off of his real clothes underneath) and removed it in one extravagant display. Resting his fists upon his hips, Mario proudly puffed out his chest and announced, “Ha! Itsa’ me Mario!”
He then grinned over his shoulder at the group and told them, “It was me the whole time!” Like they all had been too dumb and oblivious to have figured it out sooner.
Guile looked hardly impressed as he crossed his strong arms before his chest. He opened his mouth to speak when Mario apparently wasn’t finished. The plumber started flexing, his muscles expanding against the blue straps of his overalls and short-sleeves of his red work shirt.
“Who couldn’t recognize this manly moustache?” he gloated—he was very proud of his facial hair. He took good care of it after all.
“Mario!” came a voice from behind Guile just when the Major was about to speak again.
It was Rosalina. The Nintendo goddess briskly ran over to the door to the Reception Hall and peeked past Guile to see that it had actually been the Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.
“Mario, where have you been?” Rosalina asked and gasped, her hands covering her mouth. “You lost a lot of weight. Where’s Luigi? Did he help you?” She started looking around for his much taller brother and spotted him sitting alone next to some pudding. She also noticed that Samus was in the room. She waved to them both with a bright smile. It was nice seeing heroes of Nintendo.
Mario waved his hand dismissively at the mention of his brother. “Ha! No; I decided that I needed a change of image.” He then curled his arms, flexing his biceps and chest muscles for the goddess whilst wearing what he believed to be his Panty-Soaker 300 of a smile. “What do you think?”
Rosalina’s cheeks flushed and she coyly looked away. “You look great. I’m so happy for you.”
Mario grinned, lowering his arms as he dunked a hand into his overall pocket to remove a photo.
“I think I lost like…a hundred or something pounds. I don’t even know but I was a pretty hefty guy.”
He showed off his Before picture to Rosalina, Guile, and Buck as though they would care.
“It must have been all of that hero worship,” he explained and blushed as he thought of Peach, “And maybe some of the princess’s cooking every once and awhile.”
Guile, no longer desiring to be patient, announced over the chit-chat: “We have some important things to discuss here in the Council Room. If you’re covered in crap, kindly do your best to clean yourselves off before entering this room. If any of you try to enter the Council Room covered in shit, then I’ll personally throw you out. If you fall asleep during my brief, two words…Sonic Boom.”
His eyes then settled on Buck once more. He felt a slight kinship with the man since he served in the military. He offered his hand to him as he introduced himself, “My name is Guile. I am a Major in the United States Air Force back in my home realm. Here, I am an ambassador of the Capcom Kingdom—one of the Seven. It’s nice to know that there is some discipline around here. I need to start the brief. Get everyone inside.”
Guile paused before turning into the Council Room when the bark of a dog @Gentlemanvaultboy sounded in his direction. He glanced over at Amaterasu to give the wolf a stoic look as he wondered, This isn't a damn kennel... before he returned inside the Council Room. He walked down to the end of the round table opposite of the chamber entrance so when the characters trickled in they would be able to see the hologram that appeared above the table. The hologram was a blank, white square that slowly turned as it waited to be used.