@MrDidact@NecroKnightDitto. I mean, I don't like it when shit gets overtly fantastical, and GoT to me, even when it's got a lot of magic, feels very mysterious and very sort of....well, go look at Melisandre, because that is meant to be how it's executed in some ways- it makes no sense, because we can't logically comprehend it, it defies the very fundamentals that any character comes to understand...this doesn't feel like that, it feels a little too upfront, though that's my view. The Tyrells' and their greenhand (with roses) makes sense, in the same way perhaps the Starks are with direwolves and such- it's borderline, it almost isn't really magic, it's just a trait or a resistance in blood, but I can't help but feel that it doesn't really connect in really....no matter if it is OP or not, it's just, it feels to me that a female Knight from the riverlands who happens to be a one in a million on a lot of other things, is like that. I'd imagine just as said, that magic has to come with an enormous cost, or just really be scaled back- it doesn't feel at all like it's a very additive thing.
Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know, but all I can say is, from my personal view on things, I built the characters I use, both OC and non-OC as being total strangers to magic, to being deep characters I can ply and play in a political and personal sense, and that even goes for people like Ellion, which I feel is what GoT tries to tell- a very sort of intimate, close-in story, rather than looking at a reliance on a gift- which can in it's own, really turn out to be a horrid, horrid curse (reference: Thoros of Myr). It's difficult that one- but I mean, it could be done a little better, or it doesn't really add worth, to what is already a formidable female character.