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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interest Check
†Word of GM to everyone

This is a Fairy Tail RP that will have its own story within the same verse and every truths about how magic, time travel and lore works will be strictly followed.

In short this RP will be High Casual and expected to have quality writing and posts as the RP itself will involve realistic themes as oppose to Fairy Tail's traditional Power of Friendship which will also be applied but not all the time. I can have both yeah! After all what's a Fairy Tail story w/o it's bonds and flavors?

On the other hand, this is also going to be a fresh universe therefore there are no canon characters but the only exception is the Zeref Mythos and how Fairy Tail and the other guilds were founded, we're having an amalgam of an amalgam to suit the lore here. The Dark Wizard Zeref is still very influential just like Hiro Mashima's Fairy Tail but the plot itself won't revolve around him, he is just a legend whose reputation is renown and his creations and magics are used by various Mages, of course he is DEAD and FT Canon never happened because it is our own story. Fairy Tail for the most part is long gone, their golden age was short lived and that was Mavis's era. There will be no canon characters in this RP but only events of the past that factored to what the world of Fairy Tail is now will be intact and as a matter of fact, this RP would be more to character driven along with plot driven.

The core of this RP would be about bonds and how each and every character is developed and so to say I aim for a heavy character development up to the eleven and that's how Fairy Tail is; adventures that shape the character, your character, my character, our characters at its finest. It rolls both ways. Character Driven and Plot Driven are both equally intertwined, fact stands that some won't be involved in some stories as much as I encourage 100% participation that is because everybody is given the chance to venture with other characters and coordinate their story within Game Masters Guidance. Everyone here is strictly tied to one character per person only, your first character is your main character because quality rules over quantity and yes, there will be allocations for making additional characters but my word here is absolute that I advise everyone to prioritize their first characters and develop them to the point where core of sense make sense.

Player vs Player and Ranks. This is the last subject that I am going to touch in this intro of mine. We can never avoid epic battles or simple scuffles because Fairy Tail is a Shounen Manga and Anime itself, as long as the fight is necessary, it will happen but if not, it won't because we don't want to drag our players into draggy situations where they will cringe and kill the RP.

I know it hurts for everybody to accept this as a first and last command but this command is absolute and I will be honest. The fact that we are all veterans of this RP means a lot and some of us are even adults and sometimes kid/teens with an open mind. In this RP, you have to accept that your character is not your bias. Your character(s) will be attune to power levels because Rank matters. You have to accept that other people's character(s) would either be weaker or stronger than yours, mine included but given the right scenario and conditions, even the weak ones can beat the strong ones. THIS IS A FACT OF REALISTIC PROGRESSION. Your character will get stronger and not weaker not unless you're an S Class and I will dive in further to that.


Mildian Era
X-300 to X-500's

For a time that Dragon, Demons and Gods reign all over the world. This is also a time of war, a time of learning, a time to hope and dream for humanity. Time period states clear that this is also the time where the Dragon Civil War ended and the makings of legendary figures that shaped the course of history for the magic and inventions we know today. Magic at this era was mostly alien to all since this is just the beginning of civilization for mankind and lots of grit and hardships were not very kind.

Restoration Era and Vyper Bolt's Origin Story

In the mid 500's, guilds were established and over the years. The first guilds were established during the year of X-489. Guilds for centuries descended from various cultures and mage oriented family little by little cease fire and travel around the world to establish their guild in the many nations of this world. This is also a tragic time where dark guilds were at large numbers and the rising of a great empire that is well known today to have conquered multiple nations and a total of 730 Guilds, The Great Alvarez Empire.

The early 600's were harsh as Alvarez relentlessly conquer nations all over the world, this is also the time where Vyper Bolt was created by ßhin Ryū Oou. Vyper Bolt and eleven more guilds that are allied with them are the loyal subjects of the Emperor, they are known as the Spriggan 12 that conquer nations and establish the Emperor's greatness. The first Emperor of the Alvarez Empire was none other than the Great Black Wizard Zeref himself and over time nations were conquered and civilizations established, all of this done as a mere boy.

Flash forward to X-680's; Fairy Tail Guild was founded by its First Guild Master, Mavis Vermillion at the year 686 and later resigned at X-696 due to her marriage affair with Zeref held at Alvarez Empire and from there she would live the rest of her life, she bore two sons but died after giving birth, Zeref also died and the second Emperor after him was also decreed. She was later succeeded by Precht Gaebolg, one of her co-founders of the guild immediately took the title of Guild Master but since he was obsessed with dark magic, the guild disbanded.

Harpy's Wing Origin Story

Aeona Mirakl(13 years old at the year X-698) the last of the Mildian Scholars sought to end the bitter fate of her people in Ascella. Mildian Scholars were hunted down by assassins in order to gain the forbidden pieces of Zeref's inventions, the Eclipse Gate. This is also the time where Celestial Wizards are kidnapped, raped and killed by these assassins. Aeona at a young age watched her family burned down by these assassins at the age of 13. At one point she thought of avenging them but violence was never an answer; the answer is simple! Help the people who were lead astray by these assassins actions and help people who didn't have homes.

Eventually she became the First Guild Master of Harpy's Wing and brought forth a revolution in the entire Magic World. Aeona brought meaning to magic that it's more than a weapon, it is bonds, it is life, it is knowledge and it is love. As her fame and guild grew larger, her loved ones die faster. The wretched assassins didn't stop taking away what is hers all because she was a Mildian Scholar and this was the time that she have to face her monsters, Vyper Bolt. She faces the dark guild that tormented her since she was just a fresh teen thus the century feud between Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing starts. A feud that would last even when Vyper shed its old skin into a light guild. Aeona ran away in hopes that Vyper won't cause anymore pain and suffering, sadly they did the opposite, to lure her out, they killed countless Harpies and ultimately she faces Vyper and took half of the guild down with her down to death. This act not only saved many lives but also left Harpy's Wing masterless and the feud still continued until X-777.

Battle For Luna Crescente
The Great Battle between Harpy's Wing and The Former Assassin Dark Guild, Vyper Bolt. Aeona Mirakl freed the town that was overrun by Vyper forces. This is also where she died and where most Harpy members settled without a Master. Aeona died with honor because she freed this poor town from the Vyper's child labor.

The Successors
In the year X-798, Aeona Mirakl's descendant Sonna Mirakl restored Harpy's Wing and became the official Second Guild Master, her rule was 6 years but her disappearance of reason was unknown. She was later succeeded by Kat Ingrid Slane a Wind Devil Slayer , the third Guild Master of Harpy's Wing who brought the golden age of Harpy by making the guild one of the strongest guilds in Fiore, Kat became one of the 10 Wizard Saints in the year X-812 and entrusted her leadership to one of her successors, the Fourth Master of Harpy's Wing.

†Character Creation

I only allow one person per character and that character will be yours for the rest of the RP unless it is killed due to plot or natural events. This is to ensure that everyone develops their character to the point that asking me and my Co-GMs a second character is good enough. More character means more effort and I generally want everybody to have one character in order to explore and finish Season 1 of this RP. Let it sink in your mind that this RP is short and I don't try to raise my expectations of its survival due to the fact that RP dies but let me tell you this, Teamwork and Communication is what's important here.


Sink it in to your minds that your character is either weaker or stronger than Player Xs/Player Y's character. This RP has a strong sense of realistic themes and hierarchy, if you have a problem with this rule then you might as well quit, this isn't to wank your character or mine either; this is for everybody's good. As this RP is also equally character and plot driven, the more experience your character gets through events and whatnot, it equals to character development and therefore attaining the next rank above. There is no such thing as demoting from a rank.

Guild Masters: A GM is promoted based upon their experience and character and not entirely power. Nobody will be allowed for this unless I say so.

S Class: An S Class is essentially the strongest Mage among his or her guild members, only being second to the Guild Master. This Rank is gained through the S Class Exam and there can only be one S Class Mage after the exam. 4 slots are open! 2 for Harpy and 2 for Vyper.

Bear it in mind the power level I have in mind is at least Erza's. At least back when she was cool and that's during the Phantom Lord arc. The maximum power level I can allow is Laxus' power level during Fantasia arc. Reason being, I don't want to see extremely OP S Classes. You just have to bear with the standards I have in store.

As S Class: You progress "sloth slow" in terms of power. This doesn't entirely mean you are invincible. With the right conditions, S Class characters can be beaten and it just so happens that having an S Class character means that the character you have is stronger and experienced.

By the virtue of common sense. S Class are sometimes handicapped by Plot Induced and Character Induced Stupidity aka rule of treading carefully so that things won't look so easy. Although this can be factors of their defeat and for the sake of moving the story, this method is a switch that Hiro Mashima himself uses but be careful when you use it.

A Class. This is pretty much where everybody wants to lean on if the spots are taken for S Class. If you start with this rank, you progress slower like turtle slow compare to the S Class' sloth slow. You won't be getting upgrades meaning new spells but you still get to shine by default.

C and B Ranks
Both ranks equally get to progress in a faster rate because they have more room compare to their S and A superiors but it doesn't mean that growth is rapid.

Overall, I advise everyone to choose their ranks on set of your character creation. Think not for yourself and think of others and speculate how would you feel? Is this worth it? How will this affect the RP? In a nutshell, think of others first before yourself, yes we are bias when it comes to super powers and hax stuff but please.


I have 10 rules and I have a rule zeros. The zero rule is don't be a selfish prick because you will be banned from this RP permanently. It's okay to brag about your character but you have to accept the fact that this isn't what the RP is about. Also, if I'm not around my Co-GMs will handle this RP. For the record, I have a life to and so if I go M.I.A, I am expecting everyone not to panic. Work with my Co-GMs as a team.

The True Rule Zero is Teamwork. We are a family like Fairy Tail, don't go abandoning your nakama just because of your feelings. You have to deny your feelings of self interests that are selfish and have the will of Fairy Tail. We laugh together, we suffer together, we face our problems together and we have fun together!

First: Have Fun!

Second: Think, write a quality post. I don't need to elaborate this.

Third: Communication. This not only applies to collaborations but also things like if you're leaving the RP, having an urgent leave, can't post etc. I am not gonna enforce "post! post!" Keep it mind that you pick this RP for a reason. Do your job or leave. Most discussions are discussed here in the OOC, I don't care if it is not RP related. I'm cool with us being friends.

Fourth: Did I mention that this is a first come first serve? I will be lenient on W.I.Ps but whoever gets to finish first will be accepted. Every time I flash a special role like having a Dragon Slayer, come and get it! There is no such thing as reserving spots here, I will exclude those people on the interest check on the other hand.

Fifth: Respect. It's cool to be sarcastic, I don't want drama here because that belongs to PMs.

Sixth: RPG rules apply and I don't even need to elaborate this. We're all mature enough to understand what is a Mary Sue and what are boundaries. I may be a laid back person but when I have to be tact and critical of your character, I will have to.

Seventh: I officially declare holidays as a NO POST DAY. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS, WE ALL HAVE LIVES! If it's your birthday, go out there and have fun and don't post but if you feel like it, do it but I rather not have you post. WE HAVE LIFE.

EIGHTH: Collaborations. Everyone has the privilege of having to write a story as long as it is within Game Masters Guidelines.

NINTH: Everyone has the privilege of creating an offshoot of this RP as long as we are following the same verse and within the rules of my verse. I want crossovers of this RP of your own Fairy Tail RP.

TENTH: Refer to Rule Zero.


Revised Timeline:
Current Year- X 814.

Härpē Wing

Harpy's Wing was founded by Aeona Mirakl The First Master in order to provide those who have lost their homes a new nest and a place to belong, their origin is dated all the way to Ancient Fiore, Mildia. Harpy's Wing believes in the strength of a guild as a collected force and encourages the harmony between wizards and magic. However, the guild that was brought to its glory in X-798 by Sonna Mirakl, the second master lost its popularity after her disappearance. They are known for being excellent teachers when it comes to learning about magic and its uses, as well as providing a place to stay for those without a home. Their rivalry with Viper Bolt is considered a sin and a curse for their feud had been going for centuries.

Jobs: Will be decided by @Vongola_Hasayo

The Harpy's Vow

It is my vow, to never give in against the adversity.
To never betray those that care for me.
To never judge someone without knowing them, and judging myself first.
To never make others feel unwanted.
To never forget that I am not alone, no matter what.
Even if my wings are stripped from my back and I am left helpless, I will always remember that I am not alone, that my friends and comrades, my family, will become my wings.
Even if I were to stop believing in myself, I will never stop believing in those that do believe in me.
And most importantly, I will never forget that no matter what, I will always be a Harpy, and that my family will always be there for me.

Vypər Bolt

Viper Bolt was formerly a dark guild of ninjas for hire whose purpose was all for the loot, their origins are dated all the way back to the ancient times, Alvarez Empire is where they rooted and were part of the Emperor's imperial enforcers. Prior to the guild's formation, they were just cultists who worshiped Dragons and Snakes however; this was abolished by the man who would become the first master. ßhin Ryū Oou became the first master and usurped power from the Priest and turned into a band of thieves which later developed into Ninja. The name ßhin Ryū Oou later ascended as titular rank for the future Guild Masters, they will be addressed by the name, even today.

Things take a whole massive turning point when their dark ways abandoned in the year X-777. Viper turned into a light guild during an inside war of leadership, due to its cruel standards, its members revolted against their leader and loyalists scattered. This was a bloody point in the history of Viper and as they shed their skin, the 70% of its members scattered all over the world and 30% migrated to Ishgar, Fiore. It's current master is a neofied ßhin Ryū Oou(Meaning True Dragon King), Kong Li The 4th Guild Master leading his generation of Vipers to the light averting from their assassin ways.

Jobs: As they shed their old skin, they now preach Kung Fu and teach the art of self defense, they proactively do Cosplay jobs as well because the saying, "Every Martial Artist has a great disguise and should not be judge by cover alone".


I will never walk the path of destruction.
Together we slither the ground in turbulence to teach others and myself humility.
Vengeance is not ours to deliver but it is nature's to reckon.

My body is my temple and my mind is my battle ground.
Through it all, my spirit is above my body and mind.
For spirit is me, one with nature as nature is my author and finisher.

Yet my skin will come to pass so does my transgressions.
But my spirit filled with love and burning passion will never cease
Shedding a skin from the ash. My venom is not a poison but a cure.

Together Viper kills with kindness.



The eastern part of Earth Land is occupied by a very large peninsula called Ishgar (大陸, イシュガル, Ishugaru), that around is surrounded by scattered isles of differing sizes; the peninsula itself is linked to the mainland, whose geography is mainly unknown.

  • The Kingdom of Fiore, occupying a smaller, secondary peninsula sprouting from the main one, to the west.
  • The Land of Isvan, a country located to the east of Fiore, although its exact location in Ishgar is unknown.
  • The Principality of Veronica, a small country located in the mountains north to Fiore.
  • The country of Seven, occupying a peninsula northeast of Fiore.
  • The country of Bosco, located east of Fiore.
  • The country of Iceberg, located to the east of Seven, northeast of Bosco, north of Joya, northwest of Bellum and west of the Pergrande Kingdom.
  • The country of Stella, located to the east of Bosco, the north of Iceberg and the southwest of Joya.
  • The country of Minstrel, located to the southeast of Fiore, separated from it by a large gulf with an island in its center.
  • The country of Midi, located on a small peninsula south of Minstrel.
  • The country of Desierto, a large region located east of Minstrel.
  • The country of Joya, located north of Desierto.
  • The country of Bellum, located east of Desierto, on the eastern shore of the large lake separating it from Desierto and Joya.
  • The country of Sin, located on a peninsula in the southern part of the continent.
  • The island of Caelum, located in the sea not far from Minstrel's western shores.
  • The island of Enca, located south of Sin.
  • The Pergrande Kingdom, the largest country, located in the easternmost part of the peninsula, linking it to the mainland.



Magnolia has a population of 60,000 inhabitants, and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. This homes numerous guilds and the common ground between Harpy's Wing and Vyper Bolt's Common Headquarters. Where in fact, both guilds are so huge and increasing in numbers, their guilds are scattered all over the face of Earthland.

Vyper Bolt has a total number of 18 branches and its known branches as of now are Cedar and A City without Sound. Harpy's Wing on the other hand has a total of 24 branches, one of its branches is located at Luna Crescente.
Harpy's Wing HQs


Harpy's Wing Ancestral Home
Located near the Blooming Capital of Crocus. The tower that stands in the center of a green field, among other houses, proud and imposing, yet welcoming, Harpy's Wing headquarters. A little village is built at its foot, giving a very rustic feeling, maybe even nostalgic. This is the little village of Ascella, both young and little in comparison to Crocus, but essentially, also a part of it. The location of Harpy's Wing main building is far away from the Blooming Capital because of its intention: To give a place to stay for those that are weary from their travels and help them get back in their feet. People soon started settling in at the foot of the imposing tower, giving birth to this mock of a village, that is nonetheless warm and receiving.

Luna Crescente

A sizable village surrounded by a crescent shaped lake. Waterways flow freely alongside the streets and the people are highly festive. It's position as a sort of crossroads between major cities makes it a merchants paradise. Luna Crescente is a small village that houses Harpy's Wing second guild hall. It is located in the outskirts of Magnolia

Vyper Bolt's HQs

Alvarez Empire

The western continent of Earth Land is called Alakitasia (西の大陸, アラキタシア, Arakitashia) which is much more monolithic compared to Ishgar, with few islands.

It's main nation is the Alvarez Empire, that once attempted to invade Ishgar in X781. The Alvarez Empire is located on the western continent of Alakitasia. It lies towards the west across a vast ocean that traveling there by boat would take about ten days to reach. The exact borders are not known, but it is said to span a large portion of the landmass.

  • Vistarion. Vistarion is one of the major cities located in the Empire in the continent of Alakitasia, housing a significant population, gaining more lore over the years due the monopolization of the country overseen by its Emperor.


A city that neighbors Vistarion and located at the northern part of Alvarez. Its city is filled with family oriented Mages those of Ninja and Samurai. The city itself has extreme temperatures of hot and cold during its respective summer and winter. This is the home of Vyper Bolt.


The city of heavens. It is required to wear magical goggles to go inside the city otherwise one will be blind. The city itself is filled with hidden treasures of hidden treasures and relics of the old and new. Time itself works differently once you go in.....


Vyper Bolt's Official HQ in Magnolia



Character Name(s): (Your character's name, as well as any others who are accompanying you.)
Tier(s): (What tier your character or characters are in, this is very important!)
Tag(s): (This is not for hashtags, though that was pretty funny. Make sure you're tagging your partners if you have any, here.)
Job Name: (Take the name directly from the job board, please)
Team Leader: (Delete this line if not applicable)
Other: (Things you may be bringing along that have been gathered from previous missions/prerequisites)


On how Devil Slayer Magic came to be is shrouded in mystery and nobody knows how, what and who brought forth this magic to existence. It is a magic used by Exorcist Mages to kill demons during the Mildian Era where Dragons, Demons and Gods roam Earthland freely and this era was a state of calamity and wars; many people die and many people were lead astray. Devil Slayer Magic is a conviction and an inheritance that Mage Oriented Families would pass on from descendant to descendant or simply Master to Student, it is a tradition that have been going on for nearly a millennia.

Side Effects
A lost magic that is designed to destroy demons. Compare to its relative slayer magic; God and Dragon Slayer, it's really fickle because the longer it is used, the Devil Slayer gradually succumbs to insanity which is a long lasting side effect. Their minds gradually distort even if a demon is killed and absorbed curses from it. Insanity Effects that of the Curse of Contradiction; Paranoia to some degree because of the magic's program to kill demons and until one day, they turn into full blown demons.

All Slayer Magics have the power to kill what they have to slay. The Devil Slayer magic is this as well but way different because with the Akugan(Devil's Eye) allows its users to obtain information about a Demon by just observing it for a second. The eyes of the Devil Slayer will be in a different color that respectively represents their element. With the Devil's Eye they are able to see through curse related spells.

Instantaneous Flashes
A Devil Slayer who has mastered their magic can perform feats that surpasses their own element's weaknesses. This can only be achieved through training, years of practice and this very feat only applies to high level spells. A Devil Slayer Secret Art totally qualifies for this. The Devil Slayer's element would be nigh inextinguishable e.g ice that does not melt, fire that does not burn out etc.

The sanity slippage is one of them but for all Slayers; they are designed for raw power. A Slayer is doomed to not have a manipulation shape on the magic itself. Even if this weakness can be bypassed through molding magic, it does not warrant perfect control due to the nature of Devil Slayer Magic.
Indra's Notes 101: Devil Slayer Magic

Molding Magic

Also named Maker Magic, the very ability to give shape and create shape. It comes in vast variety of forms, commonly in elements. Best described as an unrestrained type of magic and limited to the user's imagination. Both hands are required to mold in order to invoke it, one hand usage though easier it is less stable. Masters of Molding Magic need not use both hands but can alternatively use hand gestures, bodily gestures and a simple blink of an eye to mold but this is extremely difficult. Maker Magic is based on creativity than brute force but it all depends on the potency of the user to pack up more damage(rank, for example AN S Rank packs more damage than a C Rank Mage.)

A Molding Mage is creative and the epitome of a Shape Manipulator. To a degree, the Mage can manipulate alien properties of their molding magic is related too. For example, an Ice Make Mage manipulates an Ice Devil Slayer's Ice. It's possible but only for that duration of time. They cannot permanently keep the additional properties of the familiar/former magic afterwards.

In the long run, Molding Magic is versatile. In a battle of strategy, it is the most suitable type of magic. In a battle of brute force, it is not suitable. Elemental weaknesses apply. In a tricky situation, it is tricky and it depends otherwise molding becomes a liability for example, Steel Make: Key is suited for lock picking a locked door but it won't be suitable for Water Make: Door because it's a door of water, Water Make: Key would be suitable for it. Normal types of objects can be easily breached but objects that are magical cannot be, for example, objects that are affected by Runes or special condition type of spells.

I.C Usage
A Molding Mage in the I.C is allowed to freely create what they desire as long as it is in the realm of common sense, doable and something that they can do at their specified rank. It is advisable to tread carefully so that its portrayal/display won't come out as an asspull/convenience/convenient depending on the situation not unless agreed by GM and Co-GM.
Indra's Notes 102: Maker Magic

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 43 min ago

I am just gunna move my CS from the last one to here and alter it accordingly.

Hope it's okay. It is super late and I kinda threw this in without really thinking about it...had an opening since all my other threads seem to be dying because people drop off the face of the internet planet...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sweet I'll make a cs soon, got a couple days off
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Might be busy, but I still wanna be a part of this, so here's my little smokey mage. Hope a theme song isn't too necessary. I'll add one later.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will get a returning characters (and a new one perhaps) out later today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I only allow one person per character and that character will be yours for the rest of the RP unless it is killed due to plot or natural events. This is to ensure that everyone develops their character to the point that asking me and my Co-GMs a second character is good enough. More character means more effort and I generally want everybody to have one character in order to explore and finish Season 1 of this RP. Let it sink in your mind that this RP is short and I don't try to raise my expectations of its survival due to the fact that RP dies but let me tell you this, Teamwork and Communication is what's important here.

Not sure if you saw this, but one character per person is the max @Indra is allowing for the course of the RP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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So I think I can just reuse this old one with minimal changes (most notably, I actually went and drew her myself this time) so... Here's hoping this works out better this time I guess!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Returning with my darling daughter Pheobe McBeamspam~!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The love is strong here.

@Rune_Alchemist Don't worry. I'm not forcing you my bride you.

@Lmpkio Yes, returning characters from whichever version. ONLY ONE.

To everyone.

This RP is its own version and is an amalgam of Hasayo's and mine, lore wise. Whatever happened in our older versions never happened because this is a different verse, new beginnings etc.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist Ok, good to know. I'll probably have an old character return like Matisuki.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matt's back! Maybe he can be an S-Class this time for Harpy?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

No love for the Vypers
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Haha, I noticed. Guess I'll have to make a character for the Vypers instead then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've currently got a Vypher in the works. Just not done yet XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Here is a roughly put together character sheet. I hope it's alright

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


My Co-GMs are @Rune_Alchemist @Vongola_Hasayo and @TheHangedMan

Yes, I'm taking GMing to a whole new level.

I will be reviewing characters starting tonight.

I am enforcing a rule for at least 2 or a maximum of three GMs to approve characters. It doesn't have to involve me.
As for S Class, three GMs. We are very particular about S Class Mages.

I figured as much that Harpy became a breakout for every version. That's okay, to those who are gonna play Vyper, everybody's gonna have some Kung Fu fighting!

Keep em coming/
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Of course, I'll Kyuuten will be returning cuz I still gotta tell his story!

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