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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Ikebukuro —

The mage shrugged at the rider without a shred of regret in the motion. "And if it had proceeded to attack some helpless bystanders would you have been able to live with yourself? Hesitation only benefits your enemies. Now we have control of the situation."

He crouched down and laced his long fingers together, studying the animal. "I knew some hounds like you once that served a god." That the god in question held a serious grudge against Ben he left out. "Where is yours, I wonder? Do you seek him even now?"

— restaurant —

Ennis delicately sipped from her won glass of wine. She assumed that, like her, some of the others here were much older than they appeared. She followed this with a forkful of pasta while she considered what Klaus had said.

"It sounds like an organization like yours is exactly what we need right now, I would be pleased if you would allow me to join you. On the topic of an office, it shouldn't take much to reach a basic level of functionality. I don't know much about where you are from but if we do most of our conferencing over the internet then you would only really need a single, well appointed meeting room. As far as funding goes..."

She glanced at Sharpton and leaned closer.

"I should be able to find somee individuals who carry far too much ill gotten cash on hand."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Takamachi Nanoha

Nanoha was surprised by the fact that the city is still functioning as normal, despite everything that happened yesterday. Of course, she knew about her own people's resilience, their capacity to absorb a shock and keep on going full-speed ahead, a trait that Nanoha herself shows on spades, apparently.

However, the fact that creatures such as those strange, multicolored monsters that they fought yesterday could still be roaming the town was pretty worrying. Nanoha was still waiting for an answer to the questions she added to her report, but she was sure that they couldn't be anything good.

The worry that crept around Nanoha's mind was visible on her face for a brief moment as she followed Minami into the small restaurant.

The place may not be anything like her family's bakery in terms of space, but Nanoha could feel that this place had a lot of soul to it, just like its owner. The way that he and Minami talked to one another made it seem like they were old friends and kind of made her wonder if there wasn't more to their story than simple friendship. She would have to keep this question in mind for later.

"Hi, I'm Takamachi Nanoha. Though, I guess you already know that, right? Nyahaha!"

"I hope that we are not imposing on you by coming at this time," Nanoha said, bowing politely, right after Minami gestured towards her. "If that's the case, I'll have a bowl of your best ramen, rice and some of the fish Minami was talking about on the way here," she added while smiling.

Hopefully, she didn't order too much...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Italian Restaurant

The small empress showed slight astonishment as before her was placed a large plate of hot, still steaming food. She could smell the rich spices, could virtually taste the flavors in the mouth even with just the scent alone. Stuffed shells of pasta, filled with an assortment of fine cheeses, coupled with some meatballs of prodgious size and pieces of what seemed to be sausage, sitting atop a thick bed of a creamy-looking sauce that had pieces of mushrooms all throughout its composition. With a sprig of some green plant on top for garnish. This was her dish, and despite the fact she couldn't really identify much in it Sanaki's mouth was watering despite her attempts to hold a good poker face about this. She, who was so used to the kitchens of her palace, was sitting in a place seemed fit for commoners....and yet this food smelled just about as good as it did back home when she would eat dinner.

If she ever made it home....no, when she made it home she was going to see if such a dish could be replicated in Begnion. And this was her opinion before taking her first bites.

Grabbing the familiar fork utensil, and utilizing the large, almost cloth-like napkin she had been brought with it, the small Empress took the first bite of her dish. Her manners were formal and proper, her conduct in taking the bite good, even wiping her mouth as a bit of that sauce got on her chin.

For the first time in years her eyes seemed to light up as she chewed the bite of food carefully, picking out the flavors and textures, her refined palette of a nation's leader coming into play. But over it was...was....DELICIOUS. She had never tasted such good food, far better than eating bear meat and such on that dreary campaign to slay a goddess. Albeit that campaign had been more important than any food she ate, merely eating something edible being a good thing really back then.

She could barely restrain herself from digging into the food like a madwoman, but visibly in front of the others kept up a modest eating pace with proper manners and customs. Only the look in her eyes betrayed her true level of enjoyment with the meal, but to her it would be impolite to say anything about it until after she finished the meal. Though her sincerest compliments would certainly be going to the chef humbly and discreetly, whenever she finished her meal and another waiter came by.

Though for the time being she was listening to the conversations, and upon Klaus speaking up about an organization she swallowed a bite of food, politely wiped her mouth, and decided to respond to this idea of Klaus' with her own thoughts about it.

"Your idea is intriguing, sir. I shall join as well, so long as Ms. Meterora here is also in agreement to join. Surely a base of operations for now would assist in deploying to handle any more....other-worldly intrusions like those wyverns for the time being."

Li Shuwen

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

"Hahaha! Yes, remain wary in this sort of place, that's a good way to survive," Shuwen said, laughing before addressing the two girls again after he had been spoken to, before glancing at the situation with the wolf again after having been keeping an eye for a moment, more seeming as if he was mulling about to himself with the following things he said, "Ah, perhaps the wolf was pursuing something, perhaps? I wonder....maybe a strong opponent?"

Regardless of his words, he began to jog over to the assembled group of individuals with the wolf. He was rather casual and non-hostile about his manner of approach, though he kept his wits about him whilst remaining ready to deploy Sphere Boundary if he so needed. Not that any could match his fists, though this girl who had caught the world had also caught his eye. No weapon in her hands, and she showed some strength. Further her movements seemed a bit trained, specifically in martial arts.

It got his blood pumping just a little, really.

"Greetings, warriors!" the martial artist called out as he made his final few steps to walk up to the group proper, his approach leaving him closer to Hibiki than the others.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Leonardo Watch

Leo quietly sat by and watched as the others talked, taking in the food with a quiet focus that seemed a bit unlike him... Mainly because it really was. The occasional shaking had resumed underneath them, and if the young man knew anything about how his life tended to end up, it was that at times like these things usually started to go horribly, horribly wrong for himself and everyone else around him.

In other words, now was the time to eat and savor the moment before everything got too out of hand.

"I think it's good that we're getting more people on board for this, at least," he said between bites, catching his cup of water as the rumbling began to hit a fever pitch. "Okay, this is just starting to get out of hand. What's going on outside?!"

As if on cue, Sonic came flying in from one of the windows, a few singed hairs on its head as it grabbed Leo's shirt by the collar and began to rapidly point outside in a panic. With a few beads of sweat running down his forehead now, the young man took the glass of water with him and walked over to the restaurant's exit to peek outside...

Only to immediately duck back inside and close the door, a small part of his fair also having been singed off.

"Um... Guys? I think we might have a problem," he said, calmly pointing out the door towards the street.

Indeed, there was now a small army of aliens now streaming down the streets, firing their weapons at any people who were unlucky enough to be standing in the way.

Or, in the case of the insectoid ones, infecting and killing people to add more to their ranks as they went.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi couldn't help but laugh as she watched Mordred struggling with the strange machine in front of her, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave off an aura of (perceived) confidence. The idea seemed simple enough for the Celestial, at least; press button, move the weird machine-arm-thing that she was used to seeing the kappa use, and let go. Simple!

"Hey, let me have a try," she said, slipping past Mordred to try her hand at a machine adjacent to the one she was at. A few coins were added into the machine (after a bit of fumbling), and off the girl went!

To fail. And more coins were added. And another failure.

By the third try she seemed to be just as angry as Mordred.

"Hey, come on! This has to be cheating, right? Right?! Even festival games aren't as crazy as this!" she shouted, stomping her right foot on the ground and (inadvertently) causing a small, localized earthquake. "I swear, I'll get this... I'm not sure what it is, but it looks soft! Whatever!"

As soon as Hibiki let the giant wolf down, it took a few steps back and slowly attempted to move its limbs about, as if to check for any damage, before turning towards the weird man among the group and tilt its head in confusion. It seemed to understand what was being said, but the question itself seemed to make no sense at all to it. Not like it could speak, though.

The biker, of course, seemed to stare at the group for a moment before sagging her shoulders. She was used to weird occurrences back in Ikebukuro, of course, but this... It was, admittedly, a bit much for her.

"You don't think that sending a giant wolf careening across the sky is more attention-grabbing than what it's been doing since last night?" she typed, half expecting the group to know why the police had evacuated the area before realizing that if that was the case, they might not have come at all. "There was a giant earthquake in the middle of the region here, and this wolf's been doing nothing but circling that place all night. I don't know if it's looking for someone or something, or if it's trying to keep people out, but I can't just overlook something like that in the first place."

"Coming right up!"

As soon as Nanoha made her order, the chef nodded and quickly got to work, jumping back and forth between different workstations in the kitchen as the smell of food cooking filled the air. It didn't take long for the food to be done cooking, if anything—only a few minutes of work were needed before all of the dishes were ready and on the table.

"Hope it's all to your liking. Minami, got you the usual, so... Mind explaining a bit more about this whole situation?" Sakajima finally said, taking a seat near the two as he took a glance by the door. "Honestly, dunno why I opened up after all those messes yesterday; probably ain't gonna be anyone coming out to eat anyhow today."

"Oh, thanks," the Private responded, handing over some money to the chef (who promptly slipped it into his pocket) before nodding. "Well, how much do you know?"

"Earthquakes, various anime enemies popping out of the woodwork, people going missing... About what you'd expect on an incident of this scale."

"Hm... Any local incidents? Gossip from last night?"

"I heard one of the regulars—you know Endo, the otaku kid from five blocks down—shouting something about 'Noise' near his home. Nobody could understand a lick of what he was saying outside of that, though, so everyone else here was kind of just... Eating before they left."

With that minor information-gathering session finished, Sakajima turned towards Nanoha and smiled.

"So... Nanoha? The actual Nanoha? Honestly, I have two questions. One: do you have anything to prove that you're the real deal?" he asked before leaning forward, a smile on his face. "And two: how's my food compared to where you're from? Second question's more important, of course, but I'm not going to pass a chance like this up. Imagine the buzz I could get after all this is over, y'know?"

@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 25 min ago

Konpaku Youmu

Ah... this beverage... in only a few sips, a sensation of dull warmth had filled the small, white-haired girl's body. Really, it was likely someone looking at her would think she was too young to be drinking alcohol by at least a few years, but the fact was she was quite a bit older then she looked. Youmu was half-phantom, after all. Her mind somewhat less focused, the short found her eyes drifting briefly to her mistress. Ah... Yuyuko-sama was so pretty, really... and gifted in terms of her body, too... After a moment, Youmu realized just what direction her thoughts were heading in. Trying not to show just how much she was blushing, the samurai gardener swiftly looked away from the pink-haired ghost, directing her eyes downward as she swiftly set about finishing her meal.


The little monkey that had been hanging around Leonardo suddenly came in in a panic, trying to indicate that something terrible was going on. It even looked like it had been attacked, somehow... Worry suddenly gripping the small girl's heart, Youmu shot to her feet and quickly proceeded outside, her phantom half trailing behind her.

And what she saw..

People were crying out in pain and dying as bursts of energy struck their bodies, sending them to the ground. Horrible, insect-like beings were capturing and slaughtering the men and women frantically attempting to flee down the street. Even the few who stopped to try and stand and fight in desperation, to protect those around them, were soon struck down horribly, burned or ripped apart. Red blood splattered across the streets as again and again, innocent people fell dead.

Youmu's blue eyes widened. She had never seen anything so... so awful. She knew some of the creatures of Gensokyo were predatory towards humans, but most intelligent youkai no longer preyed upon them. One of the few she knew did was so incompetent that there was no way she would ever succeed. But this... this was mass death, mass suffering and pain. Why? Why were these awful, horrible things doing this? Why?!

A hail of shots were fired her way.

But they passed through thin air.

Youmu's mind had come to a simple conclusion the moment she had dodged. She was going to kill them.

All of them.

Every single last one of these monsters was going to die.

Her right hand clutched Roukanken's hilt as she leaned forward... and there was a sound like a sonic boom. The backdraft from Youmu's sudden movement caused the foliage in nearby planters to rustle as if struck with a strong breeze, and in an instant the body of one of the smaller, more humanlike aliens was suddenly severed completely in half from its shoulder to its hip!

Youmu said nothing, but the anger was clear in her eyes. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She was going to kill all of them...!

Her entire body suspended in the air for a moment, she suddenly hurtled back downwards and cut one of the larger, bulkier aliens' arm off, before following up with a slash through its head, cutting it through both of its eyes and sending the top of its skull tumbling off. Before its body even fell she was moving again. Several of the smaller aliens around her were cut apart, heads and limbs sailing through the air, spurting green blood, as Youmu swiftly advanced to one of the larger insect-like creatures!

It tried to react to her attack, but one of its swiping claws simply met thin air as she darted to the side, hewing one of its legs off and causing it to topple forward. She leaped up, and...

In a shower of green blood, its entire upper body split in half down the middle.

@PKMNB0Y@KoL@Raineh Daze@TheFake@Crusader Lord


"... Oi oi, you stupid machine..." Mordred glared at the machine. It most likely couldn't hear her, but she was going to let it know exactly how infuriated it had made her at this point, cracking her knuckles as she did. She wasn't going to let it get away with something like this. Whoever had made this thing had nothing less in mind but cheating people out of their money, and she wasn't going to let that stand any longer. Both Tenshi and herself had been struggling... There was no way something stupid like this should be so hard!

"This is what you get for fucking with us!" snarled the blonde knight, winding her arm back and then punching the glass, as hard as she could! It instantly exploded into tiny fragments, scattering to the ground!

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Looking for something..." Hibiki wondered, half-turning to look at the new arrival and wondering why he was calling them warriors. There seemed to be a distinct lack of, well... weapons amongst them all, with one between the four of them standing there. Though something about the way he held himself reminded her about the commander.

It hadn't shown any indication of being able to understand them so far, but there was nothing better to do than to ask the wolf directly if it was trying to find someone. Maybe with some yes and no questions it could lead them to whatever was keeping it here.

Maybe it was just good timing or some talent of the upper class, but as Leo pointed out the inexplicably starting alien invasion, Klaus was already carefully leaving his empty plate without ever having seemed to rush--certainly not as much as Leo or Zapp ever would--and stepping outside with the gauntlet on his hand. The tall man was certainly not as fast as Youmu but nor was he a stranger to murder and mayhem. He was no less determined to protect the normal people of this city as he was those in Hellsalem's Lot.

And what the aliens were about to learn was that there existed a human capable of punching them hard enough that they exploded and, moreover, was really appreciating how they were travelling in a group, nicely lined up, for a cross made of blood to spear right through a mass of them at a time.

Expecting some self control had obviously, obviously been too much. Let alone expecting them to get into the arcade proper and towards the machines where the point was to just enjoy the game. Tenshi had decided to shake the entire ground out of frustration and Mordred had, of course, broken one. It was a wonder that she was bothering to continue supplying the knight with magical energy at all, since all she seemed to do was cause trouble...

Undoubtedly, they would pick a fight with the arcade owner and complain about rigged machines--even if these weren't that rigged and they were just bad at them--if they stuck around for anyone to come out. Better to deal with CCTV footage and trouble later than watch these idiots start racking up more criminal charges.

Small hands wrapped around each girl's wrist and, with an utterly astonishing amount of force for someone that small, Evangeline did her best to quite literally drag them off. Maybe introducing them to games somewhere safer would be a good idea. After they found a DIY store.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Ikebukuro —

“I don’t care about drawing attention as long as I get the job done”, a small lie, though in this case Hibiki and the other girl had done most of the work. He stood for a moment to think through the situation. He didn’t know what the earthquake might have to do with the wolf, if the beast had been in the service of some god he could contact it might simplify matters… or not. Involving deities rarely made achieving an outcome any easier.

This helmeted rider seemed to have a much better grasp on the situation than anyone else did.

“Why don’t we all head to the epicentre of things and take the wolf with us. You didn’t say that it had outright attacked anyone yet, indeed, it appeared to be fleeing. So let’s let it take the lead and see what comes of it.”

— restaurant —

Things had gone very quickly from a nice dinner with some new friends to something well outside of her experience. Things not proceeding as intended was certainly something that Ennisis had experience with but the alien looking monsters that could have just crawled out of a cheap movie set were utterly outside of anything she could have considered.

One thing she did know was that most things went down if you put enough holes in them, herself being an exception. And since she had not seen any other immortals or hommunculi that she would have recognized, Ennis had no reason to think that this situation would differ.

She drew her pistol from under her jacket and opened fire, deciding right away that her next move should be to take one of the alien weapons for herself. Next to an apparent ghost swinging a sword with inhuman speed and a tusked man that was annihilating things with his bare hands she felt a little bit under prepared.

This train of thought was interrupted as a blast took her hand and gun with it. She growled in pain and anger, sprinting the last few steps even as the mangled limb began to regenerate and jumped onto the tall, hulking thing. She ignored the breaking bones as it battered at her body, digging her fingers ever deeper into its eye sockets until the thing abruptly stopped its struggles.

With a hand that was unmarked by its recent destruction she picked up the dropped weapon, wincing at the lingering pain and memory of pain. Now she moved swifter, enjoying the light recoil and gratifying effectiveness of the weapon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alien Invasion

...More beings trying to harm this city and its beorc? Already?!

Not that she should be surprised, but she had been enjoying that dinner rather thoroughly after all of the prior mess today. It had almost taken her mind off of the desire to get back home, not in the sense of properly getting rid of it though. It was more along the lines of numbing the feelings of homesickness that had begun to creep into her since her arrival. However, this instance sent a vibe of rage coursing through her blood.

How dare they interrupt a meal like uncultured swine! But more importantly, attacking innocents in the first place even was enough to get her blood boiling and her fury roused like a bonfire!

Sanaki leapt from her chair, and charged toward the door as fast as her legs could carry her.

"To me, heroes! We must stop this threat, first by halting their advance here!"

A tome came out from within her robes as she moved outside, the red-covered book's pages flipping as if moved by some nonexistent wind. If the others from earlier knew anything, and saw anything, about Sanaki's actions earlier....they would know which tome this was the "big guns". And its name was-


Aiming away from where the swordswoman named Youmu was beginning her rampage, the Empress dropped a fiery meteor out of the blue upon where another area where the enemies were thick and rushing down the street in numbers. Including many of the ones who seemed to be using the innocent to multiply. Indeed, they would feel the power of her might, the sting of her wrath, and the vehemence of the Empress of Begnion who would not stand down to these cretins!

Li Shuwen

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

"Haha! Then perhaps this beast is pursuing prey? Circling like a vulture upon its quarry....or perhaps seeking to keep check on whatever is in the center of this area as has been mentioned. Truly, you can only hope to go there, to the center of all of this, if you seek to find the truth!

Regardless, perhaps at the center of that earthquake is a foe most worthy of fighting, if it poses such danger as to compel this beast to actions like this!"
Shuwen said, giving a hearty laugh after speaking about the situation, after having listened to the others speak or communicate otherwise before his turn arrived. He seemed to not care about the sudden arrival and insertion of himself into the situation, though prospects of a good battle were second to none for him in getting him on board with this current situation. Even

He then looked over at the wolf before continuing, speaking directly to it, looking it directly in the eyes, his intent and warrior's passion nearly glowing. Indeed, perhaps he hoped his fighting spirit and intent would be more easily communicated to this animal than mere human words? There was perhaps only one way to find out, in his mind, the intent to assist it in this "hunt" and strike down the foes they met along the way.

He then turned his head toward Hibiki, eyes cool and collected as a true martial arts master, before continuing once more-

"Ah, but on another note, you seem to be a fellow student of the martial arts. My name is Li Shuwen, a master of Bajiquan. What styles have you been taught, girl, and what sort of master taught you what you know?"

-only to seek to finally sate his interest about this girl here. Her fists, her stance, all spoke of experience and training, of having been drilled by a master. Such a thing was nostalgic, if not already getting his blood surging at the thought of a potential spar or battle at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago


A great wall of flames would take over the streets of Manhattan, covering everything in what seemed like a sea of crimson. Despite the fiery appearance of the flames, they weren’t hot to the touch, in fact, it almost felt as if they weren’t there as they engulfed everything before settling over the edges of the city like an impassable wall, whose boundaries were defined by a line of glowing sigils.

The purpose of those flames would become clear a moment later as the world itself turned into shades of deep crimson and black. At the same time, everything else had their colors muted almost to a gray-scale, people, cars, buildings, all of them stopped moving. In fact, if anyone else cared to check a clock or watch, they would notice that time itself stopped as the world was shifted to this silent dimension.

The only ones still able to move were the invading aliens and other beings that didn’t belong to the regular reality. Any damage inflicted on regular humans that had been frozen still connected, but instead of blood, what came out of their wounds were pale flames. Inanimate objects could be damaged as normal but clearly, something wasn’t right in the situation.

The source of this massive seal was none other than a girl with deep crimson hair and yes standing at the edge of a building. As soon as she made herself known, the girl jumped off the building while reaching into her coat to draw Japanese sword as long as she was tall, or perhaps a bit more.

With a spin she landed close to a fanged guy that had an absolute beast-like appearance, slashing one of the aliens that had just ‘killed’ a human in half.

“I see that even though you aren’t Denizens or Flame Haze, all of you can move inside of the seal, which means you aren’t part of this world as well,” she said as she unceremoniously cut another invader. “I’ll ask, and answer, questions later since we have humans to save. For the time being, know that my name is Shana, the Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter,” Shana added before creating a massive flaming fist to smash a whole group of aliens in a single attack.

※ ※ ※

“Noise? Could that be related to the strange creatures I saw coming from cell phones and other devices yesterday?” Nanoha said once she heard the relatively young chef talking to Minami about the events that happened ever since yesterday.

“As I stated in the report, I remember that their magical energy signature was very weird. Not in the same way as the one belonging to Miss Yukari, but actually,” she paused, trying to gather the right words to describe her feelings in a way that they could understand.

“Yes, they felt just like Jewel Seed monsters but much… creepier,” Nanoha finally said as she found the appropriate comparison.

“Anyway, something to prove that I’m myself?” she repeated Sakajima’s words in an introspective way. “I could show you my student ID, but you’ll likely think that it’s just a souvenir, right? So, how about this?” Nanoha pulled the collar of her blouse, allowing Raising Heart to slip out of it and fly beside her Master.

“Good Morning, Mister. It’s a pleasure meeting you,” the device said in her robotic voice as she flew on her own for a moment before landing on Nanoha’s clasped hands.

Upon a command from Nanoha, Raising Heart projected a small holographic screen in front of them, displaying Nanoha’s TSAB Military ID.

“Captain Takamachi Nanoha of the Time and Space Administration Bureau’s Aerial Defense Force, at your service,” Nanoha said in a playful way as she looked at Sakajima with a gaze that seemed to ask ‘is that enough?’. “To answer your other question, I think that you must put a lot of heart in your cooking right, Mister Sakajima? After all, if I had to say, it doesn’t fall very short of Hayate’s,” she added before and whispering ‘just don’t let her, or Vita, know that I said this’ as if she were confiding a great secret to the young restaurant owner.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Hinanawi Tenshi

Just as Tenshi was about to go follow in Mordred's footsteps (that is, to say, smashing the machine for what it had "rightfully" cheated her out of), Evangeline's sudden interference threw the Celestial off balance. Before she had a chance to react in turn, though, the blue-haired girl was dragged out of the arcade along with her equally-tempered peer. There were a few moments of pause after the girl had been dragged off before she came to her senses, though, but by then it was already pretty clear that Evangeline probably wouldn't be letting them get back.

Tenshi contemplated the idea of fighting the vampire dragging them off for a chance to give the machines back at that arcade a taste of their own medicine, but decided that the possibility of getting beaten into the ground probably wasn't worth the effort. For now.

With a bit of struggling, the young woman twisted around before getting back to her feet and following behind Evangeline. The grip that she was caught in right now wasn't something she could break easily (if at all), but at the very least she could walk on her own two feet rather than be dragged along like some sort of luggage.

"Hey, you can let go of us now, you know," she complained, waving her arm around as they continued along. "Besides, where are you even bringing us now? I wasn't done with that place yet!"

The chef paused for a moment, staring at what was being presented to him in mild shock before laughing. It was undeniable that sci-fi technology like this had no way of existing on Earth as it was (at least, as far as he knew), so something like Raising Heart was enough to just wave all of his questions away. It wasn't like Sakajima had thrown all of them to the wind, of course, but there were only so many things he could get away with before Minami came over and stopped that line of questioning by force.

Nanoha's comment about the food that he had cooked for the group didn't go wholly unnoticed, though, and despite it feeling like a somewhat backhanded compliment, Sakajima still felt some joy in having the food be acknowledged. He had only really known snippets about the girl in front of him thanks to the Private's own rambling and occasional trivia bits before this whole incident started, but...

Well, that joy didn't mean that it didn't still sting a little inside.

"Ahaha... Yeah, I guess nothing can beat the taste of the food made by someone dear to your heart, huh? Yeah, I get that feeling," he said, an awkward smile on his face as he nodded his head. "Oh, right, a picture! You mind if I—"

"In any case..." Minami began, snapping the storeowner out of his little "moment", "You said Endo was screaming about the 'Noise', right? Mind giving us directions to his home?"

"Oh, uh... I mean, I don't really know EXACTLY where he lives, but just go down the road that way and take a left four blocks down. Cross the street and you're... In the area, I think?" Sakajima replied, arms crossed as Minami ate her own meal. "'s about the best I can do. It is pretty early and the city's probably in some state of pseudo-lockdown, I assume, but since people still need to eat I thought I may as well open the place up for business. Not like I'll get much, all things considered, but it's the thought that counts. Right?"

With a soft chuckle, Sakajima pulled out his phone and began to quietly flip through a few screens, glancing over at the multiple notices about the chaos in Tokyo... And, well, New York and elsewhere, it seemed.

"You two aren't the only ones handling all this, I assume? Hope you can keep the people in check; there's just enough law and order to keep the peace for now, but I'm worried about people deciding that looting might become an option if the city shuts down for too long..." he trailed off, taking note of the fact that other cities and countries were probably in a much worse state at the moment. "I don't know if there's a plan to go full 'global police' mode, but I'm kinda worried about how things are going to pan out at the rate things are going now."

Shokuhou Misaki

The two girls watched as the whole exchange occurred on top of the building, and despite the growing number of people present it didn't seem like a fight was going to break out any time soon. Luckily enough for them, though, the fire escape that led to the roof of the building was still available, and the pair steadily scaled the building in an attempt to at least overhear where the conversation was headed.

It didn't really register, though, that two of the main people that they wanted information from couldn't actually talk, but it wasn't like they could have known that to begin with. Not like it mattered much, of course, given that all they needed to hear was the suggestion that the rest of them move to the center of the region.

Miku visibly tensed up at hearing that, and Misaki simply frowned as she looked at the black-haired girl who was clutching her hands in front of her chest. It was obvious that there was something there, probably that Miku had seen and wasn't apt to speak about, but now was probably one of the worst times to ask.

The biker paused for a moment at the suggestion of further pursuit, and the wolf's hesitation before nodding in agreement caused her to only become even more puzzled. It had run away from her last night and had acted mostly belligerently when she had tried to get it to stop for all of last night, but here it was agreeing to the plans of a bunch of odd strangers.

It wasn't like she could do much to argue against that suggestion, though; there was power in numbers, and she had been meaning to check that out once the whole wolf situation was handled, anyhow.

"Fine, I guess that's the plan. I'll be following along, if you don't mind," she typed out on her phone before showing it to the rest of the group. "You can call me... Celty. That'll do for now."

Leonardo Watch

The young man paused for a moment in confusion as the whole world around them seemed to shift to greyscale, fiddling with his eyes for a bit to see if they could adjust things back to the way that they were before. Once that failed, though, Leo sighed and stared at the people in the restaurant who were stuck it place.

"...Odd..." he said, poking at them a few times before heading back out towards the exit. The fighting was still going strong, and the aliens were being eviscerated left and right at a frightening pace—at least, as far as he could see. This same scene was probably playing out over and over again all across the city, minus themselves of course, but this whole time-stop oddity still left more questions than it did answers. Was it the aliens or something that had done this?

Though he wasn't in range to hear any actual dialogue, the arrival of another person who seemed to be helping in busting through the alien army was a bit more revitalizing. If they could match Klaus in firepower, then all the better.

Before he could move up and get to the group to provide some backup now that most of the initial danger had passed, though, Leo found himself being hit on the back of the head all of a sudden and stabbed through the side of his body. The blow didn't knock him out, at least, but the appearance of a few mechanical tentacles poking through his body that seemed to disappear into thin air caused him to at least gain focus for long enough to send a quick transmission from his eyes towards everyone near him. That was about all he could manage, though, as once whatever had attacked him disappeared into thin air, it began to fly off.

Which meant, of course, that it was taking Leo with it to somewhere else in the city.

@KoL@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Crusader Lord
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Why don't you give it something to eat? If it has been running ever since it must be hungry already," Tohka said after she spent some time listening to the others talking, trying to understand what was happening. "Pets are supposed to listen to you if you feed them, right?" she added as she dismissed her Astral Dress, changing back into her school uniform once more.

Tohka looked from the giant dog to the Mecha Mecha girl, to Match Head, to the biker cat and then back to the dog. She seemed to be thinking about something very hard before reaching into one of her pockets and producing a handful of candies that she got from the vending machine earlier.

"Here, if you are a good doggy and show us what you were trying to do, you can have one," she said as she approached the massive beast, holding a candy in the palm of her right hand and the rest in her left, to show that there was more from where this one came.

This idea had to work, right?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 25 min ago

Konpaku Youmu

It wasn't as if Youmu hadn't noticed the strange shift in color, the greyscale, and the way that damage being dealt by the aliens suddenly seemed to be producing blue flame rather then wounds. Those were all immediately registered to the silvery-haired girl. But there wasn't any time to focus on such a thing. After all, there were still monsters moving around. Some of them were still alive. This was something she couldn't allow.

Rocketing off of the ground, she met some sort of flying creature and dragged Roukanken's edge through its body, severing it completely in half before it could even respond! A hail of gunfire tore through the air towards her, but Youmu couldn't allow herself to be struck. Not when she had to kill every single one of the horrible, awful creatures.

She was going to kill them all.

She wouldn't stop.

She was going to make them pay.

Hurtling back down to earth, Youmu hit the ground and spun on her heel, the sheer impact of her landing letting out a burst of air pressure as she brought Roukanken to the ready. She almost seemed to explode across the street, cutting as she went, sending one of the beasts spiraling apart in two halves. Another was beheaded, another sliced apart down the middle. Green blood splattered across her clothing, across the street, but that would hardly stop her. One of the larger creatures was ahead, and this time it seemed to react quicker then its brethren, its claw sweeping towards Youmu immediately!

But Roukanken was forged by youkai to cut almost anything.

The monster's claw was severed in half, and as soon as that opening had been created Youmu darted in and slashed, over and over, running Roukanken's blade through the creature's flesh repeatedly, again and again. Her katana seemed to vanish, a silverly flash with each stroke...

And as Youmu moved to her next target, the monster fell apart into chunks.

@KoL@PKMNB0Y@Crusader Lord@TheFake@Raineh Daze


About to start kicking the machine until all that was left was scrap metal, Mordred was hardly prepared for the little vampire girl to grab her like that almost immediately and start dragging her off. It was difficult to resist, not because she was totally incapable of doing so, but rather because she had no idea such a small girl would have such a powerful grip. Certainly, it wasn't like size was the biggest determination of power when it came to Mordred's opinion, but it was still somewhat unexpected when someone who had the body of a small child suddenly began to drag her off like she was nothing.

Twisting her wrist and getting to her feet, Mordred immediately tried to pull away.

"I was about to give that pile of crap a piece of my mind!" she snapped, "What gives?!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hibiki gave the girl an interested look as she turned back into a more normal uniform, but remained transformed herself--if they were just going to go follow the wolf when it was done... eating treats? If they were going to follow the wolf, it would be no good to return to civilian clothes (particularly underdressed civilian clothes unsuitable for running in) for the minute or two before they headed for the centre of the area.

Mordred's attempts to get away were strangely defeated by the shorter girl pulling in closer and--despite the size difference and her own doll-like appearance--lifting her before slamming the rather agitated blonde down onto her back. She'd probably find her way out of the follow-up hold easily enough, but the surprise wrestling might give a chance to knock some sense into her head: "Anything you idiots break, we have to pay for." And she didn't want anything she was getting to go to arcade repairs, "If they even let you leave the building unaccompanied at all."

It might seem like an idle threat to Tenshi, but Mordred was certainly dependent on Evangeline's goodwill to be able to break out easily. Goodwill that the vampire wasn't going to be extending if trapped in some facility or other for any length of time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Ikebukuro —

Ben nodded and smiled at the helmeted rider.

“Call me Ben.”

Things were slowly moving forward. Never before had he been in such unknown territory. Right now he was only just beginning to discover some of the parties involved. Before he had always had a grasp on who the players were and what motivated them. Now he felt like he was in the darkest depths of the ocean, grasping blindly for anything to drag himself onto familiar ground.

Right now the least of the mysteries was how could could somehow read the unfamiliar language they were using.

“We should go now. There are other dangerous people in the city and who knows if they will help or hinder us if we come across them.”

— Alien invasion —

She flinched with the weird after image that invaded her vision, dropped the alien gun and just barely being able to dodge a shot aimed in her direction.Ennis scrambled behind the wreck of a car and looked around before shouting

“Where’s the boy?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alien Invasion

Leo's transmission caught Sanaki as she had been reaching for another tome to assist in the fight, a bit before she heard Ennis speak from behind a nearby car. The small empress' brows furrowed, before she finally pulled out her next tome the rest of the way. She had her way with many of these vile creatures of....whatever sort they came from. Surely nothing the goddess had made, that was definitely for sure. Out from her robes emerged then a green-covered tome, binding ornate and rather curious to the eye. Sanaki opened it in her hands, some wind whipping about as its pages flipped to a certain spot.

Yes, this would do nicely.


As the purple-haired empress called out the name of the tome aloud, its pages glowed with green light as its power was unleashed. Around one of the larger aliens among the many "goons" they were slaying, a great tornado erupted around him seemingly out of nowhere. Clouds seemed to be drawn near, thickening up in the sky above the spell as it tore at the target with unrelenting might. Peculiarly, some of the other nearby goons seemed to struggle a bit around it, before being sucked into it as it swirled and went off. Anyone near the spell otherwise would have to struggle to not be sucked in as well, as it were. However, the terrain itself seemed unaffected at all by the spell proper, save for some cars beginning to move as the tornado's strong winds picked up speeds.

By the time a distinct number of goons were sucked in nearby to it, the vortex seemed to condense inwards, its mighty power smashing all within as it finally collapsed in with a great and thunderous 'CRASH' that seemed to shake the pavement underfoot a bit.

Looking back to where she had heard Ennis, Sanaki then spoke aloud, her voice carrying over towards the intended target rather well even amidst the current chaos. Likewise any allies nearby could perhaps hear her words as well.

"Something grabbed the boy and disappeared! I got a glimpse of....something he apparently transmitted over, like tentacles of metal or such."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

“Ehehe,” Nanoha laughed in a terse way, scratching the back of her head. She didn’t meant to disappoint Minami’s friend but her tongue slipped nonetheless. She could imagine that having his compared in such a way would hurt the man’s pride, but what’s done is done.

Thankfully, Minami’s question helped Sakajima recover from the shock induced by the unwitting attack at his pride.

“Noise? Does it have anything to do with the strange creatures we’ve seen yesterday?” Nanoha asked with curiosity after they finished their exchange.

She slurped down the rest of her meal before answering to Sakajima’s last remark. “Don’t worry. We have others that are willing to help us keep the peace. I’m sure that everything will be alright as soon as we figure a way to put this world back in order, Raising Heart and I are already working on that ever since yesterday. It’s only a matter of time,” Nanoha said before looking toward Minami, waiting for the Private’s opinion on whether or not they should have a look into the clue provided by her friend.

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